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50046535 No.50046535 [Reply] [Original]

She did nothing wrong.

>> No.50049566

Well yes there's a reason it's already out of the conversation

>> No.50049689


>> No.50049716

That neck is a crime against humanity

>> No.50050623

Wrong, she hasn't done nursing handjob asmr yet

>> No.50050652

pleased to neck you

>> No.50050701

I'm not her friend

>> No.50050734

She did everything wrong, in hindsight. She is way too friendly with her chat to then tell them to fuck off. Women who are like that are the worst, the "she's affectionate to guys she barely knows" and then acts shocked that men are interested in her.

>> No.50050779
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Someone post the entire transcript. I want to see Saplings ITT coping.

>> No.50050782

>Would you like a refill on your Pepsi?
OMG she's totally flirting with me.

>> No.50050789

Looking back at it
>we cannot be friends
is one of the harshest possible things you can tell somebody else.
No idea how simplings are carrying on after this one.

>> No.50051184

>As "Fauna" and "saplings", we cannot be friends, or, we should not be friends
>I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know. But I think for friends its important to open up, show them more of you if you want to be really close
>Anyway there's my deep talk, I answered it as honestly as I could, I am happy to be here, and entertain you guys and hang out and its fun
>Put yourselves #1 always.
>I'm just some silly streamer on the internet.
>And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must.
>Please take care of yourselves.

>> No.50051278

i got and understood suiseis "I cannot love you like you love me - so please dont fall in love with me"
"i cant be your friend" is pretty harsh and unnecessary

>> No.50051679

>a "friendship" to me is a relationship of ups and downs where people are able to expose their full selves, get ugly, argue, hurt each other and make each other feel bad sometimes
>our relationship is one where we collaborate to put out our best sides and create something positive and uplifting, so I can't really call that a "friendship"
>being here and hanging out with you guys is fun though, and I am happy to be here
>you deserve to be happy and shouldn't neglect yourselves for me because it will in fact make me unhappy to know you are doing that
Is that the gist of it?

>> No.50052297

Life goes on then

>> No.50052330

My feelings got hurt, that's all that matters
right? kek

>> No.50052382

Correct, Also nene did everything right

>> No.50052765

the same group of people who rejected their real life relationships to meet people online for a parasocial bond are surprised when the provider they receive from only wants to offer what they have been.

This is pretty ironic you call it "unnecessary," given you don't actually mean "the opposite of necessary." You mean it as "I don't like this and am too scared to say that directly."

When you consider what was had here - an e-gf for the masses - and you're surprised that the provider doesn't want to actually let you into their personal life when you've seen what happens every time a provider does that: financial, personal, professional loss; what's "unnecessary" is your bad attitude.

Consider that you have vtubers that do offer what you're looking for, from custom pornography/masturbation material to even in-person meetups for a fee with the implicit promise of sex, hell, it's really not hard to meet these people in person, they go to conventions, they go to normal meetups as their actual self, and even have friends already that are pathways if you actually needed to meet them and can pass the filter of their friends and family.

But you'd have to have a different relationship to this girl than she does with viewers at her job, with her customers. It's like being a bartender's friend. Don't be the dick shaking your friend down for free drinks at the bar, you ought pretend you don't even know them when you go for a drink, they're on the job.

Some might know more dirt and real life of these people than others, but that comes from actually getting to know them, in person, one at a time. And what do you even offer to be their friend? An interest in their job?

If none of this appeals to you, and you're caught in your emotions that you aren't special enough to break the fourth wall and risk a job over your passing emotions, don't ask for sympathy. Grow up or stay as you are, condemned to the hell of being you.

Or, better yet, just watch the damn show and go back to not knowing each other after your 2 hour uno stream.

>> No.50052904

She literally acknowledged that there is a relationship between her and chat, and its' one that she enjoys, it's just that it's not friendship. I really don't get how people seem to just not understand it, what she says isn't even out of line with an idol. You are not the idol's friend, you are there to cheer them on. The only difference is that she has an entire chat she can actively talk to and banter with. But it'll never be as an individual.

>> No.50053403

She acknowledges you as a simp, which she enjoys withdrawing money from

>> No.50054425

Only chuds think any of this is wrong

>> No.50054500

That's what mommy does

>> No.50054742

Imagine being at your job and after some banter you said the equivalent of what Fauna said to your coworker when they invited you to their friend's party. And then your coworker reacts like a sapling

>> No.50054803

she CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be friends with (You)

>> No.50055177
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It's only weird to me because the wording reveals she feels she's a sex worker, which honestly is a bit of a precious reaction to making guys nut. But hey at least it's what you guys want, that reaction means she's monogamous and would in theory make a great wife. In theory all good white women would be cringe in this way, she really thinks she's a hoe over making guys nut with her voice and that's just adorable. Don't sell marijuana to my husband, yo.

>> No.50055909

These "clarifications" are just expressions of each talents' social autism, nothing more.

>> No.50056346


>> No.50056440

Fauna is such a good girl.

>> No.50056467

If that cute guy asked you for a refill though you would totally be drooling over him, sister.

>> No.50056656

it's true, I fucked Fauna

>> No.50057489

Has she apologized yet?

>> No.50057552

The answer will always be no. She's just doing exactly what she always has.

>> No.50057580

she did something wrong. some people overreacted as well.

>> No.50057587 [DELETED] 

She's not your friend just an entertainer remember that cucklings. How come she treats that Mario maker guy ross something like a friend and give the rest of you the shaft. Even Irys who's half retarded wouldn't say something like that to audience that's looking for comfort in a vtubber.

>> No.50057678

i would love to be a fly on the wall during the meetings where her manager will chew her out for calling her paypigs "not friends"
her manager will probably force her into reeducation camps on how to be a proper e-whore to extract maximum bucks

>> No.50057769


>> No.50057876

no, she did; it was unprofessional, that's all.

>> No.50058048

Fauna’s neck scares me.

>> No.50058064

Sir it is a normal neck

>> No.50058164

KEK what the fuck is that neck

>> No.50058219

Either the neck is too big or the head is too small

>> No.50058271

NTA, but an entertainer doesn't need to say that. it's kind of a contradiction.

>> No.50058322

you left out the part where the audience has an unusually high proportion of undersocialized freaks

>> No.50058338 [DELETED] 

if the SC had said "wife" l, she would have recogized it as a joke, but because it said "friend", she decided to answer it seriously, for some reason.

