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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51633367 No.51633367 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな
Previous >>51535231

>> No.51633398
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84
Nekoko Store: https://nekoko.shop/
Booth: https://mikenekoko.booth.pm/
【Original Song】drop/みけねこ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHl2-rH6GnU

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna
Shop: https://store.vshojo.com/collections/nazuna

>> No.51633447

Good night Mike

>> No.51633467
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It's over....

>> No.51633494
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Me and my wife walking towards a bright future!

>> No.51633534
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>> No.51633602
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>> No.51633688
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She's still as funny as always.

>> No.51633880

Maybe this time isn't like the other 10 times she has asked for our timezone and she realizes this is the optimal time for her streams.

>> No.51633966


>> No.51634378

vshojo was literally a slaver corp keeping this quality kino away from us

>> No.51634386

No one can shred the guitar like my guitarded wife

>> No.51634531
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Whethe she leaves Vshojo and does mike youtube full time or not i still wish for her to pop up the Nazuna model from time to time, it's too pretty to waste it away.

>> No.51634596
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This one too

>> No.51634650

we are so back

>> No.51634666

I love my cute wife Mikeneko

>> No.51634703

She said she is working hard on her English studies and I know Nazuna will not quit either.

>> No.51634742

Great stream! Very lovely intimate genki wife! Lots of cute blessed english for us kaigai chads!
I'm in heaven!
I love her!

>> No.51634764

love wife
wife love

>> No.51634923
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>> No.51635108
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Saw this cute image in the other thread that somehow is still up in page 10.

>> No.51635339
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I love my wife! I hope we get more streams like this soon

>> No.51635417

I'm glad you liked it anon, didn't see that there was a new thread.

>> No.51635552
File: 530 KB, 2151x1451, Wife Views.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admire my successful wife

>> No.51635606

Guys, please comment a lot in the youtube archive in English about how you would like her to do more streams like this and give likes to all the nice English comments so she knows about our weight and how we heartily approve her going back into youtube streams.

>> No.51635649

But she's still in Vshojo so it's not a slaver corp.

>> No.51636045

VShojo is a number of things but black company is not one of them.

>> No.51636153

If she buries Nazuna and lives on as Mikeneko only and comes back to Youtube proper and does karaoke and ASMR again that would be the absolute dream. Let's pray for it.

>> No.51636202

Don't get your hopes up. Plans for her 1 year anniv as Nazuna are well underway

>> No.51636210

Some people are in such disbelief at her success that they're accusing us of buying bots. Let that sink in for a second. It's hilarious

>> No.51636211

Please take in nazuna as your daughter like Tamaki is norio's son

>> No.51636309

I mean it's catalogfags. I personally find diagram a tad bit weird, but there is not sufficient evidence. In either case I'm happy for you, keys

>> No.51636342
File: 423 KB, 900x900, FvC7dATaUAY0Hdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can seethe and cope however they want, I'm just happy we got such a nice stream

>> No.51636372

i always tweet instead of leaving a comment, should really get into the habit of doing both

>> No.51636442

>Reply to any of her Tweets
>Tweet yourself if she makes a Tweet that has replies turned off

>> No.51636446

i am every single viewer

>> No.51636502
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>> No.51636568
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I can feel it. ASMR on the menu again soon.

>> No.51636569

Unfortunately, she just got lucky. She will deliver another APEX in Nazu, as she always does.

>> No.51637825

I am happy for her success today, but I think her CCV will be around 5-8k if she starts streaming regularly

what do you guys think? can she main this high CCV?

>> No.51637848

you're forgetting the good morning, goodnight and random tweets

>> No.51637889

Cute wife. Good stream. Love wife

>> No.51637907
File: 745 KB, 4096x3130, 1592116875333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill numberfags. Behead numberfags. Roundhouse kick a numberfag into the concrete. Slam dunk a numberfag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy numberfags. Break a numberfags dick in half. Launch numberfags into the sun. Stir fry numberfags in a wok. Toss numberfags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a numberfag gas tank. Judo throw numberfags into a wood chipper. Twist numberfags heads off. Report numberfags to INTERPOL. Karate chop numberfags in half. Curb stomp pregnant numberfags. Trap numberfags in quicksand. Crush numberfags in the trash compactor. Liquefy numberfags in a vat of acid. Eat numberfags. Dissect numberfags. Exterminate numberfags in the gas chamber. Stomp numberfag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate numberfags in the oven. Lobotomize numberfags. Mandatory abortions for numberfags. Grind numberfag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown numberfags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize numberfags with a ray gun. Kick old numberfags down the stairs. Feed numberfags to aligators. Slice numberfags with a katana

>> No.51637925

If she actually comes back properly and streams as just Mike on YT and it's basically like how it used to be as Rushia then yeah she could be 10k+

>> No.51637944

Sincerely i would very happy for her even with like 4k viewers average (which is more than enough for a successful indie career and like top 0.1% of streamers).
6k average would be the dream for me because it would mean i would never have to worry about this again and all the dark times are probably over.

