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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56750162 No.56750162 [Reply] [Original]

>starts up the homo-collab engine to save their dying branch
>fans get angry and death threats get out of hand
>take a step back and enter an anti harassment agreement with niji
>involve lawyers to get rid of the worst offenders
>create "Horizontal"
>start of with a holo vs holo tournament for some positive initial reaction towards their new "project"
>already the second collab will be holo vs stars
>next up will probably be a mixer

After all these years Cover has not given up on their quest to revive the homos and now that they have a seemingly natural method for stars-collabs to occur they will go all out, but this time there is no one left to stop them.
I can already see the stars performing at the next holofes praising their Hololive-"family."
It's unironically over just wait and see as there is nothing you can do about it anyway.

>> No.56750241

>It's unironically over just wait and see as there is nothing you can do about it anyway.
please, can you watch phase now?

>> No.56750339

love to see these people seethe so much, then returns again after the said streams.
Keep going.

>> No.56750430

They might have been able to shut up Japan with their laws but good luck trying to censor Kaigainiki. Especially if Musk removes the block feature like he's promising to do. Being an anti has never been easier.

>> No.56750508

I hate him but removing the block feature is good.

>> No.56750571

>censor Kaigainiki.
easy, they don't speak english and (you) don't speak japanese

>> No.56750650
File: 253 KB, 1080x1420, Screenshot_2023-08-23-15-24-28-840-edit_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad you seething.

>> No.56750680

Must isn't even unbanning Alex Jones, he's just a hypocrite and memester.

>> No.56750773

"Fuck you" is universal, anon.

>> No.56751346

Do you anons really think that just because they don't collab on stream, they don't interact with each other offline?
KEK these fucking morons,

>> No.56751393

how many times are you gonna parrot this shit like it matters, i only care about what i watch

>> No.56751576

Do you actually think that just because your parents tell you they love you to your face, they don't actively wish you were dead?
KEK fucking moron,

>> No.56751708

Cover has been very flippant with the Holostars and Hololive interaction. They did a watchalong for HolostarsEN Debut but not for the 2nd wave that came later. They lifted the collab ban early for popular demand but we haven't had any recent collabs with them in a while. During the Holostars portion of the fest, they leave it blank and you have to go to the official Holostars channel to see their panel. Can you say brand confusion? They certainly haven't made clear what the line is so why are you guys surprised when people have different expectations? It doesn't seem like Cover knows what to do with them.

>> No.56751720

If Holo has mixed genders collabs then there will be no reason left for anyone to watch Niji. Cover is basically declaring an all out war against Niji and only Niji falseflaggers would be against this because they're scared shitless right now

>> No.56751827

They're doing it all to spite you, specifically. And only you. A strange decision, I know, but Cover just fucking hates you for some reason. Seems like a lot of effort for one guy, but I guess they've got the money for it.

>> No.56751940

Based Elon, I will now create my "YWNBAW" account and follow every single mental illness flag

>> No.56752140

Another day as a member of the "I dont care and I dont understand why you guys like to pretend these girls you have never meet are your girlfriends" club, just get over it already.

>> No.56752418

>I dont understand why you guys like to pretend these girls you have never meet are your girlfriends
yes , you clearly don't understand. which makes me wonder why people like you always try to be a part of this discussion. If you like males then good for you, but no one asked

>> No.56752635

Dont try to pretend you are the rational one here,
This is like me asking, "why do you want to burn down this building? It's just a normal building" and you telling me I dont understand and therefore should just let you burn down the building.

>> No.56752911

To be fare this is a discussion specifically for mentally ill faggots. Noone's keeping you here, just pass through.

>> No.56752968


>> No.56752979

you are the one who doesn't care and I am the one who is emotionally invested. rationality does not play a role here. Cover is trying to change the content I like to watch and you are trying to change my mind for whatever reason. and neither will work because im stubborn

>> No.56753184

And none of you will say anything about it on twitter or youtube where they can see. No disagreement = you accept what they're doing. I guess you enjoy collabs with the boys then.

