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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 399 KB, 750x622, FD37BE25-E5D9-4DD2-9E9F-23891725CF14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51238005 No.51238005 [Reply] [Original]


>you know I try… to not bring this to out, as something that does bother me.
>I guess bothers big Ina, is the fact that… I will be talking about something and..
>Out of nowhere you guys will just, one or two people in chat, will sidetrack into…
>you know.. try to bring things back to… yabe stuff
>and I dont really appreciate that.
>:Are they wrong though?:
>They are! Because im trying to talk about one thing and you guys are trying to be like OMG INA IS SO YABE AND SO LEWD OH MY GOODNESS
>Like dont… its very mentally tiring

Takokeks, your response?

>> No.51238062


>> No.51238110 [DELETED] 

You know what would actually be mentally and physically tiring? Having to get a real job. Good thing you can draw for Chink gachas until they replace you with AI and you can milk lonely men out of their money.

>> No.51238131
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>*moan* I c-can't *aahn* you're fucking my a-a-ass *aaaahn*

>> No.51238166

>you guys are trying to be like OMG INA IS SO YABE AND SO LEWD OH MY GOODNESS
no one says that. This bitch is retarded

>> No.51238204

oh shit, this is the first I'd heard about this.

>> No.51238375 [DELETED] 

Bait thread and saged. That being said, you'd get tired too if day in and day out some ESL greyname zoomers come into chat and start horny spamming without any warning.
This is the same shit with the whole 'pettan' and 'bottom-left' memes that started out funny with the streamers even playing along, before they became overused and started actively derailing streams.

>> No.51238422

Your envy is practically leaking out of my screen.

>> No.51238442

I'm glad Kiara is my oshi

>> No.51238459

>still not taking the fact that as a very widespread anime girl, people are gonna be horny for your model in stride
>still trying to police your community about this (it's fine to call out when people are getting way too horny on main, but you need to sound less butthurt about it)
>still hasn't learned to just ignore the shit in her chat that goes at light speed anyway
fucking 2 and 3views have dealing with shit down better than Ina, and that kinda stuff stays visible in those chats even longer. How is she still bitching about this?

>> No.51238642

Did you actually see the comment that prompted Ina to bitch out her chat? It was just a single chatter saying that the drawing looked like Ina’s back. It was hardly inappropriate at all, certainly not worthy of getting singled out and lectured for 20 minutes.

>> No.51238779

The straw that broke the streamer's back. She was obviously just waiting for an excuse to bring this topic up with her chat.
The guy wasn't even singled out really; it was more of a blanket request that the few spammers that frequent her chat stop with the horny shenanigans.

>> No.51238798
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sounds like she woke up made that day and just needed someone to lecture. Nothingburger anyway, it's not like she's working an actually mentally draining job with no future prospects and a shitty salary, like most of her fanbase is. Should shut the fuck up and dance like the monkey she is.

>> No.51238819

this is fucking funny to be quite honest

>> No.51238831

Ina is the type of girl to say catcalling is rape.

>> No.51238858


>> No.51238872

It's good to have at least one seiso in the branch. It's what makes her stand out in a sea of lewd vtubers.

>> No.51238895


>> No.51238940

Nothing new about Ina handling her takucks like a controlling Asian mom.

>> No.51238982

same desu

>> No.51239024

Holo is just her side gig. She made it clear by not reading supers unless she has nothing to talk about.

>> No.51239074

Then just draw off stream? Who wants to see a bitch bitching about every little thing like this?

>> No.51239078

Obviously ina wants more horny posts and art because that's all this will achieve

>> No.51239122

Based closet coomer Ina

>> No.51239138


>> No.51239222
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Ina : dont lew-
>*rape and impregnates her ovulating womb*

>> No.51239223
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>"Don't shit in the fridge" is the same as "You're never allowed to take a shit ever for the rest of your life."
Only the most fucking retarded mouthbreathing turboautist would think this way unironically.

>> No.51239298

But he's not wrong

>> No.51239317

imagine being that guy making that comment
i would congratulate him

>> No.51239318

>deadbeat food analogy

>> No.51239350

Based Fatbeat

>> No.51239364

don't do comparisons deadbeat, nijisisters can't get them

>> No.51239409
File: 220 KB, 1548x1080, thisisntyourhobbyanymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be such chuds /vt/.

>> No.51239436

>don't post lewd stuff
>post lewd stuff

>> No.51239437

I know most of the replies here are just shitposting but it scares me that for sure a few of these anons are serious about this non-issue. Voltaire called it.

>> No.51239493

>didn’t updoot
holy incel

>> No.51239520
File: 111 KB, 933x952, Eacz1rPXgAAS04S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to ruin what you have. They want to change it. There's too many "problematic" things about what you love and they will gaslight you into thinking that you are the minority here, that you weren't here first, that what you enjoy is wrong and people always had a problem with it but just didn't speak up against it until now.

>> No.51239549

KFP, just give it a rest already. Nobody is gonna watch your oshi no matter how much you try to shill her in other talent “yab” threads.

>> No.51239556
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Not even new for her.

>> No.51239564

Good someone should annoy her more if she gets triggered easily like this

>> No.51239640

you retards, it's obvious she grew up never being desired so of course it makes her mad that it's the Ina model.

>> No.51239663

>like a controlling Asian mom.
Is this really the norm in Gookland and Japan?

>> No.51239670
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Kys falseflaggers. Kiara had the same problem with the bottom left meme, you fucking newfags

>> No.51239673

i'm guessing it pays more than her main gig.

>> No.51239677

That gives her even less of a reason to sperg out over being lewded. Also, wild thing about larger chats and communities in general, the less attention to give to a bit, the less chat will bring it up.

>> No.51239728

Not even fucking close, Chink gachas will pay out the wazoo for you.

>> No.51239742

She's a korean woman, being sexless is in their nature.

>> No.51239761

I thought it was a joke but she literally went on a 20 minute long rant lecturing her entire chat cause of 1 grey

>> No.51239787
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This analogy doesn't work when it's the talent themselves saying it. You do realize this, right?
It's not some random outsider complaining about Ina community, it's Ina herself.

>> No.51239816

Ina is the fucking outsider, she came into Hololive and the Vtubing community and now she wants to change it because it doesn't fit her prude ideals.

>> No.51239841

Based ina
Coomers get the rope

>> No.51239847

Hololive fans are the worst certainly, I understand where she's coming from
If she were saying hey you losers stop using the same jokes all the time they aren't fucking funny I'd say she's based but the problem she has is sexualizing her
Fuck you prude, you're an anime character, you're supposed to be sexualized

>> No.51239892

She was more upset over the implication of being called dumb

>> No.51239908

And the grey‘s comment was pretty innocuous. Ina probably just made up her mind that she was gonna rant at chat that day before the stream and use the flimsiest of excuses to do it.

