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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 632 KB, 1536x2048, cunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5287822 No.5287822 [Reply] [Original]

It's my normal life edition

>Who is Bea?

>Today's stream:
[YouTube] [Passpartout] Too cursed to live in society, I'll live as an artist!!! (embed)



>LEWDS!!! and other shit, upload cunny

>> No.5287836

>another early thread
Kill yourself.

>> No.5287848

Bea was really weirded out by their viewers incestual past this last stream. I thought she was a full degenerate but she still needs some more grooming.

>> No.5287876


>> No.5287944
File: 1.92 MB, 1670x2426, Armpit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beartriz and Nadechama's pits, because no one asked.

>> No.5287964

Keep that tranny out of this thread please.

>> No.5287974

>not the Pichu thumbnail
That's not how you bring new dads in.

>> No.5287986 [DELETED] 

But it's a thread about her

>> No.5288033

Clip dads really need to up their game. It's pretty obvious whatever they're doing isn't working because Bea's growth has stagnated. I'm talking better editing, subtitles, better thumbnails. All the clips are see are low effort shit that look like they could have been made in windows movie maker.

>> No.5288040

How can she beat those menhara levels

>> No.5288050

>[YouTube] [Passpartout] Too cursed to live in society, I'll live as an artist!!! (embed)
Do you even bother?

>> No.5288068

those are some high quality very nice imgs

>> No.5288070

Degenerate fetishism isn't the same thing as menhera desu.

>> No.5288103

>Do you even bother?
Nope, because you post in the thread regardless.

>> No.5288105

I think it has little to do with editing and more with the fact that nobody's sharing the links around. I just cheer for clipdads and hope the algorithm does its thing.

>> No.5288107

shit I gotta hurry up!

>> No.5288135

Boys I have two video ideas and I don't know which to work on first. Off the top of your head, would you rather a small YTPMV on twitter or a small compilation clip on youtube?

>> No.5288143

They are improving.

>> No.5288148

You're looking at it from the wrong angle, it's because she needs clippers that actually have a bunch of subscribers that aren't just dads.

>> No.5288158

Claim to be dad's but nobody ever posts dad jokes in chat. Are you even trying?

>> No.5288164


>> No.5288167

Fucking do it yourself if you care so much. I'm tired of you lazy faggots constantly complaining about my clips and not making your own.

>> No.5288179

You can fuck off or start clipping your own shit

>> No.5288182

I drink and verbally abuse her, sounds pretty dadlike to me.

>> No.5288187

I WILL fuck mature bushy sloppy wet Bea cunny

>> No.5288208
File: 162 KB, 1500x1500, Remote_kid_by_Beatani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal life includes fucking remote kid?

>> No.5288212

>cant handle criticism
This isnt your hugbox.

>> No.5288229
File: 1.17 MB, 300x400, dailylife[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fayqzos.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried.

>> No.5288274

I'm not a clipper, it's just my honest opinion. You can fuck off or start clipping your own shit.

>> No.5288299


>> No.5288308

wanna choke on her period clots

>> No.5288337

I don't need to be a clipper. I contribute plenty with my drawings and promote Beatani whenever possible. I dont know why youre panties are in such a twist

>> No.5288341

sorry it was me
I tried to be quiet but knocked some shit

>> No.5288364

Clean your daughterwife's room goddammit. Beer bottles and used condoms everywhere.

>> No.5288373
File: 396 KB, 1428x1385, 1623030430460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dads need to up their clip game
>dads can't take criticism
>i refuse to elaborate

>> No.5288374

take your shit bait somewhere else

>> No.5288399

Hey dad, you're kind of cute, let's get drinks sometime.

>> No.5288410
File: 126 KB, 563x678, 1606307269301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't contribute anything
>don't promote Bea
>just hornypost all day

>> No.5288417
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>That smooth motion of throwing the beer can to the mountain of trash and opening a new one
She is a natural

>> No.5288452

The true chad. Not commenting in YT chat, no Twitter, just hornyposting here. I don't even need the streams to enjoy a good /yah/ thread anymore.

>> No.5288476
File: 1.61 MB, 3024x4032, 1622564171147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post what type of dad you are

>> No.5288482

The cutesy stuff didn't work but I think I'm falling in love now.

>> No.5288520

Happy on the outside, depressed on the inside kinda dad.

>> No.5288551

A cringe dad honestly. I donate and like, even do a bit of memeing here and there but feel like I can't stand out from the chad dads. It shouldn't bother me because Bea's happiness is the goal, but it does a little, a lot tabun maybe.

>> No.5288578
File: 2.23 MB, 300x400, youtube[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjdyhc4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually a little concerned about this kind of streams, bea should use twitch if she feels specially horny, depressed or drunk the day of the stream

>> No.5288612

>tfw other dads started liking your posts
>Bea still ignores you
it's unfair, I guess I could always grab a beer with the dads and forget that menhara bitch
twitch is reserved for the last yab stream

>> No.5288615
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>> No.5288634

I need to make efforts to stop myself from saying tabun maybe irl.

