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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54524801 No.54524801 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the SEAs and Americans get all the Vtuber events? Why do the Euros get none?

>> No.54524896


>> No.54524932

while the former is culturally there, the latter is at least rich enough to sustain the hobby as a niche subculture.
euros have neither

>> No.54524969

I don't want my vtuber event being ruined by an Europoor climate change cultist dress in orange vest.

>> No.54525018

Wait I thought the Euros have a big audience

>> No.54525035

no streamers = no streams = no fans = no events

>> No.54525155

Shondo, Rin, Kiara, Vox, Vei, Sarueil, Shy lilly. There's some

>> No.54525163

They need the loichense to stream on their land

>> No.54525216

Big manga / anime audience (and still smaller than NA anyway). Manga / animefags aren't automatically VTuberfags
Several corpo chuubas, males and females included, have tried to crack EU market. None of them is remarkable nowadays. That should be enough to show you how dead the EU scene is (or premature, w/e)

>> No.54525328
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>Europoor climate change cultist dress in orange vest.
Can someone explain this to me?

>> No.54525427

Burgers have to bring up random unrelated political shit out of nowhere, pay him no mind.

>> No.54525530

Just a deranged group of Europeans thinking that blocking the road or spraying orange paints at people will change the climate.

>> No.54525933
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it's a death spiral, vtubing is a small niche in the european market so it's not interesting for corpos, but since there is no interest it's staying untapped.
there is a lot of money in the EU, and there is a lot of money spent on streamers too, no matter how many europoor memes you see, it just needs someone to break open the market.
since that's a risk nobody wants to try though.

>> No.54526295

How would someone go around breaking the market? Cos Shylilly broke the market didn't she ?

>> No.54526366

Didn't Kiara and IRyS do an event in Germany?

>> No.54526423

EU streaming regulations make it prohibitively difficult to run a vtuber business in europe. That + low incomes and unstable currency make it not worth the bother.

>> No.54526712
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>blocking the road
Wouldn't that make traffic jams on other roads? Isn't traffic jam bad for environment?
>spraying orange paints
I hope they used expensive environment-friendly spray paints that.

>> No.54526791
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>death spiral
They only need one vtuber brave enough to destroy the death spiral!

>> No.54526804

Eurobros know how to not disappoint their parents

>> No.54527451

only a corpo could actually do that, shylily is still mostly overseas fans and people already in the vtuber scene, you would need someone actually run marketing to actually make people aware vtubers exist.
i was at a manga convention in germany last year and it was shocking how many people were barely aware vtubers are a thing.

>> No.54527613

fix France first

>> No.54527667
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Wrong, japanese vtubers and cosplayers garner a more than large enough audience in european conventions

>> No.54527725

Euro's do not pay please understand.

>> No.54527753

Most people in conventions are just here for Naruto and DemonSlayer goods

>> No.54527791

proof next thread?

>> No.54527811

Other corpos have attempted to fill the gap only for the girls from Europe to just go to streaming in American or Asian time slots.

>> No.54527860
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Because nobody likes Europoors

>> No.54527921

i went to a anime con this year and I saw zero holo cosplays and like 4 artists with a bit of vtuber merch
but at least 50% of all cosplays were from genshin and the rest was from anime that are in hype right now

>> No.54528067

>I only watch Hololive

>> No.54528122

Generally speaking, Europe tends to get nothing. Cars, products, events, freedom, fun.

>> No.54528153


>> No.54528263

That explanation seems weak, fleshtubers have no trouble making bank in Europe.

>> No.54528276
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If hololive can take ID, while other can't.
I genuinely think they can take the EU market.

>> No.54528309

Remember when Vesper said he could make the Euro time slot popular and after streaming in Kiara's timezone for a while he went insane and now he's going to be fired?