>> No.56753225

But you should, for your own good. You and everyone with this mentality is so far gone in their fantasy that just the sole imagined implication of a girl you like having options for a single other male is enough to send you on a dommer incel rant, just get some help.

>> No.56753226

do what i did and realize this shitty corp is not for you anymore and watch other vtubers. drop those motherfuckers, don't give them kaigai dollars.

>> No.56753421

No one said it so, if this ow2 shit goes through, kyoani would look like child's play compared to what would happen to cover

>> No.56753820
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>video game company fucks up
>players aren't entertained
>players complain
>Vtuber agency pulls some shit
>Fans aren't entertained
>Fans complain

sorry that I tried having an opinion I guess

>> No.56753878

oooh so vtuber company and gamecompany combine their fuckups for one bigger fuckup! naruhodo! japanese so smart

>> No.56753931

A virgin thread for virgins like me and (You). Perfect.

>> No.56753996
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NTA but you should BTFO, for your own good. Let them have their incel rant. This is their space, their hobby and their investment. Unless if you put a stake in company big enough to tip the numbers to whatever circumstance you favor, you won't be convincing anyone. Similarly if the anon replying to you put zero dollars and zero views on his Hololive oshi then he's all bark and no bite with his rants; but fact remains other real gachikoi put in real time and money for the delusion, which hold up the company until now. This discussion is for them, not you and whatever you have to say. You are not in the equation.

>> No.56754001

Gaming involves males. It's just a fact that it does. Even if you have an entirely-female gaming squad it's going to be involving males either as competitors or coaches, or teammates. There is just no way to get around it.

>> No.56754022

This is like the 7th thread shitting on stars today and I am starting to get curious - what the fuck happened to 2434 that the sisters feel the need to shit up the catalog this much

>> No.56754135

Is it just me? Or do I want Astel to wreck the shit out of those girls? Especially ones that are so fucking weak to FPS. I sure would. If he hold back, he's fuckin gay. Period.

>> No.56754229
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>homo shit gets announced
>people discuss it
shill your dying company somewhere else retard

>> No.56754356
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Then don't be game-centric. Hololive did just fine with most of its members sucking at gaming up until now. They just play video games and chat pretends to like watching them. Also, imo the unicorns just don't want to see male vtubers (specifically male vtubers) on screen or on promotion alongside the female vtubers. Male help can come in off screen a la "not be seen and not be heard", and not talked about.

>> No.56754470

What happened to JP stars are cool and professional? You fags are quick to turn a complete 180 on your words like fucking venomous snakes.

>> No.56754533

I'm a homobeggar and even I wasn't happy with this. OW2 is pure and utter scam. Especially since they have the gal to focus on the boys doing
For the first part. Blizztard has zero sense of shame and are tone deaf up the wazoo.
But money talks, money walks.

>> No.56754558

>/vt/ is one person
take your meds

>> No.56754594

Sheathe your words filthy viper.

>> No.56754666

> What happened to JP stars are cool and professional?
It was Holostars fans doing damage control who posted that. hololive fans have always hated the stars.

>> No.56754723
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Take your meds, deranged homobeggar. Begin to see the many people on this board instead of the singular entity living rent-free in your head.

>> No.56754750

and yet they are still male. litteral randos would have been better as opponents in this tournament because I wouldn't have to hear them or be able to put a face to the person who is virtually shitting on my oshi and it wouldn't feel like cover is once again forcing their fucking stars dick down my throat

>> No.56755151

Bro who fucking cares, it's a competition where the two teams won't even interact. Why is it such a big deal to people?

>> No.56755230

Cease naive!

>> No.56755506

>where the two teams won't even interact
we don't know that yet.
the thing that pisses me of the most is that cover involved the stars in the first place. they could have easily just gotten another holo team like they did for the previous valo tournament. it would have been more fun, less drama inducing and im sure blizzard would have been happy with the higher viewcount aswell, but instead they made the conscious decission to put in the shitters including an unironic 2view

>> No.56756127

I blame Nijisanji. All this could have been prevented if Vox Akuma was not succesful

>> No.56756184

>Blame Niji
Typical cope. Nijisisters are too busy with their own sinking yatch.

