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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.55881654

whoever sent that SC asking fuwawa about scream asmr is based. moco-chan called the ruffians weird

>> No.55881831


>> No.55881874
File: 193 KB, 384x384, 1691361037740175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where there are antis, I slay them.
Where there are gachikois, I slay them.
Mine is the way of the Bau Bau!

>> No.55881878
File: 123 KB, 553x1336, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you need some help?

>> No.55881893

Why did they do it?

>> No.55881921
File: 26 KB, 892x229, 1691725995200351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know why ...

>> No.55882025
File: 60 KB, 1061x861, 1690773475615726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can count on the dogs, right?

>> No.55882051

fuwawa's greatest scream so far

>> No.55882148

you can only count on yourself
they want you to better for you
then better for everyone around you
and if they can be around you when you are better
then thats nice .

>> No.55882182

Anon, I just want them to acknowledge Trails.

>> No.55882252
File: 106 KB, 289x318, 1691506165522735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont want things you cant control

>> No.55882285

so does Fuwawa have pyrophobia/ fire ptsd or something? that misunderstanding corner part was a bit hard to follow.

>> No.55882354

blue eyes!

>> No.55882357

yes shes very afraid of fire and has nightmares about it

>> No.55882373

Their final misunderstanding / confession corner will be them saying they misunderstood each other as twins for the longest time when they are really not.

>> No.55882386
File: 180 KB, 288x316, uweh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbwaddf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trails is old but is not retro yet sorry

>> No.55882447

How was the collab?

>> No.55882498

Sky 1 is just 10 years younger than DKC

>> No.55882523
File: 63 KB, 1024x576, 1688005882280590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where there are antis, I slay them.
>Where there are gachikois, I slay them.
>Mine is the way of the Bau Bau!

>> No.55882637

poor girl, no wonder she shrieked like that.

>> No.55882672

meant for >>55882357

>> No.55882830

Will Fuwamoco forgive me if I only listen to their stream?

>> No.55883030
File: 1.67 MB, 985x1174, JC_Denton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where there are antis, I slay them.
Where there are gachikois, I slay them.
Mine is the way of the Bau Bau!

>> No.55883144

>Wuffians! There has been... a new... misunderstanding, yes... for the longest time we thought that... you see, Moco-chan... how to say this...
>Un un
>Hahaha... we thought Moco-chan was... was a girl! But, in fact, last night we discovered her... his... secret?
>Well, wuffians? What do you think? Surprising, wight?
>But... that's not all... I'm afraid there has been another.... misunderstanding! But a happy one! A happy misunderstanding!
>Yes, a happy misunderstanding!
>Wuffians, can you guess what is it? Uh? Yes? Yabai? Ah... Well... I think we will talk about it... some time later... wight Moco-chan? Maybe in... 9 months or so

>> No.55883275

It's time to stop

>> No.55883302

It's just Fuwawa stating her deepest fantasy

>> No.55883418
File: 402 KB, 1350x2000, 1691589561311984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwamoco are for ojisan

>> No.55883422

I don't twitter, is there any other place to check their weekly schedule?

>> No.55883455

their youtube and maybe the hololive website

>> No.55883475


Their community page

>> No.55883476


>> No.55883603

I heard Fuwamoco will be streaming with Ugly Bastard from H-CG.

>> No.55883607

Look up schedule hololive site

>> No.55883609

>only 33k from 500k in subscribers
Imagine if they catch up to council in a month or two?

>> No.55883648


>> No.55883660

>Fuwawa is behind most of the green text posting
>She forces Mococo to read /baubau/ for feedback
>Fuwawa teases Mococo whenever she finds a post talking about incest
>Fuwamoco was from the very beginning an elaborated plan to fuck Mococo

>> No.55883722

I think the Doges have enough gas to get past 1m by their 1st anniversary.

>> No.55883774

Go to bed, Fuwawa.

>> No.55883838

They probably won't. It's good to be optimistic, but don't delude yourself.
Their current momentum isn't gonna last long term if they keep going as is, this is how it always is, it quickly tapers off.
What they would need to hit 1m by their 1st anniversary is to go viral a few times, which honestly most people here probably don't even want since it'd have a pretty big impact on the community and chat.

>> No.55883942

What does Fuwamoco think of SAO? Depending on their answer, they might or might not attract the attention of Aqua-senpai.

>> No.55883973

They've made it pretty clear they don't like isekai.

>> No.55884068

SAO isn't isekai

>> No.55884080

Bijou is saying she wants to have them collab EDF again and she seems to have some sway on it.

Kind of agree it might be fun, they were having too much fun with the rocket launchers

I think it went much better than the L4D2 stream

>> No.55884083

SAO is not isekai

>> No.55884123

The vast majority of it is isekai.

>> No.55884159

You're not including that they're popular JP side. I'd literally bet you if I could.

>> No.55884189

They're definitely going to break 500k at this rate, their momentum is still climbing faster than the rest of Advent.

Rest of them are growing by around 1k a day at most, they climb faster.

>> No.55884191

It's their goal and I want to see them achieve it.
As long as people don't do stupid shit like buying fake subs for them, getting to 1m by 1st anniversary is gonna impact the community no matter what, whether it be through viral or more natural means.

