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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5402648 No.5402648 [Reply] [Original]

Will Agua be able to endure the haters for 8 months straight? How long will she last? What can we do as fans to save her? Can we even do anything?

>> No.5402972

You can create a Reddit account, get enough karma to post on /r/Hololive and bring attention to Aqua's situation. Cover always moves its ass when enough people there are angry

>> No.5403077

she will leave in a couple of months and join Coco's new agency

>> No.5403115

You will get banned from holo reddit for posts like that.
Source: I got 7 days site ban for asking when they do something with doxxers.

>> No.5403279


>> No.5403310

Cover pandered to idolfans and idolfans are notorious for being obsessed with VAs of idol characters. It's only natural that they're equally obsessed with the person behind vtubers.
You just have to accept it.

>> No.5403403

At least she also has Kanata to talk to.

>> No.5403451

He wasn't banned for wanting the doxxers gone, he was banned for posting something that shows Cover in a poor light.

>> No.5403540

Im there only for anime porn so I don't care about ban or termination.

Fun fact. There is even dedicated reddit for doxxing, with very personal info and they don't give a shit.

>> No.5403742

She’s a literal whore and if you have any taste at all you’ll leave her to the dogs and let the bugs protect her

>> No.5403785

I love whores

>> No.5404026

Redditors love to protect their company, you'll get downvoted for showing you don't agree with all their decisions

>> No.5404475


>> No.5404539

>why dont you do something to doxxers
>like these
>posts several doxx links

>> No.5404541

Not making threads about it on /vt/ would be a good start.

>> No.5404671

Im not retarted enough to give those fuckers free advisement.

r/Holo is big company circlejerk.

>> No.5404684


>> No.5404802

t. Redditor

>> No.5404810


>> No.5405091 [DELETED] 
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Company rrat
(pic included was distorted pekora)

>> No.5405586

Redditors are snowflakes, you need to talk in the most inoffensive way possible while putting yourself down

>> No.5405651


>> No.5405746

Their trying to sweep obvious problems under the rug is one thing but shooting the messenger is outright in poor taste.

People aren't allowed to be worried about legitimate issues surrounding their talents? It's bannable to bring up anything that shows the obvious reality that the company isn't all rainbows and sunshine? Really? Come on. Do they think we're all 10 years old.

>> No.5406016

why would you expect any semblance of thought or decency from r*ddit

>> No.5406177

It appears Cover generally actually mods Aqua's chat like a hawk compared to Coco (which is an interesting difference in of its own right) but the likes/dislikes thing is definitely trying to get under her skin.

Can't they just disable like/dislike, or is it really necessary for metrics/promotion/algorithmic stuff, so much so they can't turn it off to protect Aqua's well-being?

>> No.5406283

The site infantilizes its audience by making everyone act like they're in first grade.

>> No.5406337


>> No.5406378

Based cover, never did anything wrong

>> No.5406434

I think that would be first time that likes/dislikes would be turned off.
And would be signaling another win for anti.

>> No.5407026

People could say it's a win for them but really it'd shut off their last way of attempting to raid/brigade her streams, if they can't meaningfully make their shit visible in any way at all. I wouldn't call that a win for them. It also can easily be rationalized as a truly meaningless stat for her right now when there is such clear artificial interference messing with the ratio anyway. I'd think she could just start doing it and holding it steady with no ratios for a few months to see if they get bored and just fuck off. Aqua's thing isn't as clear-cut as Coco's as Aqua did jack fucking shit to specifically piss off anyone and is being attacked just on hunches which is fucking retarded. It might not be as difficult to get to dissipate.

>> No.5407258
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>it's a website full of bots convincing retards to believe bot-pushed opinions

>> No.5407330

You say that but that just invites /vt/ to create their own wheelbarrows because they're reverse Zhangs without a fucking clue as to what they're doing.

>> No.5422818

>8 months
Why this number specifically?

>> No.5423370


>> No.5423769
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reddit mod is drunk in power fantasies

>> No.5423999


>> No.5424173

What's wrong with the post? How is that being drunk on power? Are you retarded?

