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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 61 KB, 725x1024, Whiskey’s round ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50765174 No.50765174 [Reply] [Original]

God Whiskey's pussy is so fat. I absolutely would. What’s stopping you from watching /k/‘s gun idol, /vt/. She’s everything you can ask for in a Virtual YouTuber. She has great knowledge about guns, armored vehicles, naval ships, what more can you ask for a chuuba?

>> No.50765246

>what more can you ask for a chuuba?
Not be into guns or have pride in their country?

>> No.50765315

No thanks, almost as bad as swedes

>> No.50765406

Her accent. There’s so many Dutch people who barely sound ESL. You only start suspecting something when you realize their accent is too perfect (like, it doesn’t sound like it comes from anywhere and matches the dictionary pronunciation too much). It’s only when they reveal they’re not an English speaker that you realize they’re probably Dutch because not even Scandinavians get the accent down as reliably as the Dutch do.
Whiskey isn’t like that, which is filtering as fuck. Dutch ESLs who don’t have flawless accents sound awful as fuck.
I mean, at least Chapipi’s accent is cute.

>> No.50765488

Didn't even link to her channel.

>> No.50766479
File: 650 KB, 2182x3508, __whiskey_project_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_xerbatt__3dc211f10ae1cb3aed1967adc5f3fbfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the OP but she has a twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/whiskey_project/videos where she has decent numbers. I'm also liking her recent Starship Troopers: Extermination streams where she's acting liking an unhinged psycho. Which to me is a breath of fresh air compared to other chuubas who play it.

and two youtube channels: her main youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WhiskeyProject/featured and her archive channel: https://www.youtube.com/@whiskeyprojectarchive5549

>> No.50766608

God I want to cum inside Whiskey until she stop moving. I want to pin her to the floor and strangle the life out of her as she flails. I want to flood her room as her brain cells pop and she bubbles out a "Thank you" for using her dutch oven for its intended purpose. I NEED to have sex with Whiskey.

>> No.50766963

> What’s stopping you from watching /k/‘s gun idol, /vt/.
Because I don’t want to be emasculated by a woman who knows more about guns than me or how to use them. Is that her main appeal for people? That she can emasculate her fans?

>> No.50767381

I want her to emasculate me over her superior gun knowledge at the range then later dominate and overpower her easily for an all night mating session! And reclaim my place at the top of the relationship!

>> No.50767517


>> No.50767699

fuck's sake, buy an ad already.

>> No.50768043

I think I’ve heard of her before. Isn’t she the one that’s making a star Sector mod with the help of the people who made the UAF mod?

>> No.50768667
File: 786 KB, 973x1779, Whiskey's CZ Bren 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that her main appeal for people?
No her main appeal is that she has /k/ autism. And not just focusing exclusive on guns, but also on naval ships. She had a stream where she can recall all the Dutch warships class and type, displacement, weapons, it's history, and if it partook in combat. Like, she has books about Dutch naval ships and their commanders. She's a Naval Otaku and nothing excites her more than ships.

>> No.50769175

I don’t watch American vtubers all that much, but is owning a gun really that important to you guys? Just seems so unnecessary, not to mention it really doesn’t add anything.

>> No.50769185

>what more can you ask for a chuuba?
Doesn't she do a ton of male collabs?
Also, if she's D*tch, how based can she really be? You'd be hard-pressed to find a more cucked country.

>> No.50769336

Not really lately. She practically stopped doing male collabs months ago. Also you would be surprised- She spergs a lot about freedom of speech and rants about things.

>> No.50769419

Yeaah... Someone should structure the thread's for OP and link the last thread too. If she is to stay as a topic in /vt/ it can at least look the part.

>> No.50769462

don't know man... she sounds like a trans

>> No.50769586

Naaah... Comparing her to other troon VTubers kinda reveals she is a hag rather than that. That and her nudes got leaked before.

>> No.50769703

Post nudes

>> No.50769720

from what i gather mutts live in a country founded on mutual distrust and militarist fetishism. no gun = someone with a gun will rob you, your government enslaves you, your grandpa was in korea and thinks you are a liberal piece of shit

>> No.50770163

Kinda surprising the /k/ idol appeared in Europe.

