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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52537476 No.52537476 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present】
WACTOR (Vamos Virtual Actor) is also known as:

"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project

previous thread >>52523182

the end is near 9° edition


Himea D'Almaria


Meica - collab/Nisha-Eru-Shura
July 1st 17:30hr-MX 18:30hr-PE 20:30hr-ARG

Himea D'Almaria

Nisha Nixyeva

Eru Nabura

Shura Hiwa

Natsuri Nekoto

>> No.52537705
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I miss Neon so fucking much

>> No.52537742
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Meanwhile, in a better timeline

>> No.52537873 [DELETED] 

How am I supposed to stalk girls RMs with this shitty changes on Twitter?

>> No.52537982

fk off pettanko

>> No.52538570

Good afternoon, i don't watch nerfed choripaneras

>> No.52538583
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Himea is usually the one that brightens my days, but time she ruined my weekend.

>> No.52538685
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>> No.52538819

>Another shitter OP
Time to post pics

>> No.52538936

I literally don't care about the model, unironically I'm here for the girl behind.

>> No.52538948
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>> No.52539173

I literally don't care about girl behind, unironically I'm here for the the model.

>> No.52539349

stay away nico you fucking creep

>> No.52539443
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So sad...

>> No.52539700

I don't get it.

>> No.52539701
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You know what's the saddest part? Now guradiatards will start making flat "jokes" on her personal posts like that's something acceptable.

>> No.52539835

Actually that would be pretty funny.

>> No.52539837

Yuri is the only guardiatard still actively following her tho.

>> No.52539903

One of them actually did it, and she didn't react too well.

>> No.52540116

So it's true the guardia is splitted? She doesn't react well to the flat jokes tho

>> No.52540279

In all honesty Himea's new model felt like when those instagram/tiktok bigtiddy thots undergo a boobchop surgery thinking their /numbers/ will stay the same because they believe people are attracted to their personalities. But virtual.

>> No.52540386

They're no more, since months ago.
It was funny to watch the Himeaschizo trying to bait with them unknowing to the actual situation, kek.

>> No.52540400

It might sound superficial, but can you imagine people following someone like Nara if his model looked like a chud?

>> No.52540409


>> No.52540429


>> No.52540512

You know how /vt/ always bitchs when a cunnychuuba redebuts as a bit titty model?
Funny how in the reverse fags still react the same.

>> No.52540540

I wonder if there's an iceberg of that, I would also like to know about supremacia lunar lore just because I'm a vieja chismosa

>> No.52540560

>It was funny to watch the Himeaschizo trying to bait with them unknowing to the actual situation, kek
Kek. What a pathetic fag

>> No.52540869

lol stream when

>> No.52540958


>> No.52541017

Well, many people find the model/dynamic of a chuuba attractive, others gets used and attached to it, changing it midway so suddenly feels awkward.
This would have been different if she graduated and re-debuted with a new name and model because people always expect a downgrade in those cases.
The fact she took a perfectly functional model and turned it into a soulless mock up from the original feels wrong too.

>> No.52541066


>> No.52541119

>soulless mock up from the original.
You're being too harsh on it.
To me doesn't feel out of place, thanks to her little lore explanation.
I just feel like I'm watching the same girl just way younger.

>> No.52541281
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a cute couple

>> No.52541324
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Her dream, my nightmare...

>> No.52541396

To be honest, the new model fits her childish personality better.
Coomers bfto, now forever

>> No.52541487

>I just feel like I'm watching the same girl just way younger.
That could have worked, it it wasn't because she decided to add those retarded elf ears too.
And that lore implies she cannot go back to normal, so we might never see her again with her old model.

>> No.52541551

She doesn't act like a child, she cringes

>> No.52541621

>took a model made by hand by a professional artist and turned it into that lazy low quality abominations based on an AI prompt
soulless af.

>> No.52541645 [DELETED] 

meica is sucking manolo dick online and soon she'll do it irl

>> No.52541652


>> No.52541689

Is she there in person?

>> No.52541730


>> No.52541763

>those retarded elf ears too.
She always drew herself with those ears.
>she cannot go back to normal
She just has to do another ritual, so in reality she can shapeshift now.

