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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50946506 No.50946506 [Reply] [Original]

>no one cares about the numbers

>> No.50946615

She never said that

>> No.50946705
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Cry about it

>> No.50946773
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>> No.50946778

100 fubillion subscroobers

>> No.50946819

"Over a billion two hundred trillion two hundred billion dollars" - Joe Biden

>> No.50946847

What would a 100M sub chuba ccv be like?

>> No.50946951

Fubuki was the top of Hololive for a long while, and I have the feeling she did not like that.

>> No.50946983

A few hundred thousand.

>> No.50947125

Actually now that I think about it, probably in the low millions since it's a vtuber and not Pewdiepie or MrBeast who don't have a large percentage of their audience who watch every stream.

>> No.50947189

Fixation on numbers is killing vtubing

>> No.50948267

the worlds best freind is too cute to care about /#/ but yeah all realistitcly all streamers should care about numbers to a dregree

>> No.50948581

Korone was going to reach a million subs first anyway, Gura being the first hololiver to do it was the best thing that could've happened to the JP branch unironically.

>> No.50949273

Look at what the pressure did to Gura. People expect more fo you when you're that high up. Another example is how the Japanese make Sora uncomfortable as fuck with the daisenpai bullshit.

>> No.50950524

Streaming has always been about numbers.
More numbers = More popularity/fans/money

It's not something that was born from vtubers and their fans to argue about. Streaming has always been about the grind for numbers.

>> No.50950760

>daisenpai bullshit.

>> No.50950877

Why you fuckers never link the clip?

>> No.50951231

not him but I got it earlier in recomended

>> No.50952108

You need to read between the lines. When people say not to focus on numbers, it's discouraging naive and ultimately destructive analysis of the numbers. Obviously numbers matter, which is why hyperfocusing on them in the wrong way is dangerous.

>> No.50952385

I still remember Chumbuds in /vt/ shit and ridicule Fubuki because of Gura surpassing her and become 1st first million sub channel.

>> No.50952902

Kiryu Cocon also mention about dangerous of number's obsession.

Number can kill friendship and good atmosphere environtment inside company and cause competition like they are in battlefield.

This is 1 of reason why Coco decided graduate. To kill Numberfags.

This is also a reason make /#/ hate Kson so much because she split to their face and their belief.

>> No.50953170

Caring about their performance and being obsessed with numbers are very different things.

I hope the streamers care to a certain degree.

>> No.50953311

Number obsession is better than false friendship.

>> No.50953351

holy ESL

>> No.50953572

Thank you. Op as always, is a faggot. Anon is based.

>> No.50953590

Nta but they stuck her in an ivory tower and everyone's too shy to interact with her so she ends up being a loner who wants to play with her kouhais and be normal. Lately though this has started to change.

>> No.50953703

Only an idiot would think otherwise.
The fuck am I even reading? /#/ doesn't hold any 'belief', they're just a bunch of tribalfags shitflinging with numbers because that's the hardest currency on this board.

>> No.50953776

No, they will care only "benefit" and kill friendship in workplace because of " not high number enough to associate with me" or " give me your money for collaboration".

This will not Hololive anymore
They will become Nijikurosanji.
Do you really want it happen?

Yes, I am
I'm sorry in advance if I make mistake

>> No.50954077

>>they're just a bunch of tribalfags shitflinging with numbers because that's the hardest currency on this board.

They belief in Number supreme
Nothing can compare to number in their eyes. They care only number because number and " money" are the most important to numberfags.

Coco shit on their belief because she abadoned her's Hololivehood and throw her number for " not number" related and Numberfags can't understand her decision.

"Not understand" cause hatred from /#/ to Coco

>> No.50954550

You should leave this place and enjoy your Vtubers. I think you will be more happy that way.

>> No.50954952

It was the best move because it exposed chumbuds as being the most cancerous fanbase in Western vtubing and all of Hololive, which in turned caused Gura to be isolated from external EN collabs for 6 months.

>> No.50955408

this but unironically I rarely browse outside my oshi's general and every time I do I end up regretting it

>> No.50955566

And that is first time JP Hololive members also witnessed dark side of the west fanbase that cause some of them stop pandering English and The west anymore.

>> They scare me

Chumbuds... wtf are you doing to Mio and Fubuki?

>> No.50956009

And yet Kuzuna Ai and everyone else was celebrating milestones and asking you to subscribe since before this place even existed.

>> No.50956111

They don't remember those days, they were never here.
They only remember the heking wholesome hololive moments clips and the current year cozy vtuber community that doesn't care about doing numbers because it's not wholesome and poggers and big chungus enough.

>> No.50956166
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>> No.50959089

asking you to subscribe =/= numberfags

Retard can't make difference

>> No.50959480
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>> No.50959575

Everything in this post is just retarded. Go back.

