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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55325707 No.55325707 [Reply] [Original]

She got the news about Magni and Vesper graduation/termination

>> No.55325769

Stop thinking about dick OP
>verification not required

>> No.55325864 [DELETED] 

because she getting dick by them both

>> No.55325872

after nijifags found out holochads will celebrate their graduations with them, they stop baiting, you should too faggot.

>> No.55325939 [DELETED] 

the hotel booking with veper and magni is for tomorrow
silly girl

>> No.55326016
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The OP didn't even say anything about dicks.

>> No.55326172 [DELETED] 


>> No.55326211

>please support tempus no matter what happens

>> No.55326283

If that happens there's gonna be a party, for the first time in my life I would share my drink with the nijisisters and the other retards that shitpost this board 24/7

>> No.55326327

They'll be fired any day now, right sisters?

>> No.55326332 [DELETED] 

I want my bros to hit it before they grad

>> No.55326380

they burned all the goodwills HoloEN and StarsJP build up, didn't even last 1 year, so no.

>> No.55326414

yes I will support the remaining HQ boys... I don't watch VG

>> No.55326515

What is this about? She's got sick?

>> No.55326529

I'm collecting dancing gifs for the party

>> No.55326536
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>> No.55326632

She's got the shits again.

>> No.55326647

she needs her meds for some horse sucking

>> No.55326688 [DELETED] 

She had 2.2k ccv and the song with her idol absolutely flopped, she is depressed in the realization that the new gen is efectively replacing her.

>> No.55327252

She doesn't care
>The song flopped
She was excited about it having 300k views already

>> No.55327404
File: 182 KB, 1290x1212, 1691008699639516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll both come back just in time for the collab ban to be over. Tick tock.

>> No.55327414

Rich woman may become less rich then other rich woman I can’t believe this

>> No.55327509

>doesn't care about CCV
>numberfags about her views

>> No.55327564

Thanks for the scoop. I never read twatter but I'm glad there are some people who still do.

My thoughts on this is that both of them graduating is gonna be a catastrophical influence on Tempus viewcount. It will be too big of a controversy for everyone to forget.
Fans just don't forget those things. Like with the Zaion graduation, a lot of people didn't forget and are bitter about it to this day.
So I can't fathom the thought of BOTH of them getting fired. At least not now, not so quickly. The wounds are still too fresh.
If I were in Holo's place I would wait a reaaaallyyy long time (5-6 months) with no news about them for the fires of their fanbase to start dying down and people finally start moving on.

>> No.55327577

>She doesn't care
This is the biggest lie ever. Not saying this has anything to do with it, but Mori cares a lot.

>> No.55327579
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>she doesn't care
see image
>She was excited about it having 300k views already
anon she thought her song with the unravel guy would get more views than R.I.P she is clearly saddened by her decline

>> No.55327593

>doesn’t care about ccv
Yes she does and it’s annoying as fuck when she mentions numbers shit because her songs still get views

>> No.55327661

>the song with her idol absolutely flopped
Lol, good. Nothing catchy about it, and you have to turn the subs on to understand most of Mori lines. My first thought was that it's a waste of Reol, and in the end I wasn't wrong.

>> No.55327694

If they are terminated this is one of the funniest termination timelines so far

>> No.55327695

>She doesn't care
Maybe in the early days, but now she's a total numberfag.

>> No.55327790

It's not a bait, it's a call to celebration.

>> No.55327815

>she thought her song with the unravel guy would get more views than R.I.P
That is not what she said at all. You are twisting her words again.

>> No.55327990


>> No.55328043

How is Kronii taking the news? Is this why she didn't go to Mumei's off-collab despite being on the same hotel?

>> No.55328135

Yes they did retard

>> No.55328197

I don't get how Mori can be pragmatic about her job but then go "winner winner chicken dinner" when they not only fuck themselves but also manage to bring someone else down with them. That's just fucked up, is it just female hubris?

>> No.55328281

They're not staying at the same hotel
She doesn't give a shit

>> No.55328357
File: 194 KB, 463x384, 1690472364523875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see men's names and immediately think of their genitals, that's on you.

>> No.55328363


>> No.55328396

The mind of a morischizo is truly fascinating

>> No.55328477

I don’t watch Mori, did her latest single tank or something

>> No.55328517

>As I thought, I don't think I'll stream tomorrow
Did she think yesterday that today she would think that she won't stream tomorrow, or thought yesterday that she won't stream tomorrow and then confirmed it today? What mode of precognition does she use?

