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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54089696 No.54089696 [Reply] [Original]

>What advice would you give to the EN 3 girls who may or may not be lurking here?
Fans are honest.

>> No.54089801

look at what kaela and koyori did. streaming a lot just works.

>> No.54089835

Avoid the homos like the plague. Stream. Don’t pay beggars any mind.

>> No.54089912

avoid Tempus like the plague, if you do male collabs, collab with StarsJP.

>> No.54090317

Do not collab with men or you'll lose money, and if you speak Japanese try to do JP and EN streams so you can reach a bigger audience, at least the first month.

>> No.54090333

Its fucking this. We are sick of there being dead days in general

>> No.54090584

>Don't be cringe like Baelz to start, particularly dangerous since it seems they're still going hard on the cringy "lore"
>No fucking homos
>NO fucking homos
>Stream. Doesn't have to be all the time, but be consistent and decently often
>You're a Holo, act like it
>Don't associate with trash, ideally that includes trash like Kronii, Mori, most indies, Vshojo, etc.
>Don't try splitting the stream language, you're an EN not JP
>Unlike what twitch retards tell you, you DO owe your audience. Don't snap at them, spit in their face, lie to them, etc.
>Try to get close to JP, they're better than EN at all these things and if they take you under their wing you're set

>> No.54090746

don't listen to /vt/

>> No.54090797

>Blue and orange homo RT
They're already Tempiss cocksleeves

>> No.54090943

Pander to coomers at least once pure stream.
En is too prudish in general . Be like them ID girls more

>> No.54091139

>Dont be council 2.0 (Messy inconsistent schedules, no motivation, no ambition, no passion, no goals). Learn from their mistake
>sit down and have a discussion among your genmates on the following topic : scheduling, contents, audience (which is the best content for which timezone and which audience), and your goals, to set a clear vision moving forwards.
>regarding contents and audience, discuss it among yourself which kind is your target. Ex. If one is a hardcore gfe, one is music focus etc. To avoid heavy overlap.
>Go all out on the content and audience that you've chosen unless you want to ended up like Bae running around not sure what she wants to do.
>Keep a bare minimum interaction with outsiders and if possible keep it on formal events only (dont let them leech on you).
>Lastly and the most important! Be ambitious on establishing yourself as the unparalled overlord over EN vtuber market. Dont give any competitor a chance to even contest your dominance. You are HOLOLIVE ffs!
Godspeed on your debut and may The Watamage bless you!

>> No.54091218

>What advice would you give to the EN 3 girls who may or may not be lurking here?
get out of here after debut and never visit here again for your sanity.

>> No.54091305

>Messy inconsistent schedules
That's myth anon, not council,
literally everyone in council still makes schedules and actually go with the schedule aside from sana ofc.

>> No.54091344
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stay away from holostars permanently.

respect your fans, respect hololive. your success depends on fans liking you and they won't like you much if you clearly patronize and dismiss your fans.

>> No.54091450

Forgot two important ones

>> No.54091641

Did this need another thread?

>> No.54093095

Stay away from homos and bad influences like Mori and Kronii. Learn from their mistakes. Godspeed.

>> No.54093228

stay away from males you stupid whores

>> No.54093315

Don't be numberfags. Be yourselves not matter what the CCV is.

>> No.54093409

>or you'll lose money
top kek, the bitches will be swimming in money either way

>> No.54093441

No homo collabs
that is my like literal 1 expectation

>> No.54093452

THIS!! Best for your mental health.

>> No.54093489

Why stream a lot when you can just coast like Gura?

>> No.54093619

Don't collab with males
Don't be lewd whore trying to attract male junk

That's literally it

>> No.54093770

Stream a lot

Be good at banter and cute

That's literally it

>> No.54093810

>Stream. Don't pay the beggars any mind. Don't pay the unicorns any mind.

>> No.54093871

Stop spamming this thread just so you can spam your seethe about the Stars

>> No.54093895

Go back (preferably to hell)

>> No.54093928

>t. cock obsessed incels

>> No.54093934

>if any of the senpais tells (you) to "take it easy", don't do that;
>stay in your lane, don't bother with the boys

>> No.54094019

Don't give a shit about twitter and their opinions

>> No.54094024
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No. Chuubas are free to do whatever they want without homobeggars and unicorns dragging them into their stupid war.

>> No.54094045

"Based" BBC Enjoyer

>> No.54094048
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>t. washed up roastie

>> No.54094155

>virgin hides his retardedness behind the Chad meme
Many such cases

>> No.54094234

Post feet

>> No.54094276

stream a lot
don't interact with males

>> No.54094689

Don't suck dick. Don't be like Mori Kronii

>> No.54094802

Please just fucking stream. We aren’t in Myth anymore where you’ll get a gorillion subs just for existing, you’ll have to work for those subs now.
At the same time, please understand being in Hololive is like winning the lottery. You’ll be guaranteed a diehard fanbase that will support you, please don’t squander the opportunity given.

Gura does super well still, but it’s not like she’s on the same level she was in 2020-2021. Plus any talents going in expecting to pull a Gura or even a Kronii are setting themselves up for failure.

>> No.54094836


>> No.54094837

>seething homobeggar getting triggered by every comment.

>> No.54094870

Study Year 1 Ina and use that as a blueprint, Fauna pretty much did that and went from runt to the strongest of her gen

>> No.54094877


Do you make fun of people here for being incels too? Go tf back

>> No.54094931

Correct. Treating these girls, or any streamer, as anything more than shitty entertainers is retarded

>> No.54094981

I think the biggest ones would be "don't be pointlessly abrasive like mori" or "don't randomly dodge streams like mumei/kronii/sana did early on". There was so much momentum lost among the girls back then. But I've noticed people are really seemingly bad at compartmentalization and utilization of their peak debut period where their growth is at its top.

>> No.54095022

Virgin as in the other side of the virgin vs chad meme. You okay, Anon?

>> No.54095136

>If you want to collab with the Homo, better say it on your debut. Though it's guaranteed that your growth would be stale af. So good luck with that.

>> No.54095203

So true sis

>> No.54095207

STREAM CONSISTENTLY. Find a timeslot and stick to it. Preferably one that isnt already taken. 5pmEST is Inas slot. Fauna at 6pm. Gura at 8pm. Mumei, Kronii, and IRyS tend to camp the 9-11pm slot.

>> No.54095253

Why not watch Vshojo or literally any twitch vtuber instead?

>> No.54095286

Also, don't fcking take a break during your 1-3rd month.

>> No.54095289


>> No.54095359

Back to twitter, tranny

>> No.54095369

Don't stream with males or Mori, Kronii, Ame, and Bae, who all stream with males.

Or if you're going to throw your lot in with that ilk, at least say so from the start so we know who to avoid.

>> No.54095395

There is nothing you can do to improve numbers. The EN market is already at the bottom. There are no more new viewers. You will draw from the same pool of viewers from everyone else.

>> No.54095418
File: 175 KB, 600x848, Queen_Bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Council member was it that sold the most merch?

