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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50615030 No.50615030 [Reply] [Original]


thoughts? very high effort clip poster/editor, this one is an hour long

>> No.50615167

Best clipper i think this person made japanese clips before and only some time ago started to do English one

>> No.50615587

Kino of the highest caliber

>> No.50616226

Been subbed since they only had 2 videos. Super underrated and a lot of effort put into editing. Recently started doing really long clips

>> No.50616364

closer to animator tier kino than just regular clipper, low views tho

>> No.50617905

>One hour
One reason why clips are popular is the same reason tiktok is - zoomers have no attention span
That being said, probably lack of shilling too

>> No.50618006

I think I remember trying to watch one of these videos, but I could only describe it as unfocused.

>> No.50620377

He does focused once and unfocused once too, there is a shiraken video that is coherent rest are just all holomoments that fall under a certain catagory (age related skits for eg)

>> No.50620955

Vtuberbits and PekoMain are also really good and have been around since 2020 and do long subs
The best clippers are ones who do not only do long subs, but don't feel the need to load the video up with unnecessary bullshit editing.

>> No.50622487

Mechanico is god

>> No.50622523


>> No.50622528

quality edits, context provided for jokes, explains lores. but for these 1 hr compilation videos, the title and thumbnail is misleading. i almost didn't click on it because i am not a fan of peko

>> No.50622580

>probably lack of shilling
what do you think this thread is?

>> No.50622714

I prefer normal clips. I don't like the clipper that often adds static 3d images

>> No.50622870
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, Sui-can hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50622954

He's one of the best. Other recommended clippers:

>> No.50625113

clippers are all mentally ill

>> No.50625763

yh its pretty good

>> No.50625849

I'm not sure if it's static 3D images, he uses sudden 2D cutouts with poses of the hololive members with high emotive expression.

Although the view count is pretty low, clipper-san came way too late

>> No.50626205

>58 minutes ago
Okay I'll forgive you shilling yourself because this seems like an effort post at least.

>> No.50626297

why don't you fuckers ever promote people whose work you appreciate
bitches be like buy and ad already
bitch i'm the ad
you feel me?
i do mean it though, there's people out there making good shit but refuse to promote themselves for whatever reason (maybe they just can't), lose motivation as their numbers stagnate, and then suddenly disappear
be their savior

>> No.50626598

Why does his channel feature HalO?

>> No.50627047

thoughts on a clip/translations/animated shorts general?

>> No.50628705

Love this guy work

>> No.50628800

Longform clippers who translate JP to EN are fucking heroes and if I could like their videos more than once I would. There are so many shitty clippers out there, especially once EN debuted. The only EN clips I accept are ones that are translated to JP so the JP Holos can watch and talk about them.

>> No.50629047

While we're at it let me list some things shit clippers do.

>Don't provide source of the stream
>Have a fucking intro, just get to the clip
>Any fucking person who inserts memes like John Cena ARE YOU SURE OF THAT or Spongebob "X time later" or even unrelated memes that are still Hololive like putting Fubuki's "YABE". Just show what happened in the fucking stream
>Shit titles deserves it's own category honestly. Off the top of my head, clickbait titles, fucking ESL titles, "X said X and was suprisingly cute" and also thumbnails and titles that insert more popular Holos that aren't even in the clip or mentioned. A particularly egregious example was a JP was talking about Sharks, and the title and thumbnail said "JP talks about Gura" no the fuck she didn't at any time.
>Including the name of the chat member who wrote something the Holo read, this is literally never relevant, except maybe in the case of Eating Mike Tyson's Ass and even then I think people jerk him off too much
>Saying someone is shocked, mad, sad, whatever, when they clearly weren't in the clip, not sure if this is clickbait or just the clipper is an autist who can't read emotions.

Overwhelmingly this shit is done by EN clippers who just clip EN moments without even translating anything but I've seen a few JP clips that do this too. Also I saw the other day OtakMori returned to his cancer so that's fucking dandy.

>> No.50629062

you wanna know my fucking pet peeve about EN clipper
the fucking fact that so often they fuck up the subtitles, my brother in christ you simply have to transcribe what they are saying in the exact same language how do they constantly fuck it up, don't even fucking bother putting subtitles in your clip if you're just gonna fuck something so simple up

>> No.50629092

Yeah it's mostly ESL faggots doing that shit. Why are they even watching EN when they can't fucking speak English? They fuck up the titles too. Then again that's what you get for watching EN clips.

>> No.50629354

These two are the only one I watch

>> No.50629531

As long as we're recommending clippers, here's ones to avoid.

