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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 299 KB, 1170x873, 1688086865343231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52406550 No.52406550 [Reply] [Original]

Pako and Sana are siblings now!

>> No.52406634

You fucked up OP, shame on you

>> No.52406646

Nice edit retard

>> No.52406689
File: 329 KB, 471x467, aliceSmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw baitposters can't even make a bait thread properly

>> No.52406694

What happened to his old mama?

>> No.52406749

did vesperg's original designer die? were they killed?

>> No.52406751

Sad though because Vesper is also the most likely tempus member to graduate.

But glad he gets to be a pappa. He's best at drawing men anyways.

Feel for Vesper's original mama though. They must feel very ashamed

>> No.52406819

It’s real. Vesper’s old mama is apparently extremely ill and has been for a while.

>> No.52406821

You really fucked up your shit post that badly lmao

>> No.52406898

Nice job OP! Also doesnt this mean Vesper will graduate too

>> No.52406901

no activity anywhere since 2022. possibly dead.

>> No.52406903
File: 871 KB, 1080x2185, Screenshot_2023-06-30-09-16-45-488_com.twitter.android-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the artist pass away or something? Her last activities was 2022.

>> No.52406950

>Pako and Sana are siblings now!
h-how is that possible?

>> No.52406998

Alabama bros rise up?

>> No.52407040

Damn, Vesper isn't just getting a redesign, he's getting a whole new artist. Glad for Pako

>> No.52407087

Retards, that's the real tweet.
He's obviously the same guy who manages the HololiveEN twitter account

>> No.52407111

seppuku'd in shame over the failure that is Vesper's model

>> No.52407163

qrd? I don't follow homo

>> No.52407205


>> No.52407208

Shitpost all you want, I'm just glad Pako is continuing to work with Cover.

>> No.52407227

Why was it written by his manager?

>> No.52407260

Pako and Sana are siblings...but he is her papa...how can you be a father and a brother to your child..

>> No.52407262

RIP original mama

>> No.52407279


>> No.52407293

vesper is completely whipped and does 10 hour streams these days. how it’s magni who hates streaming

>> No.52407337

Read their subject like You fucking nigger. He said "pako and sana are siblings now", he meant to say, "vesper and sana are siblings now".

Never reply to me again you fucking retard.

>> No.52407814

motherfucker can't read and is also retarded

>> No.52407898

Death to homos.

>> No.52408033

That's crazy

>> No.52408089

he made up
probably a jealous cluck
they want him to graduate for no collab with their oshi ever again

>> No.52408103

You giant fuckup, can't even bait correctly.

>> No.52408113

Vesper is menhera and has already been suspended once.

>> No.52408194

Never said he hated streaming. Said he's the most likely to graduate or be terminated.

>> No.52408291

OP is a giant faggot as always.
But anyway, no wonder the model is done so fast, it's fucking Pako

>> No.52408313

I agree. I hate gay people.

>> No.52408387

Good shit pako, you deserve it.

>> No.52408446

>when you can't even enjoy things anymore so you try to ruin them for other people
>but you also suck at that and cant even do it right
holy shit, what a life...

>> No.52408572
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>> No.52408577

He's not a homo though.

>> No.52408730

...just ask Kronii!

>> No.52408901


>> No.52409502

Does Pako draw many males? I wasn’t initially a fan of Sana’s model but it kinda grew on me, I’m hoping it at least lives up to that.

>> No.52409575


>> No.52409829

>Pako and Sana are siblings now!
????Anon?? Were you so excited to shitpost you forgot how to sentence properly?

>> No.52409977

kill yourself, retard.

>> No.52410388

He does. His FGO male collections are pretty cracked. Hopefully it transfers well into Live2D this time.

>> No.52410474
File: 325 KB, 1060x504, Hg7E07q - Imgur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me (11 (12 if you count Maou Nobu 2nd form) different male models there, each with their own ascensions/different arts)

>> No.52410651


>> No.52410675

Some of his best work is drawing male characters.

>> No.52410730
File: 84 KB, 600x857, 93a9b7d64df62e9a3bba4c141ce86546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting aged up
Pako's gonna give him wrinkles

>> No.52410871
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, 111254488194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pako and Sana
Moron can't even read his own shitpost.

>> No.52410897
File: 32 KB, 692x443, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to be in shock if they somehow manage to fuck this up.
Pako can 100% do older dudes that don't look gay.
Please be good holy shit.

>> No.52410934
File: 99 KB, 195x218, 1671939195765879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao they fucked IRyS hard

>> No.52410977

Okay that gives me some confidence then, I wasn’t that familiar with Pako’s work. Now if only Magni was so fortunate.

>> No.52411086

I was under the impression that Sana model wasn't Pako's greatest work because he barely worked on females.
Only time will tell whether or not that's true or if vtuber models are a different form of art that Pako hasn't gotten right.

