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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5625725 No.5625725 [Reply] [Original]

HoloEN gen2

>> No.5625764

HoloJP gen 6

>> No.5625771

never, and I hope it never happens

>> No.5625779

Yagoo cancelled it after he saw gura's music video.

>> No.5625790

July 2nd, 12:00 am

>> No.5625788

After dragon death

>> No.5625882

After Coco graduates, a new one will be added to create a positive buzz. These girls are puppets.

>> No.5625917

They ain't announcing shit until after Coco leaves, anon. It's their ticket on getting back viewers after they do their week of mourning and hating Cover for letting the dragon go.

>> No.5625936


>> No.5625943

They ain't announcing shit until after Coco leaves, anon. It's their ticket on getting back viewers after they do their week of mourning and hating Cover for letting the dragon go.

>> No.5626093

Wouldn't Gen 6 happen first?

>> No.5626124

Coco graduated and Haato probably will too, so never.

>> No.5626258

More importantly what are your guys hopes and predictions for EN gen 2? And what would you hate to see?

>> No.5626285

Yeah, he understood that nothing will ever compare to the shark, so what's the point of even trying?

>> No.5626306

Just watch indies in the meantime

>> No.5626324

Jesus it's been so long I almost forgot about it.
Maybe that's what Cover is banking on and the don't actually have anyone.

I think the most optimistic rrat would be that they're waiting for Coco's generation so they can quickly release gen2 so that people forget Coco literally got driven out of the company.

>> No.5626376

gen1 is one big socially awkward mess, less of that please

>> No.5626464

gen1 is one big socially awkward mess, more of that please

>> No.5626520

Just like Cover forgot about https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1333247389231026176

>> No.5626622

I hope gura will have some friends in holoEN gen2
then she can become more normie and stop addicted on gurame's unreal friendship

>> No.5626680

The community is now only waiting for her departure to pay respect. Holo girls made enough activity this month to fill what those may have been emptied later.

>> No.5626701

go watch prism project and see how devoid of talent EN can be

>> No.5626876

After Coco graduation, puriizu andasutando.

>> No.5626894

Hopefully never. Just enjoy the woke charity stream.

>> No.5626953

Yagoo will cut coco's graduation stream in half and announce gen 2

>> No.5626984

VSingers when....

>> No.5627063

I could see Coco teasing gen 2 as part of her graduation stream, cementing HoloEN as part of her legacy. It’s pretty clear by now even though she’s leaving he doesn’t harbor any real ill will and I think she’d enjoy hyping her kohai and leaving on a positive note.

>> No.5627193

I don't think Cover would go for it but I think she would do this 100% if in a position to.

>> No.5627195

this is the stupid most unrealistic scenario ever and it baffles me that you're actually giving this a considerable possibility

>> No.5627199

>And what would you hate to see?
Tryhard fujoshits, yuribaiters and charisma vacuums who crutch out on their kayfabe gimmicks, multilingualism and/or mediocre musical talents.

>> No.5627261

You have to be retarded to watch EN

>> No.5627295

... Unbased

>> No.5627476

July, a couple weeks or so after Coco graduates. Almost guaranteed, Cover's going to use EN2 to make us move on from Coco and keep on supporting the company.

>> No.5627497

no she wouldn't, maybe in an alternative timeline where she never was in hololive before

>> No.5627657


>> No.5627676

HoloTW Gen 1 when?

>> No.5627702

I applied
They're looking for BIG creators only at this point (gura level)

>> No.5627776

I hope for 2 girls that legitimately hate each other.
And another agent of chaos, that bombs every gen2 collab.

>> No.5627958

My fear is that >>5627702 is correct, and that we end up with a gen of nothing but Mori's who only signed up for the clout, and that have no real interest in Hololive itself.

>> No.5627997

truth hurts

>> No.5628002

Unironically a Mexican ESL, and a girl who properly knows how to play an instrument like guitar or piano and is willing to stream it, and a hardcore gamer.
I have enough faith in Cover that they won't bring on chicks who have a bad attitude or personality.

>> No.5628077
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Top tier post right here.

>> No.5628238

i want someone like Ollie to join

>> No.5628243
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Hey guys remember how some time ago someone claimed that this really hot black girl got into Gen 2 and posted pic related, but she also was a crazy BLM/Bisexual girl and then everyone freaked out and the thread turn into shitposting for 500 replies and all the Gen 2 threads turn into shitposting for a while afrer that because of it. Yeah that was me, so haha funny story turns out she wasn't talking about Hololive at all, i don't think she event watches Hololive at all. She was talking about a job with some local company that does kid's birthday theather, dressing like princesses and stuff. Haha, funny that, we all make make mistakes. So like no harm, no foul, right anons? Water under the bridge, haha.

