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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56956081 No.56956081 [Reply] [Original]

Gotta breed 'em all edition

Pokemon Nuzlocke!

>who is Nina?
Nina is a Dutch indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan, ASMR and singing.
She is known for her powerful singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Watch her DoKomi and OffKai concerts:

Also here is a small selection of her covers:

>Other links and resources
R18: https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/

Previous thread: >>56866533

>> No.56956124
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Lads, I bloody love Nina!

>> No.56956188

The best day of the week has finally arrived.

>> No.56956218
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I love Nina so much, bros

>> No.56956255

I miss Gorls strims...

>> No.56956396

Gamecells on sewerslide watch

>> No.56956427

Last stream delivered on the gayms

>> No.56956445
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>> No.56956485

based, ninas kusoge streams are fantastic

>> No.56956487

2 are ded and 1 is dying, such is life

>> No.56956825

they are gone... koopa ded, tanya dying, neko hiatus or something

>> No.56957095

>Mocca mention
How nostalgic

>> No.56957155
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R.I.P Moccy

>> No.56957192

is a country like the netherlands really this full of religious nutjobs?

>> No.56957235

anon I don't mean to sound condescending but read a history book sometime

>> No.56957271

impressive we dont see mocca much neither with stalker or nina

>> No.56957285

i dont typically associate western europe with religious nutjobs but okay

>> No.56957357

there's not a ton left, but historically speaking the Netherlands was a hotbed of religious nutjobs as you call them, and they never entirely went away

>> No.56957428

must be an interesting contrast to the very liberal and progressive image associated with the netherlands in particular

>> No.56957440

...do you mean "disappointing"? Cause it always makes me sad that Mocca burnt all his bridges. We could have had cute femboy kino with Nina and Alker.

>> No.56957473

I mean, Nina lives in the country. Religious people tend to congregate in the countryside, no matter what country you're from.

>> No.56957527

On that note, Alker and Nina haven't interacted much in a long time either. I wonder if something happened between them or if Alker just moved on to Moriko, with how often she hangs out with her community.

>> No.56957619

What about the theory that burg and euro time zones just don't play well together?

>> No.56957626

I meant it in a sarcastic way because you dont see Nina have fallouts with quite literally anyone, ever.

>> No.56957655

I'm sure they talk all the time. I mean you know how Alker is, she wanders away to do her own thing all the time.

>> No.56957699

last time we mentioned Alker and wondered if she was on bad terms with nina she then appeared on chat. Nowadays she streams right now so she overlaps nina. Though it's weird not to see her in karaokes. Yet she's always watching Moriko.
moriko-alker nina dodger couple

>> No.56957770

What happened to Koopa? I kinda memoryholed her existence until now.

>> No.56957851

Fucked a fan and then it went downhill from there.

>> No.56957864
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the same thing that always happens to Koopa

>> No.56957894

Doesn't stream much for various reasons. Last things she's done semi-recently were CBT (indie HFZ) with Kongou, and live chicken cams (and then the chickens got murdered by wildlife)

>> No.56957909

She's dying, as always. She tried doing a come back some months ago but then got sick again, needed surgery and now she's trying not to die/go blind

>> No.56957975

v-vtubers do this?

>> No.56957989

Nina interacts with a lot of Americans and even collabs with some of them.

>> No.56958145

"fan" is deceptive, because he gave up his humanity and became a chuuba, but technically it's true

>> No.56958211

and then he vanished after his humanity fully ran out
vtubing truly is a devil's deal

>> No.56958249

more like he vanished after he got what he wanted, but yeah

>> No.56958259

No, that was once in a lifetime and it's why the gambit is so famous and will never happen again.

>> No.56958323

are you telling me there is a deal i could sign with nina...?

>> No.56958326

She loves protein...

>> No.56958341

Ninas diet is like 50% protein pudding

>> No.56958372
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not with Nina, with SATAN

>> No.56958380

No fucking wonder she feels the need to eat 15 daily supplement pills

>> No.56958387


>> No.56958417

and that won't change after I marry her

>> No.56958446

Forgoing my humanity for Nina!