>> No.55328636

qrd on magni and vesper?

>> No.55328676

But explain it to me, why did cute wifely Mori die?

>> No.55328705

She has a self-destructive stubborn streak of wanting to "own the haters." Mori should have learned to just ignore them.

>> No.55328763

give a man a few thousand yumejos and fujos and he just might think he's God

>> No.55328805

>She doesn't give a shit
sad enough not to care about genmates, probably that's why she went drinking with mori upset that ves is not coming back

>> No.55328812

COVER and UMG unironically think Calichan kakkoi and are still riding high from her RIP debut which is why they got her all these dream collabs. Now they're facing the sobering reality that she isn't popular at all, so Mori feeling the pressure

>> No.55328831

maybe 30 years from now when Advent debut hype is gone they will be terminated!!?
I mean...they didnt hesitate at all terminating Rushia but Vesper and Magni...? they surely need to keep extending this to find just the perfect moment to drop such a bombshell for such irrelevant homos you cant stop talking about, right?

>> No.55328884

>hololive announced magni/vesper won't be streaming for a while back in early july
>no explained reason, which leads to suspension/delayed termination rrats
>mysteriously absent from voice pack merch for no explained reason as well
>other boys streams have been off lately (axel crying, anniversary pushed back, etc.)
>august now, STILL nothing from vesper/magni
i dont think the mori tweet is related to them but I think cover's looking for a good window to throw them out

>> No.55328891

So true, sis

>> No.55328902
File: 575 KB, 692x706, 16902437744612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you're talking about

>> No.55328942

Yagoo has holostar favoritism and en management is run by different people.
Attitude towards people graduating is culturally different so of course they'd treat it differently

>> No.55328970

ya for sure man he sure did....

>> No.55328987

Do you simply enjoy replying to yourself or is someone paying you?

>> No.55329047

>Yagoo has holostar favoritism
>Sana graduates during Tempus debut week

>> No.55329169

She's in mourning because she tanked her stream numbers to collab with the fags that just fucking up and quit on her lmao

>> No.55329277

if she doesnt care about numbers why would she randomly throw her sub count up during the karaoke relay?

>> No.55329318

/vt/ should do something big as a celebration

>> No.55329354

Nah cover's good anon. most hololive fans don't care about tempus so it won't affect the girls.

Zaion caused the drama it did because it was clear from the start that it was bullshit and things ended up being so much worse than originally feared. Cover doesn't terminate its chubas without proper cause so this won't be a repeat. The retards on twotter will scream all week long but they don't watch the boys or girls so that's irrelevant really.

>> No.55329445

Considering it was her UMJ management who sent her a message, its just more faggots shitposting.

>> No.55329466

Anon, she actually has a job and needs to work unlike you. You are unironically more obsessed with them than her

>> No.55329491

Hololive fans dont give a fuck about tempus untill they start being shilled everywhere and pushed down everyones throats with constant collabs for 2 months, until backlash happened and they realised the girls where killing their ccv

>> No.55329579

Go big or go home. Rent out a Times Square ad space mocking mori, kronii and the first tempiss.

>> No.55329617

Pink woman has mindbroken you to the point that you actively get on this website and seek out every single thread about her. You need help

>> No.55329639 [DELETED] 

If she's in Japan she's probably just hanging out with the trash taste bros. Let her have some fun and enjoy Japan, she can stream whenever, but she can't be in Japan all the time.

>> No.55329680

Bettel thinks hes god right now

>> No.55329702

Anon, she lives there.

>> No.55329721

Man you really are either ESL or need to get your ears checked.

>> No.55329731

I'll buy some celebratory cannolis and have two fingers of my good whiskey.

>> No.55329776

>rent something
LOL, This board is full of seanigs who can't afford anything.

>> No.55329847

Don't forget the ramping up of Magni's RM activities

>> No.55329849

True. If anything the mood for a lot of fans is going to be one of quiet happiness that the main source of controversy in the en side of the company is gone.
Quiet because of course support for tempus is mandatory lest you be branded a parasocial incel, no doubt anyone bold enough to not support them despite being such bad workers they got fired will have to censor their remarks under a gallon of honey as usual.
fuck I hate the culture wars so much.

>> No.55329862

>numberfagging her pathetic views

>> No.55329888

He's been doing the same stuff since the start of the year, if anything he slowed down.