>> No.51239929

>shits on both ina and hololive fans
kys coomer mercenary

>> No.51239961

Post your tags
inb4 loli guro

>> No.51239979
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of course and you guys get landmined every single time

>> No.51239988

Why are you acting like this is the first time a Holo has called out chat for overusing memes and derailing. Surely you recall Fubuki calling out her chat for overusing the "she's a cat" meme or Suisei calling out her's for overusing the shotacon jokes. I'm starting to think that you may be the outisder here, buddy.

>> No.51239997

She's trying to work, just promptly give her your money and shut up.

>> No.51240040

all EN do is just fucking complain.

>> No.51240067

Fubuki and Suisei both proved they were anti chink when they sided with Coco. Ina works for the chinks and didn't collab with Coco or draw her. Not to mention that this wasn't chat spamming it, it was one fucking grayname and she decided to go on a rant.

>> No.51240112

>bringing chinks into the discussion

>> No.51240137

It was both people thinking she was dumb and just some horny chicken

>> No.51240219
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Is there another option maybe?

>> No.51240242

/pol/ raid

>> No.51240311

She's a fucking hypocrite. She makes her money drawing for coomer chink gachas, makes more money being a virtual geisha in Hololive, but still thinks she can fucking lecture people. It's like celebrities telling people to give a fuck about the environment when they all take private jets.

>> No.51240334

>Should shut the fuck up and dance like the monkey she is.
This kind of attitude is why half the girls in the branch barely stream. Maybe if you guys were willing to consider their feelings a bit more they might still find streaming fun instead of being ground down to the point it becomes nothing more than a chore to them where they do the bare minimum amount they think they can get away with.

>> No.51240344

this. we love china here. they've done a lot for nijisanji

>> No.51240354

if you're a streamer its a moral imperative to wrangle the unfunny retards making your chat a radioactive wasteland

>> No.51240355

She is literally just telling her chat to stop being so horny all the time. It's a nothingbuger that is currently /vt/ hot topic because nothing else is going on.

>> No.51240378

Bruh, if you think hololive chats are bad, then you haven’t seen like any other streamer’s chat. Hololive chats are exceptionally well behaved.

>> No.51240392

I have
Oh wait she was american-asian, yeah those moms are fucking control freaks.

>> No.51240404

Her timing could have been better but she clearly had enough and that comment was the one that pushed her the tiniest bit into saying something. Marine also had a similar moment like this, if you watch her streams, where she asked chat to tone it down with the horny jokes because they started to derail her streams.
Of course this board is still infested with /jp/ rejects who would fly the colors of the rising sun outdoors if it wouldn't get them laughed at. No wonder Ina is getting it tough here.

>> No.51240414
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1683174930413635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't this problem just woman brain? If, as she says, it's only one or two people at a time, she could ignore them and keep talking, but she instead ignores the other chat messages and goes into a lecture for one guy. Literally a homegrown problem since you simply cannot control the chaotic nature of a chatroom. Why doesn't she make it a rule? Permaban for coomers? Because she knows she will obviously get into situations on stream where lewd topics will pop up, so she leaves it open.

If she had just ignored those messages, nothing would have happened, but women will LITERALLY hear 99 affirmations of their position and melt down over 1 denial.

>> No.51240442


>> No.51240510

I will just state I'm ignorant, but that's really surprising.

>> No.51240544

Did she actually say this?

>> No.51240547

Marine also still allows the majority of horny stuff, actively encourages erodoujins, and made MariBako MV so lewd, Cover wanted to squash it. Ina's always been a cunt in comparison.

>> No.51240553

Im not sure what you mean. She is an entertainer, not my friend or someone I care about as a person. If she stops being entertaining, I'll watch someone who is. If that realization "grinds her down" then that is her problem, not mine. I'm a viewer, I shouldn't have to care about her other than how well she does the monkey dance.

>> No.51240588

So the "true KFP" are spineless cucks? got you

>> No.51240627

Poor, poor girls. It must be so mentally exhausting having thousands of people adore you.

>> No.51240643
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They are entertainers, they are there to entertain, nothing more.
In the old days before the internet and tv we had plays in theaters, the actors where just one step above prostitutes on the social ladder.
They are performing monkeys, nothing more. The reason they barely stream is because they are rich by virtue of existing, they know they can do the bare minimum and nothing will happen.

For fucksakes, I still see people holding a torch for Sana and she did nothing to own earn that kind of loyalty.

>> No.51240653

Really? You thought Sana took a fucking pay cut rather than stream? No it was interfering with her work as an artist so she dipped. Ina stated from day 1 that this was her side job. Now, not every artist gets paid super well, but there are millions of chink gachas and Sana and Ina's rms are fairly well known and in demand.

>> No.51240693

ina needs correction

>> No.51240713

That's a stupid fucking analogy. If you listen to this part:
>Out of nowhere you guys will just, one or two people in chat, will sidetrack into…
>you know.. try to bring things back to… yabe stuff
>and I dont really appreciate that.
>:Are they wrong though?:
>They are! Because im trying to talk about one thing and you guys are trying to be like OMG INA IS SO YABE AND SO LEWD OH MY GOODNESS
You'll clearly see that the problem she has isn't the yabe jokes, its that the jokes derail her streams. Instead you're a fucking idiot who whines online about streamers giving him 'lectures' lmfao

Again, Ina doesn't seem to have a problem with horny stuff per see but rather that these horny jokes are sometimes spammed by brainlet zoomers who are incapable of gauging when enough is enough. This kind of shit can actively derail streams which is why even some of the more patient talents like Marine sometimes have to put their foot down.

>> No.51240749
File: 351 KB, 585x557, 1680722764078605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, all she wanted was tourists not to spam the same horny leddit memes in the chat all the time. What the fuck are you on kek

>> No.51240763

anon, stop trying to use reason on retards

>> No.51240801

The idealist in me sometimes thinks I'll make a breakthrough.

>> No.51240804

She's still retarded cause it was 1 comment in a sea of 999 other, normal comments.

>> No.51240809

Ina has ZERO (0) sex appeal.

>> No.51240819

It's obvious what I mean isn't it? If streaming is fun for them they will enjoy it more and thus be more inclined to do it. If you treat them like trash and refuse to even show the slightest amount of decency and be a little bit considerate of how what you type in a box might affect them that is going to make streaming not fun for them and make them less inclined to do it.

>> No.51240853

That's the only reason she exists.

>> No.51240856

Some people just don't like being told what to do

>> No.51240862

And? Does that make the problem go away?