>> No.5424246

>website with the idea of being democratically self-moderated with voting
>big pants janny deletes post he dosen't like anyways

>> No.5424340

Post a doxx here and see what happens.

>> No.5424351

The dislikes are already doing down.
Her first Biohazard 7 stream got around 3k dislikes deleted, the Redbull shill stream only has a bit less than 1500 and the second biohazard stream has around 2500, but will probably be lower in some hours after the bots get deleted.

>> No.5424415

>Do they think we're all 10 years old.

>> No.5424449

desu I just joined the thread and replied to the first post I saw (reading from bottom to top), no idea what this is all about

>> No.5424478

he was singling out two users and saying that he took personal offense for whatever, other user calling him out on the bullshit, and mod edited the post

>> No.5424538

Post what you commented so I can (deservingly) call you an actual retard
>"Fuck off"
>Death threats
You must have the delicacy of a rock when giving criticism, or did you forgot that you wasn't in this website?

>> No.5424563

>Reddit drama
Go back

>> No.5424565

look at the pic blind imbecile, the post is there

>> No.5424607
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here, now fuck off

>> No.5424609

Ok, I thought you was the other guy
What did he said?

>> No.5424711

>you was
i see... just off yourself faggot, you are wasting oxygen.

>> No.5424892

Reddit may be a sugarcoat hugbox, but from what I can see you are a negro with the intellect of a mono comemierda
Better jump from a rooftop if I was you, puta ruidosa

>> No.5424964

She deserves a worse fate than Coco who was innocent.

>> No.5424997

Tatsunoko/Chang alliance, no one likes Aqua.

>> No.5425001

as usual, third class homo retardus should be gassed

>> No.5425155

[thread has been locked for sinophobia]

>> No.5425202
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>> No.5425237
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>> No.5425264

never watching an Aqua stream but I will click just to dislike them.

>> No.5425571

From what I've heard votes is really good for exposure and it doesn't matter if the vote is up or down, hopefully Aqua is aware of that so the downvotes dosen't bother her too much.

>> No.5425739
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>She lost her solo-live streaming rights, her income from China, S10, take over and she couldn't even get on the same stage with her friend, Mea.
>Not her fault
>She didn't complain about any of it and didn't blame anyone.

I really admire her nobility and kindness.
I will love her forever.

>> No.5425760

What happened with Aqua? First time hearing about this.

>> No.5425815

chinks learned that harassment works after coco's graduation, so they're trying their weapon on aqua now

>> No.5425841

>Aqua did nothing wrong!
>to this day won't mention Coco by name
Times sure changed from the raft days I guess. Fucking traitor cunt.

>> No.5425855

Chink falsflaggers in her chat.
She gets spammed with bots that have “TW” at the beginning of their name what makes it obvious that it’s actually Zhangs. They probably make this threads too to get people to blame the Taiwanese.

>> No.5425870

That's about what I figured, but the thread's acting like Aqua made a breach of contract or something.

>> No.5425890

>can end the entire controversy with "leave Coco alone" in a single tweet
>does nothing
shut the fuck up.

>> No.5425926

They will success if Chink Aquafag don't do anything about Andy.

>> No.5425939
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>Where do Aqua antis come from?
-Taiwanese /pol/fags that are mad that she used to be popular in China.
-Delusional Zhangs that are mad that she didn't leave youtube to come to Bilibili.
-Autistic Apexfags that are mad about her playstyle and the fact that she didn't retry going for master's after she failed.
-5ch antis that target her because she's streaming less frequently the past few months.

>Anti Narratives
>Aqua never told her Chinese fans to stop harassing Coco
She said that people who harass others are failures as Aqua crew and explicitly called on people to stop all harassment.

>Aqua and Coco hate each other
Aqua credited Coco's housemates Suisei and Kanata in her recent Vampire cover and Coco had Aqua's best friend Shion in meme review. It seems very unlikely that there is bad blood between Aqua and Coco.

>Coco's name is filtered in Aqua's chat
The filter only applies to superchats and was implemented because Zhangs were trying to get her to say things such as "die Coco".

