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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 758 KB, 800x1382, Shiori-Novella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56735205 No.56735205 [Reply] [Original]

Why does she think she's some hot shit?

>> No.56735861

She is.

>> No.56736219

the hot topic

>> No.56736630

isn't she?

>> No.56736819

She's more of an oldfag than anyone in the company. Sora should be calling her senpai.

>> No.56736839
File: 39 KB, 739x415, 1692013205495726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes a certain level of mental illness.

>> No.56738465

well, she's hot

>> No.56739459

well she's hot. and she's shit. I guess that counts? being an ancient bitter nobody that could never make it until she joined hololive doesn't make her special in any way

>> No.56739647

You could describe half of holo like that, lmao.

>> No.56739977

Everyone is a nobody until they get the dorito, even the dog twins all of /vt/ is circlejerking as the true jp experience who singlehandedly saved hololive were 2views before and half of their graduation thread was just tards repeating "who?"
/vt/ is the biggest corporate whore board since /vp/

>> No.56743372

Why do you love her so much?

>> No.56743853

True, but the difference is that the doggos are humble and earnest. They don't act like they are the Queen of Vtubing and we should be grateful for their presence, when they've accomplished literally nothing until they hopped onboard the dorito express. Unlike a certain someone.

>> No.56745709

cause she's a hot shit.

>> No.56745999

ok show me where shiori act like a queen of vtubing, schizo

>> No.56746023

she doesn't. She's just very autistic. Please be patient with her

>> No.56747080

>isn't she?
she sure is

>> No.56751116

She is the hottest shit around

>> No.56751433

Im kinda over all the new girls and will return to the homos now

>> No.56752006

Feels she's important to the history of Vtubers because she started before the Vtuber boom of 2020. Is about as significant to the history as those drama whores who now use Vtuber models to report on clickbait topics about Vtubers, most of which were on gamergate and whatever other internet rage topics got a lot of clicks before 18 months ago.

This is the biggest thing she's ever done and ever will do, it made her relevant and she's seething that nobody recognises her importance, none of these girls would even be here if not for her dammit!

>> No.56752055

evidence or meds

>> No.56752126

>Why does she think she's some hot shit?
>has an insanely hot model, possibly even beating that whore froot in terms of model hotness

>> No.56752173

Be positive you will get in next time remember several hololive members have applied 4+ times before they got in, in the meantime focus on gaining more and more experience.

>> No.56752237

>asking for what by some jannies here will falsely be seen as "doxxing" (which it isn't)
nice ban baiting, maybe it'll work next time, keep trying

>> No.56752255

cause her shits are STEAMING HOT

>> No.56752373

I suspect her ego's been pumped up lately by the likes of Mori, who basically didn't really-get what a vtuber even was pre-hiring, and Kronii who thought Marine's Ahoy is a One Piece song all hear Shiori's record and go "wooow you've been at it since 2018!? you must know EVERYTHING what a privelege!" and then Shiori goes and gets nothing right on Kiara's really fucking easy Hololive trivia quiz. Who do you think would console Shiori telling her it's ok she doesn't know jack shit about Holo history despite her experience, probably Mori and Kronii again.

>> No.56752501

>he doesn't know vtubing consists of more than just holo
lol rofl kekerino

>> No.56752837

Why are women so intimidated by her

>> No.56754063
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She's a talentless nobody that somehow won the golden ticket. They see themselves in her and they hate the fact that they're not as lucky as her

>> No.56755275
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>> No.56755489

Did she not refuse to call a holo senpai senpai because she feels senior to them

>> No.56755819

She is 2018 chuuba, newfag, she not more senpai than gen 2

>> No.56756452
File: 159 KB, 1500x1500, 1692670752549065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who say she thinks shes hot shit and important to vtubing history never watched her stream.
She only ever mentioned she's been around since 2018 and knows a lot about the technology of the time period and how it's improved over the years.
I know it's all catalougefags but it's just so pitiful you can't find anything to hate about her or the rest of Advent, so you simply make up fictional stories with this and the slightest implication of male collab (when she could've just meant other company collabs/collabs with holos people hate (like Mori)).

