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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 83 KB, 542x687, Screenshot 2023-07-30 095530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54640814 No.54640814 [Reply] [Original]

I cannot believe how much she sucks. Her voice. She has no personality and then her saying that whole respect my collabs she doesn't get a sub from me also she is such a tryhard with the forced GFE lines.

What a failure.

>> No.54640864

Ok nijinigger / phasekek.
Thanks for sharing.

>> No.54640929

Thats just unjustified cyberbullying. Its one fucking stream. ONEEEE

>> No.54640930

>her voice
It's just Irys' voice. Bland but not bad.
>no personality
She does have one, it's just generic and there's nothing unique about her.
>forced GFE
This is what lonely neckbeards want. And as usual, it's gonna end up the same way. kek

>> No.54640950

The Aia of HoloEN
Can’t wait for her to cover her chest with the New Year’s kimono like Kronii

>> No.54640974

Good the less Jakartan in her comments the better for me.

>> No.54641023

>irys voice
are these fags deaf?

>> No.54641451

I can't believe that out of all the auditions they had they hired her. For the leader role as well. Absolutely baffling.

>> No.54641512
File: 641 KB, 973x889, omegajap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. Now see you later, I have some more oji-san private events to start.

>> No.54641596

her debut was a disaster but i will give her a chance to redeem herself. not like watching a few other videos of hers will be impossible for me to handle, though i'm not really hopeful.

>> No.54641608

I feel like this is a Nijireject and it hurts so much to se how bad things are that THIS is the best they could come up with in TWO years while other corpos are debutting gems that love their fans and understand the industry they're in.

>> No.54641614

At some point watching her I literally lost faith in holo. But i got It back with Bijou lol

>> No.54641626

i didn't watch the vod yet, but she is pushing GFE and then says she will collab with men? how is that supposed to work?
>hey honey, let's go on a date and after i will go hang out with a bunch of other men while you sit there and watch!

>> No.54641661

You're posting in a bait thread.

>> No.54641686

she is super sweet, kys faggot

>> No.54641769

Same here. I'm hoping for the doggos and gem loli to carry the gen while this disappointment just slows them down, and I guess the other girl is the wildcard but after this letdown I'm even afraid to watch her tomorrow.

>> No.54641773


>> No.54641818

You'll have the see the vod yourself to understand. It's a fucking mess from start to finish like she doesn't know what she wants to do with herself which is weird because the person who is playing this character has been in the vtuber scene for a very fucking long time.

>> No.54641845


>> No.54641846

I think the general rule of "EN sex design = shit chuuba, cute design = good chuuba" is gonna hold fairly strong.

>> No.54641939
File: 603 KB, 1892x1707, 1671688945516558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the other girl is a whore too according the the rrats and she loves Ike from Nijisanji and talks to him a lot so I advice you to temper your expectations.

But you are right, the gem loli and the doggos will carry this gen. I have absolute fucking faith in them, even though we haven't seen the dogs yet, I already know what to expect and they WILL be great.

>> No.54641976

Yeah, she gives everyone a turn. You don't even need to pay her for her services unless you're buying voice packs

>> No.54641997

Stop making new threads about this shit you fucking SEAmonkeys jesus fucking christ, stick to the other 20 or at least don't just repeat the same shit over and over

>> No.54642091

but then how are people sorting by creation date supposed to see their threads?

>> No.54642165

So far she’s at least looking decent on Twitter and she’s even pandering to the kroniies. Maybe she’ll do a complete 180 and become a CGDCT icon and become a born again virgin.

>> No.54642171

Everybody forces a voice during debut. She'll get comfortable sooner or later. Besides, there's bigger things to worry about.

>> No.54642177
File: 64 KB, 896x891, 1664419787304343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to hand it to management, with the way Tempus 2 debuts failed they did everything they could to plan this debut well. Having the debuts come right after HoloSummer, sandwiched between two sets of relay karaokes. Basically forces viewers to watch the debuts then resume watching the relay karaokes.

>> No.54642257

kek, good one

>> No.54642260

They're well planned, too. You can give Shiori shit for her phrasing, but the actual scuff levels of each debut were absolutely minimal.

>> No.54642317


Also she comes of as boring/entitled/tryhard and failing at the same time. her debout was a disaster, realy grimm if that is the best EN talents have to offer. luckily Bijou saved it

>> No.54642363

Yes, they really planned it all out, like the eastcoast not being able to watch the second debuts if you have to work early in the morning, or work during normal times in JP, or exist in EU, really great scheduling work!

>> No.54642399

She has a personality anon, just not the one you prefer.

