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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 20 KB, 240x160, Battle For Aurorai proper 12_05_2022_1686541310992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51420085 No.51420085 [Reply] [Original]

Thread IX

"Small bakery pls andastand."

Previous >>50747268

Schematics: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QO6FX0jzb12VneywMF83UMmuX01Yj3tMUzixs2VRtx0/edit?usp=drivesdk

Lore: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zh5C-kHbTcUAV2D0N2a00w0f681iBObOp33SHElBWDU/edit?usp=drivesdk

>The Nations

>Polaria: where most of the cast come from. The main nation of the story. Home to the human population of Aurorai, although all cultures have a history of settling here.

>Savan: an expansive tsardom reigned over by Queen Botan, the Lion Queen. Has a brewing coup composed of people not happy about the Queen's rule and looking to use the war to their own favor. Home to anthromorphic peoples.

>Nero Eterna: a nation where dark magics are practiced rampantly. Is currently divided between supporting Negazion or Holopolis. Beings like demons and reapers inhabit the land.

>Cita Azul: a city-state known for maritime trade and fierce sea warriors, primarily the Houshou Pirates, an honorable pirate brigade. Waterbased people like the dwindling former denizens of Atlantis also call this place home

>Jour de Nuit: the city where elves and other humanoids with light and neutral alignment people live. A country steeped in the many traditions of the kinds they house, they now face a capable threat in Anakondia

>Stadt Des Feuers: an island state where phoenixes and dragons live in seclusion. Kiara and her Fighting Phoenix Brigade serve as the state's military, along with Coco's personal brigade, the Dragontail.

>Blancopolis: a theocracy ruled with an iron fist. It's leadership has lambasted the Order(aka the main cast) openly over having male Guardians and has sided with Negazion on the promise that they will have free rein on the new Order.

>Anakondia: A relentless archipelago nation ruled by snake women. It's leadership is determined to take over the Order of Guardians by any means. When underhanded tactics failed and the invasion of Negazion began, they invaded Jour de Nuit.

>Negazion: A barren island kingdom, they made do with what little they have and has devoted most of it's population to being the military. Conscription was compulsory under the rule of Vermel Darkstar, and stringent military training is a must in this harsh island

Alpha 1.5 version rolling out!
[Changes: Flare is now a Soldier, Ch4 can deploy everyone now]
[Mistakes: Every archery-related text referring to Flare, Shion may deploy without her prf and vulnerary, Noel portrait in Sora+AChan support]

>> No.51420121
File: 16 KB, 240x160, Battle For Aurorai proper 12_05_2022_1686502557268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New recolor for T1 skellies

>> No.51420164
File: 16 KB, 240x160, Battle For Aurorai proper 12_05_2022_1686502128723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New recolor for T1 zombies

>> No.51420195

OP pic, L-R:

(You), Shinove, A'chan, post Ch4x.

>> No.51420370

Not sure what exactly this is but it looks cool so thanks for sharing OP

>> No.51420483
File: 565 KB, 1036x1012, AHHHHHHGGGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been curious about this for a while so finally gonna check it out(tomorrow)
lessee how you did OP

>> No.51420517

It's my Holo x FE project of sorts.

It goes beyond being a reskin, its a whole other game entirely. Original story, class revamps, new classes, weapon revamps, new weapons...

>> No.51420539

Picrel gonna be a valuable unit, that much I can tell (you).

>> No.51421971
File: 28 KB, 240x160, Battle For Aurorai proper 12_05_2022_1686541411621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanki reunite...sorta.

>> No.51423413

Page 10 again due to catalogslop...ugh.

>> No.51424317

Doing all I can to stay afloat amidst generals and catalogue bait

>> No.51425768


>> No.51426424
File: 1.07 MB, 1988x2048, 1678602242717987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ is the last place I expected to find an FE8 rom hack. Very cool anon. Can't wait to see how this develops.

>> No.51427702


>> No.51427732

Picrel is our Gotoh.