>> No.55884195
File: 488 KB, 1831x2048, 1664276815799347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss them already
this isn't healthy
my life is empty
Fuwamoco are my lord and savior

>> No.55884197

I want Aqua and FUWAMOCO to collab so bad, bros… imagine the dogs pestering her incessantly while she tries to slink away from the overwhelming social interaction… holy fucking kino

>> No.55884200

they like .hack but they do not like SAO

>> No.55884211

judging by their ancient tastes, they're probably more familiar with the og "mmo isekai" .hack//Sign and games than SAO.

>> No.55884212

EDF is boring. I'll take a full party FF14 collab.

>> No.55884223

Not really. Most of the isekai crap was inspired by SAO, but SAO is not an isekai.

>> No.55884314

>ancient taste
Damn, it just occurred to me that they might have read the original YU-NO.

>> No.55884357

Listen guys. I'm a Jii-san too. SAO is pretty old now. That was ten years ago. Where do you think you are?

>> No.55884407

I'm gonna stick by my suggestion that old Capcom beat-em-ups like Dungeons and Dragons would be better for Advent collabs

>> No.55884438

JOP interest will almost definitely fall off quickly if they keep going as is. Right now they are a novelty, but that alone isn't enough to keep up interest. You can look at how JPs got boosted by EOPs in the past for a pretty good comparison, outside of rare cases where the girl actively encourages and appeals to them constantly it never lasts - take Korone vs Aki for example.
If they want to try for them they need to make sure the JOPs feel actively involved in the community, which they haven't really been so far, and eventually start doing JP collabs. If they do actually end up moving to Japan that will probably help a lot with it since it'd let them stream during better JST hours more easily as well.

That's just arguing stupid semantics. The vast majority of SAO is about people finding themselves in a new unfamiliar world and having to get used to and cope with that fact. It being an "MMO" is only window dressing, it's largely inconsequential.

>> No.55884449

You know it.

>> No.55884478

I think Biboo is onto something with another round of EDF. They were starting to do okay at the end and there's something to be said for a group sticking to one game.

>> No.55884539

Fuwachan I propose Risk of Rain 2 for the next full collab.

>> No.55884604

Even JP support isn't that powerful post-coof. Only two of HoloX is over 1M in subs nearing the two year mark.

>> No.55884628

EDF is ok but these old Capcom arcade games are on another level.
They were truly designed to be tight, focused, balls to the wall, action packed adventures for 4 people in arcades, and theres two games.
You can even have the Advent members discussing who gets to play which class. I guess it's hard for me to sell this idea to people who didn't play it in the arcades.

>> No.55884635

I don't agree. They're the only twins in HL and have a unique to en gimmick, JP collabs will obviously go up in the future, they already speak jp, and I think they actually wind up moving to JP. Your idea that it's a flash in the pan is a little weird given those factors.

>> No.55884786

We will see, but I don't think just "being twins" will get them there quite as easily as you seem to think.
It will take some serious effort and a LOT of luck for them to get 1m within the first year.

>> No.55884826

>That's just arguing stupid semantics. The vast majority of SAO is about people finding themselves in a new unfamiliar world and having to get used to and cope with that fact. It being an "MMO" is only window dressing, it's largely inconsequential.
Not really, the MMO aspect is a key component of the story and it's what sets SAO apart from being a real isekai. They KNOW where they are, how everything works and what they need to do to win.

The Alice arc could be considered an isekai story, but it happens very late into the story and it's not what made SAO popular.

>> No.55884951

You ain't all wrong, but I've spent some time trolling JP clip channels and the level of thirst there is pretty significant. Not Gura-levels but close.

>> No.55884955

Eh I don't think so, a couple strong songs, JP collabs and making cute shorts for algo abuse can get them to 1m

>> No.55885036

Fuwawa, my beloved...

>> No.55885109

Plus the "escape function" still exists even though it's not accessible during certain events.

>> No.55885117

>They KNOW where they are, how everything works and what they need to do to win.
So do people in a ton of other perfectly played straight isekai stories. It makes zero difference and isn't something unique to SAO.
They are by some means or another find themselves in another world - that's literally what isekai "a new/different world" is.

>> No.55885118

>>55884826 (me)
And putting SAO aside, Fuwamoco most likely only hates the current isekai trend
>I was a virgin loser and then I died and got reincarnated in a new world and everyone wants to fuck me???
>Power fantasy
>Skills, exp points, classes...
>No world building worth a shit

>> No.55885126

>It will take some serious effort
They seem to be ready to grind for some time at least. They might slow down later down the line when/if they get tired and their IRL activities and responsibilities ramp up. But for now they are riding the wave as good as they can. We are still just two weeks in so it's a bit early to judge.

>> No.55885141

the EDF stream was kinda comfy

>> No.55885153

>I was a virgin loser and then I died and got reincarnated in a new world and everyone wants to fuck me???
>Power fantasy
>Skills, exp points, classes...
>No world building worth a shit
Woah... it's like you are describing SAO...

>> No.55885220

SAO is good
Isekai is bad
Therefore SAO can not be an isekai

>> No.55885233

I had thought about this today but there are literally two of them. Some regular activities like the morning show they can divide between them. Naively twice as hard to burn out as a regular chuuba.

