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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52017919 No.52017919 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for Vshojo's 999 IQ super genius Henya


Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Vods - https://www.youtube.com/@HenyaVOD
Schedule - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius/schedule
Twitter - https://twitter.com/henyathegenius

Merch - https://store.vshojo.com/collections/henya

Previous thread: >>51863999


>> No.52018152

My genius adopted daughter is sleeping

>> No.52018436

I wonder how many hours of cutscenes this game has total.

>> No.52019239

when you search for ff16 cutscenes there's two vids that pop up, one is 17 hours long and the other is 20 hours

>> No.52020201

So that's why the journalists hate this game, the villain is a communist.

>> No.52020428

Finally a good cutscene

>> No.52020429


>> No.52023730

Henya LIVE with FF16

>> No.52024881

ahh i want to massage henyas cute soft hands

>> No.52025077

imagine her sweaty gamer calluses rubbing your dick

>> No.52025109

>"I had a really nice idol meeting."

>> No.52025138

Henya karaoke

>> No.52026293

Jesus Christ the speeches in this game are so dull and generic that I would believe you if you told me they were written by an AI

>> No.52026496

Sasuga! Omoshiroi!

>> No.52026750

I feel like they'd probably land better in the original English
This mixing of Japanese terminology and European setting is causing me some fierce tonal dissonance

>> No.52026899

this plot went off the rails when the big bad was introduced, now its just a comedy

>> No.52026923

I doubt it. They are still long as fuck and repetitive as shit
>hurr durr i'm the bad guy, free will bad and cynism good let's kill a trillion people for some vaguely utopic goal
>hurr durr i'm mc, hope good and i have no arguments but your plan sucks anyway so i'll fight you
It's literally the most genericass JRPG speech possible, right next to "let's kill god because he sucks or something". Do we really need like five longass cutscenes with this exact fucking exchange?

>> No.52027036

>serious noble warrior randomly becomes crazed maniac for when he hits half HP, high pitched voice, insane laughing, laughing so hard he bends backwards, etc
>after the fight he's immediately back to stoic noble warrior
where the fuck did that even come from?

>> No.52027148

I think the idea was that he stopped being so serious and depressive and found some joy/fun in fighting MC but the VA took it a bit too far.

>> No.52027167

Eh, I think performance can do a lot to salvage a plot's shortcomings
Barnabas going completely obsessive made that whole scene feel rather odd

>> No.52027217

I kinda get they were going for. with the 'mad king' character considering that his entire kingdom has been turned into crystal monsters at this point

>> No.52027415

The combat seems like an over-exaggerated mess.

>> No.52027659

I was invested in the game in the first half but checked out after that. As another anon put it, I hate how modern big budget games just feel like they’re ticking checkboxes when being designed.
Not that it matters, it’s fun watching Henya enjoy it.

>> No.52027746

its just standard JRPG bullshit, Im annoyed they baited an actual decent plot before it devolved into 'kill God'. Gameplay is just a shittier DMC5

>> No.52028787

My issue isnt even the kill god part, its the seventeen midbosses that keep being given character motivations and flashbacks and a web of connections to the other midbosses; when they should just be "big muscle man punches things and roars, whiteknight spear man has honor and serves his king"

>> No.52029072

Is it me or henya is pretty bad at the game? I see skills on the screen that she isnt using (havent played the game myself). Also i have never seen her jump ever.

>> No.52029307

>who is anon

>> No.52029359
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I am Patrick, but who are you?

>> No.52029367

The game is action heavy, so she can only allocate 6 skills from so many of them and 30 hrs gave her enough time to find her favorite skills to ignore the rest. And she jumped several times to dodge.

>> No.52029549

she was bad at the beggining, but now i think she's getting good

>> No.52029719

She was below the damage curve and now she's above it. Bosses are clearly designed to have you empty the stagger bar, wail on them, and then they phase change coming out of the stagger, going in to a cutscene or changing forms and resetting the bar. In early bosses Henya has had multiple times where after staggering a boss she needed to go halfway through a second stagger bar in order to get to a phase change, and in recent bosses she has completed phases without even staggering the enemy once - multiple times with Odin she only gets the bar to half before it transforms and resets the bar.