>> No.56756514

She's a boring twat and only carried by her model.
She was boring as Moe and she is still boring as Shiori.
None of you fuckwits obsessing over her would have watched her for 5 minutes when she was Moe, you're a bunch of hipster cunts only obsessing over her because "LE HOLOLIVE TALENT", pathetic.

>> No.56756538

She's an English speaker anon, she's called them senpais multiple times but can you really blame her for not always remembering autistic Japanese naming conventions in casual conversation?

>> No.56756647

>She's an English speaker.
This is all you need. There shouldn't even be a workplace culture to expect the NON-JAPANESE SPEAKERS to all their seniors in the company senpai.
Does Phase Connect, a Canadian company, expect its Japanese vtubers to say Mr/Mrs in english and pronounce about as "aboot"? No of course not. So why should the non-Japanese vtubers working for a Japanese company be expected to say senpai?
It's autistic.

>> No.56756691
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>PL fag

>> No.56756738

THAT is what has you angry? That some people like using jap honorifics?

>> No.56756750

My understanding is that she refused to and made the argument that she shouldn’t have to because she’s been around longer than them. Thus the controversy. Not that she forgor, or that there’s an expectation that she has to.

>> No.56756791

>Things that never happened
Post proof or kys

>> No.56756796

>My understanding
Where did you get that understanding?

>> No.56756893

>My Understanding and no solid proof to backup these claims.
So it's all made up in your head? Gotcha.

>> No.56756999

yes, that's literally how it works lol
you must be new /here/

>> No.56757038

ESL-chama that's not what I said. I'm saying it shouldn't be an expectation by the company or by fans. It's ok if they want to.

>> No.56757129

completely failing a Holo quiz is like going "dude I use linux there is no point for me to acknowledge or know anything about windows, but trust me I am an overall expert about the history of OSes and have been pivotol in their development"
.. in describing that actually there are people like this out there, but no, they are just as full of shit as Shiorin on the matter.

>> No.56757134


>> No.56757165

The quiz was based on who could answer fastest, not who got the most correct. Fuwamoco are two people, and turboweebs. Bijou and nerissa also got mogged, Bijou barely got a single point

>> No.56757218

Because she was hot shit on her previous incarnation

>> No.56757280

I think it’s crazy you guys get so riled up, offensive and angry. Three for three. I just started out by asking a question, I’m not sure why you’re so defensive. This is just what I’ve seen said, and I’m not looking for a particular conclusion or avoiding a contradiction.
I’m sure your e-mommy is proud of you defending her from nothing though. Really rude

>> No.56757400

>I’m sure your e-mommy is proud of you defending her from nothing though
unironically some retards /here/ actually think that way

>> No.56757493

>Spout bullshit
>Get called a retard
>"Lol did that make you mad?"

>> No.56757795

Nigga, not even him. But this whole thread started with a fake yab of Shiori not respecting her senior by not calling them senpai all the time.
The fuck are you here if not for this argument?

>> No.56757833


>> No.56758184

What actually happened was I asked if she refused to call her senpai senpai, you totally misunderstood it esl-hours style, and then you freaked out when I clarified the question I was asking. I’m not trying to topple your ntr e-celeb. I don’t have an opinion of her but if you’re trying to make me view her negatively that’s working and you should keep replying to me.

I didn’t claim anything and nobody called me retarded either so that’s more lies, you need to stop now because this is not worth losing your life over

>> No.56759577

Yeah, but she wasn't even buzzing in many times. She could have at least faked it and just buzzed slowly. It may just be how some people see her actions, but she definitely seemed to go quiet.

>> No.56760309

Why do you think that she thinks she's hot shit?

>> No.56761017

Anon, being socially awkward he is, mistook pure autism for smugness.

>> No.56761150
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>> No.56761328

that is... fairly accurate actually...