>> No.52541851

>She doesn't act childish
Are you sure?
I love that part of her too

>> No.52541918

She's fully /ours/.
Seethe harder.

>> No.52542005

it doesn't change the fact that it looks retarded

>> No.52542036

>She just has to do another ritual, so in reality she can shapeshift now.
If only se was more creative and made some fuckery with a time spell I would have bought it, because she mentioned that she developed slower than the other girls and that could have represented what she looked when she was younger.

>> No.52542076
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Some progress on Shura's Motoadventures. I'm getting there. In the future I will think of a better way of organizing the code because right now, the way I'm doing it, it's extremely painful to bring all the different parts together in a single project (I generally develop each part separately and it becomes a chore to bring all parts together).

>> No.52542093

Friendly reminder that Himea is a self-proclaimed chuuni.

>> No.52542106

looks more like a person with autism

>> No.52542110

Los anons desvirgaron a Himea

>> No.52542201

Literally implied on her stream.

>> No.52542307

A suggestion
You could release the level editor as a standalone and making it able to save the map as a file you can later import in the game, I'm sure some anons would come up with interesting level designs.

>> No.52542522

More like canon

>> No.52542609
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, d40b76e7-0305-42e7-ac72-923ada3514b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you thought about joining our little studio?

>> No.52542712

I hate twitch retards so much.

>> No.52542780

Well the editor does have an "export" button which brings up a textbox with a json for all the level data. That json can be saved and shared, sure. That was the whole point of making the editor.

Do you mean that matrix server? I've thought about it. I might join in the future. When I was picking a name to publish the game I made for Eru I thought I'd choose a silly name as if I was a "game studio" or something and I came up with "No Water Levels Games" or "No Water Levels Software" which, as its name implies, will never make a game with a water level in it because I hate that shit.

>> No.52542913

heh, okay that's pretty funny. btw, are you going to update himea's model in the rpg?

>> No.52542974

why does Eru talk like a normal and civilized person but hermaneru talk like a retard?

>> No.52543088

Not yet.
But her groomer is.

>> No.52543108

>in reality she can shapeshift now
I had to watch the animation again, something painful for me because that like watching the moment of her live execution, and I can't see that being mentioned or implied anywhere.

>> No.52543110

One is a boring normie and the other is a based autist.

>> No.52543148
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>heemfag was a matrixnigger

>> No.52543154

cringe as fuck

>> No.52543227

Dancing Anya

>> No.52543229

>I might join in the future
Feel free to do it.
To be honest I'm getting a little nervous because at the current pace I'm doubting the game will be finished by August 8th, currently the situation is that our code guy only logs on on weekends and if something happens or needs to be fixed we're stuck until he comes back.

>> No.52543273


>> No.52543281

Adorable as fuck*

>> No.52543344

>code guy
for rpg maker? kek, even a monkey with down syndrome can use that. Give it a try, anon. It's the easiest shit ever.

>> No.52543361
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>she used my fanart as profile pic
>now she's added it to her collage

>> No.52543461 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 348x173, 145646456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the faggot that made that homosexual hangout was a doxxnigger that also tried to start a telegram group.

>> No.52543472

stop, nigger, i'm getting jealous.

>> No.52543527
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She really needs to fix that mouth.

>> No.52543549
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This is the first time a vtuber did something like that so I feel really happy.

>> No.52543660

did they changed the artist? cause it looks bad

>> No.52543718

yes, barely anyone wants to work with wactor

>> No.52543725
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>> No.52543754

how much has she already received in donations?

>> No.52543779
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>> No.52543802

A whole 20 pesos argentinos.

>> No.52543842

No, she said it's the same artist.

>> No.52543864

>he thinks it's an rpg
Well, thanks for nothing I guess.

>> No.52543927

It wasn't the only time she said it, in another stream she said something similar to
>prácticamente todos los artistas nos tienen en lista negra, por lo menos los buenos
I don't remember the exact words or the stream, but it was in the last two weeks or something like that

>> No.52543973

It's using GameMaker.

>> No.52544091


>> No.52544377
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I guess she's reading the thread rn...

>> No.52544494

Is there any time she isn't reading it?

>> No.52544538

never mind.

>> No.52544689

Anya dropping those casual racist jokes is the best thing ever.