>> No.52029821

That might just be because she's relying a lot on special moves that don't seem to do stagger damage, like Gigaflare

>> No.52030019

somewhere, in a dark quiet closet, a stinky neet is staring at a screen and quietly mumbling the names of final fantasy spells, before squealing audibly

>> No.52030536

holy shit this final boss is gonna give me a seizure

>> No.52030595

just turn the quality down and enjoy

>> No.52030612

Man this is so epic... it seems like a parody.

>> No.52030646

so the plot is aliens drained all the lifeforce of their original planet and came to a new one, created humans and tried to drain the lifeforce of the new planet?

>> No.52030942

Remember when you'd play vidya instead of watching it

>> No.52030978

Also, who said this game doesn't have marvel quips last thread? lol

>> No.52031027

So she's at the final boss and still panic spams dodge, sasuga genius-sama

>> No.52031032

theres no way in hell I'd suffer through playing a JRPG myself

>> No.52031064


>> No.52031086

Well this combat is ass
Thr fact people will defend it but call XV trash, which it was, when it's the same shit is gay

>> No.52031087

So basically FF9, or 7th Dragon, or a number of others i hadn't played.

>> No.52031131

This is the exact same plot as FFXIII
Gods people worshipped and used to live life were planning on culling humanity to "ascend" and meet their maker

>> No.52031132

I believe that, counting extra materials (like Stranger of Paradise adding it to FF1) more mainline FF settings do have this as a plot point than dont.

>> No.52031216

I guess this truly was... the Final Fantasy X V I

>> No.52031233

Yeah but FFXIII was untold amounts of ass so nobody knows that

>> No.52031503

Why would you not translate that as I love you
They can't do anything right lol

>> No.52031625

The original and JP scripts deviate from each other a lot

>> No.52031825

ending kinda lame? cliched? No happy ending, no baby for jill...

>> No.52031871

ngl this game's writing ended up being pretty ass, luckily Henya had fun

>> No.52031905

you just have to take it as "cool giant kaiju battles also featuring people talking sometimes"

>> No.52031914

When you build up so many different plot threads and characters you're never going to be able to create a satisfying ending. See: GRRM and ASOIAF

>> No.52031942

>this dumb genius STILL has the BRB text on her end card

>> No.52032076

its a shame because it was really pretty solid up to the point where Clive had to literally fight his inner demons, then it spiraled into JRPG silliness

>> No.52032112

When he was promising to look at the moon together , i was like "oh so they are gonna be both looking at it at the same time, but not together"...

>> No.52032136

Lol nope cut to baby first
Such a strange decision

>> No.52034938
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>> No.52035969
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Good night stinky

>> No.52036884

Minecraft tomorrow.

>> No.52040067

She sounded very tired at the end. She deserves a more relaxing stream.

>> No.52040936

She'll end up playing some rage game instead at this rate

>> No.52042415

Has the TTS faggot finally run out of money to bring up unimportant shit?

>> No.52042641

Come to think of it I don't think I recall any new walls of text from the gun nut retard in a while
TTS was broken during the second portion of the FF16 stream, though

>> No.52043652
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gaming time

>> No.52043961

I’m not buying a PS5, so…

>> No.52044991

Have all henya streams been fun

>> No.52046585

Finally, /999/ can start healing.

>> No.52047244

i wouldn't call them bad, but she stays pretty quiet during big Vshojo collabs

>> No.52047285

More or less, but yes, imo she should not have streamed food videos at peak japanese cold, but I guess it was her medicine.

>> No.52048761

She will keep getting killed by creepers and endermen. I propose a more chill game like Doom.

>> No.52051427

So... when is she collabing with nazuna?

>> No.52053631

Geoguesser was comfy.

>> No.52053642

Only way this would happen is if Nazuna wanted to and asked first. Otherwise never.

>> No.52056746

She's always been like that

>> No.52057909


>> No.52059818
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>> No.52060386

does this count? though honestly, not 100% sure what it is.

>> No.52060444

Meet and greet in Taiwan

>> No.52061690


>> No.52062178

Throat feels better

>> No.52062328

>>When it's the 4th of July?

>> No.52062346

>when is the 4th of july though?

>> No.52062375

My retarded half burger daughter....

