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50442096 No.50442096 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the best ‘One-Guyed’ moment of all time?

>> No.50442130
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no contest

>> No.50442390
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>>50442130 was not from chat or a supa, so while it did do tremendous one-guy like damage, I'm not sure if it should count.

>> No.50442445

That one time Miko cried from an anti superchat

>> No.50442449

idk what kind of dumbass sends a message like that on their work messenger/discord.
Its like he wanted his message to be seen live on her stream. And rushia being an r-word doesn't enable her streamer mode.

>> No.50442500

bruh condoms only cost $10

>> No.50442606

you can say retard
and yes she was exactly that kind of retard, she often streamed using desktop capture and ended up exposing things multiple times

>> No.50442667

As much as this annoys me, this was the one.
This singular fucking supa snowballed into deadbeats not even being allowed to post in global for weeks without being attacked. It was entirely different from how things are today. It molded the entire year

>> No.50442768

I still think this one was some autist being sincere, not malicious. Who fucking gives $250 along with a scathing comment?

>> No.50442917

Hateful message has bigger chance to be acknowledge if it's a lot of money.

>> No.50443009

I'm not sure you guys understand what 'one guy' is, it's when one guy in the chat gives bad advice and the streamer does something stupid in-game as a result. Chasing drama has rotted your brains

>> No.50443043

ball fondler

>> No.50443090

>hurr durr look at me I'm so edgy
go back

>> No.50443111

No it’s not it’s something else

>> No.50443129

Who genuinely donates $250 as condom money?

>> No.50443132

Not everyone is set for the week with just one pack.

>> No.50443173

This won't ever be topped.

>> No.50443274
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>> No.50443287

>This singular fucking supa snowballed into deadbeats not even being allowed to post in global for weeks without being attacked. It was entirely different from how things are today. It molded the entire year
This wasn't the catalyst.
The one that kicked the snowball the sc in the members' stream preceding this. Condom money wouldn't have been offered and she wouldn've have been so tilted if not for the original sc that sparked that whole mess.

>> No.50443406

That one time some greyname mild gmcriticism comment made Nina from NijiEN go on a menhera 40 minute rant and even by the end of the stream she couldn't let go. Actually that happened more than once... that happens in 70% of her streams nevermind. Why are you like this...

>> No.50443517

I still have no idea why Mori thought
"oh they don't like my bro Connor? I'll praise some art if him fucking me to my fans dispair on twitter, that'll show em"
Like, why did she think that was a good idea in any capacity?

>> No.50443555

>it's edgy to say retard
>it's not edgy to use the retard word so long as you just say r word instead
I'll keep in mind next time I meet a black person that it's acceptable to call him a dumb n-word

>> No.50444925


>> No.50446017

Because she was pissed off all week.
It all started because of the member's sc basically calling her out, albeit indirectly.

>> No.50446229
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>> No.50447294

Because woman

>> No.50448474

Someone who is mentally ill. More so than most vtuber fans.

>> No.50448809


>> No.50448844

Whi h stream was that?

>> No.50449711

She drank herself silly out of anxiety for her upcoming surgery

>> No.50452618

Aha, this was the legendary "Amegeddon", yes?
Rampant backseaters and spoilers in chat can go fuck themselves, but throwing a glorified tantrum while streaming just because you can't either wrangle or ignore your chat is just as bad.

>> No.50455471

She was trying to act completely nonchalant about the whole thing.

>> No.50456263

The superchat that schizo sent to fauna to trick her into lecturing her fans, not friends

>> No.50457255
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Why would anyone hate Mikochi?

>> No.50459642

holy FUCK go the hell back to whatever hole you crawled out from

>> No.50460663

>he thinks that was amegeddon

>> No.50461460

It softens the impact, but I imagine you'd still lose some teeth over it.

>> No.50461630


>> No.50462620

That wasn't nearly as impactful as the members stream SC about how disrespectful to hololive her friendship with connor was.

>> No.50462848

It's funny cause the guy that kicked this all off was earnestly concernfagging that Connor would be bad content and be bad for streams. He was mortified at what it all lead to.

>> No.50463197

That guy must have a single digit IQ

>> No.50463344

>>50463197 me
Also, are you sure about that? The original SC was pretty vile.