>> No.51637974

Fuck Twitter.

>> No.51637977

she's even allowing clips
we're healing bros

>> No.51638191

We're reaching levels of healing previously not thought to be possible

>> No.51638294
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>> No.51638493
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>> No.51638531


>> No.51638552


>> No.51638596

What if she started doing lewd ASMR, would you still be okay with it?
She would not just hamu your ears but actually lick them
She would not outright bluntly say it, but she would clearly simulate handjob sounds and end with a countdown and some pew pew sound
She would also slightly moan in your ears and tell you to keep going and stuff like that

>> No.51638701

Nobody is accusing HER of doing anything, really, but the CCV graph is certainly suspicious. She probably realistically only topped out around 5-6k.

>> No.51638769

Deet's salary money

>> No.51638792

She already said she won't be a lewd channel, the way she normally teases us is probably as much as we'll get
I don't care anon, shoo

>> No.51638902

It's so obviously not botted. The only people pushing that argument are butthurt VShojofags and Marineschizo, who hates literally everything she does and will invent anything to make her look bad.

>> No.51638984

Pal, even vsj fags don't care. I don't know why you still are trying to provoke anyone. Keep this in catalog

>> No.51639046
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>he thinks it was bots

>> No.51639071

She also said she would never collab with any men

>> No.51639118

all those bears? thankfully not me
kill all bears

>> No.51639135

Even if it was botted, why would anyone do this now? It’s clear that everyone wants her on YouTube but botting her viewers was never in the question. Her other streams weren’t botted but why this fotm game? Even then she’s shown to be capable of getting these viewers naturally in her first few mikeneko streams. I’m sure 10k would be normal for her if she tried to keep a consistent schedule since she’s an entertaining streams already

>> No.51639176

Long time no see, coomer asmr anon

>> No.51639246

Not that guy, I just want more ASMR and wouldn't mind slightly lewd one cause she's seriously sexy.

>> No.51639282

She has gotten 13-15k in other recent streams you're not complaining about, she has recent vods with 200k viewers which are consistent with someone with this ccv

>> No.51639303

The entire argument about why it was supposedly botted is that "we're trying to 'trick' her into quitting VShojo".
Why would you believe anyone who says this sort of thing seriously?

>> No.51639384

I am not expecting her ASMR notice. She keeps giving me notice over and over again and then immediately gets cranky for one reason or another and keeps postponing.

>> No.51639385

Vshitjotards are desperate to not lose another member

>> No.51639440

Have you looked at this thread or the last one?

>> No.51639460

Would like it, but at the same time I want to support her enough that she doesn't feel like she needs to go down that path. I doubt she'd ever do the second half anyway when she literally just got embarrassed over making kissing sounds.

>> No.51639536

i've only donated to twitcasts this month so i can leak the messages

>> No.51639649

Leak her mengen content faggot I triple dare you.

>> No.51639660

kill all deerts

>> No.51639729

Cute stream.
Cute woman.

>> No.51639749

I'd love that but let's be a bit more realistic with those possibilities. The first half has some air of possibility at least.

I genuinely hope this new Youtube era goes full throttle. Twitch is so annoying

>> No.51639800

wow, why did you idiots think i am deet

>> No.51639850

Yes Twitch chat outright insults her. Not even trolling just downright call her names.

>> No.51639884

Botted stream.
Vshojo won.

>> No.51639976

the funniest thing is that we don't even need to do anything, VShojo does enough on its own to convince her to quit

>> No.51639977

Twitch has done nothing but bring suffering to her. Vshojo is the last place she should be, she wants to be an idol and she is an idol. It's like putting a pretty rose in the middle of a swamp and wishing it good luck. She has no one there other than the snake that even dragged her into the swamp to begin with and tried on multiple occasions to make her collab with men.
Please God let her leave and make it so it goes over in peace without much fuss.

>> No.51640083

VShojo won. Even the holofags agrees with us. She wishes every everyday that that she could work under Hololive again.

>> No.51640170

Was there ever any doubt?
How is this a victory for Vshojo, I don't get it.

>> No.51640255

The anti bots broke.

>> No.51640366

Cope Mikeneko stayed loyal.

>> No.51640768

She met with kson. After a calm discussion, she will stay in Vshojo. I am very happy for her.

>> No.51640853

Then she went home and streamed Only Up as Mike and realized how much better everything is on Youtube, so she called kson and said "sorry I can't do it after all, I miss my real fans too much". I am very happy for her.

>> No.51641436
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Ezekiel 33:12
"Therefore, son of man, say to your countrymen, `The righteousness of the righteous man will not save him when he disobeys, and the wickedness of the wicked man will not cause him to fall when he turns from it. The righteous man, if he sins, will not be allowed to live because of his former righteousness. '

Mark 13:26
“At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens."

>> No.51641721

Is this true, Keybros? I thought you were all ripped sigmas who could hatefuck me until I pass out.