>> No.52062401
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Henya... please... for fuck's sake...

>> No.52062594

Imagine the smell

>> No.52063007

jesus she really riled up the retards

>> No.52063022
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>> No.52063079


>> No.52063096

sports has a lot of autism surrounding it, it's not too far behind /pol/ in that regard

>> No.52063114
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>I am very suck

>> No.52063255

oh no what happened just started watching now

>> No.52063262

Gosh these deez nuts retards are so anoying!
She shold shoot these retards down but she is too nice for that.

>> No.52063327


>> No.52063346
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Nothing, anon is being too picky. She just started to talk about how is divegrass named around the world a bit.

>> No.52063385

She almost triggered WW3 by asking if the sport is named football/futbol or soccer.

>> No.52064141

>meeting the vtubers in fresh

>> No.52064391

She's amused by it, if she wasn't she could easily filter the words. $5 for listening shitty joke isn't bad.

>> No.52064744

>haven't had a single ad slip through the last three days of FF16
>turn on henya stream today and get a random ad
fucking twitch jews fucking around with their anti-twitch adblock bullshit again

>> No.52064935

Seagulls are the fucking rats of the sky.

>> No.52065494

I hate when "funny" videos are a lot of food being wasted due to avoidable retardation.

>> No.52066293

When's minecraft?

>> No.52066400

She said she'd rather watch videos for now, not sure if minecraft will be later or not at all

>> No.52066452
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Oh dear

>> No.52067371

She's laughing too much

>> No.52067868

why is chat constantly sperging out about filian calling her?

>> No.52068049

Because she is calling her as part of some punishment wheel thing and her viewers are retarded

>> No.52068595

Joining mouse chan collab

>> No.52068703

Isn't it potentially dangerous to eat extremely spicy food? Also joining mouse in 7 days to die. She's played before with 3 JP chuubas.

>> No.52068788

Does Henya think she's showing the game right now?

>> No.52069271

Look at that fucking ping lol

>> No.52069313
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>> No.52069396
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>> No.52069582
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It's where all the hopes and dreams are stored. Therefore big == good.

>> No.52069796

Why can she only see her eyeballs in her inventory.

>> No.52070281


>> No.52070325
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>> No.52070788

She is Noob Saibot.

>> No.52072048

Blackface dayo

>> No.52072249
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>check mousey's channel
>find out streamer can set minimun value to hypechats (for, min for hypechat could be $100)
Well that's actually better than superchats since it avoids spam unless you are a flip, twitch fucked up and they can max hypechat for pretty much 6 burgers right now. Henya could do that if hypechats get too shitty at some point.

>> No.52073234

I doubt people would shitpost too much with hype chat when they could get TTS instead and have their message heard out loud. There were so few yesterday that I thought Twitch disabled the feature for a little while.

>> No.52073255

Yeah, Mouse had to adjust it I believe because Twitch kind of sabotaged her subathon with that feature since people kept using it the night it was introduced and there was no way for her to integrate it with her timer.

>> No.52074240

but anon the smaller the tits are the more sensitive they are. with big tits we can never hope to make henya cum just from playing with her nipples. you must stick to small tit canon for the sake of nipple orgasms

>> No.52074267 [SPOILER] 
File: 507 KB, 512x728, 108175993(87203932)_Henya_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Henya, this is the real Henya dayo.

>> No.52075752

Pa pa pa

>> No.52076605

reminder that henya streaming without wearing pants is canon. Reminder that henya is not wearing pants right this second and depending on how hot it is might go shirtless as well

>> No.52078041


>> No.52080829

my side ho haruka is here now

>> No.52082871
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>> No.52085362


>> No.52087907

dizzy dayo

>> No.52088138

How can they last so long playing? My arse hurts from imagining it.

>> No.52090356

nice to know the game still runs like ass on 7 day horde nights

>> No.52090914

Stream done. See you tomorrow. I'll take care of my daughter in the meantime.

>> No.52092627
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>> No.52094522


>> No.52098196

How can she stream so often for so long? I need some rest!

>> No.52100676

She wants to stream and doesn't have anything better to do.

>> No.52100766

Makes me wonder what she would fill her the rest of her day with during her last month and the months before the incident, in her previous life.