>> No.55885321

So you're telling me that it's an isekai if I cannot remove my HoloEarth VR gear?

>> No.55885351

If you find yourself trapped in that world and have to live in that world , yes.

>> No.55885369

SAO is dogshit though

>> No.55885417

No, a key component of isekai stories is the main character having to find his bearings and learn how to survive in a new world completely different from his own. Again, the characters in SAO know everything about the world, there's no feeling of discovery and they usually use their knowledge to bypass challenges. SAO is inspired by hack and classic isekai stories, but it's not a real isekai series.

Yes, SAO has done and irreparable damage to the industry

>> No.55885429

>trapped in holoearth
Alright, see you all on royalroad

>> No.55885433

SAO is really, REALLY fucking bad anon. It rushed through Aincrad at light speed only to go "Oh fuck, I'm out of story" and start a new "stuck in MMO" arc instead of just fleshing out and fully telling the story of the first one.

>> No.55885451
File: 74 KB, 894x439, isekai re-sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be porn too.

>> No.55885471
File: 98 KB, 600x800, Tanya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily there exists a single good isekai.

>> No.55885483

To be fair, that's why they decided to do a remake of the first arc (and it's surprisingly good too)

>> No.55885494

literally all i know about SAO is gif compilations from ryona/heroine pinchi twitter which are obsessed with it

>> No.55885495

That's only applicable for the anime. Plus there is now Progressive for the anime only fans.

>> No.55885503

Don't forget trying to fix that with progressive only to do the absolute fucking opposite and drag everything out.

>> No.55885537

Nice fuwamoco discussion you got here. Eugeo was the only good thing about SAO btw.

>> No.55885587

Hey it just went bad for twenty minutes. Is that so wrong?

>> No.55885596

>No, a key component of isekai stories is the main character having to find his bearings and learn how to survive in a new world completely different from his own.
About half of the isekai stories people like to shit on have at best half a chapter of that before the main character realizes his broken cheat skill and proceeds to conquer the world.
Also what you are saying there is quite literally exactly what happens in SAO. They are trying to find their bearings, cope, and learn how to survive in this new world completely different from their own. If you want to make the stupid argument that SAO isn't an isekai at least try to argue about the half that isn't - Aincrad and Alicization are both 100% pure blooded isekai stories.

>> No.55885601

Alternative was the only good thing that came from SAO.
... I liked the Yuuki arc tho

>> No.55885602
File: 1004 KB, 850x1055, 1690966738070568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco fully endorse anime discussion

>> No.55885689

Most of SAO is about how virtual worlds are every bit as important and real as the real world, saying it's not an isekai because the world is "fake" and "just a game" is kinda missing the whole point of the novel

>> No.55885703

A fellow LLENN enjoyer

>> No.55885750

this is gonna be a problem isn't it. which one?

>> No.55885787
File: 526 KB, 1200x1560, mocobutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute butt

>> No.55885816
File: 3.79 MB, 4000x3000, 20230812_191951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back from comiket and I have sad news. On a stand that sold tiny wooden trinkets of chibi holos there was a disproportionate amount of Fuwa/Moco trinkets left. Mococo had only 2 while Fuwawa had well over 10.
This is disturbing to think about.
Here's an example of trinkets in question.

>> No.55885830

Man, I do need to watch this anime already. I've always known it's likely good but seeing it in Fuwamoco's list among other based anime just confirms it.

>> No.55885857

Fuwawa said she liked the game, not the anime.
The anime is filth.

>> No.55885858

Please leave.

>> No.55885880

The current isekai trends (cheat skills, power fantasy...) are not relevant for this discussion, and they are of course not the same as the characters from SAO knowing how to play the fucking game. Coping with the fact that they are putting their life on the line is not the same as having to learn how to live in a new world.

Also I already said that Alicization could be considered an isekai story, but Aincrad is just a power fantasy at most. Influenced by classic isekai stories, sure, but it's still not a real isekai series.

>> No.55885882

But did you buy them?

>> No.55885905

Are those wood or metal?
The IRyS is pretty cute, I'm jealous

>> No.55885923

They regularly get messages and superchat thanking them for speaking english that is easy to understand, a good chunk of the pictures featured in the morning show (their most JST friendly streams) come from JOPs, and they give a lot of attention to each superchat. Their setlist and game choices appeal to them a lot as well (just by shared interests, but still)
I don't know why this impression that they don't engage with the audience seems to be so strong when they've been publishing our pictures in their shows from week one. Ask the retard who sent the cat picture how many times his joke and pet got so much attention in a holo stream before.

>> No.55885935

I enjoyed the anime, but it's mostly porn.

>> No.55885954

calling cap. you bought these from etsy

>> No.55886041

can't check sound right now, but she did put it in her anime list

>> No.55886064

It is not mostly porn, ffs.

>> No.55886080

nope, she said she liked the anime

>> No.55886102


>> No.55886118

I was tempted but no, fuwamoco are great but I can't call them my oshis yet.
They're wooden and thanks. Unfortunately, there's literally nothing IRyS related there. I found this wooden thing and a keychain, that's it, zero.

>> No.55886125
File: 738 KB, 1000x1556, Fuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come so many artist forget about their claws?