>> No.51428582
File: 29 KB, 240x160, Battle For Aurorai proper 12_05_2022_1686498658132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big bad tin man.
The name is Vermel.


>> No.51428615

Page 9...again...

>> No.51428727
File: 82 KB, 241x190, reinhardteyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic rel is my face when finding this thread

>> No.51429213

who's the lyn, who's the kagetsu

>> No.51429775

Havent got to that yet but possibly Regis for the Kagetsu part.

For the Lyn part
Engage version: Enma
Home gane version: Ayame

>> No.51429886

Glad I bumped it long enough for you to encounter this.

>> No.51430654


>> No.51430967

When's the best time to bake a thread, as a SEA baker?

>> No.51431598

Just post and repost whenever

>> No.51431747

Its demoralizing getting your bake sunk by seethe, bait, and drama threads.

>> No.51432388

Looks neat, I'll check this out later. How far along is it?

>> No.51432551

Up to Chapter 7 (including 4x and Prologue), for a total of 9 chapters.

There's a 7x. It's playable, can be ended by seize, but everything isn't in place yet (you get a new gal and an S-rank sword)

>> No.51432617
File: 20 KB, 240x160, Battle For Aurorai 06092022_1656922760248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a peek.

>> No.51434061
File: 198 KB, 694x1062, FZCpdGUXkAAG-E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stars included
Interesting, keep up the good work anon.

>> No.51434366

Yeah, one too many of either gender gets boring.

>> No.51434615

So, swapped out Flare from Archer to Soldier, and now she comes with a Toxic Lance, Short Spear and Vulnerary.

Thoughts? /hag gave me the answer I needed on where to put her and since we dont have a Soldier early game...

Roberu is the other, in Ch13a or Ch14b

>> No.51435276
File: 25 KB, 240x160, Battle For Aurorai 05232022_1654013079442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General! Noel.

>> No.51435452
File: 24 KB, 240x160, Battle For Aurorai 05232022_1654013084733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GK! Noel.

>> No.51436333

Aum staff!

>> No.51437061


>> No.51437317
File: 98 KB, 536x672, 1680463366615792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm yes, very nice...

>> No.51437415

Can you release all the sprite portraits you've done so far in png? And with all different states of animation of those portraits please? The talking.

>> No.51437477

Unfortunately, they're all either in my dead laptop or need to be extracted from the ROM via Builder...

And I'm on mobile...

>> No.51437520

well you don't have to do it this second but that is the coolest thing you've made so far. Showing them off would be best for you.

>> No.51439306

This actually looks pretty good

>> No.51440805

Seconding about the spirtes. Recolors of tiny units isn't noteworthy.

>> No.51442823

bumpin for great feudal justice

>> No.51444158

Good work

>> No.51447232

What the fuck is this

>> No.51450221

Trying it out now
provoke is a perfect skill for aruran kek

>> No.51450238

a repackaging of a Fire Emblem game to be about hololive. Shame they could never play such a thing on stream.

>> No.51452776

Fuck Nintendo

>> No.51453509

I mean any game company isn't going to allow a corporation to emulate.

>> No.51454117

Shit. I haven't played FE8 in forever. This looks promising.

>> No.51456342
File: 149 KB, 1614x2147, bfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, played up as far as there currently is in the game, and here's my 2 cents.
>Spritework is very, very solid, especially the portraits. Very well done on them. (I'd recommend giving Izuru's portrait a bit of a rework, though, he's not very recognizable as-is.)
>Game balance is solid and fun, never felt too overwhelmed but wasn't a huge breeze either.
>Lore is fun and enjoyable to see, looking forward to seeing it implemented in further updates.
>Writing is VERY dry so far. I understand it's a Fire Emblem-based world, but it'd do well to give characters a few more snappy, quippy remarks here and there, some moments designed to give you a chuckle. (I expect more supports will rectify this in the future, though.)
>I definitely recruited Shion in chapter 4 and I'm pretty sure she didn't die(I was fast-forwarding through enemy phases so I MAY have missed it but I don't think I did), but I didn't have her in my barracks afterward? Sucks, couldn't recruit Ayame because of that either.
>Aruran and Temma can't promote? Guessing that you just haven't made battle sprites for them so it hasn't been implemented yet.
>Picrel in the post chapter 5 cutscene.