>> No.56756333

This is satire, right?

>> No.56757263

>less drama inducing
who is making drama? i only see people complaining about this on this website

>> No.56757367

well it clearly caused enough upset that Lui had to talk about it on stream to calm everyones tits. so its clearly not only /here/ drama

>> No.56757475

Like I said, anything Niji can do, Holo can do better, and slowly, Cover and Yagoo is leaving nothing to Niji and Riku.

>> No.56757607

Drama caused by /here/ and their true oshi, 2ch's /here/.

>> No.56758702

imagine being this assblasted over males being in the same overwatch match as your chuubas

leave your house and lose some weight unilosers

>> No.56760243

Counterpoint: it's always been okay when hololive does it.

>> No.56760279

>This is their space, their hobby and their investment.
Newfag KYS and OP do the same.

>> No.56760563
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You're just mad sankisei showed the world what people really wanted out of Hololive. Fuck the previous gens and their homo collabs.

>> No.56760575

>Unless if you put a stake in company big enough to tip the numbers to whatever circumstance you favor
Yagoo did. :)

>> No.56760754
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And he still didn't tip anything in the favor of homos. He can force homo collabs as much as he wants, homos will never be as popular as the girls. All this will do is damage the girls' brand, like how it did for the homo dickriders in HoloEN.

>> No.56760834

>NTA but you should BTFO, for your own good. Let them have their incel rant. This is their space, their hobby and their investment.
Nah. It's more fun to bully the mentally ill and take away everything they have so they can commit suicide.

>> No.56760848

Bet the mans boot out of your mouth.

>> No.56760985

>Thinking this is bullying, thinking this is taking away anything from anyone and thinking anyone in /vt/ will commit suicide over this
You're projecting too hard. Bark as much as you want. Nobody's listening anymore.

>> No.56761101

He is going to hold back, probably he would do some fancy plays and then jobs.

>> No.56761135

and everything is going to sink like nijishit, maybe Sana wasn't wrong by throwing away holo for the chink money

>> No.56761154

Can they even move their legs?
I doubt the average unicorn even has the muscle mass to move or make any effort.
The only exercise they do is when their heart beats and even that's on a timer.

>> No.56761368

No one cares, also Lui already said that they are not gonna be on VC or nothing with them, just the play. The thing is cover trying to make homos incline with dirty methods again, when it didn't work, it doesn't work and it will not work ever

>> No.56761376

Kino streams where an ugly bastard hypnotist creams in their mouth?
That sure showed the world, no stars can compete.

>> No.56761452
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Nica fanfic, nijisister. Submit it to Shiori next stream.

>> No.56761612

So you don't actually watch them as expected.
Go jerk off with scissors or whatever you fuckers do.

>> No.56761758
File: 1.06 MB, 3511x4096, 1692407961727695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets fanfic called out
>"y-you don't even watch them!"
Keep imagining hypnotist cum in your mouth on national tv, nijisis. You seem to like it.

>> No.56762035

How is that a fanfic when it did happen?
The UB was on stream and he did "hypnotize" them to take his "softu kurimu".

>> No.56762362
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My bad. You worded it like he fucked them and came and that is what I called fanfic. And the answer is yes, better that than Homostars. Fuck male vtubers. They should all get fired. A bunch of leeches that wastes all the money Hololive has ever made.

>> No.56762553

Your parents certainly do.

>> No.56762768

>do you honestly believe that 100% these girls aren't maintaing long-term sexual relationships with dozens of long-distance strangers just because they have a fetish for it?
You do realize that they can just have real-life boyfriends instead of being sharing your schizo tendencies, right?

>> No.56762873

OK, enjoy your NTR in peace.
I just hate this retarded idea that sankisei of all people are the last bastion of unicorns and idolfags.

>> No.56763110
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They certainly are better than their predecessors if you keep wanting to bring up that older gens used to have male collabs as defense for this shitty ass project. They were a bunch of nobodies.

>> No.56763121

could just bombard then with their promises and how they betrayed everyone's expectation. it won't be harassment if they stayed true. we're the dunce in this situation.

