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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56157029 No.56157029 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.

>Last Stream

>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Channel/Socials/Merch Links

There's a Kiki /i/ thread up if you would like to participate >>>/i/723670
Kiki is a rabbit ( ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ )

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection

>/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Kiki Notifications RSS feed w/ instructions

>Misc. Rabbalabs links (timestamp tagger, VOD search, /pyon/ archive)

>Champy Creative Corner
Kiki Ambient Album: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18C-GvhOs5uG90xx4Et-yIF2QJHSUV0Eg/view
A Day w/ Kiki: https://youtu.be/KY-2XziO8s8
Mahjong Champion: https://youtu.be/RTzk7KDWU9s
Kikiholes: https://youtu.be/jiJZpnaCzSc
Kiki RPG demo: https://kikirpg.itch.io/kiki-rpg (pass: debtdiskdeath)
Kikikore albums by Anon:
https://files.catbox.moe/p2e08j.zip – volume 1
https://files.catbox.moe/z8fzho.rar – volume 2
https://files.catbox.moe/7r6bz1.zip – volume 3
Kiki Koikatsu Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/Bx4XXYTb#o7L7D5bg4XverGHQ03upkQ
Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library
Kikinese: https://files.catbox.moe/yv1xre.pdf
Super Champ Bros (SMB rom hack): https://files.catbox.moe/0tbbps.zip

>Recent Stream Highlights

>Clip channels

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Last thread

>> No.56157056
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>> No.56157114
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>> No.56157269
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Humble reminder to please submit ideas for chants here https://forms.gle/bbs6eEcbuBiohZAk6

>> No.56157334

I VERY love Kiki!

>> No.56157387

ok I've done the needful now I go to bed for real... If Kiki makes an appearance let her know I love her very much

>> No.56157409

kiki glove!

>> No.56157723

love my funny floatyhead wife

>> No.56157892

u cant say that..

>> No.56157974


>> No.56158043

I'm very excited for Bun. I've only ever read Azumanga, so it will be nice to finally watch it.

>> No.56158072

Should be fun, it's been comfy watching along with her so far

>> No.56158354

Kiki Love!

>> No.56158394

We've already watched like half of it. What were we at, episode 15? If you haven't seen it yet, you can still catch up before the stream.

>> No.56158924
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>> No.56159017
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>> No.56159562

I shitted liquid shit

>> No.56159802

i was eating scrambled eggs you bastard

>> No.56159876

thank me, now you have some kwaf

>> No.56159926

that reminds me, i think i have issues digesting eggs. my shit is always slightly runny as if it has a similar texture to egg white and it hurts a bit like it's acidic or something

>> No.56159990
File: 2.24 MB, 512x480, keep it[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsaww22.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't ask

>> No.56160330


>> No.56160547
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what did donkey kong mean by this?

>> No.56160564

purple mountain dew tasted like some gummy worms from my childhood melted into a liquid. i was prepared for it to be sweet but it was threefold sweeter than expected. i just know mountain dew from the epic g4m3r memes or whatever so i was expecting it to be something a bit more mature than pure sugar for some reason. i expected it to be like cool and tangy raspberry or such but it was just artificial flavorings and sugar. soda pop HATE

>> No.56160738

trump 2024

>> No.56161135

it's that game where if you make a secret OK sign and trick somebody into looking at it, you get to punch them

>> No.56161766

i've noticed recently youtube has gotten hyper aggressive with filtering things from video comments / live chat

>> No.56161855

i've been listening to twitch vs youtube debates recently and i think that is the lesser evil, being shadowbanned temporarily over having power tripping mods do whatever they please on top of existing platform rules which aren't much different

>> No.56162168

and it just occurred to me it may be a lot more painful to get banned from twitch due to all the gimmicky stuff you accumulate like rewards. making an alt and starting over seems more punishing

>> No.56162514

I like when Kiki yells her opening catchphrase "It's time for Bunny Bonazara!".

>> No.56162956
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>> No.56163436
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kiki is the smelliest girl in rabbitsville

>> No.56164202

i can confirm this as she has marked my face

>> No.56164210

champs I think my snail is dead...