>> No.51641784

Drop it.

>> No.51641792

There is enough time for me to become a ripped Johnny Bravo in time before she meets me in person
I'll start tomorrow

>> No.51641873

I could literally lift my wife above my head with little effort and shoulder press her several times.

>> No.51642102

ok *drops it like it's hot*
A 40kg OHP is pretty average desu

>> No.51642362
File: 42 KB, 350x582, lahaye1728figures142isaiahvi1lordonhisthronemed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John 3:14-15
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man. that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Isaiah 53 3
3 He is adespised and rejected of men; a man of bsorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we cesteemed him not.

>> No.51642439

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53 5

>> No.51642444

Hello, i came back, did mike turn into favelaneko?

>> No.51642499

I'm pretty sure she's more than 40kg, but in that case, I could also barebell curl my wife for reps

>> No.51642544 [DELETED] 

Isaiah 9:6-7
For a child has been born to us, a son given to us, and the authority is upon his shoulder, and the wondrous adviser, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, called his name, "the prince of peace."

Isaiah 7:14
therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: the maiden is with child and she will bear a son, and will call his name Immanuel. By the time he learns to reject the bad and choose the good, he will be eating curds and honey.

Isaiah 53:5
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

>> No.51642643 [DELETED] 

The ascension of Isaiah is a topic that refers to the Gnostic elements in a pseudepigraphical Judeo-Christian text called the Ascension of Isaiah. This text is composed of three main sections: the Martyrdom of Isaiah, the Testament of Hezekiah, and the Vision of Isaiah. The Vision of Isaiah is the section that contains the most Gnostic features, such as the description of the seven heavens, the descent and ascent of Christ, and the dualism between God and Beliar.

>> No.51642702 [DELETED] 

The Ascension of Isaiah is important for several reasons. First, it sheds light on the development of early Jewish and Christian beliefs about the nature of God, the structure of the universe, and the role of good and evil. Second, it contains some similarities with Gnosticism, a diverse religious movement that emerged in the second century AD and challenged orthodox Christianity. Third, it provides a source for understanding the New Testament, especially the writings of Paul and John, which share some themes and concepts with the Ascension of Isaiah, such as the descent and ascent of Christ, the contrast between spirit and flesh, and the idea of divine forms and appearances. Fourth, it preserves a legend of the martyrdom of Isaiah, a major prophet in the Hebrew Bible, who was allegedly sawn in two by King Manasseh for his faithful testimony.

>> No.51642913

Actual mental illness.

>> No.51642998

I'm pagan. Fuck off

>> No.51643004

Don't worry about it, he's harmless.
Preferable to many other schizos too

>> No.51643032 [DELETED] 

I'm mythicist therefore pagan too.

>> No.51643082

This is the guy that goes to pick fights in catalogue threads and brings schizos here so actually he is not harmless.

>> No.51643152

what a funny way to write zionist

>> No.51643238
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>> No.51643361

Hello menheras

>> No.51643392


>> No.51643548
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>> No.51643574

she is a very cute girl

>> No.51643595

That's the Chilean guy

>> No.51643735

You talk like a shonen jump character.

>> No.51643869

I am a shonen jump character

>> No.51643897 [DELETED] 

If you mean the Gospel of Marcion which was written by Christian Jews. I reject all organized religion as I believe it is servant to Demiurge rather than the suffering servant. However I'm syncretic and I have no problem with organized Christianity in fact I require Christianity to exist for my mystery cult to function.

>> No.51643942

reminder to report off topic posts

>> No.51644428

list on topic subjects

>> No.51644473

wife, how much you love wife, how beautiful wife is

>> No.51644501

My wife's enormous boobs that I will be able to feel (on the mousepad) in 3 months

>> No.51645027 [DELETED] 

Reminder that you got cucked

>> No.51645057

No, I never have.

>> No.51645086 [DELETED] 

God and his son doesn't give a shit about you white boy nor the fake jew. He only loves the children of Israel.

>> No.51645715

12659 seems to be the final figure of what she reached
I'm proud of my wife

>> No.51645970


>> No.51646415

is it really gonna take that long? I thought I would have it this summer. oh well

>> No.51646474
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>> No.51646549

what about the legally jewish

>> No.51648322

Yeah this is definitely bots. And not subtle ones.
Show me a 12k streamer that tops out at 270k vod views. That's how much Matsuri gets playing Apex.

>> No.51648949

how would Mike fare against the puzzles in Zelda?

>> No.51649385

well, thank you for weighing in, new IP
we can all rest easy knowing that you, new IP, have weighed in
finally, someone with authority, someone with expertise, new IP on an uzbekistani carpetcleaning forum, has stepped in to render judgement
we salute you

>> No.51649527

Why is it so important to you that people believe her obviously botted numbers are real? Did you buy them?

>> No.51649637

because you're full of shit
go be full of shit in the numberfag thread

>> No.51649678

Why is it so important to you that people believe her numbers are botted?
actually curious here, do you have nothing better to do than raid other threads to start shit?