>> No.50058340

she was right to say it, trying to make people getting all parasocial back off a bit isn't a bad thing

>> No.50058888

People keep misunderstanding Fuana that she hates saplings, she is actually the only one who truely wanted to help her fans, especially lonely ones.
Either out of compassion, or fear...

>> No.50059002

Who the fuck is Fuana?

>> No.50059618 [DELETED] 

This. Giraffe necks have no place in humans.

>> No.50060808

I don't watch for life advice. The question was better avoided. That was the mistake.

>> No.50060863

Cool. It's be 3 weeks. Get over it.

>> No.50061569
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>> No.50061834

fauna is simply too american to be a real anime girl.

>> No.50061935

Seeing all this makes me realize this is just an issue for overly emotional people.
Literal non-issue. Content doesn't change and life goes on.
I bet most of these losers don't even donate.

>> No.50062089

Holy reddit spacing

>> No.50062349

None of what she said comes close to implying anything you just wrote.
It's also so inaccurate that it's fucking weird. Who are you trying to convince?

>> No.50062647

That's the spirit! Now shut up and pay.

>> No.50062725

>gets asked a question
>answers it truthfully

>> No.50062825

no, she's just having a "i'm not a stripper, i'm an entertainer" moment

>> No.50062830

I smiled.

>> No.50062861

god yeah, you losers who don't SC for a 'thank you!'

>> No.50063013

hey pay pig, glad you're wasting your life defending someone who gives 0 shits about you instead of playing video games or masturbating. At least instead of doing anything for yourself, you're on here agreeing you're nothing to a glorified chatroom girl but continue defending her like your life depends on it.

>> No.50063033

Did nothing wrong, but said something wrong.

>> No.50063109
File: 105 KB, 353x268, breadmoomcrowave[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1tnodg.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these dumbass 'if this OTHER kind of person said we cant be friends out of the blue it would be dumb!!!!!!!!' comparisons are the most caveman concave skull-ass things ive ever seen.
fauna was literally asked in a (bait) superchat about the topic, and vtubers/streaming centers around the streamer/viewer interaction dynamic that is frankly a new sort of relationship you can have with another person that humanitys never seen before. that cafe exactly is dumb as hell because
a) you totally could be friends with the owner. why the fuck not? its a person you can physically encounter IRL no problem and possibly regularly do. im sure common patrons befriending (maybe on a very superficial level) owners/management of wherever they frequent isn't all that uncommon. fauna is someone you can't interact with on any substantial, even level because the only way fans can interact with her is through streams
b) the owner's comment is completely unsolicited. fauna was literally asked.
theres no good comparison for streamer-viewer relationships because the internet has been around for less than 1% of civilization's history, and livestreaming has only really been a thing for the past 10 years. the parasocial relationship conversation is touched on a lot because the dynamic is frankly really fucking weird and not at all analogous to conventional degrees of interpersonal relationships.
fauna was a litte stupid to answer the question because she only stood to lose from it, but it goes to show that shes more than willing to be a bad businesswoman if it means maybe helping people, which says a lot about her character considering shes literally in the business of monetizing her company

>> No.50063387

The eternal seething over this kind of thing will never not be entertaining.

>> No.50063455

She was very professional, the fuck do you mean?

>> No.50063577

seething? I'm laughing at you.

>> No.50063582

Right? she didn't say anything insane. every word of what she said was true. it's not like she said she hated chat, like have these people ever had friends? a friend isn't a one way relationship lmfao.

>> No.50063623

I realise this is a bait post
But I just wanted to say that I literally can't tell when her neck is altered at this point

>> No.50063715

the friend thing is fucking stupid to get upset over
it's objective fact, and whoever thinks streamer-fan relationships are equivalent to traditional friendships are unironic brainlets
however acknowledging non-holo ecelebs is
something I'll dock points over especially if male, nobody but other holos should be able to derail the stream except for rare exceptions, devs barely get a pass and that should be limited to 'thanks for playing our game' then they should fuck off immediately

>> No.50063728

> *goes to show that shes more than willing to be a bad businesswoman if it means maybe helping people, which says a lot about her character considering shes literally in the business of monetizing her company

dyrbi. what a simp.

>> No.50063824
File: 9 KB, 300x168, fauneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real saplings are out there getting their own thick necks.

>> No.50063849

yeah, fauna is a good person. a good controversy is always a bit of fun though.

>> No.50063859

fauna has always been mediocre, the only reason to watch her was the personal bond; by killing that she ruined the only good thing about her and caused people to see her in a new light. sad but fauna's career in holo has already peaked and it's all downhill from here, she is irrelevant now and at best can play a support role to other holos.

>> No.50063861

Serves fagplings right forbhaving a western oshi.

>> No.50063918

who's your oshi

>> No.50064002

Nothing was ever right to begin with.

>> No.50064006


>> No.50064047


>> No.50064055

I watch Fauna because she regularly streams. Ina?

>> No.50064070

all the people defending what fauna did are the reason EN will never reproduce what JP has done. they are simply incapable of understanding, it's beyond them like how a blind person can't see or a deaf person can't hear.

>> No.50064168

nice LARP, ywnbj

>> No.50064259

>regularly streams, funny, speaks english

>> No.50064305


>> No.50064317

Kiara of all people is the only one to get this shit right, by treating her simps like employees. They are free to help her and devote their lives to her as they please, but she'll always be The Boss, that is on a different level. It's the narrative that keeps just the right distance without this kind of demoralizing immersion breaking.

>> No.50064324

one thing that I've noticed nobody has touched on is how this will affect her working relationship with other holos, particularly the JP branch. fauna defenders don't understand that she is going to be viewed more harshly, coldly, less forgiving of mistakes, etc. and given how she is incapable of up to higher standards this reduces fauna to irrelevance in hololive.

>> No.50064352
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>> No.50064449

ywnbj is not an argument and im not trying to become japanese. I just wanted holoEN to do their best to give an english speaking audience the hololive experience but apparently my expectations were too high so i will adjust accordingly and not expect much from en in the future.