>> No.50770247

Pretty much. I’m a liberal who believes in gun control, and I’d still look like a gun nut to any European who’s not Swiss or Czech. The police are lazy useless sacks of shit who think their own lives are more important than everyone else’s, so their first priority is always to keep themselves safe and *then* maybe stop crimes.
Personally, I live in a pretty well-off part of the city where crime’s low, and I know it’s often not worth it, so I don’t have a gun. But I don’t really blame people who would rather kill a guy who’s breaking into their house than let the cops deal with it afterwards.

>> No.50770284

> What’s stopping you from watching /k/‘s gun idol, /vt/.
She seems problematic with her nationalism and not to mention her love of guns, which I think should be ban for civilian use. I just won’t support any far-right Vtuber.

>> No.50770393

This nonsense again... Whiskey isn't far right. She might like guns, is from the military and all... but far right opinions? None at all.

For context European gun laws are quite strict. Getting a gun is quite hard.

>> No.50770459

I was on the fence about watching her until I saw this. Talk about a glowing endorsement.
Also you're a faggot.

>> No.50770594

Idiot wrote this on every single thread that brought her up. Copypasted pretty much the exact same way.

>> No.50770657

Is she straight

>> No.50770686

She's a gun nut, so I assume yes.

>> No.50770754

Pretty sure she's bi. She flirted with other chuubas on stream before. Earl also said something about her.

>> No.50771172

Chuubas who get these ad posts with anons trying to shill creep me out. It's like talking to Jehovah's witnesses.
Also she's got a definite masculine timbre in her early archives - maybe she's a 40 year old smoker, but unless she posts some saggy titties, I'm out.

>> No.50771340

>She spergs a lot about freedom of speech and rants about things.
Sounds like she wants big strong American man to sweep her off her feet.

>> No.50771570

> I just won’t support any far-right Vtuber.

>> No.50771690

do u rly beleb that someone who virtue signals to those kinds of people, uses their language and makes couched references to their ideology is not one of them?

>> No.50771785

Liking guns doesn't make you far right, it only shows that you're reasonable.

>> No.50771910

So true oomfie, unrelated to what I posted though.

>> No.50771971

What's up with the Whiskey posting recently?

>> No.50772004 [DELETED] 

Holy schizo. This is the first time I've even seen her shilled here.

>> No.50772118

Someone made a thread on /k/ about her. And /k/ fell in love with her.

>> No.50772135

Free speech isn't something unique to right side of the political spectrum and guns are just a hobby anyone can have.

That aside try looking at her friends, what she says during streams. She isn't alt-right. She even sang anti-fascist songs before on stream.

>> No.50772179

She's dutch so she's probably taller than you too

>> No.50772200

For real?

>> No.50772214

I guess this is the problem, I know some of her friends so I'm already starting with a negative picture of her. But do you not think you're being disingenuous when you say "oh, well she just likes guns and free speech" when you probably know the kinds of things she and the audience she's courted says?

>> No.50772277

Why is there so much Whiskey shilling lately?
>What’s stopping you from watching /k/‘s gun idol, /vt/
Too much males on stream.

>> No.50772406

Well, she is pretty cute. I don't blame them.

>> No.50772413

I am absolutely certain about it anon. In the first place, she distances herself from US politics on the account of not living in the United Stats. Which is honestly a smart move from Euros. Don't make half-assed opinions on politics of a country you do not have any direct ties to.

Also about her friends... don't know which ones you mean but I can't imagine people like Wishy, Nina or Leaf hanging out with someone who is alt-right. It doesn't make any sort of sense from people who have that many friends in the left leaning community.

>> No.50772500 [DELETED] 


>> No.50772594
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>> No.50772965

You realize how you sound right now? Thinking that being into certain hobbies that lots of right-wingers are into means you’re probably a right winger is precisely why so many people who aren’t that way keep quiet about their interests.
That anon already explained plenty of reasons why Whiskey’s not some fascist. Try not letting your assumptions crowd out what other people are telling you.

>> No.50773112

>Thinking that being into certain hobbies that lots of right-wingers are into means you’re probably a right winger is precisely why so many people who aren’t that way keep quiet about their interests.
Not what I said?

>Whiskey’s not some fascist.
I never said she was?