>> No.5288663

Can a dad with a good PC start a minecraft server already? I would pay for one but I hear the paid ones are no good and unreliable..

>> No.5288682

yeah it's catchy. Of course being a remote worker with no social life, Beatani's voice is the one I hear the most these days. On the flip side nobody hears most of what I say so it's ok tabun maybe.

>> No.5288684

the problem with this art is they haven’t interacted at all.
even on twitter no interaction.
i don’t think bea even knows who nade is even.

>> No.5288694

I wouldn't be surprised to see one unveiled tomorrow or maybe Sunday.

>> No.5288719

>Bea will never destroy your eardrums during sex

>> No.5288721

How do you know?

>> No.5288728
File: 1.71 MB, 1023x682, 1619318652426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeb yakuza dad

>> No.5288748
File: 26 KB, 157x230, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, but too useless to even get a twitter

>> No.5288762

She has a Minecraft stream scheduled.

>> No.5288766

Don't, it's not worth it feeling bad about this stuff. You should honestly stop checking out twitter for a while, then you will see how dumb is trying to compete against other dads.

>> No.5288769

bea will host a minecraft server for dads purely for the purposes of harvesting ip address.

>> No.5288786

Maybe an insider dad has made a server for her, but I doubt it.

>> No.5288809

>insider dad
Don't you mean bear food?

>> No.5288810

Yes please, install yourself on my computer Beatan.

>> No.5288811
File: 312 KB, 512x700, Hk85npZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I want to mating press this koala so bad.

>> No.5288812

I don't know, but it would make sense. She talks about wanting fan interaction, Minecraft has come up recently, she tweeted asking what is necessary for a server, has been talking to gyro recently who seems to be a guy who can pull it off, there is a big surprise planned for father's day, and there is a Minecraft stream the day after. It just seems to fit.

>> No.5288817

t4 discord
jokes on her, I wont play minecraft ever
now if she wants to play Titanfall2 or the like...

>> No.5288824


>> No.5288838

don’t sweat it too much.
you are doing more than enough and everyone appreciates it.

>> No.5288847

I want to be inside 'er dad, that means (You).

>> No.5288865

I dont think adhd and minecraft will mix well. I expect 1-2 streams with technical difficulties before she drops it.

>> No.5288880

Some anon asked a long time ago, I think shortly after her first few CHKN streams, if it made sense to share clips of her in FB weeb groups. Might be worth it to try it out. I don't think we can milk more redditors by posting the 4k announcement and the latest clips so soon after the previous announcement.

>> No.5288884

I think she should stop drinking so much and enjoy streaming without alcohol as her crutch.

>> No.5288894

It's still a good hangout spot for dads. She can play off stream too which takes a lot of the pressure off perhaps.

>> No.5288938
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>> No.5288940

it's not her first minecraft experience

>> No.5288953

I remember when everyone was baiting the minecraft server and anons were vehemently against it. Another "shitpost" that is becoming reality.

>> No.5288970

cunny in OP

>> No.5288991

Do you just want to doompost about everything?

>> No.5288996

Here's my evidence. This rrat has legs.

>> No.5288999

I remember samefagging pretty hard just to make minecraft a relevant discussion in threads a while back.

>> No.5289016

>and anons were vehemently against it
This didn't happen, except for those that just dislike Minecraft in general.

>> No.5289040

Just post something on the tags. Beatani always likes, retweets and, sometimes, comments the stuff posted there.

>> No.5289046

There were some rrats about a Twitter account with a similar name to Nadeshiko's, with a Pixiv account linked saying she was a high school from the US, so anons speculated that she was stupid enough to follow herself. The kid actually went into one of the early threads and showed proof it was someone else, specifically uploading an audio to Twitter with a VERY different voice, accent, and it was uploaded directly, instead of Nadeshiko's recording audio, making short video, and uploading (said she doesn't have an iPhone), and Beatani actually commented on the short audio that the other girl uploaded (it's deleted now).
So I'm 100% sure that Bea knows about Nadeshiko's existence. Nadeshiko also commented that she doesn't want to do a collab or whatever with Bea (yet) because "she's the most important vtuber to come to 4chan" (she didn't know about Risu, but she isn't as important as Bea is right now)
Also this girl tweets once every 3 to 4 days, so I doubt she'll @ Bea out of the blue (maybe they could talk through DMs at some point?). Also anons in her threads heavily suggested to avoid directly talking about 4chan, yet they breached containment in today's video premiere...

I just wanted to draw Beatani too and armpits was the closest thing I could connect them through.

It's all about the flavour.

>> No.5289047

a lot of anons didnt like the idea of her playing minecraft

>> No.5289062

Bea finally accepts she is menhera at least, that is some character development.

>> No.5289081

Not always, but a lot of it

>> No.5289087
File: 140 KB, 551x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from a few threads a while back

>> No.5289164

I won't pick up Minecraft again until they actually add the caves and cliffs in a caves and cliffs update. I don't play Java edition before people guilty trip me about it either.

