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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54759356 No.54759356 [Reply] [Original]

Why still nobody can challenge gura?

>> No.54759391

Because she’s dead

>> No.54759395

I'd say Bijou is a STRONG contender

>> No.54759488

Kobo was the only but ID and Male debuff

>> No.54759812

Gura's existence extends beyond the Hololive bubble.

>> No.54759950
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what are they going to say to each other in the first interaction?

>> No.54760004

why do people reply seriously to ESP bait threads?

>> No.54760036

Coronavirus, next question. Now the real question is why can't Gura challenge the heavyweights in vtubing chumkeks?

>> No.54760150


>> No.54760207

she had a strong start. that's all it takes.

>> No.54760239


>> No.54760433

Gura is stuck between a rock and a hard place now. If she doesn't stream Advent will eat up her fanbase in the same timeslot. If she does go back to regularly streaming her numbers will tank as the rarity buff wears off like it always does.

She's donezo I think. Sub 10k average coming for the rest of the year. You can only be lazy and unmotivated for so long until someone better comes along and takes your position.

>> No.54760536

Bijou is Walmart Gura you dingus

>> No.54760693

Gura had a strong start due to her singing, memes, and a massive amount of fan art and projects. She's not a good streamer and is outdone by multiple other HoloENs.

>> No.54760771
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>> No.54760789

Council had strong starts

>> No.54760967

If you post this in 2027, I would believe you.

>> No.54761120
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>Even if my oshi doesn't put out any content at all I'll throw my wallet at her
That's honestly just pathetic. I support my oshi because she's a hard worker and returns her fans support 10 fold. I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if I was paying membership fees to someone like Gura who has less streams all year than Miko does in a month and still only has a single original song to her name.

Paying money to a western whore who is spending your money on booze and benzos is not the way Chumcuck.

>> No.54761247

stop projecting your wagie values on others

>> No.54761252
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>and none of it is an act

>> No.54761283

Gura's first stream after debut gave her PTSD. She said to never mention it again. Until two years later in her redemption arc.

I wish the new gen smoother starts.

>> No.54761311

>EN kobe
yeah, i don't think so

>> No.54761419

Gura doesn’t owe me or anyone anything. You’re weird

>> No.54761436

Because she's that good, she's the first ever Vtuber from the before times of LPStube being the meta. Her vtuber spirit is stronger than even Kizuna Ai.

>> No.54761452

Dogs are going to clean sweep YouTube kids which is like 90% of gura viewers.

>> No.54761501

Gura is Kmart Gura

>> No.54761610

Dogs that spent the whole debut & first collab just making weird noices for 90% of the streams, sure they will buddy

>> No.54761633
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>Gura doesn't owe her fans anything
Cancerous attitude that perfectly encapsulates why EN was in the gutter before Advent. If your oshi doesn't think she owes her fans anything then she's simply taking advantage of them

>> No.54761771

>spent the whole debut & first collab just making weird noices for 90% of the streams, sure they will buddy
>chumbud unaware of why children watch gura

>> No.54761899

>Pretending Gura streams aren't 90% autistic mumbling

>> No.54761905
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All the talk about besting Gura does not apply when in the same company. They will complement and boost each other.
Tomorrow: Bijou will funnel into Gura and Mumei collab, which they will then funnel into Shiori.
The domination of EN has begun.

>> No.54761920

Touch grass (sniff bread)

>> No.54762038

We need another pandemic to even give anyone a chance.

>> No.54762127

My oshi loves her fans and does her best every day for them, regular streams and cover songs because she has a deep sense of obligation to the people who support her and made her popular.

Your oshi thinks she "doesn't owe the fans anything" and won't even throw them a pity tweet while spending their superchat bucks

We are not the same

>> No.54762209

buy and ad

>> No.54762395

He's too embarrassed to mention his oshi too.

>> No.54762537
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It's Miko
>B-But she loves Gura
She barely interacts with shark whore at all and it has no relevance to the fact Gura is lazy and her fans are cucks for taking so much shit for so little given back.

>> No.54762684

Your oshi gives you what you’re looking for in an oshi. My oshi gives me what I’m looking for. Comparing my oshi to your oshi is pointless. People like different things. I like Gura just how she is, I don’t care if she doesn’t stream. I have a life and Gura is just a small part of a subset of things I do for entertainment. You’re right we’re not the same at all.