>> No.50773195

Then why does she support the Partij voor de Vrijheid?

>> No.50773798

Hilariously enough she called Geert Wilders idiot on stream before.

>> No.50774119

So she hates Right-wing populism? Always figured her to be an intellectual type.

>> No.50774445

Can someone who actually watches her please tell me why antis are trying to say she’s some far-right Vtuber? Did she say something mildly conservative during a stream or something. Or is it just because she loves gun?

>> No.50774815

Pretty sure she hates both right-wing populism and communism. And honestly that's not uncommon for Euros.

>> No.50774926

It's literally because she loves guns, military stuff and hates censorship. They don't need much more than that to hate someone.

>> No.50775145

Whiskey likes guns and free speech. Which for people who are terminally online, makes her into some sort of fascist.

>> No.50775506

tfw Whiskey responds to most of my comments on stream.

>> No.50775918

I fuck Whiskey nightly.

>> No.50776490

>Is white
>proud of her white ancestry
>wants to make Netherlands great again
>Huge gun fag
Alright, what’s her defective? What’s the one thing that’s holding her back? There’s no way she’s this perfect. Is she a globalist?

>> No.50776871

What's her daily view count, I envision Whiskey being a 4view, but is she really?

>> No.50776926

>What’s stopping you from watching /k/‘s gun idol, /vt/.

"She" sounds like a dude and there's constantly other male voices in the streams.

>> No.50776959

She gets like 300-500. Sometimes even more than that. Not sure how many of those are Trakov bots though. Her chat is very slow for that many viewers.

>> No.50777334

>She gets like 300-500.
Good numbers, is she inclining?

>> No.50777472

Not sure really, she is kind of niche and doesnt play FOFM games. Would love to see her step out of her comfort zone like play freespace

>> No.50777627

I'd check her out if she didn't stream on Twitch, that's a dealbreaker

>> No.50777885

Yeaah... That part is annoying.

>> No.50778052

Bruh did you literally never hear a deeper female voice?

>> No.50778138

Also criminals have more rights than regular citizens especially if they have the correct melanin level.

>> No.50779633

I don’t understand the weird ass fascinating Americans have with guns. Just ban them and be done with them.

>> No.50779928

Banning them isn't an option desu.

>> No.50779966

Just adopt European laws.

>> No.50780097


>> No.50780099

Which country? A lot of European countries have high amounts of gun owners and practically zero gun crime.

Funnily enough some of the countries with harsher laws have more gun crime.

Not saying that they are related or anything. Just that people being able to get a gun isn't inherently bad.

>> No.50780915

Why not just use British laws.

>> No.50781427
File: 2.71 MB, 3300x5100, __whiskey_project_girls_frontline_and_1_more_drawn_by_ndtwofives__bc9ab7fc379dfc2ecf2d2d97f6a14ee4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guns are pretty cool and tactical vtubers are even cooler.

>> No.50781630

I wonder if we should make a /taticool/ general and put military themed vtubers in it? I doubt Whiskey could carry a thread on her own.

>> No.50781726

There's so few tacticool chuubas and didn't whiskey had a thread that reached 100+ post recently?

>> No.50781781

Yeah but again, it still died. So she CANT carry one on her own. Too niche for just one chuuba. A general might be the better option.

>> No.50782444

whiskey project shows how easy it is for any woman to milk losers and simps for cash and attention but putting a surface level interest into their hobby

>> No.50782447 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 566x463, image4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget. Do not Memory Hole. The Self-post is real.

>> No.50782945 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.50783138


>> No.50783294

>>meet up with Erika in Netherlands in 2019 and blow her back out, be brown
>Also possible troon since 'infertile'.

So you claim to have fucked her and also at the same time don't know if she's a troon or not?
Get your story straight retard.

>> No.50783659 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 570x422, image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50783944
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>> No.50784024

Nice post Whiskey could you make it more obvious?

>> No.50784075

Holy fuck, Whisky finally has an anti and it’s the most pathetic anti I’ve ever seen.

>> No.50784908

IDK anon does an anti usually have logs like that?

>> No.50784919

I still want to masturbate inside Whiskey and no one can tell me its a bad thing.

>> No.50785668

Coomer Anon you know she wants to be hydraulically pressed while you do it right.

