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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 367 KB, 1080x1967, AdventAntis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55983288 No.55983288 [Reply] [Original]

The source of Advent antis.

>> No.55983366

the source of advent's antis can actually be found in the last two minutes of shiori's debut stream

>> No.55983376

Always the same asshole.

>> No.55983408

I don't get why holo doesn't do something about this SEAnigger like they did with hololive historian SEAnigger.
Always the monkeys in SEA

>> No.55983483

western technology transfer was a mistake

>> No.55983501

Pretty much this
After that godawful debut I decided not to watch Shiori but subbed to all her genmates, then during their full gen collabs Shiori acted like a total bitch towards everyone else and I decided to anti her
Love the rest of Advent though

>> No.55983514

Where are the nukes closest to the philippines stationed?
Probably a sub rather than a base?

>> No.55983531

As long as he isn't actively posting personal info, peope won't do shit. Even making jokes about suicide attempts is apparently fine now
>hololive historian
Isn't that just DepressedNousagi's previous account? He's still around.

>> No.55983541

Ok BVTM. Kys.

>> No.55983651

Buy an ad.
You don't wrestle with pig in the mud.

>> No.55983754

if you think she was being a bitch then your friends must be incredibly boring lmao

>> No.55983772

They've done more to promote the girls than anything this entire board has done

>> No.55983859
File: 3 KB, 242x278, 1674657847135877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55983874


>> No.55983898

Oh they promote stuff, alright. Antis, rrats, misinformation, slander. And keep in mind most of their viewers don't watch streams (like most of /vt/)

>> No.55983903

Ironically the dumbass keeps attacking Holo perpetuating and us vs them situation and now most people that watch Holo stop bothering to watch any other EN corpos/indies because they all get lumped in together with this jackass. Thanks BVTM

>> No.55983943

No, hololive historian aka POKA was a a different SEAnig

>> No.55984010

Anon, you ask too much from autistchama.

>> No.55984051

lol the moron is doing a smear campaign for phase, but it's only phase's reputation he's smearing

>> No.55984181

I stopped watching Phase talents because of Pippa's multiple attempts at running defense and refusal to dissociate from these chucklefucks.

>> No.55984285

This but BVTM also is fleshing out whatever is left of them.

Underhanded Niji and Phase fans also are seething at the instant success Advent has and yet are too insecure and proud to just call a spade a spade and admit they were out fucking skilled. They have to try to fight back somehow but can't head to head so resort to trying to cause internal division and doubt. Unfortunately Shiori makes it pretty easy for them to grab onto a weak point although the rest of the gen is so damn strong that overall they won't be able to do much besides shit their pants and seethe.

>> No.55984316

Same here, I like Tenma but I seriously can't stand how much she sucks Pippa up despite how horrible a person she is and the kind of people she associates with.

>> No.55984544

My rrat is that the real culprit is ironic holobros, who post something wholly outlandish and very obviously a joke, like that post about Bauist merch being a pacifier or that post about best doggo being a cat or the Quaso leak and so on, but there are people here who lack the intelligence to spot irony, leading to post-ironic posts, that say the same outlandish things as ironic holobros, but they are actually serious.

Containment breakers and people who profit from/vt/ shenanigans like desertorium and the parrot might be making things worse. Since posting garbage threads is pretty much like asking GPT to write content for your next tweet/video.

>> No.55984914

Phase needs to tardwrangle her with a shock collar. As long as Fishman and the other talents sit by and let her defend these shitters who fucking crystal clear are on daily attack mode against non-Phase targets, they are complicit as a company, and Pippa herself is aiding and abetting this trash by softballing criticism of it.

If Pippa went and took a titanic shit on BVTM and DN tomorrow, would at least reset Phase's reputation back to zero. People used to the company's weirdness are fine with her (and lia and tenma and lumi etc) but newcomers likely know of Phase as the Pippa company basically and just want to stay away. Pippa's toxic farts are choking off the growth of its last gen and Invaders IMO, like straight up people avoid the whole company because of her antics. Idol's new gen is doing substantially better than the new Phase Invaders. People actually like and talk about Roca and Coni and such even outside the idol thread. Can't really say the same for Dizzy or Ember etc. They are not worse vtubers but are in a company with far worse reputation and 99.9% of that is Pippa's fault.

>> No.55985106

Also forgot by overall point, that Pippa herself does amazing for her size but her continued success seems to come at the price of the rest of the company. As she chokes off their growth Idol could surpass them (in fact, they already do if you look at the trajectories of recent talents).

>> No.55985188
File: 486 KB, 500x281, a9df72a66d5f82a5c35074413094d586cdcb3de4_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Containment breakers deserve to be drug into the street and shot in the face.

>> No.55985284

buy an ad

>> No.55985307

The brown phasecucks believe that in order for phaseconnect get more viewers is to drag down competitors number instead improve the talent itself

>> No.55985388

>I decided to anti her
Have you ever considered there may be more productive uses of your time? Like watching your nails grow, for instance?

>> No.55985451

This page alone made me stop watching anything Phase related and I'm getting closer and closer to be a Phase anti every day. I hope that someone doxxes this retard and 5 or 6 people find him and give him the beatdown that he deserves.