>> No.54762704

I can't wait for Gen3 and Gura and company finishes off NijiEN. Doing God's work.

>> No.54762831

Do 35piss just go around the catalog and shitpost all the time?

>> No.54762878

>I-I like it when my oshi doesn't stream for months at a time and goes radio silent
C'mon bruh. That's not even good cope. There is literally no excuse for throwing out a tweet once a week, it takes 30 seconds. She doesn't care about you, doesn't give a shit, she got your money and only does the bare minimum needed to keep her paycucks happy. It's clear as day and no matter how you cope with "Well I like having no content" will change that.

>> No.54762907

Holo vs Holo.
Hololive would be better off without you. Miko would agree too.
Your attitude fits Nijisanji. They love bashing their own talents.

>> No.54762918

nerissa literally mogged her with one song

>> No.54763029

Get your ears checked in homie, giving props to a song which had it's digital assist turned up to 11? Seriously? It had so many filters that even the voice started to distort...

>> No.54763096

Gura can't even post her own tweets. Dimitri Jap had to do it for her.

>> No.54763124
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>cuter than gura
>funnier than gura
your time is running out chumbie

>> No.54763126

Gura's real origin story is that her parents lost her in a kmart and she raised herself on sponge bob cartoons, mcdonalds hamburgers, and twitch streams.

>> No.54763135

>talking shit about Gura while posting Okayu who loves her
O I'm laffin

>> No.54763134
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>Nooooo don't criticize poor Gura! She dindu nuffin!
I'm trying to save you. Wake up, she's never going to do anything worthwhile. Another 3 month hiatus coming soon and she'll use another shitty commissioned anime to justify it despite the fact she did none of the actual work herself.

>> No.54763233

I can see Bijou or the doggos overtaking Gura if there streams are good and consistent.
Gura is being carried hard by first mover advantage but is starting to lose steam due to her bad streaming schedule and lack of interest.

>> No.54763325

this+actually will stream, her schedule looks great for an opening week

>> No.54763395

That's not a weakness, but a strength.
Bijou already apologized for a schizo tweet. She has much to learn. Twittards don't watch streams. With her being a loli they are going to eat her alive, if she doesn't follow Gura's and Fauna's ways.

>> No.54763447

Her CCV hasn't dropped at all. Even years ago she had 12k streams. We'll see who EN3 takes a bite out of in HoloEN.

>> No.54763533

This way of thinking has corrupted women like Mikeneko. Improve yourself.

>> No.54763559

I'm criticizing your hate to a member of your own company. If you don't follow Gura, why does it bother you so much? Go to Nijisanji, you'll fit better there. Miko would be disgusted at you. For her sake, leave already.

>> No.54763594

because I like her

>> No.54763655

>35poor can’t buy an ad

>> No.54763699

The cutest Hololive loli, new gen didn’t sway me in the slightest

>> No.54763711

Bro, I truly don’t care. I watched half of Gura’s “Night Delivery” stream from 2 years ago for the first time today while waiting for the EN3 debuts. I might watch the rest tomorrow. There are dozens if not hundreds of streams I havent seen not to mention unarchived stuff and members. There’s also lots from her “past life” I haven’t seen. I’m not hurting for Gura content, I don’t have some parasocial attachment to her, if she announced she had a boyfriend or a girlfriend and would be streaming even less I still wouldn’t care. She’s still my favourite not because of the amount she streams but because of everything I wrote in that screenshot. Quality over quantity. Gura makes me laugh all the time every time. I’ve never laughed at any of the other EN talents not even once even though I respect them greatly. Miko made me laugh one single time in a GTAIV compilation saying the N word, but I can’t understand her language so why would I watch her? I’m glad you love your oshi for her dedication and hard work. I love Gura for being herself and staying happy and healthy and for all the hard work she put in back when she started out and nearly put herself in the hospital due to it. I’d rather happy healthy Gura infrequently than unhappy unmotivated Gura forced to stream when she doesn’t want to and making herself sick in the process. I can tell you’ve never had a girlfriend cause you don’t understand the meaning of “if you love someone, set them free”. Sad really.

>> No.54763731

Right place in a right time.

>> No.54763783

Mikeneko is one of the best vtubers out there. Her passion for her fans is unmatched. If Gura was in Mikenekos shoes she'd already be dead in a gutter through benzo abuse.

