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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 415 KB, 1372x1365, prediction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53458557 No.53458557 [Reply] [Original]

The announcement is going to be Mori Calliope's first solo concert in North America. Screencap this.

>> No.53458845

If this is true, I don’t think anyone, outside of here, will throw a bitch fit. At most, I expect some disappointed “happy for mori but damn” on twitter and Reddit and back to coping

>> No.53458930

imagine the seethe if this is true

>> No.53458949

Are you fucking retarded? They shut down the subreddit last time. Also Mori probably has more people that hate her than CCV now.

>> No.53459009

>last time
When? I'm not a redditor, so I don't know.

>> No.53459320

Morí is Phase Friend

>> No.53459390

>It was never EN3
Yeah no shit that's what I've been saying the whole time

>> No.53459537

Yeah, there's hardly any backlash in other social media platforms other than here, people will just stand up and say applaud like always

>> No.53459607

Nothing in mori's statement makes seem to reference that teaser or give any hint as to what she's talking about
You just used red underlined text and arrows to make this seem more like a "theory"

>> No.53459632

Cope, EN3 will never be a thing.

>> No.53459737

EN3 will happen, but the question is will they matter when they finally debut? Waiting too long is a thing, look at Half-Life 3.

>> No.53459770

She's probably dropping any reference to the teaser in order to not anger schizos crying about EN3

>> No.53460002

That would really suck probably more Mori than anyone else, imagine knowing that the thing you are working so hard on is going to disappoint everyone because you made them expect something completely unrelated, I would just hide that the teaser was for my project and hope everyone forgets about it

>> No.53460047

*for Mori

>> No.53460110

Nah. ENfans are pretty spineless just like their talents sure they’ll shut down the subreddit for a day if there’s complaining but what then? nothing. unironically expecting JP7 or ID4 at this rate. Maybe if it’s a tempus vsinger there’ll be riots

>> No.53460170

If that's real, then Mori is going to get a lot of shit thrown her way.

>> No.53460300

That logo does more look like a Mori thing being all dumb and edgy than a third gen. Well I'll see her if she comes to Boston.

>> No.53460320

Seriously. Getting them to put that teaser at the end of what was basically the biggest moment for HoloEN so far when everyone is craving for EN3? She would have to be way dumber than people already think she is.

>> No.53460337

>if it’s a tempus vsinger there’ll be riots
Redditors are obsessed with Tempiss, so that will never happen.

>> No.53460359

Why do you even waste your time doing retarded threads like this?

>> No.53460477

I will unironically stream myself sucking cock if there is no EN3 until 2024
There's no fucking way they're still kicking this can down the road

>> No.53460537

when after about 6 months from tempus they debuted vanguard cause of ''popular demand'', people were furious and they locked down the subreddit.

>> No.53460561
File: 209 KB, 1290x2048, 1688419544826826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To soften the blowback for Mori when it happens. If we post about this prediction now and it comes true, then everyone would've expected it and it'll be easier to move on.

I'm helping my oshi.

>> No.53460605

Surely they wouldn't have two Mori announcements at the after-concert previews

>> No.53460682

Start recording.

>> No.53460694

Mori is pretty much the only one left in EN working on anything, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was actually the case.

>> No.53460796

...Kiara's working on her album...

>> No.53460798
File: 479 KB, 877x803, 1687478116225472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the EN branch made content outside of streaming

>> No.53460817

You know there was a mori trailer before this one right? You did watch connect the world right? Surely you're not a filthy threadreader right?

>> No.53460880

Even Pippa is likely to throw a stream to rally her normies.

>> No.53460894

>still aren’t gonna watch their streams

>> No.53460998

They don't even stream.

>> No.53461001

>posts the one who doesn't make content inside of streaming

>> No.53461002

>Deadbeat shitposting
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.53461024

Start sucking

>> No.53461057

You're wrong, I will still throw a bitchfit because MORI HATE

>> No.53461085

That would be hilarious. In an ideal world the announcement would be a legit HQ in NA so EN talents can play whatever game they want without needing permission. Should have been done 3 years ago. But noOo, we need part 99,999 of shitcraft or indie depression sim #37484.

>> No.53461165

Explain the voice

>> No.53461220

That's Calli's voice.

>> No.53461227

It amazes me that some retards here actually think the voice was from a new talent and not just stock audio. You might as well have put any sound effect there and it would've been the same thing.

>> No.53461322

Stock sound

>> No.53461352

>because you made them expect something completely unrelated
Seems to be a running theme with EN announcements

>> No.53461380

it is stock, but why would you ever use that if you can use Mori's voice

>> No.53461464

I...actually believe this.
And you know what? I'd be ok with it. Because I never believed it was EN3 anyways.
But it almost assuredly would be west coast, so I wouldnt be able to go. Unfortunate.

>> No.53461488

Another day, another "popular demand" lie

>> No.53461617

Cover does that on purpose to hype everything, that's why EN3 won't be a thing.

>> No.53461680

My cock is ready, get to it.

>> No.53461692

>Mori probably has more people that hate her than CCV now.
People on Twitter and /here/ hardly count as "people".

