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5483109 No.5483109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are the fucking chinks attacking Fubuki, wtf, Fubuki of all people? that girl is a saint, why are they doing this? they fucking promised they'll stop once coco graduates, SHES FUCKING GRADUATING, what do they fucking want

>> No.5483145

this is why you don't apologize or bend the knee to commies

>> No.5483147

For Hololive to crash and burn duh. It was unreasonable chink seethe from the start you know. You can't appease that.

>> No.5483154

>Unironically trusting the chinks to keep their promise

>> No.5483163

Typical bug behaviour. The mob won't stop until their enemy is dead.

>> No.5483172
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>> No.5483178

what happened? i don't see threats or anything on her twitter

>> No.5483192

this is why we don't negotiate with terrorist

>> No.5483212

I'm sure hololive will cave in and fire her, they got no balls

>> No.5483232

there was a twitter that got deleted that said she's next

>> No.5483261

Who's this?

>> No.5483267

Fubuki set herself up as the canary in the coalmine. If she dies, she takes down the rest of the company. Natural target.

>> No.5483307

you are a retard for still believing this
you are a retard for believing it in the first place
you are a retard in general

go be retarded in /jp/

>> No.5483317

imagine ever believing a word those slant-eyed yellow scum demons ever say

>> No.5483320
File: 1.60 MB, 245x180, u serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they fucking promised they'll stop once coco graduates
Bro where did they say that and you honestly believe that?

>> No.5483328

Since they heard Coco graduated on her own terms, they got mad and took that as a loss.
Also, Fubuki was the first to come out and explicitly say (on Twitter) that she's hanging out with Coco during her break. She also completely ignored the official Fubuki Bilibili translation group's threats to delete the channel. When they actually deleted the channel she didn't even bat an eye.

>> No.5483338

Because chinks are subhuman trash that should never be appeased under any circumstance.
Cover deserves every bad thing that happens to them.
If they get raped by a pack of niggers, it'll be their own fucking fault.

>> No.5483367
File: 361 KB, 645x275, suisei bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to divert their rage of having a shitty life in a shitty country onto the foreign devil. It was Coco before, now it is Friend. But their numbers keep dwindling fast.

>> No.5483399

her current stream is Members-only. looks like they're shifting their targets to her since Coco is gone next week.

>> No.5483414
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i don't know her name, it's a popular gif

>> No.5483466

If i had the "dont learn mandarin" greentext saved id post it right about now.

>> No.5483501

Oh, they do?
That's really unfortunate.

>> No.5483504

The worst part this is just a few chinaman with bots and Cover can't deal with them, they harass thei talents and they just bend the knee, it's embarrasing.

>> No.5483516

>they fucking promised they'll stop once coco graduates, SHES FUCKING GRADUATING, what do they fucking want

Isn't it obvious? Coming from a country who had to deal with communist proxy war BS, they won't stop until they achieve their goal of destructing the whole of hololive.

Now that they forced Coco to graduate, they feel empowered and re-moralized to keep attacking for next times to come.

>> No.5483521 [DELETED] 

Join the draft.

Move to Japan, SK, or any other land in proximity.

Do God's work.

>> No.5483540

no, it was because she said something about getting on the same side as coco. i don't have the screencap, but basically she said if coco graduates then she shall graduate as well

>> No.5483560

That's not what she said at all, not even "basically".
Why are you lying like this?

>> No.5483584

it's someone from AKB48 her face looks familiar im pretty sure she's center in one of their MV. her name is paruru or something like that.

>> No.5483610

do you have the screencap then? i don't have it but i can remember it clearly

>> No.5483622

1. they want to bring cover down
2. it was bilibili paying spammers, later on some schizos kept spamming after the funds dried up
3. cover has taiwanese shareholders

>> No.5483637

And even if they're NOT responsible at all they'll claim victory because they're THAT delusional.

because he's a rrat

>> No.5483715

This was one of their twitters, they deleted a lot of tweets and it doesn't have activity since BLOOM

but they never, not once mentioned Fubuki


>> No.5483824

Hololive insulted the soul of the Chinese people, they wont stop until they have all been beheaded in the name of Winnie-the-Pooh

>> No.5483851

It was just a tweet saying that she was eating out with Coco in the heat of the situation. Chinese antis regarded that she was on Coco's side

>> No.5483914
File: 1.06 MB, 1400x5552, Never Learn Mandarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.

>> No.5483926
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You really think someone would do that? Make a promise on the internet that they wouldn't keep?

>> No.5484017

Because white auntie stole money from us
she embezzled hundreds of thousands of yuan
western people should also help us because she also stole money from you

>> No.5484063
File: 20 KB, 426x288, 2afj15j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot bargain with the Bug.
You cannot reason with the Bug.
The Bug feels no pity, remorse, mercy, empathy or fear.
The Bug will not stop. It will NEVER stop...
Until you are DEAD.

>> No.5484161
File: 206 KB, 1055x917, 1624369259562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, she will eventually give in like the dumb bitch.

>> No.5484172
File: 39 KB, 362x369, Nendofriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some truth here. My chinese friend hates to deal with the Chinese, more so with mainland Chinese. Even his other Chinese friends feels the same. Also, got another friend who has manufacturing business in China who got screwed by people there, something that has to do with corporate spying and stolen intellectual property. Basically, betrayed by his business partner there.

>> No.5484214

Because mainland Chinese ruin everything. You didn't honestly think they'd stop at just Coco did you?

>> No.5484257

Based China dabbing on hololive.

>> No.5484346

pls china don’t make fbk graudate. thank u

>> No.5484352

This is what first made me start being wary of the bugs

>> No.5484367

desu who cares what they do.
Youtube has a solution now, so its just a matter of rolling it out to her channel. And they don't seem to do the hashtag infestation (or its just the same bots that I've already blocked).

>> No.5484496


Dunno about the others since I don't work in the steel industry and have never been to China, but anyone who thinks a travel agency is going to arrange a decent quality holiday for them for 250 Yuan is a fucking moron and gets what they deserve.