All in all, very good work so far. I look forward to seeing this flesh out from you over time, this'll be a lot of fun and a nice trip down memory lane for the GBA FEs.

>> No.51459545


>> No.51461666

With the development of AI voice, making gta with holo voice is possible. Can this game do the same?

>> No.51461788

Also saves your more fragile units, like Ina or Shion.

>> No.51461852

And this is where Lex enters the scene...

Once I finish the whole thing that is.

>> No.51461971

This is a game with no voice as lil me have no time between this and doing household chores sifting through streams for suitable voices unlike Besto.

>> No.51463484

Can I grind a lot to steamrolling the rest of the game? If I like a heroine in later chapter can I use her ealier in ng+?

>> No.51463841

Not the OP but as a FE veteran I can already tell what the answers likely are
1. It's possible to grind by spamming arena battles in whatever chapters the arena is in, yes. Kind of ruins the experience of the game, though, but if that's what you want to do, more power to you.
2. Game almost definitely will not have NG+.

>> No.51466655

Yup, what anon above said.

Not sure how could I implement ng+ even in Lex...

>> No.51466674

OP, how many deets can you give us on some of these different classes and what they do/promote to?
I'm curious about
>Dark Maiden(Choco)

>> No.51467027


May have missed some erase commands in Builder or just bugged.

>Aruran/Temma promotion
People promote on Lv12, not 10 here. This is because they learn another class skill at 12 and I dont want people rushing promos only to miss a skill.

This was my compromise between early promote and late promote styles.

Yeah, you may have ff'd a bit too much, to miss a whole section to her dying. Follow the Turn 2 advice from Noel.

>> No.51467183

Got in, thanks for the Shion info. I'll be more careful next time you update it.
For the promotion thing, though, I know about the level 12 thing. Temma was level 12 and couldn't promote with a Knight's crest, and Aruran I tried all the way up to level 17 with the Hero's crest and it was still a no-go.

>> No.51467626

Am OP.

Legionnaire: Halberdier. Soldier T2, along with Trooper. Like Swordmaster, it gets +15 crit, along with Zerkers.

Desperado: new Merc T2. Ranger is Archer and Skirmisher(not yet implemented Nomad)exclusive now.

Dark Maiden: new generic staff user that promotes to either Sorceress(INF, Staff, Dark, Light) or Shadow Wing (FLY, Dark, Staff)

Adventurer: unique class for Kiara. Uses swords. Promotes into Risen Phoenix(unique T2: FLY, sword, anima) or Hero.

Captain: unique class for Marine. Wields swords. Can promote into Armada Captain (unique T2, INF, sword, axe + waterwalk) or Desperado.

>> No.51467715

Something is indeed wrong...
And I dunno what exactly

>> No.51467853

Oh and:

Princess: for now its a T2 class with very, very fragile bulk but alright offenses. You'd only deploy her to summon LuKnights ala Douglas from FE6 Project Ember.

>> No.51468179

Cool, thanks for the info. These classes seem pretty cool, excited to play around with them.
I'll offer my two cents on one class thing, then:
Following your google doc, it seems a bit strange to have a Desperado(Shien) and a Hero(Shinove) recruited at the same exact time as a Mercenary(Oga). Like, Oga's clearly set to get completely overshadowed by the other two.
If I have a suggestion, make Oga a Brigand and swap Mercenary over to Axel earlier; that way, Axel gets a couple of chapters to stand out on his own as a Merc, and Oga doesn't immediately get benched in favor of the two pre promotes he comes with.

>> No.51468951

Or perhaps move Shien up? Like his canon, he has a mafia, named the Jackals here. They're the Rennac, pay if recruiting with Sora/(you), free if with Botan.