OtakMori (Obviously)
Iroha Translations (OtakMori lite)
Literally every single EN clipper, they are all cancerous shit
Osekkai used to be okay but then started being more faggy also jumped onto clipping EN but doesn't even translate to JP despite the fact they clearly know JP
Hololive Clips (Hit or miss but they have a lot of misleading clickbait titles)
Actually for some reason most channels with Holo in their name are shit sadly
Vtube Tengoku has dropped off a fucking cliff in terms of quality

Honorable Mention: Hololive Moments (lmao)

>> No.50629582
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Imca Ch is a dedicated clipper for Sora-tyan

>> No.50629711

>Honorable Mention: Hololive Moments (lmao)
man I wonder how many people here even remember that, absolutely hilarious

>> No.50630639
File: 3.13 MB, 4000x2696, 1685708384509472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50631011

You can add Sushi

>> No.50631175

Isn't this the guy who made Miko's all back mv?

>> No.50631190

>Literally every single EN clipper
There are some really good EN clippers out there, unless you mean the clipper being from America then yeah they're garbage

>> No.50631222

I always get Sushi and Sashimi confused, then again I think Sashimi might be shit too. Unless I'm thinking of Sushi.

>> No.50631261

The only good ones are the JPs translating EN to JP. The rest are just clipping EN clips and not even bothering to put subtitles, or if they do, the subs themselves are in English, or sometimes broken English from an ESL. Who the fuck is that for? Deaf fans?

>> No.50631280

Sashimi is just fish and rice, sushi is the rolls with more stuff

>> No.50634215

Shi and Vtube Tengoku were both decent for awhile and then both completely went for the absolute worst content picks possible

>> No.50634665

Ill watch your shit. There's a channel that used to make clips with nip and eng subs but he gave up (holos and chill or something to that effect). Any other clipper that does the same?

>> No.50635324

The worst heel turn in all of vtubing

>> No.50635450

I used to be an EN clipper in the very early days. Videos that didn't have absolutely spastic editing would do well and you didn't need to clickbait to get views. I had several Kiara videos that blew up to the 100k territory.
But nowadays, people thought "hey I can cash in on this!" and now it's tabloid tier clickbait, porn thumbnails, the most ADHD editing of all time, etc. It's all very horrid nowadays so I don't even bother anymore.

>> No.50636034


>> No.50636208

Hololive Moments was the biggest clip channel back in the prime COVID era. They clipped stuff everyday and were pretty good at it too.
People even mistook them for being officially a part of Hololive due to being partnered.
Then the Coco taiwan thing happened and they very suddenly turned heel and denounced Hololive and Coco and took their own channel hostage for "betraying China".

EVERYONE made fun of them and they faded to absolute obscurity. To the point that fans such as yourself have no idea of their existence.

>> No.50636267

yeah. talent fucking abounds

>> No.50636433

In terms of content it wasn't much better than mr white text red background so it wasn't much of a loss really.

>> No.50636460

it was truly amazing seeing everyone come together to laugh at this stupid motherfucker and his embarrassing idiocy and narcissism
>I-I'll delete this channel if you don't fire her
like bro go ahead we don't care lmao, you're just embarrassing yourself now

>> No.50636510


>> No.50636692

We did lose a bunch of iconic clips, many of them from holocausted streams that haven't come back so they're kinda gone forever

>> No.50636810

I always assumed Hololive Clips was OtakMori given they are so shit

>> No.50641486

Good thread

>> No.50645809


>> No.50651338

Bunch of Chinks who were THE Hololive clip game for a while. 99% of the clips were theirs and everyone knew them and watched them. When Coco happened they threatened to stop and of course Cover knelt to a clipping channel and fired Coco and Haachama and said Taiwan was a part of China.

Oh wait no, they fucked off into oblivion because of course that's what would happen and now newfags like yourself don't even know them.

>> No.50654125

I will gladly watch one long videos if they are edited and remove all the lame stuff like audio issues or reading donations.

>> No.50654275

Which clips do you all consider band-aid tier?

>> No.50654602

As in iconic and part of Hololive mythos forever?
Or as in clipped by or about a fucking schizo who went downhill fast?

>Rushia's GO HOME
>Miko Nigga
>Fubuki "Suisei the Pride of Hololive"
>Suisei 1v5 Project Winter
>Watame did nothing wrong

Any Matsuri clip
Any Iyger clip
Hololive Moments lol

>> No.50654891

>1 hour
You might as well just watch streams at that point.

>> No.50655618

Nope. It's very easy to lose interest when the stream goes on a tangent or full of pointless things.
A 3 hour stream becoming a 1 hour video means you don't have to endure 2 hours of boring garbage.

>> No.50656465

amazing clipper, those who clip their oshi shows more effort. need more clippers who clips their oshi.

>> No.50657914

What are some green flags of a quality clipper?
>Clip is long
>Source has timestamp in the URL
>For clips with multiple Holos, they also show that POV and don't just slap on a static image
>Color coordinated subs for each Holo
>No zoom ins or screen effects for extra emphasis

>> No.50660197

This guy used to upload 20-40 minutes long, It was one of the ways I got into vtubers and watched Ars' GTA playthrough. I wish he never stopped

>> No.50660338

>Providing relevant context, especially if it relates to other vtubers or past streams

>> No.50663794

Yes, especially if they have a clip of it.

>> No.50666361

I also hate clippers that add static images and zoom ins effect. but they do it to avoid AI marking their clips as reusage content