>> No.51240864

if ina had kiara's model she would legit be a 3 digit streamer

>> No.51240865

She has literally thousands of people watching her, if she chooses to hyperfocus on a single fucking grayname, that's on her. Yeah the grayname is a retard, but sorry you're never going to have a 100% perfect audience, but stopping the stream to lecture everyone for 20 minutes on something one bad actor did WHO PROBABLY ISNT EVEN GOING TO LISTEN TO THE LECTURE is bullshit. Like really, the only thing holding this retard back was a stern talking to from Ina? No, it was probably some fucking ESL who saw a clip compilation or something.

>> No.51240913

based demand averse anon

>> No.51240915

It makes it a non-problem. Any good streamer would just ignore it when it's not even 1% of comments.

>> No.51240914

>The reason they barely stream is because they are rich by virtue of existing
This is nonsense though. Do you think the HoloJP girls are all poor or something? No they make a fucking ton of money and still stream lots more.

>> No.51240917
File: 756 KB, 937x937, 7F393D17-FF1B-46A6-8F72-029088A0FCB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takokek defense force, I think it is obvious your oshi hates you at this point. There is no reason to defend her anymore, enough copium

>> No.51240935


>> No.51240972

This. She's only relevant because of the ungodly amount of porn people make of her.

>> No.51240976

This discussion does not concern you Shitsagi >>>/jp/

>> No.51240983

didn't ina shit on her fans once before this? can't really remember all that much. although, i don't think her saying "please don't bring yabai stuff into my chat" is a really big deal.

>> No.51240989

Why are you this assmad, bro? You made it sound like she slapped the shit out of you for not going to bed on time or something.

>> No.51240996

Don't act like you don't understand how streaming culture works. All it takes is one shitposter and the greyname lemmings will follow the leader until the whole situation snowballs and the stream is actively derailed.

>> No.51241035

It isn't. SEAnigs are literal scum shitting the board.

>> No.51241042

Muh slippery slope.

>> No.51241069


>> No.51241083

I accept your concession.

>> No.51241100

Good god does all the EN members do is complain about their fans all the time? How is anyone still a fan of these girls at this point, must be fuckin humiliation/cuck fetishists.

>> No.51241109

>look ma! I pointed out the logical fallacy! Therefore it no longer exists!

>> No.51241113

Facebook filename. Anon must be from those raid groups.

>> No.51241162

The JPs have lectured their audiences about overusing jokes before, newfag EOP

>> No.51241196

4K people do atm


>> No.51241198

Ina is just making up a non-existent boogieman to bitch out. Literally every chat is gonna have the occasional greyfag making a horny comment, and tearing a new asshole in to your well behaved regulars isn’t gonna do shit to stop it the greys from being greys.

>> No.51241201


>> No.51241251

That shit went ON and on like damn girl we get it, chill

>> No.51241253


>> No.51241256

Ina is bad

>> No.51241307

that was like in 2021

>> No.51241342

korean w*men and feminism go hand in hand

>> No.51241384

Stop watching porn degenerate subhuman

>> No.51241387

Oh here comes the clip only fags with their usual "B-B-B-UT SUISEI SAID SHE HATES LEWDS TOO"

>> No.51241397

you know it's bad when Mori is the reasonable one and damage controls for ina. Never liked Mori but at least here she's the sane one.

>> No.51241401
File: 726 KB, 1698x739, 2023-06-12 12_50_29-(18) 【DRAWING】 Low Intensity Drawing Streammmm - YouTube - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why doesn't she make it a rule? Permaban for coomers?
That would require mucho texto that nobody would read to create a clear definition of what's okay. People are hung up on the coomer thing, when the issue is topic derailment, especially through memes. It would be something like one of these:
>Do not attempt to force the conversation to a different topic than the one I'm discussing.
>Do not spam memes unless they are directly related to the conversation.
But even those wouldn't have stopped the original comment that sparked this, which was
>It kind of looks like you're drawing your back Ina...
Which it does, a little. I think it looks more like Smol Ina's head. But I'm not going to pretend that my interpretation of that Rorschach test is more valid than his. Regardless, it's clear that the guy meant no harm by it. All of this is moot anyway, since her audience is going to be afraid to mention anything like it in chat now, since it's impossible for them to know what is or isn't okay.

>> No.51241405

JP also has girls that barely stream.
>, its that the jokes derail her streams.
Ah yes the joke that she decided to hyper focus on him thus derailing and ruining her stream.

>> No.51241418

still happened, but yes. it's better to have Kiara as your oshi right now. let rude bitches fade out to irrelevance.

>> No.51241469

I thought Sana was kinda stupid.

>> No.51241476

Meanwhile Kiara
>The ass on my model isn't big enough

KFP fags continue winning

>> No.51241513

looks like I nailed it
stop projecting

>> No.51241523

I'm so fucking sick of obvious Redditors and Twittards using Suisei as a crude cudgel like she even remotely compares to EN. Suisei loves her fans and knows she'd be nothing without them, because she used to be nothing. A literal 2view indie who was about to quit Vtubing forever before Hololive scooped her up. She doesn't want lewds on her regular art tag and she doesn't encourage gachikoi fans. Yet she also doesn't say to not do either. Plus she actually puts in effort with big projects.

>> No.51241534

She did say to ease up on the shota jokes, especially given that she isn't really a shotacon. That really happened and without any room for interpretation so I don't see how coming by this information through a clip is relevant.
I also don't see why you're so desperate to switch the narrative to "Ina hates lewd jokes" when the real 'happening' is that "Ina hates lewd jokes that come out of nowhere and derail her stream".

>> No.51241566

Nope. She was smart. She obviously couldn't balance Hololive and her job at the same time. She doesn't draw as fast as Ina and also she is more in demand than Ina. So she left to focus on her main job which pays more.

>> No.51241610

Does anyone have the screenshot of a grey saying they want to coom on Mori’s milkers and a bunch of members were going “whoa keep it to yourself dude” but then Mori thought it was hilarious?

>> No.51241611

NTA but one fucking grayname is not derailing the stream. Stopping the stream to give a 20 minute lecture definitely is though.

>> No.51241615

You're the one projecting, retard.

>> No.51241623

How is Kiara the only non retarded woman in EN, despite being a massive retard herself? Truly baffling.

>> No.51241638

I will seek ina lewds and post cum tributes on her twitter tags.

>> No.51241667

She wanted her moment to call out that behavior in general and she got it. Besides it was a draw stream. What else interesting topics could there be to fill the dead air?

>> No.51241687

IRyS is good too. But Kiara knows what it's like to be at the literal fucking lowest of lows. She takes nothing for granted since it took her years to claw and scrape her way towards what she has now. She knows that her fans enable the lifestyle she has and that without them, she's nothing.

>> No.51241730

>Hoshimachi "god Kanata, I want to fuck the shit out of Killua" Suisei is not a shotacon

>> No.51241737

Shes familiar with both idol culture and JP work culture.
Plus Ina has her art stuff, she could do an entire stream saying how much she hates her fans and it wouldn't matter, she has a fallback.