>> No.51469427

Even if you moved Shien up, it wouldn't quite solve the problem of Oga coming in alongside a pre promoted T2 version of him; if anything, moving Shien up would make it worse, as you then have even more time with the other promotion option, thus making Oga even less enticing to use.
The best thing to do for balancing would be to either change Oga off of Mercenary to something that makes him stand out more or move HIM up earlier.

>> No.51470271

What about shifting Shien to Ranger? Since he also does fps...

>> No.51470430

Hmm, move Oga up? Possibly to 12? For stats, he's essentially Dieck/Gerik but brown demon.

>> No.51470506

Haven't seen these threads in a while.

Meant to suggest changing A-chan's title from "Grand Advisor" to "First Peer".
Can be interpreted both as a flowery/archaic rendering of "Friend A", and as a title meaning the highest-ranking member of the peerage.

>> No.51470812

>Captain: unique class for Marine. Wields swords. Can promote into Armada Captain (unique T2, INF, sword, axe + waterwalk) or Desperado.
Dig up an old meme and name her pre-promote class "Bandit".

>> No.51470878

Shien as a ranger would work if you either make Oga:
>come as a Desperado
>come entirely ready to be promoted
to make him stand out from under Shinove.
Moving Oga up to 12 would do a bit more to help him stand out a bit, but imo it'd still be better to change a couple classes around to reduce the redundancy of having too many Mercs/Heroes/Desperados
Of your two ideas, I'd say switching Shien to Ranger is the better one.

>> No.51471076

>>51470878 (Me)
No reason you can't both make Shien a Ranger and move Oga up earlier, though.

>> No.51475715

I like this game so you got another person keeping this thread alive now

>> No.51475739

Was kinda demoralized...

But Grand Advisor was because she's essentially King Yagoo's right hand.

Kinghand, mayhap? To take inspiration from GoT aka Song of Ice and Fire?

>> No.51476055


Or was it from her mobile game parody short?

Previous code: doxx4, accidentally switched lol

>> No.51476225

Thanks. Would appreciate somebody else baking too.

>> No.51477021

I'll keep a note doc with the bake and break it out in case of emergency. One more consistent thread means one less thread for shitty bait, so happy to do what I can.

>> No.51477559

Highly appreciated! Indeed, combating catalogslop is one of my goals too making this.

>> No.51477585

So this is the kind of play once rpg like trails series then. I'm shit at keeping units alive so I need grinding

>> No.51477985

>play once rpg
I wouldn't quite say that; in FE games, it's really not feasible to use every single one of your units in one playthrough. So, the game is instead more designed to be played multiple times, using different characters each time you play it.
This entry in particular lets you "promote" (most) units to 1 of 2 different promoted classes, allowing for you to mix and match how you want to build your team. For example, one playthrough you could make Noel a general, an extremely high defense/bulk unit with low mobility and speed, but on the next playthrough you could go for Great Knight, sacrificing some of her bulk for a little more speed and mobility.

>> No.51478727

Never played an FE game in my life but this looks fun so here's a free bump for (You) OP.

>> No.51478866

Thanks, kindly.

>> No.51479232

Looks cool OP, gonna try it out. I like the fact it isn't a skillbloat FE8 hack.

>> No.51479284

I'll keep bumping but I want those sprites.

>> No.51479441


I hope you're fine with generics by endgame having 4 skills. 5 on bosses/playables and possibly 6 on bigger bosses.

>> No.51479537

I'd much prefer if you made something like an SMW hack instead. No vtuber is going to play some crusty FE hack.

>> No.51479610

Not anytime soon though, gotta get my newly-acquired laptop to be fixed. That'd probably be a few threads later at least.

>> No.51479652

It wouldnt be just an FE hack, as the version I'm submitting would be on Lex and more unique...hopefully.

>> No.51479668
File: 127 KB, 720x1440, 1686640861317802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should use The Last Promise FE7 models. That game was a full-experience and a half. Maybe you can ask the devs to reuse their assets? The custom animations there were pretty amazing.

>> No.51479758

The problem with that is TLP defo has more males and my project has more females.

Most of the custom assets there are male. Most of my units are female.