>> No.56164331

you had a pet snail? so weird

>> No.56164486

yeah, my sister bought a giant african snail and gave it to me when she left for college a few years ago
it's not really worth it, don't get a pet snail

>> No.56164585

Aren't those highly illegal and cataclysmically invasive?

>> No.56164604
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>> No.56164663

I think they're illegal in burgerland but it's not illegal here

>> No.56165014
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nini gigi

>> No.56165043

Mwah, nini

>> No.56165254
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feeling cheeky today

>> No.56165335
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nini love u too

>> No.56165714

rip snailchamma...

>> No.56166084


>> No.56166151

is this for the divegrass panel?

>> No.56166335
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>> No.56166399

Last thread people said /pyon/ isn't participating in the friendlies going on this week.

>> No.56166462

that's the one kiki asked not to participate in that the vrt rep asked about a while back right?

>> No.56166480

actual league is in 2 weeks, friendlies are in 2 or 3 days. should be 18 august 2am JST. That's early friday morning for you, you should skip at least the first day since you'll meet with the care worker

>> No.56166723

nah we arent participating and there will be plenty of divegrass come next month dont worry about it. maybe gorilla it here and there if you're in the mood but nothing more

>> No.56166727

Wtf is a frendlie

>> No.56166769

exhibition match. not part of a league and agreed upon by both teams not random

>> No.56166792

not a tournament

>> No.56166856

Just some made up euro thing that has soccer players friendly jerk each other off after a friendly frolicking on the field

>> No.56166877

also stop reading the thread and sleep sillyhead

>> No.56166906

thanks for not falling asleep until i got back home, goodnight and sweet dreams gigi, mwah <3

>> No.56167005

good night cute wife

>> No.56167704

imaginary conversations with gigi make time pass easily

>> No.56168315
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i am sorry for your loss, i think snails are really cool, i had some that randomly spawned in a fish tank once and they were fun to watch and kept the glass clean

>> No.56168906

snails are cool guys and im sick of pretending they arent

>> No.56168923

In an alternate timeline people are spelling snail as snale right now.

>> No.56168937

i think snails SUCK

>> No.56169233

how horrible

>> No.56169300
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We tried to take our little excavator up a hill and this happened. Could have crushed my dad if it flipped on its side. The outside world is a dangerous place, if I don't make it back tell Kiki I love her

>> No.56169324

snails do SUCK... on cucumber, very cutely

>> No.56169474

literal grape in kiki's pooper

>> No.56169515
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>> No.56169566

fuzzy snail

>> No.56169632


>> No.56169830

kiki butt wine..

>> No.56170051

I prefer her armpitwine, 88 was a good year.

>> No.56170373
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you dont need an excavator, you have kiki

>> No.56170742
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this, but kiki

>> No.56171059

>/vt/‘s very own Kiki
explain. who is that and how is he/she related to this board?

>> No.56171104

who's /vt/?

>> No.56171203

this Kiki. i noticed that she wears 4chan logo. is this like an official stream, like Hime for crunchyroll?

>> No.56171223

she is the founder and CEO of 4chan

>> No.56171261

so M00t is a vtuber now?

>> No.56171350

She's homegrown, organic, local, and ethically sourced.
Much healthier than what you get in stores

>> No.56171408

it's not like it's official or anything, she is just /here/ and interacts with her thread a lot, and does board events, there isn't a deep meaning to it and occasionally people come here to complain that we have that in OP but we're just used it for so long that we don't really feel like changing it

>> No.56171504

thanks for the explanation. will check her out

>> No.56171588

shes a cat meow check her out

>> No.56171702

she is streaming donkey kong in a few hours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEcAn9s4rjQ

>> No.56171744
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Good afternoon, Kiki and Champs. Life is about to become extra-shit starting next week for me. Not sure how much time I'll have to even hang out here, much less watch streams. Trying my best to not despair but it's difficult to pretend like it's not coming. I hope you all are having a good day, at least.