>> No.54763787

Her CCV hasn't dropped because SHE NEVER FUCKING STREAMS. So when she does it's like a whole ass event that people tune in for.

>> No.54763854

These women are selling a fucking product you are paying for. They intrinsically do owe you retards *something* which EN3 is obviously trying to deliver in good faith with its wide net approach to talent hiring. be happi, even little?

>> No.54763902

So if she doesn't stream why don't those people drop her? Is she really worth showing up for?

>> No.54763907

Why would you pay for no content though? I just don't understand. Do you buy movie tickets and then go straight back home to support a director you like?

>> No.54763908

>despite the fact she did none of the actual work herself
Didn't know they use AI gooba for those songs and live 3D guest.

>> No.54763972


>> No.54764063

>why don't those people drop her?
They do. Whenever Gura strings a few together she drops right back down to around 13k and would probably go even lower if she ever had more than 3 streams in a week. Her CCV has been getting lower and lower, it's only the fact that her streams are so rare that each one is an event that it's getting hidden from view. Advent is probably going to make it more obvious if they keep streaming in the same slot as her because I would bet more people are interested in watching a vtuber they've been watching all week than Gura who shows up once in a blue moon to fulfil her obligation.

>> No.54764082

Miko scammed us and will be using AI Gura in her 3d live???

>> No.54764168

>If Gura was in Mikenekos shoes she'd already be dead in a gutter through benzo abuse.
Be careful, that might be foreshadowing....and it's not Gura.
Gura curse is strong.

>> No.54764173


>> No.54764270

I work in IT and earn over 6 figures. Gura’s membership cost is less than a rounding error to me. I also pay for Youtube premium. The money means nothing. She gives me more fun and enjoyment than many things I pay a lot more for in my life. You have the perspective of a needy child using your parents allowance. I’m an adult with more money than free time. Gura is a small burst of happiness and fun and humour whenever I feel like such things, then I go back to my life. Like I said, you’re weird.

>> No.54764280

>and it's not Gura.
Sure about that? Work load isn't the reason she's been conked out of her mind lately

>> No.54764296

>her CCV is dropping because she never streams!
>her CCV isn't dropping because she never streams!
It's always funny seeing antis contradict themselves

>> No.54764315

>Whenever Gura strings a few together she drops right back down to around 13k and would probably go even lower if she ever had more than 3 streams in a week
She did have more than 3 streams last week and her ccv average around 17k

>> No.54764365

I only watch Gura live. I watch clips and sometimes VoDs of others.

>> No.54764456

>I have a lot of money and can waste it
That's an excuse but it's not really a compelling argument. You're free to waste your money however you like so long as you recognize that it's a waste and you're supporting someone who has no motivation and feels zero obligation to provide anything back

Personally for me the attitude is a turn off but if you enjoy giving money to whores and watching a few minutes of streams a month then you go for it.

>> No.54764577

>Counting an unarchives karaoke
Now thats desperate

>> No.54764758

Gura's default costume gives her an advantage with the simplicity of design. that blue hoodie is easily recognizable and marketable.

>> No.54764795

I'm surprised it only drops to 13k. Isn't that double what everyone else usually gets?

>> No.54764802

No that would bump it up way higher from the 33k. Just for regular game streams it was 17k. NTA but now it's obvious you're just anti-ing.

>> No.54764846

no they fucking didnt anon thats why it took 2 fucking years to get en3.
while that fag isnt necessarily wrong about her position, hes also making excuses for her to sit around and do nothing to help the industry grow, even michael jordans an active part of the basket ball industry even if hes retired and hes got a family to take care of.
gura has no excuse other than what ever is causing her to get so stuck
weird cope because its her job to stream, and youre obligated to do your job by your written contract and the social contract.
youre a faggot anon, streamers jobs are to entertain people, failing to do that in a reasonable amount for your level of fame makes you a bad streamer, especially when youre a big one.
while guras streaming habits are fitting for a 1-2 view, gura is the top dog of vtubing she shouldnt be afforded the streaming habits of 2 views just because a few chumcucks like you dont want her to stream as much so you dont miss anything or what ever reason you tell yourselves at night to make the ghosting less painful.
if you want someone who streams every so often find a good 2 view, dont let the leader of the industry basically hold everyone in place to slowly wither away like shes been doing for the last year.
they dont actually love gura as an individual like how they love other members, they love gura as a mascot.
anon you just keep coping, the lack of communication is never a strength in any human interactions, its always bad for everyone when people dont actually communicate, the down sides of communicating are outweighted by the benefits.
you have to be falseflagging because holy shit you are the most retarded anon ive seen, ignoring everyones complains and going "nuh uh" just because your okay with her being a lazy cunt.
you are part of the problem and the reason why this hobby is degenerating into esl flame wars and retards complaining about made up rules.
if gura did her fucking job more wed have a lot less bored people shitposting on this board.
anon i think youre stupid because most people here have more free time than money, just because you can afford for her to barely stream doesnt mean the rest of us or the industry can, youre just a rich fuck who doesnt care about the consequences of doing as you please.
it sounds like it contradicts but its not, her CCV is held up by her rarity buff but as the rarity buff wears off her CCV goes down, so the less consecutively she streams the rarity bonus is kept up, inflating the average CCV to look better than what it would be.