>> No.51241777

Less about intelligence and more about understanding how fanbases work

>> No.51241803
File: 180 KB, 333x381, 1671008337166960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they can't turn annoying chat messages into a short, but funny moment for the rest of her chat (such as a roast) or simply ignore them, that's a skill issue. This isn't hordes of hatewatching chinks invading her chat and making it unusable, these are 1 or 2 people being idiots. There's male flesh streamers who've dealt with similar shit for 10+ years now and haven't slowed down the slightest bit in stream quality or quantity.

I personally don't write things in "the little box", but I don't see why it would be such a problem for her. Diverting attention from big parts of your audience to small, noxious parts hurts the show and the performer. Nobody wants to watch a lecture. A roast on the other hand invites the rest of her chat to have a laugh and if it's not malicious, you can keep the energy going.

If her will to stream lessened, it's not on her overzealous fans, but on herself to improve herself. It is exactly because we don't know how a streamer might react to any benign comment, that we can't expect people to show common decency, because tomorrow a "back" comment might be appreciated, because the context might make it a funny joke.

If she wants to be a good entertainer, she should leaver her gripes at home and learn to deal with detractors in a charming way. This is a chance to improve her content and learn how to deal with things she's bad with.

>> No.51241814

She should just quietly time out/ban the ones sperging out instead of drawing attention to them

>> No.51241840

Ina has always been the "no fun allowed" member of Myth

>> No.51241843

Ina took one of the longest damn breaks in EN, compared to even fuckin Sana and Gura, and still manages to be this unappreciative to her fans who waited for her and stuck by. Why are all the Koreans in EN fuckin insufferable

>> No.51241873

>Why are Koreans insufferable
All that needs to be said really.

>> No.51241897

I 100% agree with your points. I initially just brought this up to point out how useless it would be to try to control this non-issue.

>> No.51241918
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>doing the thing that doesn't draw attention or put a spotlight on what THEY think is right
Pick one

>> No.51241925

She doesn't want to be a good entertainer. Most of EN doesn't. They just want to exist and get paid for existing and occasionally remind their fans they are better than them and then get paid for looking down on the people that give them money.

>> No.51241935

True. She likes the idea of being an anime girl and drawing and singing with other anime girls and all, but she hates the audience that comes with it and if she could she'd rather make a bit less money and have zero people commenting at all.

>> No.51241938

The "real happening" is that EN girls get triggered by grayname fags and go on 10+ minute tangents because they couldn't keep their mouths shut and just stick to being entertaining as anime women. I don't watch vtubers to be lectured, they just need to shut up and dribble

>> No.51241985

vtsisters literally proofing her point

>> No.51241986

Well, Fauna should have also ignored the bait sc or just said something like "of course, I love you all" instead of going on a 10 minute rant about friends

>> No.51242023
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Isn't myth approaching their 3rd anniversary?
You'd think she'd be used to these things by now.

>> No.51242034

Kiara isn't a prideful woman. She was doing more embarrassing things to get by before hololive, all for the sake of her dream.
Ina knows she doesn't need her fanbase in hololive to get money. Her mindset on superchats , even from the start, was to tell people not to donate if they don't want to or can't. She just applied on a whim and got in thanks to her art skills and being bilingual in English and Japanese to an extent.

>> No.51242039

>derail her stream
No, in this case she was the one derailing the stream all by herself and crying about it

>> No.51242073

kek, already forgot about this

>> No.51242086

Tell me you don't watch her without telling me you don't watch her.

>> No.51242099

What are they proofing it against?

>> No.51242101
File: 27 KB, 500x476, boy juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the girls like it when their audience spams memes at inopportune times. Hell some of the JPs like, you guessed it, Suisei have actively called out this behavior itself. Sora does not like being called a goddess, Fubuki does not like being called a cat, and Rushia did not like being called pettan. To be precise, all of them tolerated these jokes until they all became worn out and started messing with the stream dynamic. This is merely Ina's turn to get 'mad' (if you can really call that softspoken lecture mad) at her chat.

She's really not. She as much a shotacon as Kiara is a lesbian. It's all just for laughs as Suisei being a shotacon was a joke that stemmed from her admitting that her she loved the shonen genre. I've been a Hoshiyomi since 2019 so I'm pretty confident with what I'm saying.

>> No.51242172

Please hololive fans, just make an original joke more than once every 6 months. Please think about the girls who have to pretend these jokes aren't tired and unfunny as fuck

>> No.51242174

this is an iphone filename anon

>> No.51242183

So this thread and 4 others like this are basically KFP fags false flagging?

>> No.51242192

>and Rushia did not like being called pettan
This one is actually false, as much as I hate this meme, she was initiating the pettan thing countless times herself and to this day still does

>> No.51242201

oh no won’t someone think of the mid 20s ethot making 2million USD a year

>> No.51242226

How long will it take before /vt/ raids the comments of this video?

>> No.51242232

nothing. Stop replying to Redditniggers

>> No.51242236

Please Ina, don't lecture an audience of like 7k people because of you being so retarded you focus on one single grey comment made by a passerby who probably long since closed the tab while you still go on ranting for another 15 minutes
Learn how to be an intelligent and good streamer

>> No.51242295

No, Kiara sucks but it's rare for EN vtubers to not talk down to their fans

>> No.51242298

I could have sworn I saw a stream or a clip of her being exasperated with her chat going pettan during something irrelevant to the topic, but I am an older gentleman so my mind might be going.

>> No.51242347

This thread is full of people that never watch her and also completely missed the point of her rant. I can't actually believe there's still more than one thread about this, it's literally nothing.

>> No.51242351

Fauna too? Fuck, are Kiara and IRyS the only non-bitchy HoloEN members.

>> No.51242379

*rapes and beheads you*

>> No.51242414

wow hololive fans get triggered when you point out their shitty sense of humor. I'm sure the girls love you retards laughing at hey moona and pettan for years it ever gets old xDD imagine your job having to placate socially bankrupt losers all day

>> No.51242416

How did you miss the Fauna "We're not friends" speech? You must have been on a long cruise or vacation

>> No.51242418

ok buddy
*rapes and beheads you*

>> No.51242423

>Oh no. I'm so butthurt about Ina's 20 minute talk. I felt like she scolded me and I'm literally crying and shaking right now.
This is what you sound like.

>> No.51242453

If it was literally nothing she wouldn't have held that lecture and then tweeted about it. To her it is something and her inability to ignore stupid chatters is something she needs to overcome.

>> No.51242456


>> No.51242466

Alright I am now imagining streaming for 2 hours each twice a week doing no effort stuff like chatting a bit or doodling while raking in 20k+ to the pocket after taxes per month
Where do I sign up?