>> No.5289172

Literally me

>> No.5289178

Don't do this, trying to get Bea's attention using the tags is just sad
t.sad art dad

>> No.5289194

>Minecraft is $30 for the base game
jesus christ fuck that shit

>> No.5289211

Use multimc, its free.

>> No.5289213

>Doesn't have Game Pass.
I found your issue.

>> No.5289225

She should do GeyserMC, it has Java/Bedrock crossplay

>> No.5289235

Those anons can fuck off. Minecraft is fucking great

>> No.5289247

It used to be $10 and then $20. It's still incredibly cheap for the value it provides.

>> No.5289249

I'll be honest. I just don't want her playing with viewers. If she plays by herself i think it'd be fine.

>> No.5289253

Wouldn't that be the shitty bedrock version?

>> No.5289280

Did the price go up, I remember it being around $20?

>> No.5289315

>It's all about the flavour.
I once licked my then gf pits, and started spitting because it tasted like deodorant. She laughed and called me an idiot.

>> No.5289322

A minecraft stream with fans would solely consist of dads fighting each other for her attention, I'll watch but I'm not going anywhere near that

>> No.5289326

Normalfaggots not welcome.

>> No.5289328

>I'll be honest. I just don't want her playing with her favorite dads. And having discord sex with them off stream.

>> No.5289331

haha... always... haha...

>> No.5289330

The Japanese don't use deodorant

>> No.5289336

What if she just played kill the dads and spent her time hunting down dads bases and griefing them?

>> No.5289349

Then we trap her and keep her as pet

>> No.5289391

Dads would empower her. Even so, I would like to keep that kind of interaction as minimal as possible. I trust dads, but better safe than sorry.

>> No.5289401
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1600623734146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should have the courtesy not to discuss it before she announces it, especially if it's meant as a surprise.

>> No.5289416

bea is stupid enough to do just that

>> No.5289417

Pretty much this. I'd play with other dads if she is not on the server, I don't want to keep increasing the list of dads I want to kill

>> No.5289428

I just want to voice chat with her

>> No.5289433

it’s prollly cause the artist nade with the pixiv is a beatani fan, and has drawn fanart many times for beatani.

>> No.5289434

If you faggots use the same names you use on twitter then I WILL grief your shit. And I have a hacked client,

>> No.5289450

The price increased when it exited beta a decade ago.
I WILL track down Beatani and spam shift on her and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me.

>> No.5289477

Can't hurt.

>> No.5289479

she usually likes and retweets everything in the tag.
you can @ her in a comment of the art just in case.
don’t add the @ to the main post with the hashtag , it fucks with the art showing in the hashtag.

>> No.5289497

Mine is different but I'll change it to the same name just to fuck with you. You can't hurt me in any way that matters. You are not her.

>> No.5289533

I have a crush on one of the dads, he's the only one who can hurt me.

>> No.5289545

Two issues here anon: 1. There is something fishy about her which everyone but you have picked up on. 2. We don't want the groomer rrat to grow any stronger so don't associate us with her fanbase please. We can all co-exist as JP indie fans on this board but that is all.

>> No.5289549

>I WILL grief your shit
Unless you can protect builds. And would that really be worth a ban?
>And I have a hacked client
I'm really scared now.

>> No.5289562

you can get cheap minecraft from a lot of unauthorized sites that sell accounts.
also pirating it with tlauncher, it has all versions of minecraft and multiplayer in pirated servers.
it supports hotswapping between all minecraft versions.
just search tlauncher on google or tlauncher minecraft and follow the directions.

>> No.5289589

what's this dolphin.exe?
this the right thing?

>> No.5289593

>1. There is something fishy about her which everyone but you have picked up on
What is it, then?
>don't associate us with her fanbase please
Anon, a rando making a drawing doesn't mean anything, just don't think too much about it.

>> No.5289634

Stop namefagging

>> No.5289635

>You are not her.
Could the bear REALLY hurt you?

>> No.5289651

These threads happen so often that I just avoid them now.

>> No.5289662
File: 137 KB, 355x405, HfT5FFm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Bea

>> No.5289696

no tlauncher is a separate launcher for pirated minecraft, essentially minecraft 100% free.
it’s great if you want to try it out before getting official minecraft through buying it outright or buying a cheap account that you can reset to how you please.

>> No.5289698

It honestly drains so much of my time reading them

>> No.5289739
File: 425 KB, 451x619, 1623956569055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work = can't focus on Bea stream
don't work = can't support Bea
what do?

>> No.5289743

why are you here? just to suffer?
actual stream in 40 minutes.
just stick to threads before streams and you should be fine.

>> No.5289750

I blew a whole day a while ago refreshing Twitter and /yah/, it's a problem.

>> No.5289753


>> No.5289758


>> No.5289765

then don't read them

>> No.5289782

I seen her rt literal napkin doodles.
How bad is your art, anon?