>> No.51650352

>That's how much Matsuri gets playing Apex.
why even say this when anyone could easily open her channel and see thats not the case

>> No.51650433

I am a regular poster in this thread. And I am concerned by her botted numbers for reasons that are so obvious that it's tiresome to even state them: botting can lead to retaliation against her account, it could be a fan attempting to manipulate her or an anti trying to sabotage her, etc. Normal, sane fans do not want their oshi to be botted.

>> No.51650534

Your certainty that they are botted doesn't mean they are. Take your meds.

>> No.51650538
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>> No.51650599

If it's botting then obviously I want whoever is doing it to stop, if it's not botting then I'm happy for Mike.
what else can you do? it's not like we can track down the person who would be doing it

>> No.51650756

>12 hour endurance where she collabed with multiple people
now post the other APEX streams

>> No.51651094

There are two simple reasons that make it the overwhelmingly likely conclusion:
A) The graph is insane, a gigantic plateau topped by a sine wave, and
B) They are 2-3x her usual numbers, for no reason.
If you actually trust those numbers I don't know what to say to you, you're just not a reasonable person.

>> No.51651283

Fair enough.
How about instead you post me a 12k streamer that tops out at 270k for model debuts?

>> No.51651619

Cherry picking a 11:30 fucking hours stream like you don't know that longer streams get more viewers. Also leaving out the 1 hour segment she did after this which btw has only 54k views.
I look up some of her other 1 hour VODS and they all have less than 5k viewers for a less than 50k views maximum.

>> No.51651754

something tells me this guy doesn't know much about numbers
well, that's /#/ in a nutshell though kek

>> No.51652314

Okayu has often around 10k viewers average and gets less than 200k vod views in most of her streams streams.
Korone, the same (a couple thousands more), and both stream for way longer that Mike.
Is it really that difficult for you to admit that she still has many people interested in her?

>> No.51652422

I think she could do well in a 2D zelda game and even enjoy. But she says it's not her thing.

>> No.51652448

>a gigantic plateau
bro, 9k people joined over 15 minutes, that's not that bizarre for someone with 836K subs
>for no reason
streambait game causing her subs to click into a mike stream for once, and she was in a really good mood and in top form, so they stayed until お礼タイム
there's no point to what you're trying to push except to delegitimize the idea that she can improve her CCV by changing her activities, which is something only an anti would do

>> No.51652712

I know she said that, but I think TOTK could scratch that open world game itch that Elden Ring did for her, while also not being anywhere near as difficult.
I hope she gives it a try, but honestly I'd take any game (except APEX) as long as she starts streaming on YT more consistently again

>> No.51653569

That's not what I asked. Both Okayu and Korone have some recent streams with over 1M vod views. For mike you have to go back over a year to get those numbers, (and, by the way, she really did have 10k+ back then, though one of those 1M view streams topped out at 7-8k. I remember, I was there.).
And yes, it is very hard for me to "admit" she has magically doubled to tripled her viewership while mostly doing nothing for a year.

>> No.51653759

She didn't tripled her viewership, she has other completely legit recent streams with a higher CCV maximum and she used to get around 11k as Rushia.

>> No.51653948
File: 312 KB, 1506x833, 092389578234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro, 9k people joined over 15 minutes,
Six minutes. And then left over six minutes at the end. https://www.vstats.jp/video/t2-vgS7SbsQ
>that's not that bizarre for someone with 836K subs
Yes it is.
>there's no point to what you're trying to push except to delegitimize the idea that she can improve her CCV by changing her activities
If you say so. I am more concerned about what you're trying to push by denying there's even anything suspicious about this.

>> No.51654116
File: 84 KB, 1340x779, 4892897230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has other completely legit recent streams with a higher CCV maximum
Yeah and here is what the graph for that stream (singular). Can you spot any difference between this and the graph here >>51653948?

>> No.51654188

Once again, the seethe from vsj about this stream has been fucking delicious. And we haven't even got to the official contract cancelation announcement yet.

>> No.51654211

you are comparing an announcement and a gaming stream

>> No.51654455

She must have met with kson, discussed her concerns, and finally made the decision to enliven kson and Vshojo. It is a very wonderful decision.

>> No.51654544

I will never understand numberfags

>> No.51654649
File: 709 KB, 1351x1416, 349823478234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are her other two most recent streams, neither of which were announcements. You'll notice neither of them include 9,001 people both joining and leaving over 5 minutes and the topline number fluctuating in a sine wave. This is not normal.

>> No.51654678
File: 882 KB, 1200x1600, 20230519_164923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife showed her true strength on YouTube! I love her so much!

>> No.51654729

Anyway, I know whatever fag botted her is here and I just want to tell you that you should kill yourself.

>> No.51654909

I am looking forward to the APEX Gold endurance of Nazuna!