>> No.52544756

she's half russian and has been living in spain
of course she's racist

>> No.52544808

They are the argenprogres from yurop

>> No.52544821

I'm saving that countdown for later use.

>> No.52544900
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>not racist

>not racist

>> No.52544942

I'll look into it and I'll see if I join later. My main problem with the matrix server is the bad reputation it has as doxxers and roleplaying homos lmao.

>> No.52545148
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Himea's new design reveal earnings.

>> No.52545404

If you're Mexichango everyone is racist to you.

>> No.52545450

I'm a proud World Champion, we're racists against everything that cast a shadow.

>> No.52545483

>the bad reputation it has as doxxers and roleplaying homos lmao.
All propaganda, the real reason of it's existence was to act as a bunker for when the thread was unbearable due to tourists.

>> No.52545511

>t. brownie

>> No.52545780 [DELETED] 

>has been living in spain
She is from Santiago and seems like she is dropping her fake russian accent too

>> No.52545856

You just described this place

>> No.52546265

>Anya wants to be a trad wife
Your oshi simply can't compete.

>> No.52546401

>Anya wants a lot of kids

>> No.52546451

/WACTOR/ is a trad wife factory.

>> No.52546463

>"15 de Octubre cumpleaños de Anya anotenlo"

>> No.52546557 [DELETED] 

Three of those are already too old to breed kids.

>> No.52546855

>trad wife

>> No.52547423

Nisha needs correction

>> No.52547548
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>> No.52548428
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>Anya does stream barefoot and with shortpants

>> No.52548446

>breeding cow Shura

>> No.52548692

Anya is literally a female Incel

>> No.52548823

It worries me what would become of Anya if she ever discovers 4chan. No, not talking about this shit board.

>> No.52548824

I don't think wactor will last that long, poor Anya lives in an illusion

>> No.52548872

>It worries me what would become of Anya if she ever discovers 4chan.

>> No.52548975

she has been /here/ for at least a year, why do you think Himea keeps away from her?

>> No.52549014

She doesn't catch 4chan jokes or lingo.

>> No.52549129

>Yo si quiero ser una esposa

>> No.52549180

>los anons son gordos homosexuales

>> No.52549202


>> No.52549267

are you retarded?

>> No.52549293

in what stream meica talked about going to spain?

>> No.52549337

That's not 4chan exclusive anymore.

>> No.52549343

What point of view are you going to watch today, Anon? For me, it's la más bonita

>> No.52549361

>Me banearon la ip en roblox

>> No.52549418

How do you even manage that? Fucking troll gremlin.

>> No.52549437

>He ignores when she opened and shilled her own RM /here/

>> No.52549439

I imagine Anya like this irl

>> No.52549446

It's funny how the deniers always get proved wrong, but they keep trying.

>> No.52549597

Even Natashka is here faggot

>> No.52549618

try again.

>> No.52549719

because it cant be, it should not, even if she knows english she is a girl, they dont exist here, theres a magic barrier that separate vtubers from this place

>> No.52549963

Go back to facebook kiddo

>> No.52550033

So this is the so called Nisha killer.

>> No.52550069

Carmen de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

>> No.52550107

>noooo anya dont enter le ebin 4chin!!!

>> No.52550158

i'm having sex with nisha that's why the stream is late let me finish inside and she will be with you playing outlast

>> No.52550227


>> No.52550371


Eru Nabura


Nisha Nixyeva

Shura Hiwa


Merun Morino

Natsuri Nekoto

>> No.52550444

>hola yo onions eru nabura onions un angel androide y me gusta twerkear
the slutification of eru nabura

>> No.52550476

Maybe she really liked anon's game

>> No.52550518


>> No.52550532

Sorry eru, I can't stand that burraca voice anymore.

>> No.52550556

>Nisha was streaming without going live
The pills are doing too much to her

>> No.52550565
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>> No.52550663

> look at that ass from real close
> smell it
> no, gross!

>> No.52550681
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>> No.52550833

>Nisha destroying Eru
the prize? ferpurafil hand

>> No.52550839

are their ccv always like this? only meica is over 1k

>> No.52550857

Graduation when?

>> No.52550928

Dunno about twitch but jewtube now only counts people without adblocks.