>> No.55330002

>ramping up
He hasn't streamed since the suspension besides showing up on Bettel's RM stream, he mentioned coming back mid August so whatever happens will probably be resolved by then

>> No.55330063

>esl calling somone esl

>> No.55330119

>Random mention of off topic things
>Has knowledge below that of a threadreader
They're truly at a new low

>> No.55330196

Thanks for the update Mori, glad you're /here/

>> No.55330432

The One Piece song has been getting a million views per week. Almost 3 millions now. The Song with Reol has only been out for a few days, it'll probably be at a million by next week.

>> No.55330434

No, you braindead faggot, I know what she was actually talking about with "RIP Killer" (no periods between the letters btw you dumbfuck). You're a quite literally using a screenshot of a clipper channel, you can't get much lower than that

>> No.55330442

For now. Visa renewals in Japan are notoriously finicky. I wouldn't be surprised if they denied her upcoming renewal. Besides, she's been working her ass off lately so she deserves a few days off.

>> No.55330531

Obviously can't do anything when the talent themselves want to leave

>> No.55330552

I still don't know the controversy with these 2. What did they do? Which Holo get spitroasted by them?

>> No.55330567

The SQWAD will come back stronger than ever when Tempus 3 drops

>> No.55330605

The best part about schizoposting is that OP will continue to insinuate every tweet is vesper graduating until he finally actually graduates, at which point OP will claim victory. You can't lose this one.

>> No.55330646

>I wouldn't be surprised if they denied her upcoming renewal.
More like you WISH they'd deny it so that you could farm drama out of it. Keep dreaming.

>> No.55330720

I'm going against my better judgement and giving you a (you) because I want you to expand on the thought process behind this.

>> No.55330763

And what if he doesn't graduate? Will OP just keep schizoposting forever?

>> No.55330848

All her songs are about owning le haters. She of course cares alot about her view numbers.

>> No.55330982

It's called "commodity fetishisization" it's a concept when an item becomes worth more than the material and labor put into it. It happens the most often with money. Rich people get obsessed with it even though they more than enough to do anything they need with it.

>> No.55331024

Anon I genuinely hope she gets to stay. But just look it up, there's always a really random element to JP visas and they don't even tell you why it got denied, even if you ask. She deserves to live in the country she wants after she's worked so hard to get there. Everyone is too harsh on her and we should let her take a few days off every now and then to hang with her homies. That's how we should act towards chuubas, supportive. Drama is for highschool girls.

>> No.55331023

>She got mindbroken by a drawing of a skeleton
Anon she's the thinnest skinned person in all of Holo EN

>> No.55331029

>Never graduates
>Never gets terminated
>Never returns to streaming
The kino ending.

>> No.55331087

That sounds like commie mumbo jumbo.

>> No.55331100

>The One Piece song has been getting a million views per week
Because it's One Piece. If you think those views are because of Mori, you're dumber than a dumb fucking idiot.

>> No.55331153
File: 8 KB, 274x184, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a cigar and some gabagool too?

>> No.55331255

NO, he didn't, fucking moron

>> No.55331372

Memberships autocancel after 3 months of inactivity. They would have to give some explanation at that point.

>> No.55331452

She's already renewed her visa before. This is just wishful thinking on your part.
>I genuinely hope she gets to stay

>> No.55331579

all the comments on the video are mostly praising mori

>> No.55331580

SEAs love mori, though. They most likely think her first song is the most lit musical product, ever.

>> No.55331735

I think you're projecting a little hard there, buddy. Not everyone on /vt/ wants to see chuubas become miserable and at the mercy of creepy incels. If you think I'm not being genuine it's because you've been here a little too long and need to touch grass asap.

>> No.55331746

magni and vesper coming back with no explanation will be the blueballing of a century

>> No.55331952

I hope that's exactly what happens. I want total schizo meltdown.

>> No.55332701

Nah. Considering what she was talking a out on stream, it was probably her manager getting pissed Tutu destroyed a bunch of the signed cards and they found through Mori mentioning it on stream.

>> No.55332747

If reason of their absence is drama-juicy it'll never be revealed, it it's something mundain dramaniggers wouldn't be pleased and they would call it bs, so if Vesper and Dez'll return it'll be blueballing for them anyway

>> No.55332854

Watch streams. Literally everything you said was wrong.

>> No.55332960

Considering Cover has always been open about suspensions, graduations and terminations, and even investigations, silence doesn't suggest any breach of contract. It suggests they just went silent for personal reasons, but do intend to come back.