>> No.53461706

I don't think it's Mori but I don't think we're getting en3. I think we're getting a counter vsinger. IRyS was part of "Project Hope" it'd make sense to have an "evil" or "dark" counterpart to her. Essentially singers would be their own gen.
I don't think there are enough people left in the industry to fit the requirements asked for by hololive honestly.

>> No.53461733

Probably because Cover hired an editing team that decided to put stock laughter there for some reason. Don't overthink it.

>> No.53461742

Fuck off phase anti

>> No.53461781

And it worked 0 times. End up only in mass of dissapointed people.
But EN management is too retarded or malicious to notice that.

>> No.53461831

Too Japanese*

>> No.53461834

Why would we get another vsinger if Cover did literally nothing with first one?

>> No.53461837

You already lost, kronie.

>> No.53461842

Multiple girls have already shot down a 2nd vsinger / "Project Despair".

>> No.53461898

Yeah but multiple girls also said they were pretty sure we weren't getting another gen any time soon.
I kinda doubt that they actually have any clue what's going on 90% of the time honestly

>> No.53462195

I dunno maybe it's some way to stand out against other corps like Niji, like sure nijis have some good singers but not really any talents who are specifically vsingers? I dunno just my thoughts and theory.

>> No.53462321

Years of waiting for a single person?

>> No.53462684

Am I dumb for expecting that Project Hope would eventually get more members? Seems kinda pointless to have a whole "project", in a context that makes it seem like a separate generation or unit within the agency, for just one person.

>> No.53462725

>deadbeats gloat "haha get owned antis it's not en3"
>inadvertently turn the entire holoEN fanbase against themselves

>> No.53462929

If it isn't EN3 related all the other girls would've shut down the idea, they can literally look at the chat everytime they talk about the teaser and everyone either says EN3 or a new Vsinger, we had other events that the girls went "No is not EN3 are you crazy" + Mori already said that is something she could get fired if she mentions she wouldn't be afraid to talk about a project related to herself

>> No.53463090

haha get owned antis it's not en3

>> No.53463208

So far only Mori seemed to have any idea what the teaser is about. Others look genuinely confused when talking about it.

>> No.53463227

Only 7 more days till HoloEN breaks the record for no new debuts over the longest period of time.

>> No.53463297

Only Bae did don't start with your BS

>> No.53463312

I mean I'll be honest with you anon I don't think cover cares that much about en aside from gura and Mori. It took 2 years to get an official 3d debut, they released two gens of males that nobody asked for, the promotional person in charge of en was almost universally disliked by the girls.
Kiara talked about sometimes it takes literal months to hear back from her manager. Convention appearances here in the US have been practically non-existent with a total of like 2 in the past year.
I dunno. Just kinda get the feeling that they wouldn't see debuting two gens of males and a single vsinger as a problem

>> No.53463420

It's StarsID.

>> No.53463437

I mean, ENs got a whole concert just for themselves this year, why would they care about conventions?

>> No.53463655

reddit and twitter doesn't want EN3 because it would overshadow the booooooooooooooois and thus would be a win for the parasocial idolculture right wing unicorns.

>> No.53463764

It was stock audio, someone found the exact same laugh in a Nier game.

>> No.53463844

I'm sure that was the original intent, but it failed and there's no way its happening now. That's why cover is fine with pushing councilrys when they're so autistic about not letting others claim their in a different group than they're supposed to be in.

>> No.53464008

How are a bunch of twinks who watch girly girls sing and dance and who hate men "right-wing"?

>> No.53464203

I don't get it, EN3 was already announced and auditions happening. It's not like they announced it and went the vshoujo way and never actually delivered

I expect them to debut around September or October

>> No.53464222

please say you’re kidding

>> No.53464485

Cover isn't pushing Councilrys, Irys wasn't allowed to participate in the Council group songs during the concert. Councilrys is pushed by the talents themselves.

>> No.53465081

Im just saying like I see JP get massive sponsorships and events and in comparison en gets to occasionally join those events and occasionally do something like a concert every 6 months or so.
Like it's cool and all but what really is there that is exclusively for overseas fans at this point?

>> No.53465237

>JP get massive sponsorships and events
Yeah, in Japan from Japanese companies. Nobody in the west takes vtubers seriously yet and may never do.

>> No.53465747

it represents >antiquated, >sexist, >transdenying values that have no place in the modern world

>> No.53468623

>Also Mori probably has more people that hate her than CCV now.
how many people? t

>> No.53468951

EN3 is going to be put on the back burner when Mangi and Vesper get dual Graduated/Terminated for refusing to sign a new contract/leaking company information

>> No.53469266

Stock voice to build up hype for a paywall concert. The holoEN fans that wanted this to be EN3 never considered that July is Tempus anniversary, August is Council anniversary, and September is Myth anniversary. If this was new talents management would have already made the official announcement.

>> No.53470562

No it doesn't. It's fucking degenerate weeb shit.

>> No.53471302

Based pink woman.

>> No.53472339

Probably only because the Holo reddit is over moderated so anyone who shows such discontent is banned.

>> No.53472806

People are actually honest here.

>> No.53473522

I'm ok with this. And then she'll announce the real en 3 at the end.

>> No.53474722

Wait. I've looked over the image for 10 minutes. What is the link between these two things? Neither references the other.

>> No.53474853

You’re thinking logically. That’s not the law of /vt/, anon.