>> No.50785860
File: 300 KB, 2048x2048, ErliVjXWMAITduX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good? Crush her head and watch her cum as she dies. Hopefully there's a replacement I can stack atop her corpse and do it all over again. There's worse things you could do on F-list.

>> No.50786088

IDK Anon if that RRAT Anon is to be believed those F-List tags she are into are pretty fucking bad.

>> No.50786124
File: 158 KB, 312x278, High Impact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post her profile so I can find out.

>> No.50786776
File: 189 KB, 900x1028, 1647730975717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Whiskey Project and why do I get slav vibes? Is she east europoor?

>> No.50787208 [DELETED] 

Rumored PL from RRAT ANon: Ech0#6969

>> No.50787332
File: 119 KB, 128x128, 804688616772861982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I already murdered her lots if that's her then. Nevermind. She's a decent RPer, but I don't buy its Whiskey.

>> No.50787443 [DELETED] 

esna The Mercenary was her previous profile before she mass deleted it.

>> No.50787536 [DELETED] 

Vesna The Mercenary was her previous profile

>> No.50787643

Never met it so I can't say, gomenosorry.

>> No.50788039

Erika, I know you are ego-searching these threads go to sleep and stop mass-deleting messages that are 2 and a half years old.

>> No.50788197

They have nothing on Whiskey yet pretend they do its sad.

>> No.50788299

Post nudes then.

>> No.50789034

If they have more f-list profiles you should post them so I can cross them off my list of people to bang.

>> No.50789889

Does she have streams dedicating to just guns?

>> No.50790130

No, she doesn't cause afraid of Twitch Mod Team.

>> No.50790475

>she doesn't cause afraid of Twitch Mod Team.
Hope she moves to Youtube one day

>> No.50790823

youtube is even worse for gun content, twitch is the better option

>> No.50791015

Nigga do you even realize what you are saying. I dare you to even name more than three twitch gun streamers cause they don't fucking have any.

>> No.50791127

Didn't a guy get banned from Twitch just for having a gun? Or was that irresponsibly discharging a gun?

>> No.50791610

i know that gacha has been building a gun and he specifically said that is impossible on youtube, and according to the tos changes basically anything that shows how to disassemble a gun or talking about accessories is risky. i do agree there's not many gun streamers on twitch though

>> No.50791995

But there's lots of gun channels on youtube

>> No.50792797

They’re getting cycled by TOS.

>> No.50793922

>She has great knowledge about guns, armored vehicles, naval ships, what more can you ask for a chuuba?
While that’s nice and all, what kind of games does she like to play? Does she play Arma 3 or games adjacent to Arma 3 or does she play the same games other chuubas play?

>> No.50794214

fps and rts, tarkov, starship troopers recently

>> No.50794333

I'll give her a chance then. Any stream you recommend for a first timer?

>> No.50794769

for a first time you can try the latest tarkov https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1835737207, everyone knows her for that, but she has been pivoting to other genres as well, she did a collab with tomoe umari, another gun chuuba here https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1787174698 playing mech warrior, this is a warhammer stream https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1794401956 , and strategy game https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1818877790 ultimate admiral dreadnoughts

>> No.50794772

This is a site where coomers upload artist's original characters without their permission and make up fetishes they want to associate with the characters so they can roleplay as them

>> No.50795034

Not him, but I’m legitimately surprised. I thought she was going to play mainstream games. Nice to know she’s also playing some niche one as well.

>> No.50795250

Why does one person hate her? Is it just jealously?

>> No.50795380

I'm not even American and firmly believe if you do not get a rush from shooting guns that you are not a real human.

>> No.50795428

Either that, or they hate Whiskey for being a woman who loves Guns and free speech

>> No.50795558

They killed you losers specifically to not have to do anything like your faggot island

>> No.50796096

Sex with Whiskey live on stream!

>> No.50796475

So she's the real deal. Glad to know, thanks anon. I hope she's good at them

>> No.50796793

Does she play Kancolle?

>> No.50797018

>plays with males

Hard pass

>> No.50797228

Why do people keep saying this? She practically stopped doing male collabs months ago

>> No.50797358

tranny until i see nudes

>> No.50797501

I think you're lying about nudes.