>> No.50064465

eat shit and die you mongoloid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujZt5oMDVsM

>> No.50064585

Streamer-viewer relationships are still human-human relationships, anon. Just because it lacks physical contact doesn't mean it's some crazy incomprehensible anomaly. And even if it was, saying you can't compare this with irl relations solely because they are different is just disingenuous. There are obviously connections between the two.
Bottom line is, here are hundreds of streamers (not just vtubers) who would completely disagree with fauna's words. Many of these streamers are very dedicated to their communities and they most certainly do not just see their viewers as wallets with keyboards. Sure, they may not reach levels of friendships as say irl long-term buddies, but you can't deny that there is a level of intimacy and care present between the two parties that is more than just typical "patronage".

>> No.50064614

yeah right because Kronii and Bae are totally going to be excluded from Hololive because they collabs with males right?
my god how many more stupid threads are you fuckers going to make? you didn't even watch that stream, you just read a couple of words from some shitpost thread and then ran with it

>> No.50064626

congratulations sapling, the best your oshi can be is a plaything for watame. could be worse i guess so you should be happy for her.

>> No.50064718

never said they would be excluded, just how they will be viewed and treated. EN is basically a joke branch at this point. if hololive is a circus then EN would be the freak show.

>> No.50064722

that is the stupidest shit i have ever read. when will Pekora call Fubuki a whore for hanging out with Oga on stream? when will Korone tell Sora to fuck off from Hololive shilling males?

>> No.50064732

yeah she did nothing wrong, all she did was hurt her fans because of some sperg

>> No.50064749

She is not wrong but it still hurts to be honest.

>> No.50064753

spoiler, it's a mandate from Yagoo that they work together cause EN can't get their shit together to push merch and grow.
Ffs how do you have collectively 1/4 combined ccv to the people who don't speak english on the english website.

>> No.50064785

yeah right because Suisei is totally being treated like joke for that one collab with Roberu right?

>> No.50064831

No one. I don't watch Vtubers.

>> No.50064849

what a kind girl,
but do think of yourselfs first anons

>> No.50064860

it does a bit, but in fairness she didn't mean for it to be painful and was baited into it by a known troll. shitty situation, she did the best she could.

>> No.50064879

god damn this faggot can't even numberfag properly. should i archive reps /#/ to get Bae merch sales for you?

>> No.50064921

made me laugh, thanks mate

>> No.50064958

it's only hurt because you dramafag couldn't spin it into some world ending yab

>> No.50065014

wut? i like her dude, i don't want it to be world ending.

>> No.50065137

i never said a word about male collabs faggot. stop putting words in my mouth. and your blind if you don't see how EN is a laughing stock for a whole host of reasons, tempus being only one of them.

>> No.50065364

what she said was largely right, and even intended to be said with care/affection, but it was worded like shit. "friend" means a lot of things to a lot of people, i call neighbors who i only speak with twice a year friend. there is a reason there is multiple qualifiers on friend as well. a random watcher won't become a close friend because there is a boundary that can't be overcome, but by virtue of being friendly with one another you are already "friends" unless you want to be super autistic with word meanings.....which is what she did, and what was wrong

>> No.50065510

If you're seething over that over the other things EN does you don't care about the idol experience

>> No.50065802

are you suggesting fauna is giving the idol experience? and what she said was ok because others have done worse? i'm just disappointed with EN excepting one or two who i wont mention. again i've come to the conclusion that i was the one in the wrong for expecting as much.

>> No.50065803

she tried to decrease the distance between her and the audience there (Fauna is someone who tries to maintain that). I don't need to hear your personal views on friendship or your personal advice, you're an entertainer.

>> No.50065927
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there is a level of connection, yes, but you're lying if you think streamers are all a suitable substitute for substantive, more conventional friendships that are characterized by accessibility of contact and fairly personal levels of mutually present self-disclosure. that was fauna's point: that she can't in good faith say she can provide what those conventional friendships provide.

>> No.50066029

*you're lying to yourself if
typing is hard

>> No.50066035

except no one is or was suggesting she can and should be an irl friend. this is called creating a strawman to knock down.

>> No.50066098

the entire controversy revolves around fauna answering a question about whether or not saplings can be friends with her. how is that a strawman? either that or people are upset about the mere fact that she clarified it, which is silly because again she was literally asked, its not like she unsolicitedly threw up some barrier

>> No.50066235

Oh boy, oh boy, looks like it's time for us to end with the sapling prayer:

Fauna didn't say we aren't friends.
And if she did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not her fault.
And if it was, she didn't mean it.
And if she did, you deserved it.

>> No.50066245

it's a strawman because no one is asking her to be their irl friend and that was obvious. pretending otherwise is the strawman.

>> No.50066347

>3 weeks later and every bait thread about this "yab" reaches bump limit
either saplings are genuinely retarded and are anti-ing fauna, or the shitposters are bored to fucking death

>> No.50066352

saplings are about to go thru what teammates went through a while back. with the same tragic results

>> No.50066435
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She did in the sense that no one wants to hear that.
Shut the fuck up and let people enjoy their kayfabe. They come home tired from work and just want to spend some time with their cute virtual anime idol girl gf. They know it's not real, but this escapism makes them happy.
You don't go into a fast food place and yell at people that what they are eating is unhealthy either. They already know.

>> No.50066469

Well I don't watch most of EN so I have certain standards too, but this thing in particular is fucking stupid and objective reality and nothing to even be upset over because the fan-streamer relationship is something completely unique and not like a normal friendship, the dynamics are clearly very different. Senchou addressed a similar topic and it was well-received, just that she worded it much better.
Yes EN could definitely be better at understanding their fans, but I don't expect them to be JP level.

>> No.50066478
File: 499 KB, 1623x1080, 48e8c2e2146f5dbf9a2ca7c0341655b4_crop_north.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are not friends
>We cannot be friends
>We should not be friends
>You should succumb to hate
>You should give up

>> No.50066500

Fine speech, Mac

>> No.50066514

Jesus christ, another Fauna seethe thread for the thousandth fucking time, and boy oh boy I can't wait to see this thread get a minimum 300+ replies like the previous ones!

You people are insane, my god, it has been like 2 weeks now and schizos are still going at it. This board is beyond saving.

>> No.50066559

This analogy makes sense only if the customer asked the waiter if they're friends. Seriously did any of you guys even watched a clip of the drama?

>> No.50066609

>Senchou addressed a similar topic
if you mean the sc saying he could not be happy without hearing her voice. that is an apples and oranges comparison.

>> No.50066641

No it doesn't, because thousands of people had to hear her 10 minute rant on this because of 1 known troll asking.
That is not fair. She should have known better and ignored it.

