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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51916759 No.51916759 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, did Bao go too far here?

>> No.51917036

I mean, the people in the sub went too far as well, so...

>> No.51917349

You can only go too far making fun of a tragedy.
Losing a few billionaires isn't a tragedy.

>> No.51917718

It's based. People need to normalize this in preparation for the billionaire executions in Central Park.

>> No.51917851

Edgy. Did she have that same energy with fentanyl floyd?

>> No.51917958

>Did she have that same energy with fentanyl floyd?
Of course not, she kneeled, and I don't mean kneeled on the neck of a druggie criminal;.

>> No.51918048

It’s a tragedy when Saint Floyd and that other jogger died tho right?

>> No.51918087

>People need to normalize this in preparation for the billionaire executions in Central Park.
Antifa will be ready as the personal footsoldiers of the elite to stop the "chuds" from doing it.

>> No.51918101

Only when people die.

>> No.51918124


I love Bao, but no way she's that based


Damn i love her so much

>> No.51918152

t. whataboutism. Why can't I laugh at both?

>> No.51918217

Rich people deserve to die just like anyone else anon.

Rich people profit off those that are drones beneath them.

Its only natural. Rich people hubris needs to end and honestly I wish Bao was in that sunken submarine right now so we don't have to see her ugly face and lame GFE streams.

>> No.51918227

fucking rent free holy shit lmao

>> No.51918273

The execution was subpar.

>> No.51918312


>> No.51918360
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Holy based

>> No.51918369
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>> No.51918397

>People need to normalize this in preparation for the billionaire executions in Central Park.
Nope, Occupy Wall Streets infiltration made sure that the Billionaires are the good guys now

>> No.51918402

If rich people had just left normal people alone without forcing their faggot ideologies on everyone and buying everything up like Blackrock, things wouldn't have gotten to this point where people are having these thoughts.

>> No.51918495

Yeah, too soon Bao. They haven't even recovered the bodies/remains yet.

>> No.51918561

>recites dead leddit meme

>> No.51918599

Kys nigger

>> No.51918608

Leftoids will still larp hard as being power to the people populists even when the things they support do the opposite.

>> No.51918659
File: 39 KB, 600x600, FXKasdFakAAYtYW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left-leaning people meme'd about "haha rich people died"
>right-leaning people meme'd about "haha the CEO doesn't want to hire white guy"

>> No.51918781
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>They're both right

>> No.51919289

What about the pilot, who is obviously not a billionaire?

>> No.51919400

Its not a tragedy if it could have been easily prevented.

>> No.51919413

Hating billionaires is just an anti-Semitic dog whistle. Only nazis “hate billionaires”.

>> No.51919436

A pilot who defers safety checks deserves whatever happens to whatever he's piloting.

>> No.51919516

Mad as fuck.

>> No.51919636

Stfu faggot whistle this dick

>> No.51919689

Should I buy a Wii Bundle that is under $60? I wanna stream Metroid Prime Trilogy.

>> No.51919767

assholes wasting my tax dollars. they should charge the families. anyway, who's bao? 2view?

>> No.51919822

It's ok to make fun of darwin award level idiocy..

>> No.51919926

Some whore who does GFE for simps. No one special.

>> No.51919932
File: 2.98 MB, 745x708, sisio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pilot IS the ceo of the sub company

>> No.51920016

The politically correct term is hand rubbing gold hoarding blood drinking oligarchs.

>> No.51920054

Remember: Its morally correct to have schedenfraude over rich peoples misfortune. Especially if it leads to their demise.

>> No.51920161

Buy a trip to the sea for $250.000 so that you can larp playing iron lung instead

>> No.51920191
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it is absolutely morally correct to laugh about the deaths of idiot billionaires.

>> No.51920211

Nah I think the Wii experience would be better.

>> No.51920254

You say that like plap plap isn't a regular thing /here/.

>> No.51920347

Fap fap jizz jizz oh what a relief it is

>> No.51920363

More like ugly dogfucker experience

>> No.51920444

She can't be that ugly.