>> No.50797844

she regularly plays tarkov with guys, no? though those are not as bad as a male vtuber collab would be.

>> No.50797888

>she regularly plays tarkov with guys, no?
Yeah, no shit, Tarkov doesn't have an option for singleplayer. She's always playing with someone.

>> No.50797969

If I wanted to hear a man speak then I'd just talk to myself.

>> No.50798143
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>> No.50798343

I hate discordfags so much, all of them should be shot on sight

>> No.50798460

>sounds like a tranny
>probably is one
How can you gays shill so hard for this?

>> No.50798726

Bruh did you literally never hear a deeper female voice?

>> No.50798769

/k/fags always fall for the worst chuubas, first froot and now this

>> No.50798924

Ever heard a tranny with a voice changer?

>> No.50798926

I want to cum inside Whiskey.

>> No.50799004


>> No.50799168

Are you even listening to yourself? The length you will go to confirm your boogeyman is insane.

>> No.50799291

> be brown
I got a chance bros!

>> No.50799350
File: 178 KB, 720x894, whisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I always suspected this as well, her voice just has that troon sound to it.

Regardless of that however, the model is pure sex.

>> No.50799413

>whiskey speaks Dutch
>It’s sounds natural and feminine
>Whiskey tries to speak English
>It’s sounds rough and coarse but still a lady talking
>she’s a man
Be honest with me, do you guys even talk to women, like at all?

>> No.50799431

It's male collabs.Lots of them.

>> No.50799576


>> No.50799651
File: 124 KB, 1001x1035, FuAmuzdWYAE-bck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her military models are kino as fuck

>> No.50799678

tits or gtfo

>> No.50800362
File: 59 KB, 577x1024, whiskey_project_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_nine_kanine41__23e5f814f49b3543b8acb2007b2a3e18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know what you guys are complaining. Whiskey’s voice is very nice to me. I just like hearing with a smooth, deeper voice like she has. Also foreign accent. Foreign accents are always good on a woman.

>> No.50800503

damn jeopardy is really scraping the bottom of the barrel huh

>> No.50800646

Sweden and Norway and different countries? Since when?

>> No.50801073
File: 133 KB, 899x1024, 1685764811524014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiskey Project is the only one you will ever need /vt/. She's the /k/ommando GFE

>> No.50801126

She might be the only one /k/ needs, but as for /vt/...

Post more pics like >>50800362 and i'll consider it.

>> No.50801378

Since always? Also the chuuba in question is Dutch not a Swede or Norwageion.

>> No.50801422
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>> No.50801601

since 1905 gramps

>> No.50801741

Kinda surprised this thread is still alive. Let's see if it lasts until her stream.

>> No.50801772

Why I am not surprising if she love being bondaged

>> No.50802211
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>> No.50802234

>No lactation Whiskey art
Come on! She is stacked IRL and with her model!

>> No.50802244

Terrible voice

>> No.50802580

Cope and seethe. People seem to love it.

>> No.50802661

Know what I just noticed. Whiskey doesnt have a term for her fanbase or an oshi mark. Weird.

>> No.50802706
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>> No.50802776

She does have an Oshi mark. But she didn't really make a proper fanbase name? Probably should prod her to get one.

>> No.50802807

I dont think i have seen anyone use it or just never noticed.

>> No.50802844

Bit of a shame, yeah. But maybe people will realize she does have one and begin using it once she restructures her discord.

>> No.50803014

You don't have to play with a team in tarkov.

>> No.50803036

I'd imagine she is trying to get other chuubas to join her. Solo tarkov is kinda a pain. She did play it solo before though.

>> No.50803127

Now that I think about it, Saruei and Nina both expressed interest in playing Tarkov with her.

>> No.50803169

Isnt Tarkov full of blatant cheaters though?

>> No.50803212


>> No.50803234

It isn't as bad as it used to be. You will get a raid with a cheater or two every now and then... but it isn't even nearly as bad as it used to be.

>> No.50803239

Could be kino

>> No.50803292
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>> No.50804062

Thank you for your service

>> No.50804139

Do you guys think that Whiskey is in this tread right now?

>> No.50804512


>> No.50804635
File: 98 KB, 658x1024, 1685957974279959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I hope so. I love her so much.