>> No.52411114

Dude is known for his male designs. In hindsight, it was kinda odd Cover hired him to create a female design instead of one of the dudes.

>> No.52411325

Raita made him though...

>> No.52411328

they = me btw

>> No.52411449

Vespers original model wasn't too hot either. im sure this'll be an upgrade from that one

>> No.52411603

Despite OP being a retard faggot once more, this is pretty hype. Pako deserves to be a mama

>> No.52411619

Yeah, Pako designs definitely doesn't lend to vtuber models well...
I still have hope but his art definitely take a hit because of it.

>> No.52411687

I'll laugh if Vesper graduates just like Sana leaving Pako with two dead kids lmfao

>> No.52411809

Did anyone in Tempus say whether Vesper got to pick the illustrator for his redesign? Just seems curious that Pako will be his new mama and that all of this was rushed out less than a year after Sana's graduation.

>> No.52411920
File: 220 KB, 600x982, pako muman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52411970

he's literally known for his male designs. its why San was better received than Sana was

>> No.52412152

>finally get to design a holo vtuber
>everyone hates it for how ugly it is

>> No.52412782

TCB was known for drawing girls (with pretty flowers, bloody, in pain, mistreated, hurting themself, looots of eyeshadow, ect) but somehow they gave her an unthankful holostars job.

>> No.52412970

did he troon (troonx really) out?

>> No.52413128

Artist is traditionally called mama and rigger is traditionally called papa regardless of actual gender.

>> No.52413145

based, I will not watch though

>> No.52413146

Get a load of this /pol/faggot

>> No.52413196

how embarrassing

>> No.52413217

What about his original mama?
Was he disowned or dropped off by her?

>> No.52413341

im a homo and i will destroy your punk ass

>> No.52413369

retweeted debut tweets and then has been radio silent since then

>> No.52413388

Original mama hasn't posted a single thing since Dec 2022, probably dead.

>> No.52413417

oldschool is illustrator=mama rigger=papa but then it turned into politics...

>> No.52413437

imagine being this new

>> No.52413449

>be Pako-sensei
>take forever to redesign IRyS
>fully redesign Vesper on a short notice
I hate this so much. The girls are the ones raking in the money, yet the boys get all the funding.

>> No.52413496

I bet Vesper killed her, that's why he was suspended.

>> No.52413546

Stop being incel! Watch da bois! They so unhinged!

>> No.52413838

>Pako redesigned IRyS

>> No.52413857

His best drawings are all males, his best female is based on a male kek (Oda Nobu)

>> No.52413888

I find it funny you typed this when the girls have their own concert coming up literally next week.

>> No.52413958

Pako isn't IRyS's artist. He was Sana's. Redjuice is IRyS's absentee father and everyone rightly hates him for it. There were rumors before the redesign that Pako might be adopting her because he pays more attention to her than Redjuice does, but nothing came of it.

>> No.52413965
File: 29 KB, 552x447, he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite underage post

>> No.52414200

Newfags should get the rope.

>> No.52414336

kek thanks for exposing that you don't even watch Irys enough to know her illustrator, falseflagger

>> No.52414436
File: 89 KB, 1200x543, 20221208_090220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesper as drawn by Pako.

>> No.52414588

Pako's actually a pretty big fan of the Tempus boys. He's drawn all the orignial 4 at least once, and he'll often comment on their streams either on twitter or chat.

>> No.52414749

Pako is a based unitychad.

>> No.52414863
File: 43 KB, 680x665, 1656813335815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right but part of the problem. The industry needs to get rid of mom and dad and just call them by their jobs since no one is doing kayfabe anyway or keep it mom and dad no matter of the gender.

>> No.52414882

Holy shit half the people itt dont even know what the fuck theyre tal talking about fuck off

>> No.52414934

Pako is one of the worst fgo artists. They literally swapped out vesper with his giant chin for someone else who is known for drawing giant chins.

>> No.52415074
File: 45 KB, 438x387, 1675884005179636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been radio silent for ten months, potentially due to health reason, so she or Cover probably passed the torch over to pako.

>> No.52415135

The deadly Japanese cold strikes again...

>> No.52415215

He can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.52415276

Oh wow, pako and a male model? Damn, vesper is lucky

>> No.52415408

maybe that's what he wants. A redesign with the same image in mind isn't that bad. Looking at the current Aruran decline.

>> No.52415793

Are you on drugs? Izuru loves his mama and TCB gushes about him any chance given. Tied with Rikka as the best Holostars singer.

>> No.52415996

>Be related to Sana? YABBA DABBA DOOOOO

>> No.52416357

Can really see him loving that. Dude's desperate as hell to glue himself to the girls as closely as possible and openly hates their fans too.