>> No.50066663

>relationship to the streamer and the nature of the fan-streamer relationship is apples and oranges

>> No.50066711

You're a moron, don't post if you don't know what you are talking about. Marine talked about someone basing their entire happiness on her being around.
That's not the same in any way.

>> No.50066725

apples --- oranges
what fauna said ---- what senchou said

>> No.50066765

>She should have known better and ignored it.
And she didn't. Nothing she can do now will help bring back the Keyfabe, even acknowledging and apologizing will damage the relationship further. Move on.

>> No.50066794 [DELETED] 

should've been a twitch vstreamer, audience there loves being cucked, gatekeeped, and put behind glass wall

>> No.50066830

Nothing to laugh about. I come here to argue with retards about things I have zero knowledge about. It's hilarious, because I always manage to make them seethe.

>> No.50066887

It's literally the same people each time too bumping this shit to the limit. I gave up a while ago after one of these people argued themselves into a corner, admitted they were wrong and fucking off from the thread, and then started posting the exact same arguments in the next thread. Repeat ad nauseam. Get BTFO? Lay low and then when the old crowd has fucked off, say the exact same shit to a new audience of unsuspecting threadreaders. It's so bad faith.

>> No.50066968

It's the same in the streamer addressing the natural and inevitable distance for which they have to the viewer and the limitation in which they can do things for each other. Both have fans trying to close space that can't be closed, with the streamer telling them the reality of the distance that must be maintained.

>> No.50066996

It’s this bitch’s fault we have goslingfags for pomu,rosemi, and there are people who are actually jacking off to MILLIE

>> No.50067073

To those anons that are trying to defend Fauna's words, idk if I should tell you to keep up the good fight or just give up arguing. Fauna is my favorite EN member and I stand by her harmless statement, but these false flaggers and thread readers, a good handful of which very likely don't watch Fauna, are not going to let up anytime soon, they need the made up drama to fuel themselves.
If you actually were a fan turned off by her words, then watch the next couple minutes of that stream and take her advice to make some fucking friends.

>> No.50067109

You're trying your darndest to look at both from a very specific angle that lets you somehow regard them as equal.
In reality Marine was trying to look out for a fan who went way too far in his love for Marine and wanted to let people know that they need other sources of joy in their lives as well and that she cannot always be there or carry the burden of them finding any happiness in life on her shoulders.
Meanwhile Fauna gave 99.9% of her viewers a needless reality check out of the blue instead of just letting them be happy feeling like Fauna was their friend at least.

>> No.50067140

Is this neck achievable natty?

>> No.50067160

yeah you're right. i think i'm here trying to convince people who have no intention of being convinced.

>> No.50067211

>Nothing to laugh about
>It's hilarious

>> No.50067226

So I said, one was better handled/approached better than another, but their intention and the reality behind the situation is the same. Ultimately putting blame on the streamer is fucking stupid because it's the viewers being retards and not understanding basic boundaries that's the problem.

>> No.50067294

>this is not a warning
>you have been warned

>> No.50067324

fauna defenders in this thread are a good example of why english speaking vstreamers are doomed be mere second rate entertainers on a good day. they expect and want them to be this way, in that environment how can the girls improve if they don't know they're doing something wrong in the first place. truly a lost cause.

>> No.50067340

stop LARPing already

>> No.50067403

>but their intention and the reality behind the situation is the same
no it absolutely is not the same. senchou did not distance herself from her audience like fauna did

>> No.50067419

Who exactly is harmed if a vtuber pretends to be my gf and I willingly enjoy that delusion?
She gets my support and money and I get to have some joy and enjoy nice ASMR or other stuff

>> No.50067425

I guess not, but every time I see her all I can think is that I'm going to die alone so I'll just avoid her from now on

>> No.50067451


Imagine your entire job is to form parasocial relationships with people to exploit them for money, and then tell them "By the way we're not really friends, you know!"

If she thinks these kinds of relationships are deeply stupid, wrong and immoral, she should consider finding another line of work.

>> No.50067515

you're just being an unreasonable schizo, there's really not much more to say
also a brainlet for being caught up in semantics and being unable to distinguish 'friends' with 'fan-streamer relationship'

>> No.50067712

She responded to a troll SC that she should have just said "thank you" for without reading it out loud.

>> No.50067767

Holy deflection.

>> No.50067778

do you think senchou sees herself as just a "streamer" and her audience as nothing more than casual "fans". what fauna did was cheapen the experience of being a sapling and people are right to be upset over it.

>> No.50067799


>> No.50068002

Maybe, but why do you care?
She is not your friend

>> No.50068024

like I said, you're a brainlet for thinking you can use the word 'friends' in the same context as it's traditionally used
if you weren't you would immediately acknowledge that functionally and dynamically they aren't the same and it would bother you that someone makes an attempt to equate them
to get caught up on such things just shows lazy thinking by only being able to operate on previously-created labels instead of making further distinction yourself

>> No.50068199

nigger you are twisting yourself into pretzels trying to defend what fauna said. it would be better to just admit she is wrong, there's just no defense for it im sorry anon.

>> No.50068305

>what fauna did was cheapen the experience of being a sapling and people are right to be upset over it.
get some help you fucking manchild. no i won't be reading your response, but do what i said anyway.

>> No.50068320

cuz she's my wife obviously?

>> No.50068376

alot of people criticize the SC but I just want to say I don't think there is anything wrong with his question. fauna could have answered it in any number of ways and she consciously chose to take it in the worst way and basically give everyone the finger.

>> No.50068409

streamers and fans have a unique relationship that isn't the same as a traditional friendship
also the earth is round, cope and seethe

>> No.50068529 [DELETED] 

She's a bitch for saying what she said
The day after, Peko said the opposite

>> No.50068535

She didn't make out with Kiara when she had the chance, unforgiveable.

>> No.50068587

wait, what happened? could someone explain it to me?

>> No.50068670

She responded honestly, which I can't fault her for. But she should've just kept it to herself or adressed the issue more subtly at another time.

>> No.50068726

NTA but you're trying too hard.

>> No.50068759

here we go with the strawman arguments again. no one is asking to know fauna irl and be her friend irl. also she clarified that there is in fact nothing all unique about her relationship with her fans she is "just here to entertain you", she was cold, distant, business-like; she made it seem like watching her is comparable to ordering fast food but seemingly that is the kind of experience many en viewers want or atleast are used to so it is what it is.