>> No.5289786
File: 45 KB, 465x422, IMG_20210615_053657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make Bea version, onegai

>> No.5289791

Yes. I will not elaborate further.

>> No.5289825

if they weren’t fun to read i wouldn’t be reading em
and i don’t want to miss out on potential art or developments

>> No.5289841

please! anything but my blocks!

>> No.5289847


>> No.5289856

I scrim through and leave.
She's still sleeping

>> No.5289861

>beatani clipper betrays dads to make hololive clips
>gets more views than the average beatani clip does
It's a losing game bros..

>> No.5289880

Wise move, she would totally try.

>> No.5289888

>bumping in sagefilter thread

>> No.5289910

Honestly, it's necessary. Get the subs with Hololive stuff, and use that sub base to shill Beatani with.

>> No.5289922

>no game

>> No.5289923

wait did this guy actually make any beatani clips? because I don't remember watching one on this channel

>> No.5289949

Isn't this something like the third time you've asked this?

>> No.5289971

except that’s such a lame bait clip.
why would anyone want to associate beatani with hahah susie nigger clipper?

>> No.5289997

It downloads the game for you.
At least, it did for me.

>> No.5290022

all it said was I didn't have a Java instance selected or some shit, and that it wouldn't be able to launch minecraft

>> No.5290041


>> No.5290052

the Suityan one is literally his only video

>> No.5290104

Did you click on add instance and add the latest version?

>> No.5290105

anon... your tech reps...

>> No.5290130

we just need a clip of beatani saying nigger and compare how it does

>> No.5290131

he could've upped an unlisted one to twitter and linked it just to test, but I'm not sure if I'm just fusing this channel with other clipdads' in my memory

>> No.5290133

yeah, download java, you need java to play java minecraft anon.
if you download java it should work.

>> No.5290160

He was a would-be clipper who made a clip but never actually uploaded or finished it.
Think his premiere expired or something

>> No.5290192

4th actually

>> No.5290235

Why is Beater saying her channel will get banned?

>> No.5290248

mystery solved I guess

>> No.5290261

Shut up immediately or start your own clip channel and do it to the standards you expect. No middle ground.

>> No.5290269

Because I reported a load of her streams a few threads ago and people got buttmad.

>> No.5290275

I need to touch Beatanis ice cold 0 empathy or love heart to cool down because its fucking 30 degrees here and I am fucking cooking

>> No.5290327

>ice cold 0 empathy or love heart

>> No.5290331

I want to give remote a bunch of money so he can drop an aka supa and cause Bea to flip her shit.

>> No.5290332

YTPMV. Zoomers can't sit through clips of a tuber they don't recognise yet, even the based ones have a fucked up attention span

>> No.5290361

DM me on twitter

>> No.5290462
File: 897 KB, 856x601, 1624032910036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no reason

>> No.5290525

fetish for NTR and financial domination kys

>> No.5290549
File: 217 KB, 788x656, cindrella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not inclining is the normal state of things, no matter how hard someone tries, it's only rewarded if you add luck on top, and in that context (indie vtubing), it's something that happens very very rarely, especially with someone with such a niche audience
Discoverability on Youtube for indies is close to none, that's why most migrated or directly start on Twitch, while not ideal, have many more tools for that
I understand many dads came from hololive and still have their brain wired to hololive's logic but that's not how it works for indies especially now, getting those numbers from the 4chan audience already put her easily in the top 1% of indies but growing more shouldn't be expected

>> No.5290570

>add latest version
>if you're new click Add to add your Mojang account!!!
>don't have a Mojang account
>go to make Mojang account
>ahaha you can't make a Mojang account anymore you have to make a Microsoft account on the Mojang website
>make Microsoft account
>make gamertag
>input emailed code
>put in login info on multimc
>invalid credentials lol
mendokusai sugiru

>> No.5290581

Based, ignore the schizos

>> No.5290617
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>> No.5290623
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, IKZ[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyg3gc6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BeaXBea and Chihiro's punishment are unironically making me want to do my reps right fucking now

>> No.5290674

You dont need to have an actual mojang account you can just enter whatever

>> No.5290695
File: 141 KB, 285x342, 1603829270226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[YouTube] [Passpartout] Too cursed to live in society, I'll live as an artist!!! (embed)

>> No.5290721

Beatani is currently inclining right now though.

>> No.5290731


>> No.5290739

I think >>5289211 is one of those 71 iq dadchamas

>> No.5290750

I was always in favor of that, I don't remember that many people against it. It's a great game, can be played in a ton of different ways, and well suited for communities. If Bea suddendly played only minecraft for the rest of her career I couldn't be happier.

>> No.5290819

the only thing I remember about that was a lot of anons insisting that they're totally not autistic and do not like the block game

>> No.5290825

It works for me, he must be doing something wrong.

>> No.5290833

>she went to sleep 3 fucking hours ago
There will be no stream tonight, will there.

>> No.5290836

nice, thanks anon

>> No.5290842

this hyperdysfunctional menhera Bea literally put cum on a stomach in a thumbnail, HOW does she keep getting away with it?

