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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50838170 No.50838170 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present】
WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project

previous thread >>>>50830516

Headpat edition


Eru Nabura

Nisha Nixyeva

Remember that this simple disclaimer makes the shitter seethe with the fury of a thousand suns and that's precisely the reason to keep it that way. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.50838423
File: 64 KB, 758x424, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya cunny love.

>> No.50838455


>> No.50838505

another shit thread, the fuck is wrong with you subhumans?

>> No.50838560

in Anya's stream you can hear how a child comes in and says "Oye prima, te traje un dibujo"

>> No.50838778


>> No.50838881


>> No.50838910

ese primo? yo

>> No.50839223

**NN ***ETT ?

>> No.50839282

>even her primo voice is distorted as fuck
Where are the shit mic apologizers now?

>> No.50839323

La mas envidiosita feeling jealous of Meica's live2d.

>> No.50839332

she doesn't sound like her at all kek

>> No.50839363

Its okay Nisha

>> No.50839386

Charo has been sleeping for 6 hours in stream

>> No.50839426

Not to mention her heavy accent which Anya completely lacks.

>> No.50839444

I had my doubts about the voice changer but now it's too obvious kek

>> No.50839632

shut up nisha

>> No.50839649

stfu shitters, the QUEEN is streaming:

>> No.50839650

it's the microphone, i had a shitty microphone and it sounds the same. she even said she doesn't know how to set up OBS at all, fucking retards.

>> No.50839738

why can fags make a good OP...
anyway, Merun and the takas collab is about to start gen in:

>> No.50839771
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>> No.50839839

what happened to the previous thread?

>> No.50839852

She had enough to buy a PC to play valorant, but not to buy a decent mic?

>> No.50839889

>No Shura
Shit thread

>> No.50839929

Wtf she tiny

>> No.50839948

she said she doesn't use her own pc, if you're going to talk shit at least watch the streams.

>> No.50839950

make a proper one whit the links and also Merun and the others.

>> No.50839957

cunny in op

>> No.50839979

That's not a child, that's a girl.

>> No.50840018

Tell me, from what shithole do you come from newfag-kun?

>> No.50840048

She said primito

>> No.50840128


>> No.50840163

Damn, Akira had the decency to at least buy a PC for the previous girls to work, even if it's was piece of garbage.

>> No.50840261


>> No.50840300

What's Akira's plan at this point?

>> No.50840355

To die

>> No.50840418

>Akira had the decency to at least buy a PC for the previous girls
He never did that, he only sent a list with recommended parts and the girls bought that from their own pocket.

>> No.50840459

Hope Meica went bankrupt with that livemodel rig.

>> No.50840496

Akira is no more, anon. His creditors forced him to handle his share of the company in exchange of his life.

>> No.50840589


>> No.50840602


>> No.50840793

Not clicking that

>> No.50840870


>> No.50840878

I never stood a chance...

>> No.50840911

>that plushie
it's her, no doubt.

>> No.50840930

primobros, how can they compete?

>> No.50840941

>B-But she uses a voice changer!

>> No.50840953

Shota x loli is a win in my book.

>> No.50841030

"el primo"

>> No.50841097

Post proof.

>> No.50841151

who? NN?

>> No.50841586

what is her coursing doing in her house tho?

>> No.50841790

>not living with relatives
Very rare Anon

>> No.50841855

His cousin's house got totalled during today's daily chilean earthquake.

>> No.50842237

Why always has to be "el primo"

>> No.50842358

>not fucking their hot cousin

>> No.50842539

Don't you fuck your cousin, anon? Is tradition.

>> No.50842601
File: 38 KB, 358x344, 163200232125202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl sounds too sweet to be a menhera.
Where is the turbo menehera you guys promised me?

>> No.50842671

Everything in due time anon, she'll break your mind like no other. First she needs to make you fall for her.

>> No.50842726

If she's actually NN then she's a extremely hardworking girl to a fault.

>> No.50842907

many times I am surprised by the low iq that there is in this forum, first a retard who says that anya is lyn (same voice lol), and then asking what her cousin is doing at her house. Really, you give me a cringe, you fucking fat virgins who sweat coke and meat fat

>> No.50842950

if it's true then Himea just lost the brownie queen title.
cursed blood+indigena genetics...

>> No.50842983

She's like an angler fish and you are the tinny fry lured and ready to be eaten whole.

>> No.50843003

Mapuche cunny ToT best cunny ToT

>> No.50843006

Already are you menherating, Anya?