>> No.50463839

>el no sabe

>> No.50464090

To this day I still don't know who Connor is or what this was about.

>> No.50464095

Not if there's not a pack of them ready to jump in as soon as the one starts to lose. Niggers fight like women when they're alone, and they're massive pussies too

>> No.50464191

Would you like an explanation?

>> No.50464329
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Please. I offer this Watame in exchange.

>> No.50464737

The average JP schizo makes even the worst EN schizo look sane.

>> No.50464868

I still don't know what a one guy is. You asked.

>> No.50465017

I accept your sheep.

"Connor" aka CDawgVA is a fairly well known anituber/twitch streamer/VA who co-hosts a podcast called "Trash Taste". Mori appeared on there twice between 2020 and 2021 to promote hololive and shoot the shit. It was quite successful for everyone.

Connor is good friends with Ironmouse, and at one point said to her that, in effect, exaggerating your resume to get in to hololive is a viable strategy for making it, because joining hololive more or less guarantees success. Some people got (or pretended to get) extremely assblasted over this.

Back in January 2022, during a member's stream, some weirdo sends Mori an SC during a members stream. The ultimate upshot is, her friendship with Connor is inappropriate and not a good look because of how disrespectful he is to the other girls. That unironically pissed mori off, there was a bit of drama.

Shortly thereafter, she got some troll SCs, probably because of her brief, ill considered policy of donating Anti SCs to whoever got badmouthed. The "condom money" was the one everyone remembers.

Right as this whole thing was dying down, she found an old drawing of a deadbeat crying about getting cucked, and decided to reply to it. I'm pretty sure she was trying to be nonchalant. A lot of people lost their minds over the fact that mori took bait, she posted a tweet that (mistakenly) implied she had been drinking lean, and she took some time off. For the longest time, she had a massive "kick me" sign on /vt/ and Twitter because of that.

Hope this helps clarify things

>> No.50465342

It's when the streamer's attention is directed at the one (or one of the few) people who's full of shit.

>> No.50465413


>> No.50466570
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Good one but I prefer Fauna's

>> No.50466658
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this is the yellow supa she took advantage of to give "the talk" to saplings

>> No.50466899
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I knew about the lean tweet and and cuckbeat drawing. She sounds like she doesn't think anything through and flies off the handle a lot.

>> No.50466904

Wait, is this considered bad? I havent been to vt in months and came to check the ranch. Whats the problem with this one?

>> No.50466994

This was the most stressed and busy mori has ever been (which is saying a lot), and she learned from her mistakes.

>> No.50467050

as much as people on here want to disagree with this statement but she really has been getting better with these kinds of things. It's just that her fuck-ups were so big that people are still skeptical of her which is justified.

>> No.50467142

Welp, that was actually an entirely different thing, misremembered
That's what I get for posting drunk

>> No.50467214

She still thinks about this. Truly a precision strike. I respect.

>> No.50467370

Maybe a little bit, but she's genuinely moved on and gotten better. There hadn't been a yab for ages.

>> No.50467390

The funniest part for me was seeing her post on Reddit being downvoted to oblivion lmao. We all know Reddit is a bunch of dickriders so to see a Holo being downvoted and put into negatives had never happened and has never happened since. It's telling on how bad her behavior had been that even Reddit called her out.

>> No.50467436

she also makes shitty music and can't handle criticism (she's also racist and not in a fun way)

>> No.50467534

Look at the superchat she was responding to.
She was asked outright, "could you be friends with Saplings, or are they just simps?" Her response was that she could never be friends with a Sapling. What does that leave? She admitted, outright, that she views her fans as paypiggies that she has absolutely no genuine attachment to. While that's probably true of all vtubers, it's a vtuber's job to pretend that it isn't the case, to sell the idea that there is a relationship there. She broke that illusion in the most brutal way possible.

>> No.50467726

Again, anyone that convinced themselves Fauna would support their parasocial activity despite what we knew about her private life very early on would be completely retarded. They deserved it!

>> No.50467817

A cute one: That supportive SC that Irys received that made her breakdown and cry. It was after a stream where she was noticeably agitated, obviously about stuff behind the scenes around her music and being treated so shittily by Hololive.