Currently, I get stuff from the FEU anim github.

>> No.51480400

That's alright with me if it's on endgame. I'll try it in a few hours and give feedback on the gameplay. Are you developing for a specific emulator? Something about VBA-m can fuck up animations and crash the game.

>> No.51480462

not OP but I've been playing on mGBA and I haven't had any real crashing problems(except for the opening cutscene of ch 7x, which is fair imo because it's newer content)

>> No.51481349

Bumping with a question: are the characters currently in the schematics all of the characters that will be in the game, or do you plan on adding any more?
I saw in an earlier thread you were asking about more thief units, and I think the obvious candidates would be Zeta or Uyu, but they're not listed so I wasn't sure if you were willing to put them in.
(Also was surprised at how few JP1 units are listed. Maybe could add Foobs as a Skirmisher or something?)

>> No.51481448

Nope, I am not. I just build on Builder, das it.

>> No.51481588

Planning to add Aqua soon with Flare being reclassed to Soldier, so possibly. Foobs is NPC and we'll see her after 7 (for now she's Ismaire with white hair and dress lol)

I considered Zeta but I ran a poll between her, Anya and Kronii on my Discord server and Kronii (pegasus knight) won with double the votes over Zeta and poor ol Anya got none.

>> No.51481667

Wait, I think I have an idea...

Aki instead of Fauna for 7x. Comes with Acrobat as prf so she can slide through terrain ez. Balances old vs new reps a bit more fairly too.

>> No.51481770

(me) Also, more hags for /hag/

>> No.51481857

Apparently, the strat is bake in the afternoon, bump it to high hell till you drop in the evening till the pepes from other areas of the world notice.

>> No.51482284

7x is just playable and nothing else. No proper begin and end scenes, no proper map events and certainly no S-rank sword. Most S-weapons will be on a gaiden, without the annoying FE6 turn requirements this time.

The only exceptions are the gaiden you didn't get in your route which will be carried by the gal you didn't get in your route [either Lance (A) or Light (B)], the one you get after beating the big bad tin man with Caellach's face in 23 (Dark) and then Irys spawns with the S-staff, which is named Caesura, after her song.

>> No.51482909

That's fair. My only other proposed solution for your "lack of thief classes" problem is, for Marine's promotion options, to replace her Desperado option with Rogue, which I think would still fit pretty well.

>> No.51484128
File: 60 KB, 1617x1080, stronkitalian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with my stronk Italian (by the end of chapter 7)

>> No.51484916

He will have competition soon in the form of a certain blue comet who I plan to be basically Pannette.

>> No.51484933

When Marine was starting out, viewers teased her that being a pirate without a ship meant she was just a bandit

>> No.51485037

Daggers vs axes...interesting choice. Bear in mind tho that in-game, daggers are still considered swords, unlike in Elyos.

In this game, only Assassin and Rogue can wield daggers. They may have shit mt, but really low wt and ignores DEF. There are 4 and soon 5 of them:

Dagger, Toxic Dagger, Refined Dagger (1-3 range, but weaker than regular dagger), and Double Dagger (brave dagger)

Soon, they'll be joined by the Baselard, a melee dagger effective vs foot units. All of em. Phys, magic, armor. If you wanna tank dmg from this, get an animal.

Code: tnyty

>> No.51485064

I see.

Well then, Bandit for T1, Captain for T2.

>> No.51485205

Update on this from my end:
I went into chapter 7x and leveled up a few units.
The Knight Crest did not work on a level 12 Noel or a level 12 Flare.
Strangely, though, a guiding ring DID work on a level 12 Pekora.

>> No.51485697

one last bump before I sleeb

>> No.51486098

What did you make Peko? Advocate or Sage?

>> No.51486376

I went Advocate, but doesn’t really matter cause next update I’ll probably be starting over from square 1 anyway

>> No.51487304

I lied

>> No.51487928

Man, strongest thread ever so far.

>> No.51488068

Based using the old model design instead of the new texture-less shonen look.

>> No.51488443


Axemen tend to be older men anyway. Dorcas, Nolan (my model for his growths), Wade, Lot...