>> No.50068892

why would you want to be her friend? the constantly nagging thought "is she only my friend because I pay her? If I stop paying do I lose a friend?"

>> No.50068966


Fauna got a troll SC and in responding to it, she made the mistake of telling her fans that they are not "real" friends.

This has become a controversy because the entire vTuber business model is centered around the streamer creating a parasocial relationship with their fans, and saying "We're not friends" is one of the biggest stumbles you can make, especially since the craziest fans often donate the most cash.

There's currently a lot of infighting going on between people who felt hurt by this, and white knights saying that these people were dumb to ever feel like Fauna was their friend in the first place.

>> No.50069007

you don't understand how much beta virgin incels like vtuber watchers make girls' skin crawl. it's honestly a miracle that this kind of distancing isn't a daily occurrence with them. i think we should forgive the occasional slip up considering how well they handle it overall.

>> No.50069011

-fauna got a supa saying "are we friends"
-she said no, we can't be friends
-she was perfectly reasonable
-queue weeks of shit
it's a nothingburger perpetuated by antis.

>> No.50069012

damn some posts get really fatherless, they'd better be LARPs

>> No.50069285

I mean, you may be right but are they even aware this happened?

>> No.50069306

What kind of cuck mindset has you shitting and crying over not being friendzoned? Why would you want your ostensible surrogate girlfriend to be your "friend"?

>> No.50069321

why do you have to edit her neck like that, anon?

>> No.50069367

it was worse than a friendzoning tho

>> No.50069493

I think this situation proved that most of this board consists of overdramatic manchildren. I can't forget about the catty "men" that have a crab bucket mentality towards chuuba watchers

>> No.50069524


Why on earth are they vTubing if they literally can't stand "beta virgin incels?" That's the bulk of who is watching and paying them!

>> No.50069542

She dropped the mask. That's unforgivable. People are paying for the fantasy.

>> No.50069631

because it's easy money? doesn't mean they have to be grateful, most women are not.

>> No.50069641
File: 55 KB, 480x480, FZCL2VYVUAE2JBz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought mommy was my fwiend and wanted to pway with me... now she says shes not my fwiend... im confused... uuuuuu

>> No.50069793

if they're not aware now they 100% will be eventually. imagine you're a holo and you hear what fauna said about her fans, you can't help but wonder "is this how she sees me aswell?" "is that what she thinks of hololive?". It doesn't mean that she will be totally ostracized or anything like that but it's only natural that they will view fauna exclusively in a professional light and nothing more.

>> No.50069804

This is what yesmen saplings such as >>49952017 can't understand.

>> No.50069880

This post alone would qualify someone for a mental institution in most first world countries.

>> No.50070000

>People are paying for the fantasy.
This. I don't want her "to be real with me". She says that she is there to entertain - Well then continue to entertain. I don't vtubers for life lectures and to be reminded of "boundaries" and all that shit. Let viewers have their fantasies.

>> No.50070264

post like this and calling people names like "schizo" is not actually a valid way to argue a point. you're basically just saying "I disapprove of you, therefore you're wrong". this is women's default way of arguing btw. It's wrong and it marks you as a faggot who can't argue a point.

>> No.50070313

>People unironically say they were 'hurt' by this
I can't even fathom how much of a fucking faggot you have to be to type such a thing
Must be retarded zoomers or something because this kind of dumb shit is unimaginable to me

>> No.50070323

>I don't vtubers for life lectures
Then why would you be watching Fauna? I want an explanation for why everyone supposedly hurt and arguing this particular angle eventually says this when Fauna literally and constantly goes on pseud life lecture tangents. It's one of her main things, even, that people always make fun of her for. It's just very unconvincing that you had any serious connection or attachment to Fauna if you don't even know one of the biggest defining traits of her content.

>> No.50070760

easy anonymous milking of pathetic lonely guys for money. see smaller streamers who donothon. look at all the SC money. what exactly are SC for? she does roleplay ASMR. her 'real' ASMR is not even good.

>> No.50070763

Telling her viewers that they aren't friends was a mistake.
You are coping.

>> No.50071023

>'friend' means different things to many people
This. An Indian guy working at a random gas station refers to me as his friend, and so does a guy I've grown up with and regularly hang out with.
You should never correct someone when they call you their "friend", unless you have a bad history with them, or you are complete strangers. Going around and telling people that you reject their friendliness is just asking to offend people.
And for what? The only reason I can think of is to make sure you are free from any expectations/obligations of friendship with them, which like you said, is extremely autistic and completely unnecessary. Not to mention very bitchy and standoffish.

>> No.50071094
File: 362 KB, 610x503, watameSmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watame did nothing wrong indeed

>> No.50071141

ever consider she may just be an autist who got a bait chat she was simply too autistic to answer correctly?

>> No.50071222

I feel bad for watame; you just know she was hurt aswell.

>> No.50071230

Why do you want people's explanations? Not everyone watches for the same reasons and it would be silly to think they do. But ask yourself this. Is someone who speaks in a soothing voice and acts out as a friendly figure, providing ASMR content of herself speaking into, blowing, tickling and cleaning your ears is someone who should not be viewed as intimate? I'm talking at the very least someone who would be viewed of as a calming presence and friendly companion.

You can gloss it over in however way you like. But that fact is she misjudged the situation, responded to a silly superchat and touched upon a subject which isn't her place to do so the first place. It was naive and fucking stupid.

>> No.50071253

yea and that's why the blame is on her for not ignoring it instead
pretty much this

>> No.50071331

Fauna isn't popular enough to have dedicated antis going this long, it's parasocial weirdos that plague the EN fanbase feeling attacked

>> No.50071342

>correct someone
They specifically asked her for her opinion and definition. They didn't even make an assertion. Where are you getting this from?
Is this some mandela effect shit?

>> No.50071435

her viewers aren't even gas station customer level friends. she hates all of you.

>> No.50071605
File: 1.43 MB, 2258x574, 1681661855505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna isn't popular enough to have dedicated antis going this long,

>> No.50071662

She just said "we aren't friends"? That's it? Man you nignogs need to get a life. Of course they're not your friends. I wouldn't want them to b my irl friends I can't imagine how much cringe interacting with professional weebs would be. Fauna is a good vtuber with a special needs audience. No more no less.

>> No.50071826

>Fauna is a good vtuber
what's good about her?