>> No.56763229

Clarification: pre-sankisei gens were a bunch of nobodies outside Japan.

>> No.56763668

They were mostly nobodies outside Japan as well. The major Hololive boom came with Coco and Miko, Fubuki, Matsuri, Korone clips. Notice no sankisei in this list?

>> No.56763713

Refer to >>56757475(me also) for what I think about that.

>> No.56763813
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Fuck that, Pekora was with them too. She was the gateway Holomem for a lot of people.

>> No.56763985

blablabla buy an ad already.
This perma shitpost is getting so fucking stale and it's just sisters and trannies replying amongst themselves over and over again anyway, deluding themselves onto thinking they're actually baiting someone.
Why can't you just kill yourselves already instead of huffing your own farts all day long, jesus christ.

>> No.56764053

Fine, still majority were previous gens, so maybe stop shitting on them. Don't see how it's relevant for male collabs anyway. All gens have members that do it, deal with it.

>> No.56764172

All gens have members that did it, and stopped, because it's not helping their brand. Deal with it. You're the one using pre-sankisei as a shield for male collab culture when it's historically (post-sankisei) shown to be harmful to a Holomem's brand. So if I shit on them, it's because they're being used as shields to defend such a shitty idea.

>> No.56764329

It seems like only HoloEN fans really care that much about this kind of thing. The JP bros just stop watching if it's not their kind of thing. EN we see these kind of public meltdowns. We saw even with fuwamoco, just them doing a JP stream caused meltdowns in EN fans. The average EN fan seems to be very insecure.

You can make the case that EN is the worst thing Hololive has ever done.

>> No.56764426

That's whiteys trying very hard to emulate people like Ai Hoshino's killer. A flawed emulation of a very flawed principle and that's me being nice.

>> No.56764576

t. EOP

>> No.56764655

You are not allowed to have social media on phones without block features.

>> No.56764687

Hololive is a dogshit trend chasing company. They don't care about CGDCT they just want all their branches to make it because of the money. And they will fail miserably because of it.
Only a few selected talents are protected from fucking up their image because they don't wanna risk it with big names.

>> No.56764874

So true sister! Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!
#cut4hex #rope4vox #diet4fulgur

>> No.56764884

>and stopped
Wtf are you talking about? Pekora hypno stream was a just few months ago and she did the Minecraft thing since. 1st gen keep doing real stars collabs. Every gen has members doing it now.
Fuck, you wouldn't be sperging in this thread if they'd actually stopped. Still their brands are just fine. Hololive only grows stronger.

>> No.56764939

Wouldn’t this look bad if the view counts is way lower compared to the valorant ones?

>> No.56765010

Says the one on vt.

>> No.56765021

>They don't care about CGDCT
Why would they, they've never declared to be a CGDCT company, that's on you faggots. Yagoo probably doesn't know what it means.

>> No.56765119

It's overwatch, the views would be lower even if they promised a lesbian orgy in the intermission.

>> No.56765459

The goal of every company is to make money though. The CGDCT only matters insofar as you're in the ecosystem buying keychains

>> No.56765482

>He doesn't know

>> No.56765607
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Lol. LMAO even.

>> No.56765654

So FuwaMoco x Tempus when?

>> No.56765706
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>a few months ago
>not a vtuber
It was some sort of weird event, I'd categorize it that way. I'm more focused on not wanting male vtuber collabs, and most Hololive have stopped doing it. At least the one that bring in the numbers. 1st gen doesn't matter anymore. Look at how much damage Kronii, Mori, Baelz, Kobo had to tank for male collabs. Kobo stopped while still communicating with Regis on social media. HoloEN stopped male collabs for several months now. I'm not seeing male collabs for Marine and Pekora, at least not male VTUBER collabs.
I just don't want to see male vtubers on stream, and there's plenty of people who feel the same way. With how shit went down in EN, I believe it will affect EN Holomems more adversely. If you want to think male collabs are normal, go ahead and support this decision by Cover. I'm sure it won't backfire.

