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File: 677 KB, 1273x358, bootleg neoporte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49982475 No.49982475 [Reply] [Original]

The new Phase Invaders trailer is a blatant rip off of Neoporte's first gen PV



The similarities are actually fucking ridiculous. Does Sakana not care anymore? Like at all?

>> No.49982538
File: 579 KB, 800x730, 1684720695246621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yuri debacle exposed that Phase Invaders is not like VShojo where you own your IP. It is a fraud and Yuri got taken away of the IP she LEGALLY owned. But then again that's what you expect from the Chinese.

>> No.49982667


>> No.49982992

What similarities? The only thing I see is the black/white aesthetic but that's been a common theme with Phase Connect. Have you not been to their website?

>> No.49983026

>The similarities are actually fucking ridiculous.
Write them out for me I'm vision impaired.

>> No.49983103

>does Sakana not care anymore?
Too busy running his main business and harassing PC girls to play Mahjong

>> No.49983141

Based. Why come up with an idea when you can steal it for free and use the extra funds to execute it better?

>> No.49983187

Catbox file compares the trailers better and shows it was at least stolen by whoever edited this. The fault might not fall on the company. I tried looking up who but they are not even credited.

>> No.49983254

Get a load of this, this guy just saw his first promo vid for vtubers. Every pv is exactly the fucking same bro. Imagery, kayfabe that never sees the light of day ever again, colors, silhouettes.

>> No.49983261

It looks like every gen drop traiiler that has ever existed.

>> No.49983304
File: 728 KB, 1000x918, 1678803350184500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Sakana not care anymore? Like at all?
Fishman doesn't do day to day operations.
He plays mahjong and League all day and sleeps on a pallet of Phase Coffee in the Phase warehouse full of unshipped merch.

The warehouse is real by the way, a few girls have visited it. And fishman thought about living there to save money.

>> No.49983308
File: 3.91 MB, 640x570, fbk confused gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally WHO
Literally WHO

>> No.49983521

looks like henri's off his meds again

>> No.49983812

>Chinese CEO
bootlegging is in his blood

>> No.49983988

>invaders you wanted
i don't want any vtuber i like to join phase because i don't trust sakana

>> No.49984292

The cope here is immeasurable

Heres a list of copies they made you bunch of gigafaggots. Maybe this'll convince you
>Both have grey silhouettes at the beginning with the same "sliding" animation as the Neoporte trailer.
>Snaphshot scenes right after have the same style and both have the talent's name laid out vertically and a two digit number for each talent
> The city scene with all the models laid out has the same black and white background, same black and white grid floor, and both have text at the beginning of the scene about the new gens.
>The character shots after the city scene both have "sliding" animations for the character models and both even have a 3D background scene spliced right before the character name scene
>Character name scene (fucking look at them. they speak for themselves)
>Same city backgrounds used at the end of trailer
>Scenes right after that both show the debut date in almost the exact same way with all models laid out in a row
And that's just SOME of the similarities. And yeah, obviously they're not going to be one-for-one but it's still very very clear to anyone who isn't having a seizure that this was a total bootleg of the Neoporte trailer. Could they really not come up with anything on their own?

The Phase brainrot is showing

>> No.49984443
File: 851 KB, 1213x681, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel for those too lazy to actually look at the character scenes side-by-side

>> No.49984551

I figure the Fish gave the editor a few PV examples and the editor just decided to copy a little too much. Still not a great look on their part since management should have caught the issue.

>> No.49984638

Holy damage control, can you phase shills be more obvious?

>> No.49984652

The true Fishman is coming out now.

>> No.49984866

If it was him that gave them as examples then he should've known better when he saw the editor's final video

>> No.49984868

Or maybe he hired the same people.

>> No.49984892

He didn't. The video editor is the same in-house retard that he uses for all his other edits since no one was credited

>> No.49984895

Their similarities are extremely EXTREMELY superficial like we are talking about basic shit that most predebut trailers do like showing the character on one side and then the name on the other or a line up of the members side by side.
Their differences are actually more noticeable, neport has the shadow of the members covered by text but phase connect used animation with symbols representing the members instead
Neoport also does zoom ins of different parts of each designs, phase connect just does a normal shot without all that, they do have more flashy animation in between different member showcases
Honestly OP I'm wondering what's more likely, that you are a shill for neoport trying to get people to check their debut trailer, or that you are an actual schizo

>> No.49985047

>neoporte, an already highly successful JP agency, shill
>in the english vtuber Mongolian basketweaving forum
I think you're the real schizo here bud

>extremely EXTREMELY superficial
Compare it to literally any other predebut trailer from any other agency and I PROMISE you, you won't notice even half of the similarities that exist between this and neoporte's
>Neoport also does zoom ins of different parts of each designs bla bla bla bla

>> No.49985098

As an editor and notOP, it is very clearly heavily referenced. It really feels like the classic "copy my homework but change it a little". Yes, some similarities are common between other trailers, but it is about how many there are and the clear formatting of the overall trailer that makes it obvious. I think it is most clear with the opening and ending format rather than the character scenes.