>> No.52550935

I'm only watching Nisha's pov, and her ccv is lower than usual, probably because is a collab so her unicorns aren't interested since she won't interact with them today

>> No.52550996

merol and fer are there

>> No.52551038

But Nisha has ~500 ccv right now which is pretty average for her.

>> No.52551088

My browser is showing 415, i should reload the page

>> No.52551151

It said exactly 490 when I posted that (I rounded up to 500) but now it says 450~460. It's slightly lower than her usual ccv but not by much.

>> No.52551184

that's explains a lot

>> No.52551325

>Eru 260ccv
>Shura 200 ccv
>Nisha 460 ccv
Are these numbers good or bad?

>> No.52551449

question yt dectects it even if you disabled temporally?

>> No.52551455

Anya would do much better outside of wactor.

>> No.52551524

eru must have already played it with his friends

>> No.52551598

the only one that is benefiting from the collab is shura

>> No.52551778

this gameplay is shit, they don't even now how to play

>> No.52551892
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Least horny nishart

>> No.52552128

Meica sounds dumber, also who's Eru?

>> No.52552161

I like it when Nisha says Mexican slang.

>> No.52552171

my big culona wife

>> No.52552308

why does nisha talk like a baby

>> No.52552314

>Eru no te acerques a Nisha, nadie sabe pero ella tiene su verdadera cara
What's going on with meica trying to break nishart's immersion in each collab they have

>> No.52552411

She likes infantilism

>> No.52552636

Is all speculation anon no one knows nothing

>> No.52552685


>> No.52552700

well yt said that indeed will change the visualization count, and the adblock shit.

>> No.52552799

that's why Nisha didn't want her to move in with her

>> No.52553017

Natsuri and the sedai gang chose a bad day for their collabo

>> No.52553032

This game is too chaotic. They should have played L4D2 instead. The campaign with the corn field.

>> No.52553713


>> No.52553768

Meica was who convinced nisha to make that rm instagram account "in case of akira's doxx"
meica will jump into the fleshtuber crap and wants nisha to do it with her

>> No.52553861

Meica should jump into chaturbate

>> No.52554098

Fuck off Akira

>> No.52554480

Shura had 220 ccv yesterday

>> No.52554976

Why watching the girls don't make me happy anymore?

>> No.52555040

You just need to become the girl yourself.

>> No.52555117
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>> No.52555123

Fuck off yoffputo

>> No.52555235

I don't know about you but in my case everything feels so fake to me
Only babu feels authentic but she barely qualifies as a vtuber to me

>> No.52555485

>>52555235 (me)
By the way to avoid misunderstandings, with fake i'm not referring to the characters, i'm not delusional enough to truly believe that the girls are like they act in stream, i know they are characters
What makes me uncomfortable is watching them acting like if they were a group of friends but then i start overthinking about every single time the girls have been a bitch to each other in the past

>> No.52555659

We corrected their behavior when Nisha overlapped Eru's stream and she's behaving better now. Sasuga kusogaki. Nisha is a child at heart and mind and she needs correction.

>> No.52555716

This is why I can't watch Meica anymore. I seriously believed her story about being a japanese girl with a latina friend living in Japen.
I don't feel like being played with anymore, so anything these girls say nowadays about their lore is just background noise.

>> No.52556163
File: 110 KB, 720x779, crayonbestowaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the anon told me that she . . . .

>> No.52556215

Babu is a breath of fresh air. In her last stream she was talking about future collabs and she said that she wanted to do a lot of collabs but she didn't know who to collab with, then chat started dropping lots of names and she replied to every suggestion with "oh right i forgot about that person"
Babu makes it clear that it's only a professional relationship and there is not a real friendship between them except maybe by natsuri, and truly i prefer that before a witch claiming to be friends with others then backstabbing them

>> No.52556347 [DELETED] 

>Overlap a debut Anon, she had already done it in the past, you must not be so naive as to believe that she changed, she is like that

>> No.52556393


>> No.52556396


>> No.52556406

It's too obvious in his case anon.

>> No.52556429


>> No.52556500

did she said something about the ex w-boys?
they used to get along outside streams

>> No.52556509

She's trying to leverage the field by lowering other chuubas price.