>> No.50843053

Just like you, Nisha

>> No.50843062

Cringier is referring to an anonymous imageboard as a "forum," as if there is a fucking log in page preventing you from accessing the site.
Fuck off back to incel farms.

>> No.50843094

chromosomes abound in this place

>> No.50843107

>Already are you menherating, Anya?
sure im anya

>> No.50843127

>imagine shitposting insteed of whatching Merun
fuck off putas chismosas.

>> No.50843128

fk off Nisha

>> No.50843175

>Cringier is referring to an anonymous imageboard as a "forum," as if there is a fucking log in page preventing you from accessing the site.
>Fuck off back to incel farms.
ok virgin sweetie

>> No.50843220

fk off merun shiller no one wants to watch that bitch

>> No.50843245

She sounds to cute to be Chilean

>> No.50843256

I don't watch numberfags.

>> No.50843295

you have Karuna pov too.

>> No.50843324

Learn English first, lol.

>> No.50843329


>> No.50843347

Say it loud sister

>> No.50843391

Are you seething this hard because no one buys your shit?

>> No.50843415

no wonder how this place is a shithole

>> No.50843466

Man I sure love pushing schizos to their limits.

>> No.50843605 [DELETED] 

ahora diciendo que yo onions anya pobres virgenes pendejos, no disimulan ni la minima de ser nishatards, ya baneenme de aca, que no soporto ver tanta gente con tan poco criterio y tan alto retraso

>> No.50843607

Mestizaje maligno cunny to stronk

>> No.50843657

>He lost it

>> No.50843721

What drives someone to have this kind of mental illness?

>> No.50843722

Lily is an honorary

>> No.50843744


>> No.50843770


>> No.50843792

Don't report him so we can laugh at his retardation.

>> No.50843803
File: 35 KB, 250x250, OlHvYtLtNIeZ1dUPvJ6JuAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himea too scared to stream because she doesn't want to see her numbers

>> No.50843849

So this is the famous turbo menhera?

>> No.50843864 [DELETED] 

ojala ser anya wey para abusar del retrasado de indigenas como tu, estan bien pendejos, por mas que uno les explique las cosas no entienden un carajo, malditos sudacacas

>> No.50843868

>imagine falling into madness for such week bait

>> No.50843924

>Nihilist can't stand the truth about tranny Anya and lost his sanity

>> No.50843962

And just because someone said that she's fucking her "primo"

>> No.50844010

>Fag can't notice this is Anya schizo losing it and not Anya

>> No.50844045

Hi nihilist pettanko

>> No.50844066

Sidiosas and AMAI shits will NEVER be honorary

>> No.50844084

i know that you are larping but the thing is that actually i could believe that indeed could be him kek

>> No.50844122

It's been a while since the last schizo meltdown.
Do you remember?

>> No.50844133

Anya, your community is full of fucking retards and pedos, it's so funny

>> No.50844140 [DELETED] 

>negro, pobre, pedofilo y mexicano
>y dicen que dios no castiga 2 veces

>> No.50844223

there are still retards who say that anya is a tranny, kek

>> No.50844230
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>> No.50844241

Who are you trying to fool?
Your post sounds nothing like chilean spanish you fucking mejicano.

>> No.50844318

I was looking at lynn's twitter and it doesn't add up.

She does not follow shondo or many loli vtubers

and she was just given a switch at the end of 2022, very little time for someone to reach the top 100

>> No.50844332

Poor girl she has to deal with Akira and these schizos

>> No.50844390

Having sex with Anya while listening to The Doors.

>> No.50844425

she collabed with Amais and she tried to join wactor

>> No.50844466

Anya owns a switch?
She can buy that, but not a decent mic?

>> No.50844492

That's because L girl isn't Anya

>> No.50844524


>> No.50844555

You really can't delete a heavy accent like NN has overnight.

>> No.50844575

I never implied she was, but that reminded me that she did mention that thing about splatoon so she must own a switch right?

>> No.50844621

what i mean is that she targeted wactor before and didn't made it, she knows Wactor very well since was on those circle, even collabed with Nateyo verde.

>> No.50844645

Most people don't feel the need to buy good mic just because.

>> No.50844651

Do you think Anya likes haitian people?

>> No.50844707

Nintendrones, they dont need a mic, and she said that she dont use her pc

>> No.50844732

she probably doesn't know about microphones

>> No.50844740
File: 217 KB, 1377x1377, 1685773718696065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that trannies need to be addressed as a 'she' and not 'he' nowadays, yes, even by their family, so don't be mean anon.