>> No.50959898

> homo collab
> no time slot, most streams are guerilla
> FFXIV #50+
> games choice, etc
doesn't seem like she really care about the numbers

>> No.50960064

Truth hurt

>> No.50960083


>> No.50960246
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Learn English first before you post your bullshit on an English website, Jejomar. Stop eating garbage soup as well while you're at it.

>> No.50960276

>> 2 hours of silence
He was right about Coco hate competition among talents the most.
She fear become to numberfag herself and that would kill Hololive from inside.

>> No.50960580

NumberGODS we won

>> No.50960638

Coco fear to become numberfag and start jealous or competition with her friends. Her numberfag was leaking before gen 5th debut but she can control herself and love her kouhais ( Polka collabed outside of her gen with Coco first)

Coco is numberfag but doesn't want to be numberfag herself. She hates number competition among talents. She always value friendship and truth between each members most.

She and Fubuki always share same value and vision. They are very close friend because of this.

They are good human.

>> No.50960841

>They belief in Number supreme
>Refuse to compare Twitch to YT
>Refuse Subs or VOD number because muh JP can't be beaten by meme shork
>The entire Kuzuha vs Hal saga
Lmao even

>> No.50961010

not an argument tho goober

>> No.50961199
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No one here wants to hear your subhuman drivel, go be a SEA schizo somewhere else.

>> No.50961251

>Numberfag lying in OP
Of bloody course

>> No.50961324
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>> No.50961351

What's important is they don't bring up numberfagging in their own streams.

>> No.50961385

Caring about numbers is fairly normal, but some people care so much about numbers that they take their own success for granted.

>> No.50961853

you sure? every time, I see them, "it's numbers don't matter at all". The opposite of crowd that goes viewers beginning of strim low hAha.

But to play devil's advocate, sure numbers among fans is just a my dad is better than yours situation but ultimately is just a different way to discuss your oshi.

>> No.50964697

Of course numbers are an important metric to them, but they don't piss and shit all over themselves and others like a certain local thread packed full with SEAturds and spics.

>> No.50964897

How do i fuck a japanese girl, otaku san?

>> No.50967577

This is a neat part
You can't but may 30 years old fine Japanese lady.

>> No.50967744

You as a viewer and a streamer worrying about numbers are two very different things. Caring about them as a streamer is normal and smart, obsessing over them as a viewer means that you're mentally ill.

>> No.50967832

you care for the numbers in a general sense and not on the amount. You keep the numbers going up. Not if its 100k or 1M

>> No.50967875

Seems like this is a hot topic recently

Then again, Kiara was literally crying because she was last (in Myth) to hit 1M
Like for real, did she not realize how few people in JP/ID had 1M?

>> No.50968112

/#/ are mocking and trash about this matter to Kiara until today

>> No.50968127

no wife yes friend

>> No.50969466
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>She fear become to numberfag herself and that would kill Hololive from inside.
Sounds like a skill issue, neither Pekora nor Miko have started killing Hololive in pursuit for numbers.

>> No.50969633 [DELETED] 

>They belief in Number supreme
Nothing can compare to number in their eyes. They care only number because number and " money" are the most important to numberfags.
Bruh, they just a shitpost thread on schizo and most news from other corpo and indies will funnel from there, it a central news for people who doesn't go into lig, vshojo, global, vsinger or other thread.

>> No.50969680

>They belief in Number supreme
>Nothing can compare to number in their eyes. They care only number because number and " money" are the most important to numberfags.
Bruh, they just a shitpost thread on schizo and most news from other corpo and indies will funnel from there, it a central news for people who doesn't go into lig, vshojo, global, vsinger or other thread.

>> No.50969709

But PekoMiko die because number....
Both Pekora and Miko want to be the face of Hololive not just a sidekick for someone.

>> No.50969740

You seem really angry that people just want to enjoy vtubers and don't give a fuck about your tribalist horse-racing larp

>> No.50969928


>> No.50970097

Being the runt of your group is very stressful for people with experience in the idol industry. Makes you feel like you’re not pulling your weight.

>> No.50970144


>> No.50970302

That was also when she was under J-chad who's a massive numberfag, right? She seems much happier under Jenma now.

>> No.50970350

I see the opposite. Certain metrics are useless, or accurate measurements aren’t publicly available, or both, some metrics are known KPIs within the companies, but numberfags just use whatever best fits their rrats, and massage the data to make something fit if it doesn’t. Numbers matter, but numberfagging is almost never about the numbers.

>> No.50970366

No one likes Sora because she's a talentless whore who just happened to be first in the company. So most members pretend to be "shy" around her or "intimidated" so they can avoid having to interact with such a fucking useless nobody.

>> No.50970404

I fuck your mom