>> No.54095475

>collab with whoever you want
>don't bait drama
>don't shit on other streamers
>be yourself, it's better for mental health
>talk about your interests rather than whatever is trending that particular week
Good luck!

>> No.54095544

DONT do that if you dont want to be flanderized (she can draw you know) Ina is fucking boring shes the most irrelevant girl in myth , even ame has a better setup for the future

>> No.54095608

Please immediately reveal your age if you are in your mid-30s and older by talking about your memories of the 80s/90s, there is no one filling this niche in EN yet and I want to simp for you

>> No.54095636

It was Kronii, back before she revealed her true colors. That dakimakura and mousepad combo was unstoppable, plus one was done by Wada.

>> No.54095694

Make your merch sexy as hell, or cool as fuck. Your should standard for making merch should always be "EVEN IF YOU DONT WATCH MY STREAMS YOU WILL BUY MY STUFF"

>> No.54095703

Wada famous artist buff,
bet she's secretly annoyed getting not a good girl vtuber.

>> No.54095753

If she is, she does a good job of hiding it. She's really supportive of Kronii, which is sad because Kronii doesn't deserve it.

>> No.54095811

You guys are fucked from the get go by Cover corp, none of you are unique.

>> No.54095818

Sound advice
>Be yourself
Uuhh, depends heavily on the person. Let's hope they're not a bitch

>> No.54095985

See this is how I know unicorns aren't actual vtuber fans or even anime fans. The worst mistake a vtuber can make is to break the anime immersion. Be it by accidentally showing their real body/face on stream or doing it on purpose. Because, especially if they do it on purpose and/or regularly, they cease to be a vtuber and just become another average streamer. But no, male collabs of all things are the breaking point. Idolfags were a fucking mistake

>> No.54096101

You are a mistake that your mother wishes she could unmake every day. Do the poor girl a favor and do it yourself, hey?

>> No.54096111

>WhoroEN almost mogged by VSPO
JESAS let's hope that new gen actually does something

>> No.54096128

>t. Lolifag

>> No.54096147

"idolfags" are older than this hobby anon .......this is such a retarded statement you made

>> No.54096266

Say one good thing about male collab besides your king being a leech

>> No.54096372

Stop coming here.

>> No.54096414

Seeing the insecure faggots /here/ seethe and get replaced by new fans while the girls continue to grow and receive support

>> No.54096497
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>t. unicorn obsessed sister

>> No.54096502

Kaela is entertaining though. If it was someone who's boring as fuck like Ina or Kronii, long hours dont help. Though I guess youll always have those braindead niggers that latch on forever.

>> No.54096550

You can just hate the two retarded anon, if they don't like male collab what made you think they would like a vtuber that shows her face

>> No.54096570

if anything homobeggars like you are seething because you´re still a fucking tiny minority and that will never change , this isnt twatter where you might force a reaction with your outrage, also very classy that you posted the same shit in an exact copy of this thread , i suspect you´re a bot no human can be THIS retarded

>> No.54096587

Go back ironic weeb

>> No.54096595

>its not a mixed gen
>homobeggars start shitting up every single thread on the board
The next post will be "i-its all f-falseflagging! w-we would never do that!"

>> No.54096658
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>replaced by new fans while the girls continue to grow and receive support

>> No.54096664

Fair enough because "be yourself" is pretty vague anyway. Just don't be overly fake and if you're a fujo keep that shit off stream. Other than that just be polite and geek out about the things you like, that's all I want.

>> No.54096665

Go back.
No, seriously, go back.

>> No.54096672

Stop lurking here. 4chan is forbidden.

>> No.54096701

Please for the love of god you inbred intelectually challenged monkey learn to Speak english , you´re outing yourself , you wont get your precious giftcard like that

>> No.54096743

>unicorns keeping the lights on at Cover's HQ
>"they're a mistake"

I'm sure your supportive tweets and leddit updoots help feed Cover and all their employees and talents three times a day, sister.

>> No.54096744

focus on cgdct, no homos
stream regularly
love your job

>> No.54096746
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So culture war, and people say that unicorns that want to control the girls lives, at least they care for them if they're treated well, you homobeggars just want to own the evil incels and don't care about the girls

>> No.54096801

As others have said, do not under any circumstance lurk here. There is nothing of value to be gained, or if there is it's under literal mountains of shit. Simply not worth the enervation of sifting through all that to get a nugget or two of gold.

>> No.54096865

>"replaced" by new fans who need to SC in ARS, and even then only in tiny amounts. Also, not buying the merch and concert tickets

You tell 'em, sister. I tweet good vibes to the talents every day with tons of emojis and I'm so much better than the evil unicorns.

>> No.54096924

fucking this , homobeggars are worse than unicorns have ever been , lets have a beer sometime unicorn bros i dont share your worldview but we´re at least both supporting our oshi i can work with that

>> No.54096930

Which IDs do lewd moments? I know Ollie does but Kaela, Anya and Risu have been bland since I started watching them months ago.

>> No.54096936

lmao what new fans?

>> No.54096979

The number one rule of vtubing, do not enter /vt/ and heed advice from retards that hide as anons.

>> No.54096980

Yeah, those crazy trannies and LGBTQ+ people who supported kronii on twitter are making her grow and ensuring that she's supported, alright.

I hear her she's constantly a 5view now. And her merch sold out in 30 seconds. EVERY TIME.

>> No.54096982

Anyone ever notice the similarity between homobeggars and Deadbeats?

>> No.54097040

Cheers, Anon. I'll shout the first round.

>> No.54097103

1. Don’t insult your own fans
2. Don’t collab with the homos or males
3. Understand your fan base is mostly straight, single men who want to watch cute anime girls
4. Learn the names of all of your senpais and colleagues
5. Ignore antis and bait. Don’t read anti superchats. Don’t respond to antis.
6. Don’t have meltdowns (Ame when she gets mad at chat or at gura in video games)
7. Be nice to your viewers and show them respect

>> No.54097193

Just STREAM for 2-3 hours a day.

Don't shit on your fanbase publicly even if you hate them.

>> No.54097562

There is no difference

>> No.54097576

1. Constantly insult your fans, they like being degraded.
2. Collab exclusively with males. If you're the only woman the audience won't implicitly compare you with others.
3. Understand your fans are mostly homosexual, single, women who want to watch cute anime girls.
4. Don't bother learning the names of your colleagues. You're better than they are anyways.
5. Always engage antis and bait. Drama clippers will expose you to new audiences and help you grow.
6. Fake meltdowns to bait clips.
7. Degrade your viewers and insult them as much as possible. They're the ones watching anime girls not you.

>> No.54097621

Welcome to NijiEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg2XZDyi7Vs

>> No.54097661

somehow i doubt you mean well ...

>> No.54097666
File: 234 KB, 410x410, koroneserious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want Hololive to be a kronii factory.

>> No.54097688

>hi 4channers
>she’s /here/
Gets me every time.

>> No.54097702

Yup, that's what I noticed too.