>> No.51920704
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>> No.51920761
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Yes, women can't meme
You will never get out of debt
You will never own a house
You will never have a family
And more importantly you wont do shit wagecuck

>> No.51921068 [DELETED] 

I wonder if people would joke around like this if the people inside weren't white or male kek.

>> No.51921450 [DELETED] 

two of them were shitskins though?

>> No.51921751

You have to eat the billionaires because it’s somehow their fault everyone else is a failure

>> No.51921821

fucking idiots, shame that they got imploded instead of a slow death

oh and bao is completely in the right

>> No.51921889

post net worth

>> No.51922003

wtf i love bao now

>> No.51922340

Anyone who looked at that sub and thought it was appropriate to pay $250,000 to ride it down below the point at which any mammal can survive quite frankly deserves what they get.

Darwinism in action. I'm 90% sure that sub crumpled like a soda can.

>> No.51922454

Stop LARPing as a wealthy person

>> No.51922466

I'm glad that one guy stole her money kek

>> No.51922468

>/vt/ hates rich people
>/vt/ seethes whenever I mention that I don't donate to rich whores

>> No.51922473

It's too absurd to not make fun of. As long as you aren't vehemently personally attacking people I can't blame anyone for jumping onto this

>> No.51922526 [DELETED] 

A sandnigger and his son were on the sub though.

>> No.51922530

I feel bad for the 18 year old, but I think the jokes are fair game. You can feel bad about something and still joke about it

>> No.51922611

I don't have a problem with it. It's a good song.

>> No.51922724

Yeah most of the other people involved seemed pretty deep into the rich people adventurer stuff and should have known what they could be getting into but sucks to be that kid

>> No.51922852
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Pretty much

>> No.51923028

/vt/ being anti-piracy is disgusting.

>> No.51923080

NTA, but nah. The CEO of that company was there, but there was a frog pilot, too. He wasn't the one piloting the sub. However
The pilot was a billionaire who was chairman of a private plane firm, anon. He wasn't your average pilots (who are usually rich AF, too)
Not that I agree with the "who cares about billionaires / millionaires" sentiments, though. Definitely bigger losses than five random deaths out there

>> No.51923144

She fucks dogs?

>> No.51923175

/pol/ is the other way, sir. This is the sentient Japanese cartoon board

>> No.51923224

Sounds like a good deal.

>> No.51923266

The CEO was a woketard who fired his safety inspector who warned him the sub was unsafe for being an "old white male".

>> No.51923356

you already know the answer

>> No.51923487

There is not a single vtuber billionaire.

>> No.51923512

He really likes rubics cubes apparently, probably an autist; I bet he used to come on /vt/ o7

>> No.51923594

Ogey redditor-kun

>> No.51923775 [SPOILER] 
File: 229 KB, 381x556, dollar dogger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is not a single vtuber billionaire.
oh yeah? then explain this photograph

>> No.51923816

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy because both deaths were extremely preventable, retard.

>> No.51923858


>> No.51923925


>> No.51923965

The pilot was literally a giant piece of shit who had mexican crackheads weld the sub together from junk, he was the definition of "skeevy gen x businessman who thinks he's going to go from zero to 100 with no investment and doesn't pay his workers (probably)". There are way too many guys like this nowadays thinking they're slick, they're not cutting corners they're skipping right to the ending.

>> No.51923995


>> No.51924052


>> No.51924054

only mildly amusing thing she's ever done as a VTuber

>> No.51924074

daamn, i love bao even more now

>> No.51924148

Murder vs a retard CEO who caused his own death by cutting costs wherever he could
I'd actually argue the 19 year old dying is still a tragedy, but those other old fucks should've known better, and the CEO outright deserved it.

>> No.51924230

the 19 year old who's an actual autist and liked rubiks cube and shit, only person on that steel coffin that doesn't deserve to die tbqh

>> No.51924418

It wasn't even steel, it was a shitty carbon fiber tube capped with titanium on both ends. It blows my mind that they didn't consider wear and tear after 20+ dives.

>> No.51924469

since when a 4chan user cares about people

>> No.51924518

kek, based no way that got her in trouble right?