>> No.51655001
File: 959 KB, 3775x2894, 20230612_131446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Mikeneko was rewarded for her hard work on YouTube! She's the best! I really love her!

>> No.51655297

if you're a thread regular, why are you replying to one of the 5ch retards always shitposting about her staying in vshojo for another year?

>> No.51655374

It was meant for the post above that.

>> No.51655418

keep seething numberchimp

>> No.51655424

Seething antis after a good stream.
Classic lol
You retards never disappoint me lmao

>> No.51655486

The success of YouTube, in other words, will make Vshojo more likely to keep her around.

>> No.51655569

>implying they have any say
when are you going to fuck off, ガイジ?

>> No.51655582 [SPOILER] 
File: 676 KB, 840x1083, 1685381517404700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed stream blessed stream blessed stream
love wife

>> No.51655614
File: 399 KB, 1712x2894, 20230601_140910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikeneko love! Mikeneko feet love!

>> No.51655627

>mikeneko after being filled with wifeposts

>> No.51655632

What i see is her getting 9k viewers in around 10 minutes. Btw, the start of the stream (since you don't watch them, you only jerk off over numbers) was essentially a loading screen over some of these minutes instead of going straight to the content.

>> No.51655725

My prediction is right. I am sure she will make Vshojo a long lasting success for my good friend Kson.

>> No.51655795

that second one
>18:05 2731
>18:15 6883
is that not the same thing your butthurt about just on a smaller scale

>> No.51655846
File: 243 KB, 1581x1380, 20230613_150352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikeneko is my lovely wife!

>> No.51655923


I love my wife

>> No.51656145
File: 909 KB, 1624x900, Fy66bDoaIAEEnOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51656441

I don't care what you see. At 23:19 she had 3307 viewers, at 23:26 she had 11559. At 01:33 she had 12346, at 01:38 she had 2883. None of her other graphs have these massive rises and drops. None of them fluctuate in a sine wave after reaching peak. You are either totally deluded or outright lying.
If the graph simply included a big jump in viewers at the beginning, instead of both that AND a similar drop at the end AND a sine wave in between, I would not be complaining. After all, a big jump isn't weird. Having an a glaringly obviously botted graph is.

>> No.51656951
File: 199 KB, 1170x2048, Fm5jz8caUAI6141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51656990

dude fuck off already

>> No.51657100

I will fuck off if anons admit she was botted. I'm not going to pretend that it's actually fine if people do something that could get her channel banned.

>> No.51657162

bro you're going on a crusade on fucking 4chan
there's nothing that you or anyone here can do about it whether you're right or not
you're just stirring shit

>> No.51657507

If you say so. Personally I think someone doing something incredibly malicious and potential damaging to mikeneko is worthy of discussion on the lumina thread on 4chan, even if no one can do anything about it. Nobody could do anything about nanase either but that didn't shut down discussion about him a year ago.

>> No.51657596
File: 51 KB, 1066x800, 60f8578f0eb2b999449b3a9107cd9cb1025de797d822c163e4646dda4c2c0fb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51657627
File: 92 KB, 819x1200, Mikeneko Bottomless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to state how amazing today has been between her being in top form for the stream and vsj + antis openly seething about it.

>> No.51657678
File: 120 KB, 954x1216, 37c027f1ff588b5b3540705ef824f012d36d7317c7d9358c427bc54ec8507027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51657686

Ignore the trolls. It's actually fine if mikeneko's Youtube gets banned, we'll always have twitcast.

>> No.51657828

It really is shaping up to be an all-time great day. She was cute and her numbers straight up snapped some brains in half.

>> No.51658064

Seethe more lol

>> No.51658068

Eh, I was actually surprised how little our thread gave a shit. Kinda proud. It's your problem at the end of the day whether she was botted or not. I'm personaly somewhat happy for you keys

>> No.51658283

She really isn't botted lol
That was just her normal number of viewers before.

>> No.51658352
File: 624 KB, 1518x800, IMG_8009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife had an amazing day today
And I hope she gets all the rest she needs
>me in her arms

>> No.51658577

Well I didn't think, personally, that there is sufficient evidence that she was botted, so I will take your word for it

>> No.51658591
File: 1.34 MB, 2500x1454, 1648718769393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she finally fully healed, she can easily take her glory back.