>> No.51242476

>None of the girls like it when their audience spams memes at inopportune times. Hell some of the JPs like, you guessed it, Suisei have actively called out this behavior itself. Sora does not like being called a goddess, Fubuki does not like being called a cat, and Rushia did not like being called pettan.
Difference is that those were legitimately spammed a lot compared to one singular chat from one singular person. Hell every single takoshart knows Ina is a massive prude so chat behaves nearly 100% of the time, Ina got mad at a fucking tourist who most likely opened the stream for 5 minutes and left

>> No.51242504

> schizo: Hey Fauna be honest with us!
> fauna: *is honest*
> schizo: WTF why would she do this????

>> No.51242514

you know.. try to bring things back to… yabe stuff
and I dont really appreciate that.

>> No.51242538

Takos deflecting from Ina’s yab

>> No.51242552

Reminds me of why I dropped Ame.
Too many mask slip moments showing that they can barely hide their disdain for their fanbase.

>> No.51242568

Niggers its a draw stream. You weren't held hostage or anything. If you didn't want to stick around then you should have left and don't complain about being lectured like you were actually there.

>> No.51242581

But Ina didn't talk down her fans. She just basically reminded them to not act like niggers in chat. That's it.
She didn't ban lewds.
She wasn't even yelling or anything and anons made 4-5 threads because they're underage faggots projecting their mommy issues or having a rebellious teen phase.

>> No.51242588

More like
>known baiter sends bait sc
>fauna answers it and gives thousands of her fans who just wanted to have a good time and enjoy their kayfabe a lecture about how she isn't their friend

>> No.51242626

>Ina got mad at a fucking tourist who most likely opened the stream for 5 minutes and left
it doesn't really change anything, but he's not a tourist, he's probably watched more ina streams than you have

>told her fans to take care of themselves
the kayfabe... it's broken....

>> No.51242633

An actual retarded underage coomer in 4chan, go back twitch faggot.

>> No.51242648

Mods already nuked 3 threads so the antis are kinda desperate.

>> No.51242650

It was one (1) greyname, who probably didn't even listen to the lecture because they don't give a shit about Ina

>> No.51242662

>supposedly gets angry over people with lewd comments "derailing" her stream
>it was a single grey tourist vs thousands of takos having fun and being normal
>she derailed her own stream giving all of them a lecture cause of a single retard


>> No.51242681

She's a weirdo

>> No.51242685

>peak hot new meme is unfunny shit like plap plap get pregnant
I don't blame her. Zoomer meme culture is godawful, and they're obnoxious as hell.

>> No.51242710

>complain about lack of streams
>maybe if you didn't act like dicks they would stream more
>it's muh right to make streaming a miserable experience for them

>> No.51242731

Okay and? Why are anons bleeding from the anus about this non issue?

>> No.51242734

>>it's muh right to make streaming a miserable experience for them
tell that one grey, I'm sure he is here

>> No.51242738

That's good tho?

>> No.51242741

If you got triggered by it then you probably needed to hear it

>> No.51242769

Since we're schizoposting in a bait thread anyways, something that's bugged me for a while is that her favourite ProSeka character is Mafuyu. Y'know, the girl getting whipped by her unsympathetic tiger mom into doing shit "for her own good" and bottles up all her emotions?
>"From my personal experience, there are just some people you can't convince, no matter how hard you try." (paraphrase from the recent rant)
I dunno, much like how Ina of the floor is a mass misinterpretation of "Ina intentionally fucks with her own sleep quality to make it easier to wake up," I've had a singular raised eyebrow for a while about the whole "Mama'nis cute" thing.

>> No.51242772

I like how in this thread narrative progressing from 10, 15 and now 20 minute rant on stream.This shithole is amazing.

>> No.51242787

Any normal person would hate am*rican chat members. Terrible people, not funny, worse than redditors.

>> No.51242791

Ina is partly to blame for playing into it because of whores like Mori and Kronii

>> No.51242794

>be in group with 99 other people
>everyone follows the rules
>1 person doesn't
>all 100 get punished
>"uh if you don't like getting punished over what this 1 guy did you probably deserved it"

>> No.51242830

>playing chinkblo 4

>> No.51242833

yea, so some schizo now lives rent free in your head because he baited the kind hearted kirin. why dont you just let it go?

>> No.51242837

I dont know, ask them. Some people are just giving their opinion, without being mad.

>> No.51242844

>derailing a drawing stream
Holy retardchama, if it a game i can understand, but you sperg out on a drawing stream that you don't even watch.

>> No.51242881

Good, I'll create more grey accounts and spamming yabe stuff in her chat so that this weak ass bitch will stream less now.

>> No.51242892

Not certainly. It's still a good reminder to fans not to be niggers in chat. And Ina's chat has been the tendency to run a meme into the ground.
No need to be asshurt about it.

>> No.51242893


>> No.51242915

But it shows that she isn't really kind hearted. If she was, she would have let people enjoy their delusions and kayfabe.
There is no harm in letting them have fun and do their own thing, no saplings were harming anyone. People come home from work and tune in to watch their cute anime gf play some minecraft or sing or chat. They don't want to get a lecture about how actually she isn't even on "friendship" level with them.
What's the benefit of saying this? You only make many longtime and well behaved fans sad. All to accomplish.. what exactly?

>> No.51242935

> Derailing the stream for 20 minutes because 1 grey name

>> No.51242944

None of them are your friends, schizo. Just because most of them don't stay it outright doesn't make it any less true. You have any idea the precautions vtubers go through to protect themselves from irl fans?

>> No.51242976

The irony is Fauna’s “lecture” was actually much more compassionate than Ina’s, its just way easier for shitposters to take out of context.

>> No.51243004

Ok, why do you need them to tell you that?
I also know that they won't actually marry me, it doesn't mean I don't enjoy their bride voice packs or ASMRs where they pretend otherwise.
Are you retarded?
People are aware it isn't real. They just don't want to be told that and ruin the mood.

>> No.51243016

>Streams go on for more than one hour.
>Can't stand a 20 minute segway that doesn't even concern him if he really isn't doing what Ina is describing.
You're a pussy and a bitch.

>> No.51243024

what made you think that someone you have never had a conversation with, that you only see through a screen when they stream, was your friend in the first place? How is kayfabe broken when she intentionally states that she wants her fans to take care of themselves and put themselves first? Who's so delusional that they thought a figure on the screen was their friend?

>> No.51243033

Anon im sry you sensibility got shattered, it sound like you need a hug, kek.