>> No.50467982

This is 4chan. Either don’t use slurs or use them properly. People use slurs to filter normalfags and to catch tourists who use the more appropriate euphemisms. Plenty of anons figure out other ways to say what they want to without using slurs. Either way, saying “r-word” like a poor caricature of a twittard is retarded as shit.

>> No.50468018

>irystrocrats give Irys so little compliments one can make her cry

>> No.50468020

Again, it doesn't matter what she thinks. She needs to pretend that she does support it, it's her job.

>> No.50468178

Mori is pretty fucking autistic. No, literally. She has enough self-awareness to try and fix it, but it’s often a hit and a miss. Given how prominent the misses are, and how HoloEN is small enough for individual interpersonal interactions to be noticeable, she has a tendency to bring down a lot of the vibes that make the holobox a thing. That’s one of the big reasons she gets so much hate.
If HoloEN were as big as HoloJP and her instances of cringe could get drowned out by other people’s content, people would just laugh at her and move on. It’s overall a lose-lose situation for everyone.

>> No.50468182

Trust me, she gets no shortage of compliments. It's just that she had been having a hard time due to Cover's terrible mismanagement of her career, and that superchat was the one that really got to her. It was the catalyst for IRyS truly opening herself up to her audience and developing an affectionate relationship with them. It reminded me of what was important and why she was doing this in the first place.

>> No.50468388

This is what so many homobeggars and normalfags don’t get about Hololive. Plenty of us get it already. Of course the streamer can do whatever she wants. Of course we’re not actually friends. But they’re getting tons of fame and money specifically for being able to toe that line and not bring it up. I don’t want to be lectured on parasocial relationships, which I already know about, because some retard doesn’t get it. You’re supposed to tardwrangle that idiot tactfully. Either way, it’s not necessarily a big deal if you keep doing your thing and drown it out by not fucking up again. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but it was still a misstep.

>> No.50468733

>she's also racist and not in a fun way
I bite, why? It can't be just her usage of the no no rap word in a fiendish cube song way back during her wigger high times, right?

>> No.50469231

One time during a scarface watchalong she didn't say the N word, but sort of made a vaguely N like sound. A year later people on twitter decided she said the N word but for the grace of god

>> No.50469543

It's literally impossible to be friends with somebody you can't interact with one-to-one in an uncurated space.

She's just stating the obvious, you're just a retard.

>> No.50469641

says you, I think it's perfectly fine to be friends with someone you don't 1 on 1 with

>> No.50469722
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>> No.50469731

I know nothing about Fauna but this just seems really kind and genuine. She could have lied but instead she gave (what seems like) a heartfelt answer. And if you ask me she's right. At the very least, simply being a viewer doesn't automatically make you a friend, the streamer-viewer relationship just doesn't work like that.

>> No.50469760

what you think has zero bearing on literally anything

>> No.50469772

Why don't you retards understand that that isn't the point? She doesn't have to actually BE any of her fan's friends. She just has to sell the illusion that she is. That is literally her entire service, and by dispelling the illusion, she has completely invalidated that service.

>> No.50469894

somebody asked for the wizard behind the curtain, she gave'em the wizard behind the curtain.

also that is not and has never been "the service".
tell me where in here it says anything about delivering more than entertainment

>> No.50469934

So does you, that's the entire point.

>> No.50470010

They don't even know what they deliver, vide homoEN. They think they deliver entertainment and they are clueless.

>> No.50470087

pekora is laser-focused on delivering entertainment and nothing else and she's one of the biggest in the whole industry
no gfe, no shipfaggotry, nothing

>> No.50470162

Do you have the supa? I'd like to read it.

>> No.50470240

>When Calli got one guyed about her lame fucking Shrek jokes during her Elden Ring contest and proceeded to mald unmuted while Ina and IRyS listened.
>When Calli got one guyed into quitting Rust over one grey saying "Go take the damn picture"
>Almost every solo Minecraft stream Calli did she got one guyed.

Literal queen of the one guy

>> No.50470247

>That is literally her entire service
SHE chooses what her service is, not you. It doesn't matter if you believe that the service YOU want is more in demand or something - there is no viewer-streamer contract, no standard of content that must be met. Of course, if the service she chooses to provide is unpopular that is 100% on her shoulders - just as the viewer isn't entitled to certain content, so too is she not entitled to the viewers support. However, the only person who seems entitled in this situation is you, demanding that you be pandered to. If you don't like her content, just say so and move on to someone else who does meet your needs.