>> No.51658635
File: 184 KB, 1000x1000, 0b4216eb884d8089e1a096ac4e4e754e7414e01eaf4db37de9cdacc5585562d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51658692

First of all, it's obvious to everyone that she lost a good part of her core fanbase. If she gets the same numbers as before the proportion of tourists is way higher. So the game start, i start paying attention/the game part ends, i exit the stream differences are way higher.
Second, since you didn't watch the stream she in fact had it planned to start at 23:00 but as you can see in the graph she started at 23:07, and youtube isn't reliable enough to count all the previous waiting viewers and also doesn't count "non-active viewers".
So Takeshi looking at other youtube videos while the stream starts and listening to when the game segment starts to start watching actively is going to enter here (and that's when it starts to go up highly). The difference in viewers could very well be lower than graphed.
Third, japan and other countries were buffering during the stream as commented here >>1628974 >>51629029. The game also has highs and lows. If you fall is going to take you some time to get back to a position where the stakes is higher and is natural for some of the viewers to stop watching actively for a moment until she gets back.
Fourth, once fucking again, she got higher than that numbers in recent streams that you aren't complaining about. "HOW COULD SHE GET 11K" in good circumstances is not unimaginable for her.
Fifth, i've seen many holo streams with this average and her chat speed sounds in the same ballpark as them. You would have to admit her getting at least 6-7k viewers.
And that makes it into the bigger question. Why the fuck would she bot her stream when she's already getting a healthy 6-7k viewers playing a game?

>> No.51658759

Oops. >>51628974 is the correct link

>> No.51659155

I think the argument was that Mike fans were botting the stream, not Mike herself.
However this entire botting argument rests on the idea that Youtube's API was actually returning the correct figures for live CCV. This is retarded because we all know how jacked up Youtube is. Any numbers returned by the Youtube API should be taken with a massive boulder of salt.
Personally, I find it way more likely that Youtube is just shitting itself rather than there being a cartel of people botting this particular stream. If the stream really got botted, then why was it this stream in particular? Antis wont have an answer for this.

>> No.51659165
File: 275 KB, 1000x1000, 1e84dedfc1ffdb926a4eb180cc7adf4af585fd325fad4796ed66e7f7e59c5a0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51659223

That's the thing, why would a fan bot this random game stream and not any celebration, announcement or special camera stream?

>> No.51659328
File: 343 KB, 2048x2048, 319b34c5711ae7ec54265df390facbaad3e51acc29fb4247bde37c85bf66997f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51659466
File: 5 KB, 733x393, 289348928734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you show me one other stream, from anyone, where viewership looks like this?

>> No.51659568

Why are the Youtube glitches that look exactly like a cheap (~$20) botting service localized entirely to mikeneko's channel?

>> No.51659601

lil bro has been seething the entire day about this lol

>> No.51659662
File: 311 KB, 1560x2000, a657e34bcfdd90fe8669109ac07ce343fe6b1a1ba446638eabad9bbf61618444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51659711
File: 318 KB, 1500x2153, 7f7f52927bb4fd1bd5eb94a0879fbd7526c1563f5d8f29f9ae58d41f93298507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51660048

Mikekeko was AMAZING today.

>> No.51660099

I will stay loyal to this beautiful woman forever.

>> No.51660100
File: 327 KB, 1178x900, e497df8499a3a24f347f2321e270992032d35b7fbcddc0ea8de1d7bfba1c7c0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51660262

I know you can only see drawings but this is very poor drawing. I check the graphic and in the way up every the slope for every minute tick is different, it's not a straight line. The problem is with the page for only giving information every minute.

>> No.51660663
File: 381 KB, 2400x3027, 6da8e151a7c89ac399bebe6dc4ff80af6a2932e79b4baedf112b4bf616909a06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51660829

What kind of regular thinks our thread is called Lumina?

>> No.51660891

It is.

>> No.51660919

The problem is not that the lines are too straight.

>> No.51661081

Yes, I was a big fan of famous VTuber Uruha Lushia too

>> No.51661126

i want to clarify that like a tenth of bearposts at absolute maximum belong to me

>> No.51661166
File: 748 KB, 849x1200, 686898675436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucia my beloved...

>> No.51661350

She is literally LITERALLY named after Lucia butterfly.

>> No.51661407

bears this bear that...

>> No.51661478

I know right? it's unbearable

>> No.51661751
File: 388 KB, 1331x900, fb04a7e5f84ffe1b86739116ee5f481fbda4c5afecc07810936f4bc538d90140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51661825

Seething because of numbers.
I'm sure the retard will die from heart attack because of excessive seething when she finally reclaim her SC Queen seat lol

>> No.51661864

this bear mauls numberfags

>> No.51662460

Because the real challenge is to surpass it.
And I know that my wife can do it.

>> No.51662751

once she begins regularly streaming on Youtube, the superchat count will be extraordinarily high

>> No.51663420

She's capping herself with guerrilla twitcast at graveyard shift hours with occasional youtube celebration and maybe a game. Also no utawaku because ?

>> No.51663901
File: 830 KB, 4842x2724, chevylumina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51664277


>> No.51665299

This is awesome news, she found a different way to get her adrenaline fix. I glimpse from this tweet that she's not doing another youtube stream today though.

>> No.51666309

hope you left a comment cuz she's giving hearts

>> No.51666529

Ahh, i got one but youtube didn't want to notify me.

>> No.51667381
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IS TO GO....

>> No.51669054

My wife lived again.