>> No.50804664

I don‘t like it though

>> No.50804860
File: 592 KB, 850x688, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Whiskey's fat pussy so much


>> No.50804883


I wanna wear those thighs like NODs

>> No.50804908

Guns and how they evolved are very fucking cool from an engineering perspective in my opinion. Also going to the range is fun.
t. pastaman

>> No.50805903

Seems she is streaming a single player fishing game in a hour. No males? Pog?

>> No.50806502

>what more can you ask for a chuuba?
Being relevant, also streaming somewhere that isn't the twitch shithole.

>> No.50807145

guns are cool anon

>> No.50807223

anon would suck off his shadow if he could

>> No.50807397

>militarist european
>believes in free speech

this is enough to scare the rainbow people

>> No.50807428

(you) arent watching her

>> No.50807485

guns are cool, stop being faggot. should we ban cars aswell, why stop there....

>> No.50807518

the french did

>> No.50807627


>> No.50807690

kancolle players dont play kancolle, anon

>> No.50808722
File: 256 KB, 1489x1500, 1674607421207335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's live

>> No.50808961

Why does her accent sound absolutely un-Dutch and more like Czech?

>> No.50808992

Probably because she studied in Czechia and assuming from gun laws- also lives there?

>> No.50809183

Would also explain why one of her guns is a CZ BREN 2. Hard to get those in Europe outside of Czechia.

>> No.50809696

Watching for the first time and yeah her accent SCREAMS Czech

>> No.50809837


Not blatant ones. Because Tarkov has a bad RMT problem, you get cheaters who avoid fighting other players, but scoop up the best loot to sell for real money. They only kill you if you come between them and something spicy. The devs finally got off their asses to do something about it, so it's been reduced but it will never be gone.

>> No.50810200
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>> No.50810437

Yeah her youtube page showing where she live currently.

>> No.50811665

so are we keeping this thread alive for post stream banter or nah?

>> No.50811974

Keep the thread alive

>> No.50813212
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>> No.50813452

>streams with males
>troon voice
>doesnt know how to interact with chat or commentate
does being a "woman" who's into guns all it takes to impress /k/?

>> No.50813612

>does being a "woman" who's into guns all it takes to impress /k/?

>> No.50813637

what's the point if you're not seeding her

>> No.50813669

what do you mean doesn't know how to interact with chat, are you watching right now is this bait to keep the thread aliveif it is good job son you made me reply

>> No.50813705

she has to be tamed in all places anon

>> No.50813863

also she mentioned a while ago the oshi mark is the glass of whiskey

>> No.50815699

>actually knows ships history
So she’s the real deal?

>> No.50816024

Early Whiskey looks so....odd

>> No.50816051

yep, she's played other strat games recently from sci-fi and fantasy to real life

>> No.50816089

would shove my head in there

>> No.50817691

streams over, if you missed it, she mentioned single player fps for the next stream, and possibly youtube streams in the future, similar to how sleepy project does it, but she is concerned with getting demonetized because she talks about guns and her videos are often demonetized

>> No.50817991

wtf is an "f-list" and what does "RPs in first person" even mean?

>> No.50818232

No idea. Doubt she knows either lol. What anon wrote before made no sense. Seems to be just a regular schizo anti.

>> No.50818289

Her artist improved a lot since then. She was his second model.

Man I got high hopes for the next version of her model.

>> No.50819575

Did she ever explain why she doesn't update her VOD channel?

>> No.50820022


>> No.50820091

not that i remember, sorry brother

>> No.50820676

Her stream isn’t showing up on twitch.

>> No.50821603

you're right dunno what happened, hopefully only private and not deleted

>> No.50821763

Twitch auto-privates any vod that used copyrighted music.

>> No.50822394

whiskey doesn't have autopublish turned on, she releases the vod if it's safe and free off dumb shit she accidentally said

>> No.50823688

god whiskey's pussy is so fat. absolutely would

>> No.50824247

It showed up now. I was worried for a second there.

>> No.50826704

What’s wrong with being Dutch?

>> No.50827769

Its just bizzaro sweden

>> No.50831299

>and possibly youtube streams in the future, similar to how sleepy project does it, but she is concerned with getting demonetized because she talks about guns and her videos are often demonetized
Why would she be demonetized for that? There’s other YouTube channels that talks about guns and they don’t get demonetized.