(You) are more educated now, and i will go do the sleepy weepy thing GN

>> No.50844794

That wasn't Anya, just a random schizo who is mad because anons don't buy his bullshit about Anya being NN

>> No.50844862

How can you have the money to buy a switch, but not to buy a mic for a job tat relies heavily on you voice.
Also she mentioned that she uses voice chat to play shooters and shit, the mic quality thing sound sketchy af.

>> No.50844867

Gn Nisha

>> No.50844908

Girls don't care about that.

>> No.50844927

have you listened to her streams? she has always said she uses a shitty microphone in the vc of the games, fucking retard.

>> No.50845068

This was a meme here ages before you came, tourist.

>> No.50845094

Given her very first insult after geting REKT was something along the lines of nigger, I doubt so.

>> No.50845118

Numbers are irrelevant. Whales is where the game is at.

>> No.50845120

seethe natamorph our girls interact with Sedai and Amai's girls so that makes them honorary
If it bothers you so much gtfo, in this reality Diler is a 0view and only Kana is admitted by this community

>> No.50845182

TBF you can't name a single girl whose community isn't the same.

>> No.50845214

Himea was never a numberfag, so don't know what is that schizo on.

>> No.50845218

she is bleeding numbers because she does not stream

>> No.50845222 [DELETED] 
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never forget

>> No.50845273

I also own multiple consoles and a decent pc while still using the shitty built-in microphone, it's pretty common.

>> No.50845315

man, Nara is ruining this collab, stfu already faggot.

>> No.50845347


>> No.50845374
File: 68 KB, 575x373, WhoreExposed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remembered something with the ongoing collab

Never forget

>> No.50845455

that's me

>> No.50845495

nah if she really was a tranny she would have already liked some lgtb shit, besides she uses racist jokes and her null knowledge in pc and only plays nintendo, she is a woman, kek.

>> No.50845507

What did they mean by these?

>> No.50845546

That PNG gang are a bunch of clowns

>> No.50845637
File: 315 KB, 529x759, 1649617900203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it worthy?

>> No.50845660

that meica is larping as a japonesa to gain viewers and the png gang are attention whores

>> No.50845670

>please give me attention look i'm based!!
>can i be shilled on the thread?

>> No.50845683

aren't we faggot? If she were a tranny she wouldn't hold back from saying it at least for likes

>> No.50845738


>> No.50845771

why is Chile full of trannies, first yofina and now Akira's cousin.....

>> No.50845826

And i dont think Akira would hire a tranny to play that model, i doubt a tranny would accept the risk of being doxxed and being known to be a man

>> No.50845834

copper in the water

>> No.50845880

Why does he use a voice changer then?

>> No.50845909

Didn't the cousin called (s)he "prima"?

>> No.50845917

There's no voice changer, Nisha/Mai
Jefaza will save WACTOR and you'll seethe

>> No.50845925
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>> No.50845932

>And i dont think Akira would
really? you have any doubts after hiring her own mother on his scam agency?

>> No.50845939

Hi Nisha

>> No.50845987

Then why the cousin's voice has that heavy effect?

>> No.50845996

If it's true Akira left the company then we can go back to liking Wactor?

>> No.50846006
File: 27 KB, 743x110, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget what kind of fags took your Sopita from you.

>> No.50846020


>> No.50846055

Shitty mic.

>> No.50846058

Maybe you misunderstood my point when I was asking about the mic? I never implied he was a man, but I do believe she's using some sort of artificial way to make her voice sound more loli-ish and the mic quality is just an excuse.

>> No.50846061

it is called drinking water, ape.

>> No.50846064

Go back to whatever spicboard you come from. Disgusting culture.

>> No.50846112

Found the chileANO

>> No.50846117

Based peruanos.

>> No.50846122

There's no effect, that's a natural 7yo boy voice.

>> No.50846148 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50846212

and the way she replied sounded very feminine

>> No.50846219

What's his new name in youtube?

>> No.50846226
File: 77 KB, 640x480, 1403945487985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7yo kids sound like reggaeton singers now

>> No.50846245

sounds like a normal kid, only her microphone picks up the audio really bad.

>> No.50846253
File: 115 KB, 1440x1440, 352029135_1500453350489204_6733617942770970760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50846262

why would it matter, anon? are you that nihilist pettanko who won't watch anya if she isn't an actual 10yrs old?

>> No.50846276

Kein Becil i think

>> No.50846342

Can we reach 200 views?