>> No.51670199

I want her to do lewd ero asmr but only in members and noone talks about it
the coomer demographic is bad news bears, but her ero asmr would be kami, so it must be kept secret

>> No.51671128

I'm not a fucking coomer

>> No.51672455

I'm a bear
I drink milk
I eat avocados
I work at Starbucks
I love Vietnamese girls instead of Mikeneko
I watch Towa's streams and enjoy male collabs
I am Nekofami.

>> No.51672831

You're Japanese liberal
You attack nationalism
You support Korea
You enjoy watching the girl you love getting fucked by an old Korean man NTR

>> No.51673922

Never forgive what bears did to this thread and to Mikeneko

>> No.51674592

Ahh I finally understand what you guys meant by bears:
"Bear is a gay slang term. It describes a hairier and/or heavy-set gay or bisexual man.
A bear typically projects an image of rugged masculinity. Some bears present a very masculine, over-the-top image of a ruggedly masculine man.
Bears also exhibit masculine behavior comparable to romanticized brotherhood, often engaging in masculine hobbies such as outdoor activity, sports, and gaming with others from their community in a romanticized fashion."

>> No.51674643


>> No.51674745

"Bears are carnivoran mammals of the family Ursidae. They are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans. Although only eight species of bears are extant, they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern Hemisphere. Bears are found on the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Common characteristics of modern bears include large bodies with stocky legs, long snouts, small rounded ears, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five nonretractile claws, and short tails."

>> No.51674929

That's not what a bear is at all KEK

>> No.51675039

Idk, I trust Wikipedia on this

>> No.51675177
File: 626 KB, 814x730, IMG_7968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pathetic nanodesu

>> No.51675219

>simple wikipedia
Are you retarded or just ESL? Let me help you out.

>> No.51675413

I really really love the indonesian language. It's my favorite after Japanese.

>> No.51675673

Nah, it just gave me a more concise version of the wikipedia one.

>> No.51675825
File: 320 KB, 456x453, 3892346891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simple english wikipedia

>> No.51677602
File: 333 KB, 888x895, 96101348_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51679003

This is exactly what we mean when we say bear.
There is no other possible explanation.
You've uncovered the truth.
I am in awe of your terrifying intellect.
Sugoi, even.

>> No.51681081
File: 324 KB, 690x950, 102490009_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51682355
File: 1.30 MB, 1483x2241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51683994

wife love

>> No.51684885

Kissing my lovely loving wife all over

>> No.51685866


>> No.51685974


>> No.51686448
File: 223 KB, 1431x976, 1648571136225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world

>> No.51686624

Mengen Youtube!

>> No.51686692

Mikebotters blowing their salary on making her leave the ”black company”

>> No.51686836

She'd be leaving without that stream, EOP
This bot rrat is a Devil's Proof

>> No.51687073

Cope and seethe, retard lol

>> No.51688109

Cute wife (Mikeneko)

>> No.51688611

going full on damage control for your employer. huh?

>> No.51688941

I don't love Mikeneko but i love (You) anons

>> No.51689160

you are a bear

>> No.51689510

She should just play Spiderman so she doesn't have to worry about falling back to the bottom of buildings in this game and starting over.

>> No.51690769

I can feel it...we're healing...

>> No.51690990

Because it's the first YT stream after she streamed on Twitch as Mike. JP people were NOT happy about that, and a lot of the reactions were "see? Twitch is dumb, stay on Youtube"

>> No.51691321

Never thought I'd agree with the Japanese, but I do. Just this time though.

>> No.51691385

>JP people were NOT happy about that

>> No.51691394

My wife loves me, even though I'm a menhera (volume 1 going on sale Fall 2023)

>> No.51691498

So who do you think botted the stream?
A jap or westerner?

>> No.51691571

>eating the "IT'S BOTTED NUIMBER SISTERS" stop

>> No.51692044

It came from his 300% most trusted source...
>the gas from his ass

>> No.51692076

Cute wife cute stream
Happy wife happy life

>> No.51692114

It's definitely suspicious but one should not point fingers without proof.

>> No.51692668

There's nothing suspicious there.

>> No.51693519

Daisuke was disappointed that he could not renew his membership.

>> No.51694775
File: 2.72 MB, 3084x2068, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51696183

I love my girlfriend wife!

>> No.51696259

If she keeps up the high quality of YouTube streams and avoids dumb yabs, she should be able to start acquiring new JP fans and convert them into Gachikoi, we might be able to solve the issue of her remaining JP fans being shit

>> No.51696268

How is Nazuna doing?

>> No.51697021

Nazuna idk but Mike is doing really well recently, thanks for asking!
That would be great. A couple more big spender gachis (if they're overseas unicorns better) and 2-3 consistent fan-artists more and we're set.

>> No.51697470

This bot rrat is ending up getting her banned.

>> No.51697533
File: 247 KB, 404x1000, IMG_7284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superchat storm every time mike goes live is always great to see

>> No.51697567

Her calling them ochabakus several times was pretty funny

>> No.51697855

The japanese reaction was "4chan is being retarded again kek us 5channel chads are better than 4chinners btw i love daisuke"

>> No.51698121 [DELETED] 

Daisuke said, "Are you okay...
You're definitely going to look at her in an erotic way..."
I'm not in the fan box, so I don't have the details.
I don't know, but it sounds like there was some kind of erotic update.