>Aqua doesn't talk about Coco
This is most likely a restriction Cover has put on her because even something as small as Aqua saying hello to Coco in minecraft was enough to spawn a swarm of angry bugs. Coco has also talked about management putting many nonsensical restrictions on the Hololive members.

>Aqua hates EOPs
She ridiculed redditors for spamming the onion joke in her chat a million times. This happened over a year ago and nobody particularly cared about it back then. Since she got dedicated liveTL'ers around December last year, the quality of her EOP fanbase has increased and she's started taking English lessons herself.

>Aqua and Korone are on bad terms
Schizo narrative that has been debunked several times. Korone called in on Aqua's birthday totsu and said she loves Aqua. More recently, Korone called Aqua in her reverse totsu. Note that both of them have a severe case of social autism.

>Aqua and Pekora are on bad terms
This is based on an out of context roommate clip that happened literally 5 years ago. Aqua, Pekora and Subaru performed together in the カレーメシ shilling concert last year. Aqua invited Pekora and Subaru for dinner after the concert and all three of them were very positive in their report about it.

Reminder that the majority of the shitposts about Aqua in this board (including this thread) come from one schizo who moved here after his posts were getting deleted in /jp/.

>> No.5426007

Shut the fuck UP ! Our belove Kaichou asked us to not blame and hate anyone and that include Aqua.

We always respect her last's wish.

T Tatsunocock

>> No.5426017

not reading your copy paste, she could have stopped all this with a tweet. she choose to let Coco be targeted.

fuck off.

>> No.5426117

Thank you for the information.

>> No.5426134

You fuck off ! Only antis want Aqua say anything to Coco . Antis will have reason for disband Aquafag in China like Fubuki

>> No.5426144

>10 yuan have been deposited to your account
Aqua china defense force, go away.

>> No.5426210

I thought the winnies liked Aqua. What has their panties in a wad this time?

>What can we do as fans to save her? Can we even do anything?
Literally nothing.

>> No.5426214

They can target " both" Aqua and Coco


>> No.5426266

Aqua is a selfish bitch that abandoned Coco and Pekora despises her, she alone build all the animosity against her

>> No.5426306

She can not do any shit Anon

>> No.5426505

Ogey zhangs

>> No.5426506

I wouldn’t mind Coco and Pekora hating me if it meant that Suisei and Kanata like me tbdesu

>> No.5426557

>she alone build all the animosity
that's true

>> No.5426609

Aqua made her bed and now she has to deal with angry Tatsunokos and angry chinamen. She will never be able to do an event without causing a scene ever again.

The irony, Aqua graduating cause she refused to defuse the Coco situation.

>> No.5426658

I hope she can't deal and goes on indefinite hiatus so she can spend time recovering with her bf (me)

>> No.5426756

I don't hate Aqua and I agree to most of your post, but
>This is most likely a restriction Cover has put on her because even something as small as Aqua saying hello to Coco in minecraft was enough to spawn a swarm of angry bugs
Is BS. There isn't any reason Cover would put that restriction on Aqua and Aqua alone. Fubuki was virtually as popular as Aqua in Bilibili and there wasn't any restriction on her whatsoever. If Aqua didn't mention Coco, it was likely her own choice.

>> No.5426812

I think the prevailing rrat is that there was a general gag order in place and FBK deliberately broke silence to support her co-worker against company orders and at the time was the #1 talent so it left management in a place where they couldn't really reprimand her

>> No.5426830

Coco graduation was a victory for cover.
Aqua soon to be graduation will be a victory for zhangs and tatsunokos.
and that's what happens when you go halfway with everything, trying to please everybody

>> No.5427001

Can I get a quick roundabout?

>> No.5427082

can you read the fucking thread

>> No.5427112

Can I?

>> No.5427363


>> No.5427465
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Now what are you gonna say?
Aqua is a bitch and she is going down, and there is nothing (You) can do to prevent it

>> No.5427500

Greetings, fellow anons.
I migrated from a now-archived thread discussing similar topics about this stuff.
I tried to gather as much information as possible from multiple differing opinions, sadly it left me disappointed since the longest chain reply I got was 1. Not many discussions were had.

But now I see familiar sentence structuring by some anons here, and perhaps they also migrated here as well, so I might ask some of you anons to express your opinion again and what evidence led into it.