>> No.54528535

It's self-fulfilling prophecy.
JP streamers are watchable by US but their hours are ungodly for Eu.
Nobody bothered properly investing into Eu market. No, your random whore streaming in Eu hours without any marketing whatsoever while other 4 girls in her generation are unavailable doesn't count.
That's what leads to less awareness of vtubers in Eu but also the people are aware of them, invested into the hobby, just accept the state of things, suck it up and watch vods/clips and don't really go out of their way to seek Eu-friendly vtubers as those are so rare while all the important ones (Hololive) pretty much never bother streaming in Eu-friendly hours.

Eu market has potential to be slightly bigger than US, yes, even if you disregard second world countries to the east of Germany - however Eu is a lot more diverse, a lot less centralized than US - which makes it tough to properly market there. Other anon mentioned regulations, that's important too, some of the laws are a pain, getting licenses can be problematic.

>> No.54529066

Euros watch indies because they're the only ones actually catering to their timezone. E.g. Shylily, Veibae and Saruei are doing well enough on twitch streaming at EU hours, but of course they're not gonna organize a whole concert on their own.

>> No.54529257

Yeah, you need a concerted effort to grow an audience. All these memes about euros being poor or uninterested are missing the point: Vtubing would still be pretty niche in America too if Hololive had not taken a risk and made HoloEN after HoloID. It requires some balls and a lot of funding, but if successful it would pay dividends. There aren't any fewer weebs in Europe, the challenge lies in regulation and languages.
I still think Cover ought to get the foot in the door by just having 1 or 2 more euro-friendly streamers, possibly even living in the US but doing earlier streams. That would help when/if they finally decide to expand into the region.

>> No.54529283

Nice boomer reference.

>> No.54529467

Europeans fucking hate having fun, unless it involves being high or being raped or both.

>> No.54529969

>Shylily, Veibae and Saruei
Really wish we could get some CGDCT streamers, these are all super-coomers and I'm just not interested in that. But you need a corpo to do it since indies don't set any rules for themselves. I'm kind of surprised that nobody has tried to copy Hololive's model yet, in terms of gender-segregation and atmosphere. It's clearly working.

>> No.54530089

Why do you guys hate europeans so much?

>> No.54530150

Because I live in Norway and wish I lived in the US.

>> No.54530166

Because eurpoors hated Amerimutts 1st.

>> No.54530191

Because you have Ronaldo vs. Messi shitposting battles instead

>> No.54530636

Come on you know that's a lie

>> No.54530713

which con did you go to? Cos if it's a medium sized con than F

>> No.54530735

Have you ever been there? What do you imagine would be so much better? Isn't Norway one of the best countries to live in?

>> No.54532188
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The thing about Norway is that nothing i "good". everything is "OK" at best and usually subpar.
I imagine that if I lived in the US, with my degree in petroleum, I'd get much better salary, have more options for hobbies and fun (these two are heavily regulated in most european countries), better standard of living (better salary with a cheaper cost of living), better healthcare etc.
If you have money as an american, you have it very good compared to most other countries. Yes I understand it suck for poor people.

>> No.54532371

easiest people in the world to hate honestly, not by choice, but by the circumstance of them all being massive cocksucking assholes.

>> No.54533558

I'm not going to ask you how old you are, but I think you might have a very idealized impression of America. I agree that from a purely materialistic perspective it's definitely best to live in the US (so long as you're rich), but that's not all there is to life. Things like crime rate, social cohesion, work-life balance, safety, etc. These things are hard to put a price tag on. But if you just want the coolest car and the most expensive steak, then you should probably just move, yeah. It's ironic that many americans feel the same way you do, only in reverse. Unfortunately for them, it's much harder to move to Norway than the US. (And most of them don't have the advantage of getting more or less free education like you.)

>> No.54533648

im still waiting for a holoEN event that takes place in the US...

>> No.54533766

oh i should clarify, i dont mean like connect the world but like the ones they have in taiwan and korea

>> No.54534041

This is a bait thread that was meant to reach at least 300 replies. Just like most catalog threads.