>> No.5628387

I wanna chuba with the slightest knowledge of RU language
ok, we all know it will be ES

>> No.5628440
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Give me someone who's British as shit. Call fries chips, thick accents, born in the UK, basically the whole package.

>> No.5628500

>what would you hate to see
a black one

>> No.5628515

People with true talent are waiting for hololive.

>> No.5628521

No more E-celeb chasers.
No ironic faggotry

>> No.5628689

No more yurishit, please no more. It works in JP but in EN it just makes alphabet people think EN is political platform.

>> No.5628713
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Ironic fags should get a boot right up their ass. Just be a facecam thot if find vtubing so shameful. Managers should immediately be fired for hiring them.

>> No.5628719

They ain't announcing shit until after Coco leaves, anon. It's their ticket on getting back viewers after they do their week of mourning and hating Cover for letting the dragon go.

>> No.5628771

>what are your guys hopes
a black one

>> No.5629081
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>new Gen 2 EN with a quintessentially American aesthetic appears
>after about three minutes, their weird, stilted North American accent slips into a thick, regional UK dialect

>> No.5629441

Goid luck anon! Please post again when they answer you!!

>> No.5629684

Stop prioritizing multilinguals before entertainers and divisiveness. Gura, Ame and Mori are very popular and their Japanese is shit. Not only that the there so many middlemen between JP and EN, why bother.

>> No.5629846

There's no reason to turn away big talents. The best prerequisites are those who are professional, a fan of Hololive for years and is not there to simp but create content and make a name for themselves out there. Botan is a perfect example to get for HoloEN 2.

>> No.5629870

Hopefully never.

>> No.5629948

I don't mind whites, blacks, spics, chinks or seaniggers in EN 2. That's the purpose of hiding behind an anime avatar anyway. What I don't want them to do is shove political bullshit or agendas. Just be professional and themselves first and foremost.

>> No.5630174
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>why bother.
Because scouting out a HoloEN that can both entertain AND seamlessly juggle a JP and EN audience would be highly beneficial.

>> No.5630318

I want to see a black girl with a vtuber model that doesn't look like a fucking monkey. Better yet, she never brings up stupid politics and preferably has a London accent.

>> No.5630885

Would actually be pretty fun. Non-american nigs are alright.

>> No.5630904

One of the horsemen of the final yab? No thanks

>> No.5630920

A black/dark skinned forest ranger with an abundant knowledge of wildlife and plants would be fun to watch though

>> No.5631053

a gyaru thats actually shy and pure
an old hag addicted to gambling
a plant thats into weed 420 lmao vapenation
a ghost who can't find its way to heaven so its stuck here playing videogames

>> No.5631063

Even a black-"coded" Vtuber would be constantly subjected to stupid racebait shittery because westoids would insist upon it. Absolutely no shade of delicious brown would be safe from such faggotry.

>> No.5631263

Generations are planned months in advanced, if you think Coco has anything to do with anything other than maybe the timing of the announcement you're a schizo

>> No.5631286

No one has a problem with Furea though.

>> No.5631319
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>> No.5631324

No, at least give us a real bong before some black wannabe

>> No.5631356

ive said this a couple times but i want a villain gen. they could form fake rivalries with other holos and it could make for really interesting collabs with shitty "lore" or whatever to back it up, and imagine the holoalt possibilities. not to
mention the femdom fags would love it. Maybe a mad scientist, serial killer, supervillain, that type of thing. maybe even a rival to ame, like a corrupt detective or something.

but this will probably never happen because of drama or because they dont want to villainize their own idols or whatever the fuck.

>tfw no hot evil supervillain gf who gets flustered when you flirt with her

>> No.5631425

it would be in poor taste to announce a new gen during Coco's final week. but then again, it would also be in poor taste to announce them within a week of her graduation too and I'm pretty sure they're going to announce them at AX.

>> No.5631434

sound like you want lazy and effortless rrats

>> No.5631516

I hope they don't get anyone with a decorated background because it means creators are willing to deal with corporate dead ends for 1+ year just to hopefully boost their roommate.

>> No.5631622

Only because her audience is primarily Japanese. A dark-skinned HoloEN would attract all sorts of cancer.

>> No.5631903

That's the most complex way of saying "I hate Kiara" that I've ever seen

>> No.5632212

mostly skin cancer

>> No.5632451


>> No.5633175

I'm so afraid we might get some Veibae tier bitches.
Also afraid that they might go full sjw and ruin hololive

>> No.5633371

deep south

>> No.5633390

I believe in hololive recruiting, they didn't fail me before.