This is some good shit, anon.
I suck at formatting so many thanks for this clean and neat fact-checker.
Nice to see there's somebody else who keep track of every valuable information regarding this topic.
Hats off to you, anon.

My apologies if I'm wrong, but are any of you >>5417107 and >>5417187 from the previous thread, anons?
If you are, then I'm still waiting for your opinion regarding the arguments I made. Also please dont forget to give some evidence to support it.
If you aren't though, then we can start a new one here.

From what I see, you have the opinion of Aqua abandoning Coco because she didn't tweet anything about the Taiwan yab.
Mind you, >>5425939 got this covered in >Aqua never told her Chinese fans to stop harassing Coco.
Here is also the video with timestamp provided.
I'm just curious here, but do you think that nothing counts if it wasn't a tweet? Is it a requirement to have her 'tweet' it as opposed to her talking about it on stream? Heck, do those mainlander Zhangs even have access to Twitter legally anyway? Please enlighten me on this topic since you seem to be knowledgeable about it.

Also while we're at it, it seems like you're pretty sure that once Aqua tweet 'leave Coco alone' then those mainlander Zhangs will be good boys and listen to her like chicks to the hen. May you elaborate where did you get such confidence from? And of course with evidence to support it as usual.

I don't know about it, anon. All I see is the animosity being generated from somewhere else, like for example here, 5ch, Baha, etc.
Please to do tell it in more details though if you have the time for it.

Sorry to burst your bubble, anon, but that Red Bull sponsorship thing? Aqua and Botan will hold a talk event on top of many other planned events by Red Bull. And so far, aside from
the dislike bombed stream, everything has been going smoothly. The new purple edition boxes even sold out on the very first day, then got restocked, and then sold out again.

Also for Tatsunokos, if they're real Tatsunokos then they will probably honor Coco's wish and not causing any ruckus like this one you've been making. Probably not one yourself eh?

Interesting opinion, anon.
My argument for this part is that because Aqua was the most SC'd member on B2, and also because there was this B2 and Cover deal of having Aqua to appear on LOL Worlds 2020 B2 panel. So even though Fubuki was virtually as popular as Aqua, their worth were quite different.
Here is the amount of Youtube and B2 SCs of each Hololive members.

Actually, someone on the old thread made a very good point of Coco being involved in proposing the idea of this restriction, where she volunteer as a meatshield to keep Zhangs away from the other streamers. Sadly the one citing this meatshield thing didn't reply to me when asked about source, so take that as you will. Do further elaborate on your opinion tho in case you got some evidence to back it.

All in all, hope all of you have a good day, anons.

>> No.5427521

Look at me, i can use my other phone and PC.
t. wumao bat eating retard

>> No.5427538

>look at me I'm using 4chanx

>> No.5427572

You can reset your IP just by opening this thread in new incognito browser window, post something, close it then reopen it so posting that image doesn't amount to much, anon. >>5427363 probably is basing it from the similar sentence structuring.

>> No.5427606
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>> No.5427607
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>reddit spacing
not gonna read your shit, and return to your hugbox

>> No.5427610

I'm a redditor, r/politics are running bots 24/7, OPs, posts comments, accounts, even karma likes.

>> No.5427632

>basing it from the similar sentence structuring
Wow idk anon have enough brain-cells to do that

>> No.5427643

My bad anon, I forgot to elaborate what does that image mean.
It's the amount of Youtube and B2 SCs on August 2020 for each Hololive members.

>> No.5427648

Aqua has to sleep in the bed she made by making Coco a target. It's her fault.

>> No.5427741
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why do you speak like an ass blasted faggot anon?
i don't want to read your opinion because is vomitive.

>> No.5427882

That's a shame then. Hope you don't mind me sticking for a bit longer here though.

When there are 3 different posts, all having the same talking point >>5425841 >>5425890 >>5426017 where all of them argued about a tweet, you don't need that many braincells to arrive at the decision that they're by the same person. In fact, some domesticated animals are trained by this very exact way.

She probably has enough to buy a bed without factoring the imaginary value of making Coco a target, anon.