>> No.54097729

These incels are the biggest antis the girls could have, of course I'd want them gone. They're not real anime girls, mostly not idols and most certainly aren't your girlfriend. Holding them up to that standard, even in their private life, is fucking psychotic

>> No.54097833

>s fucking psychotic
haha good one but enough about you

>> No.54097870


>> No.54097889

The Kronii checklist

>> No.54097929

You already have Kronii and Mori for this.

>> No.54097940

Jesus fucking christ man kek, tell me you're a retard without telling me that you're retarded, holy fucking kek

>> No.54097948

No one sane throws a shitfit over a harmless platonic collab between men and women

>> No.54098017

Go back to twitter

>> No.54098021

Only actually helpfull advise in this threat lol

>> No.54098074

Only one thing:
Follow Fauna's example. She knows what the people want.

>> No.54098123
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funny how everyone is saying "no male collabs" when kiara has not collabed with a single holostar and her views are in shambles when kronii is doing great. the only good advice is to keep your ass off /vt/.

>> No.54098257
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The so-called incels are spending thousands of bucks on the girls, while you're virtually freeloading. Yet you're pretty much wishing bankruptcy on Cover. And no, you can't pay the talents with "positive" tweets or leddit posts.

>> No.54098270

meanwhile you´re the one throwing a shitfit over nothing on a mongolian basket weaving forum , no updoots to be gained or Giftcards to be had , you´re literally pissing into a humongus ocean thinking that your piss droplets will change anything , this is so embarrassing

>> No.54098280

Exactly this

>> No.54098381
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No one sane expects a company to survive without paying customers who are emotionally invested in their services.

>> No.54098410

her views have been the most stable of all mythgirls tho? like Take mori or gura or most council members for example they fell off hard , but Kiara still gets the same viewership as before

>> No.54098423
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Please take good care of my retard autism shark daughterwife

>> No.54098464

>kiara's views in shambles
>kronii is doing great

Please show us the numbers, and your sources.

>> No.54098550

Back to the frying pan, eggchama

>> No.54098555

>I want the incels GONE!

Anon… The majority of people watching are straight, single males. If they were currently dating they’d be spending money on their partner, not vtubers.

Despite what Reddit has told you, the entire vtuber industry is made possible by its single male audience. That’s who comes to watch streams. That’s who drops $500 aka supas. That’s why your oshi can play videos games for 3 hours a day and be a millionaire. If you want to be a cuck so bad, Nijisanji already exists.

>> No.54098557

Not collabing with homos doesn't mean you're guaranteed to do well, but doing so does tank your numbers. (Kiara herself admitted this on-stream.)

>> No.54098576

No thank you, I'd rather not, but I appreciate that you think about me my friend

>> No.54098622

These antis in waiting are more than free to show their superchat history or merch purchases. I have my gurasaur plushie, ramen bowl and trident fork. My luknight pin, mug and luna mousepad. I got the vesper tea thing that hasn't arrived and my botan bomb plushie (before the ssrb designs were a thing) never arrived. I don't use reddit you mong

>> No.54098783

>Trusting Kiara
>Kronii's numbers show otherwise
>Kiara's views still low anyway
Kiara "admitting" anything means fuck all since she never even showed the numbers

>> No.54098815

LMAO you´re thinking having 3 fucking things is a lot ? that this is Support ? you cant be serious , i´ve been buying merch from at least 5 girls for 3 fucking years , it doesnt even rally fit in my display room anymore soon i have to move to fit all of this stuff , i´ve watched very concert , met the girls at several cons , How the fuck can your freaky little mind think that we´re the same and that your support is enough ? the shit you bought is literal peanuts!

>> No.54098919

ah you´re a casual in addition to being a homo beggar this makes sense

>> No.54099023
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Advice from Pekora
- Guts
- Mental strength
- Motivation
- Communication ability

>> No.54099033

Be part of the CGDCT team and I will support you forever. Be a part of team Unity and I will forget you ever existed . Really hope I get at least one new girl to watch and support

>> No.54099159

This but...
also this

Don't try to be this or that. Lean into what your talents are or what seems to work for you and your chat. It's going to take some time to figure that out, unless you're really lucky. Kaela's strength isn't just that she streams a lot, it's that she genuinely enjoys streaming and is entertaining. She plays games that appeal to her. It's more fun to watch someone enjoy a shit game than to watch someone stream the FOTM game for numbers but they're not having fun.

Remember that your fans are the reason you're allowed to do this and they have to be cultivated and curbed in a smart way. You're building a community and some people are going to need to be filtered out. You can't please everyone. Don't insult the fans but keep them in check. They'll respect you more if you can establish boundaries in a good way and not flip out over something that could hurt you in the long run. Kaela also does this really well. Sometimes it's as simple as not reading a superchat, other times it's just directly saying "we're not doing that" like Altaire with the "is she single?" shit.

It's a learning process and you're not going to have it all figured out in the first couple of months. The more genuine you are from the start, the easier it will be in the long run.

>> No.54099197

I've never begged for anything. I just watch what i like

>> No.54099302
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just give the genetic dead-end faggots what they want on-screen, take their money, and shit on them in private like a true professional

>> No.54099440
File: 26 KB, 421x421, fubukitired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show their superchat history or merch purchases

And then what? You still won't believe them, and will still refuse to accept the fact that gachikoi is THE main source if income for Cover and the talents. Otherwise, the company wouldn't spend so much on marketing that's targeted towards that demographic.

It's nice that you got a few pieces of trinkets, but that doesn't prove much. It's like saying gacha players who buy monthly passes are on the same level as the whales who spend thousands on every banner.

And then what?

>> No.54099493

Don't listen to anything /here/. People tend to overestimate vt.
Whole vshoujo, shitload of indie chuubas like Filian, Rin Penrose barely are mentioned here or are discarded as whores/normie tiers and yet they made it
Don't pander to vt or incels. Figure out stuff youself if you want to make it

>> No.54099601

They're in holo not vshojo or twitch you retard

>> No.54099685

kek i accept your consession baptised by lightspeed goalpost moving , glad you realize when you talked too much psychotic shit ,

And for EN3: whatever you do Dont Try to cater to these kind of people they dont care for you well being or your future, choose wisely what you value more , These kind of "things" or actually Loyal Fans that Will pay your wage without even batting an eye

>> No.54099821


Nta, but quit samefagging, your shitty punctuation gives you away

>> No.54099837

I'll believe them. I know that lonely men are the main audience. What I don't buy is the premise that male collabs, announced or not, kill off their growth because precedent shows otherwise or that these "unicorns" are the majority of viewers. Men, yes, but nowhere near as cock mindbroken as these threads would have you believe

>> No.54099857

Just do what Chloe Sakamata does but in English. If there's a stinky girl in EN, I will give you my fucking pension.

>> No.54099928

nta but you assume that it's all incel unicorns who hate seeing any males, when it's mostly CGDCTfags who signed up for one thing and are annoyed when they don't get that thing. It doesn't mean you hate all males. For instance most people like action movies with male leads because action movies with female leads often suck. If you wanted to watch John Wick and all of a sudden it showed some terrible movie with Zoe Saldana as the lead, you'd be pissed too.