>> No.56958456

the funniest thing of it all is that the first /wvt/ yab, which was also the first indie discord yab, was about an unrelated koopa gosling trying to go for her. /wvt/ was burning for 3-4 days.
Ahh, those were the days..

>> No.56958505

>the first /wvt/ yab
the first /wvt/ yab was the creation of /wvt/

>> No.56958509

dies nina cook for herself?
do we know if she is a good chef?

>> No.56958542

Your skeleton will be put for a good use.

>> No.56958563

She does cook for herself and she's competent enough to make tasty food. She's clumsy though and always makes a mess.

>> No.56958580

I thought everyone had come to terms with this being unavoidable as "the project" reaches it's final stage.

>> No.56958802

jesus christ nina

>> No.56958850

nah, /vyt/ and early /wvt/ were some of the most fun I've had with vtubing.
Everyone exploring uncharted grounds, filled with determination to climb the mountain top and become a Holo. New chuubas popping up (like Nina), africats being africats...
The medium wasn't oversaturated, the metas weren't settled, the schizos weren't ingrained, the yabs didn't burn people out yet.

But then Spacer saga, Chernobyl Saga, Yokomeshi-Little S Saga, various schizos settled in, chuubas menhera'd, trash /wvt/ became unusable, and many lost their spark and ambition.
I'm glad /lig/ happened and Nina, Kitanya etc escaped the hellhole.

>> No.56959065

did nina even have any yabs?

>> No.56959144

yab is a retarded term and I refuse to believe anyone but the sissiest of femboys use it unironically

>> No.56959200

he typed, in a thread dedicated to simping over a woman who pretends to be a magical girl idol on the internet

>> No.56959277

no, only the "empty amongus lobby" event which was made fun of for quite a while.
Some people have mentioned something about noises in early streams but with how schizo /wvt/ has historically been I guarantee you if it was anything even slightly baity we'd have seen clips spammed a million times by now.

>> No.56959284

i have no idea what yab is supposed to mean

>> No.56959347

How do you not know one of the most used therms used around here?

>> No.56959369

>Everything I sent moriko was lost in shipping

>> No.56959385

Nina, you can't call bat out like that

>> No.56959402

Holobrony slang for gossip worthy events. On a similar level of "yasss spill the tea sis" but used unironically.

>> No.56959450

all right, I never believed the "Bat isn't Japanese" rrats but this is getting ridiculous

>> No.56959498

short for the japanese word "yabai", which literally means "dangerous" but is used to describe situations that could cause a scandal or embarrassment

>> No.56959542

Gamebros tying their noose again.

>> No.56959565

I though it was "Yabe" or "Oh no", based on the Fubuki clip

>> No.56959571

It's more "fucking up" than "gossips". Like the holo Taiwan arc was a gigayab, but wasn't really a gossip. But anons are schizo gossipers and turn everything into a "yab" nowadays.
Ogey-rrat used to be a dismissive reply to schizo rrats...

>> No.56959600

>there's something coming in about an hour
yes, me

>> No.56959604

it can be either one

>> No.56959740
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>> No.56959908

God, imagine Nina reads your steam review out on stream and makes fun of it and laughs at you; i'd be rock hard...

>> No.56959986

Ffs Anon, we're not even 2 hours in and you're back already

>> No.56960227

>Bat said she will join tomorrows vrchat with Nina but suddenly found out she has other things to do

>> No.56960301

She also greeted Oli with more enthusiasm compared to bat just now.

>> No.56960473

bat's gonna unlock Ultra Instinct with how much she dodges

>> No.56961093

I just dont fucking get it
All the weird shit that goes on between bat and nina, while they technically remain friends

>> No.56961238

it truly is schizophrenic

>> No.56961685

Have you considered they might have just miscommunicated on what day the VR stream was? Not everything has to be some catty drama

>> No.56961820

Noe one believes you bat. Go cope somewhere else.

>> No.56962397

Yeah yeah, keep spilling that tea sister. Nina and Bat probably laugh at these comments like she did with Geega when that sperg DM'd her

>> No.56962519

Nina is one of our regulars.