>> No.50832381

>Why would she be demonetized for that?
She wouldn't. She's just been brainwashed into thinking she would.
The way right-wing commentators have been preaching about censorship has backfired and instead of galvanizing people to fight back, it's given right-wingers a prosecution complex and demoralized them into self-censoring preemptively.

>> No.50833162

Whiskey really needs to step back from far-right political talks. It’s harming her growth.

>> No.50833254

... she isn't even far right.

>> No.50833559

>likes guns

>> No.50834589

>is 6ft tall
>huge tits irl
>Can crush a watermelon with her thighs
>in the military so she is fit
If only I didnt live across the atlantic...

>> No.50835656

That had... nothing to do with my point.

>> No.50836515

Is she actually 6ft tall irl? That’s fucking hot.

>> No.50836739

Dutch women are routinely taller than most other woman. It isnt even funny.

>> No.50838998

She's perfect for femdom then.

>> No.50839675

As someone who lurks in the three v-tuber chats on f-list, it is always in the back of my mind that the possibility of anyone I'm talking to that's playing an EN chuuba actually being that chuuba's RM may be low but it is never zero. Especially if they have no other chuuba alts and/or it's a relatively obscure indie.

>> No.50840682

Anybody wanna play Tarkov?

>> No.50840851
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God, I love spats. I'm glad my oshi pandered to me and decided to get a spats model

>> No.50840936

Can we have a whiskey general from now on?

>> No.50841016

Considering we almost have 100 IP, I was thinking of making one. What would the OP be about?

>> No.50841352

Brief description of Whiskey, her socials, ships, and guns?
I honestly don’t know, never created a thread from scratch before, just follow the same OP format from other threads I guess.

>> No.50841618


>> No.50841883

wait are we doing whiskey or tacticool general like some anon said?

>> No.50841898


>> No.50842190
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Good luck anons, it would be hard

>> No.50842314


>> No.50842427

You all are down bad
Also >>50769586 link ?

>> No.50842693

A tacticool general would be more likely to survive

>> No.50842774

But Whiskey is the only tacticool vtuber

>> No.50842821

well we still have a few more posts before we hit bump limit, we have time to think about it

>> No.50843194

There’s rye and sleepy. We can call it the Project General.

>> No.50843387

Huh, I noticed couple of pippa and hololive posters but no nijisanji or others in /k/ and in /biz/

>> No.50843495

Pippa owns a gun. So she’s /k/ approved. Don’t know about Hololive.

>> No.50843694

RUMINT has it that Ame and Kronii at least approve of them and probably have some experience but I have no idea if either of them actually own any themselves. Botan would definitely own one if she could, but lol japan

>> No.50844139

if we consider all the friend circle we can add wishyvt, tomoe umari, arianna foxton, leaflit, nyaruchu, and koopa

>> No.50844640

So Whisky extended Universe General?

>> No.50844723

We could add them to a friends sections in the OP but I think the main focus should still be Whiskey/Tacticool

>> No.50845765

I haven't seen rye stream in a while but sleepy is doing a gun cleaning stream this week

>> No.50845965

hololive has shishiro botan la lion /k/tard

>> No.50846124

Does she actually own and know guns, because that was the main appeal to Whiskey and Pippa to /k/.

>> No.50846183

She can’t own actual guns in Japan

>> No.50846230

shes japanese so no

>> No.50846341
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>> No.50847492
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How's this for a Whiskey general?

/Whiskey/ - Whiskey Project General

For discussions, pictures, everything about /k/'s Dutch Tactical VTuber and Gun Idol!


Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrenadesW

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/whiskey_project

>> No.50847551

Not bad, but I still feel like it won’t survive without additional chuubas added to it.

>> No.50847578

looks pretty good, we can add the previous legacy threads to keep the history

>> No.50847616

Which one can we add that are indie and friends with whiskey?

>> No.50847719

I think she said shes over 6 feet a while ago.

>> No.50848112

>additional chuubas added to it.
Name them, and they better be Tactical

>> No.50848574
File: 223 KB, 945x2048, FuvdNN-WIBkKMNa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copycat tuber

>> No.50848602

Whiskey is two years old now

>> No.50848678

Her sister does gun streams

>> No.50848748

Nta but Sleepy at the very least could be added

>> No.50848816

name her.
Link to her twitch and twitter?

