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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53703648 No.53703648 [Reply] [Original]

>be Mori
>Start stream early because you're too scared to overlap Gura
>Lose all your viewers to Gura's waiting room
>people would rather watch Gura's thumbnail
Deadbeats, how do we save her?

>> No.53703778

>people would rather watch Gura's thumbnail

>> No.53703848


>> No.53703861

If she was that worried about she should've just played another game

>> No.53703878

who put the frame first?

>> No.53703928
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>Dead Beat numberfags when the shork shows up

>> No.53703939

>Yet again, another holo vs holo
Holochads cant stop winning these days.

>> No.53704054

Why pit the same members of a gen against each other? Just enjoy the streams, shrimple as that.

>> No.53704104

Mori, she then moved it ahead 3 hours when Gura puts hers up ahead of Mori's.

>> No.53704117 [DELETED] 

Mori is a tumor that needs to be removed

>> No.53704171

Go back

>> No.53704181

>The deadbeat cries as he hits you
You are not fooling anyone

>> No.53704203

Is there legit any saving for her? Cuz I doubt it

>> No.53704220

i enjoyed gura's

>> No.53704239

Mori clearly showed there is a competition going on when she tried to dodge the shork...

>> No.53704311
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>Holo vs Holo

>> No.53704363


>> No.53704378

"I'm not streaming at the same time as "someone else"" and moving her stream in front of Gura's is quite the passive aggressive move.

>> No.53704452

Reminder that the people putting passive aggressive comments on Gura's VODs were not Nijisisters, Homobeggars or deadbeats. They were chumbuddies with loyalty badges.
Sit down, be humble.

>> No.53704473 [DELETED] 

Why are you angry cuckbeat, when Whori herself starts Holo vs Holo shenanigans?

>> No.53704474

And she still overlapped her, which means she was only scared of starting after gura. Peak numberfaggotry

>> No.53704594

Anon she streamed right through Gura's stream and at one point went afk for 30 minutes because an appliance repair person that was scheduled to show up, showed up. If she gave a shit about "numbers" she would of stopped after 2 hours.

>> No.53704741

Then why not stream in the original timeslot? She overlaps Bae and Irys constantly in JP prime time.
She even overlaps them with the same games when it's flavor of the month shit like pokemon.
Sounds like she knew she'd have even less viewers if Gura went first. She lost 1500 viewers to Gura's fucking waiting room. It was numberfagging.

>> No.53704891

>If she gave a shit about "numbers" she would of stopped after 2 hours
Did you even read the OP anon? She clearly was bothered by it and changed the time... Cuckbeats being the dumbest fanbase gets proven time and time again.

>> No.53704894 [DELETED] 


>> No.53704933
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*snipes first stream by half an hour*

>> No.53704969

You can't answer why she didn't stop after 2 hours and streamed for literally the entire time while gura was streaming.

>> No.53704970

>when it's flavor of the month shit like pokemon.
That's probably the answer no? With flavor of the month shit it's probably impossible to schedule without overlapping the same game, this was simply Gura and Mori having shit coordination and she moved before.
But why i'm explaining? You negroes will make argument in bad faith constantly, a message from which you can't gauge no tone or emphasis is enough to be considered bothered or seething, Mori has streamed RE4 entirely but she is also a numberfag, etc. People who can't understand contradictions are simply not people.

>> No.53705014

>AFK for 30 minutes
Deadbeats watch that shit? I’d stoop to watching Ame before I sat through 30 minutes of the “repair man” shtooping my oshi.

>> No.53705036

Nice copium, you're just grasping at straws now.

>> No.53705082

the final word of someone out of arguments. You are just a gigantic faggot kek.

>> No.53705139

My oshi doesn't lose 1500 viewers to a fucking static image.

>> No.53705205

But she did overlap her. The only point of moving the stream was to start before gura which only makes sense from a numberfag perspective

>> No.53705341


>> No.53705356

Why is she so desperate for numbers now? Did she already blow through her contact money?

>> No.53705411

It’s numberfaggotry.

It’s also not a good sign for a vtuber. It means she really is on a backslide and management knows it.

>> No.53705437

So why can't mighty 4chan do it? I though we were powerful?