>> No.56962645

Once or twice you can play it as a coincidence. At this point it is a pattern.
I don't think bat or nina hate one another, but bat is clearly just making shit up at this point.

>> No.56963083


>> No.56963140

It's the same old schizo shit we've had for over a year now, it's just boring at this point

>> No.56963165

What is this cursed soundtrack

>> No.56963175

Could it be that batat is unironically infatuated with Nina which makes her avoid her out of anxiety?

>> No.56963205

The port is all over the place.

>> No.56963277
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be careful about posting cringe fanfiction ITT, Alker is watching now

>> No.56963276

She mentioned a year ago that her solution to attachment is distance but this theory sounds like a reach

>> No.56963454

good riddance I love this hag!

>> No.56963771

She won't do shit

>> No.56963865
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Alker in /nina/!

>> No.56963873
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I didn't say she'd do anything. Just that she's watching.

>> No.56963915

ok alker

>> No.56963927
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delete that folder immediately

>> No.56964037

Why won't you collab with Nina anymore?

>> No.56964124
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>> No.56964630

I like Alker; her drawing battle against Henemi on Kongous channel was pure kino

>> No.56964745

i like the hen even though she is a fujo

>> No.56964749

Did *redacted* ever show up online again after he got stabbed with a piece of corn?

>> No.56964790

he's dead, jim

>> No.56964884

buried deeper than Jimmy Hoffa in a random cornfield

>> No.56964972

I like Alker too, her collabs with Nina were some of the best. But I guess she got tired of all the attention.

>> No.56965007

Did she really kill him over lewding her once? I liked his art.

>> No.56965072

I require the key to the vault.

>> No.56965084

>Did she really kill him over lewding her once?
Nobody knows. She could have sent a very kindly worded request to maybe refrain from erotic images with her likeness in future and he felt so guilty he just nuked himself

>> No.56965368

Have I missed something about lewding Alker?

>> No.56965487

literal years ago, don't worry about it

>> No.56965598

People REALLY want that old /trash/ lore, guys just fuckin look it up

>> No.56965949

To be fair if you lewd someone who is openly against it just to look cool in front of your epic 4chan buddies you deserve no respect regardless of how good the art is

>> No.56966015

wrinkly hag hands typed this post

>> No.56966141

Eh, he was definitely wrong, but this was very early into western vtubing culture forming. I dont think it was remotely malicious, presumably he just assumed it was fine because most of all of our experience up to that point was JP corpos who were fine with lewding.

>> No.56966808

Hiccup bros we're so back

>> No.56966819

feels like it's been hours and nidoran is still lv 9

>> No.56966833

Bros, I want to call her cute so bad

>> No.56966853

Just call her cute like the rest of her chat does? What's stopping you?

>> No.56966960

I'm not a regular, I don't want to be blasted by the mods for being weird.

>> No.56967037

Why not do it? Don't got overboard or anything, just throw out a
>Nina CUTE
It isn't outside of the usual encouraged chat

I've never seen the mods be particularly unreasonable, just don't be a weirdo coomer and i'm sure you'll be fine

>> No.56967077

Nobody will think you're weird for calling a cute girl cute unless you make a spectacle out of it. Her mods are chill outside of one of them being a cringey fag but he wouldn't blast you for that.

>> No.56967182

I was meh on this stream but it's being a blast so far with the nuzlocke danger and all the wacky romhack shit

>> No.56967193


>> No.56967267

For someone not familiar with Pokémon it's pretty hard to not lose ones attention with this.

>> No.56967268
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>> No.56967575

The only time mods get trigger-happy is when new viewers make sexualizing comments towards Nina, you should be fine

>> No.56967771

He's just like me fr fr

>> No.56967827

She's finally getting that Metapod. So happy for her.

>> No.56968927

I expect the first death in this murdercave

>> No.56969325
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Leave it to Nina to make a bootlegged nuzlocke stream fun and comfy.

>> No.56969630

Real fun but lack of nicknames is killing it for me / 10

>> No.56970025

Not a big fan of Pogaymon but I'm a big fan of Nina so it was still enjoyable / 10

>> No.56971029

Liked it more than I was expecting to/10