>> No.52556608

you don't like reincarnated vtubers. don't feel bad, the same thing happens to me

>> No.52556625

who cares about that shit unity nigger, i fucking hate your kind.
they are indies and not tied to each other

>> No.52556691

What do you think? She mentions the baldie a lot, but i don't remember about the other, he appears in her chat sometimes so i assume they are in contact, the only one missing is el jefe

>> No.52556828
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Imagine how I feel now that my oshi "reincarnated" without even graduating...

>> No.52556908

Nisha has put lots of effort in her character, it doesn't matter if she is a complete bitch irl or not, she shows a really good side to her audience and that's the only thing that counts
But in every single collab meica hints some of nisha's yabs trying to make nisha look more like her, but she doesn't realize that doing that she ruins the immersion that nisha has built with so much effort

>> No.52556983

>What are draculones? I don't know, weren't they supposed to be husbands?
It hurts, everything is la guardia's fault

>> No.52557111
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>> No.52557131

I've been watching this stream for like 1 hour and I don't understand the objective of the game. This is a very shitty and chaotic game. I wish they'd play L4D2 instead.

>> No.52557328


>> No.52557373

they suck at this game, they should use stealth to do the objectives but they are retarded, 2 bait the guard meanwhile the others fill the generators

>> No.52557597

Same, theres something about it that doesnt feel right.

>> No.52557613

>Ejejeje las cariñosas XDxddd
Holy shit i hate these faggots so much

>> No.52557719

where do people call "cariñosas" to whores?
so I can start being a xenophobic against that country

>> No.52557878

I think in Mexico or some other shithole nearby.

>> No.52557917

That shit is just an online meme.

>> No.52558094

yeah. That's just a dumb banter between draculones and Himea, dunno why that fag overreacts about it.

>> No.52558178

Probably mexico, here we call them "travas"

>> No.52558280

I don't know what you hire but there's also putas and gatos
>t. proud worldcup champion

>> No.52558294

she tries her hardest to drag her on twitchlike style shit, you know that she Nisha share a lot of those retarded tiktok cancerous memes and shitposts with her and thats why she want to poin it, "no onions la unica random aquí" and all that shit.
Meica despise when other vtubers do a character like Merun and thats why she ignore Merun (even when she was supposed to be her friend too), do you remember when she mocked Luna "kissy, kissy" calling her cringe.

>> No.52558645

Meica and Shura just made the "vroom vroom" sound, I might use it as sound effect for my game.

>> No.52558772

Eru screams are really loud, my ears are ringing...

>> No.52558819

eru is a degenerate...

>> No.52558822

> eru eats a spoonful of cereal followed by a spoonful of milk
Is this girl autistic?

>> No.52558839
File: 54 KB, 500x420, 1405813533623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna judge your tastes but

>> No.52558855


>> No.52558935

I'm from Mexico and I had never heard someone call them "cariñosas" until people started making tiktok/instagram memes with that term. I think it's just an online meme.

>> No.52559155

from what part sweetie

>> No.52559192

Why? Do you want to meet up and fuck or fight?

>> No.52559276

don't tell Yoffina anon, have some self respect

>> No.52559360

he wants both

>> No.52559480
File: 328 KB, 512x512, 1683425508968693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are anons such a sluts

>> No.52560162

Fake argie, trabas comes from travesti and only applies to trannies

>> No.52560233

Their shit is the reason why she went back to her darlings.
I hate them so much.

>> No.52560592

>Doubts about marrying draculones
>Remembers about marry her "darlings"
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.52560655

what is he implying? i don't follow Himea

>> No.52560719

She is talking about me and my multiple personalities.

>> No.52560805

i posted this

>> No.52560886

It's even more obvious on Anya's case lol

>> No.52560952

Nisha stop slandering your replacement and pay attention to your own stream.

>> No.52560973

>Shura gets jealous if you date other girls

>> No.52560983

Hi Anya

>> No.52561070
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>> No.52561151
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>those butt fangs

>> No.52561223

> He doesn't know

>> No.52561287

>Chat proposes to Shura
>Sure gets wet

>> No.52561294


>> No.52561403
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Nisha so cute

>> No.52561426
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>> No.52561478
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>> No.52561610

>Shura reacting to /here/

>> No.52561728

>narco war in meica stream

>> No.52561836

I'm too depressed to watch streams, what happened?