>> No.50071916

She wasn't even very friendly with her chat beyond providing a bare minimum professional decency to them. She's like, not even top 5 most intimate in the English branch alone.

>> No.50072037

Why did you ignore what I said completely and then divert into something I never brought up? It's very simple. Address this:
>One of Fauna's defining content features is long-winded pseud TED talks and life lessons
>Anonymous claims to be genuine and says that even if she didn't say anything wrong, "I don't watch vtubers for life lessons"
The only conclusions are that they either don't watch Fauna enough to know something very basic about her content, assuming that anon is genuine in that argument, in which case they aren't even part of the discussion, or they aren't being genuine.
It's a simple question. I want an answer to one singular point. Thanks for the paragraph derailing to a different point though, definitely makes me feel like you're acting in good faith.

>> No.50072113

That's the average sapling folder.

>> No.50072202

If that's the average sapling then maybe they really aren't friends.

>> No.50072270 [DELETED] 

I'm sure her fellow members know much more than we do about their own relationship with Fauna.
In other words: they already know Fauna doesn't think of them as more than coworkers.
This stuff doesn't just pop out out of nowhere.
Remember when she completely ghosted her close ASMR vtuber "friend" immediately after coming upon better prospects (getting accepted into hololive)?
I remember.

>> No.50072411

Nobody likes low effort trolls but you don't choose your fans, sucks for her but she should endure it.

>> No.50072481

Nah, she's had at least a few dedicated Rule 1-breaking schizos since day one. Case in point >>50072270

>> No.50072520

some of her fans seem to have not realized she is an entertainer

>> No.50072609

If her fans can pretend she's a hot anime girl and not some 3D roastie then she can pretend she's their friend for a couple of hours a day

>> No.50072640

huh? it will be true regardless of how much time has passed.

>> No.50072736

I don't know anything about her past life, only known her as fauna but it's not surprising to hear that it's exactly what one would expect based on what she said.

>> No.50072804

I think that's the funniest part of all this, this was unironically a moment of her getting even more parasocial and being all like "hey here's more of my real self please don't hate me" and the response has basically guaranteed she's never going to open up again. It's part of why it's so hard for me to see the "we want a parasocial relationship we don't want an entertainer" argument as coherent when this was probably the most parasocial thing she's ever done.

>> No.50072831

it's the kind of thing that only get worse over time if she doesn't address it but then again I don't know how she can fix this.

>> No.50072917

>and the response has basically guaranteed she's never going to open up again
My god you really don't fucking watch her because she does open up. But she also has said, twice even, that she really won't talk much about her family (and she still does about her parents at least) to respect her privacy. But then she's also gone on to tell stories like how she fucking cried because she wasn't given guidance in a gymnastics competition, so she had no idea what to do. This happened AFTER the fucking Minecraft stream, by the way. You're all so retarded and clearly don't fucking watch her it's baffling how these threads manage to circlejerk this much.

>> No.50072923

>I don't watch for life advice
>that's why I watch the chuuba specifically known for constantly giving out life advice and pseud lectures

>> No.50072944

good, I don't want her to ever open up again.

>> No.50072959


>> No.50072969

In the context of somebody bringing up the subject of friendship, asking and asserting is more or less the same thing.
>"do you think we're friends?"
is the same thing as
>"I see you as my friend"
only the former is less sure and looking for the person's approval. Which that guy that sc'd surely was doing.
Nobody wants to be told they aren't friends with someone they like, because not-friend would leave only stranger and/or enemy.
Either way, the nature of how that guy brought it up doesn't matter, the important part is her answer.

>> No.50073030

>the important part is her answer
The one where she said no we're not friends, we're something else, that she enjoys the relationship we do have, but she can't define it as friendship because of the reasons she stated? That one? The entire explanation you refused to listen to after the "we're not friends" part?

>> No.50073041

as much as I think that fauna is a hypocritical bitch, this drama's getting stale

>> No.50073055

It's okay if your friend gives you life lessons and advice sometimes. That's what friends are for.
Oh wait...

>> No.50073150

Is it? It seems pretty much completely contained to these singular catalog threads now at any given time. There's really no way for it to escalate, the people who had a problem with it will either move on or continue to have a problem with it. It can't really build momentum since it's something only parties already involved can really care either way. You can't really proselytize outsiders either since they have no reason to give this the time of day.

>> No.50073218

You guys are more emotional than women.

>> No.50073237

>because not-friend would leave only stranger and/or enemy.
This is some Borderline Personality Disorder logic.

>> No.50073255

Holy timeloop
You niggers should unironically kill yourselves

>> No.50073445

it won't "spread" as in more people talking about it. but it will get worse in the sense that this will have a permanent effect on how people see fauna including her defenders. right now there is a knee-jerk reaction on the part of saplings to defend fauna, it's understandable but over time it's only logical they also will start to see her the way she sees them, cold and distant. that won't be good for fauna.

>> No.50073463

if the SC had said "wife", she would've recogized it as a joke, but because it said "friend", she decided to answer it seriously, for some reason.

>> No.50073462

I listened to it. Everything after was just her unnecessarily explaining what "we're not friends" already implied.
It really shouldn't have been that hard to just say "sure, we're friends! That means we treat each other well!"
The fact that she felt compelled to explicitly reject the notion says enough.

>> No.50073555

The reddit tl;dr king

>> No.50073592

This is literally a copypasted post. What the fuck is this thread?


I unironically think this is a bot thread.

>> No.50073596

Dramaturds aren't letting this die are they?

>> No.50073625

>part of saplings
Like these kinds of weirdos >>50073218
"never ever criticize a woman, or else you're emotional!"
We need gulags for sisters and simps.

>> No.50073648

Thick neck nigga

>> No.50073653

I'm not even him but you genuinely are women to bitch about this for 3 weeks

>> No.50073655
File: 69 KB, 800x2000, EQVIcJZUcAEE9JD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the code has been cracked. Can men have BPD or is it literal sister hours?

>> No.50073690

the original SC fauna was responding to asked something among the lines of "do you see saplings as friends or as simps", so if saplings can't be friends...

>> No.50073693

No, the mentally ill one is the one who felt the need to make sure that nobody should think of her as "friend" unless they fit a very specific set of criteria.
I mean who the fuck does that?