>> No.5633705

here is my rrat for the villain gen
>they are all actual ex-cons scouted from rehabilitation programs and do vtubing while still under surveillance
>serial killer, the level headed calm one of the group
>rapist/pedophile, she is the sex appeal
>pyromaniac arsonist, the wild card (menhera) a loli
>con artist, the protagonist/leader
>petty criminal caught out of her depth, the dumb one

>> No.5633783
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one of them will be black, and it will lead to the final yab.

>> No.5633852

yeah when normies find out she’s white irl... cover will go under for crimes of digital blackface

>> No.5633944

Cover might actually be looking to be more politically correct though, so it’s very possible. Expect a mix of races for all of Holo EN Gen 2. And maybe a gay pride flag or something for added effect.

>> No.5633981

Are you fucking morons serious? Do you really believe this?
Britbong from London here and I can tell you for a fact London black women are WAY WORSE than Americans. What fantasy planet are you living on?
Black girls from the UK outside of London are fine but if you ever hear a black girl with a London accent, you aren’t safe. America has a shit ton of religious Christian black girls. The religious black ones here are Muslim.

>> No.5634043

EN2 was announced first, and auditions finished months ago. There's literally nothing indicating a JP Gen 6 is even coming.

>> No.5634169

I unironically want a sweaty tryhard girl whose role is the hyper competitive tomboy obsessed with getting to grandmaster/plat/elite/whatever the highest rank is in various games and who maybe takes part in online tournies for shit if possible

>> No.5634637
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According to time-traveler anon, theme for EN2 is Mage(ick).
That actually can be pretty fun. Classic witch, magitech nerd, druid scank, holy cleric, potion seller, muscle wizard. Possibilities are not endless but we can get some vatiety.

>> No.5634967

>hat are your guys hopes and predictions for EN gen 2
one with a thick countryside british accent

>> No.5635913

I hope this doesn't happen until more graduations. There's enough HoloJPs. We don't want Hololive to turn into Nijisanji.

>> No.5636199

We don't need a gen 2. All we need is for Mori and Kiara to be fired and Reine and Pomu to replace them

>> No.5637092


yesterday, most likely they will debut in july or august, to lift the spirits you know

>> No.5637138

>Maybe that's what Cover is banking on and the don't actually have anyone.
After the 2020 boom, Hololive had the biggest auditions ever

>> No.5637428

How would you guys feel if gen 2 debuted and one of the girls was Haachama redebuting as EN just like she always wanted?

>> No.5637486

It would be funny for like a week or two then quickly get old. Haachama can't keep up with the flow of real conversation in English.

>> No.5637858

hasn't been any longer than EN1 or ID2 which both took 3-4 months to debut after auditions ended. mid July was always the estimated debut period for EN2 and if they do get announced shortly after Coco's graduation it'd just be a convenient coincidence
the vsinger has however been stuck in a holding pattern for like 5 months now and if it wasn't for Kiara, and I think Ame as well, offhandedly mentioning that they were a person that actually existed I'd have believed they'd have scrapped the project by now

guess they are just putting a lot of time into making an entire EP for debut or something

>> No.5637870

I want someone as stupid and lovely as nene. I want someone who is a longstreamer like korone. I want someone who plays 4x games. I want someone who likes collabs a lot and invites lots of vtubers.
I don't want someone discussing politics unless it's DIRECTLY related to vtubing. I don't want constant menhera breaks and yabs

>> No.5638052

Hololive is always open for JP auditions. They could theoretically release gen 6 any time.

>> No.5638063

That would hurt hololive's reputation: especially in Japan

>> No.5638116

>mid July was always the estimated debut period for EN2
Pretty much. I called it for the end of July a long fucking time ago. I think most people know it’s in July.

>> No.5638452

>Coco's generation
I can't wait for Coco to be reborn live!

>> No.5638814

I'd hate to see that stupid fairy too anon

>> No.5641208


>> No.5641578


>> No.5641692

I want an English speaking Korone. Someone who will play retro and niche games for 8 hours or more at a time.

>> No.5641757

Presdient Miki graduated about a month ago now, so it's probably another 2-3 months until she debuts in Hololive EN Gen 2.

>> No.5641880

You already *have* Ollie. Just watch her. I couldn't handle another fucking loud and annoying zoomer idiot. Give me a chill, sarcastic 30 year old who's a Trekkie and loves One Piece and prog metal. Just give me my ideal woman, Cover!

>> No.5646069
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>what are your guys hopes

>> No.5646537

I swear, MUK's art never ceases to make me harder than diamond.

>> No.5651621

I agree. HoloEn needs an autistic little sister experience.

>> No.5659974

>And maybe a gay pride flag or something for added effect.
Never happening, they're never going to hamfist anything political like that.