>> No.54099967
File: 284 KB, 1645x929, holohuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, vshoujo and indies. Truly the equals of Hololive in every way imaginable. Which universe did you come from, Dr.Strange?

>> No.54100030

Honestly calling you anything but delusional by now would be a lie

>> No.54100049

Avoid males first, don't break the immersion second. There.

>> No.54100090


>> No.54100105

What is your point retard?

>> No.54100169

That's not even a good comparison because collabs are announced beforehand, they're not a bait and switch. I hate this CGDCT excuse because the term got hijacked by idolfags when it is used to describe anime shows, not streams

>> No.54100200

God why did they have to waste that sexo model on sana , feet and tits for days such a waste

>> No.54100259

nah nigga this anon made an apt comparison you just dont to hear the truth

>> No.54100282

Delusional is thinking these streamers are somehow your girlfriend or how male collabs are the same same getting cucked

>> No.54100325

But Kronii and Ame WERE a bait and switch. Bae made her stance clear from Day 1, Mori established herself early with the cancer ecelebs like Trash Taste. Kronii and Ame were CGDCT for over a year. Fucking Hololive EN as a whole was mostly CGDCT and then Tempus was fucking shilled so aggressively the collab ban was even dropped early for them.

>> No.54100329

2-3 years ago only Ironmouse could be compared in popularity with HoloEN. Now there is like 20 vtubers like this.
Clearly something isn't working

>> No.54100346

Go be a brown esl somewhere else

>> No.54100359

No it didn’t get hijacked.

It’s literally what the majority of the fan base is here for. Cute anime girls playing videos games and interacting with them.

>> No.54100385

Different fanbases were built because of what was offered by the company/the talents

>> No.54100404
File: 83 KB, 501x960, Mikeneko_new_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, some vshojos are pretty similar to certain holos…

>> No.54100439

You seem to be suffering from cognitive impairment. You don't have to think that the streamer is your girlfriend for you to dislike inter-gender collabs.

Strawmans gonna strawman.

>> No.54100459

Nobody thinks they are their girlfriends, anon.

That doesn’t mean they want to sit there watching dudes making penis jokes at their oshi for 2 hours. Most people just want to watch the girls. It’s actually pretty simple.

>> No.54100482

I personally really like it when a vtuber ACTUALLY finishes games instead of picking something for 3 hours or 2 streams and then drops it forever. But I know that variety in stream schedule gives better numbers than sticking with something like Yakuza or Fire Emblem for 30+ hours in 12 streams per month, so make of that what you will.

I think if I can sum up my own advice, it will be to always have a long game going for your schedule, but only play it 1 day in a week and not more. You gotta balance short sweet games and long games, it caters to different types of fans, I think.

Also it's very funny to me how some collab / "party" games are rarely ever finished even though they do have some sort of plot / "adventure" to it that actually can be finished, like Biped or Overcooked or Moving Out. Maybe pick your collab partners wisely so that you'll actually want to continue where you left off with the same collab partner later. And yes, some party games aren't in this category (like Clubhouse Games / Monopoly / Mario Party) and they're just mindless fun for a few hours, so that's why this is just something to think about.

>> No.54100503

Context, dumbass. For one, you're wrong about Ame, she made it public she was a fan of Shien. They are NOT a bait and switch because it was understood that the EN girls couldn't possibly have a proper collab with the JP stars as Tempus didn't exist yet. They never once said they wouldn't collab with a male EN branch. Context is important you fucking retards

>> No.54100521

not even close nigga, i´m as white as can be thats irrelevant though you´re making a mess out of yourself publically by spouting shit nobody supports and keep moving goalposts getting bullied by unicorns and esl´s can you get even more pathetic ?

>> No.54100560

Don't fall for Kronii's, Mori's or Ami's lies.

>> No.54100634

You're talking about context yet you're comparing the inoffensive JP Homos to the sexpest EN Homos. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.54100647

>That doesn’t mean they want to sit there watching
Then don't
>dudes making penis jokes at their oshi for 2 hours
They don't. Hell the girls have made more dick jokes on their own streams

>> No.54100743

This. And the argument reminds me of when I was once labeled a "homophobe" by an acquaintance because I refused to watch gay porn. I like women. I don't hate men, but I'm not interested in them. Apparently, this is such a difficult concept for sisters to grasp.

>> No.54100785

So you're a farm pig then. Nice
Goalpost move. You've lost. Ame and Kronii never stated that they wouldn't collab with a starsEN branch simply because it didn't exist yet, end of story

>> No.54100957

>then don't

It's called opportunity cost. A homocollab is made at the expense of an all-girls stream, and the latter is preferable for most of the fanbase. And when the former was being spammed, the fanbase got upset. But I suppose it's easier to just throw around buzzwords like "incel" to defame those with dissenting opinions.

>> No.54101026

keep lying to sink on your retarded ship you faggot you keep forgetting you are the foreign body here

this is almost as retarded as the homobegging anon itt

honestly call me whatever you want i dont really care what i get called on an Ethiopian stone collecting forum

>> No.54101076

It's not even just that. During peak homocollab arc you'd have shit like Ame doing that random homo duet during a solo karaoke, Kronii mentioning Vespshit every other stream and the dude constantly lurking in her chat. At some point we had weekly homo collabs.
And even the girls who ignored the faggots got their chat spammed with beggars.
Also every community and official page spammed the fags.

>> No.54101116

WORST mentality to ever have, it'll be ogre for them rapidly if they do that... As long as they don't hate oke another for having better/lower CCVs, they should strive to have the highest amount of people watching them.

>> No.54101127

>homocollab is made at the expense of an all-girls stream
Pure pretense from unicorns and CGDCTfags therefore invalid. Collabs are planned between the involved parties and there is no proof that co-ed collabs prevent an all girl collab from happening

>> No.54101181

forgot to add to my own post, but for discovering games: broaden your horizons. It's not fun to see Flavor-of-the-Month games in my sub box happening within the same 2 weeks, as is the case with Needy Streamer Overload for example. Most vtuber fans deadsub to the whole corpo, so simply playing something your genmate / senpai recently played is not always the best idea even if some of your own viewers haven't experienced it.

1. There's lots of avenues for discovering short sweet games, but I think the best one is to follow a few variety streamers of your own privately. Streamers like like Northernlion / Wanderbots vary their content a lot, even though they're "male fleshtubers" and you shouldn't interact with them for obvious reasons, peeking to what they stream in your spare time might let you discover new games you would never have otherwise. There's also a lot of youtube channels dedicated to highlighting indie games monthly, such as "Best Indie Games" or "Wholesome Games" on Youtube. While they might not always be interesting things in there, the point of following these kinds of channels is again to broaden your horizons. Lil' Gator and Later Alligator for example were both featured prominently around those channels, and while I do not know if Ame found them this way, they ended up being decently fun heartfelt short games.