Also, axeman in a coat? Only in Aurorai!

>> No.51489532

Bifrost staff!

>> No.51489706

I hope there will be difficult moral choices like Shura one in conquest

>> No.51491445

Pekora seems an obvious pick as Thief (or maybe Trickster)

>> No.51492987

I was leaning into her "war crimes" side more as seen in picrel, and there's no early light mage. High luck and ok skill bases and growths will be a blast.

Unfortunately, Trickster isnt a class I plan to get.

>> No.51493030

How about robbing graveyards before the robbers do? It was my solution to the dreaded item hunt in the desert chapter.

>> No.51495181


>> No.51495976

And again!

>> No.51497110

Keeping thread alive for the sprites

>> No.51497355
File: 5 KB, 128x112, Sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may actually have a few but just the static portrait.

>> No.51497396

(me) the raw file, rather.

>> No.51497495
File: 4 KB, 128x112, Enma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51498445
File: 4 KB, 128x112, Shion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51499836

And yet again!

>> No.51500584

Requesting immediate bump. Or a new bake.

>> No.51502219

Generally looking at the schematics, the typical outline for character classes seems to be
>two characters as the T1 unpromoted class
>one character as one of the T2 promoted classes
Which works solidly and is similar to how FE6 did it, which is a good thing
Only concern there, then, is that Shamans are a bit overrepresented in this case. Plans are for 3 shamans(Ina, Mio, Magni) and 1 druid(Laplus).
I get that the reasoning for that is to make classes more accurate for their characters. I think there's a chance Mio could be adjusted to Mage, though, and then Reine down the line could be changed to something that's lacking class representation, perhaps?

>> No.51503077

Looking more closely and going more off of my post here:
Here's my proposed list of changes:
>Mio to Mage
>Reine to Cavalier
>Polka to Thief(or Rogue)

Mio getting changed to Mage is, as described, due to the overrepresentation of Shamans and dark magic; Ina can't really be switched off, as that's spot-on for her character, and Magni's in a tight spot as the only other option that might make sense is for HIM to be a mage, and then you're stuck trying to figure out what to do with Vesper.
Mio as a mage, though, still fits with her "mystical" character with tarot and such, and she wouldn't be stepping on Shion's toes too hard; to equate it to a different FE game, Shion would be the game's Lugh while Mio would be the game's Lilina.

Then, you need to switch Reine off of something to preserve that class balance. I didn't think Thief was a good fit for her, so I looked at other characters to see if anything could get switched around.
I think Thief/Rogue would be very fitting for Polka, as the acrobatics of her being a circus clown fit way closer to the likes of Thief or Rogue than being a Cavalier. That then puts Reine in the Cavalier spot, and I think that works for the more regal, chivalrous image of a peahen. Could even step it up and make her come as a Paladin, if you so chose.

>> No.51504619

I think Mio fits as a Light Magic user well enough.

I kind of like the idea of Laplus as a promoted Dracoknight. Seems fitting for her to brag about her strength when really it comes from the dragon rather than herself. Also horns.
And assuming Lui is a flying unit, this would let the two stick together easily. I forget how affinities work, but can Laplus be designed so that she relies heavily on support bonuses to function?

>> No.51504766

Not OP, but I don't think there's a way to make her heavily reliant on support bonuses just to do her job. What you could likely do, though, is give her a skill that gives her way MORE buffs from being near a support unit, which is kinda similar to what you're thinking.

>> No.51505435

>What you could likely do, though, is give her a skill that gives her way MORE buffs from being near a support unit
Make the skill separate from the support mechanic (e.g. "+1 damage for each adjacent HoloX member"). Laplus already has their obedience, and then optionally learns to care about them as people.