>> No.5290847

Well I'm not buying the game a 2nd time just for you, I'll just use my own Impact client I guess

>> No.5290851

So we have a dedicated schizo with bot accounts to down vote? That means she's popular!

>> No.5290852

This is normal bear behavior please understand.

>> No.5290875

>only minecraft
God please no

>> No.5290880

>she just tweeted
kek, guess you spoke to soon

>> No.5290882

this is her nichijou, it's all good

>> No.5290895

You never had to log in to MultiMC with your Minecraft password?
Do you have any other login bypass tools installed?
t. not tech support

>> No.5290915

Trying to decide for bea who she can or not interact with is beyond retarded and I keep seeing people do that. Talk about overprotective.

>> No.5290921

Is this for art only or can we upload edits too?

>> No.5290957

Please respect Japanese culture.

>> No.5290973

You should have done just that and not still open the thread to tell us your life story

>> No.5290976

those are some wise words

>> No.5290999

block game is peak autism, you're delusional

>If Bea suddendly played only minecraft for the rest of her career
you literally outlined a major reason as to why people would be against it

it's great that Minecraft is you guys' life or whatever but I'd rather a variety vtuber strive to continue being a variety vtuber

>> No.5291001

it's for both I believe

>> No.5291031

You are welcome.

>> No.5291036

don't know why i replied to >>5290695, sorry i'm a bit stoned

>> No.5291046

Oh, someones a sensitive one.

>> No.5291063

Bea sing this
idk if it's in the suggestion doc

>> No.5291099

>nobody uploaded the exhibitionist, ryona and finnish contest pictures yet

>> No.5291105

upload everything, if its wrong he can just take it down

>> No.5291121

I was the anon last time who live posted the drawings into the thread as soon as they were done. This time I'm watching on mobile in the middle of the woods so i can't do that now. Someone else please take the responsibility.

>> No.5291162

Ask /vt/craft whenever there is another thread.

>> No.5291215
File: 2 KB, 201x72, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you like this?

>> No.5291230

all me

>> No.5291234

Thanks for the reminder I almost forgot to dislike

>> No.5291242

raiders of the lost discord

>> No.5291247

OK, so her thing's taking metaphors and drawing them to make them literal (you being raped on many things in life because of autism and society saying we shouldn't be culled).

>> No.5291256

it's a good thing that it doesn't actually matter which button you press

>> No.5291290

It's a schizo.

Also bea gets drunk off of Jap beer? That's 5% alcohol...might as well just drink juice.

>> No.5291315

There's a minecraft server for bea?

>> No.5291340

I do not like this. Please do not.

>> No.5291343


>> No.5291344

Dads are tired of passpartout

>> No.5291349

I wish I could put the time, effort, and money I put into Beatani into getting some pussy. Why am I like this? Because she's an amazing bear.

>> No.5291359

i rally don’t know this has happened two streams in a row now, and only near stream time.

>> No.5291366

Like the stream, NOW!

>> No.5291375

why is the thread autosaging? why are jannies like this?

>> No.5291398

Meidos hate Bea...

>> No.5291428

She's like 100 pounds soaking wet

>> No.5291449

seeing /yah/ on page 10 just isnt right

>> No.5291451

anon shes a small jap girl, of course she gets drunk quick

>> No.5291452

it’s not raiders.
probably just bot dislikes.
they have been removed from the olde stream and are now just 3.

>> No.5291484

cunny in the op
check dms

>> No.5291518

>125 waiting
I don't want this. I want slow chat so Bea reads my comments.

>> No.5291521
File: 51 KB, 320x320, 1623842518843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5291531

>delayed start due to rubbing one off to the thumbnail

>> No.5291532

Have fun for me dads... I have to live with 10gb for the next 27 days. Fuck my life.
Gonna try to save as much as I can for the karaoke stream

>> No.5291535

Previous streams had more people waiting

>> No.5291551

>I have to live with 10gb for the next 27 days.
in what fucking shithole do you live

>> No.5291580

I've never really hung around small/short people so I wouldn't know.

>> No.5291585

I thought internet caps were a meme.

>> No.5291616

based north korean

>> No.5291637

You can lower the stream quality, that might help.

>> No.5291640

Mostly for rural areas or anything under comcasts control in the US, but judging by the 10gb cap I'd say former over later.

>> No.5291669
File: 100 KB, 366x372, 1619991005484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Bea!

>> No.5291683

I had 2/3 of a bottle of whiskey at 16 when i first drank alcohol and was a little tipsy for 1 hour and fine afterwards. Maybe thats just eastern european genes. I think girls get drunk easier too.

>> No.5291693

She's so cute I can't take it.

>> No.5291730

500 mL of whiskey would put me on my ass, much respect

>> No.5291745


>> No.5291751

>no derail today
>derails the next sentence

>> No.5291772

You can masturbate freely, God will forgive you.