>> No.56761400

>noooOOOooo, you can't know what they did before, that's le BAD.
Guess what chucklefuck, she was a vtuber then and still a vtuber, so it's perfectly on-topic.
Kill yourself back to Twitter any time.
I told the mods making this board for your kind was a bad idea before it even existed.
Because I knew retard mouthbreathers like you were being given a home.

>> No.56761646

>I told the mods
ok? good for you? but what made you think your opinion mattered in any way shape or form whatsoever? you're just a random nobody on the internet dude

>> No.56761866

thread should have ended here. I remember when this board was first created and was spammed with annoying orange threads, but even with the holo threads schizos were still getting mad over things they have never watched. nothing has changed.

>> No.56761995

It's all threadreaders and catalogue trannies. She's a sweet, lovable girl who hasn't had any major yabs. Yet they love to seethe

>> No.56762069

What is about Shiori that makes so many on this board seethe so hard and imagine things so badly?
She said literally none of the things she's been accused of, and I would know since I watch every single stream of hers.
So far she's actually been very caring and sweet towards her genmates, and respectful towards the (so far few) other holomems that have acknowledged her.
So what's up with all these threads shitting on her for something she hasn't even done?

>> No.56762125

>grinding away at both prerecorded content and livestreaming for 4-5 years
>oh wow she just got picked at random as if the auditions are a lottery!
I don't even like her and I have to tell you to stop breathing through your mouth

>> No.56762132

I'll give you a hint— SEA

>> No.56762216

why do they hate her tho

>> No.56762218

because she's hot and she's shit.

>> No.56762234

it was "respect my collab choices" and "i'm empathetic like that". Talk about getting off on the wrong foot.

>> No.56762246


Oh. Yeah, that checks out. My bad.

>> No.56762375

>What is about Shiori that makes so many on this board seethe so hard and imagine things so badly?
They never forget the humilation of expecting a GFE Yandere dommy mommy only to be presented with the queen of dorks who is unfamiliar with Hololive deep lore.
The salt and cope is too much for them to bear. Hatred is what's left.

>> No.56762600

>respect my collab choices
to be fair, that's just common courtesy and any normal human would already know this
if "people" get offended by something like that you just know that you wouldn't want "those" in your fanbase in the first place

>> No.56763451

yeah it is common courtesy but clearly she communicated it in a way that was very much "talking down" to her audience at the moment (her debut) when she should be trying to be as appealing and likeable as possible. There's better ways to communicate "I might collab with dudes if I feel like it". The empathy comment was icing on the cake to paint her as a stuck-up bitch if you read between the lines, because anyone who actually has empathy for others doesn't need to say it out loud.

>> No.56764197


>> No.56764237
File: 253 KB, 846x1504, 🤍.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once she gets her bicycle and bed to herself your crew is through. It's only a matter of time until she learns public school is for little commies, and that the most deliberately senseless and unnatural of any human generation, in which no one can be a human, masturbating at home will keep for her both her time and her true love. There will never be society mandated junkie faggot terminal cringeout where The Anime People bring every tyranny so low. She'll age not at all, her smile imagination borne through the most eternal solitudes. Never dragged by great scythe swathes of reddit and twitter and discord thanks to one Anon. Always has been. So unimaginably heartful and ever true to the 100, why how can there ever be doubt. Such is the wisdom of the c u m f a c e.

>> No.56764264

> "I might collab with dudes if I feel like it"
Not what she said or implied, and the fact that you frame it this way says a lot about you nijitranny

>> No.56764271

Yeah, she instead called Sora a God.
How dare she, right nijinigger?

>> No.56764372

nta but that's exactly what she's implying. Nobody has issues with girls collabing with girls, therefore the only thing she can be referencing is collabing with guys.

>> No.56764679

>Nobody has issues with girls collabing with girls
What is every mori collab retard,you don't even read threads, let alone watch streams

>> No.56764764


>> No.56764979

Mori is the exception not the rule. Mori is only despised because her presence encourages male collabs.