>> No.51243040

It's quite common for Asian mothers to guilt-trip their children into being their retirement funds. Im speaking from experience

>> No.51243046

punished HOW, if you were watching an Ina stream you wanted to hear her speak. She never addresses this and did it now. She took her time because it went into a more general tangent. DID HER MESSAGE AFFECT YOU THIS MUCH? THERE'S 5 FUCKING THREADS ON A FUCKING NOTHING MOMENT BECAUSE THEY FEEL PERSONALLY OFFENDED THEY CAN'T SPAM A LEWD MEME (the only thing they know about her) IN HER CHAT, OR ARE JUST MADE SHE PERSONALLY DOESN'T LIKE LEWD STUFF. THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE WHERE THIS IS HAPPENING

>> No.51243053


>> No.51243064

see >>51243004

>> No.51243081

They sound like those retarded twitchfag ngl.

>> No.51243090

>triggered ledditard
Go back

>> No.51243099

>punished the chat
Holy schizo. It's wasn't even close to an intensity of a proper rant and you're this offended?

>> No.51243134

>Ina living rent free inside snowflake faggot
She kinda based for making schizo going full retard

>> No.51243149

No it's not good. She either has to be a bitch or someone cool like Amelia.

>> No.51243180

Don't even use reddit but that's unironically good advice, can't stand this shithole anymore. You guys actually somehow managed to get drama threads out of Ina.
Out of fucking INA.

>> No.51243207

I call it based, now chat gonna gatekeep and police greyfag. Like those from kiara.

>> No.51243221

I'd love to be a schizo if it can make ina goes full schizo too

>> No.51243224

>Crying this hard about a reminder that doesn't even address him.

>> No.51243247

I just find it strange that it had the entirely opposite effect on me than it did you. It showed that she's a genuine person who cares about her fans and only wants the best for them, I guess I'm just too well-adjusted for it to have affected me.

>> No.51243256

I like Ame and Mumei. More Amei collabs please.

>> No.51243263

Is very real

>> No.51243276

There is a reason holoJPs practically never do this whole "uh here's a reality check, you're a nobody and not even my friend, much less bf or husband or anything"

For some reason non-JPs are unable to just let people live in their fantasy even when they harm no one. The desire to give them some hot truth is too overwhelming. Oh but don't forget to superchat and buy the latest Valentine's sweet love voice pack.

>> No.51243311

The full rant actually was 20 minutes though.

>> No.51243333

Oh please Anon, we all know the only place your sperm is going is on to your keyboard.

>> No.51243342

I literally checked it myself and it was unironically over 20 mins, look at the time bar

>> No.51243373

It lost its intensity at 10 minutes and the whole thing wasn't even intense.
Some faggot got his feelings hurt by that much.

>> No.51243389

Ina is pretty based for having a schizo going full retard. Im gonna sub to her now.

>> No.51243396

>Moving the goalposts

>> No.51243398

Holy goalpost moving Batman!

>> No.51243401

Damn, she really upset the brainless coomers huh?
Ina can be based sometimes.

>> No.51243431 [DELETED] 

I hate all Korean women

>> No.51243434

>This shithole
go back

>> No.51243441

Shit is food to you?

>> No.51243457

Why does those faggot sound exactly like those twitter freak, they crying more than an actual women. I thought ina killed their parent or something.

>> No.51243482

Yeah good luck trying to say it on reddit where youll get downvoted and shunned by the hugbox. If your not sucking cock there your an anti. And dont even get me started on twitter

>> No.51243530

It's fine if she doesn't like the topic, I just don't get why she expects a chat of thousands to be a complete echochamber. The don't talk about others unless brought up rule makes sense, but is it seriously now gonna become don't mention anything at all unless brought up?

>> No.51243536

NTA but not a goalpost move at all. You guys make it seem like she non-stop berated coomers for all those 20 mins, when she started changing the topic to more general stuff relating to that, like knowing how you can't convince other people that only have fun disrupting shit to change their views and you'll live a happier life accepting that. Funny how that works.

>> No.51243554

She addressed this in the worst way possible and lectured her audience that had nothing to do with it in a patronizing way.
I love Ina's content and I agree with her on this but she fucked up

>> No.51243584

Buddy, it was literally the textbook definition of moving the goalposts lol

>> No.51243612

See >>51243396 >>51243398
Like what goal post? There was none to begin with. This shit is a non issue.

>> No.51243657

I clicked off the lecture as soon as I realized it was gonna be longer than 2 sentences. If a streamer can't be entertaining, they should end the stream and improve themselves. I'm not wasting my free time watching something that bores me.

>> No.51243709

Is it really so hard to admit you were wrong instead of doing all this damage control samefagging?

>> No.51243720

That's because they are. I lurked on Twitter for a bit and I've seen some NSFW artists that took the most autistic interpretation.
They genuinely thought that Ina banned lewds and screamed at them for drawing lewds.

>> No.51243725

Even more hilarious since here started from 10.

>> No.51243745

>Out of nowhere you guys will just, one or two people in chat
>one or two people
>10 minute long clip

>> No.51243759

Why is it usually ENs who have these kind of "holo vs their audience" things happen?

>> No.51243769

Why is her addressing a thing she never does for one time "fucking up"? Hell how was she patronizing? The way she worded stuff was completely fine, and if (You) weren't the suject she was addressing, then why would you feel bad? Or even annoyed? I was very interested in what she had to say on that topic precisely before she never goes into it.

>> No.51243794

Why do you sound exactly like an ESL seanigger?

>> No.51243819

I'm gonna ask the same question I've been asking.
Why are you mad about this? She didn't lecture shit. It was a reminder at most.

>> No.51243828

So was most of the shit this board still shitposts about Mori for some reason

>> No.51243832

Western woman mindset. I can’t even blame them, they’re encouraged to act like this.

>> No.51243841

Why would you address something barely anyone does? Like I'm talking 1 in 1000
>and if (You) weren't the suject she was addressing, then why would you feel bad? Or even annoyed?
Because those 20 mins were shit and umcomfy?

>> No.51243913


>> No.51243921

So you're basically admitting that you're weak mentally and can't handle something this light.
Got it.

>> No.51243927

The punishment isn't the content of her rant, it's the fact that people wanted to watch a normal stream and be entertained and then they got 20 minutes of ina essentially derailing the stream and talking about 1 (one) grey and what he posted. People who let themselves get one-guy'd turn into lolcows very quickly, because their longtime fans get frustrated when the content they used to enjoy turns into spergfests where one guy lives rent-free in the strimmers head.

Imagine you hanging out with a friend of yours as a kid and suddenly their parents storm in and start lecturing your friend on shit like not having done homework. It's awkward, it ruins the mood and it's not what you came for.

>> No.51243972

>calling others mentally weak
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.51243974

'Ey Ma, it's those nijiniggers at the door again.