>> No.5291778

I'm glad I don't have to empty my wallet just to get buzzed

>> No.5291807
File: 1.07 MB, 1238x1280, Kumawineandmeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgets stream

>> No.5291850

She's not a streamer, she's using us for therapy which is an unwise choice.

>> No.5291870

No I wont

>> No.5291899

she just stared blankly at her screen for 2 minutes, we're definitely getting the depression autism bea today

>> No.5291941
File: 3.29 MB, 365x354, 1623945960681.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is cringe?

>> No.5291972

I'm an English dad, if there's any Scottish dad's in here today I'm blaming out for the amount of special water 'm consuming tonight. fuck you

>> No.5291973
File: 2 KB, 24x24, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5291983

By using English she is mentally bypassing her years of Japanese social training.

>> No.5291987
File: 132 KB, 327x400, 1599194545555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe her lies

>> No.5292038

She's the one that came here for advice about streaming in english in the first place.

>> No.5292044

You can't blame English, Beatani. I guess Japs speaking in a language they don't understand (or just a new one) lets them feel free of constraints and norms of their culture when speaking it. That could probably go for anyone though.

>> No.5292046

jeez she seems more down today

>> No.5292051

How many yabs are we expecting tonight?

>> No.5292052

0-0 for Scotland!! kanpai

>> No.5292054

n.ireland dad here ill blame the scottish with you with this drinking...

>> No.5292061

And gave us both a drinking problem kek

>> No.5292066


>> No.5292072

>tfw amerishart yuroboo who wants to befriend all Yuro dads

>> No.5292084

It's not coming home this year as well

>> No.5292091

At least it's the weekend for her.

>> No.5292116


>> No.5292119

>I'll draw my favorites

>> No.5292124

Didn't get to answer before archive.
easy: wish me a happy birthday without me asking for it
wish: postcard size hand drawn sketch/doodle of Beatani mailed to me (optional coloring, and writing happy birthday/my name on the card)

>> No.5292133

what happened last stream, couldnt get around to it due to work

>> No.5292152

She got hammered and drew a bunch of explicit art on stream.

>> No.5292178

funnny drunk bea becoming emotional as the stream goes on

>> No.5292184

any yabs? i was wondering where all the dislikes on her vids and max r's came from

>> No.5292199

and horny

>> No.5292203

>I love cakes and café
Svperior tastes

>> No.5292211

Drew a lot of yabai lewd art.

>> No.5292224



>> No.5292229

every one of you is from an alcoholic country so cheers and enjoy your drunk evening. lets try and not fuck up to the czechs

>> No.5292230

Sorry for the self post but i dont see any dislikes on my clip: https://youtu.be/8fDuKnxgHLo

>> No.5292234
File: 101 KB, 502x369, 1619176543606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just had amerisharts vs europoors over in /f1/ lets be frens here

>> No.5292254

We're trying alternatives to maximize the engagement with the algo.

>> No.5292255

The dislikes are either a raid from trolls or dads who are tired of Passapartout. The whole thing was a yab but nothing out of character for her.

>> No.5292259

the unlisted meme clip was the one i saw with the dislikes

>> No.5292321

I guess i'll finish my bottle to join the drunkards

>> No.5292335

Beatani is a furry doujinka

>> No.5292351
File: 18 KB, 787x181, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one? still don't see any. weird. can you show me what you see? https://youtu.be/E6BleW31XjQ

>> No.5292355

cheers mate

>> No.5292359

She's lewd in Japanese too. For evidence see the impregnate risuna chan arc.

>> No.5292364

very good
its the weekend and it has to be enjoyed somehow

>> No.5292404

im going to sound like a schizo, but its gone now, it had the same ration as bea's current stream so it may have been a fucky wucky by youtube

>> No.5292437
File: 48 KB, 820x712, a0e9abec11b20e58ad022c4fce47ffa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5292447

her dream is to escape us

>> No.5292450

>her dream is "escaping xp hill" [graduating]

>> No.5292451

oh no

>> No.5292481
File: 63 KB, 754x721, 1620801811003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinks café in cafétéria.
Uh, does cafétéria mean something different in japanese?
In french it's a place where you eat and there's no waiters, you pick the food yourself.
Basically it's for poor people or workers.

>> No.5292490

I just want to know what XP hill means you stupid bear. Make sense onegai

>> No.5292491

I want to escape this place too. But I think it's too late for me.

>> No.5292505

She's always said that this was her goal. It shouldn't be a surprise.

>> No.5292508

She is probably confusing cafe with cafeteria. Which of course come from the same word, but they are implying different places.

>> No.5292512

She may graduate but she will never be able to leave this place. No one does.

>> No.5292514

I wish there was an escape.

>> No.5292524


>> No.5292525

Why wait?

>> No.5292527

yes a cafeteria or canteen is self service / no table service. Usually in schools for example. Shes just confusing it probably

>> No.5292539

Well this made me depressed, make it harder to enjoy the stream

>> No.5292546

you've never worked in a shitty office before?