>> No.52561884

>50% cut

>> No.52561961

>verified account

>> No.52562072

>60% Mai Noboshi

>> No.52562081

MaiCHADs we can't stop winning

>> No.52562133
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>> No.52562191

I'm dropping vtubing

>> No.52562195

>fag actually belive this

>> No.52562329

It is, if that crayon fag is a he, then anya must be the He

>> No.52562359
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>> No.52562447

it's esay to know, if it's good at games either is cheating or is a boy.

>> No.52562465

ohhh man, this shitter's using internet explorer KEK

>> No.52562501

why you reply?

>> No.52562516

Ok Anya

>> No.52562555

epin bruh xd

>> No.52562597


>> No.52562617

'cause it's so sad it's funny

>> No.52562654

someone have to post to reach the bump limit

>> No.52562656

There are still retards who still believe that Anya is a he? KEKK

>> No.52562682

Why do you care about that?

>> No.52562720

that twitter acc was a smokescreen, not her.

>> No.52562805

don't ruin anons delirium

>> No.52562838

Explain that ig acc, then.

>> No.52562873

le ebin maymay equisdé

>> No.52562912

some people are really baited and played around by this girl, you actually ate her bait and believe it kek

>> No.52562935

There is no ig.

>> No.52562941

Explain the voice then

>> No.52562961

fags believe what they want to believe

>> No.52562988

go back to fb kid

>> No.52563097

Why png fags would rather shit on another gurl instead of actually commenting about the stream?

>> No.52563125

>new account pops up to stfu the schizo
>that account have that other account on the follows
>yeah totally her, she sure is retarded enough to do that, yeah, haha...

>> No.52563167

no one except the threadshitter is posting,
also what streams are you talking sbout?

>> No.52563262


>> No.52563276

When she realized she screwed up, she changed her @ like 7 times, Pettanko found her ig that's for sure, now she only post about splatoon. she’s so retarded even in her streams, kek

>> No.52563338

she was reading the thread and laughing at anons reaction, if she really panicked up, she rather nuke it all.

>> No.52563464

Some anon even told her to remove a xe which she did.

>> No.52563517

let's be serious, that shit was a dummy account recently made, when she applied to Wactor, check dates.
She knows how schizos are so she prepared that to keep them on check.

>> No.52563528

If you had been /here/ for more than a month you would know that indeed all these girls are retarded af

>> No.52563580

Who cares, I like the menhera act and she's providing a superb service.

>> No.52563587

>Imagine defending a tranny
Anya fags are really pathetic

>> No.52563631

Kek, I think that was me. Did she really do it?

>> No.52563640

back to lolnada, incel.

>> No.52563657

>Who cares
really anon? schizos care, normal people wouldn't give a fuck about not vtuber persona but, well you see how tards are.

>> No.52563763

Watch her streams, you would realize how retarded she is, she doesn't even know how to set up OBS and today she almost doxxed Natashka’s real name

>> No.52564262


>> No.52564317
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>> No.52564389
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so no one cares about her?

>> No.52564443


>> No.52564458

Anya please step on me.

>> No.52564467

You will never have sex

>> No.52564478

there (You)

>> No.52564483


>> No.52564508

You know that she is pretending, right anon?

>> No.52564555

fags here only talk to throw shit on girls, is better for her to not being posted here, like Ito, Merun and Babu.

>> No.52564628

yes of course, look how it turned out for the erufags

>> No.52564666

i can’t believe the girl who joined a black company and can’t even do a decent stream without complications is a master manipulative genius

>> No.52564688

What's Naty rm name then?

>> No.52564725

All the retard girls will not join a black company, only the manipulative menheras like Anya

>> No.52564745

that the most basic defense, i asure you that she check this place before joining so prepared that so fags stop trying to dig shit.

>> No.52564829

this place is beyond salvation...
spics can really behave like normal people

>> No.52564837

Oh, so you're that fag.

>> No.52564869


>> No.52564940

She killed all her /here/ fans with that Ayato collab. I couldn't give a shit about her current whereabouts.