>> No.50073702

The answer is specifically that holoEN only loses viewers with time, the same as nijiEN. People like Enna being ridiculously hostile to their fanbase and constant drama caused an acceleration for them. No one in the West has the work ethic or drive to actually grow their channel beyond what Coco basically handed them in 2020. All the groundwork was done by the JPs and the West just fucked it all up. Everything after 2019 was a mistake, each day I pray to go back to the comfy bosom of the 2010s and for every twittersister to be dragged down to hell and reincarnated as a mentally retarded indian manlet.

>> No.50073749

I'll bitch about it for years just to spite you, sister.
>IP count doesn't go up

>> No.50073779

Holy shit actually, this image describes /vt/sisters with perfect accuracy.

>> No.50073848

because it's still true, retard.

>> No.50073849

I was in a coma for three weeks and I just woke up.

>> No.50073939

this will haunt fauna for the rest of her days in hololive unless she can somehow fix it.

>> No.50073959

God imagine how powerful her blowjobs are with that neck.

>> No.50074132

You're a woman if you can't see what she did wrong.

>> No.50074150

i'm a sapling and i support fauna no matter what she does!!! you are all just antis! go watch someone else!!

>> No.50074173

>right now there is a knee-jerk reaction on the part of saplings to defend fauna
Actually at first I got caught up in the drama wave from catalog posts but when I listened to the VOD and what she said I realized how retarded I was being. It's yet another reason why all of this feels forced as fuck to me, especially as time goes on.

>> No.50074186

Yes she did. She said how she really feels, people got pissed off, goes on a break right after that. Management made her take a break to let it calm down

>> No.50074459

No, he's right, sister. There is nothing more womanly than holding on to every single perceived slight for weeks and months and trudging it out at every opportunity like a PMSing girlfriend.

>> No.50074587

>Management made her take a break to let it calm down
Posts like these are falseflags right? Stealthsus2%ionsisters wouldn't be this obvious, would they?

>> No.50074660

>There is nothing more womanly than holding on to every single perceived slight for weeks and months and trudging it out at every opportunity
NTA but welcome to /vt/. People actually thought this would blow over within a matter of a day or two. Unfortunately this is now Fauna's permanent image on this board.

>> No.50075093

Sure you will child. Now go play outside. You could stand to get some fresh air.
No it won't. She's doing just fine. :)

>> No.50075182

She stole my heart. She's a thief.

>> No.50075258 [DELETED] 

How was that rule breaking? They referred to her previous content-driven collaborative endeavor with another vtuber, not her past life or IRL or anything like that at all. Stuff that is very well known because the VTUBER herself said it publicly.
I know the mods are here are 100% biased towards her but I didn't know they were full-blown cuckling simps for her, damn

>> No.50075269

She's goes on a break right after saying that. It's pretty obvious

>> No.50075433

She fucking told people about that vacation 2 weeks before she took it

>> No.50075508

You're the reason women aren't nice to us anymore.

>> No.50075711

actually, that was a bit too much emotion from Fauna for me. I know we're not friends, it's obvious.

>> No.50076081

She didn't.
If the unicorns wanted an e-gf they could've gone to any whore on twitch with a members only discord server.
Just because she does ASMR doesn't mean she's your therapist or escort.

>> No.50076271
File: 36 KB, 385x290, 5C82D826-547A-4B56-9C93-3D575DB43945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I-I’m still your friend… right mommy?

>> No.50076333
File: 408 KB, 631x689, 1683181806227615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your amigo

>> No.50077217

mark my words. you're going to see fauna's career plateau and then decline from here on out, comparable to ame. how long will she be around for i don't know, she seems comfortable with what she's doing but she won't accomplish anything of note in hololive.

>> No.50077798

Can anyone explain to me what policy or moderation I was apparently complaining about to warrant a deletion on my post?
(mods pls i humbly ask that u set ur clear biases for any oshis aside for one second and realize im not complaining. i genuinely do not understand which vtuber these rules apply to or not)

>> No.50077808

I'm not your friend, buddy!

>> No.50077876
File: 50 KB, 251x281, fauneck2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50078752
File: 227 KB, 558x494, 1657852900055512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, if you want me to be real, I'll be real
>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
>it is I think important for boundaries to be maintained
>I am here to entertain you, and that is all really

>> No.50079027
File: 2.71 MB, 1500x1500, friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50079145
File: 545 KB, 1920x1920, 1683643059899085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the average sapling experiment.
If average sapling cries then she did something wrong.

>> No.50079239

I will take pity on you since the mods aren't, so here's a spoon. Go read the actual rules page for the site, look at /vt/'s section, and realize that "roommate/past life/whatever you want to call it" posting falls under the second rule. If it didn't, it'd give doxxfags free rein to shit up the board as they saw fit. Your initial post violated that so it was removed.

>> No.50080329

she's too comfortable, so getting complacent. which is how this happened. she thinks she has it made so she will slack off.

>> No.50080525

i'm confused. should I be upset or not?

>> No.50080557

Use your brain

>> No.50080723

>We cannot and should not be friends
>she thinks she’s a prostitute
>she thinks vtubers and streaming are prostitution
Honestly can’t tell if based or doomerpill

>> No.50081439

It's Nijifags. They already exposed themselves over a week ago.

>> No.50081504

She did everything wrong.

>> No.50081815
File: 121 KB, 909x1032, 1675108750059323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + w "friend"

>> No.50082119

Maybe not upset. But you should be disappointed with how she handled it.

>> No.50085216

hi fren

>> No.50085322 [DELETED] 

indifferent. she was never unicorn material and still isn't.

>> No.50085387

indifferent. she was never unicorn material and still isn't

>> No.50087775

retard, a personal anecdote isn't the same as a personal view on a somewhat abstract topic. one is just a fact from the past, the other is much closer to who she is as a person now. (and I saw the gymnastics anecdote live.)

>> No.50089531

think for yourself

>> No.50089694
File: 36 KB, 626x311, Ft1Sl2naEAAA5mS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be clear, if you were offended by a vtuber telling you something as blindingly obvious as " we are not friends" then I hope her saying that hurt you emotionally.

>> No.50089748

i hope she sees this, cuck.

>> No.50090027

basically fauna said the truth that everyone already knows and is hurt by it.

>> No.50091139

what if they were offended *because* it's so obvious? it's kind of an insult to their intelligence.

>> No.50091207

This, but unironically. The thing is that certain people are so desperate for her to yab that they insist she did, but only after omitting 90% of what she said and removing all context because otherwise they wouldn't have any room to argue.