2. If you decide to STILL gonna play something that your genmate or senpai has played anyways... at least wait a good month or three. Again, I think it looks better if you wait a while, it won't bore out daredemo daisuki fans for example. But also, it's worth noting that early release of indie games sometimes are pretty buggy anyways and there's often roadmaps or upcoming content updates in the works (looking at you, Cult of The Lamb, Sail Forth, and Dredge). Might as well wait until things stabilize before jumping in to a newly released game!

>> No.54101184
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t.clipwatching sister.

>> No.54101295

you spout so much shit you dont get to decide whats invalid as a miniscule minority that´s not how it works this is such a female way of thinking as if the ocean cared for a grain of sand

>> No.54101314
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>> No.54101319

Those were the dark days indeed. Because of all that shit, I eventually made the switch to HoloJP. Here's hoping EN3 will be a healing gen.

>> No.54101454

this was so obnoxious even in a homo "friendly" girls chat that just wasnt interested in interacting, so much spam , as usual sisters ruin everything for other sisters by trying to force shit

>> No.54101594
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>We aren’t in Myth anymore where you’ll get a gorillion subs just for existing, you’ll have to work for those subs now
Time truly is a flat circle. This shit really peaked 2 years ago. God damn.

>> No.54101647

You don't seem to understand what an opportunity cost is. Time spent is something you will never get back. The talents obviously have finite streaming hours. If a talent decides to spend even 20% of their schedule on homocollab, that is already a substantial chunk of their working hours. And HoloEN being as lazy as they are merely compounds the problem.

>> No.54101785

Nope, not entertaining the idiotic premise of yours that a male collab sacrifices a female one. If the girls decide to do the collab and then call it a day or even week, that's one them. Take it up with them

>> No.54101866

Nobody wants to watch the males except the fujos and the in the closet homosexuals. Their numbers prove this.

You would be a better fit at Nijisanji anon.

>> No.54101918

Do not become E celeb enabler like Ollie was
If you're going with bae route (ok with stars / male interaction) pull a Towa route instead (do it on your own, not dragging other, and form a solid unit within the Hololive (Towa has startend, Pebot, also more often than not become event holder (Towa hosting annual Holo Mario kart))
At least have a decent knowledge about Hololive (unlike kronii, not even knowing what ahoy song or which Holo member this is), to solidify this just try to play Holo cure and react to those items and reference, the fans will like you.

>> No.54101966

>Still doesn't understand the meaning of opportunity cost

>> No.54101985
File: 141 KB, 850x1202, IMG_9433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun, work hard, don’t complain on stream—keep that in your privates. Just be thankful for the opportunity you’ve been given and treat it like the blessing it is and you’ll be off to a better start than you’d think.

Don’t try to change the vtubing culture at large just be yourself. Think for yourself, a lot of the EN girls have their own ideas about how to act and how best to produce content but you need to figure out what works best for you and your audience, don’t let them talk you into developing bad habits just because they aren’t negatively affected by them.

Treat it like a job. Run stream prep, don’t flake out on streams just cause you don’t feel up to it that day, act professionally on your socials (that means treat it like the work account that it is and not your private soap box).

Set realistic goals and don’t compare yourself to others. Be wary of leeches who just want to use you to advance their own career (especially indies and irl streamers).

Avoid Pippa like the plague and do the exact opposite of her.

TL;DR Work hard and be earnest. Be kind to your genmates, your coworkers (the talent and those working behind the scenes), and your audience (who most likely make way less money than you will, hate their jobs, and just want a reprieve from their shitty lives).

And stop coming here. Unless it’s to shit on any girls who suck behind the scenes—like Mori. Then do that here please, anonymously.

>> No.54102082

touch grass

>> No.54102111

>implying HoloEN scouted girls who weren't homobeggars
You people are retarded. Nobody who is applying for HoloEN is doing so because they want to be a CGDCT unless they are completely brain-dead and out of touch.

>> No.54102120
File: 30 KB, 477x392, okayufighto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idiotic premise
>still does not understand that B is an opportunity cost when A occurs, save for a divine intervention manipulating the time-space continuum

You're pretty much the idiot here, then. You can cover your ears and go "lalalala I'm not listening", but facts don't care about your feelings. You may instead go to /MANS/ for your hugbox needs.

>> No.54102124

>Still believes in his false premise

>> No.54102149

Ignore Kiara
Don't acknowledge her existence

>> No.54102168


>> No.54102183

Are you brain dead?
95% of the audience is here for the CGDCT. That’s what people are here for.

I have to imagine whoever did the hiring this time kept that in mind, after Omega fucked up with council and tempus.

>> No.54102190

Listen to Mori calliope advices

>> No.54102195

>avoid Pippa like the plague
>picrel: streamer who acknowledges Pippa's membership

lol. lmao.
in all seriousness, this all seems like good advice for the most part. so good that hololive probably already teaches it to talents in some way already. if not, they should.

>> No.54102202

>touch grass

Don't you have anti-elon tweets to make?

>> No.54102214


>> No.54102215

If you do feet stuff you’ll have one of the most dedicated audiences in all of vtubing. Look at Haachama.

>> No.54102336

what an incredibly witty response i must applaud you for this cerebral masterpiece but i decline i´d rather keep working my job so i can support my oshi with the money she deserves

And yes EN3 if you´re wondering Working folks are the majority of your target audience dont let sister lull you in with empty platitudes on twatter or some shit

>> No.54102409

If you are into CGDCT, you aren't watching HoloEN. If you are watching HoloEN and think it's because they are CGDCT, you are lying to yourself. HoloEN is a very small group of like five streamers and a couple of background characters. Joining that means immediatley some of your biggest co-workers are homobeggars and people who hate Hololive fans. Someone who likes the stuff HoloEN isn't wouldn't join HoloEN.

>> No.54102421

look in the mirror

>> No.54102493

If they're applying to be the voice and operator of a CUTE ANIME GIRL avatars, at HOLOLIVE, and NOT be in favor of CGDCT, then THEY are the braindead ones who are completely out of touch, not only with Cover's business strategies but also the industry as a whole. Simple as.

What will you advocate next? Applying for a customer service job and insisting to be a complete asshole while doing it?

>> No.54102553

Bro… Hololive is the biggest CGDCT corpo there is. It’s their entire thing.

The few girls that collabed with homos have stopped, except Bae. JP almost never collars with men except Towa and Matsuri. It’s 99% female only entertainment.

>> No.54102564

NO U is such a classic if you run out of arguments bravo doesnt change the fact that sisters are fucking leeches bleeding hololive dry they are literally parasites that bring no worth to the table kinda obvious if you see how they chimp out about people voting with their wallets

>> No.54102636

Make it 95% and I'll stop arguing with you

>> No.54102680

Ik I just threw that in there for a laugh cause I thought I was getting too long winded and serious. The Mori thing is a joke too (unless she really is secretly shit behind the scenes, but that goes for any of the girls). I think it’s ok to vent about shitty coworkers.

>> No.54102744
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>I say it's a false premise, so it must actually be one!