>> No.55334780

So when youre proven wrong what will you say then?

>> No.55334951
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Winner winner chicken fucking dinner

>> No.55335049
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>> No.55335155


>> No.55335169

What vesper even did to warrant a graduation?

>> No.55335315

so it's pretty much confirmed, right?

>> No.55335321

No, I wasn't talking about the girls. I'm saying it will drastically affect Tempus.

If both Magni & Vesper will get right after this baseless suspension (we dont know anything) Such news will be a scar on their reputation and make entire Tempus views plummet. I will never looks at Holostars EN positively if such thing happens.

>> No.55338679

Probably nothing

>> No.55338756


>> No.55338867

>someone implies there may be a male in existence
the iq of sisters decreases by the day. stop schlicking it to gay incest and read a book

>> No.55338932

he called his manager slurs again after hearing the collab ban with the en3 girls

>> No.55339282


>> No.55339795
File: 469 KB, 200x187, 1688275778609736.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing people bring up FalseEyeD in regards to their disappearance without fully elaborating.
Apparently they leaked something to him, or he made a video at a certain time that *implies* they did? What's the scoop here?

>> No.55340330

You're embarrassing

>> No.55340744

I don't have the link but False basically was talking about how much money Cover gives their talents for debuts and said he knew because he had been personally told by.... and then just said he shouldn't said anything more and changed the subject. The point is that he talked to someone about internal company business which is a big no no in any company, not even vtuber or entertainment specific.

And if they talked about money what else did they talk about? Granted, this could've been anyone from Kson, Sana or the current guys, people assume it was Vesper because the retard has actually collabed with False before. Why was Magni involved? Who knows, but Magni is mostly a Twitch guy and is involved with the same people False and Vesper are involved too so maybe he talked too. Thats basically the strongest rrat imo.

>> No.55340872

He knew of Tempus and Council specifically not myth according to what he said

>> No.55340894

When was this False vid? Just before the boys' sudden hiatus?

>> No.55340923

Like 2 weeks after

>> No.55340974

She got drunk and had drunken dyke sex with kronii, who was also drunk

>> No.55341055

Admit being wrong because catalog faggots can't do that.

>> No.55341081

Magni had a serious surgical procedure and vesper for whatever reason is helping him out instead of family or a nurse

>> No.55341138

Not serious enough apparently

>> No.55341157

That's way too recent then.

>> No.55341189

:3 oh nyo

>> No.55341231

I know it just came up after

>> No.55341413

She and Kronii went on a bender. Kronii was calling Mumei last night from Jail

>> No.55341517
File: 951 KB, 340x213, 5b2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know the video topic/title? Or was this a stray comment on a Twitch stream that didn't make the final Youtube edit?
It sounds like a bit. If the rrat's real and he said this after their disappearance, he'd fucking KNOW to not address the topic at all.

>> No.55341566

Well he seems pretty active to be seriously injured

>> No.55341603
File: 713 KB, 1006x984, 270a15c261679dd335bd6bc9869202bccb433112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't care

>> No.55341608

He's retarded and said it in context of shitting on NijiEN, which he is heated about.

>> No.55341718

So the Mysta one?

>> No.55341719

It was during a stream and it seemed to be just a slip up, Cover wasn't the topic at all. False was talking about Niji (you know how he hates them now lmao) and was on the topic of the 2% and how little Anykara supports the livers, etc. When he just mentioned Cover actually pays for the debuts, I guess to make Niji look bad but he gave away knowledge nobody else is supposed to know.

>> No.55341908

It was stream on twitch that he deleted soon after

>> No.55342003

K thanks, sounds too tiresome to go looking for.
If it didn't make a YT cut then... yeah that's got a little more weight to it, shit.

>> No.55342111
File: 384 KB, 2048x1302, 1676209012078821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a little MORE...

>> No.55342190

found it

>> No.55342237

Yep, he just had to shit on Niji and said the insider knowledge.

>> No.55342271

i saw the vid on here awhile ago - if i can dig it back up I'll upload it. False made himself seem like an asshole by "hinting" it so much

>> No.55342356

They both got caught fucking your mom by your father and he reported them to cover.

>> No.55342386

Yeah man. Magni looked really fucked up. Can't stream at all.

>> No.55342496

Truly a man that protects his sources kek.

>> No.55342535

How, if at all, are HoloENs going to react to a hypothetical Vesper/Magni graduation/termination? Some like Gura would obviously try to not mention it at all, but if say it dropped while she was streaming the chat would be flooded with people saying OMG VESPER GOT TERMINATED or whatever.