I knew about the hypnotist, but missed the creaming part. Props to the guy for not losing it. I would've raped Marine or Noel on stage.

>> No.56765806
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>The JP bros just stop watching if it's not their kind of thing

That's a lot worse for the company. At least EOPs have this tendency to "forgive", even if it's in the way that battered housewives do. Why do you think teamates, deadbeats and kronies stick to their oshis like superglue? But when people just quietly stop caring and close their wallets, there's no turning back from there. Contrast this with tempigs who are especially loud and whose contributions are merely reddit upvotes and twitter likes.

>> No.56765946

It's against the law in Japan to voice dissent online and their failed males are just lonely and want attention. Males in the rest of the world are angry and want revenge.

>> No.56766269

There's no if. It's when. Homos combined won't reach Roboco CCV.

>> No.56766592

>astel literally doesn't have a thumbnail

>> No.56766767

Threads died for this useless homobegging sack of shit?

>> No.56767062

>He thinks I'm defending male collabs
Why are most /vt/ posters just brainless buzzword slingers like you? I even say they will fail miserably and you still post that lol. Absolute brainlet.

>> No.56767562

"Yeah, let them rant like lunatics about fake anime women daring to...play video games with male coworkers sometimes!" I mean, as funny as it is to watch, it's also important that these people get the occasional reminder that they're fucking delusional.

>> No.56767927

Anon, this is literally the schizo central. If that's your thing, try going to the local asylum to remind the patients they are fucked in the head.

>> No.56768020

The women on twitter call gamers incels too

>> No.56768087
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It's /vt/. IRL we're having post-late-stage capitalism, zoomer commies forgetting the crimes of Stalin, alphabet people, ESG, economic problems etc. The real world has gone mad. Being sane is becoming less and less advantageous. Let them be with their escapism. /vt/ is the Brazillian favela of the internet where poorfags watch football and cheer for their national team to forget about their poverty; because what can they do? Revolt and die by the thousands? Better to escape into a fantasy where you could be led to believe that what you do, matters.

>> No.56768650

You've conveniently missed the part where it's majority of players vs 4.5 "fans" on a basket weaving forum

>> No.56768892

Go back.
And it the discord leak has shown us anything its that they barely interact with each other with Kiara having to beg for a reply

>> No.56769178

It has only shown that noone wants to talk to Kiara. Understandable.

>> No.56769682

Wow Finana numbers lmao

>> No.56771748

>I can already see the stars performing at the next holofes praising their Hololive-"family."
Horizontal isn't going to speed things up that much but we are almost certainly going to see Tempus perform at the next HoloEN concert. Did anyone really believe that Cover would exclude Tempus from EN concerts after they get their 3D models?

>> No.56772544

Dude, I been doing that since new year

>> No.56773122

There are some who interact and seem to be real friends, but this is a far cry from "everybody is close friends with each other!" which is obvious BS.

Whether you like it or not, this Hololive's fanbase and where most of the money comes from? Those $500 superchats sure aren't being donated by people who "just really think they're great entertainers."

What baffles me more is that Cover keeps trying to use Hololive to promote Holostars. The audiences for these two segments are completely different and they're never going to merge. Idolfags aren't going to watch male streamers and clearly resent the efforts to make them do it.

Why does Cover keep banging their head against the brick wall? They either need a new strategy for Holostars or just stop wasting resources on the segment.

>> No.56773364

What strategy could they possibly have for promoting the stars?
All they know is to promote the holos and they're in a quagmire because the sponsors only want the girls because they didn't promote the stars enough when they were at their prime.

>> No.56773478

>shit that the voices made up
Take your fucking meds. Learn to accept not being the sole human owner of a Y chromosome on the planet.

>> No.56773754

>Whether you like it or not, this Hololive's fanbase
That's the great delusion. Hololive fanbase is hundreds of thousands of people, only a few hundred of which are /here/. And if you think these raging SEA monkeys ever donated anything, let alone $500, I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.56773948

Its obvious Yagoo is a saviourfag, he thinks he will save the homos, he feels he has personal responsibility. Admirable but ultimately misguided.

>> No.56774040