>> No.50470592

>It’s overall a lose-lose situation for everyone.
Vtubing in a nutshell.

>> No.50470615

Not true. Pekora's my friend, she said so herself. Checkmate.

>> No.50470684
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Truly a classic

>> No.50471155

My cute autistic wife with severe anger issues!

>> No.50471368

What does it say?

>> No.50472015

Yeah, that's pretty damn insulting.

>> No.50472558

>The funniest part for me was seeing her post on Reddit being downvoted to oblivion lmao.
it had -14 votes, AFTER getting linked on global at the peak of shitposting and it was deleted by her shortly after
so basically it was still just local shitposters and trying to spin it into some kind of community dunk

>> No.50472603

He said it in that cunty bitchy english way, that they got their subs and their popularity because of hololive. Yeah hologalaxy, holodimension, etc but when you say it on stream in 2020, 2021, where your oshi who is likely having impostor syndrome or is suddenly worrying about numbers or wondering why they're not getting buffed can see you, and it ain't your first time running your mouth or the first time Ironmouse has immediately started tardwrangling you the moment you start, people aren't going to like you.

You forgot the best part, JChad, who was worrying if Mori would be okay/behave, had taken their overdue vacation hours before that condom supa, that snowballed into that cuckbeat retweet, reddit meltdown, and leanposting.

>> No.50472754

Imo she was attempting to be a god among men. You know those people that can literally do whatever they want when ever they want and everyone loves it? Like Kobo. She can do a hand cam stream where she shits in her hand, shows it on stream so we all see it looks like a classic cartoon shit swirl, then she takes a big bite out of it and shows us the bite mark. Everyone would love that and have no idea why. That's just the kind of person Kobo is. Everything she does is great. Calli isn't cut from the same cloth. Her cloth is pretty much the opposite. No matter what she does there will be a fuck ton of hate and all of it feels deserved. Which is weird?

>> No.50472817

it's kind of funny to see actual depictions of events in-between of junkies starved of their drama coke and dreaming of better times
the contrast

>> No.50472873

Concenfags really are the lowest of the low. Below even Nijiniggers.

>> No.50472883

The problem is people know this, that vtubers/entertainers aren't their friends, but they have a mental barrier that lets them pretend that they are friends while they watch the stream. Popping that mental barrier on-stream is what people dislike. It's almost like breaking keyfabe.

>> No.50472947

Ah, I had forgotten about Jchad's vacation.

>> No.50473070

>No matter what she does there will be a fuck ton of hate and all of it feels deserved. Which is weird?
It's not weird, she just has negative charisma. Just listening to her talk is off-putting.

>> No.50473169

>Set up two answers
>Have both of them be bad
This is banned courts you know. The relationship between streamer and watcher is unexplored ground still. Closer than a fan but not an acquaintance, I imagine psychology books will be interesting in 15 years.
I only wonder which Vtuber will be used as the example image in the textbook.

>> No.50473275

"My stream just ended. I'm going home, mii-chan"

>> No.50473700

I remember catching a clip of Rushia
>visited by "mom" mid-stream
>says "she" gives her headpats after she brought food/grocery
>"mom" doesn't say anything
I was like, "wait a minute, parents don't usually pat the head of their grownass children."

>> No.50473832

Even when she’s done collab Minecraft streams she’s gotten one-guyed. Too bad it had to be that cunt Babski doing it on IRyS’s stream. The magical ability of Mori to affect everyone else with her autistic incompetence is just staggering.

>> No.50474065

That didn't affect mori at all. Kronii blocked him, and he went absolutely insane. How is this an L for mori?

