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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 178 KB, 364x399, pomurkh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54683744 No.54683744 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh cool, Pomu is streaming a horror game!
>open stream
>another fucking manwhore in her stream
>close stream

>> No.54684039

is that why her CCV was much higher than usual?

>> No.54685753

i kneel

>> No.54685982

mortuary assistant is an insanse buffgame for female streamers, i bet if she was solo she would be 30% higher

>> No.54686167

Even Enna had like 6k on it and that was during peak of NijiEN popularity. That's definitely Shu siters watching.

>> No.54686343

No problem, I self-insert as the man

>> No.54686374
File: 190 KB, 507x376, 1690410658503246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No interactions with the new Holo girls
>Not even a single fucking follow
>Directly provoking her old guard with this shit

She's changed so much and it's for the worse.

>> No.54686458


>> No.54686551

You're shitting on Pomu for that when people like Gura haven't even acknowledged them?

>> No.54686583
File: 684 KB, 1275x706, 80f0d0ad646b3007ef8f8f8d9970e9a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in holo shitposters make a big deal about 2 male collabs in a year or a follow on twitter. Meanwhile the only way to survive in nijien is a male showing up on stream randomly.

>> No.54686653

Dude it's Niji EN. You should be used to this kinda of content.

>> No.54686668

Pomu is the senpai here, why haven't they acknowledged her first?

>> No.54686715

Gura is scared she will send her schizos over

>> No.54686858
File: 245 KB, 457x491, 1621642731822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN unironically corrupts you into a worse person and eats your lifeforce until you're a husk
She's somehow more jaded and bitter now than when she was wagie

>> No.54686880

doesn't mean i have to like it.
if she would at least put them on the thumbnail or the title, but no it's a fucking bait image and title.

>> No.54686929

Maybe if she didn't do these male NTR ambushes every few months she would still have a strong fanbase?

>> No.54686949

you can unironically blame that on the company for treating her like shit. if you actually watched her, you would know the full list of times the company has fucked specifically her over.

>> No.54686960

That's an issue I have with NijiEN. So many dudes in every stream.
I don't even care if they have the occasional collab, I'll just skip it, but fuck with them every other video is a male collab.
I want to watch cute girls being cute.

>> No.54687030

Yet she seems more tribalistic than ever? Elira and Finana are following the Advent girls.

>> No.54687160

i don't think its anything like that, i think she just gives less and less of a shit about anything. a few more graduations and/or canceled projects and she will be more lifeless than Neuro.

>> No.54687173

That has nothing to do with the company making her jaded and bitter.

>> No.54687243
File: 2.45 MB, 4000x2835, 1690753043456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching Nijitrash and come back home already, bros

>> No.54687314
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She's unironically so fucking retarded for renewing her contract I actually resent her for it

>> No.54687387
File: 80 KB, 720x720, 1685316229180148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu a shit. I dropped her when she was in her luca cocksleeve phase. Haven't watched her since and have been much happier.
This is legit the first pomu thread I've been in in a year or something.

>> No.54687409

Things were still looking up at the start of the year, when contracts were being re-signed. Then the company had diarrhea in its bed.

>> No.54687410

the whole board says she will be collabing with men all the time, why would i move from someone that does this already to someone else that will do it too?

>> No.54687509

She talked about being uncertain about resigning until March which was when everything was going to shit
No one to blame but herself (and the rest of that shitty branch who probably gaslighted her into staying)

>> No.54687556

man it was so bad, every fucking stream he would show up. now i barely watch her and just sometimes see her streams pop up on the youtube frontpage and 90% of the time when i click it some fucking dude is there.

>> No.54687648

This is still Niji EN we are talking about here. They have open vc for literally every stream.

>> No.54687707

Holo EN was never good.

>> No.54687752

If they had it open for literally every stream I wouldn't complain but the majority of the time she actually streams solo now which makes stunts like this so much worse.