>> No.56171856

Worm champs I finally set up a new mega for pyon. I've uploaded both the game and all our python themed assets here. https://mega.nz/folder/46VjwSRS#DihAVX2GfbOvMiY0X_1nEA

>> No.56171860

ganbate champy and good luck, it may not be as bad as you anticipate

>> No.56171927
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>> No.56171964

thanks for all the stuff champy. i LOVE worms but i dont think i'll use the custom stuff, rather it would be more nostalgic for me to try out all the existing options for my team(s).

>> No.56171973 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56172015
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>> No.56172031

loach bros...

>> No.56172069
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them's the breaks

>> No.56172125
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>> No.56172138

our PYON* themed assets, don't know what's wrong with me

>> No.56172195
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it was super effective!

>> No.56172232
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still dont like em

>> No.56172309

I posted this

>> No.56172321

wait this is the same one, fooligan

>> No.56172398
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it is the will of the wordcloud gods, Kiki

>> No.56172415

it keeps happening...

>> No.56172462
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Aww heckity

>> No.56172562 [SPOILER] 
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you're in the wrong thread pink kiki

>> No.56172868
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>> No.56173077
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>> No.56173422

Yeah and apparently he's Australian now. You become what you hate...

>> No.56173526
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>> No.56173572

oh nononononnonononono

>> No.56173592

holy shit they made SAW real?!

>> No.56173597

its so over

>> No.56173621

dog tor

>> No.56173635

worse. dentisd

>> No.56173736

pretty humble of you, ive actually been trying to beat the levels to unlock the extra multiplayer options etc, though you could probably cheat it

>> No.56173829

You can, they added a cheat in 3.8. Type boggysentme on the main menu and you'll here a confirmation sound.

>> No.56174071

years of academy training.. wasted

>> No.56174106

ooooh the academy! i should do that for fun

>> No.56174223

Oh god no
They got him!
They found Champy in civilization and they're gonna dissect him

>> No.56174783

i hope it gets less hectic for you soon dude

>> No.56175331

i wish i was around when you guys play this, waging for a few hours

>> No.56175370

don't worry, there will be plenty more opportunities and will just get better as more rabbity content is made for it

>> No.56175477

nta, yeah worms has a lot of replayability i cant see myself getting bored of it anytime soon

>> No.56175618

i tried to make kikicookies by winging it but it ended up the consistency of kikibread
and the taste is nod good

>> No.56175689

and you didnt post a picture?! champy..

>> No.56175898
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dentist went better than expected, was expecting bad news and got good news instead. we are so back (from the dentist). olive gigi!

>> No.56175979
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>> No.56176148

Make sure your life insurance goes to Kiki.

>> No.56176273
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Hey, you survived. Wonderful

>> No.56176738
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So this is the largest size map you can use in 3.8. The kiki map for reference. It would take you 10 turns just to get to the other size of the map

>> No.56176943

I no-shit would actually put Kiki as my life insurance recipient.

>> No.56177114

im definitely interested in playing some wacky games like that. also more worms, more hp, more weapons.

>> No.56177166

I've considered it as well and the conclusion I came to is that the recipient would be be Kiki Ch. paypal account. Although getting lawyers to somehow make it a streamlabs dono would be hilarious. I feel like there's a point where both services would be like "woah hold on max transfer limit hit".

>> No.56177229


>Hi Kiki, if you're getting this I'm dead XD

>> No.56177648
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>> No.56177919

I died lets goooo!

>> No.56177991

kiki's secret noki bay..

>> No.56178231
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>> No.56178713
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>> No.56178740

Now there are three of them! This is getting out of hand...

>> No.56178955
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>> No.56179021
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>> No.56179718

more kikirby is a good thing

>> No.56180287
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>> No.56180530

make sure you wash your hands before and after touching the kiki bum

>> No.56180899

uhhhhh no

>> No.56181320

Post wage naps are humble

>> No.56181379

i'm gonna take one right now

>> No.56181388

I wish I could nap...I'm always so exhausted after work that if I try to nap I'll literally just sleep for the rest of the day/night until my alarm for work goes off again and that's depressing as fuck to burn an entire evening like that.