Some wise men said to understand something, you need to become them. So here I am. Hope that helps clearing it out, anon.

>> No.5427912

>you don't need that many braincells to arrive at the decision
implying they have any

>> No.5427923

that most certainly wasn't the case when aloe graduated and ESPECIALLY when coco + haato got suspended.

might be true now though, EN brought in an unprecedented amount of filth

>> No.5427976

YT has finally scrubbed the bots off her 1st Bio7 playthrough. It had 5.2k dislikes. Now it has 3.2k dislikes with 31k likes. I hope she collabs with other holos now

>> No.5428069
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>. I hope she collabs with other holos now

>> No.5428200

She's already meeting up with them offline. It isn't too far off to assume that she will. She already has made commitments with Tamaki at least

>> No.5428227

Cover looked like obvious bad guys at the time after all. Now, even if the talents outright speak about their complains, it'll be hard to gather any momentum there, assuming mods don't delete your comments

>> No.5428519

>assuming mods don't delete your comments
they will block new posts entirely, like they already did recently

>> No.5428688

probably scared of the outpouring of angry people calling them out on their shit

>> No.5429165

She chose her bed of Zhangs and now she can lay in it

>> No.5429738

Or they would rather not deal with mainland zhangs with VPN trying to fan the flame or the obvious anti chinks from /pol and the island zhangs.

>> No.5429860

nah they don't want to bother with the clipfags soft promoting their shitty channels.

>> No.5429959

>Will Agua be able to endure the haters for 8 months straight?
No. She'll take a break each time it gets too much to bear, and come back after a week. She'll be accused of wanting easy money each time she takes a break and be bombarded with dislikes. Do something Cover

>> No.5430073

>A flock of bugs gather and eat your food
>"My food chose to be eaten by bug."
>You pick another food to eat
>The bugs jump on it after finish the previous
>Rinse and repeat.
This is why you have less and less nice things in your life. You chose to let them go instead of protect them. In this clown world you are the clown.

>> No.5430104

aqua is one of cover favourites they give her so much resources, do this time cover protect her talents? or is this coco 2.0?

>> No.5430216

I dislike her streams not because I hate her but because I want her to be stronger.

>> No.5430394


>> No.5430615

Just wanted to say that I appreciate your effort, anon.
I usually don't pay any mind to the shitflinging in these threads but it does occasionally gets to my nerves seeing people trying to pit my oshi against Aqua due to some schizo headcanon. Cheers.

>> No.5430862

>they give her so much resources
I'm not too sure about that, Aqua herself has stated, multiple times in fact, that she almost always decide to commission everything out of her own pocket, because going through normal means "takes too long" as it is based on a "first come first served" policy.

As for the actual point of your post, I wish I could say with confidence that they learned their lesson but, alas, I cannot.
You could somewhat justify their inadequacy by saying that they weren't ready for the explosive growth they had and they are still trying to figure out how a big international company works, but they need to get their shit together and fast.

>> No.5430948

the current rrat is aqua is the undeserved cover golden boy while coco is the unsung hero meatshield. it's crystal clear.

>> No.5432917

>Muh death threats
I don't even know how long it's been since I last saw an actual death threat, and I don't think I've ever seen one that met the feasibility requirement legally. I'm so fucking sick of this 'get out of controversy free' card. Every time a company genuinely fucks up, unquestionably their fault, 'oh but death threats :( :(' and suddenly half of the fucking conversation is 'death threats bad, stop complaining guise'

Notice they NEVER provide examples. It's almost never 'being looked at by police', unless they've really fucked up.

>> No.5433542


>> No.5433559

well there's a case where a anime studio also tell the news outlets and the police. some laugh about it all over the Japan internet.
then Shinji Aoba happens

>> No.5433883


>> No.5433949

That wasn't a big controversy, that was one nutcase. They didn't use it to deflect criticism, and they genuinely did report it to the police who, in Japan, suck. I'm talking about the use of 'death threats' to deflate bad PR.