>> No.51698176

if only daisuke could afford a rope

>> No.51698246

Japs think they have hidden information by reading from まとめ sites with clear biases. They are addicted to reading these compilation sites without realizing they are being manipulated.

>> No.51699400


>> No.51699471
File: 903 KB, 868x1228, 83122380_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51701118
File: 183 KB, 1522x1184, FaczKjMacAIgRn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51701134
File: 939 KB, 846x1200, Maid Bikini Wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51703362
File: 628 KB, 850x1200, 100801058_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51705286

Antis seething Mikeneko is still a holo idol.

>> No.51705384
File: 890 KB, 1562x2500, Stylish bikini wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51705675

>Mikeneko is still a holo idol
If only...

>> No.51707384
File: 19 KB, 455x364, IMG_8103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me when Mikeneko does any sort of irl stream

>> No.51708822
File: 132 KB, 1270x914, FZ-uToLXoAIOPYX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51709009

Once a Holo, Always a Holo even if her character got terminated. Her spirit is still Rushia.

>> No.51710261
File: 955 KB, 2036x2880, 1686348643539443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True but also once a Vshojo, always a Vshojo.

>> No.51711702

She wasn't really a VShojo even in VShojo.
Mikeneko is Mikeneko. Rushia was Mikeneko. Nazuna is Mikeneko. The ideal state of her is her best state as Mikeneko, which would mirror her best state as Rushia and her best state as Nazuna.
She definitely has the potential.

>> No.51711831

>She wasn't really a VShojo even in VShojo.
Of course she is.

>> No.51711972
File: 65 KB, 750x883, 1632142149237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've felt more at home in the last two streams than ever
hopefully she keeps this up

>> No.51712141

Even the actual VShojo fans noticed how she stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the other girls. Not even as an insult or a compliment. She was different. She did her own thing. She followed restrictions and rules that only made sense because she wanted us to be happy. We tried our best to support her in return for this.
We had fights, issues, arguments, some people left, others stayed. But that's what a relationship is about. The future looks brighter than it has for quite some time, and I want to experience this bright future with her and with no other girl

>> No.51712341

All of the Vshojo girls are very different from each other, including Nazuna.
Just like she'll always remain a Holo she will also always stay a Vshojo.

>> No.51712510

She has discussed this with Kson and will remain at Vshojo, and we look forward to seeing what she can do in her second year!

>> No.51712725

new vsj cope just dropped

>> No.51712781

If that's a cope then once a Holo always a Holo is even more of a cope.

>> No.51712910

the vshojo cope changes from "she's not leaving" to "we want her to leave anyways" to "she'll always be one of us" lol
wonder what's next

>> No.51712948
File: 170 KB, 850x1202, wife and a cute tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop gagging on bait and post Rushibutt

>> No.51713003

That poster isn't a VSJfag. It's some butthurt longterm anti seething over people being fond of Rushia.
It would not surprise me if it was Marineschizo himself

>> No.51713007
File: 372 KB, 1500x2000, 1613156903308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713060
File: 154 KB, 850x601, Tired wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713074

No I'm not. I'm perfectly fine with people being fond of Rushia.

>> No.51713106
File: 176 KB, 850x1202, wife in a swimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713146
File: 2.44 MB, 4093x2894, ExUtsRmUcAAybHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713150
File: 215 KB, 850x850, Christmas wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713208
File: 378 KB, 850x557, Wife making a loveheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713271
File: 141 KB, 850x1315, Get married to wife wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713328

What was unfortunate for Nazuna was that he had no interaction with Nanakagura at all. Despite being a popular V, her name was removed from BIO and she was more friendly with Nazuna of Vsupo. I have never seen such a lack of interaction between a painter and a V. Nazuna was always lonely.

>> No.51713337
File: 502 KB, 661x1226, My cute wife on a bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713338

I was always saying that she should do what she wants to do. If that's leaving Vshojo or staying.

>> No.51713344
File: 2.59 MB, 1700x2392, 1620412132973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713392
File: 211 KB, 850x1202, My cute wife in her underwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713451
File: 187 KB, 729x1155, My wife's sweaty legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51713453
File: 309 KB, 850x1212, 1629676253184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713493
File: 755 KB, 850x1133, Wife bum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713629

>the vshojo cope changes from "she's not leaving" to "we want her to leave anyways" to "she'll always be one of us" lol
All of those opinions at once. Surprise, we are not a hive mind. Just look at any /vsj+/ thread.

>> No.51713691
File: 98 KB, 1200x1600, 1613929678724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713891
File: 688 KB, 850x1124, Delicious wife food and some dumplings and meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51713925
File: 506 KB, 675x1200, 65443357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51715518

It is pitch black. You are likely to be mauled by a bear.