>> No.5292547
File: 39 KB, 147x114, shortcakeapparently.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

??? this looks nothing like shortcake t. scotbonger

>> No.5292564

Yes Bea, this is a practice date. Let's have practice sex too.

>> No.5292582

Japanese shortcake

>> No.5292590

>practice sex
She already has me for that.

>> No.5292610

Yes, but why if it's her job why is it Chihiro's fault?

>> No.5292629
File: 8 KB, 534x248, meltdown coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realised I haven't drawn a Risuna coupon so here's one.

>> No.5292634

this music is making the stream feel sad...

>> No.5292648


>> No.5292652

Because she's locked up on the interest unable to go anywhere, unable to eat, unable to see her friends, etc.

>> No.5292655

this is perfect

>> No.5292665

That's not the question, being "trapped in xp hill" by her sister and all, it doesn't really work with the job comparaison and why escaping xp hill means graduation

>> No.5292679

That's for the 10th date.

>> No.5292692
File: 334 KB, 540x380, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5292701
File: 214 KB, 327x400, w0wuTzA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5292711

Ah I see.
I was picturing her picking just a coffee in a canteen tray. Then sitting alone at a thirty-seat table.

>> No.5292713

Practice sex is what one night stands are for.

>> No.5292739
File: 267 KB, 435x304, in_cafeteria_with_dadchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5292742


>> No.5292745

>her first thought on seeing a ghost is asking if she can groom it.

>> No.5292748
File: 628 KB, 3000x4000, 1622834719278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was honestly talking about regular pie

>> No.5292755

if you ever work in a real shitty office you'll be staring at the XP background for 8 hours a day and dreaming of escape

>> No.5292758

Well in the game she's already been trapped in a tower.

>> No.5292763

cringe superchat guy

>> No.5292781
File: 12 KB, 360x344, 1620440138353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh riri?

>> No.5292789

Remote kid you're not supposed to be getting groomed....

>> No.5292798
File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, Beatani's_drawing_of_herself_smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5292803

Still doesn't explain that her sister trapped her there nor the fact escaping xphill means graduation and many others things she shared

>> No.5292807

>it was the ghost of Donald Trump

>> No.5292811

fireworks seething lmao

>> No.5292841


>> No.5292846

>tfw (You) will never be special to Beatani

>> No.5292858

this thread will died before the stream end

>> No.5292879
File: 1000 KB, 336x498, 1617412077797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5292883
File: 608 KB, 427x778, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gets buttfucked by your oshi*

>> No.5292890


>> No.5292895

thanks man

>> No.5292905

That's because I made it up. Go ask Bea if you want to know.

>> No.5292916

this is too good.

>> No.5292919

XP background was before her working time.

>> No.5292920

a JP bro appears

>> No.5292939

There will be another

>> No.5292943


>> No.5292947

bea not again... when a jp bro asks a question in japanese... answer in japanese, not english...

>> No.5292953

>I guess I gotta flex my bilingual skills
I hate him already

>> No.5292954

false alarm, jp larper

>> No.5292961

Too far

>> No.5292980

japanese person saying "holy hell" ... doubt

>> No.5292985

Are you guys ready for the Don't Get Jealous Challenge?

>> No.5292988

Bea's deep voice makes me feel funny

>> No.5293008

>trying to bait the thread by using Remote Kid

>> No.5293009
File: 118 KB, 833x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay

>> No.5293016

I already lost

>> No.5293021

I agree

>> No.5293028
File: 6 KB, 532x42, fullcringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5293039

It's working, I'm low key seething rn. Every single time I fall for her tricks.

>> No.5293045

Containment breaking this hard...

>> No.5293050

This guy sounds like he found 4chan yesterday

>> No.5293064
File: 253 KB, 1000x1410, 1612700038572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5293066

I'm slightly jealout but this is like taking kids talk seriously

>> No.5293072

it's not fair... I wanted to be the one to date remote kid...

>> No.5293081

I'm not even jealous of radeon, I'm just sick of seeing that blue furry faggot all the time on stream/twitter

>> No.5293084
File: 8 KB, 534x42, kysalready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5293090

yeah he's full cringe

>> No.5293096

I don't get it pls explain like I am retarded
>walk away for 10 god damn minutes

>> No.5293097

One of the dislikes I'm guessing.

>> No.5293099

Remote kid is for tag team, not solo use, I'm gonna dislike the stream now

>> No.5293112

he makes me physically cringe

>> No.5293120

She is trying to fuck remote kid and he is refusing to get groomed. She doesn't care and continues to try.

>> No.5293124

Time to go surfing cause it sure is fucking summer

>> No.5293131
File: 162 KB, 569x575, 1620379462624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5293138

do not like this newcomer

>> No.5293141

>"i hate speed"
guess we know why she doesn't take her meds now...

>> No.5293151

new grey in chat is super annoying

>> No.5293153

Doing highway pulls with my daughter!

>> No.5293157

Now she's treating him as a prostitute.