>> No.52101347

Vegetating, watching YT, working out, onsen.

>> No.52102426

but she doesn't go outside though. is she secretly super rich and has a private onsen?

>> No.52102690

She does go outside, just not to have fun. She goes to the convenience store at night to buy groceries, sometimes goes to the onsen to take a bath and to the gym to train her BIG BUTT.

>> No.52103993
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>> No.52104744

Her model is so good. I love her smug look

>> No.52104862
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>> No.52105837
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>> No.52108691
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>> No.52109301

You're not an E cup.

>> No.52110796


>> No.52113215
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You'll stay, right?

>> No.52114001
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No, I don't sleep enough as is.

>> No.52115568

henya on LSF

>> No.52115862

what's LSF

>> No.52115959

Lotsa spagheffi

>> No.52116152

Ah, got it. Don't care about plebbit.

>> No.52116498

But youre posting on plebbit

>> No.52116712

Are henya streams mostly in English or does she use the sacred tongue more

>> No.52116892

Mostly english. If solo she often saying things twice, once in english once in japanese. Along with short words/phrases most people know/would pick up on.

>> No.52120851

I suppose 70/30? Roughly.

>> No.52121444

Was watching a vod just now and she greeted a new sub with "welcome to the braincell". Did she drop the hentai name?

>> No.52121561

Braincells are the subscribers, but everyone is a hentai.

>> No.52121648

ah got it thanks

>> No.52124255

Was it the 4th of July thing

>> No.52124319


>> No.52124608 [DELETED] 

This brat needs to be corrected.

>> No.52128810 [DELETED] 

stream soon

>> No.52128840 [DELETED] 

T-10min til the next stream.

>> No.52129676
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Henya live

>> No.52130656

Testing you guys

>> No.52131765

anon trust me you dont wanna know

>> No.52133344

This feels like playing with my niece.
She have such a brat energy.

>> No.52133551

>henya debuts
>stare at her tits
>face and mannerisms are so cute that now I completely forget that she has her tits out sometimes

>> No.52133597

Indeed, though that boob window is still sexy

>> No.52133844

god I hate that video

>> No.52133998

It's been less than two months but I feel like my perception of her voice is already warping from "hyperactive gremlin who's just like us fr fr" to "smug brat in dire need of headpats"

>> No.52134082

Shows how important the person behind the model is. Some people say it's "different" now that she's using another name and another model. I honestly don't see it. She's still as cute as ever.

>> No.52134591

Yean, the vibe her streams have is exactly the same. If you're not actively looking at the stream, you wouldn't even notice.

>> No.52135220

It's so incredibly surface level that it actually doesn't say anything. Maybe a 13 year old would like this.

>> No.52135275

Honestly it's been the reverse for me. I started out seeing her as cute. I do most of the time still, honestly. But sometimes when she's acting mischievous and bratty it awakens something in me. In my dick specifically.

>> No.52135316

I wonder what the motive of the person who suggested it was. It seemed to me that he just wanted to fling shit

>> No.52135395

Suggested what? What are you talking about?

>> No.52135400

It's like one of the most common videos people react to

>> No.52135444

Yeah, that Americans react to

>> No.52135463

>Zen's giant fucking wooden box

>> No.52135524

Impossible to tell world history in such a short amount of time without it being surface-level. It's still an entertaining video that gives a quick overview. That's not a bad thing.

>> No.52135555

A TTS earlier asked her to watch it.

Even as a white person, that was way too European and burger focused.

>> No.52135661

???? A humongous part of the video didn't even have Europe or America in it. I think you're being really oversensitive.

>> No.52135706
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>> No.52135729

Henya didn't hate it, that's the important thing I think.

>> No.52136144

As far as I can tell she appreciated that she learned new stuff. Of course there's gonna be some yabai stuff, but can't really avoid that when it comes to history.
Feels like people are too overprotective of her at times.

>> No.52136315 [DELETED] 

Henya AKA Pickamee. A Streamer that was graduating despite the fact that nearly played Hogwarts, A streamer that has such a simp-ful fanbase that earned pity $ for being such a Heart-on-the-sleeve bulled female Vtuber.

As such, the streamer has alot of doting whales with heavy $ in their pockets that would go to great lengths to even donate entire college fund of their sons and daughters to her cause.