>> No.49985400

it's generic anime OP shit that vtubers also adopt because it's a chuunibyou industry that is heavily influenced by anime and tries to emulate it as much as it can
also lol successful lmao 2 weeks out and only 7k views while the phase trailer has 30k in just 1 day

>> No.49985433

This is kind of a board meme from long ago. Dramafags used to accuse other companies of stealing PVs all the time because all PVs are similar to each other. Newfags wouldn't know this though.

>> No.49985515

It wasn't made 2 weeks ago it was just never uploaded to YouTube and it has 41,000 likes you retard.

>> No.49985557

Phase doesn't even have 2,000 likes on the trailer and like I said they have 41,000 cope harder shill

>> No.49985647

Bro actually edited the side-by-side

>> No.49985678

reminds me of tempus pv

>> No.49985708

Maybe you should focus on what a whore the cat loli has become anon, the cocksleeve of a Holostar of all things?

>> No.49985741

you made the thread to shill this literally who corpo and now accuse others of being shills, this is fucking gold lmao
if you're actually serious please go ahead and try to get this shit to trend more, get some vtweeters on board the controversy too maybe flase will even report about it
see if anyone gives a shit that two trailers had vaguely similar power point presentation slides

>> No.49985779

Be real bro he's just a Phase anti

>> No.49985800

why would a phase anti make a thread that says "hey everyone go check out this phase trailer" ?

>> No.49985825

Henri is like this, yes.

>> No.49985986

Yes of course because no Phase-shill will point out something that makes them look bad. This is not the gotcha moment you think it is.
41k likes and 150k+ followers on Twitter compare to Phase at less than 2k likes and 15k followers. One of their members has had the 3rd highest peak stream for a VTuber this year with over 150k live viewers. Can you make it more obvious that not only do you not know what you are talking about but you refuse to take even the slightest criticism against a company you like?

>> No.49985997

I mean, this is something you could report to Neo-Porte, since it’d be something they own.

>> No.49986091

Faggot, you made this thread.

>> No.49986209

I didn't

>> No.49986225

>sell model to a company
>leave company
>lose model
cry about it

>> No.49986230
File: 3.98 MB, 538x582, 20220322_204531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Slugma, don't try to convince Meru to join.

>> No.49986248
File: 37 KB, 742x236, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be rough work sucking the fishmans dick

>> No.49986291

If you're just some anon offended by the insinuation that Neo-porte is small then you don't get the person I am referring to when I say "Phase anti"

>> No.49986304

You did, faggot.

>> No.49986313

>literally who corpo
someone post the clip of when pippa tried to insert herself into the finana selen stream

>> No.49986337

Why would anyone know or care about this literally who corpo?
It's not Nijisanji, it's not Hololive, nobody gives a fuck
EN small corpos get some attention here because it's their local market but even outside the generals most people don't know them either
get real

>> No.49986361

that wasn't Pippa it was phase connect fans

>> No.49986392

doesnt matter lol
still proves my point

>> No.49986406

I don't even watch JP but saying they are small and acting like Phase is far bigger is just clearly not true. The Neo-porte PV they ripped off is one of the best-performing PVs on Twitter for any VTuber debut. It is not far-fetched to say they have seen it and used it as a reference. No other corpo besides hololive gets defended this hard when they fuck up on this board.

>> No.49986420

what point?

>> No.49986449

Did COD rip off Doom?

>> No.49986606

Not sure why the Phasefags are debating the similarities here. They did reference it. Whether that is on Sakana or whoever did the PV is anyone's guess. The easier thing to argue here is just the company did not know any better than denying what is visually obvious.

>> No.49986608
File: 699 KB, 2575x780, phasetards btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This point

>> No.49986667

what is the point of this thread? almost nobody who cares about neoporte on this board cares about random enshit
in fact I'm surprised there is someone who has watched both these trailers and made the connection
>stop deflecting
if you actually care about this, you can direct any concerns to info@neo-porte.jp and the rightsholders will settle it

>> No.49986722

Phase Connect has very dedicated antis

>> No.49986724

damn that's a lot of botting for a shitty literally who corpo
hey maybe nijisanji copied that from them too, would explain their rising star's performance
salami salamao? already forgot her name but at least people talked about her unlike these guys lol

>> No.49986828

They are the fourth largest JP agency. What do you mean who corpo? They've literally made national news in Japan multiple times. 3 of their talents has more subscribers than Pippa, and one alone has 4 times more than her, and that's in JAPAN. It's a lot harder to get subscribers or viewers there since there's so much competition.
lol show me these bots

>> No.49986901 [DELETED] 

dirty chink hands wrote this

>> No.49986921

Hi Henri!