>> No.51505804

>Lui: Eye of Horus - adjacent allies get +2 Skill
>Iroha: Shield of Horus - adjacent allies get +2 Def
>Chloe: Feet of Horus - adjacent allies get +2 Speed
>Koyori: Cloak of Horus - adjacent allies get +2 Res

>Laplus: Crown of Horus - receives triple the normal benefit from allies' "Horus" skills

>> No.51507645

>Rescue staff to page 1

>> No.51510395

Iroha and Koyori aren't planned to get in as units, according to the game's schematics, so idk how feasible making it "HoloX member" specific would be.

>> No.51512675

probably the first FE game I'll play where I'll use my favorites instead of just "the best units" lmao

>> No.51515231

jus bumpin

>> No.51517375

What support conversations are currently implemented? I unlocked a couple, but they didn't have any dialogue; one of them just skipped straight to unlocking the C rank, and the other wasn't edited yet.

>> No.51521375

not till I get my questions answered

>> No.51524441
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Also, any chance of Tenken Yozora(Temma's sword) getting in as a prf?

>> No.51526242

On that note, how are prfs being handed out? Will there only be a certain amount or will just about everyone get one?

>> No.51529787

Cool bumps, OP. Just so (You)'re aware, the current board speed is pretty ordinary. To keep a thread alive around the clock you'll want to attract at least a couple of international fans. It probably isn't worthwhile if you don't have daily progress. Keeping the gdocs updated is probably more important.
Don't rebake unless it actually falls off the board (or is on page 10 and has reached bump limit). There are no real upsides and sometimes people will get upset.

>> No.51533407

Most of the bumps are me not OP kek
imo better this thread stays alive with few updates than more catalog bait garbage

>> No.51536082

Lui would be indeed a flier. A griffon knight, with lance and bow (and possibly her whip as a prf lance)

>> No.51536289

Nothing. Focused on making an actual game before supports, sorry.

Supports are a whole other beast tho. There are some planned controversial ones...

Flare+Aruran (Lack siblings), Noel+Temma (knights), Botan+Shien (wild beasts)

>> No.51536373

Just a certain amount because the rom can only support a certain amount and I cannot safely touch certain spots. For now, that blade is represented by an Iron Blade.

>> No.51537976

Fair enough, game first, supports after makes more sense, I'll look forward to seeing how they pan out when the time comes.

>> No.51539834

Also, fun fact, most affins arent complete fanfiction.(except for Enma and Jenma later)

I used the western FE7 version of affinity and then cross-referenced it with their birth month. That's how I got their affinity.

May and March are Wind, therefore Sora and Miko are indeed Wind.

>> No.51540409

I don't remember the answer to this question I made in one of these threads so I'll ask again. Can I marry the Suisex?

>> No.51540495

Looking at the schematic page, the avatar character does not have a Suisei support planned, no

>> No.51540618

Anon... TLP was done by one guy, and GBAFE is all pixel art and manual keyframe animation. Also that hack is fucking ancient now and modern hacks blow it out of the water on every axis except chuuni cringekino nostalgia.

>> No.51540807

Targeting emulators is not really a thing in GBAFE modding community. Most people can't code and the hack authors just pick and choose from existing patches. Writing and design are the hard parts anyway.

>> No.51540992

I see Reine as the older, for-hire/mercenary type pegasus knight (like Farina).

>> No.51541136

Actually I'm pretty sure there are patches for the weapon lock system that should give you a lot more flexibility. That said, from a game design perspective, spamming prfs is not as cool as it sounds.

>> No.51541736

I have that already, I'm wary of the sheer number of items I've got with my introducing not only more prfs but more weapons like the Lance/Axeslayers, the daggers...

>> No.51541972

OP how would you feel about
>Mage Mio(reduce number of Shamans)
>Thief Polka(more thief classes, Polka fits as a Thief very well)
>Pegasus Knight Reine(fits bird theme and character)
>Paladin Azki

>> No.51542230

>>51541972 (me)
or wait, making Mio a Mage gets rid of the 3 shaman+1 druid redundancy but makes a 3 mage+1 sage redundancy so never mind, that's not much better

>> No.51542571

My personal opinion on the matter is, it'd be cooler to have prfs that are weapons that actually belong to the chuuba(i.e. Tenken Yozora) instead of seemingly random prfs that aren't really part of the chuuba's lore/character itself that you have planned(Black Pitchfork-Towa, Diva Blade-Azki, Commander's Lance-Astel)

>> No.51544031

OP I'm hyped about this shit. How do I get in your discord server so I can contribute more this is cool and I want to help with organization and stuff

>> No.51545926

Meh, keeping Mio Shaman because she has more Con+Speed than Ina. Same with Magni too, being the balanced+high weapon rank option.