>> No.56181872

True. But some days I’m just so exhausted that Idgaf I use it more to catch up with sleep that I didn’t get the day before or something

>> No.56181985

I would do it more often but I already miss too many streams and I just like hanging out here. I usually have to compromise and leave partway through a stream to make sure I'm getting at least some sleep.

>> No.56182216

As a burgerchamp, I sympathize with all the euro/aussie/kiwi champs. Must really suck to have to stay up late night just to get some kikium

>> No.56182342

They had it good for a while until Kiki settled on her current schedule. It's funny you mention it, I was just randomly thinking about that earlier today while working and hoping that some of those guys haven't stopped coming around.

>> No.56182549
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>> No.56182665

Kiwichamp here
Kiki streams at lunchtime
Divegrass and similar events start at 3-5am and carry on until about 11am, so thats when sleep schedule gets FUBAR'd for the next few days.

>> No.56182871

Yeah, but some of the guerilla streams she does during their prime time...those champs eat good enough for a month.

>> No.56182889

could worms champy see if they can join my game (kiki/uoh), i dont even have time to play after wasting time portforwarding, but i just want to see if i did it right (unlikely)

>> No.56182945

i DO like a humble gorilly

>> No.56182967

>>56182665 (me)
Forgot to mention, rather than going to sleep and waking up before Divegrass/etc, I pull an all nighter because I cant trust myself not to sleep through divegrass and also hate/fear alarms.
God help me if Kiki decides to stream at the regular time after also streaming Divegrass.

>> No.56183098


>> No.56183107
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can't see it

>> No.56183129

i usually dont care when the stream happens since i can wage whenever i want, but sometimes i have other important stuff to do, such as tomorrow morning. i may need to miss the latter half of the stream if it goes on for long

>> No.56183187

It times out after 5 minutes. Another way to test is host an open game

>> No.56183269

its over, before it ever began. i just wont ever host
lunchtime is a humbletime, unless you have to wage. its so sad

>> No.56183328

use a hosting buddy?

>> No.56183448
File: 752 KB, 500x500, pro roping.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a humble Worms game or two since we're on that topic?

kikiskiki // uoh

>> No.56183816

Anyone know why the game goes to ant vision when I switch to windowed mode? Changing resolution in game does nothing.

>> No.56183922

start a match vs CPU to check your resolution settings, they don't actually apply until you start a match

>> No.56183952
File: 671 KB, 1602x1227, 1674798342641479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't do. Are you talking about the interface itself? There's an option to enlarge it.

>> No.56183990

google it, there is a mod to fix that shit

>> No.56184276

This worked for the actual match, but then goes back to anto visiono out of the match. Guess I'll just have to eye fuck my monitor until in a match.

>> No.56184319

When in doubt, PCGamingWiki

>> No.56184414

>i will have a quick post wage nap myself
dont forget your alarm!

>> No.56184525
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>> No.56184561
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>> No.56184591

Kiki finally has her tapeworm friend

>> No.56184684

you can use this site to see if you're visible

>> No.56184717
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what i'd do to it

>> No.56184777

her poor bumba never stood a chance...

>> No.56185221

How did any of us even get here? What brought you to vtubers?

>> No.56185478
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never watched any that's not kiki
never posted outside /pyon/ on this board

>> No.56185535

this is a really cool level you champs put together

>> No.56185594

i think it was mmd porn. that's how i found out about kizuna ai and i thought it was kinda cool, i subbed and basically never watched her. then other vtuber mmd models started popping up too. a little later i properly got into vtubers with clips like miko saying nigga etc. then i watched some jp holos as background noise mainly with more focus on those that did funny engrish like miko, hachama etc. then i started watching holo en, and then finally explored this board and thought i'd check out some indies. then i found pyon and the rest is history.

>> No.56185618

She popped up on youtube for me one time and I clicked it for some reason. Prior to Kiki I didn't watch vtubers or streamers in general. I also hadn't been on 4chan in many years.
Just a series of fortuitous circumstances.