The universe does not work like that, sister. Just like how flat-earthers say that the earth being spherical is a "false premise", or antivaxxers saying the same thing about the proven efficacy of vaccines. You can't bend concepts and realities to your will.

As I've said, you're free to go to /.MANS/ for all your hugbox needs. Or you could take your meds. Either is fine.

>> No.54102777


>> No.54102792

Advice to all future vtubers. Be cunny and white. That is the key to success. Vtuber are only watched by pedophiles.

>> No.54102893

>thinking that lusting over 2d fictional figures is equal to actually scarring up a child psychologically

go the fuck back to the Genshin fandom or something.

>> No.54102957

We all know your plan Aviel

>> No.54102960

venti, why the fuck are you still here? You already got BTFO'd.

>> No.54103028

several times even , i guess the lesson en3 can take from that is : These kinds of "people" arent worth the hassle so avoid them

>> No.54103043

your doing the exact same thing by crying about homos expecting cover to listen

>> No.54103061

Stay in your fucking thread /#/

>> No.54103097

Avoid unikeks and parasocials. Stream. Have fun. Dont do drama/a lot of twitter.

Basically do the gura.

>> No.54103133

retards gonna retard, if i wanted cover to listen or see this i would use their contact form ,we´re simply puttin delusional idiots into their place

>> No.54103199

>Unikeks and parasocials
Translation: Anyone who is here just for the girls and won’t support the homos


>> No.54103203

Now you're just spouting irrelevant nonsense. You've got nothing. Sit down, go to sleep or something

>> No.54103236

actually, enlighten me, what is actually Aviel's grand plan for vtubing as a whole in the long term? I'm interested since the only steps I see him making is helping create as much lolitubers as possible in existence. I actually can't see further than that...

>> No.54103240

This anon gets it

>> No.54103286

Hit a nerve, huh? lol

>> No.54103329

They're going after the coomer audience. Which is weird because his most successful chuuba doesn't do any of that and even collabs with males

>> No.54103386

And you're crying about unicorns and lack of homocollabs, expecting cover to listen. You're still /here/.

>> No.54103394


>> No.54103422

This. Don't actively burn bridges and insult your fans, or you'll be like Mori who went from having CCVs that rivaled Gura, to being the runt of hololive.
Also don't lie or go back on your word like Kronii did, while she hasn't crashed and burned like Mori, it still crippled her growth, both in subs and income.

>> No.54103424

Suuuuure whatever you say, at least i feed my chuuba

>> No.54103444

>avoid being nice to the ones most willing to support you in a tangible manner.


>> No.54103476

i still dont get over how frigging retarded mori was all she had to do is ignore shit

>> No.54103553
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Got to 'own the haters'
And just so any EN3's lurking here actually understand. This is what will happen your numbers if you follow Mori's advice. You'll start losing to fucking Nijisanji.

>> No.54103591

My advise? Be japanese, I honestly couldn't come up with ideas to make me watch EN vtubers ever again, will be watching the debuts for the cringekino though

>> No.54103607
File: 14 KB, 242x208, pekolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fault you have severe problems with reading comprehension. You offer nothing beyond "muh word is law". Take meds, lie down and hopefully your autism will be manageable tomorrow.

>> No.54103698


Western Women Syndrome.

>> No.54103699

I enjoy my homo-free content.
Even kronii and ame gave up on them after their numbers took a hit.
And management isn’t going to push EN3 to collab with them either.

Pretty good to be a holochad.

>> No.54103709

loosing to fucking off season pokemon of all things ...... this is so sad

>> No.54103782
File: 260 KB, 476x996, Screenshot_20230724-050718~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care about what a vtuber does off strea-ACKK

>> No.54103843

Oh man, losing to enna, of all people. I find it hilarious that some deadbeats still insist that mori is one of hololive's biggest moneymakers and that her numbers are through the roof.

And if push comes to shove, they'll play the UMG card.

>> No.54103860

good on u bro!!

>> No.54103875
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So true sis! All holos should avoid males like the plague!

>> No.54103896

>quoting some random shitpost to prove a point


>> No.54103954

B-But Reddit says it’s just a loud minority that doesn’t like homo collabs and respects the idol culture!

>> No.54104005

to play devils advocate here , she probably still is one of the biggest moneymakers but thats because her biggest paypigs are so buckbrocken they dont leave , also i assume UMG pays pretty well , doesnt absolve her of being shit though

>> No.54104020

>some collab from the distant past when Hololive was still a struggling brand

>> No.54104102

this is fucking ancient ! amazing how deep you have to dig even with an outlier like migo

>> No.54104112

You can't cancel a stream that never existed in the first place for another. Unless you have some proof of an all female collab, hell, even just a solo stream being cancelled or replaced in favor of a male collab, you're full of shit. Keep believing in your own schizo world like the sis you are

>> No.54104186

Are you trying to disprove your own point? Miko grew massively after she ditched males and started leaning on yuribaiting.

>> No.54104208
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Actually Mori doesn't make much money compared to the other girls. Hell, IRyS's stream tonight made more money than Mori's.
Also if you want to see more proof following Mori is bad news for your numbers, look at this drop from Gura just opening a waiting room. Not starting her stream, just the waiting room. I imagine the numbers would be even worse if she took Gura head on, rather than moving her stream so she'd start ahead of her.

>> No.54104242

nah he just massively retarded dont call them out it hurts their fee fees

>> No.54104278

No. Fucking. Males. It's crazy how this board has forgotten this simple rule

>> No.54104346

>>54100521 this you? You sound just as retarded

>> No.54104389

gura is a generational talent. other girls have to work

>> No.54104455
File: 3.67 MB, 432x498, mikohappy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear retard

I am writing to you in response to the image you posted recently. I would like to tell you a story, about a group of people. Long, long ago. In a faraway land. The group did not have much clout or influence, so they did whatever they could to expand. This included mingling with a larger, more established group.

Over time, the small group of people discovered the secret formula to success : by doing their own thing, distinct from the larger group. The two began to diverge and the smaller group grew from strength to strength. At present, they rival the power of their former ally. The former still, very occasionally, do the same things that the latter do. But for the most part, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams by sticking to the secret formula.

The moral of the story is : Your mom is a whore who does scat play for 10 bucks.

>> No.54104498

this , gura was super lucky to be there at the right time with the right model just look at council flopping around under 1 mil the covid buff was real

>> No.54104501
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its been a year since tempus debuted and i dont recall cover collapsing due to the lack of gachikois

>> No.54104502

Gura earned her right to coast. She’s been streaming for 3 years.

This is why there’s supposed to be a new gen every year. So that those who want to go to part time streaming can. Then the new gen has a 1 year period of mandatory full time streams.

You can thank EN management and tempus for the delay.

>> No.54104552

Cool story bro. She still collabed with males. Sorry that you enjoy being a cuck

>> No.54104578

Stream lots. Don't let yourself become beholden to unicuck schizos. Mostly just stream lots.

>> No.54104591
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Unichads won.