>> No.53705483

anon, 'we' couldn't even get rid of bvtm

>> No.53705501

So is she getting fired if her numbers go down anymore? I though Cover doesn't do that?

>> No.53705523

Wouldn’t actually shock me. If she produces a lot of her side projects out of pocket that shit adds up quick. Not to mention she travels constantly and payed a ridiculous amount of money for her underworld home base.

That last one she talked about in a stream when it happened so don’t ban me for “doxxposting”. It came from her mouth.

>> No.53705574 [DELETED] 
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Only a Cover x BLACKEDRAW collab can save her career

>> No.53705590

That was already proven to be her reading chat message.

>> No.53705592
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Step 1: sit on my ass
Step 2: wait

>> No.53705611

Mori has 461,358,791 channel views. Figuring a little over $3 CPM (after YouTube's cut), that about $1.5 million (of which she probably gets about $750k) in a little under 3 years.

Mori has earned $1,687,296 in gross Super Chat revenue. Figuring she takes home 35% of that, she's taking home about $590k.

So, $1.34 million in 3 years, and that's not counting album sales, concert sales, merchandise, merchandise and channel memberships. Mori does not need to be "saved". She's making more money than 99% of Deadbeats.

>> No.53705618

Wait for what?

>> No.53705653

Then why not just overlap gura like >>53704741said?

>> No.53705655

The fuck are you on about, cuckbeat?

>> No.53705744

so we're complaining that she tried to maximize her viewers against gura? she deserves them. she streams regularly.
this is what i've sunk to. holoen is complete shit. i can't believe i side with mori on something.

>> No.53705749 [DELETED] 

What is Connor's cut in all that?
Is he making more than Deadbeats on that cut alone?
This is stuff I'd be interested in knowing anon!

>> No.53705751

Judging by her lifestyle and the fact that she's absolutely retarded. Probably.

>> No.53705795
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Nothing anon... nothing, dont worry about it.

>> No.53705825

Maybe she just found out she gotta taxate her income... and she didnt prepare for that kek

>> No.53705838

Why do people still mention him when he hasn't been relevant in this community for long time?

>> No.53705880

Its a scar that will never properly go away I think

>> No.53705910

Because they want to fuck him.

>> No.53705918

Aren’t they still friends?

>> No.53705924

It's fascinating to me that there are people whose only real engagement with the vtuber community is to make the same Mori threads over and over for no real reason. I guess it makes sense. Watching streams actually does suck, which is why numbers are in the toilet nearly across the board.

>> No.53705966

I am serious. I don't think Cover fires you over small numbers

>> No.53706014

acquaintance at best. You are thinking of Giggucks wife who she is friends with.

>> No.53706053

that's actually when mori switched to supas but you do you, dramafag.

>> No.53706059

I dont think so either, but question is how long SHE will wanna remain IF with time she receive really low views (read: low attention) and from that also less income.

>> No.53706090

They don’t but Mori will not take something like this well. Part of being a “go-getter” personality type is being competitive and incredibly self critical. It’s easy to play with others when you’re winning.

>> No.53706096

He meant the face on the chara autistchama...

>> No.53706103

oh that's funny then

>> No.53706110

It is still better than anything she has ever done.

>> No.53706127

>is to make the same Mori threads over and over
Mori has passive agressively moved her stream ahead multiple times?! Please tell me when it happened before so I can have a laugh.
Who said anything about firing. Her slow but inevitable decline into irrelevancy is enough. Nobody else in Hololive is losing viewers as fast as she is.

>> No.53706135

There might come a point where she thinks Mori and RM is in parity to each other, then she will possibly start to seriously consider her options.

>> No.53706141

Chumbuds are so cancerous. Let's make Gura sleep awhile longer.

>> No.53706382

>Nobody else in Hololive is losing viewers as fast as she is
Hasn't she pretty much stabilized?

>> No.53706523

There's animage in this thread proving you wrong. And that's including the entire month of june where she spammed 6 openVC streams.

>> No.53706982

You forgot to mention her losses.
If she had a contract with a major music production label, that means her album has to hit an agreed upon sale quota or else has to cover the distribution losses out of her pocket.
Remember how she keeps begging for people to buy her blu-rays every other stream?