>> No.50846386 [DELETED] 

Fags, i think i found anya

>> No.50846496

anon we know you jerk off to that content, you don't need to share it.

>> No.50846502

>sounds exactly like her

>> No.50846536

No wonder the general is so shitty

>> No.50846565

No, if anything I would tell her she doesn't need that crap all.

>> No.50846577

>A real trans

>> No.50846687

What language is that?

>> No.50846727

based, her way of speaking and expressing herself is very cute, she doesn't need to sound like a chipmunk to satisfy pedophiles.

>> No.50846769

You got me until the end kek

>> No.50846828

Kys pettanko

>> No.50846983

Anya has now triple the subs than Axtre

>> No.50847022

than who?

>> No.50847108

Axtre has an ugly model and has the male collab curse.

>> No.50847137

I want to impregnate her

>> No.50847207

i think that is because she don't speak spanish.

>> No.50847684

That too. If she doesn't pander to the minoxidil bros she's doomed.

>> No.50847697

That's racist.

>> No.50847878

Male collabers get no sympathy

>> No.50848004


>> No.50848022
File: 86 KB, 1200x800, 4353463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Anya and Akira's cousin

>> No.50848565

Anya is really the cutest and funniest

>> No.50848866


>> No.50848877

What could have been if the manlet didn't fuck it up...

>> No.50849098


>> No.50849152

>that autotune

>> No.50849264

so where are the fags who said she uses voice changer and not a shitty microphone?

>> No.50849295


>> No.50849378

new Aña follower

>> No.50849513

He is a Wactor anti too

>> No.50849515

there is a word whose meaning i like, it describes it prefectly... "papeados"

>> No.50849534

I don't get it. Who is this guy and why is he seething. Give me the qrd, I don't have a twitter and I can't keep up with all these twitter trannies y'all love so much.

>> No.50849568

>t. newfag

>> No.50849658

Trannya lovers will cope with this, right?

>> No.50849690

Ok Nisha, now go to study Russian, chuu~

>> No.50849708

>Trannya lovers will cope with this, right?
time to sleep nishita la mas lolita

>> No.50849840

Why are you always thinking about Nisha? I didn't even mention her?

>> No.50849861

I will never cheat on Nisha with another cunny. Literally Whonya and Akira can fuck off.

>> No.50849878

sure, nisha! gn chuuu

>> No.50849907

Nishita la mas menherita

>> No.50849936

>start making shitpost
>receive shitpost
>why do you shippost?

>> No.50849979 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 400x400, AHcQ_BmH_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My haters are my biggest fans, they pay attention to every single thing i do and search for things to complain about
They are called tsunderes

>> No.50850076
File: 44 KB, 593x425, 192329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.50850079
File: 96 KB, 400x300, D2C52937-D6E4-4FE6-A216-BC04E27DF309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50850098

Nihilist gang is butthurted

>> No.50850105

Nisha's deredere levels are rising a lot
I welcome this shitpost

>> No.50850207

She's sleeping, idiot

>> No.50850246

He loves niggers, he's a tranny and he's chilean, I don't why you faggots hate him so much

>> No.50850317

I don't mean /here/ I mean on twitter and streams

>> No.50850324

Who the fuck is this faggot and why should I give even a single shit about him?

>> No.50850365

>I don't why
these nishatards..

>> No.50850385

Nobody likes Akira.

>> No.50850434

Calm down Meica

>> No.50850442

me too, it's a win-win

>> No.50850471

nisha, its too late in spain, pls

>> No.50850514

Nishita la más manipuladita!

>> No.50850563

>nishita la mas apretadita

>> No.50850659

I can't believe I've just open the thread and now I gotta fap...

>> No.50850671

Nisha la mas groomeadita

>> No.50850706

Have you confirmed it Fer?

>> No.50850716

Sex with Aña while Himea watches.

>> No.50850744

Sex with Nisha while Anya watches
Cornudita :)

>> No.50850817

Sex with Himea while Nisha watches.

>> No.50850834

No sex with Eru

>> No.50850875

Ayato sex with Babu while anon watches

>> No.50850886


>> No.50850918

She doesn't exists

>> No.50850948 [SPOILER] 
File: 347 KB, 512x752, YOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50850963

You mean Miutomo OP's corpse

>> No.50850972

is the supposed idol producer who complained that sopa doesn't sing the way he wants?

>> No.50850989

I look exactly like that wtf

>> No.50851002


>> No.50851032

sex with Merun while Nara watches

>> No.50851118

Isn't this the guy that always shat on Misora because she wasn't an idol?
What's his fucking problem?