>> No.54104622

maybe not cover but some talents def are burning shitshows see:>>54104208

if EN3 wants career suicide thats the way to go

>> No.54104647

Don't be like Kronii or Amelia

>> No.54104670

Ignore Stars. I'm not excited at all for this gen, which is a first since I started watching hololive, but I will give them a chance like everyone else.
Being linked to Stars is an instant anti, instead of just ignoring them.

>> No.54104690

>still thinks unicucks offer anything of value
You're not going to make it, anonchama.

>> No.54104762

>>still thinks homobeggars offer anything of value
fify sister

>> No.54104771

Sshhhh, let them continue having pride in being ATMs for fake anime girls and their corporation. Don't let them find out what the shareholders get to do to their "idols"

>> No.54104798

Holostars fans won't watch your streams. Remember that.

>> No.54104902

worse even if this thread has proven anything sister will even anti you just because you´re not interested in their homo

>> No.54104944

Time for your meds, or the rope. Keep coping, unicuck.

>> No.54104953

Hololive wasn't popular back then.
because it had to do with men

>> No.54104975

Just don't spit on your fans's faces on your first year

>> No.54105021
File: 1001 KB, 1182x665, 5azaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back then
Suuure buddy

>> No.54105031

I want to ask, what happened during Jan 2022 where there was a huge drop for HoloJP?

>> No.54105046

i want them to collab with males IF THEY WANT TO. if they dont then i dont really mind, its their choice not mine

>> No.54105048

Hololive, which has gained popularity as an all-female group, said who's fan is asking to engage with men?
Hololive involving men has never been popular

>> No.54105053
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, mio feets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no sister, you're not fitting in!

>> No.54105076

Cute feet

>> No.54105111

It's clear there's two major cliques in HololiveEN.
The Gura Clique and the Mori Clique.
However the Mori Clique could be on the verge of imploding spectacularly if Magni and Vesper are dual graduated/terminated.
So sticking with Gura is the much safer bet for your career's stability.

>> No.54105147

You’re comparing a one off situation with some 45 year old ojisan or an ancient male collab to a group of ENs (Ame, Kronii, Mori, Bae) that spammed homo collabs, shat on their fans for not liking it, and then stopping the collars anyways due to dropping numbers.

Do you see the differen, anon?

>> No.54105253


>> No.54105287

thats because mori is mori. not because she collabs with males. also see >>54098123

>> No.54105385

Kiara always had relatively low numbers but her numbers from 2020 are nearly the same she gets now while kronii lost a lot , that´s the difference

>> No.54105535

Kronii's numbers have stagnated and dropped. She's on the verge of being overtaken in subs by Mumei and losing daily to Fauna in CCVs.
It's incredible how Kronii's gtowth got kneecapped, like if you told me a year and a half ago that she wouldn't have reached 1 million subs yet, I'd call you crazy.

>> No.54105601

I always thought Noel would never collab with a male but then Pakora dropped a motherfucking creep hypno rapist... jesus fuck dude
Fuck you Pekora

>> No.54105643

NTA but learn how to speak english before you shitpost fuckwad

>> No.54105689

Coping about what? Winning while your homos are graduating and crying on stream? KEK.

>> No.54105715

NTA but he´s right you know

>> No.54105738

There are two types of EN holos. Gura and Mori. Pick which path you are taking and make it clear at debut.

>> No.54105762

stay away from the homos

>> No.54105810

who said anything about cocks? i have no problem with towa

>> No.54105835

The first problem was her freaking out over her own model. She hated her big titles and the fact that the fans liked them. She hid half her model like 1 week after debut.
Then she jumped fully on board team homo, being assured that criticism would only be from a small minority of unicorns. In reality, most of the fans are here for the girls and the backlash was easily predictable.

>> No.54105837

They should have Sex with me.

>> No.54105893

>a small minority of unicorns
if only she knew , sowing idiocy reaps idiotic rewards i guess

>> No.54106078

Unicorns or not biting the hand that feeds you is never a good idea dogs get shot over this

>> No.54106161

>The first problem was her freaking out over her own model.
Lies, she was worried people would only watch her because of her model and not for her, which was a well founded concern if you see your chat just talking about your tits. It's a terrible way to grow your fanbase.
As for the homocollabs, she actually did give the unicorns a far hearing, told the homobeggers to not attack them and then created a imperfect solution to try and make everyone happy before doing a 180 and leaving the unicorn for the wolves.
Kronii's biggest problem now is treating her chat like it's Twitch since she made a bunch of her friends mods and they're acting like elevated chat members.
What's even worse is some of them clearly don't like 4chan since they shadowbanned multiple kronies who post /here/. And they did these bans without Kronii's knowledge because once she found out, she reversed the bans.

>> No.54106248

Consistency is key. Choose a starting hour and stick to it. If you have a stance on anything (collabs with males, lewding, parasocialism, streamed games, other opinions), stick to it. Keep politics out of Hololive, no need for supporting trannies or denouncing them for example, despite many anons going "based" if you were to do the latter. If you have anything that can be used against you on your roommate's profile, get rid of it now if you haven't done so already.
It's also very important to have something that makes you stand out. Grinding content works, per the example of Koyori and Kaela. If you can stick a meme to yourself, it's very good, try to create scenarios where one could happen somewhat naturally. Music production is honestly not that important in the branch, if you get a song under the roof in a year, you're golden. Shipping can also be used to get some popularity, especially with the artists, but don't overdo it. Also it's sad, but you have to avoid playing debuff games, at least for the first months, no matter how much you like them. Kusoges, Minecraft and FOTM are your friend.
Once you get the rock rolling, you can relax a bit, just grind out the first few months and you're golden. As long as you don't do something radical at that point and if you already have the numbers, you can get away with most things.

>> No.54106320

>which was a well founded concern if you see your chat just talking about your tits. It's a terrible way to grow your fanbase
didnt hurt noel though

>> No.54106343

Noel is an obvious exception of that rule.

>> No.54106347

Holy shit.
Yeah haven’t been in one of her streams in a long time. That’s crazy. Surprised management even let’s her run things like that.

>> No.54106465
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And Kronii's mods didn't learn any lesson from it since they're still joke threatening people with bans.
I'm also surprised management is allowing it since they don't even need active mods outside of the random porn bot.

>> No.54106546

i mean i get why myth used mods for a time since it was an incredible shitshow back then but the reason for council to have those eludes me

>> No.54106610

what's wrong with pippa?

>> No.54106662

And how doe Kronii not see anything wrong with this herself? I honestly just don’t think she was cut out for streaming desu. At least not at a corpo like Hololive.

>> No.54106695
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As an addendum; develop a healthy work life balance. I can’t stress this enough—separate your personal life from your work life.

Just because people are nice to you or you streamed with them doesn’t mean they are your friends. They work in the same field as you, in some cases they are your direct competitors and many of them are more savvy than you and have been at this job for a long time. If you slip up they will not stop to help you up, if you put your neck out on the line for them you do it at your own peril.