>> No.54764857

She's got the model and voice down, she just need the personality and humor which is 90% of the reason Gura is so big.

>> No.54764876

Guras median in 2022 was over 20k. If she streamed regularly her median would plummet under 15k pretty quick, that's a big drop.

>> No.54764909

>I-it doesn't count
kek, I should only count the stream where she playing debuff games to fit your narrative right?

>> No.54764937

She was part of the selection process for EN3. Gura has experience, after building successful channels three times from scratch. Cover knows she is the best judge for the Western audience. You have Nyanners saying she is no dummy, but an intelligent and shrewd businesswoman. She does more behind the scenes than is let on, like working directly with the composers to some of Myth's events.
No coincidence that Jap copies Gura's words: Hololive only grows stronger.
When chat questioned Gura's absence, she was not apologetic and instead said, "I'm doing what I can, when I can."
Upon her return stream, she wasn't kidding that this summer was going to be packed beyond belief. Gura was busy and we all should be kneeling to her.

>> No.54764995

Wouldn't that just put her in line with everyone else's drop?

>> No.54765009

holy fuck touch grass

>> No.54765035
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holy shit you're pathetic lmao
this is what you really do huh, damn
if you actually had valid points it would be another story, that's why I can call you pathetic

>> No.54765069

Holy fuck this is the biggest load of cope I've ever seen. Yes Gura wasn't doing her job because she was secretly puppeteering Yagoo and selecting EN3 herself you delusional retard

She was doing nothing except lying on her floor blitzed out of her brain on drugs and alcohol.

>> No.54765137

Some day you'll acknowledge the greatness of Gura. There are no coincidences.

>> No.54765250

chumcucks really upping their delusions with EN3's debut huh

>> No.54765307
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>> No.54765314
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Is this the Niji cope thread?

>> No.54765360

I can tell this guy's hatred for Gura is bigger than the love for his oshi.

>> No.54765394

EN 3 is actually streaming unlike this has been.

>> No.54765528

None of them have an oshi. It's obvious, they're literally just incels. Like the actual kind, not the ones sisters seethe about.

>> No.54765553

typical false flagging.
We've seen the same shitposts before. He has a list to copypasta off.

>> No.54765697
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Haters gonna hate.

If you come at the king you better not miss.

>> No.54765704

I love Gura the most TuT

>> No.54765817

Gura's a once in a lifetime individual. She already had well over a million subs before becoming a vtuber back when even the highest subbed holo didn't have close to that, just by putting some low effort meme videos out. Everything she does is iconic and generation defining. She's a memetic force of nature in the internet age. Other famous internet celebs like Belle Delphine were trying to emulate HER.

Then you add on the fact that she's got this extremely unique voice and can sing like an angel with pitch-perfect hearing, and now even if another once-in-a-lifetime meme queen came along, they probably don't have the singing chops, and if another amazing singer comes along, they probably don't have the unique soulful voice to make that talent really stand out, and if they have the unique voice, they probably aren't a meme queen. It's not any one thing that makes Gura amazing it's so many different things packed into one individual that the full suite of them all showing up together becomes exponentially harder and harder to find. She's a four-leaf clover that got struck by lightning while winning the lottery. It just doesn't happen again.

>> No.54765841

The powerpoint was baller, and editing it midstream showed both technical competence and big pebble energy. For a debut thats about as good as its going to get.