>> No.56185729

someone put an ad for kiki lmao, it was one she complained about because she didnt ask, but its been almost 2 years now

>> No.56185895

mine's probably similar to some other champs. got into watching different holo's during the pandemic, never had or understood the concept of an oshi. then january of last year started watching the pink rabbit here and there. one day scrolled through bird app and saw them interact. checked out her youtube page and the rest is history

>> No.56185904

started watching Siro years ago to learn Japanese. Kiki is the only English vtuber I've watched (other than opening streams and turning them off in disgust). I found her through a schizo post and she sucked me into rabbitville immediately.

>> No.56186004
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>> No.56186083
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Found Kizuna Ai
Fooled by VA rrat
Found Holo either through Miko playing gta or various Okakoro vids, became Holo DD

Found /pyon/ when Kiki started playing Half Life

>> No.56186112

i can only wait <3

>> No.56186187

morning rabba, hope you enjoyed your brief nap

>> No.56186605
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>> No.56186614

will bananas be provided?

>> No.56186769
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>> No.56186974

im making home made pizza

>> No.56187045

make sure to add extra pickles, gigi's favorite

>> No.56187119

im eating pepeloni u kno the pepeloni but without the pizza

>> No.56187347

uhhh did the game timer run out?

>> No.56187385

i think i disconnected? or at least im on my way there

>> No.56187411

Yeah not responding for me either

>> No.56187451

someone's lagging

>> No.56187480

seems like everyone disconnected

>> No.56187516

oh so it's because of something on host's (my) end
sorry everyone, no idea what happened there, the game just ended for me

>> No.56187519

ah well, rabba will be here soon so you can all be happy to recieve the genuine article

>> No.56187523

does anyone have a copy of the ad?

>> No.56187544

It was Kizuna Ai that made me aware of it all and I would see some .LIVE clips, but would be sad that I couldn't watch the full streams. My first hololive exposure was a clip where Fubuki was making noises playing Minecraft. Then, I really got into it when hololiveEN debuted and I could finally watch streams that I could understand. Then, I found the hololive global threads on /jp/ and would waste most of the day just posting in there and learning everything about vtubers I had missed out on. Flash forward much further and I found Kiki by coming across a thread here that I had never visited before for some reason and it took no time at all to be won over.

>> No.56187719

i doubt it after that long

>> No.56187797

I woke up just in time. I was worried I would oversleep and miss it like I did the aquarium date.

>> No.56187825

it's a shame that her opinion on pickles is forever ruined because she decided to dip them in koolaid

>> No.56187864

sorry kiki but i'm too busy conducting worm warfare on your ass to watch the stream joke

>> No.56188733
File: 133 KB, 1000x750, need cunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56188961

that's quite the big head you got there

>> No.56189064

he workouts at the library

>> No.56189156
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>> No.56189238

I got depressed enough that I stopped playing video games and watching anime. All I had energy for at the end of the day was to waste time watching webm's on /wsg/. Saw vtubers there, ended up watching one of the girl's VODs and even caught a few streams. I'd put her VODs on in the background while doing chores, I didn't even pay attention to what games she played or what she said, just having another human voice made me feel less lonely.

Saw Kiki for the first time during divegrass, and noted that she looked like a 4chan rabbit, but didn't bother watching her at the time. Weeks later that I decided to check out the Kiki thread and maybe watch one of her VODs, for 4chan patriotism's sake. I live here now, and I make sure the chores get done some other time because when Kiki is streaming I want to devote all my attention to her. Kiki goes beyond just making me feel less lonely. Kiki saved me.

>> No.56189564

>Watched Kizuna Ai for a while when she first started getting popular, but got bored after a while and lost interest
>Saw the holo threads occasionally on /jp/ but ignored them until the big Taiwan yab
>Got curious and started watching some of them, enjoyed it and stuck around for a while
>Suffered unrelated mental breakdown some time later, left incapacitated for 2-3 weeks unable to do much but lie around on the couch in the family room with immediate panic attacks any time I was left alone for even a moment.
>Recovered, but the chuubas I used to watch were now tainted by association with the bad times, and I could not watch them anymore without feeling bad. Check out other 2view corps and indies instead.
>Eventually Kiki pops up in recommendations late at night when nobody I usually watched was on, click her on a whim and immediately see something special in her and continue coming back for her next few streams.
>Gradually drift away from the other chuubas I used to watch as my interest in Kiki grows and evolves over time into genuine love.