Shelve your PL if you are not willing to let it go entirely. Commit to this new creative endeavor. If you wind up unfulfilled you can always quit and go back to your PL. But don’t try to paddle down river in two canoes, you will only split your fanbase and come off as selfishly motivated. I guarantee that if you give this your all, when you do move on from hololive your fanbase that you were so dedicated to will follow you.

Don’t let any vtubers (in hololive or otherwise) bully you. The best way to do this is to ignore them, it will infuriate them more than anything else you could do to them trust me. Many of them are only looking for attention and your reaction will give it to them.

And this is more a personal belief of mine. Don’t become ok with making lazy content. Please don’t settle for being a grifter. If you are really the talented individual you presented yourself as to get this job try to produce content that you could be proud of.

It’s not ok to be lazy, no matter what other people say.

>> No.54106760

If you look at Kronii like she's a twitch streamer, it all makes sense.
And sadly, there's zero chance she'll reign her mods in because does anyone seriously believe she'd side with her nutty fans over her friends?

>> No.54106903

That they stopped the collabs anyways is hilarious. I’ll give you that.

Any word on how long the suspension will last by the way?

>> No.54106904

She and her mod friends would be a perfect fit at niji, with that kind of attitude.

>> No.54107100
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>> No.54107130
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Get your Afghani ass out of here, and get yourself a mail-order bride if you're that anal about a woman's "impure past".

Or perhaps you're into men. Oh well, once a faggot like you, always a faggot.

>> No.54107230

Has this been a long running theory for some time? I’ve always felt that there is a clear split in the type of content creators the ENs want to be and that this split falls into the Gura or Mori categories.
>Gura, Mumei, Fauna, Irys, Kiara, Ina
>Mori, Bae, Kronii, Ame
Gura’s just want to play idol and collect easy checks. Mori’s want to play streamer and feel stifled by Hololive.

Tempiss is aligned with the Mori’s obv.

>> No.54107256
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>What is a HoloJP hard carry?

Does it hurt that much being devoid of intellect, or are you just used to it?

>> No.54107281
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>> No.54107352
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Based Pegor

>> No.54107374

it all comes back to idols and whores huh?

>> No.54107451
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>still a sister whose contribution is limited to updooting homo threads on reddit and replying to their tweets


What is it with you sisters and your cuck fantasies? Are you projecting or do the gay manga you masturbate to usually have that kind of stuff? I wouldn't know, not being a faggot and all.

>> No.54107543

Don't neglect your physical health, especially not your sleep.

>> No.54107549

Seems like the ones who are coping are sisters like you. One didn't even know what "opportunity cost" meant and got all butthurt about being proven wrong. Should have stayed in school instead of having anal sex with hobos, sisters.

>> No.54107654

>created a imperfect solution to try and make everyone happy before doing a 180 and leaving the unicorn for the wolves.
She said she wouldn't interact with the homos much on twitter (because she doesn't use twitter much), and then made a single tweet in response to them doing some dumb shit. Unicorns lost their shit because they decided that what she ACTUALLY said was "I will NEVER EVER even THINK about interacting with them on twitter", and spent the entirety of her break shitting on her, calling her a liar, bitch, whore, slut, hoping she graduates, and so on. No fucking shit she's going to do a 180, pull back the olive branch, and say "yeah nah, fuck you, I'm doing my own thing". Anybody with even a hint of common sense would do the same thing.

>> No.54107698

Pippa Pickme?

>> No.54107733

>olive branch
you got this confused unicorns where the ones extending the branch and she spit on it with her behaviour

>> No.54107782
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>comparing a skit segment with some random comedian/actor to obnoxiously aggressive pushing of homocollabs, as well as shitting on fans who disapprove.

Your mother must have neglected to to feed you DHA-rich food when you were a kid.

>> No.54107792

Bae is objectively more of an idol than half the people in the upper list desu, it's pretty clear she doesn't care for just the streamer aspects considering how she's the only council who doesn't bankroll all her holo money for herself and spends it on projects that are real

>> No.54107870

that´s objectively wrong , if you compare her to the idol group theres a jarring difference

>> No.54107912

Unfortunately for you, idolfags by definition only care for whether the idol is in a relationship or not, they don't care for male interactions or collaborations

>> No.54107922


Oh, so NOW it's about the girls and their choices. Funny, because unicorns were accused of harassing kronii, yet homobeggars constantly pestering the other girls and inserting tempus all over the place, even when uncalled for, is perfectly fine.

>> No.54107997

Befriend Gura

>> No.54108165

neither i or the post i answered too mentioned any males , why are you obsessed with cock?

>> No.54108291

>Unicorns lost their shit because they decided that what she ACTUALLY said was "I will NEVER EVER even THINK about interacting with them on twitter", and spent the entirety of her break shitting on her, calling her a liar, bitch, whore, slut, hoping she graduates, and so on

Nice narrative, which goes back to the age old question. Does /vt/ matter or not? Because even if things above happened, it only happened /here/ and not in her chat or her twitter timeline. Else, sisters would have had tons of receipts.

So, which is it? Is /vt/ a significant part of the fanbase and managed to harass her into going back on her word? Or is /vt/ the "extreme minority" and her fans, like you, are blowing things out of proportion?

>> No.54108315

because that's the only "jarring" difference
Also this entire thread has been
and you were nowhere to be seen before my point so I'll accept your concession

>> No.54108385

nigga i´ve been here the whole thread , and just because this thread is obsessed with cock doesnt mean i am , and no thats not what i meant but whatever its cleaand not even being ointerested in normal discussion

>> No.54108445

*it´s clear you´re not even being interested

>> No.54108530

I'm still willing to listen if you say what the jarring difference is

>> No.54108701

i was going to say bae is a classical(normal) streamer where as the idol group caters to cgdct and with that i dont even mean interacting with males but just how they interact and treat their viewers , Bae doesnt seem as "close,dependant and prasocial" as the idol group , not throwing any shade on any of these streaming styles both legit but you cant tell me theres a big difference there , bae´s trying to entertain you , the "idol group" is trying to be your friend/gf whatever

>> No.54108752


>> No.54108780

*there isnt a big difference ,fml its so late i cant type anymore

>> No.54108914

Bae loves her fans the most in council, it's not even close
She shares her troubles with her fans, she spends money on them for projects instead of just streaming like the other councils
Oh and there's this line from her song for her fans
>I realize that all I needed has been right here by my side, All this time

>> No.54108938
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>cgdct idol mafia: queen gura, mumei, ina, fauna and their unicorn cavalry - found their niche and comfortably milking their unicorns
>washed up twitch thot cartel: sturmfuhrer mori, kronii, sana () and their tempiss orbiters - didn't find their niche, hate their audience for not being gura's audience and degrade them mercilessly while counting their last few remaining eggs before menopause leaves them lonely and decrepit because nobody wants to marry insecure bipolar cumdumps
>centrists and fencesitters combine: chairman kiara, irys, ame, hakos - generally confused about the ongoing happenings, waiting for developments to jump to the winning side

>> No.54109126

ok i was mistaken i´ll give you that i apologize , i dont watch that much bae since shes on the other side of the globe for me , she always gave me the more distant professional vibe