>> No.54765864

say what you want about her not streaming, she is a generational talent

>> No.54766041

EXACTLY. This guy gets it

>> No.54766184


>> No.54766564

>but an intelligent and shrewd businesswoman
if she was half as good as you say she is, she would at least put on a good face to make it seem like she isnt doing jack shit.
a good business person can do heavy lifting and making it apparent enough to satify, even dimitri jap is doing so because hes actually doing something.
also you really get off to sucking dick because i think youre the most dick sucking faggot ive seen in my life and ive seen a good few on this board.
no its the chumcuck cope thread, nijifag cope thread is a block down the road.
youd be wrong actually, this is my first time arguing about her work ethic, because normally i wouldnt even bother but your dick sucking noises were so damn loud that i had to call you fags out.
i cant stand faggots like you who put up with trash behavior being youre so charmed, you ignore everyone else and end up acting like fags just because you happen to like the most popular thing, youre basically disneyfags.
i dont hate gura herself, shes got powerful charisma and talent that i respect but i hate what she stands for by not trying and having her fans suck her off as if shes jesus.
you fags i hate though, demand better from your entertainment.
viewers reflect the streamers but holy fuck is it bad in this case.
true, too bad shes wasting her luck because she doesnt know whats shes got and in turn isnt trying to improve.

>> No.54766644

Are you still here? Sad.

>> No.54766872
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Same here. Never regret a small price supporting quality talent.

Unironically, I've saved thousands since falling down the rabbit hole. Curbed me away from gacha games in my spare time.

It was Gura's absence that made me branch out to other Hololive members. Awaiting her return.

>> No.54767096

>true, too bad shes wasting her luck because she doesnt know whats shes got and in turn isnt trying to improve.
Isn't trying to improve in what sense? She's working on her vocals, her dancing, all of the things she's said are her dream to get better at. She also struggles with some forms of apparent mental illness and undefined physical ailments, we don't know what actually goes on behind the scenes but we know she isn't exactly the picture of good health.

If you mean get better at work ethic ie streaming all the time, that isn't something she ever promised or owes anybody, she puts out enough content to stay relevant and keep people entertained, she doesn't need to grind her ass off. She never meant to become the top vtuber in the world and she doesn't really care for the title anyways, she suffers badly from imposter syndrome and all the attention and wishes she had just been average in popularity amongst her genmates instead of rocketing ahead in a way that she herself believes was in some ways unearned. The whole obsession others have with numbers and with Gura's position means nothing to her, she just wants to have fun and make friends. You autists writing whole angry rants about fanbase drama is meaningless to Gura's personal perspective.

>> No.54767170

You weak-minded fool, how can you be so influenced by /vt/ rrats. No one died during her absence, and she retained her whole audience upon return. Her CCV is higher than last year.

Last time Gura tried speaking of her health issues. VT and Twitter were spammed with retard helmets.

She learned that No news is best news. Upon return, all was as if nothing happened. That must make you seethe.

>> No.54767211
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>> No.54767217

>cuter than gura
>funnier than gura
Also incorrect unless you like shitty vine boom spam

>> No.54767287


>> No.54767317

Well said

>> No.54767630

rock can't sing worth a shit

>> No.54768222

>Why still nobody can challenge gura?
This is why she's such a bitch. She wants a challenge but no one can or want to compete.

>> No.54768431

ill clarify myself, shes wasting her potential by being so inactive.
she may be improving some of her skills but shes also barely showing off those improvements.
im not trying to be one of the fags saying she must be on the grind and stream every day, im well aware of that drain on her, my oshi has gone through similar.
but she could be doing more to help hololive and in turn the vtubing industry grow by getting out more and being active.
or at least be open about whats she up to more often instead of ghosting her fans for weeks on end and drip feeding them food, its honestly abusive whether she means to or not.
i wish she wasnt the top dog so that she could do her own thing without the huge expectations but because she is in that position she should use it to do stuff others cant.
she could easily make connections with others to strengthen relations with those in holo or with normal streamers and vtubers, her charisma is powerful enough i feel.
gura is basically like looking at the perfect show dog, it could win 1st place every time but deciding not to show it because you dont feel like making it work to be the best show dog it could be.

>> No.54768440

>currently 3rd place in her gen with a huge gap between her and the pups


>> No.54768455

Yeah but she doesn't stream

>> No.54768500

>dead en subs > active jp subs

>> No.54768546

Others won't challenge her because Gura is already challenged.