>> No.5660384

Inside info says that they will be announced on the myth anniversary and will debut in october.

>> No.5660465

Won't happen due to market saturation.There is no point in paying new vtubers if they are just going to be watched by the audience Cover already has.

>> No.5660604

Another bong here. You're a fucking lunatic if you think American blacks are any better. Many of the blacks here are first generation Nigerian Ethiopians or Igbos that look like knockouts and have rich families.

>> No.5661177

You'll never get a vtuber model that is anything but purest white, Japs loathe anything else with a burning passion.

>> No.5661205

>we end up with a gen of nothing but Mori's who only signed up for the clout, and that have no real interest in Hololive itself

>> No.5661397

I want a gentle softspoken chuuba like lamy or (RIP) lulu. Ina has the right demeanor but not the right voice

>> No.5661513

Does Ollie count as white?

>> No.5661888

holoen gen2 will be cringe. believe me

>> No.5662281

"Cringe" isn't an adjective.

>> No.5662388

High Energy Extrovert 3.0 (ala Kiara/Ollie)
Better balance between introverts and extroverts than Gen 1
More girls who know Japanese
more yuribait
More varied age
At least 2 inteligent
At least 1 educated
More varied gaming tastes
One space themed and with actual knowledge of space stuff
All know Japanese enough to collab with JPs
vshojo clones
black chubbas (nothing against blacks but to much risk for getting hijacked by politics)
trans roommate (would probably be bullied by antis into graduation, which would result in bad press for Cover)
Political ("left" or "right", both would be bad) entryist

>> No.5662461

This, please. I'm so tired of random shitty steam games. Give me Donkey Kong Country and Castlevania streams.

>> No.5662465

>hopes and predictions
A talent that can play real man's games, not apex all day, (rather watch them play fall guys) like the battlefield titles (3/4/1/2042).
Talent that can definitely Hype her/his viewers, so there is always to look forward to.
Have the confidence and good synergy to collab with JPs even with the language barrier (that's Amelia i think?)
Something like the goofy Nene.
Can play musical instruments (Bass/Electric/Acoustic Guitar
The most important that the whole gen2 is well synergies with each other, not the social awkwardness we see in gen1

>And what would you hate to see?
NO POLITICS (like come on, we watch you guys for escapism).
As long as possible, very very limited collabs with e-celebs.

>> No.5662549

>A talent that can play real man's games, not apex all day, (rather watch them play fall guys) like the battlefield titles (3/4/1/2042).
>Talent that can definitely Hype her/his viewers, so there is always to look forward to.
>Have the confidence and good synergy to collab with JPs even with the language barrier (that's Amelia i think?)
Ame is terrible at collabs even with fellow EN. Collab queen is Kiara.
>Something like the goofy Nene.
We already have Nene
Can play musical instruments (Bass/Electric/Acoustic Guitar
Mel can play anything.
>The most important that the whole gen2 is well synergies with each other, not the social awkwardness we see in gen1
That was how they were maybe in the first ~2 months. They have great synergy and UNITY now.

>> No.5663059
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> Ame is terrible at collabs even with fellow EN.
>Collab Queen is Kiara.
Why are KFP like this? Surely you saw the Coco Holotalk too.

>> No.5663076

Depends on the looks. Afro + big lips or something is pretty obvious.

>> No.5663094

Yes, it was great.

>> No.5663117

I still can stand Ollie for 2 hours straight. I can barely stand listening to Kanata talking after 30 minutes mark.

>> No.5663150
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There, your terrible wish is granted.

>> No.5663237

EN gen 2 is actually EU and we have a cast full of ESLs from different countries.

>> No.5663330

God, I fucking wish.

>> No.5664219

Even better if they have a super stereotypically American design, like a Cowboy or some shit

>> No.5664265

double win, they have brain

>> No.5664273

>We don't want Hololive to turn into Nijisanji.
Nijisanji JP hasn't had a debut in 10 months either.

>> No.5664368

Another Britbong here, what are you on? Genuinely the only bad stuff I can say about the black folk here is shit that they picked up from American Nigger Culture. The average Windrusher is actually interested in working for a living, which is something I have difficulty saying about the fuckers on the other side of the pond

>> No.5664410

Yes. It was great.

>> No.5664487
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>> No.5664558

kek same, idk why but i can't stand kanata high pitch voice, her ikebo sounds so much better

>> No.5665391

yes it is lmao

>> No.5665874

> list of 100+ escapist entertainment that have gone down the same path

>> No.5666224

ash from lol

>> No.5667862

the real question is how long until gen 2 starts collabing with e-celebs and vshoujo

>> No.5667973

No it isn't.