>> No.55886146

The anime was a legit fun series, specially the special segments at the end of every episode

>> No.55886212

That's surprising, I could have sworn she talked about the VN.
The anime is really bad and skips everything interesting, it basically just speedruns a couple romance scenes from different routes and then finishes it off with the incest ending without actually examining the sibling's relationship or mental state at all. That other anon is right, it pretty much is just porn in my opinion.

>> No.55886252

I wish I had a loving sister who would have sex with me...

>> No.55886281

They can withdraw those claws?

>> No.55886285

well, she doesn't need the anime to tell her the mental state you're in after incest sex, she knows. so it makes sense that she just wants to speedrun the scenes.

>> No.55886333

I honestly can only remember the sex scenes, everything else is a blur

>> No.55886358
File: 844 KB, 900x781, 1691231501816802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. Probably not

>> No.55886373

It doesn't even pass the Burger test of pornography in the first place.

>> No.55886417

Mine didn't. Sadly I'm on phone. I'll see if I can pull the link

>> No.55886471

>Just woke up
>FWMC morning in 4 hours
Day is already going great!

>> No.55886525

when are they going to take off the jackets during stream

>> No.55886582

I hope they can get new year outfits

>> No.55886624

kek, we really are gonna have this every day aren't we?

>> No.55886695

God willing

>> No.55886713

I doubt the JP interest will decline as quickly as you seem to believe, so far they're much more included in Fuwamoco's streams than ENs are in holoJPs' and they seem intent to keep it that way. In addition, I suspect any JP collab they do will be a boon for their gaining and keeping JP interest.

>> No.55886718

i dunno dude, i want them to be popular. so there will be many mococo cosplayer out there and more cute fan arts.

>> No.55886750


>> No.55886806

I want to rest on Fuwawa's lap pillow and have her tell me I'm a good boy

>> No.55886873

Cosplayers are almost always terrible

>> No.55886874

I want to rest on Fuwawa's lap pillow while mococo sucking my dick

>> No.55886878

>following an artist because you liked at least one of their works
based and how it should be

>> No.55886896

but they are free advertisement for fwmc.

>> No.55886902

what did she mean by this?

>> No.55886933

I don't want more casuals coming in either

>> No.55886944

They followed him because they want a pic of Ruffians molesting Mococo
As we all do

>> No.55886985


>> No.55886996

Shit meme
Bau Bau

>> No.55887132
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many misunderstandings are there going to be on monday?

>> No.55887177

so FWMC have an actual PS2 and not an emulator?

>> No.55887221

Because of Sakura Taisen V? They will probably play the Wii version.

>> No.55887227

>so FWMC have an actual PS2 and not an emulator?
yeah, holos cant use emulators kek

>> No.55887243
File: 1 KB, 205x39, sakutai5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55887275

Emulation is a huge fucking no go in Japan.
Especially on stream. They'd get unceremoniously fired over night if it came out they used an emulator or hacked console or something of the sort for anything.

>> No.55887334

they said ps2 version

>> No.55887343

They mentioned they're doing the ps2 version

>> No.55887354

yeah i head them mention ps2 when talking about the sakura taisen stream.

>> No.55887392

I thought the PS2 version was dub only though?
JP VA won the poll.

>> No.55887440

>FWMC collect old ass consoles/japanese games
based. my dad used to have a slim PS2 as well.

>> No.55887461

If it's the ps2 version mococo better be on point with her technical skills. It would bode well for future streams.

>> No.55887467
File: 24 KB, 961x127, 1671239966282974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the wii version the dub only

>> No.55887524

They said it was the version with the JP dub disc, so it's the ps2 one

>> No.55887580

FuwaMoco so far barely even interact with the chat at all, EN or JP viewers.
That's something that will usually come with time as they get more comfortable.
It's not about them showing pictures/questions JOPs submit to them on Twitter - It's reading and replying to chat messages on stream and keeping a back and forth conversation going. FuwaMoco so far have mostly going through their program/script and talked with each other instead of really engaging with their chat.
I'm not saying this to put them down or anything and it's not something they even have to change, it's just a very different dynamic to what most other Holos have since they are basically always in "collab mode" and never alone

>> No.55887605

yeah it was a bit edgy sorry, but you should tell me to kill myself, fuwamoco wouldn't like that. Bau bau.

>> No.55887635

It's a weakness, yeah. Especially since there are two of them Fuwawa could stand to read chat more.

>> No.55887680

Anon it's keep yourself safe.

>> No.55887774

shouldn't tell
Looking out for eslfriends.

>> No.55887776

lmao i understand marine tweet now

>> No.55887803

Agreed, everyone seemed to have gotten more comfortable with the game and the game was starting to open up. I really hope they do another edf stream instead of game hoping each time

>> No.55887854

Drop a sauce for a brother in need?

>> No.55887866

I knew some faggot will take that doujin goal of them out of context. Fucking clipfags.

>> No.55887908

The other part being, I think L4D2 was just too scary for them. EDF is just goofy enough.

>> No.55887918

I'm fine with how they do it so far such as relying on ruffians when they're stuck, asking questions like seiyuu and stuff. they do interact with chat but only with certain stuff and i think it's perfect.