>> No.52416668

TCB gushes over every femboy. I'm just salty that he isn't putting workpower into his streams and just looks at it as a hobby but then i gave up on him end 2020?2021 i dunno how much he streams right now but he was the one who only streamed when he felt like it.

>> No.52416912

There could’ve been a lot of shitflinging in this thread, but there’s so many retards and newfags embarrassing themselves that it just turned into nothing.
Anyways I’m glad that Pako can still work for Cover, he’s a good one. Even if it’s for the homos he’s better at male designs anyway.

>> No.52416969

Because as he always says his main job is music and he is always working on his own songs or the other stars songs. He does stream and these tend to be long
>but muh fps
He does stream.

>> No.52417394

Been watching him for a little over a year, he streams pretty frequently
For a while he was pretty much all solo or just with Astel, but recently he's started branching out to NeoPorte, VSPO, and other FPS streamers

>> No.52419677

>vesper embraces the oji model
>pizzaman fagged out
Imagine failing the vibe check

>> No.52419861

/pol/tranny tourists deserve a range ban

>> No.52420111

Damn, that explains why he was so schizo during the JP arc...
Time to anonymous report him to the glowies...

>> No.52420143

I couldn't be bothered to reply individually, but:
1) no wrinkles, his model won't look older or younger
2) tied with previous point, but he said that older fanart won't be invalidated meaning that his model shouldn't look too different

>> No.52420202

don't double down...
fucking embarrassing

>> No.52420546

He said no wrinkles but he did say he will be noticeably aged up. Aside from that you got everything right

>> No.52420816

My bad, prob didn't notice since I had him in the background while playing vidya

>> No.52421265

I'm out of the loop

Why are the homos getting a redesign?

>> No.52421345

Vesper's original design was kinda jank and also his artist has been radio silent for months(might be dead)

>> No.52421557

MIA, possibly KIA, and Cover can't for image reasons afford to have one of their hires orphan so Pako stepped in
That also means Pako won't get to make a new Hololive girl until Vesper graduates

>> No.52421652

>won't get to make a new Hololive girl until Vesper graduates
there are artists with two chuubas in the company under their wing, anon, so you just pulled this out of your ass
did you completely forget about Lack?

>> No.52421714

>did you completely forget about Lack?
You are asking a /vt/ sister to know about HoloJP....

>> No.52421974

Live by the bit, die by the bit.

>> No.52422186

He hates Twitter, so he usually lets his manager do the important stuff and sticks to shitposting

>> No.52422649

Did they fuck up and tweet it on Vesper’s account and not the hololive english account?

>> No.52422704


>> No.52423382

>Vesper's 2.0 is a completely new design by a different artist
>Meanwhile, for Magni's 2.0 they just right-clicked and dragged his eyes a bit closer together
I'd be pissed if I was Magni

>> No.52424389

Isn't Aruran's design just because he wants to be de-aged and Lack just has to agree
I kind of feel bad for Lack because Flare the dark elf keeps getting lighter and Aruran the old man keeps getting younger lmao

>> No.52424465

Yeah I don't really see much of an improvement in Magni's design, especially the hair looks pretty awful to me still

>> No.52424732
File: 14 KB, 344x344, 1683603241927014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually made me laugh, here have a (you)

>> No.52424742

>Pako's design
>Sana's brother now
Kronini is back on the menu bois

>> No.52425125

dumb OP aside, I'm fucking happy that my bro Pako finally has a living child again in HoloPro

>> No.52428084

fucking newfags

>> No.52428173

holy fuck another retard in the thread. newfag dramafaggots like you should be castrated.

>> No.52428222

>Tied with Rikka as the best Holostars singer
tied at 2nd place you mean. best stars singer is astel

>> No.52428591

All three of them have their merits and can be argued for the best, Astel's probably the one I'd look at you a bit funny for arguing it, though
He has the widest vocal range, but the other two have more control, and Izuru's ability to pour emotion into his singing is unmatched

>> No.52428799

Vesper og artist probably dead or something. No activity since July 2022
Magni idk prob just wanted slight changes

>> No.52429058

vocal fry is not "puring emotion" anon, it's just a quirk.
next you are gonna tell me the spic is also a based singer when all he does is kill his throat before 30s.

>> No.52429372

It aint the vocal fry man
It's really impossible to pin down what I mean because it's a really nebulous thing, I just feel way more emotion from his voice and his words when he sings than the others
I'll admit that it's way more of a subjective vibe than anything else, so meh

>> No.52429556

nothing wrong or bad with personal preference
I personally like this one in particular, and only got to listen to his version because I really like miku's melt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmaZpltEGJ8

>> No.52431121

oh my god they're making vesper black??

kinda cool