Surely a streamer that can use lies as a weapon and a frontal view of patheticism to appease to the wealthy whale of a fanbase she has.

>> No.52136383

trying too hard.

>> No.52136460

trying too soft

>> No.52136499

trying to get me hard.

>> No.52136527

Yes yes, we get it, it's very disappointing to you that she didn't disappear forever. You'll get over it.

>> No.52136536

trying to get me soft

>> No.52136589
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>> No.52136632

Henya already succeeded at that.

>> No.52136885


>> No.52136913
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>> No.52137063

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.52137222

>1 wide bridges over lava with no railing
What could possible go wrong?

>> No.52137362

I had a dream that Henya was in that Submarine with the other rich men and they had a gangbang before imploding.

>> No.52137721

my oshi is a crustacean

>> No.52137800

Well I was ABOUT to say "Nothing, as long as a Ghast doesn't spot her"

>> No.52137818


>> No.52138327


>> No.52138354

>You will never make love to Henya
>You will never cuddle her in bed after as she says "Stay here forever and ever"
not gonna make it bros

>> No.52138483
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>> No.52138539
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Truly pain dayo...

>> No.52138613

>I don't know a lot about all this sexual stuff
I guess it's time for me to teach her.

>> No.52138763
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Is Henya more burger or Japanese?

>> No.52138798

Japanese. Duh.

>> No.52138988 [DELETED] 

Awwww pissy mods don't like it when I tell the truth about their false idol.
Figures. You'll know she will never put out no matter how much $ you throw at her right?

>> No.52139157

If you're honestly asking, both.

>> No.52139240

definitely more japanese, but she's about as burger as you can be for someone who spent the vast majority of her life in Japan.

>> No.52139242

If she's calm, japanese.
If she's pissed or scared to death, swears better than any american.

>> No.52139263


>> No.52139414

post hand

>> No.52139447

Basically (probably) born in the US to a Japanese mom and a US dad, grew up mostly in Japan, tried to do university in the US but gave up. Her parents are divorced, but she's on good terms with both her biological father and her stepfather.

>> No.52139519
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>thinks he's exposing some kind of awful hidden truth that the very existence of streamers is only made possible by whales

>> No.52139537

>calling mario a FUCKING PUSSY at the top her lungs
I miss Mario Sunshine

>> No.52139837

someone tell Henya to cosplay as becca from edgerunners

>> No.52139922
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>sailor uniform soon

>> No.52140058
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>some people were very upset about this outfit when I debuted

>> No.52140104

I thought she wasn't using Twitter outside of tweeting and liking shit staff links her

>> No.52140358

I'm a content creator and I can tell you, sometimes it's difficult to avoid it, the stupid human brain wants that dopamine shot you get from getting positive comments, you go check, see negative comments, and the rest depends on how you react. You have to learn to dismiss haters and see constructive feedback in an ocean of shit.

>> No.52140405

maybe she caught wind of that one tweet about her outfit that went extremely viral
I still don't see how that tweet got THAT much interaction

>> No.52140451

Didn't the guy got outed as paying for likes?

>> No.52140464

She mostly does now, it seems. She might still have been using it initially and she definitely still has access to her account, so perhaps she's tempted to look at times.

>> No.52140501

Yes, and banned as a result.

>> No.52140515

Did he? Would make sense. Pretty sad that someone would go that far out of their way to shit on her though.

>> No.52140618

Some people are either very irresponsible with money and too rich to care.

>> No.52140688

She has access to the accounts and does tweets, she doesn't read replies or tags unless staff send them to her. This doesn't mean she's blocked from reading them, she's just supposed to not be going though it herself (At her own request)

>> No.52140806

Which tweet was that? I can't remember seeing anything, but then again I barely pay attention to twitter.

>> No.52140977

It was a quote retweet to one of the first tweets showing her model with some fag going "uhm was is necessary for the literal child to have a boob window" or something like that. Tweet had an anormally high number of likes, which is why a lot of people saw it.

>> No.52141013

something something "did they really need to add a boob window to a literal child"
had an extremely sus amount of interaction for a throwaway woke quote tweet, not surprised to hear it was botted

>> No.52141099

really love this whole "grown women never have small tits" insanity

>> No.52141214

I remember that one person going something like "it's not acceptable to like a person below 5 foot 6", which is most of adult women in the world.