>> No.54535610

>crime rate, social cohesion, work-life balance, safety, etc.
Might not be a problem depending on where you live

>> No.54535804

So why should he care if Americans can't move to the place he's trying to move from?

>> No.54536040

it's because most euros watch streams on twitch and on twitch you can only really succeed if you go full coomer.
you would have to put up ads on manga/anime conventions all over europe the some interest in vtubers going, but then people would look them up and realize that there are barely any streaming during euro hours and lose interest again.

>> No.54539493


>> No.54542975

They watch streams on twitch because that's where the eurotime steamers are. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.54543156

Fucking thank you.

>> No.54543168

Dead dying continent

>> No.54543423

True, though society does connect in unexpected ways and you can't always pick freely where you live, even if you're decently well off.

Grass is always greener on the other side and all that. I'm surprised he hasn't moved already if he's so sure.

>> No.54546061

no streamers = no streams = no fans = no events

>> No.54546246

What would a European Hololive even look like? The language issue seems like a big deal since each country speaks its own language. You would need a gen for each country, and they would filter everyone that doesn't speak that language. I know some countries like Germany have a lot of English speakers, but others like France don't. Maybe they could have a mixed gen where each member speaks English + a European language, but then all the collabs would need to be in English.

>> No.54546614

Reminder that an english speaking german got 240k CCV peak opening cases on EU prime time. EU watches streams as long as you pander to european sensibilities. This is why hololive should kickstart HoloEU with 5 EU-based talents that speak english with large tits and S E X models. Lots of bouncy boobs, gravure, CSGO and music, and voila you have broken into the EU market

>> No.54546778

You've gotta put your money where your mouth is. If you aren't supporting the talents during euro hours, they aren't even going to consider it.

>> No.54546946

You probably need a much larger upfront investment if you really want to do it right. There are essentially UK + nordic countries (similar sensibilities and humour, nordicks understand english to almost fluent degree), Spain, Italy, France, German markets to focus on. If you just debut 1 talent per market it is easy to get into the Kiara situation where the talent is just unappealing to a large proportion of the audience and you are just hemorrhaging money.

>> No.54547073

I am not going to fucking watch Kiara unless you pay me for it. Fauna on the other hand I will donate my SEKs every time she streams on euro primetime

>> No.54547207

>there is a lot of money in the EU
lol no there isn't, some of the cheapest fucks around + not a lot of surplus income due to taxes

>> No.54547287

How does all the big CSGO fleshstreamers afford their 100+k USD case openings if europoors are to poor and cheap to donate money

>> No.54547362

Oh and not to mention the fleshinfluencers that has started several competitive esport teams

>> No.54549724

What's that

>> No.54550656

If you are not trolling Counter Strike: Global Offensive
The European Crossfire if you are from Asia

>> No.54550982

What do you mean by language issue? Even in the shithole I live in, 9/10 people under 40 yo can understand english. Just google how many people speak english in EU, pretty sure it was over 300M last time I checked.

>> No.54552317

>The language issue
Euros are like 30% of 4chan and we speak English. When i was a kid most of games were only in English so i had to learn it. Best resources, guides, troubleshooting, all of that is in English. Most of Europeans know their native language + English and often something else too.

>> No.54552520

europeans are obnoxious in the internet, them having sperging about americans got tiring real quick. and their superiority complex doesnt help.
I have the chance to gatekeep them here, so i will.

>> No.54552864

because most europoors think anything japan related is cringe while they have parasocial relationships with twitch flesh streamers

>> No.54553162

I was under the impression that the UK + Ireland, nordic countries, Netherlands, and Germany were the only European countries where most people knew English, and France in particular had very low English fluency.

>> No.54554504


>> No.54554528
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Vei moved to the US, she's visiting her family in the UK right now but said she can't wait to go back to America.

>> No.54554649
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>Europoor Vtubing event

>> No.54555729
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Is that Lenny Baxter??

>> No.54559252

Good old times.