>> No.54768634

Post Gura recent CCV. She ain’t got shit on JP members

>> No.54768868

You have mistaken Gura for someone who wants to stream for numbers. She never talks about her milestones and breaking records, she actually discourages chasing numbers that change what you want to do.

Gura said at the start she joined Hololive so she can be on stage. She told stories of showing her Mom Hatsune Miku when young and said that is who she wants to be. The stories sounded cute back then, but today we know she was dead serious. She paid her dues of streaming over two years consistently and now is making her dreams come true.

>> No.54768925


>> No.54769468

Vtubing was at its biggest around the time she debuted. Memes blew her up. And as it turns out, having a loli model makes it easier to make memes about. No vtuber after can match how popular Gura was and sorta still is. Anyone close is only seen as derivative of her.

>> No.54769706

Given her lifestyle I doubt she care about wealth or fame. As long as she can afford basic needs anything more is meaningless number.

>> No.54769851
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*blocks your path*

>> No.54769858
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Gura is the chosen one, no one can challenge her.

>> No.54769908

i dont care about her numbers either, but her natural charisma is powerful enough to create a better future for herself and others.
what i want to see out of her isnt for her to get bigger numbers but to lift up the world with her power, instead of being a ghost who fails to communicate her goings on when everyone else easily does it while also do another 20 things publically.

>> No.54769947

She turned off superchats on last weeks streams.

>> No.54769956

Didn't gura write all of her bio in the middle of debut?

>> No.54770128

Seemed like she read some of the fans griviences. Besides she doesn't need your Argentina super chats. Her main income comes from merch sales.

>> No.54770213

Antis just looks at her page, but she was doing mostly collabs, yet they were still saying Gura doko?
Gura is back now and supporting other members. Why is it still a problem?

>> No.54770517

I was upset when she addressed that one superchat about her absence. But she handled it very well.
Other than a few, Chumbuds seem to be the best fans. Gura is lucky to have them. She gained over 900 memberships on a recent stream.

>> No.54770630

anons itt trying to define her like a gods given talent yet shes still cant make a break beyond the holobox. nobody outside vtuber masses cared nor know about her.

>> No.54770798
File: 120 KB, 1304x624, 1690780595243879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't keep pulling in new subscribers from within the box. Soon she'll be back to 50k+ per month.
Kudos to Mori this month. She worked her butt off.

>> No.54771245

Yeah, in 2-4 year. But beware!

>> No.54771633

Louder till the chumchums cry blood! AHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.54772555

Gura is lightning in a bottle they won't be able to intentionally replicate. Perfect personality, understands both boomer and zoomer internet culture/humor, even before she became Gura her meme music videos got millions of views. Combined with the fact that she got lucky with a perfect character design, her original output is very cute and iconic, recognizable but not over-designed like the newer gens. It's like the Pikachu of vTuber designs. Also a great singer, but many hololive members are. She also has a perfect balance of weeb-ness. She knows enough Japanese to fit into Hololive culture, but she is not fluent in JP which creates funny/entertaining interactions with JP senpais. On top of all that she simply has a cute voice and a certain X factor that makes people love her, kinda like Ayame.

>> No.54772768
File: 113 KB, 623x311, 1690439416957724 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel and linkrel are the proof that Gura kneels to Pekora, cumpedo.

>> No.54772880

Holy shit, mori had to shamelessly beg for subs + relay boosted and gura gets that while not even feeding into the whole advent hype/ on auto pilot mode

Honestly impressive.

>> No.54772895

>and a certain X factor
just say that her genetics made her neotenous and that many men on the internet want to fuck children

>> No.54772949

Or… she’s just being supportive?

>> No.54773393

The world is theirs

>> No.54774113


There are thousands of other vtubers, from companies as well as indies, that also have the uWu child shtick and none of them are as successful as Gura, so clearly that isn't the X factor she has that others don't.

>> No.54774370

She debuted at a time when people were locked in their homes and had time to piss away. Most of her subs are dead, but she's got a high enough viewer floor that she makes an impact on the algorithm anyway, at least for this particular niche. It helps that she's not bad at what she does as well.

>> No.54774596

not even close, but I still support both of them

>> No.54774817

One of the most logical reasons Cover is still adding new idols is for the merch sales. But, I still hope there is a new highly popular idol from the new gen

>> No.54775327