>> No.52141388

It's almost like there's more to being a grown woman than their height and breast size.
>once fucked a 4'8 asian woman with small breasts
>tfw didn't feel like I was fucking a child at all.

>> No.52141557

>what is a only fans?

>> No.52141566
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>>What's only fans?

>> No.52141638

I know it's likely one of you so I want to stay that HenyaGirlfriendBoingBoing dude is autistic as fuck.

>> No.52141747

I had an ex gf who was small and flat and who would even laughingly tease me about being into loli because she was so small and flat, and I STILL didn't feel like I was fucking a child at all
>Another TTS essayist
Look, I can get the idea that this person was trying to explain to her the nature of western bullying. But TTS is not the way to do that.

>> No.52141866

>and I STILL didn't feel like I was fucking a child at all
Children just feel completely different. Wish these idiots would realize that.

>> No.52141920
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>Children just feel completely different

>> No.52142518
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>Children just feel completely different

>> No.52142782
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>Children just feel completely different

>> No.52142818
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>Children just feel completely different

>> No.52143411

Fatnya now

>> No.52143599

Why is she watching this? there's no fucking way she knows what Smosh is

>> No.52143661

She literally was talking about Smosh like 10 minutes ago anon

>> No.52143707

>emaciated cuck
Wasn't expecting that lol

>> No.52143713

Smosh isn't THAT old

>> No.52143763

I guess she's more of a zoomer than I thought

>> No.52143804

I don't know what smosh nor why my zoomer daughter should know about it give me the qrd

>> No.52144129

Youtube channel shared by two dudes that used to be MASSIVE with young people, they did mostly skits and meme songs.
I don't exactly know what happened to them but they started bringing in more people and apparently started losing control of their channel, plus their friendship kind of fell off, so eventually they both left the channel and it fell off hard since the content fell off hard and no one cared about the literal whos left.
Now they bought back their channel and apparently plan to go back to their original content.

>> No.52144526

one of them made a video about vtubers that was basically all vshojo and consequently befriended ironmouse, he even got a vtuber model made for the occasion
a collab might not be as inconceivable as henya seems to believe

>> No.52144549

Is the JAV pool in this video

>> No.52145764

>It's almost like there's more to being a grown woman than their height and breast size.
Crazy isn't it. It's almost like petite women exist...

>> No.52145889

Tell me how I know you're either a zoomer or a gigaboomer

>> No.52145978

I'm a millenial and I never heard of them either

>> No.52146166

Were you around on early youtube? Because if you were, it seems almost impossible to not know about shit like their pokemon or mortal kombat videos

>> No.52146543

Waiting for a day henya stumbles upon scienceclic or something like that during youtube watching part of streams

>> No.52146620

what's a scienclic?

>> No.52147008

>henya cracked her fingers
she's just like me fr fr

>> No.52147991

When something or someone causes a distraction for Henya and she doesn't react to the next few minutes of the video lul

>> No.52148008

I mean youtube became a thing and I remember watching videos on it right as it came out. I just never saw these guys.

>> No.52148277

Fair enough, but they were huge on early youtube

>> No.52149920

Is the Aunt Jemima chat a bait post lul

>> No.52151084

Stop teasing my retarded daughter

>> No.52151179

>woman dresses as a whore
>gets refused from entering the plane

>> No.52151269

Epic libertarian freedoms

>> No.52151912

Why care how she dresses?

>> No.52152214

It's indecent and there's most probably children in the plane. There's a place and moment for everything, even for dressing as a whore, and public transport is neither.

>> No.52152287

Lmao the video even mentioned SEA by name

>> No.52152635

I think children can take seeing a woman in a short top and short shorts. I really don't see the issue.

>> No.52152656

Oh dear christ that's terrifying

>> No.52152987

You must be American. How's that slippery slope working for you now?

>> No.52153017

>TTSfag shilling his fan comic
>it's out-of-character wrestling nonsense with no actual wrestling and walls of text

Some things shouldn't be advertised, TTS-kun.

>> No.52153118

Seemed like a pretty tasteless and shameless plug.