>> No.54642417

Sorry but PST is the target timezone for HoloEN.

>> No.54642418

this was far from a disaster what the fuck are you on? literally all vt's bitching about is a 3 second long throwaway line, everything else was completely inoffensive. need i remind you of amelia's or mumei's debuts? want to see korone's?

>> No.54642468

I just hope she doesn't bring down anyone else. Bijou is unlucky to have Shiori as a gen mate

>> No.54642605

>all vt's bitching about is a 3 second long throwaway
Anon.... You didn't read everything. We know who she is and what she has done. Her debut stream had nothing noteworthy besides the 'throwaway line'

>> No.54642617

By that metric everyone has a personality as long as they are not lobotomized.

>> No.54642640

maybe it's because they don't give a shit at all about any other timezone so there won't be any growth there? nah, it has to be the people!

>> No.54642669
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1000, 1690254565415156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over. She got MOGGED by Gem loli.

>> No.54642703

what's the pay for shilling on 4channel.org?

>> No.54642705

fuck off, korones debut was great.
in hindsight.
a few years later.

>> No.54642738

The average male is so starved for positive attention that even a simple complement will get them to worship you left and right with money tributes.

>> No.54643223

cover pays ~₱120 per shill post
anycolor ~₱50 per bait/shitpost
and phase connect ~₪20 per cover vs niji post

>> No.54643287

Sure, they can take a risk to explore markets with low demand but yeah it is a risk and would you doom several vtubers with low numbers to test the waters? Statistically PST makes the most sense to milk. It has the largest anime convention in North America, west coast Americans have a lot money to toss around. Second largest in America is CST (mostly Texans) and they can still watch PST with +1hr diff. Europeans is primarily France which I assume is a much smaller market compared to North America.

>> No.54643467

She sounds like a fat bitch

>> No.54643733

just watch the two vods side by side Bijou is really nice and cute, seems to be grateful for the opportunity and looking forward to be part of hololive. shiori thinks we and hololive owe her something, that she is entitled to our attention and money she didn't even try being entertaining or likeable at all

>> No.54643809


>> No.54643857

This is straight up proper analysis. Bijou clearly prepared for this with much thought

>> No.54643927

Stupid whore

>> No.54644114

Damn, you guys are so rude Q.Q

>> No.54644258

The thing that's so bad about it is that this is her debut: this is the time when she should be doing her best to gain fans but instead, decides to pull an "improve yourself" at the end out of nowhere when everything else was going relatively fine. It's like she had a plan in place but then someone got in her head and made her think unnecessary thoughts.

>> No.54644289

I'll masturbate to her art

>> No.54644328

Korone's was such a disaster that even Fubuki was exasperated kek

>> No.54644342

It's just Irys' voice. Bland but not bad.
How fucking dare you

>> No.54644353
File: 365 KB, 486x686, 1651382140688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Establishing ground rules is doing an improve yourself moment

>> No.54644389

So you made a stupid tread because....

>> No.54644582

Establishing ground rules is good and sets her up to avoid a Kronii situation. Still a tinge of disappointment as people got their hopes up pre-debut that she'd provide goth-GFE. When (if) she does collab with males it will be a much milder "told you so" response, and she won't have to sperg out and insult her viewers because the response was so mild.

>> No.54644628

There was a tempus 2????!?

>> No.54644655

Of course, didn't you see all the popular demand?

>> No.54644678


>> No.54644748

Yeah I still can't believe they debuted a guy named Banjo Kazooine.

>> No.54644809

Anon, we have years of "Shiori" vods to know exactly what her content will be like. It wouldn't have mattered even if she never made vague statements about collab partners that shizos can latch on to. She just isn't entertaining to watch.

>> No.54644835

At least wait a week for some actual streams bro
Her just outright going with her normal voice and even talking about others having asked her if that shitty voice is real is kinda funny though
Like she knows she has a grating voice but just cant be bothered

>> No.54645001

Yea it's like those old pornos where the opening scene where they'd put up a girl who isn't very good, and the the next scene is a girl who knows how to take things like a champ and pumps cocks all around her.

>> No.54645367


>> No.54645456


>> No.54645799
File: 996 KB, 1920x2151, niji...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cannot believe how much she sucks. Her voice. She has no personality and then her saying that whole respect my collabs she doesn't get a sub from me also she is such a tryhard with the forced GFE lines.
>What a failure.

>> No.54646204

Chuubas are often cringe tryhards at debut, but develop confidence and their own style over time. Just give her some time anon.

>> No.54646316

What pains me is the wasted model. She had the best.

>> No.54647048