>> No.55887993

Going to buy puppys soon. What is the closest dog breed they represent?
>inb4 chihuahua
Nope, not that horrendous dog

>> No.55888007

I'm fine with no chat interaction. Chat never has anything worthwhile to say anyway. If you want your message read then throw a superchat and wait for the reading, otherwise let them focus on providing a good stream to watch

>> No.55888023

It's definitely a skill they have to pick up, but at the moment, trying to filter the 1 actual message from the endless bau baus is going to be hard, and will only get worst when membership is offered and emoticon spam starts

>> No.55888069

chat is cancer anyways so i hope they continue to not read it
the nobeta stream was straight up atrocious

>> No.55888128

>I'm fine with no chat interaction. Chat never has anything worthwhile to say anyway.
I'm not familiar with the EN chat, but some of the JP talents have really good chats and the banter is usually really good (Mr Koro, Miko, Marine...)

>> No.55888138

They can't just reel off a comment from chat and have everyone in the loop though. It'd have to be like radio personalities where one of them clearly delineates the context and source. That kind of thing is done all the time and naturally tjhough.

>> No.55888153

i know it has downsides and stuff but having more "eyes" to them meaning we are getting closer to one of their dream, voicing a character in a game.

>> No.55888165
File: 97 KB, 1668x1242, topdemondog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emulation when hired by a Japanese company?

>> No.55888167

Fauna's chat has been pretty good for a while, a good mix of contentious and encouraging.

>> No.55888200

I swear to God, these two are turning you guys into unironic furries, or maybe you were furries to begin with?

>> No.55888226

What if when FuwaMoco is finally comfortable enough to engage with chat... they mainly replies to JP ojisans???

>> No.55888240

they need to play harder games
i skipped through boring parts
only the UFO part was good

>> No.55888246
File: 23 KB, 310x397, ero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isekai Koushoku Musou Roku

>> No.55888255

>an edit of missile from ghost trick
>not even sexual
Is this a literal AI post?

>> No.55888260

i mean even peko was struggle reading chat while playing the game in her two week of debut. idk about fwm before so I can't judge

>> No.55888289

when has the dog from Ghost Trick been furfag shit? kys newfag

>> No.55888348


>> No.55888388

>They will need to learn how to talk with chat
I don't know, Ina is doing just fine

>> No.55888392

The claws can get in they way in some of the poses so...

>> No.55888425

looks like something we would make in home economics class lol

>> No.55888447

We learn Japanese. Well, you learn it. I deploy my n2.

>> No.55888452
File: 247 KB, 2048x1752, F2V_ORobwAAt_9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like armour or something (?), they can come off

>> No.55888482

You are thinking about yourself and not FuwaMoco

>> No.55888511

Imagine there are ruffians out there who don't want them to fill out the wall of dreams...

>> No.55888517

moco's ass is quite big huh. they just hidden behind her skirt. i want to see her in summer swimsuit now. .

>> No.55888520

I really like the streams being so short, it makes pretty easy to not miss anything

>> No.55888563

Shiba inu

>> No.55888592

I disagree, they're constantly asking chat questions ("right ruffians?", "what do you think, ruffians?") and Mococo especially reads comments from chat a lot. That's how we got the funny "She's heavier!" moment.

>> No.55888611

mococo easily getting sweaty is turning a switch on my brain. i hope when they able to buy another pc, both of them can play games more than 3 hours. imagine mococo's sweaty ass

>> No.55888633

Get a mixed breed anon.
Thoroughbreds are a lot more susceptible to all types of diseases and hereditary issues.

>> No.55888641

Do they have bias for JP viewers?

>> No.55888663


>> No.55888666

Only because of Fuwawas disappointment not a single EOP in chat got the sm9 reference

>> No.55888667

>do the giant weeaboos have a bias have for jp viewers
big think

>> No.55888669

Definitely. EOPs are secondary viewers at best.

>> No.55888703

They seem like hardcore weebs so I think they enjoy the Japanese interactions a lot

>> No.55888707

>Wuffians, Japan

>> No.55888734

Imagine wtbj your whole life and it suddenly being right there.

>> No.55888758

Living the dream. Proud of them.

>> No.55888785

I fucking wish they didn't have the bias.

>> No.55888795

>be a filthy N4

>> No.55888807

I just can't wait to see them perform their 3D live. It's gonna be full of soul and passion

>> No.55888833

Yeah. I think I'd do the same. I sort of think it'll all even out.

>> No.55888876

Nobody is born N1, but you can get there. We're all gonna make it brah.

>> No.55888892

now i really cant wait

>> No.55888934

thats gonna be year at most, hopefully my oshi will supply some funny 3d models in the mean time.

>> No.55888939

3 more hours to FuwaMoco Morning! I wonder what today's misunderstanding(s) gonna be...

>> No.55888967
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1680134624632759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checking sakura wars to see what to expect
>mc is jap that goes to america
>arriving the boss of the mc who is american told me not to do harakiri

>> No.55888980

Please let them join the next HoloFes. I know they can get 3D done quick. Look at 5th and X.

>> No.55888992

i hope fuwawa does asmr someday
i just want her to whisper in my ear

>> No.55889010

Apparently there are a ton of Japanese puns that probably don't translate well into English

>> No.55889014

It's Saturday, ruffian.