>> No.52153243

Better than the food you're eating from the dumpster

>> No.52153256

Seemed? it 100% was tasteless and shameless

>> No.52153263

I'm not, I'm from the first country in the world that officially legalized porn. I don't see someone being in somewhat skimpy clothing as an issue. Seems like a massive non-issue to me.
Isn't it americans who usually have such a big issue with nudity?

>> No.52153331

I could excuse it if it was worth the shilling, Twitter algos could bury good stuff.
It was not worth the shilling.

>> No.52153361

Eat my dick, cocksucker.
Let's let everyone use pasties on the plane, then! Fucking degenerates.

>> No.52153384

I have plans of doing a Henya fanart, but I wouldn't do that. Seems kinda tryhard to me

>> No.52153454

Nice false equivalence, my friend

>> No.52153490

I'm not your friend, buddy.

>> No.52153531

I'm not your buddy, chum

>> No.52154976
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>says pilot with the usual l replaced by r
pls no bully Henya

>> No.52155306
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>only 5 hours
Short stream today

>> No.52155466
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>all these overlays in less than a minute.

>> No.52155791

Still recovering from the FF16 marathon

>> No.52155975
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I know, I was joking, I love how 5 hours counts as a short stream for this kettle.

>> No.52157272

Yeah, especially when she streams six out of seven days a week.

>> No.52161650

What's the fanbase ratio for jp to en viewers these days? 10:90?

>> No.52163303

who knows, definitely less JP viewers, but JP viewers probably also use chat less

>> No.52165676

Watching some clip stuff of Pika's Mario 64 playthrough. Still find it interesting how different she sounded back then, but towards the end of her time as Pikamee, she sounded basically the same as now. Guess she just gradually stopped putting on a voice.

>> No.52169191

Yeah, every time she asks something directly to them there's a big surge of JP viewers responding, so there's more than it seems at a glance.

>> No.52169300

She also bought a new mic and interface sometime in-between. While the interface shouldn't really change much, the microphone definitely does.

>> No.52170475

Yeah I suspect the equipment actually made the most difference. Sometimes other streamers I watch sound like a completely different person when they show up as a guest because they're in a call with significantly lower quality.
Did she have a sound booth way back when? I figure that must make a large difference too.

>> No.52170630

I don't know really know how big the impact was. I just remember that one day there was a noticeable change and she explained that she bought new equipment. As for the booth she only got that when she moved to her current location. She used to live elsewhere, but moved closer to her family. Don't remember a change either, but accoustics should be a bit different at least.

>> No.52173735
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>> No.52173932

My stinky needs some time to relax and do pa pa pa with Rumi chan

>> No.52175558

Good for her. She was pretty obviously running on fumes last stream, she needs some time to recharge and come up with more stream ideas.

>> No.52176062

I'm glad to see the kettle getting some much needed rest.

>> No.52177267

One thing I know for sure is that her mic in VR streams sounded very different. Her voice was crystal clear and right in my ears, it did things to me.

>> No.52178879

Everyone who has played MMOs know different mics can completely change your voice.

>> No.52181864
File: 425 KB, 997x781, 1585643229538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two days with no Henya... I'm happy for her but I'm sad for me

>> No.52182331
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>Nina leaving NijiEN for personal growth reasons and not being able to deliver the content she wants
Neat. Henya needed a mother figure vtuber. See you in the fall!

>> No.52182691

if its anything like henya, more like see you in august

>> No.52183498

Niji might have a non-competitive clause or something, unlike VOMS.

>> No.52183798


>> No.52184039

Hasn't stopped Nijisanji before.

>> No.52184386

>jap company
>shady/barely legal contracts
Doesn't sound too far-fetched honestly, not even tribalfaggotry, Niji, Holo or any jap vtubing company in general could pull that shit. I mean not long ago we had fucking Wactor doxxing their own talents because "fuck your privacy, give me money"

>> No.52187371

Thank goodness for Henya, every corpo seems to have some bullshit going on except Holo, which is just sterile and stagnant. It’s nice to have ONE vtuber who I can trust to not be a cunt and have fun streaming.

>> No.52187514

Finally! So happy she finally takes a break. We might not have our kettle burn out after all.