>> No.51924578

>Person inspects the vehicle and says it's not fit to do what they wanted
>Ignore him
Why should we feel sad again? I only care because it's funny since because he is so rich he had all the resources needed to make this as safe as possible.

>> No.51924619

Fellow class member dies=tragedy
Enemy class member dies=exciting event
Easy as, now go back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.51924636

I will never understand why /pol/ tards still sore about this

>> No.51924675


>> No.51924706


>> No.51924733

~67 people die of suicide a day in the united states (the majority of them male) and I'm supposed to care about some retard who went to the bottom of the ocean after being told it was unsafe. fuck off

>> No.51924761

>I don't get how rich people paying for what is a death sentence punishment in the Iron Lung game is funny
>I just don't get it
Unreal levels of retardation

>> No.51924821

He overdosed btw

>> No.51924910

gura did stream for not even 40h this year

>> No.51924914

You gotta wonder if steel would even hold up at those depths.

>> No.51925045

Troons are included or not?

>> No.51925231

>obsessed with black drama
What about you think less about how much you hate niggas and be free from renting to them?

>> No.51925365

Yes, if constructed by people who know what they're doing. The Mir submersibles were constructed out of an especially strong type of steel called maraging steel and were rated for depths around 20,000ft. Same class of submersible that James Cameron took down to the Titanic back in the 90s.

>> No.51925422
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she didn't go far enough.

>> No.51925427

You can just google it, she even did a cosplay of herself
this anon sound like a seething indie that hate the slut whale

>> No.51925445

hiring an inexperienced pilot who bends to your will for money to cut losses because you're a stingy piece of shit is the literal opposite of wokeness, what the fuck are you on?

>> No.51925448

I dont like bao but thats incredibly based

>> No.51925645

rich people don't consider shit, once rich they start forgetting reality/nature applies to them
there's a reason most accidents involving rich people are due to not taking proper safety measures

>> No.51925808

Not hiring that white man cost him his life

>> No.51925853

I've been /here/ for a couple years now and I still don't understand how I'm supposed to be okay with making fun of an actual murder. Don't care what crimes he may or may not have done, what I saw with my own eyes is just not right. You bloodthirsty niggers.

>> No.51926037

>for a couple years
>Admitting to being a newfag

>> No.51926139 [DELETED] 

I switched back to Mouse because I don't care for Yakuza DON'T GET MAD and what the fuck is Mouse playing lmao. It looks like a fashion multiplayer game in Roblox

>> No.51926174 [DELETED] 

If the pilot was a nigger high on Fentanyl they'd be calling for a national day of mourning

>> No.51926191

yeah I'm fine with that
wrong thread

>> No.51926192

>for a couple years
There’s your issue. Lurk ten million more years

>> No.51926247

Shitting on the suicidally stupid is bipartisan.

>> No.51926274

Imagine if bunch of black gay trannies had died on that sub.

>> No.51926328

It would be 10,000% funnier

>> No.51926338

>you have to stay here longer to be racist enough to agree with us
I don't know anon, I'm not feeling it..

>> No.51926342

hopefully one day you realize that old white males with decades of experience cost a lot more to keep around working for you than young brown kids with little to no experience.

But I get it, gotta buy the bullshit otherwise your entire universe falls apart.

>> No.51926480

To be fair Harambe did set a precedent for that

>> No.51926500

There has to be something different with your brain. There are way too many people who just cannot identify even the most obvious sarcasm. And it's not just that, this is also paired with a strong impulse to post online. Maybe they feel so stupid normally, the one time they feel smarter than someone, they have to jump in and let others know. And these people can vote and hold office and do anything a normal person can. It's scary.

>> No.51926542

Firing a qualified and competent white person to replace him with a 65IQ diversity hire who gets people killed is the epitome of wokeness

>> No.51926574

>Under the sea
>Under the sea
>Darling it's better
>Dying from high pressure
>Take it from me
>Up on the shore they troll all day
>Out in Twitter they laugh away
>While we devotin'
>Full time to implodin'
>Under the sea
