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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5544155 No.5544155 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so far ahead of her genmates?

>> No.5544181

Cunny advantage

>> No.5544197

Why are you so far behind in life?

>> No.5544212


>> No.5544721

shes just better

>> No.5544741

normalfag appeal

>> No.5544760

>rrat reason
She's sucking off of the YT executives in private

>possible legit explanation
She was a very well known, highly memed, 1mil+ youtuber in her "past life". She had the A meme to carry her (until it go beaten into the ground and got spammed literally everywhere). And she's just very clipable. Her outfit is easy to make fanart of, her sense of humor is seen a pretty broad. Objectively speaking all of them are pretty close in overall entertainment value though some do put visibly more effort in. Gura just had the most outside factors going for her.

>> No.5544831

She's a actually entertaining. Mori is cringe shit. Kiara is well kiara. Ina is boring. Ame is only fun when she's collabing with gura. I'm tired of this "cunny" cope being repeated. She's the only one who would be successful in a non hololive setting.

>> No.5544906

Appealing to kids AND lolicons, s*nzawa fans coming over to the new identity, nice voice, funny. Add the brand name and here we are

>> No.5544953

Ina is an accomplished artist, she's just here for a good time

>> No.5544965


>> No.5544977

1M sub head start and she's the cutest/funniest

>> No.5547004

rrat : mass market appeal.
fact : she is pedobait and 98% of youtube is confrmed pedophile.
source : my ass.

>> No.5547591

cunny power

>> No.5547612

Cause she’s just damn good!

>> No.5548257


>> No.5548333

i have no fucking idea, actually

>> No.5548382 [DELETED] 

She’s still boring and plays reddit shit like Wonderful 101.

>> No.5548422

all men love cunny

>> No.5548478

Loli, great singing, previous fanbase.

>> No.5549502

My guess: She’s the most comedic of the Gen I think and talks a lot (solo), which makes her very engaging during streams. Has an attractive voice in a place where talking matters a lot. Design-wise I like Mori the most but I guess Gura’s design has more overall appeal? Her voice/mannerisms might trigger a protective instinct in the average viewer?
That plus the debut factors (singing, memes, clips) gave her a ton of momentum at the start

>> No.5550008

pedobait design, that is all.

>> No.5550050

>its the pedoposter again
point and laugh, everyone

>> No.5550203

Cause she has that little sister vibe locked down, and well, lemme tell you something about these so called "shrimps"

>> No.5550380

Found the child fucker.

>> No.5550481

It's not that she should succeed. Her genmates should fail.

>> No.5550832

Didn't you get laughed off of the internet, Britanni?

>> No.5551032
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>> No.5551453

The quality of her output is much lower than every member of her gen (aside from Mori maybe). Only chumbuds care about her massively inflated totals and they’re quickly proving themselves to be the most obnoxious fanbase in this community because they cling to the only relevant thing their oshi brings to the table (her very clearly manipulated numbers) because they have nothing else. There’s no reason for Gura to have nearly 3m subscribers for the exact reason OP highlighted: she’s lagging behind her gen on every front. She puts in minimal effort and gets rewarded with a special status as one of the most subscribed vtubers and it’s obvious to anyone who isn’t fixated on her flat chest or her fetish pandering that something is off

>> No.5551456


>> No.5551488

Don't you have some kids to go touch?>>5551032
Why are you sympathetic towards child molesters? Can't wait to find you on the list.

>> No.5551606

her genmates are shit. one literally hates the job, other two have no talents, the fourth is an introvert. Literally no competition if you're this cute and funny shark.

>> No.5551612

Don't you have a Nyanners thread to be in?

>> No.5551665

Fuck you mean cope? What is there to cope with? I think you're trying to cope more with the fact you find little girls attractive.

>> No.5551749
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Based. They should just rename the group from "HoloMyth" to "Gura and friends"

>> No.5552359

Who hates their job?

>> No.5552502

Nah they should just graduate them. Can you transfer subs on youtube?

>> No.5552532
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>> No.5559417

miss 5% does

>> No.5559503

>reddit touches something
They're literally rent free in your mind. Let them go anon.

>> No.5559689

>She's the only one who would be successful in a non hololive setting


>> No.5559740

This joke is overdone. And at least come up with a better rrat

>> No.5559833

8 years of streaming experience on twitch, ex hearthstone pro, 140 iq.

>> No.5559883


>> No.5559891

She's ahead because her previous incarnation would be in the top 10 most subbed hololive members, without even being a part of hololive.

She had literally a million subscriber head start over the other HoloEN's, and YouTube popularity is a snowball effect that feeds into itself.

>> No.5563008


>> No.5566690

what rrrat, rrretarrrd? She said it herself on stream, went in detail, too.

>> No.5566802

Mainstream appeal. The vast majority of her fanbase doesn't like Hololive. Just look at this thread for proof.

>> No.5566914

She rocked her debut and is consistently very entertaining, while sometimes managing to be surprisingly relatable. She really kicks ass in collabs, too.

>> No.5567023

She has the advantage of being a vtuber before the rest of her genmates.

>> No.5570539

so is Ame and Ina afaik. You know, literally trinity of HoloMyth.

>> No.5570571

Almost all of HoloID and Gen 5 have been Vtubers before

This doesn't hold water

>> No.5570981

>Why is she so far ahead of her genmates?
She knew how to sit at the top before she even started. Acts ignorant and dumb but plays the entire vtuber scene like a chess board she's barely bothering to put effort into.
>cute and funny awards
>ring fit stream
>her outfit reveal
>feet memes
>the endless innuendos
The list goes on. Add in the fact she knows the perfect streamer game metas (her survival horror choices, etc.) to pull in new people regularly and also her singing ability and song choices. She's able to come off as innocent and adorable while stepping far over the line without normies noticing. I mean she has a literal cum bucket sitting on her stream for her fans to fill that she put Yagoo in just the other day for fucks sake.

>> No.5571845

How's Forsen relevant to this discussion?

>> No.5571894

>He doesn't like W101

Fucking cringe, anon

>> No.5572299

Atleast 40% of her subs come from people that have just gotten into vtubers and want to feel like they are "on the winning side" as little fucking sense as that makes.

>> No.5572572

By not being edgy.

>> No.5573887

This, and hell, it even shows by the demographics here. Gura is the only one in ENwho seems to entirely 'get' what being a Holo is supposed to be hollistically. Well, her and Ina, but Ina's appeal is more niche, which is a nice way to say boring.

>> No.5577175 [DELETED] 

She is familly friendly and has universal appeal to larger demographic. That's all there is to it.