>> No.51243979
File: 30 KB, 515x219, A906EA9A-716F-4603-B100-04A0275ADD4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51244022

Wouldn't you be mad too if you joined a company to further your art career and you had to be faced every day with the fact that, whenever you're doing a job, a bunch of maladjusted dysgenic creeps jerking their dicks while watching you? At least let her pretend you're respectable people.

>> No.51244037

NTA, but to me the "fuck up" was her multiple failures to stop herself, because I'm pretty sure she tried at least twice and then slid back into the rant, then looped the same arguments a few times, then repeated "there's nothing you can do about other people" repeatedly like it was some kind of mantra to get herself to shut up.

>> No.51244051

I was gonna say tldr but I actually ended up reading it and I agree, pretty much nails it.
>Do you really think Nene wants people to report when they masturbate to her?

>> No.51244109

Because it wasn't just yesterday that it's been happening? And she's also talking about her art tag having lewds in it. She was just frustrated about it and decided to let it out, did that really affect you that much?
Essentially what I said above and also this is probably the first time she goes into this topic. If you really think this is a slippery slope into "her new normal" especially after the rest of the stream went without a hitch then you don't know her at all.

>> No.51244116

You can tell ina doesn't get much actual shitposting done about her, the takodachis are incredibly weak to even the lightest shitposting

>> No.51244118

I don't think you understand what this word means.

>> No.51244126

Because it triggered this whole mess. One retard comment every now and then is to be expected. Ignoring it is the correct way to deal with it.
Same applies to twitter and social media in general for any public figure

>> No.51244175

They're really trying to make that be the take everyone must have

>> No.51244178

I don't think this is her new normal and never mentioned it, I just dont enjoy boring content is all.

I tried to explain what the other anon meant. I wouldn't have used the word punishment myself otherwise.

>> No.51244188

Based mori

>> No.51244208

If I can go into Ina's stream and derail her whole stream and make thousands of fans get smacked just by me simply tossing in a quick 3 second throwaway comment before closing the tab again, what's stopping me?

>> No.51244238

ENs are ungrateful.

>> No.51244242

Keep doing it. Takos deserve punishment.

>> No.51244253

wtf do I like mori now?

>> No.51244258

This whole mess (only in vt) is happening because people are making threads in bad faith. This is such a nothing moment that shouldn't even have pushback if you *actually* know what she's talking about.

>> No.51244281

I mean come on now, even fucking Vei is getting a boost of viewers because of it.

>> No.51244302

Clearly the 20 minute tirade she gave. That's why she did it. Once you heard that, you would never do it again right?

>> No.51244303

Literally me right now as i subscribe to ina and stalk her very intently for the remainder of her career

>> No.51244313
File: 82 KB, 720x720, 1685580841661923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51244318

Wow leave it to /here/ to act tough and then turn into a bunch of crying babies when someone puts them in their place. As soon as I heard about this, I knew there would be a fat thread full of nerd rage.

>> No.51244341

Let it go anon.
She's a woman. She'll learn. She didn't say she hate her fans. She didn't say stop drawing lewds. She just said to stop shitting up chat.
You're right that she should have just ignored it and possibly blocked it but what she did was a non issue and was kinder.
Just have a little patience.

>> No.51244342

Be careful, the Takos are among the most cult-like and fanatical of the fanbases.

>> No.51244353

And because all of reddit is down so were getting massive tourist influx

>> No.51244357 [DELETED] 
File: 723 KB, 808x617, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51244380

You faggots really will make drama out of anything.

>> No.51244387

Ina is the one acting in bad faith by bitching out her fans for 20 minutes because she can’t ignore a single greyfag who’s comment wasn’t even that bad to begin with.

>> No.51244418

This is honestly the most entertaining attempt at seethe I've seen on this board yet and all this posting is just making me horny.

>> No.51244450

How are you not tired yet, you've been PLAP'ing her for hours.

>> No.51244452


>> No.51244456 [DELETED] 

Im so in love with ina and want to impregnate her but I wouldn’t mind if she had a black boyfriend, you guys should be better, realize that us takos will never buckle under fear.

>> No.51244491


>> No.51244500

I kneel.

>> No.51244529

This is the same shit as the cucumber mess , takos are the worst

>> No.51244547

Just ignore/report the thread. Mods have already nuked other threads like this.
Everyone will forget about this in 12 hours or so.

>> No.51244567

She only "bitched out" the newfag coomers that can't lurk in her chat and the idiots that post porn on her art tag. Holy fuck if her letting her feelings out affected you guys so much I might actually be inclined to believe the shoe fits and she was talking about (You). It's not a "we're not friends" moment, it's not even a "do you guys not have any female friends" moment. It's fucking nothing but here we are, with 5 or even 6 threads.

>> No.51244571

I hope you're right because I don't want yet another hiatus...

>> No.51244574

Remember to thank Ina for distracting the catalogshitters from posting low effort bait about (You)r oshi. Thanks Ina!

>> No.51244594

Oh takodachi here gonna cry to jannies huh? This is a direct quote from stream. Go off yourself for trying to kill the truth you pussy, youre better off in leddit

>> No.51244610

Why are shitposters always obsessed with black dudes?

>> No.51244631

I will make sure to damage and derail inas streams from now on

>> No.51244646

>her art tag
you cant own a hashtag anyone can use it for any reason

>> No.51244669

>the streamer's back
Woah there, careful or you might set her off on another 20 minute rant.

>> No.51244672

Only Gura and I guess IRyS have shown to understand how to handle people as a streamer
IRyS might not have liked all the tofu stuff for a while but she kinda played around with it and that was that

>> No.51244679

Just for you, I won't forget

>> No.51244684

>the truth
All I'm getting is that some anons are just angry coomers

>> No.51244685
File: 917 KB, 1334x750, 1686108767214003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That reaction

>> No.51244721

Yeah tell me how well ghosting her fans has been working out

>> No.51244726

>I’m gonna ruin the vibes of a stream for thousands of well behaved viewers because of a single greyfag
Brilliant strategy, surely this won’t backfire at all

>> No.51244728

Love you too anon.

>> No.51244734

>triggered takos supporting reporting threads that hurt their feefees

>> No.51244781

Pretty much. Basically lewd twitter artists coming to the board to complain.

>> No.51244810


>> No.51244826

This thread is a literal waste of space. Like you. All fields

>> No.51244888

I have no clue what Ina is talking about, I've literally watched her chat and never seen anything bad

She did say something about one or two people, yet that's really retarded to make this statement when she has thousands of people watching her. She's acting too sensitive and it's annoying.

>> No.51244914

*posts nude AI Ina to her art tag*

>> No.51244938

yeah ok this tells me you guys don't have any more points against this nothingburger

...except repeating the same ones ad nauseam, it was fun talking to you

>> No.51244957

Korean women are notorious for being sexless, feminist people, that's why Kronii is like that too. I don't even subscribe to anything korean because of that

>> No.51244964

You’re right it wasn’t a “we’re not friends” moment because that was a heartfelt speech urging viewers to take care of themselves instead of an overdramatic lecture motivated by annoyance.