>> No.55889017


>> No.55889047
File: 147 KB, 470x423, 1691807352342554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55889046

They are dating sims set during the taishou era where the main characters are in the army and pilot steampunk/clockwork mecha
They aren't anything all that special, but they are pretty soulful

>> No.55889083

Next misunderstanding will be about the time Fuwawa peer pressured Mococo into shooting rockets at buildings.

>> No.55889110
File: 1.88 MB, 917x1014, __mococo_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_bow_bhp__002d440c0c440a6c659f94562ce62005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KU100 double gfe kissy licky moan asmr (lotion sounds, BAU BAU)

>> No.55889111

>pilot steampunk/clockwork mecha
say no more
that shit's my jam

>> No.55889147
File: 705 KB, 1447x1020, 1690979186725280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one hour of the twins going "Fuwa" "Moco" back and forth on each ear

>> No.55889152

More like what Patra does.

>> No.55889160

Here you go anons, some homework

>> No.55889162

What if I'm a filthy ESL and want to learn JP. Are there any tips from here?

>> No.55889169 [SPOILER] 
File: 263 KB, 350x491, rsz_1muramasa_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taishou era
>main characters are in the army
I know of another game which they might like...

>> No.55889183

>Their current momentum isn't gonna last long term if they keep going as is, this is how it always is, it quickly tapers off.
This is true. However, FWMC are by far the most popular EN streamers for the Japanese audience aside from Gura(who is only popular in Japan because of her design, not her streams. Japs love eating up her merch but almost none of them actually consume her content) and a ton of JP Holo are dying to collab with them. If things go well with their collabs it's basically guaranteed that they're going to hit or at least come close to their 1m sub goal.

>> No.55889191

Here's the quick run down for Sakura wars, Magic is real specially demons. It's like SMT where if you beleeb hard enough it gives power. So in sakura taisen world glow in the darks are actually cute girls who sing songs and raise the yamato spirit helped by steam powered but also love powered mecha. STV takes place in a version of the US where new york is the wild west and everyone is basically trying to stop oda nobuaga

>> No.55889206

They actually remembered the claws. Nice.

>> No.55889239

Dogs cannot

>> No.55889238
File: 127 KB, 1000x661, Nippon Banzai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute girls who sing songs and raise the yamato spirit helped by steam powered but also love powered mecha.

>> No.55889253

So it's like Macross but with mecha and the wild west?

>> No.55889328
File: 105 KB, 352x480, 1661110214897265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magic is real

>> No.55889354

B-but everyone love Oda Nobunaga!

>> No.55889356

>Magic is real specially demons
So basically just the real world then

>> No.55889372
File: 99 KB, 850x1317, IMG_7780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steamy hot sex with Moco-chan

>> No.55889407

Anon, that's a boy!

>> No.55889418
File: 17 KB, 264x266, 321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55889438

Maybe if they return to edf they'll have 6 with the fubuki and mio items.

>> No.55889439

>Anon, that's a boy!
Yes, and?

>> No.55889471

Macross Frontier but even harder on how love is power
Yes, but imagine if george washington swapped places with Sherman. Also, the 13 colonies fought each other to create a nation-state instead of pissing off the british long enough.

>> No.55889513
File: 458 KB, 623x599, 1691751996690816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwawa is more popular in the west
>Mococo is more popular in Japan
What does this say about the respective cultures

>> No.55889526

Mococo is more popular everywhere.

>> No.55889530

That I'm apparently in japan side!

>> No.55889533

Block out a time slot every day and don't stress so much about maximum efficiency. Really defined plans get you into a Nerissa situation where you know 2000 kanji and zero listening comp. Don't compare yourself to others and good luck.

>> No.55889536

I thought Japan liked humongous badonkers

>> No.55889559
File: 820 KB, 918x1014, 1691292015225098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can turn moco-chan into a girl by assaulting her prostate

>> No.55889560

Mococo is the ultimate moeblob.

>> No.55889601

Thanks for the trivia, Fuwawa

>> No.55889622


I will marry this beauty and father her perfect children


Mococo is a perfect pettanko tomboy with a natural pussy

>> No.55889627
File: 676 KB, 500x600, Mococo What about Mococo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx9d63a.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55889629

They like big fat tits in their Jav porn. When it comes to 2D their tastes are far more varied.

>> No.55889638
File: 266 KB, 559x525, 1691147655715859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's why I don't want them reading chat. It's going to ruin the flow of the stream with the constant English to Japanese switching. It's why I couldn't stand Kiara and Bae on their debut.

>> No.55889676

Just keep at it. Do a little at a time.
You will make rapid progress early on, then it will feel like it's slowing way the fuck down and you will feel like you aren't getting anywhere at all for a really long time, then some day it will just click in your head and you will realize that you've actually learned quite a lot.
Don't get discouraged and just study. When it feels pointless search for something to keep motivating you, maybe play some old games with simple JP (like Pokemon) to show yourself that it's not all for nothing.

>> No.55889704

Moco-chan is a female (boy).

>> No.55889718

It's inevitable anon. They have a massive Japanese fanbase. Did you not see how many were flooding chat during their karaoke stream? They'd be fools to not interact with the JPs.

>> No.55889731

Not sure where you got this data. Not from me and, I suspect, from here either.

>> No.55889855


>> No.55889860

JPFans w-will dwindle soon enough r-right? I'm sure EN fans will overshadow them in 4-5 months right?!