>> No.53707152

>Remember how she keeps begging for people to buy her blu-rays every other stream?
Yeah like a month or two ago.

>> No.53707604

Be sure to buy four!

>> No.53707735

This is embarrassing to watch

>> No.53707909

Yeah that isn't recent stream you know.

>> No.53708251

>Yeah like a month or two ago.
He replied to literally this, I think he is aware

>> No.53708455


Its just bad timing. Lets not forget Gura had not been streaming for many a good month, and had only gotten inbto streaming again recently. Also, lets be honest - Pizza tower has been covered by a buncha people already. I'll say this about Mori - Gura hasn't done a Trouble Days stream yet. And I dont think Gura can outdo Mori's yab on that stream.

>> No.53708541

Wow, this is pathetic

>> No.53708746

nigga shut up

>> No.53709264

Can't this be said for literally any hololive vtuber? People were still experiencing lockdowns of covid in 2021. I want to see the same chat for all of the holo EN talent.

>> No.53709405 [DELETED] 

Fucking pekora had 150k people watching her yesterday and ID has more viewers than ever before. Fauna and Gura are inclining.
Wu flu is cuckbeat cope. She's the only one that lost 40% of her viewers.

>> No.53709478

Are people just sick of western Vtubers then, minus the most parasocial fan bases like Fauna and Gura?

>> No.53709643

For curiosity sake, when exactly did Mori start losing viewership? Because it wasn't when she decided to start collabing with Tempus. Was it really after the TT collabs? They were so long ago that its hard to imagine somebody slowly declining in viewership several months after debut when all of Myth were titans for awhile

>> No.53709826 [DELETED] 

>Wu flu is cuckbeat cope
Even if it wasn’t, mori lost the most, others from myth like Ina or Kiara also declined but they have stabilized at acceptable levels

>> No.53710003

It's hardly a cope when most vtubers in the western vtubing scene have reclined. You're just an obsessed Mori schizo who had to begrudgingly accept that she isn't graduating any time soon so all you can do is cope by pointing out her recline, which isn't exclusive to her

>> No.53710056

>be bvtm
>create threads like this

>> No.53710092


>> No.53710129

Riveting argument

>> No.53710138

She's actually on the incline. Looks like she was right to change the schedule.

>> No.53711078

>tuned into Pekora during her 24 stream when she actually by herself
JP shrills still pretending that an essentially free Holofest doesn't carry?

So we're adding Deadbeats to the list of Nousagis and Tempus fans that catalog is attacking while falseflaging as Chumbuds this week?

>> No.53711295

nice of her to change the stream time so she doesnt overlap gura
respectful even

>> No.53711309


>> No.53711624

Go back where? 4chan has hated mori for a while, if anything i think you need to go back

>> No.53711644


>> No.53711649 [DELETED] 

Most of the antis mori gathered came from the cuckbeat incident, the trash taste collab was only the prequel

>> No.53711683

Like, Gura ghosts and maintains. She spams and loses.
Milk free from a cow, and all that.

>> No.53711745

Because she loved the game. Mori will also do a second episode of the game. Whereas with Gura, its almost certainly going to be "Movie Mayed"

>> No.53711778

>Who said anything about firing. Her slow but inevitable decline into irrelevancy is enough. Nobody else in Hololive is losing viewers as fast as she is.
Well, she sided with anti-unicorns, and furries, and eventually bent the knee to twitter after all her tough talk.
This is just a softer version of GWGB.

>> No.53711832

>retarded napkin math
Who have no idea how the real world works.

>> No.53711868

Alright. Very clever. Assuming it's true (probably not).
Now tell us how much she lost in reinvestment?

>> No.53711988

It's true. I watched her a long time ago and she takes a lot of pride in working hard. She's probably doing just fine financially through her music career, but unless she has mellowed out considerably, I don't think she's very happy about people abandoning her. There's a reason deadbeats call former fans "ficklebeats" now.

>> No.53712090

>minus the most parasocial fan bases
Now you're getting it. This is why it pays to pander to your core audience instead of tourists.

>> No.53712145

I'm so glad deadbeats crawl out of their cuckshed to constantly remind us that they're dumbfuck ESLs.