>> No.56765789

Oh yeah she sucked up to the first holo because she considers herself one of the earliest vtubers as well and so special. She’s le oldfag. She so cool anon.
Seriously, super funny you would bring this up when Shitori is the same girl who refused to answer like the others who her favourite holo is by Kiara. Seriously, she doesn’t call any of the girls senpai, doesn’t have an oshi, and had people making threads about normalfags reacting to shiori failing every question in the hololive quiz, having no oshi, not referring to any of the girls as senpai.

Also she’s the ‘I felt nothing getting into hololive’ and ‘I have so much empathy’ girl.

I am praying for you tonight. I’m worried for you.

>> No.56769280

Is she not?

>> No.56769850

>she considers herself one of the earliest vtubers
but she is

>> No.56770308

Because I've been on this shithole longer than most of their newfag asses have, especially the one they brought on-board from /jp/ to mod here.
And hey, look, whaddaya know, the board ended up being a cancerous shithole that did exactly what I said it would do - become a hive for doxxing and harassment.
For the same reason a /cel/ board was a fucking horrific idea, this was too.
This board was invaded entirely by outsiders, most of them are non-native to the site.
The /jp/ threads simply needed someone to give a fuck, and they had a little shitfit over that on /qa/ with their pathetic little mod war drama because someone actually was giving a shit and they didn't like that because it made their useless asses look bad.

>> No.56771449

brother were you born yesterday? She's been around since 2018 and she knows where the bread gets buttered for GFE and parasocialism. She knows what male collabs and interaction does to paypigs and oil baron numbers. Her debut was a deliberate framing of herself to prepare the audience for that eventuality.

>> No.56772486

Because you simps hyped her up so hard she started believing that.

>> No.56772735

>called Ina senpai in latest tweet

>> No.56773503

Goth gf with titties is a popular right now, both as a meme and as a thing people are attracted to, so given her design, she does have some ability to flex on her viewers. It's guaranteed to work.

>> No.56773775
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It's the hair

>> No.56774095
File: 1.30 MB, 1440x2362, Senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56774466

I can't believe my shark wife thinks so lowly of Korone to the point that she completely omitted the senpai part when referring to her what the fuck bros

>> No.56774841

Brown homosexual hands typed that.

>> No.56775126

>split color hair is the new heterochromia


>> No.56775591

I just cant watch her anons. She reminds me of an ex officemate that i tried to hit on and failed miserably. Cringe and/or sad memories come back when i watch her

>> No.56776216

You should try swallowing a cyanide pill. That'd be pretty funny I think.

>> No.56776508

Please spare a thought for the 2hus, anon.

>> No.56776533

Weird how there is so much unwarranted seething over her
Combo of BVTM and some 2views jealous she got into holo instead of them I presume

>> No.56776567


>> No.56776746

>"I might collab with dudes if I feel like it"
she never said that tho??? where did you hear that? not that there would be anything wrong with that, she never said it
>The empathy comment was icing on the cake to paint her as a stuck-up bitch if you read between the lines
yeah that's where you loosing me, my tizzies don't let me read between the lines
i also didn't watch every stream from her, so i unironically don't even know what you mean or what's the context behind that statement

>> No.56777274

>Knows it'll lose her money
>Is actively cultivating payigs
>But will still male collab
Your ratts aren't internally consistent

>> No.56778308

Those cunts should have been told to fuck off as well.
All of those cunts are secondary invaders from Tumblr, the original actual fans of the Touhou series all fucked off years ago to their own imageboards to get AWAY from the current image spamming autists on /jp/.

>> No.56780650
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>> No.56780908

this really is a gossip board.

>> No.56782435

She does have more experience than anyone else in EN for what it's worth.

>> No.56782557

with me, a black man.

>> No.56783215

"NTR is a way of life."
-Shiorin Novella

>> No.56786426
File: 500 KB, 984x1080, shiori hot topic gf[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhvji6y.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