>> No.5293158

恭介岡部, are you Firemarth/FuckNo

>> No.5293173
File: 171 KB, 433x305, date_in_the_amusument_park.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amusument [sic]

>> No.5293178

Grey you are obviously here so stop being a faggot.

>> No.5293218

jesus christ this guy is a normal faggot

>> No.5293225

can you guys stop judging new viewers with there first comments
we all comment cringe every once ina while

>> No.5293227

Firework old and busted
Remote kid new hotness
Goslings and saviordads: are you okay?

>> No.5293239

Well this is going nowhere. I'll have to find another small indie to try and groom. Shame, I really liked this one.

>> No.5293264


>> No.5293266

nice try new guy

>> No.5293270


>> No.5293271

and I thought I was cringe

>> No.5293276

No, fuck that. The second he chatted "4chan" is when he is an absolute faggot, no going back.

>> No.5293288

>veriz wihr
Cheers bea chama

>> No.5293312
File: 4 KB, 241x33, Screenshot 2021-06-18 185359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away

>> No.5293315

>Followed by beatani

>> No.5293325

and now he is blocked. guess beatani agreed.

>> No.5293334

Even his handle is a fucking Deadpool reference
Good god

>> No.5293338

He was a dad all along,,,,

>> No.5293343

Also. Please count how many legs Beatani appears to have in this image. I believe this will confirm a number of longstanding rrats.

>> No.5293348

Ignore him.

>> No.5293355

dudes being cringe now on purpose

>> No.5293378

was that an actual nip or just the cringe /vt/ tourist from before

>> No.5293389

>she's now asking the chat mods why he was banned
Uhhhhhh hmm

>> No.5293394

>dads suffocate a random grey while bea isn't looking

>> No.5293402

perhaps i was wrong about having a mod...

>> No.5293403

bad move mod

>> No.5293411

One by one the greys will die

>> No.5293419

>Janny: Don't worry about it

>> No.5293425

I think that is just a tourist.

>> No.5293426

100% tourist that japanese wasn't good enough to be native

>> No.5293433
File: 112 KB, 381x374, 1619217470711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puts a smile on my face

>> No.5293434

wtf mod learn your place nigger

>> No.5293442

>she actually got derailed by this

>> No.5293446

>mod start power tripping
that was fast

>> No.5293450

pls anon I'm low on money, give me until next month

>> No.5293454
File: 685 KB, 1920x1080, 428 Shibuya Scramble_20181005105554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5293465
File: 1.76 MB, 1440x1435, Shion amogus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5293467

it was inevitable

>> No.5293478

Trapped in a gondola with Bea!
She is scooting closer!
Beatani using her technique on me!

>> No.5293491

>she gets close to you
>"damn bear you stink!"

>> No.5293492

>"it's not sexual, [grooming pets] is normal topic"

>> No.5293506

rancid breath

>> No.5293524

I'll get a job soon, I swear.

>> No.5293531

>Xeni just texted her

>> No.5293534

were we watching the same guy in chat? i'm pretty sure it's a mute it's not like the guy is gone forever. if he really wants to stay, he can learn to follow the mood. like in literally any other chuuba stream. lurk more before chatting so much. fucking common sense.
t. totally not mod

>> No.5293538

I hear that Br*tish people say "grooming" instead of "petting" a pet

>> No.5293542

Mod was right to ban him, the faggot was even being subtle with his posts.

>> No.5293561

ah fuck I poured boiling tea on my hands while reading chat

>> No.5293577


>> No.5293583

grooming's grooming sir, petting's petting.

>> No.5293585


>> No.5293591

grooming is more washing, combing, stroking than petting
t. digusting obese bonger

>> No.5293597

>thread celebrating mods abuse

>> No.5293596


>> No.5293606

I did not see the person that got banned by the eurofox. What did he say? Was it the containment breaker?

>> No.5293609

heavy petting with Bea

>> No.5293610

why are there 15 downvoats?
does it mean that Bea has dedicated antis now?

>> No.5293615


>> No.5293621

don't come here just because you got banned in chat dad chama

>> No.5293631

god imagine...

>> No.5293636

if so thats just sad

>> No.5293637

Shut up nigger swallow your ban and go away

>> No.5293638

all me

>> No.5293645
File: 176 KB, 436x307, Ferris_wheel_with_remote_kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5293651

Fucking hell, internet in the middle of the forest in my tent at night is not stable enough to watch the stream, it is buffering every 2 minutes. Maybe I will listen to the vod tommorow instead. I hope you all have fun in the stream.

>> No.5293658
File: 515 KB, 600x603, Does it for free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Bans grey*

>> No.5293664

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.5293663

not even him, just hate when mods get high and mighty

>> No.5293675

fair enough

>> No.5293678

>one minimum donation set the stream's theme until the end

>> No.5293682

Wait I was wrong. I heard that they say "stroking" more than "petting". It sounds too weird saying that you were stroking your dog all night.

>> No.5293687

I just tuned into her saying she wants to rape him, is she normally like this?

>> No.5293700
File: 28 KB, 592x246, Od8SdtD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.5293701