>> No.53712225 [DELETED] 
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>Holo vs holo

>> No.53712276

Her core deadbeats are the problem. They drive off anyone with only 80% loyalty.
If she cleaned house, then a lot of her problems disappear overnight.

>> No.53712360

Her core fanbase will insult and try to doxx deadbeats that have even mild criticisms. It's become toxic in a really weird way.

>> No.53712516

Are those deadbeats in this room too, anon?

>> No.53712567

Yeah, you see this in a lot of other vtubers too. If you're not careful you might accidentally cultivate an audience of yes-men who drive everyone else out.
It's frustrating if you're a genuine fan who want nothing more than to see someone succeed, but valid criticism gets stifled at every turn.

>> No.53712603

Just drop a "ficklebeat" and move along, Tony, or whichever retard you are.

>> No.53712642

>That's why we got laughed out of global and split threads, and seething at a containment thread.

>> No.53712678

Playing victim because your minority opinion is ass?

>> No.53712695

Mori is pretty much an honorary Niji.

>> No.53712746 [DELETED] 

Good old Tony Bones is here to save the day. Maybe you can start doxxing all the meanies now too.

>> No.53712809

>Chumbuds watch numbers more than their oshi
Couldn't make this sort of thing up lol

>> No.53712866

lol, case in point. I guess we can confirm that deadbeats are out on patrol these days, desperately trying to boost Mori's image. I'm sorry guys, but this won't work. The more obnoxious you are, the less reason anyone has to return. Enjoy your slowly sinking ship and constant purity tests between each other.

>> No.53712968

>being an actual Holofan
Pick one.

>> No.53712995

Mods should pin the number thread and ban all other non general threads

>> No.53713028
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>> No.53713119

>Everyone that doesn't agree with me is a deadbeat.
Holy shit, imagine how up in your own ass you are to think that way. The moment you cannot reliably go to global is the moment you've lost your voice.

>But muh deadbeat janny.
Cope, let me give you a hint: they're letting you seethe in this containment thread because your seeking of an echo chamber has led to jannies just letting you rot in a cage of your own is hilarious

>> No.53713210
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>> No.53717547


>> No.53718813
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It looks like it started after the umg deal probably due to the breaks in streaming she had. Tempus didn't seem to help much either. There might be an updated version of this graph out there

>> No.53719112

Ironic since there are advertisement threads spammed and cuckbeatjannie doesn’t seem to take care of them as well, or legitimate RM content on /morig/
Deadbeats are the Jews of /vt/

>> No.53719242

>advertisement threads spammed
You very much know those aren't made by deadbeats.

>> No.53719384

everyone i don't like is a deadbeat

>> No.53719460

more horse play.

>> No.53719462

I feel bad for laughing, because only bitches laugh at numbers, he he he.

>> No.53719534 [DELETED] 
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>Deadbeats, how do we save her?
Have her start unironically embracing the deadbraps meme. Mori starts actually pandering to brapchads and you'll start to see her viewers skyrocket.

>> No.53719619

>trying to avoid overlap on the same exact game is bad now
Do you guys ever get tired of seething at Mori for literally anything?

>> No.53721239

>Only does it for Gura

>> No.53721317

Well she overlapped her anyway, so she was just scared of starting after Gura

>> No.53722433

It is, for the exception of Fauna and Bae, most of the girls have seen loses in CCV and viewership. They are still gaining in subs, but that doesn't mean too much. Either way, the money they are bring in is still on the high end so they are all good.

1) Pekora is the face of the Company and is the most popular girl, her hitting 100K+ and special events is not unheard of.

2) This is do to Kobo (Becoming the face of ID) and Kaela (Streaming all the time and earning her love from viewers and her fellow Holos). The rest of the girls are not making massive gains.

3) Only Fauna and Bae are inclining in EN, the rest of the girls are losing CCVs, not to a massive amount but they are not getting their pre-pandemic numbers, including Gura who used to get a ave CCV of 20+ but now is in the 13-15K range. Most of the girls have dropped.

>> No.53722815

I'm saving this.

>> No.53722927

Numberfags are a sad bunch. They can't even enjoy streams. They just watch the numbers.

>> No.53723238

Yeah, I wish Mori will someday realize numbers aren't that important, especially in hololive

>> No.53723554

Same des