>> No.51545990

Diva Blade is the one thing there I didn't make up. There's one video of Azuki in her second outfit using laser blades, its in the official Holo site.

>> No.51546042

Yeah, I realized that's fine, no real problems there.
I'd still like to propose Thief Pol, Pegasus Knight(or Falcoknight) Reine, and Paladin(or Cav) Azki
Honestly didn't know that. That's some crazy long mind-reach you got to know about that in the first place.

>> No.51546080

Agree on making Pol Thief. If I had the ability, I'd make her a Xane, who can copy anybody from your team on the field. (But only gets currently equipped weapon and just reverts back to her original form if hit.)

Azki...hard choice between more cavalry or more flying, now that Kronii has entered the fray.

>> No.51546151

Well, it's moreso that I'd suggest between Reine and Azki, one should be Cav and one should be Flier.
I don't really see the connection with Reine and Mage, and another Mage is kind of less useful than another Cav or Flier.

>> No.51546239

>I don't really see the connection with Reine and Mage
Her official lore is her being a magic user from another world.

>> No.51546307
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Huh. Well shit, you're right.
In that case, I guess I'd keep Reine a Mage and then make Azki a cavalry of some sort to replace the lost Pol cav.

>> No.51546560

(Me) Reine's bio did specify she was experimenting in a school of magic before getting isekai'd.

Also, did a thing for the normal hits and mage/sage runes:

Hit graphics: green: toxic weapons, white: silver weapons, violet: anti-monster weapons, red: killer weapons

Runes: orange: fire, yellow: thunder, blue: ice, green: wind, Shion prf and Shion thunder: violet (cuz Mage of Violet lol)

>> No.51546592

Yep. I primarily use their official lore while supplementing their stream lore/memes

>> No.51546983

Looking at it again, though, how would you feel about making Reine a Troubadour or a Cleric instead of a Mage? The healer side of things is a little sparse, with one cleric, one troubadour, and one missionary, compared to a whole 3 mages and a sage. Lore just says she was studying at a magic academy, not precisely which type of magic she was studying.

>> No.51547094

Bro, your Choco?

Besides, I dont think Reine's fit for a healer role...all that sharp attitude and tonjok shenanigans.

>> No.51547136

Right, forgot about Choco.
Well, guess it's not a big deal. I guess I just got autismo brain wanting to round out the class selection more lol.

>> No.51547586
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hey, I'm in the game
Looks good anon

>> No.51549314

Ok, OP, I CAN confirm this time, I started a new game and in chapter 4:
>I did recruit Shion with Sora on the very first turn
>Shion did not die
>After chapter 4x, Shion is not in my army
So, something's really damn weird here. Is there something extra I need to do, or is this, in fact, a bug?

>> No.51549395


Welcome in, fellow Beat!

>> No.51549490

Definitely a bug. And not of the red kind either, if you get my drift.

Critique is appreciated, because here, it gives bumps lol. But yeah, its a balancing act between giving them accurate classes and having a diverse selection of classes.

Initially, the cast was lopsided in favor of swords, anima and dark. Everyone was either a swordie or magic. I'm really thankful Noel, Gura, Calli, Suisei and many others exist.

>> No.51549582

I'm interested in getting a page of all the character's base stats and growth rates at some point so I can calculate out their average stats over the course of their levels lol
Likely won't change who I use, but I'm just curious

>> No.51550372
File: 85 KB, 654x730, suebof9q8392q0x7gi4j39qhe84k6593430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to it anon. I shall drink my ale in anticipation.

>> No.51550932

Would probably be another tab or an entirely separate file.