>> No.52564961

>He doesn't know

>> No.52565013

You should know, Satan.

>> No.52565027

Neither you do.

>> No.52565078


>> No.52565124

The worst thing was that all her streams ended at the same time, but ayato collab was the longest stream she ever made.

>> No.52565183

Meicago on chuchumeica

>> No.52565223

sex merun

>> No.52565235

so she killed 3 schizos? smart girl.

>> No.52565322


>> No.52565398

That was the cherry on top, and to think that she said to be chat's gf and pretended to ignore the fags on the babu group collab.

>> No.52565516

I like the amargada so I'm not going to post it here.

>> No.52565586

Sure anon.

>> No.52565639

you really don't know, anon?

>> No.52565699

>finally a good Merun lewd
Too bad I can't see her as sexually attractive

>> No.52565718 [DELETED] 

Hi Natashka (Anya's bf), don't you have to give dick to Anya?

>> No.52565805

Do you're parents know your a gigantic homo?

>> No.52565824

Watch the stream, retard

>> No.52565851

Don't post it faggot
It's better for the shitter to keep on with those stupid outdated shitpost

>> No.52566105

I know, I like to laugh at his outdated shit kek

>> No.52566217

You are not baiting anyone nigga

>> No.52566284

Let him be. His shitty baits are amusing.
He calmed down after all his fake rms were proven wrong tho.

>> No.52566530

Not my fault yo know nothing, facetard

>> No.52566651
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>la creatura

>> No.52566720

Holy shit!

>> No.52566727

>new himea vibes

>> No.52566740

Did she end up using that?

>> No.52566757

just for today

>> No.52566783
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>> No.52566839
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>> No.52566858

Himea you fucking scammer you're next

>> No.52566887

If she's using that model, then what she's going to do with the ko-fi scam money?

>> No.52566994

That's pettanko's job, he will make anya his woman soon

>> No.52567013

the real model

>> No.52567014

She will go on vacation with her "father".

>> No.52567050


>> No.52567095


>> No.52567162

Good night, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.52567195

Are you going to play dumb? She is the scamming face of wactor at the moment.

>> No.52567266

The only scammer is Miu because she personally persuaded girls to sign the contract. Everyone else is a victim.

>> No.52567304

WACTOR is a mere tool to help my wife achieve her dreams.

>> No.52567390

Anya has better numbers, Anya is the one bringing new fans. Himea is only losing gachis and followers as each day pases.

>> No.52567445

>self replying
Try harded shitter

>> No.52567478

There is no proof of what you say about Miu

>> No.52567479

Himea will pay

>> No.52567640

For what? She's another victim.

>> No.52567714

Leave my wife alone, asshole.

>> No.52567821

Since she read that statement, she has become an accomplice

>> No.52567950
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GN anons

>> No.52567997

She did that at gunpoint.
Also will you conveniently forget that Misora blamed Laila?

>> No.52568318

himea the girl that acted all surprised that sezia left

>> No.52568399

Akira and Lia took advantage of Misora's bad mental state

>> No.52568407

Sezia never said she tried to convince her before or after the fact.

>> No.52568457

So both are victims, you can't justify one and blame another.

>> No.52568565

sweetie you don't know what you are talking about

>> No.52568609

Sezia, Yumi and the homos left and you're going to tell me they didn't even try to talk to Himea? Himea is a lying whore and nothing will change that

>> No.52568675

Himea stayed because anons told her to (They threatened her)

>> No.52568753

I'm glad Himea didn't join the male collab gang.
She's truly /ourgirl/

>> No.52568793

Keep malding retard

>> No.52568801

This, if Sezia had excluded the homos I would have supported Himea joining the pngs

>> No.52568814
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>saturday night
>open /wactor/ just to shit on a girl probably way younger than himself
>samefag and falseflag at the same time
>seeth at any reply
>truly the live of a champ

>> No.52568863

The male collabing whore supporters want to drag Himea down to their filth.

>> No.52568865

you are the angry here anon

>> No.52568879
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Forgive me, Father, for i'm about to sin.

>> No.52569007

Who is this person you're talking about?

>> No.52569030
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>> No.52569101

OK let's talk about Akira's balls

>> No.52569257

Could be anyone but me, gud night

>> No.52569485