>> No.54687771

Nah, contract re-signings are 3-4 months before debut anniversary.
Look at Nina, she graduated beginning of July, while her debut was in October. 3 months.
Look at Mysta, he's graduating end of August, while his debut was end of December. 4 months.
You can also look at Yugo, he terminated his contract late-December, while his debut was late-February. 3 months.
So between 3-4 months.
Lazulight debuted mid-May, so 3-4 months prior to that would be January/February.
Shit didn't start hitting the fan until the beginning of February.

>> No.54687785

I don't even care about males collabs since NijEN has desensitised me to them but Hololives streaming hours are a complete killer as a euro

>> No.54687804

>goes back anyway

>> No.54687885

But I want ILUNA to lose a member

>> No.54687944
File: 125 KB, 779x456, 214123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does this shit once a year or so, she'll basically be hololite and build up an audience of gachikoi only to ambush them with some male NTR shit out of nowhere(1 on 1 impromptu male collab, flirting with Luca, telling her fans to fuck off if they don't like male collabs etc.)
It genuinely feels like emotional abuse

>> No.54687954

>Shit didn't start hitting the fan until the beginning of February.
Shit didn't start being visibly hitting the fan from the outside until February. Zaion was being cooked alive in late December and was effectively fired in early January, and other stuff was already reaching its breaking point. The signs were there, although you can still chalk that up to hindsight.

>> No.54687962
File: 105 KB, 549x554, 1674139556377174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niji is finished.
that not me being a tribalfag, thats just reality. there was a time when i put niji on a similar level to other corpos but they've done nothing but decline and fuck up. iluna was dogshit and xsoleil is literal garbage too besides for zaion, who they fucking fired.
i didn't even know they had another all male wave until yesterday lmao. the company is a joke and its sinking fast.
i would have hoped the likes of pomu, elira and selen would have jumped ship by now to save themselves but it looks like they're going to fade out into irrelevancy along with the company.
rosemi is usually good at avoiding sinking ships too and getting the fuck outta dodge

>> No.54688050

Probably need to wait until March/April 2024

>> No.54688067

That's the joke. But joke on that anon too, because the worst homo dick riders in HoloEN still don't get anywhere near your average NijiEN girl.

>> No.54688089

>pomu, elira and selen
whoops meant rosemi instead of elira

>> No.54688100
File: 189 KB, 1445x1328, 1685714249123280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't watched niji in ages, but I don't remember Shu being particularly annoying. I could understand being put off by Luca/Vox, but Shu isn't that bad.

>> No.54688111
File: 2.72 MB, 5088x2862, 1662579158692423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point just split Lazusydia into it's own sub-group and ban any interaction between the two groups
They're the only ones worth watching and why anyone gives a shit about NijiEN in the first place
Might be too little too late though, most of Lazusydia now seem as bitter and male obsessed and the rest of them

>> No.54688174

Shu has become the new Luca, he joins literally every stream/chat of the girls

>> No.54688182

nah they are too big to fail, they will just get smaller in the EN sphere and become more irrelevant, but they are not going anywhere.
unless a mass exodus of the more popular chuubas happens.

>> No.54688193

More like Gura is scared she'll lose her paypigs

>> No.54688246

Shu is fine personality-wise but he hops from stream to stream and it's fucking annoying when you expect a solo stream and it's not without any indication.

>> No.54688251
File: 163 KB, 1105x604, 1656701546252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill off all your gachikoi with male collabs to pander to sisters
>sisters get bored and leave like the vapid cunts they are
So this is how NijiEN dies...not with a bang but with a wimper...

>> No.54688282

>seem as bitter and male obsessed
Thats because the only way they can make money now is to get gibs from fujos watching the males during collabs, just look at their supas outside of events, they always get more if they have a man in the stream.

>> No.54688302

Zaion still streamed in January after her week-long silent suspension. She didn't get her month-long public suspension until mid-February. February was also when the AR Live cancellation was announced, as well as Anycolor shitting the bed with the False/Khyo DMCA takedowns. So yeah, it wasn't until Lazusydia resigned their contracts (because both waves were hired at the same time) that the company decided to shoot itself in the foot multiple times.