>> No.50849467


>> No.50850245

We need more

>> No.50850932

Wasn’t there a horse Vtuber that’s tactical?

>> No.50851013


umari tomoe

these 2 are also tactical

>> No.50851183

also this are the previous legacy threads if you want to add them to the next op


>> No.50851211


>> No.50851270


this is the other one didn't copy paste right

>> No.50851306

she passes better than artemis and actually has some personality unlike other trannytubers

>> No.50851406

I am going to issue corrections upon this BRAT!

>> No.50851479

>Literally leaves the Netherlands to Czechia solely for the gun laws.
Marry me, my gun loving, alcoholic, Dutch Amazonian queen.

>> No.50851586

I'd have to look up at her like a retard but hot

>> No.50851650

> I need to has sex with Whiskey
If nothing else I suppose it would at least be sterile.

>> No.50851722
File: 375 KB, 1080x1310, FgF0sznXEAE0oSQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this for a revamp Whiskey general?

/Tactical/ - Gun Idols

For discussions, pictures, everything about /k/'s Dutch Tactical Gun Idol and her squadron

Whiskey Project:


Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrenadesW

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/whiskey_project

Sleepy Project:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sleepy_project

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sleepy_Project

Umari Tomoe:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@tomoeumari/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/UmariTomoe

>> No.50851760

love it

>> No.50851917

Who’s the black hair girl and the silver hair girl? We need to include them if they’re active.

>> No.50851983

black hair is wishy, silver with red stripe is ariannafoxton

>> No.50852032

Link their twitch and Twitter if they’re still active.

>> No.50852066

aight gimme a min and i'll make another op mockup

>> No.50852308

This is just curious question: why both of them have "project" in their name?

>> No.50852434

Quasi corpo

>> No.50852581

another mockup

/Tactical/ - Gun Idols

For discussions, pictures, everything about /k/'s Dutch Tactical Gun Idol and her squadron

Whiskey Project:


Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrenadesW

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/whiskey_project

Sleepy Project:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sleepy_project

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sleepy_Project

Umari Tomoe:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@tomoeumari/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/UmariTomoe


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/wishyvt

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tacticow

Arianna Foxton:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ariannafoxton

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AriannaFoxton

previous threads

>> No.50852624

tried to post with image but it kept giving me errors

>> No.50852756


>> No.50852835

their artist gave them those models on the condition they added the suffix "project" to their name, based on tarkov characters whiskey is the usec faction, sleepy is bear, and rye was scav

>> No.50852897

Whatever happened to Rye.

>> No.50852918

whoever makes the new thread use the group drawing, looks like a good first pic for the general

>> No.50853032

she's on indefinite hiatus she reincarnated but i'm not sure if i should link those 2 personalities, she deleted all the videos on her rye account probably because people found out and could get her in trouble

>> No.50853130

whiskey cosplay

>> No.50853188

Hope she has a good future.

>> No.50853269

Do we make it tonight or later on. Since it’s already midnight where I’m from.

>> No.50853353

maybe later, hasn't reached bump limit yet so it can probably survive the night, it's late here as well

>> No.50853425

Then I'll probably make it when I wake up.

>> No.50853961

You guys have excellent taste

>> No.50855067

>Who’s the black hair girl

>> No.50855177

imagine that ass in the palm of your hands

>> No.50855188

she became a jewish ghost buster

>> No.50855296

became a corpo whose fanbase is willingly delusional

>> No.50855449

Whiskey, if you ego-search, know that we all love you

>> No.50855794

Whiskey if you‘re reading put more effort into your voice training
You still sounds like a man

>> No.50855813

mucho texto
use rentry or something

>> No.50855840


>> No.50856052

That's not much text

>> No.50856122

A whiskey thread that reach the bump limit. I’ll be damned.

>> No.50856562

This. We love you gun otaku.

>> No.50856690

Too many paragraph breaks imo
Only breaking to separate talents would look better

>> No.50856802

Post an example of what you're talking about

>> No.50856838
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I also lust for her


>> No.50856886
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She got good art