>> No.51244966

The whole of reddit should be gatekept from accessing any vtuber related things

>> No.51244976

I mean considering it worked for Fubuki and Suisei yeah? It's pretty reasonable to just have proper chat etiquette it's also not the first time Ina had to lecture chat about behavior. Remember back when she initially debuted she had to tell people to keep the conversations in chat on topic to the stream because it got derailed after 2 e-celebs showed up in chat.

>> No.51244978

>She's acting too sensitive and it's annoying.
Like this entire thread and 4 other threads like it? Like oshi like fanbase.

>> No.51244998

Only western ones. Be mindfull if you post evidence to the contrary i will just ignore it.

>> No.51245013

That's the perfect combination to piss off an artist

>> No.51245062

Sure, sure it was anon. I'm also sure that you did listen to everything she said and how she said it, instead of reading a summary here.
>inb4 I'm not gonna stand around for 20 minutes I have better things to do

>> No.51245078

Because she needs to be called out for her stupid shit, she ruined the vibe of the stream because of some coomer greyfags, none of her members are doing this shit.

All she has to do is time them out. I also didn't like it that she's upset about the Ina Back thing, she really comes off as some miserable no-fun cunt

>> No.51245100

Ina’s chat is not even that bad to begin with. Like if this was Gura or Kronii’s chats I’d say they deserve it, but Takos are super well behaved and Ina is just being a whiny brat.

>> No.51245236

>ina-back thing
That meme got rammed so hard into the ground that I don't blame her for being upset about it. It's like if people still kept posting about the Kronii flower meme, or eekom bokum to this very day. Shit gets stale and tired.

>> No.51245243

>she needs to be called out for her stupid shit
Just like that chat

>> No.51245247

was she ever specifically mad about the influx of artwork related tonher back ?

>> No.51245280

It's her trademark, she needs to accept that already, this is a business

>> No.51245303

When you call out Ina for this you call out 100% of the people responsible
When Ina calls out that one grey she calls out one of thousands, yet the thousands have to hear it all the same while the grey dude probably closed the tab 10 mins ago

>> No.51245308

*to her back
fuck typo

>> No.51245309

She didn't. That anon is being stupid.

>> No.51245418

Don't you call me stupid, you little bitch.

You know what...
>*moan* I c-can't *aahn* I'm a boy *aaaahn*

>> No.51245444

Ina is right. The Ina’s back meme is overdone at this point. So we should all introduce her to the new PLAP PLAP PLAP meme, I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.

>> No.51245515

All I'm seeing here is that your butthurt levels are off charts. You got so offended so bad about her telling off that one chatter and giving the chat a reminder that you gaslight yourself into thinking she scolded you herself.
How fragile are you?

>> No.51245587

Ina will not fuck you

>> No.51245621

No less fragile than Ina lol

>> No.51245744

Poor girl gets a lot of hate so this must feel like a breath of fresh air.

>> No.51245763

She doesn't "need" to be called out, you're all overreacting. Nobody actually sane that actually knows what she was saying would be complaining about this.
And no, she never complained or didn't like that meme she just said to "enjoy it in moderation" and to not spam it in others chats. This girl is being selfless even in her rants and this place of course loves to twist her words, just like she said they would.

>> No.51245780
File: 214 KB, 472x562, 1686536244323969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's mindbroken

>> No.51245831

I mean, for her, pretty stupendously.

>> No.51245846

I don't need her to. I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.51245893

I mean in this case it's clearly because that stream was the straw that broke the camel's back. Her chat is fine in a vacuum per stream but theirs no denying that stuff gets inappropriate and rammed into ground when you look at it over the course multiple streams. Again best comparison I can point to is Fubuki and the cat joke. Also you know chat etiquette and all that. Ina isn't even referring to longtime Takos either her lecture was regarding new people in chat posting memes and jokes out of nowhere.

>> No.51245920

Takos are obnoxious fucks even outside of inas streams and have been told off for that before like the cucumber spam

>> No.51245935

"I love how my oshi is the most distant from her fans and despises her fan base" - takos

>> No.51245964

You two are somehow more sensitive than tiny Korean woman.

>> No.51245969

>despises her fan base
You must have mistaken her for Kronii

>> No.51245998

>I mean considering it worked for Fubuki and Suisei yeah?
Because they were legitimately spammed all the time with shitty memes. Ina has virtually zero spam compared to any other holo, takos are the most passive fanbase possible and the people making lewd art and posting it on her tags don't really give a shit about what Ina says, they just like her design and probably don't even watch streams, the lecture is pointless for everyone

>> No.51246053
File: 368 KB, 2560x1440, 1659156398199610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trying to turn nonevents like these into so major yabs monthly because your brain has been eternally fucked from dopamine overload of the current era of the internet.

>> No.51246199

The lengths in which people desperately try to rationalize and a defend a woman moment never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.51246250

It's funny how people act like she said "lmao of course you're not my friend i fucking hate you piss off" when it was actually more like "I know why you feel that way because I've been in the same situation myself, but I don't think the bond between a chat and a streamer can be called friendship".

>> No.51246267

You're on /vt/

>> No.51246385

Sad, ain't it?

>> No.51246544

>"and I think this goes for every streamer"
The worst thing Fauna said there. Imagine a fucking newbie holo thinking she can speak on behalf of all other more senior holos, especially the JPs about how the relationship between a holo and her fans looks

>> No.51246721
File: 319 KB, 1170x1390, 1686596217965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter the thread expecting shitposts since this isn't really a big deal
>see takos desperately deflecting by trying to shit on other girls and claiming that their yabs were totally legit and Ina's isn't
Well I guess we know who's responsible for most of the anti shitposts in the catalog then. Maybe takos got too comfortable shitting on other girls since no one cares about Ina? Should we fix that?

>> No.51246862

Why can't Nyantcha draw faces after all this time?

>> No.51246872
File: 375 KB, 1191x478, 1675452651423334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was one single comment making a random observation.

>> No.51246935

you are trying too hard

>> No.51247043

On 4chan too, lol

>> No.51247047

>caring about the well-being of your fanbase

>> No.51247156

>she ruined the vibe of the stream because of some coomer greyfags
Ina has been dealing with lewd chat messages and memes for over 2 years. She was making it clear how she really feels about the back meme.

>> No.51247245

Ina's design is just that attractive.

>> No.51247308

Braindead coomers =/= whole fanbase

>> No.51247366

Too bad Ina resents them all the same, then.
She has never been a holo that particularly likes her audience (or any vtuber fans in general)

>> No.51247620