>> No.54688334

It's quite telling you literally never see Pomu/NijiEN anymore outside of drama
Does anything even happen over there outside of graduations?

>> No.54688356

Pomu is a weird case. She will do anything not to go back to the hell that is retail work again, so I imagine she'll leave and try to find a new vtubing home the moment she feels like the Niji ship is about to capsize, but not any sooner because applying with new corporations is a lot of stress that she probably doesn't want to deal with until she absolutely has to.

>> No.54688402

That graph seems really outdated. I doubt that it's any better now but I wanted to see updated data.

>> No.54688400

Shu is acting just like Luca during the solo stream invasion phase, he hops into every fucking stream and derails any interaction the girls had with chat.
It's what pisses me off the most, the streams with shu (or luca before) turn from livestreams into let's play videos because they stop reading/talking to chat.

>> No.54688439

Of course, but we don't spam the catalog with it. Did you know Bushiroad unveiled figures of Lazulight yesterday? Probably not, because we don't post every little thing that happens on the catalog.

>> No.54688453

>catalogueshitter in awe that /vt/ only shittalks nijisanji

>> No.54688455

It's 100% even worse now but that's useful to show how quickly the girls died off once the males debuted

>> No.54688460

Gura could murder someone in the middle of timesquare and wouldn't lose any chumbud paypigs.

>> No.54688540

Not just /vt/ you never see them on social media and outside collabs have completely died
But keep seething sis, I'm sure it'll magically get better one day

>> No.54688591

someone tried, but nobody cared

>> No.54688653

What the hell happened in June 2022 that made everyone nosedive like that?

>> No.54688656

The only NijiEN fag I have a problem with is Uki because I've seen him making "I'M FUCKING GAY GET OVER IT" streams. Couldn't care less if Shu is gay, he seems cool. If he made an "I'M A FAGGOT" stream I'd block his channel too. Pomu's stream is fine get a grip.

>> No.54688729

>It's 100% even worse now but that's useful to show how quickly the girls died off once the males debuted
Pomu made 18k this month

>> No.54688823

If you're a seething holotroon why would you disingenuously ask such a question? you just want your validation from other catalogueniggers
your disposition tells your intention

>> No.54688837

>birthday month
>only 18k

>> No.54688873

>you never see them on social media
Because you don't follow them. I don't see any other corpo ENs on my social media, because I don't follow them.
>and outside collabs have completely died
Last week NijiEN had collabs with Sykkuno, Rae, ironmouse, and LordAethelstan.

>> No.54688916

It's her birthday month and it still would be among the lowest before Luxiem debuts.

>> No.54688989

>nijiEN is DEAD!!!
What's fun is seeing you third worlders obsess over corporations, CCV, SC whatever while you yourselves live in squalor.
You live vicariously through the earnings of others because you won't ever see 10k in your bank account in your life.
Sorry sister move the goalposts a little more will you

>> No.54689000

What happened? He always seemed so chill.

>> No.54689024

her birthday was this month anon.

>> No.54689028

Pomu also took off 1.5 weeks this month, so really that's on her for not streaming.

>> No.54689128

18k is bad for ehr though?
Just look how much she earned in July 2021 when she literally just debuted and was basically a 3view >>54688251
Why are you getting so angry over facts?

>> No.54689129

Graduating soon

>> No.54689163

no idea, it just got more and more annoying during the last 2 months, maybe the graduations mad him go insane or something.

>> No.54689238

That's the "horror" part.

>> No.54689241

why is he even there? he's barely talking and just being a pest
male vtubers shouldn't exist

>> No.54689319

nijis isnt finished, not even nijien is finished. but the fact that you think the company is sinking fast while they are on one of their best years revenue, profit and popularity wise is insane
yeah yeah, youll tell riku is my oshi or whatever, but thats the reality, the company isnt losing any money and their main branch has one of the best years. whatever happens in EN dont affect them.