>> No.55342555

Cussing on the internet won't unterminate your boys, sis

>> No.55342668

Gura of all holos wouldn't give a shit. She never acknowledged their existence at all.

>> No.55342842

Kronii, Ame, and Bae would start crying and end stream before posting on twitter about how sad they are.

>> No.55342864

>Spamming other streamer in chat
Homobeggars tried with Bijou, and she did not give a shit.

>> No.55346480


>> No.55346805

Meh, she's consistently since debut had headaches that she's cancelled streams over now and then. Probably just the stress she's so addicted to.

>> No.55348699

Your head must be full, because it's always fully booked because it's RENT FREE

>> No.55349198

What are you even saying

>> No.55349291


Vampire fight:
Asks chat who in hololive likes baulders gate:

>> No.55349587

kek, as the numbers drop the inevitable pippa collab comes closer and cloesr.

>> No.55349755

yeah, mori fat

>> No.55349812
File: 320 KB, 420x420, 1640309346431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, they were spamming the shit out of it

>> No.55349877

lol bijou turned out to be the smartest member of them all.

>> No.55350239

The day Zaion was terminated, Vox was hosting a large charity stream, and Zaion's name was blocked in the chat. Hololive can easily implement similar safeguards to protect their streamers.

>> No.55350421

she will never mention homos

>> No.55350817

I sincerely hope Vesper knows about this and is seething hard over how she ignored literally every single one of these begging retards.
Fucking genocide the entire branch and their fans.

>> No.55350979

i am so proud of her and Dimitri Jap

>> No.55351009

Anon, the only one seething here is you.

>> No.55351101

if you think the guy thinks like this you are delusional beyond saving

>> No.55351273

They did it on her first post debut stream too, wouldn't shut the fuck up about national tempus radio for a full minute and a half despite her obviously ignoring it.

>> No.55351406

I'm like 90% sure i've heard plenty of holomems mention debut budgets before. If it was an issue they would of been terminated by now since that happened a couple weeks ago now.

>> No.55351492

>Does the biggest crybaby primadonna of the entire branch seethe in his free time over being ignored
Gee I dunno

>> No.55351527 [DELETED] 

lol lmao

>> No.55351661

>the insecure manchild of tempus
>not thinking something just like that
might be time to start watching streams, anon

>> No.55351739

it might be time for you to start watching streams and not just /vt/'s imagined version of the guy

>> No.55351758

>I will never looks at Holostars EN positively if such thing happens.
So no change for a normal non-fag human? why are you presenting like it's something bad? At best it will make some retard wake up, isn't it a good thing?

>> No.55351873

How /vt/ hate someone so utterly based?

>> No.55352061

>Mori hanging out with Bibou
>problem was likely regarding Recordings/MV
Unicorns need to stop jumping at shadows.

It really feels like both Unicorns and Homobeggars are retarded.

Honestly, all of this is some Vaudevillian ploy by someone who generally hates vtubers and wants to expose the "toxic" fanbase.

>> No.55352492

less homobegging actually goes on than tends to be reported (or imagined) by users of this board but we hate it when it happens too. the problem is even if it essentially never happened people here live in their own reality and would bemoan a so-called epidemic of homobegging anyway because rent free. i don't like using the unicorn label since it needlessly antagonizes people with a different viewing preference, though

>> No.55352837

Honestly I think whatever the fuck Vesper's fanbase is called has the imagined version cause I was told he was some based IT guy oldhead so I watch and get some unfunny bitch struggling to hide a gay-ass lisp who outs himself as being a fraud the second he actually has to follow up on any of the shit he claims.


>> No.55353089 [DELETED] 


>> No.55353993

>manager fucks up XCOM perms TWICE in a row
>go off on them
>get suspended
no idea what happened this time

>> No.55354571

As an early fan of his I can't help but agree

>> No.55354615

I keep seeing him described as some hardened nature survivalist hiker, hunter, warrior, Chad, alpha old fag from all the most based boards throughout history who is literally them and single handedly responsible for all of the things contributing to the downfall of Cover (which from their point of view is a good thing?).
I have yet to actually see him act like any of this instead of the cowardly pussy he actually is.

>> No.55355159

>Be Pako
>First child is a lazy bitch and gets fired
>Second child is a unicorn boogey man
>Second child possibly gets fired
Pako cannot catch a fucking break.