>> No.5434008

yeah like in US they don't have any laws because they're democracy

>> No.5434198

>That wasn't a big controversy, that was one nutcase.
all Japan based News outlets stated it as the deadliest massacre since the Sarin gas attack.
>They didn't use it to deflect criticism
>they genuinely did report it to the police
and is there's a proof that the /holo mod haven't? or never will be?
for every one minute 30 seconds pass.
>I'm talking about the use of 'death threats' to deflate bad PR.
Yes. and when the shit hit the fan. none of the nay sayer actually take the L

>> No.5434204

>enter: redditor
>high quality though slightly pretentious post
>basement dwellers start crying
Like clockwork

>> No.5434609

>>That wasn't a big controversy, that was one nutcase.
>all Japan based News outlets stated it as the deadliest massacre since the Sarin gas attack

The inciting incident wasn't a big controversy you dumb motherfucker. ESL much? Of course the fucking massacre was big news, but it wasn't some big fuck up on the company's part that caused the situation.
Other than that, no complaints.

>> No.5434700

muh death threats is a spook.

>> No.5434794

>The inciting incident wasn't a big controversy you dumb motherfucker.
Witnesses stated they heard him accusing the studio of plagiarism
Animation Studio----->plagiarism = stealing art,ideas,works,creatives etc.---------->Japan-------------->Honor------------>incomprehensible Japan things that 4Chanons can even fathom or have the balls---------------->Shinji Aoba

>> No.5435057

Its over, you killed that anon.

>> No.5435294

they got around that when coco + haato got suspended by restricting posting to accounts at least 3 months old? iirc and with 200 karma

not by locking the whole sub. they definitely chose to lock it this time because the EN audience turned against them, proving to be equally as vitriolic as any chink spamflood and RIGHTYFULLY SO

>> No.5435423

someone just trolled them hard by posting a shemale pics a couple hrs ago.
I never lol'd so hard before.

>> No.5435721

Most spammers are 1yr old account active at various pol subreddit.

>> No.5435868

And Artia discordfag

>> No.5443567

no, you blind retard
the comment the mod actually replied to was deleted, and it was a reply to the only other comment that's visible.
however, t-chan is a massive faggot for other reasons.

>> No.5445551

No, she is based because she can get (you) seethe like this.

>> No.5450232
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>> No.5450270

Nothing. She will eventually leave just like her kouhai

>> No.5450277

nihao ^_^

>> No.5450407

What she did?

>> No.5456530

Food isn't sentient. Aqua is sentient. Kinda. She chose not to defend herself.

>> No.5457171

Are they spamming her chat or only dislike? Are they also spamming her twitter?

>> No.5463510

Low-quality posts and trolling are rule breaking here too though, even if the mods barely do anything about them.

>> No.5465082

lost solo-live rights, why is that?

>> No.5465458

fuck off retarded shit

>> No.5470399

>Y-you redditor!
When you have no argument

>> No.5470450

Lmao shut the fuck up

>> No.5470563
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this shit thread was about to die and then this retard >>5470399 revived it
poor Aqua, the chinese princess has this incompetent fans that only harms her more

>> No.5470676

I've been looking at her streams, and she gets only a quarter (at most) of spammers that Coco had, and around 1% or comments against her are hateful, and she gets only like 15% dislikes in her streams compared to 85% likes.

So, I don't see the problem? She's a celebrity. She will always have haters. It's a fact of life.

>> No.5470980

Autist chuba. Autist viewers. kek

>> No.5471101

disabling dislikes only hides it from the audience and not the creator. Disabling likes and dislikes together is the only way to hide them completely.

>> No.5471108

What did she do this time?

>> No.5472007
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1621433088528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exist, she shouldn't

>> No.5472229

she's dumb

>> No.5472890

More like she's young and socially awkward. She doesn't know any better

>> No.5473910

I think she would if she could. Aqua is probably too shy and passive to say anything about those things

>> No.5474060

It gets left up for about 10 hours while plenty of on-topic or interesting content that might be relevant or adjacent to vtubers/vtubing can get you a ban, depending on how freaked out the janny is.

It's not the enforcement of rules that bothers me, it's the selectiveness. Only certain doxx gets removed quickly/at all in some cases, same with certain off topic.

>> No.5474352

Zhangs are here

>> No.5479457