>> No.50851163


>> No.50851185

Yes, her pussy is la mas apretadita y la mas calvita

>> No.50851221

sex with who?

>> No.50851317

i want to spank eru's good shaped ass

>> No.50851357

sex with neon, but eru who ...?

>> No.50851423

Eru bullying is not fucking okay

>> No.50851426

He's butthurt about no youtube streams in burraca's latest schedule.

>> No.50851459

sex with anons feminine asspussy

>> No.50851491

Y la mas cogidita! :3

>> No.50851494
File: 423 KB, 1870x2048, FxEcEY7XwBE5ULF (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with Rakkun

>> No.50851499

Sex with Shura

>> No.50851508

do you cum inside her womb fer?

>> No.50851545

no only in your mom ;^)

>> No.50851568


>> No.50851674

Fuck off Arse Moriarty.

>> No.50851721

>ywn be Anya's cousin
Why even live?

>> No.50851777

not the best artist at all, why japs are so good at fanart and westards suck so much specially spics?

>> No.50851825

I want to cover Nisha's tummy in Nutella and lick it clean

>> No.50851941
File: 106 KB, 640x467, 143534535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GN autists.
still mad that Shura model is not the chubby panthergirl she promised us...

>> No.50851957

I'll rather die than be a chileno

>> No.50852074

This but mexican.

>> No.50852320

She said she wouldn’t be chubby because it’s hard to find artists, and she’s right, I’d rather have her have a decent model than a tumblr SJW one

>> No.50852492
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>> No.50852546

Isn't like 2PM in japan?

>> No.50852561
File: 1.19 MB, 554x304, 1682135047795330.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to bed clowns

>> No.50852582
File: 130 KB, 800x450, 646473234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday Lia
I miss you so much...

>> No.50852753

oh no no wactorbross???

>> No.50852920

She quit to be free just to go an kiss the sidosas feet?
This woman has no pride.

>> No.50852927

Fuck off Akira

>> No.50852932


>> No.50853030


>> No.50853100

IDK who the girl is but the "hints" dropped by anon led me to an interesting mess. Avalkein seems even worse managed than Wactor, just sans the doxing

>> No.50853183

you sure have a lot of time to waste on dumb shit anon.....

>> No.50853276

Just go to her room and fuck her again.Akira

>> No.50853427

Do you know that posting offtopic garbage is against the board rules, right?

>> No.50853469

you're one to talk
I'm talking vtubers, just like the "adjacent" fags

>> No.50853513

>saying that when the the thead is pure garbage with severall shitpost that break the rules too

>> No.50853586
File: 1.68 MB, 1024x1536, 00202-3028369232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Queen LIA

>> No.50853635


>> No.50853680

That looks really nice

>> No.50853804

Stop crying, Eru and Meica talk with them too

>> No.50853994


>> No.50854264

seethe natamorph

>> No.50854477
File: 5 KB, 400x48, Anya in Mahiru stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50854562
File: 1.76 MB, 1024x1536, 00213-2904471121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50854616

Fuck off Akira

>> No.50854775
File: 118 KB, 1191x1191, Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My beloved, Only she deserves love...

>> No.50854849

this guy shitter is from here, no tengo pruebas pero tampoco dudas

>> No.50856412


>> No.50856791

she is from Spain

>> No.50856810


>> No.50856944

no shit sherlock

>> No.50857160
File: 59 KB, 556x552, Fx6MRSWX0AAnfC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857189

he sound like schizoid af

>> No.50857235


>> No.50857264 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 150x150, WfFvZPjKEb6J_9EPt-qbmAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857310
File: 1.72 MB, 1126x1375, 1681784908771556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857336


>> No.50857395
File: 467 KB, 807x679, Fx6PjydWIAA4Qbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857463
File: 710 KB, 1847x3975, Fx352_AWABAEeYq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857481
File: 57 KB, 522x900, FqMe4tVX0AApP7V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857511
File: 510 KB, 2229x4096, Fvzdp6dWIAMowhb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857549
File: 157 KB, 1664x1663, Fxuh0JEWIAENMBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857620
File: 627 KB, 2389x4096, Fx2e2pVXwAA54hW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857657
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, FxxeRWMaAAAVaLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857683
File: 466 KB, 3004x4096, Fx4xlw0XoAIMVrz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857712
File: 843 KB, 2481x3508, FxxWo7KXwAAkW3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50857737


>> No.50858504





>> No.50858594


>> No.50858635


>> No.50858760

I don't care about vtubers anymore