>> No.56189776

>youtube algo puts primarily gaming related stuff and occasional hololive gaming clip for me
>one day, kiki

>> No.56189933

Kiki doko...

>> No.56189996

puffed and snuffed

>> No.56190020
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>> No.56190108

time for rab!

>> No.56190324

Watched Hololive JP and then EN, but EN ended up being a bit of a letdown for me as time went on, so I looked elsewhere. Glad I ended up here, I couldn't ask for more.

>> No.56190435

gigi's hong kong quest

>> No.56190571

`Stream start

>> No.56190593

newcomers' confused reactions upon seeing the doodle intro for the first time always cracks me up

>> No.56190635

poor rabbit tummy...

>> No.56190685
File: 129 KB, 300x300, 1672175863783899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some macaroni and cheese and foolishly set the bowl next to my mouse. After I sat down I reached for my mouse without looking and stuffed my hand right into the bowl

>> No.56190694

Remember to hydrate rabba!

>> No.56190754

>nijien and zen gunawan
>ina again
>nijien again
>didn't watch anyone, only follow some rrats on 4chan
>literally yesterday someone post kiki stream on /uoh/ and she was live

>> No.56190763

finger licking good!

>> No.56190766

haha mac and cheese hands

>> No.56190782

welcome, newchamp!

>> No.56190813

my dad got his nuts bit off by a crocodile when he was a kid

>> No.56190835


>> No.56190928

`Never smile at a crocodile(-80)

>> No.56190941

`Never smile at a crocodile (-70)

>> No.56190966

BGM a little too loud

>> No.56190967

Kiki HATES Wallchamps' wallnuts

>> No.56190978

champy nuts?

>> No.56191013


>> No.56191076

you'd like my apple pie

>> No.56191078

My dad used to get these ice cream pies for me for my birthday and they would be so hard when they were frozen that one time the knife broke when he tried to cut it. They were good though

>> No.56191194

rabbits and monkeys both eat bananas because they are both mammals

>> No.56191291

You ever tried an avocado milkshake? I used to like that but I haven't had it in a while

>> No.56191301


>> No.56191385
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>> No.56191398

try avocado juice and choco sauce, its easier and more delight

>> No.56191439
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>> No.56191459

sorry youre feeling shitting, kiki. you dont have to stream if youre not feeling well

>> No.56191477

we can wait til tomorrow, you gave us lots of kikium lately

>> No.56191502


>> No.56191525

shitty* kek

>> No.56191731

Kiki's cuteness transcends language barriers

>> No.56191900


>> No.56191903

sounds cool

>> No.56191978

Translate into portuguese to get some brazilchamps

>> No.56192046
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>> No.56192064

kiki is itallian?

>> No.56192105

gods no

>> No.56192150

She's Irish

>> No.56192171
File: 340 KB, 1000x984, no italians no wops no dagos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56192253

you don't really sound like you have an accent to me

>> No.56192304

I love your voice and I love your accent

>> No.56192365

some people thought I had an accent when I was a kid but I just talked weird because I'm retarded

>> No.56192368

i find it funny when people speak non english then a completely english word shows up because their language doesn't have a word for it

>> No.56192477

the day of the puff will come

>> No.56192529

kiki cute, never disappointed

>> No.56192697

Kiki wants to be bread

>> No.56192701

olve carbohydates

>> No.56192715
File: 28 KB, 380x439, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that banana bread?

>> No.56192755
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>> No.56192769
File: 18 KB, 297x343, humblebread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56192815

will she become tiny gigi I wonder?