>> No.55889866

I WILL find a way to breed Moco-chan

>> No.55889896
File: 199 KB, 1600x900, 1690961090339431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I got charmed by two women ten years older than me

>> No.55889900

35 Japanese Hololive talents and the Nips still can't keep their filthy hands away from our EN girls.

>> No.55889921
File: 120 KB, 370x370, 1691698218277475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to get past Fuwawa first

>> No.55889932

while i feel edf collabs are eh unless people do meme stuff i want to see them getting bullied by the kaiju then trying to kill it as personal goal

>> No.55889939

Hags are just superior. It’s what anons were wishing for in EN for years. And who would’ve guessed, the first time we get one (1), they’re the perfect vtubers

>> No.55889947

It's not fair, I already liked them when they weren't popular... and now a random japanese chad will take them away from me...

>> No.55889973

Drawffian who does request here. I'm really bummed about my artstyle(probably just artblock I dunno) and trying to changed it so... give me some basic pose to practice on!

>> No.55889987

That’s funny

>> No.55890008
File: 3.18 MB, 302x296, 1691419598297401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know it's going to happen because of their big JP audience. I just hope it isn't on the level as debut Bae. Either way I'll still love them even if it ends up getting annoying.

>> No.55890020
File: 300 KB, 1332x1075, FuwaGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cough* after breeding fuwawa first, right?

>> No.55890046

>she already knows about yobai
Been training for this I guess

>> No.55890060

Ok Fuwawa, I’m sorry, you’ll go first

>> No.55890063

Draw Fuwawa doing the Cammy stretch pose

>> No.55890084

theoretically i like big boobed oneesans more on paper but mococo is too powerful
things that mococo does:
>all the cooking for both of them since fuwawa doesn't know how
>IT support and set-up for their streams
>all the drawings they post on twitter and show on stream
>plays the games every stream while fuwawa sits to the side and insults her gameplay while refusing to try herself
>corrects fuwawa's reading of jp supas since she is more familiar with the language
>slides for fuwamoco mornings

things that fuwawa does
>swear word censors

>> No.55890090

Submissive pose
Look it up on pixiv

>> No.55890157
File: 96 KB, 220x220, IMG_7783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is Mococo's outlet for all the abuse

>> No.55890215

moco-chan you should go back to bed. fuwawa is better at cooking than you anyway.

>> No.55890214

Yeah because everyone just bought their actual merch

>> No.55890224

how do we deal with the japanese menace

>> No.55890244


>> No.55890268

Embrace it, become Japanese.

>> No.55890272
File: 123 KB, 938x938, 1665609903863650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope is big enough to find a cute japanese woman who wants to marry a loser like

>> No.55890311

The woman you post would love to cuck a loser like you though

>> No.55890324

Mococo get back in the cuck cage or Fuwawa will beat you again

>> No.55890330

Just get a shiba, it's the quintessential weeb dog

>> No.55890365

Don't dunk on anons who die mid sentence. It's unseemly. You'd think IRyStocrats would be better.

>> No.55890367

>instantly surrenders to the Japs
I present to you, South East Asia.

>> No.55890396
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>> No.55890445
File: 61 KB, 517x508, FcqBxnWaAAEeEyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will become Japanese

>> No.55890448

aieee I fucked up the hashtag

>> No.55890449

The real answer is that so far Fuwawa hasn't really done much on stream beyond being Mococo's backup. Fuwawa should play some games with Moco being support

>> No.55890453

I love these stinky doggos like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.55890478
File: 433 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_9119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if it was already posted but an artist had this little fuwamoco drawing at comiket. not for sale but nice to see ruffian artists. fuwamoco takeover at c103

>> No.55890479
File: 319 KB, 2048x1077, 1690898630134966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they bathe everyday!

>> No.55890482
File: 1.81 MB, 2022x3133, F3USGkXbkAAjtnx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55890481

Shut the fuck up burger

>> No.55890495

yeah together

>> No.55890510

Mococo has been Fuwawas sidekick all this time what are you talking about. She’s the one leading most conversations and the stream

>> No.55890518


>> No.55890523

I don't know if tongue baths count

>> No.55890548
File: 176 KB, 837x1700, 1691397337534272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's still trying to force EN vs JP

>> No.55890562

>he fell for it

>> No.55890566
File: 76 KB, 640x640, IMG_8893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn jap
>move to jap

>> No.55890570

I'd actually kill for a stream where mococo teaches fuwawa how to play modern games. Or rather an entire fucking series of them.

>> No.55890575

But its true

>> No.55890583


>> No.55890587
File: 2.55 MB, 1200x1495, 1200px-Commodore_Matthew_Calbraith_Perry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55890591

Wet. Dog. Smell.

>> No.55890603

>be the ultimate white savior

>> No.55890604


I wish O Sama and Saddam san were here and we could talk about anime girls.

>> No.55890609

You know, despite Mococo being the gamer of the two, she's still kind of shit at games

>> No.55890621
File: 622 KB, 800x600, shin megami tensei devil summoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like SMT where if you beleeb hard enough it gives power
incidentally, what are FWMC's views on action rpgs?

>> No.55890672

Fate Stay Night playthrough when

>> No.55890688

I don't think it have been asked before? Or maybe I'm just getting too old.