>> No.50092866

or maybe you just don't understand their arguments.

>> No.50095436

How are you retards still seething over this nothingburger?
Get over it.

>> No.50098619

you should never be upset.

>> No.50099101

She did not do anything wrong. But do you think friendless recluse seafaggots on this Philippines pag pag eating site care about context? She's a stranger to you you're a stranger to her you're just a fan and she's just an entertainer it ain't fucking rocket science. Some of you really need to grow the fuck up kek. You can't lose what you never had in the first place.

>> No.50099192

yes, she's an entertainer. an entertainer doesn't need to say that.

>> No.50099242

you exaggerate how much of her output that constitutes, but it's because they usually are more random and unrelated to the audience, as well as more jokey in manner, so they don't feel so didactic. this one, on the other hand, felt specifically directed at (you), the viewer.

>> No.50099290

Considering how childish some of you are yes that needed to be said. They're entertainers, not your friends your escort or a personal concubine you stupid fuck.

>> No.50099393

Damn, where was this defence force when Elira was getting lambasted??

>> No.50099443

>improve urself
>educate urself
>I guys have friends rights?
>I'm not you guy's friend

>> No.50099466

I don't watch her but if she tardwrangled these retards enough to break them mentally for months then good for her.

>> No.50100170

I just wanted to watch a cute anime girl who gave me ASMR hugs.
I know I'll never be her friend but she didn't need to tell me that. What's the point?

>> No.50100199
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>> No.50100255
File: 265 KB, 1512x1400, FwqcjjAaAAAO1-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100267

Hypocritical bitch

>> No.50100307
File: 1.26 MB, 2105x3000, FwvtDhOXgAAzMQZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100322

I'm sure she's upset reading this while she's counting her money. Boohoo faggot grow up.

>> No.50100360
File: 166 KB, 857x1200, FwVtFBnWAAcX1Iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100409
File: 142 KB, 800x1200, FvhXcoAaEAAZ3rT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100436

Fauna doesn't want you to defend her online. That's not healthy. Please take care of yourself.

>> No.50100462
File: 595 KB, 660x805, 1683841711824272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100569
File: 146 KB, 1080x1380, Fvk2nPqaAAEgLza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100589

>sister admitting to participating in undue shitposting because they feel upset about undue shitposting one of theirs received in the past
They literally can't help it.

>> No.50100615
File: 346 KB, 800x1200, FviEtqqaQAA0Kws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100622

>Deflecting with the maximum cope excuse he could find.
She's not your friend she's not your mom she's not your whore escort, slut concubine, she's just an entertainer. If you want friends go outside and talk to people you bitchass nigga and stop crying about cartoon woman not giving you the time of the day pussy.

>> No.50100643

>Samplings trying to defend their mommy by posting images.

>> No.50100669
File: 257 KB, 800x1200, FviEtqnaUAcc2Im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100689

trying too hard

>> No.50100693


>> No.50100696

Enjoy the fact that you are a yes-man that she wouldn't even notice if you met in real life.

>> No.50100722
File: 347 KB, 2048x2048, FvMQ3QQagAU4cew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100782
File: 836 KB, 2500x1000, FwtC615aIAEyjIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50100814

What? Cuckling will do better than sampling. Just look at the amount of furious cucks angry at green hair woman because spoke her mind. Even then it's a nothing burger but faggots here will milk it for what is worth.

>> No.50100849
File: 482 KB, 508x621, FktN4E6WIAABvQW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, bump limit hit. Goodbye.

>> No.50101019

Yeah I will never be convinced that anybody still posting here is actually hurt by this and this thread is not doing a good job of convincing me of that, considering the amount of flip flopping as to what was even the bad thing that seems to shift with every response and conveniently reposition itself to whatever could best be used in the immediate to continue dragging this out.

>> No.50101021

>she's just an entertainer
Not a very good one. And she's supposed to be an "idol." LOL

>> No.50101087

Says the faggot crying about not being considered a friend. Lmao I can't be a yes man of somebody I don't watch. But you don't need to watch her in order for me to tell you those things. Is basic knowledge. You're both strangers to each other therefore eat a fucking a dick and OD on copium. Keep moving the goal post all you want. And remember this, she's not your friend she's not your mommy or your personal concubine she's just an entertainer and you can get mad all you want but those are 100% facts. Now cry somewhere in a corner like you were already doing.

>> No.50101094

ong- this yab still ongoing?

>> No.50101163

dont worry, there are a couple other threads already

>> No.50101185

However much saplings wish it wasn't, it is.

>> No.50101186

it's literally the same "people" running a neverending timeloop.

>> No.50101345

I don't care about friend thing. The problem is that she talks about wanting what's best for her viewers, whereas if every viewer did what's best for them, they'd stop watching some roastie pretending to be an anime girl for money. Which is actually her job and she failed even at that by breaking kayfabe.

>> No.50101419

And it flips again.

>> No.50101471
File: 35 KB, 564x444, 1681030490009343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ASMR hugs
>blowing in your ears to give you tingles
>positive affirmations
>not your friend though

>> No.50101513

And it flips, again.

>> No.50101698

Need a laughing Fauna like this

>> No.50101822

She should tell them that again at the end of every stream. Just to let them know in case they forgot or missed it last time.

>> No.50102097

It literally goes
>this is the big yab because because X
>that doesn't make sense because A, B, C
>well I don't care about X, this is the big yab because Y
>that doesn't make sense because D, E, F
>well I don't care about Y, this is the big yab because X

>> No.50102704

You are too narrow-minded if anons who have different reasons for seeing a problem here surprise you.

>> No.50102914

It is, however, interesting that these anons never actually argue with each other about what is actually the problem or important and always seem to work together and back each other up despite nominally having completely incompatibly different reasons for finding issue, which is the opposite of what you would normally expect from your average, honest, genuine red-blooded anonymous forum poster.

>> No.50103235

if she really bothered you that much, why don't you say it in her chat right now? she's streaming. Why post it in the vacuum of /vt/ where you will make 0 impact, why not actually post it in her chat?

>> No.50103603

For what purpose would they argue with each other? They have different reasons, but they end up in the same boat, disappointed. So you see this mess in the end, but dismissing every opinion as shitposting is disingenuous.
A few people did post in the comments of that vod and those comments either got deleted or ignored. So there's no point in doing that.

>> No.50103832

you're not slick