>> No.56192871

You're my little breadhead..~

>> No.56192874

my name is doodoobrain

>> No.56192885

I want to massage those puffy cheeks

>> No.56192979
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>> No.56193028

cutest a cute in rabbitville

>> No.56193044 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 136x36, 1683446522645258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just lounging in her chair with bread on head

>> No.56193063

Of course it's fun, but it takes effort especially if you do it for hours at a time. Don't feel bad about it silly goil

>> No.56193115

I like when you make that humble face

>> No.56193127

how does she do it

>> No.56193181

kiki flesh...

>> No.56193208

i'm in need of a lucky kikiss for tomorrow..

>> No.56193211

Maybe if you sip some cawf you can get ready for kongy dong

>> No.56193215

Kiki is just lying there waiting to be bred, what are you waiting for?

>> No.56193217
File: 3.10 MB, 1024x1536, Genetor Kiki v2 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frlv5y3.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56193251

sleepy kiki is so cute

>> No.56193334

Conker's Bad Fur Day would be fun

>> No.56193385

My wife's consent.

>> No.56193384

lovely rabba

>> No.56193460

say hello to the puff for me

>> No.56193567
File: 306 KB, 494x510, lovegigi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love you

>> No.56193574

my heart and soul has been healed by sleepy kiki

>> No.56193621

If you're going to unlist it can you say a slur before you end stream?

>> No.56193648

unlist not private

>> No.56193650

snoozle, snizzle, snazzle, I love this family of words

>> No.56193700

i prefer swizzle and swazzle

>> No.56193736

thanks gigi this stream was just what I needed

>> No.56193755

always make sure to drink water when you have diarrhea since you get dehydrated easily

>> No.56193804

probably because you dont eat much so your stomach's not used to it

>> No.56193824

sleep stream?

>> No.56193850


>> No.56193854

we can always hangout in rabbalabs

>> No.56193863

pls sleep I also have homework

>> No.56193878

love you so much kiki

>> No.56193937
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>> No.56193988

comfy carbohydate/10

>> No.56193990


>> No.56194006


>> No.56194029

sick rabba needs love and support correction/10

>> No.56194052

nausea hate in japanese/10

>> No.56194081

gigi bum bum shake after eating succulent banana/10

>> No.56194143

i can't speak for newfrens and tourists but champs like me are easy to please. i enjoy feeling like im just hanging out with you gigi way more than caring about you putting on a performance. could be anything. sleepy kiki, eating kiki, drawing kiki, especially talking kiki.

>> No.56194151

gonna expired tomorrow so better eat/10

>> No.56194186

bread head

>> No.56194244
File: 12 KB, 924x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jp champy is nice and humble

>> No.56194281

>eating kiki
Stream where kiki eats cat toast and tells us about her day when?

>> No.56194323

time with my sweet sleepy wife is how I want to wrap up every day

>> No.56194426

at the very end of the stream you can hear Kiki's voice rising to say something but it cuts off... we'll never know what she was going to say...

>> No.56194528

this is exactly what drew me in when I first clicked on a kiki stream many months ago
just hearing her talk in a relaxed atmosphere is music to my ears

hope you feel better soon gigi

>> No.56194576

I heard it, but it's a secret between me and Kki

>> No.56194580

that was my first experience with her as well. a comfy stardew valley zatsudan

>> No.56194714

>better eat your fucking cat toast champy
can't wait

>> No.56194869
File: 74 KB, 760x660, 1688547904950971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose I'll just sleep alongside Kiki. Goodnight, Champs.

>> No.56194948


>> No.56194994

Kiki please remember to brush your teef if you're gonna go to bed, vomit and coffee are horrible for them.

Sorry mimimi

>> No.56195952

baker(s) here?

>> No.56195957

kiki please rember that champa loves you

>> No.56196027


>> No.56196042


>> No.56196048

I can bake

>> No.56196213

ogey I'll leave it in your hands

>> No.56196256

selfishly glad it was a short stream since I have to sleep right after next bread

>> No.56196295

Performances can be fun, but I think they aren't something to rely on. Like you said, enjoying just being together is what really matters

>> No.56196426
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>> No.56197476

fuck croutons

>> No.56197786
File: 280 KB, 381x380, Croutons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd consider it