>> No.55890726

>You know
I know. But she's the only one for the job.

>> No.55890738

They don't really play games in general and the ones that they have the most experience in are typically turn based in some fashion.

>> No.55890761


>> No.55890823

That's called chaos magic, or in older terms sympathetic magic.

>> No.55890830

Do they like gacha? I mean probably gachapon irl but what about gacha games?

>> No.55890851

>Fuwawa forcing Moco-chan to read the tohsaka's anus scene

>> No.55890853

Let's hope not

>> No.55890926

Shiori general is over there, anon

>> No.55890929

>Moco-chan for this game I'd like you to put your name in place of Rin
>Ohhh, she's super strong right! Okay.

>> No.55890988

The genre as a whole caters to extremely casual gamers so I'm sure they'd enjoy a lot of them but most don't make for good stream material beyond learning the game because they tend to be designed around auto play. Genshin is simple enough that Mococo could probably get through the story but the bugmen hate Hololive so that's not ever happening.

>> No.55891021

They they should switch it up one day by having Fuwawa do the un uns and gaming while Mococo backseats and carries the conversation.

>> No.55891041

That will cause the collapse of society and the earth hurtling into the sun

>> No.55891093

>shiori anti thinks about and posts about shiori more than anyone else
Literally rent free, lmao

>> No.55891135

>wanting Fuwawa to be fuzzy and wanting Mococo to be fluffy

>> No.55891138

This is a total pipe dream and would probably be a frustrating mess for them and the viewer, but I want Fuwamoco to stream Dwarf Fortress on a dangerous embark, the paused strategy meetings would be amazing.

>> No.55891156

??? Shiori listed gacha characters in her debut. Stop being a retard.

>> No.55891180

No one was talking about Shiori until you, retard

>> No.55891234


>> No.55891254
File: 755 KB, 1343x603, 1688017143486724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baubau Town needs builders!

>> No.55891298

>dead server

>> No.55891314
File: 3.35 MB, 2480x3508, __mococo_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_absolute_mya__08fba60e429a17bab77bd8491e64e19a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much

>> No.55891332

The tails need more volume.

>> No.55891382
File: 322 KB, 663x800, 1684947299532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a shiny Husky

>> No.55891390

Nobody brought up antis either until you did. Last (You) for the retard.

>> No.55891408
File: 166 KB, 639x295, yamato spirit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55891432


>> No.55891456


>> No.55891615

Do me a favor /bau/. Make the girls sing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMrkUUNvM48

>> No.55891726

No, I mean actual factual fucking winged assholes pouring out of the ground. SMT is more based in the esoteric shit you are talking about when it comes to to ST its that evil thoughts bad and feeling good and being friends great, and that is empirical information to the world government in the Taisho era. Also mechs I guess.

>> No.55891922

yo in typing of the dead when the dude kisses his mother on the lips, mococo's immediate reaction was disgust - at how old she was.

i thought it was a meme guys, do they really?

>> No.55892017

Bros why don't they say "I love you" to each other before going to sleep?

>> No.55892019

Also there was SO much negative energy in japan it gave rise to to demons just invading earth but only japans yamato spirit can deter it and the rest of the world is like "I'm not sure...but you DO have robots so I guess we will let our cute girls hang out with your Jizo chad. Also ww2 doesn't happen because the REAL evil is bad vibes.

>> No.55892066

They're single hag women who have lived together, ate together, slept in a bed together, bathed together, and worked together for at least 10-15 years.
Of course they have

>> No.55892099

It was just the correct reaction based on the context (villain doing villain things). There are incest anime in their favourites, they are clearly not against it. Whether the mother being old plays a role is mystery.

>> No.55892125

To what degree do they soullessly consider us just a means of making money vs actually wanting to have fun with us?

>> No.55892177

To what degree do you suck dick as a coping mechanism for abuse vs actually loving the taste of cock

>> No.55892213

Is that something you considered while watching saturday morning cartoons? Just enjoy it, man. Or don't. Bau bau aint for everyone

>> No.55892256


>> No.55892279

Please be nice to other ruffians...imagine fuwamoco is looking at your post

>> No.55892282

They had the same attitude before and they were making barely any money doing it. They genuinely like doing this.

>> No.55892291

Do you guys think they practised kissing on each other?
I have same female friends that did it when they were younger

>> No.55892304

Paranoia though

>> No.55892422


>> No.55892444

On some level you are a means of making money, that's true for any entertainer. It's up to you to decide if their heart is in it or not. I would suggest rewatching them and deciding for yourself. Bau bau.

>> No.55892478

It's their job anon.
You can love your job, have it be the most fulfilling thing in your life and find your purpose in doing it.
But ultimately you still do it for the money.

>> No.55892487

9 people on right now

>> No.55892590
File: 1.19 MB, 2480x3508, F3Tty4hWYAA3JuB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55892613
File: 892 KB, 1280x1280, 1000764693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically, yeah. got it to deploy locally but can't get Vercel to accept the site and not spit connection errors for the life of me. Q3JhZGxlc09mQXNoZXM= on Telegram if you don't mind.
I've got the domain and a few images already ready too. My lack of dev knowledge is showing

>> No.55892744

>page 11

>> No.55892793

Bakers need correction!