>> No.54689331

Nothing you do changes the fact you're in this thread seething about a vtuber making five figure sums a month while you're rotting in your tin shack.

>> No.54689539

Thank you for your support
$5 has been added to your gift card

>> No.54689641

high revenue is great for riku, but it won't mean shit for us viewers if they don't reinvest anything into the streams, no fucking concert venues (no, a fucking hotel is not a concert venue) no creative merch, the chuubas are becoming more and more jaded, what the fuck does the financial situation of the company matter?

>> No.54689693

That's why unicorns are so fierce about any male interaction
When holo announced their Valorant collab several japs are doomposting because that's the same way that niji has gone
I seen one speaking something like "Holo just started to grow because niji refugees are seeking a place and now they're doing the same"

>> No.54689787

That's exactly why Gura is scared of her fans.

>> No.54689863

Anonchama, 18k SC is like 5k after all the corpo cuts and taxes. That's barely above median salary in the US. It's not this is a lifelong career. It's not like corpo handles her pension and insurance. And she needs to pay for projects out of pocket too. I'll take my white collar job, thanks.

>> No.54690002

That's before the corpo cut? Holy shit that's grim then.
At least she has applicable real life work experience she can go back to.

>> No.54690041

It feels like every time I check out a pomu stream some niji dude will either pop into VC or attention whore in her chat

>> No.54690115


>> No.54690159

anon, do you understand the concept of someone saying a company is sinking, which means the company is dying, and then you correct the other individual about it not being true? you dont need to get defensive because the reality is that anycolor isnt suffering at all as a business.
lastly, you are talking about nijien, right? because JP had 8 concerts this year and in EN merch has been much more creative for months.

>> No.54690226

good thing SC isnt the only way they make money and its just one of the many revenue, even without counting merch which is the lowest cut.

>> No.54690436
File: 33 KB, 330x576, streamlabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of her donators use streamlabs instead.

>> No.54690530

Never heard of her. I only watch Holo Live

>> No.54690724

>Having a friend (male) on stream and not following the newest toys for rival company = being a horrible person
You fags are so overdramatic.

>> No.54691702

>newest toys for a rival company
>dehumanizing your peers and coworkers because your boss' boss' boss considers their boss' boss' boss a rival

>> No.54692106

NTA but when people say "niji is dying" they mean that the streams are becoming shit and the channels are shriveling up, not that anycolor is going bancrupt.
the only way you can misunderstand that is if you are on the spectrum.

>> No.54692165

18k is WITH streamlabs no? social blade shows 16k for supas

>> No.54692220

She had Luca blocked on her channel since around last December, and it was great. She realized though cause of the group cover, and theoretically has unblocked him. Gotta get myself prepared to drop even more streams should he pop back around again.

>> No.54692233

Nope, streamlabs doesn't get tracked anywhere because it doesn't have an API that sites can use to pull that info in.

>> No.54692462

>the only way you can misunderstand that is if you are on the spectrum.
Or if you're trying to play Spin Doctor on /vt/.
Remember to say hi to Enna and Millie, by the way.

>> No.54692476
File: 2.12 MB, 1638x1638, 1683905828379811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTA but when people say "niji is dying" they mean that the streams are becoming shit and the channels are shriveling up, not that anycolor is going bancrupt.
this, i'm the guy who made the first post that this all stemmed from and anycolor as a company didn't even enter into my head because i couldn't give a fuck about them, i'm talking about the streamers themselves.

>> No.54694845

anon.. even that is wrong because then that just means nijien is dying. the only Nijisanji is JP and they are doing great

>> No.54695813

Imagine still watching Pomu. lmao

>> No.54697208


>> No.54702816


>> No.54704665

You can't pick your kami-oshi. I dropped her months ago (also over her obnoxious coworkers) and I still think about her.

>> No.54704817

If you can't put aside a silly difference like that, then she was never your kami-oshi. And you don't deserve her regardless.

>> No.54709548


>> No.54723534