>> No.55985667

vtubing would be so good without the kiwi-pippa-/#/-bvtm brownies

>> No.55985736


>> No.55985941

The source of all Holo antis*

>> No.55986084

>The girls have no chemistry, are thry even friends?
The tiniest amount of banter
>OMG what a bitch

>> No.55986194

fucking this

>> No.55986238

BVTM is a monster of your own creation.
You should have shut down numberfaggotry and tribalfaggotry in early 2021.
You should have silenced the eggs for good instead of letting them metastasize and spread throughout the community.
You should have been more supportive to the girls in 2022 instead of pushing memes.

You close have prevented this. This is the future you chose.

>> No.55986307

Or we can find him, beat him in a dark alley and keep being retards

>> No.55986317

you do realize they have an entire SEA branch right? that seems to imply that they want fans from that region

>> No.55986329

Who is this?

>> No.55986401

nigger there was already plent of containment breaking retards in 2020 and 21
the difference was there wasn't a fucking vtuber corpo pushing them and promoting them
numbers is cancer, but phase and all the /here/ chuubas are the reason this faggot thinks what he does is acceptable

>> No.55986426

Wait, isn't that exactly what he said?
In fact, the OP post is exactly descriptive of this board.
People here don't even watch fucking clips, they share fake screencaps.

>> No.55986445

He's practically a homobeggar and doesn't dare to say a word against Tempus or bring up their various drama because their fanbase is exclusively on Twitter with him
Also fires constant potshots at Rushia over a year after her firing like a clingy ex

>> No.55986462

If I ever find out these flip fucks are part of any circle I'm in I'll find their minecraft server and beat the shit out of them

>> No.55986488

It sure is convenient when one side has an idiot like BVTM on it because now the other side can always just point at him to invalidate anything anyone ever says.

>> No.55986501

It's that time again!
Time to Spot the Crying Twitter Fags.
I'll go first:
>nooo, le evil alt right bunny!!!

>> No.55986560

Why it's always a pinoy?

>> No.55986571

SEAmonkey isnt a meme anon

>> No.55986583
File: 340 KB, 1080x1155, bvtm_brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55986593

Unfortunately, tribalniggers will always exist. 2008 /v/ just moved to a different medium.

>> No.55986609


>> No.55986632

he now blocks everyone who calls him a "pignoy" on twitter, that seething phasekek

>> No.55986646


>> No.55986724

You actually have 0 reading comprehension.

>> No.55986727
File: 4 KB, 747x54, ope raided by nijien discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that + nijien discord

>> No.55986758


>> No.55986836

Link to this discord?

>> No.55986837

>he's done more to promote the girls
>he's done nothing to promote the girls, he just spreads misinformation and shit about them
>uuuh it's okay because /vt/ does that too
actually jump off a cliff, you fucking subhuman sea monkey
you never see these accounts spread the OC made in the general thread, you never see them post positivity, just catalog schizos shitting their own pants
i wonder why

>> No.55986920

I didn't say I agree with it.
I'm just saying that is exactly what 90% of this board do - spread garbage shitposts, outright lies, misinfo and sometimes even go further and tweet shit at some people.
Literal bug behaviour.

>> No.55987011

>sometimes even go further and tweet shit at some people
that's the point you retard
what that dogshit account is tweet out anti shit 24/7, which by your admission is magnitude worse than shitposting here, where it all gets lost in the void

>> No.55987077

I thought he's a spic

>> No.55987156

He and Pippa continue to kill off any growth phase can have by containment breaking. And he likes the homos but always shits on Mori their biggest supporter.

>> No.55987184

Yeah, I enjoy Tenma a lot otherwise, but for as based as she is with stuff like telling Doxx Nousagi to eat shit, she's still snuggled up to Pippa and her BVTM orbiters. It really does just taint the whole company and by condoning/babying them, Phase has done a fuckton of damage to vtubing, inviting in a small horde of shitheads whose interest in it begins and ends with drama and annoying people for reactions. The fact that their toxic malignancy stands up to Niji's, despite the fact they're infinitely more irrelevant, says a lot.

>> No.55987197

What a fucking retarded mindset to have. Might as well stop watching all of Hololive because of Mori.

>> No.55987264

Ah so these were just tranny threads all along

>> No.55987374

Pretty much this. Tenma's game choices are nice but I can't stand this Pippa and her goons that I stopped following this corpo altogether

>> No.55987378

I will reiterate who is this fucker and what does he have to do with my beloved Pippa?

>> No.55987445

t. bvtm follower

>> No.55987480

I assume they're salty faggots who failed the audition

>> No.55987507

>out of nowhere
best case scenario, BVTM is a phase fan
worst case scenario, BVTM is a phase employee
in any case, you're not shaking the connection as long as Pippa continues to indulge them

>> No.55987577

pippa better stop associating with BVTM and DN she already did enough harm to the company

>> No.55987610
File: 73 KB, 597x412, FzkjfyQX0AYT5Kr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a brown phaseshill. Antis every other corpo but phase. Feels bad about "covering" Lia's yab. Don't even believe there's multiple admins it's just a way to cover his ass.

>> No.55987692

They didn't learn from NijiEN mistakes
>All out war
It is