>> No.50474191

I think he meant Babski sending IRyS an SC insulting Mori and IRyS getting visibly sad over it
still making it into a Mori problem afterwards is some weird schizo shit tho

>> No.50474197

she sperged over one retard's comment

>> No.50474290

Right, but Mori didn't melt down or anything. She was just present

>> No.50474335

yeah, which is why I call it weird schizo shit

>> No.50474812

the rust thing was the last straw tho.
she wasnt sold on rust, she didnt really want to play it that much, but so many people were jumping in she went fuck it. She actually started having fun
then the one gorillon backseaters screaming at her for NO YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG or X IS ON, GO DROP EVERYTHING AND HANG OUT WITH THEM NOOOOOOOOOOOOW got on her nerves, which is where her sheriff/pacifism shtick started.
People kept shitting themselves so hard over her enjoying the game how she wanted to that it got to the point where she cut the stream off and went to play with Irys and Bae in the safehouse while those two were streaming.
More streamers should tell chat to fuck off and turn off the stream if they get uppity desu

>> No.50475033

That guy's rant is always funny to me because he implied that ''getting the hololive brand is a one way ticket to fame with no effort involved and you just get lucky'' but he also made his carreer that way.
he was the friend of i think the animeguy? one of those two from thrash taste and would show up in skits, and some people liked him so he kept showing up and pretty much owes his fame thanks to his already sucessful youtuber friend.
Also why would you say that in front of IronMouse, someone who has praised hololive thousand of times

>> No.50475122

Mori wanted to play Rust, she had plans to stream it well before EN started playing it. She just didn't want to be a murderhobo and Rust autists hated it.

>> No.50475161

>this is who you share this board with
Fucking yikes

>> No.50475326

Rust Autists ruined it for everyone
every single chuuba chat was spammed into oblivion every time someone logged in, entire SC reading streams where ''DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO X IN RUST?!?!'' or ''DID YOU WATCH WHAT Y DID IN RUST??''.
i remember suisei doing some base management and having fun and her chat screeching at her because Aqua connected and she didnt run to grift her

>> No.50475352

He already had a few hundred thousand subs before that point. His early content was centered around shit like Black Butler and blatantly pandering to women (he had a 90%+ female audience at one point according to him)

>> No.50475552

I wonder if fandeads hate mafumafu

>> No.50475559

He was Gigguk's friend, The Animeman is the only one of those 3 that used to do actually good reviews, but then became a weirdo boomer that hates anime and manga and only watches old shit while grumbling that ''new anime is bad because i didnt grow up with it''
wasnt he esentially a 2views until gigguk gave him a shoutout? I distinctly remember him blowing up overnight way before the skits

>> No.50475588


>> No.50475724

He was friends with TheAnimeMan before Gigguk, he sent him an email early on begging for collabs and he humored him. I remember him having a decent following before he ever met those two through his pandering content at the time.

>> No.50475738

the one guy? me

>> No.50475742

Gigguk likes isekais and watches pretty much every anime

>> No.50475972

ah you right, i was crossing the cables.
Anyway that's enough for memory lane. I got into vtubers because every anituber i used to watch got an attitude and tried to pretend they were above the shows they watched.
Animeman showed me quite a lot of good stuff, a shame he's such a jaded dumbass nowadays
Gigguk was the worst about it.
After he went ''i kinda like [This dumb show] OH BUT THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE ANIME IS SHIT XDDD AM I RIGHT FELLAS!?!?!?'' and every single video was dripping with sarcasm i just tapped out, i couldnt fucking stand watching a guy who cant even accept he likes something

>> No.50476113

that plus various concerfags getting so bootyblasted over their oshi getting impeded in any fashion that management started stacking dumber and dumber rules until entire thing died

>> No.50478664

Speaking of weirdo boomer, what was the qrd of his little spergout over Playboy interviewing Nene and having her in an article?

>> No.50485109
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Ahh... memories...

>> No.50487562

fuck off bunkertranny

>> No.50488669

>it's a vtuber's job to pretend that it isn't the case, to sell the idea that there is a relationship there.

Holy fuck you are ill. It's a vtuber's job to press the Go Live button. That's literally all it is. And if we take Gura/Ayame/Haachama as an example, you really don't even need to do that. If you think it's anything else, then that's purely on you and your deluded brain.

>> No.50489366

Mori never recovered for this

>> No.50491859

fucking lmao. This wasn't amegeddon, newfag. The original amegeddon post had a pic of the "hollowed soul" item from dark souls attached. Now, what do you think would be the contents of such a post where one of her then gachikois would imply their soul is now hollow? What do you think would make them that sad?

>> No.50495377

ok retard