>> No.49986958

hi xalamon

>> No.49987048

I don't care, nobody cares
is there a general for them on this board?
where are their fans?
if this is such a big deal why aren't they being outraged about it?
are the drama tubers going to report on it?
nobody gives a fuck what the fourth biggest in japan did or what their tv said
being on tv doesn't mean anyone gives a shit about it, women's soccer is on tv and nobody cares
this is some schizo grasping at straws shit, those trailers are always generic and these are just anime OP tropes on power point slides
they weren't the first to put their characters next to their names and nobody is keeping track of it because it's so generic

>> No.49987099

>is there a general for them on this board?
Is this a JP board?
>where are their fans?
On JP boards
>if this is such a big deal why aren't they being outraged about it?
Because no one outside of 4chin knows what phase even is. See >>49986361
Why do you even bother man what do you gain? Its clearly a rip off

>> No.49987163

People definitely know after the Hogwarts thing
Also stop responding to obvious shitters

>> No.49987169

there's a hololive JP thread here, there's a nijisanji JP thread here too, there's a voms thread even
nobody knows who they are, nobody cares, there's no way anyone could copy anything they do if they are literally who nobodies
but hey if you make something truly generic someone will make something vaguely similar enough to it and you can say they copied it maybe that can

>> No.49987289

Phase can't do anything original except for their yabs, Lia's is still one of the worst.

>> No.49987360

I don't consider this a yab but phase schizos are the worst.

>> No.49987428

They have a general, its in the "FPS Chuubas" or something along with VSPO! Kamito and such, its because they overlap alot and aren't as big and mainstream as niji/holo or EN like phase, idol and Vshojo.

>> No.49987446

>This is kind of a board meme from long ago. Dramafags used to accuse other companies of stealing PVs all the time because all PVs are similar to each other. Newfags wouldn't know this though.
Nostalgic memories for these good old days.

>> No.49987452

ShibuyaHal hosts a Japanese invite-only APEX tournament that caused Hololive's Minato Aqua to soft-retire like Gura, and people think they have ammo against THE winning company Phase Connect LMAO
Getting 600k+ combined CCV for VSuckyo barely touches ALGS LAN Finals from last year, and that's endorsed by EA and heavy social media marketing.

>> No.49987491

Please tell me what you think the Lia yab was in your own words.

>> No.49987643

be glad you missed it

>> No.49987665

I didn't fucking miss it. I just don't see how you can consider it "one of the worst".

>> No.49987706

ahh you're a liker I understand

>> No.49987730
File: 1.51 MB, 382x498, 785112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao so they're apex vtubers, and I thought maybe there could be something interesting about them but no they are generic to their very core
no wonder nobody gives a shit about them outside japan, "fourth biggest" playing apex is like winning retard olympics, completely worthless and unimportant, a shooter vtuber thread is where they belong
congrats on their national ranking playing fucking apex I guess, what does fourth place get? I don't know what's after bronze lol

>> No.49987756

Concession accepted

>> No.49987792

sunk cost must suck

>> No.49987849

Yup. Once Phase Connect gets their 3D concert and lives, not even Hololive will be able to compete with them. Even Panko will have 50k live viewers on a bad day.

>> No.49987910

hell yeah
it's already the biggest vtuber corpo in canada

>> No.49987926

kys henri

>> No.49988017
File: 42 KB, 490x490, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup. Once Phase Connect gets their 3D concert and lives, not even Hololive will be able to compete with them. Even Panko will have 50k live viewers on a bad day.

>> No.49988093

Pretty sure neoporte's one was already a rip off of something else's. I could swear I've seen a similar trailers for mobile gacha games and random vtubers.

>> No.49988956
File: 207 KB, 1242x1394, a80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>valid criticism
>lol henri

>> No.49989144

>copypasta the same misinformed bullshit to every phase thread
>pretend it's valid criticism
>get buttmad about being easily recognized as henri
kys henri

>> No.49990008

Henri hands typed this

>> No.49990162

That is pretty blatant actually, wonder what they were thinking

>> No.49991739

Is she doing ok?

>> No.49993553

the only blatant thing here is that
1: you are a faggot
2: you are retarded
and 3: go back to jewgen

>> No.49994349


>> No.49996118


>> No.49997926

There are no invaders I want. Fuck Pippa, fuck Rosemi, don't fuck or trust Lumi.

They need to be drawn and quartered.

>> No.49998965

why are there so many people on here that hate lumi

>> No.49999137

She used to have a lot of enthusiastic fans, but

1. Her content got worse
2. Her constant lying, hyperbole and otherwise disingenuous behavior became increasingly obvious as time went by.
3. Controvery after controversy (Being in Cyberlive, schizo doxxer head mod, completely pointless but also petty and weird behavior like sharing N*ena Makurano's reincarnation before she actually got fired in Nina Saotome's chat, randomly using the models of her former companymates for some lame joke on April Fools, generally seems to love drama and shitflinging)

>> No.49999199

Cont, I'm not sure how many legitimately hate her and how many simply shitpost her for fun or because she's an easy target, but I am one of those who used to enjoy her and now cannot bring myself to, for reasons outlined in my previous post.

>> No.50001759

I actually hoped Nina would've joined Phase considering but yeah, Fishman..

>> No.50001772

Well clearly Yuri doesn't own that IP. That's what happens when you sell something to someone, you don't own it anymore and they're allowed to take it away from you. It's called commerce.

>> No.50002617

