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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 80 KB, 376x197, chl-ma2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49982011 No.49982011 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49982090

It’s habbening

>> No.49982120

what’s this?

>> No.49982170

Give me a link to whatever this is or its fake

>> No.49982181


>> No.49982210

Tempus 3 (reverse trap)

>> No.49982220

stop posting here cover intern and wait for your bosses to tell you to announce shit

>> No.49982224

Retarded chinese knockoff shit.

>> No.49982279


>> No.49982335

I hope it is ID4. I know one of them and they've been waiting to debut since Feb.

>> No.49982377

ENsharts are going to lose it if it is indeed ID4 lmao

>> No.49982429

I wouldn’t care, so long as there aren’t more homos.

>> No.49982452

so its fake then, ok

>> No.49982478

You can't afford a car.

>> No.49982505

>Sussy reveal
>Manager known to lurk vt
It's ID4, isn't it?

>> No.49982548

No shit anon.

>> No.49982553

>no sauce
I sleep

>> No.49982602

Finally, EN3

>> No.49982608

ID's M-chan, I know you're here.

>> No.49982649

you can stop samefagging now, bud

>> No.49982652
File: 252 KB, 1024x768, 17283782763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49982690


>> No.49982720


>> No.49982811

>maid frills
this is definitely EN A-chan

>> No.49982812

>maid frills
Isn't this just Aqua with halloween theme?

>> No.49982814

m-maid dragon/demon???
i'm in

>> No.49982825

They should make the entire gen whorish succubi

>> No.49982830
File: 50 KB, 220x159, meksika-mexico-flag[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ES1, pendejos

>> No.49982841

>I hope it is ID4.
Same but JP7 would be fine as well
EN doesn't deserve new generations

>> No.49982854

A maid dragon? Demon? Hopefully this is an actual leak and you're not some retard farming (You)s, which I might say this is a very good strategy for it.

Their auditions were in February. Unless Cover found the 3 members in the first day and went through the entire process in less than a month there's no way they were waiting to debut before the auditions ended.

>> No.49982900


>> No.49982951

That's stupid, why would a busy and handsome man post here out of all place on the internet?

>> No.49983040

Yes hermano, latinx supremacy
yo onions right?

>> No.49983117

The absolute worst thing about shit like this is that the character image in the back is probably made with AI and so we wont be able to find the source.

>> No.49983228

Just reminded me of that post fucking years ago that convinced people aloe was coming back. Funny what some cropped fanart and desperation does to this board.

>> No.49983256

>New gen debuts
>Some or all of the new talents have no mamas listed on their twitter profiles
>AI Yab overwhelms their debuts, they do worse than expected

>> No.49983335

It's been 21 since Council's debut, 16 months since the start of the open auditions and 3 months since Cover finally shilled the HoloEN auditions on twitter. Desperation is an understatement.

>> No.49983362

You'll never know, anon.
You'll never know...

>> No.49985003

I've never gotten why people are so frustrated over no new gens, I already have more than enough streams/vods to watch, hell I've got some from months ago that I haven't had the time to get around to. Anyone who needs new generations to stay interested will only find themselves bored again not long after anyway
True, but I'm easily distracted so I don't tend to worry about stuff like that

>> No.49985106

Nice try. I've seen those horns before.

>> No.49985158
File: 795 KB, 1080x1080, 1669439312858015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've never gotten
get FUCKED buddy. the girls want new kouhai, fresh blood means new collabs, less pressure on myth and council who are burned out,
bigger EN only events without fucking ID in it, EN is often sick or one foot out the door, it's not a good idea to get newbies when the veterans are already gone etc etc

how about YOU limit who you watch everyday by sensible criteria for example who you like the most, and don't put that shit on everyone else waaah i can't watch literally every stream waaaahhh

>> No.49985202

How much you wanna bet that this fucker got hyped for Tempoop dropping 5 and a half months after Tempiss?

>> No.49985429

Imagine if it were a full on deviantart-tier dragon furry model

>> No.49985517

They have already lost since we know it's ID4, Tempus 3, Stars Uproar 2, JP 7 and then Tempus 4.
Quite literally never ever.

>> No.49985631

>less pressure on myth and council who are burned out
Burned out of doing nothing. EN are lazy whores and the branch doesn't deserve another generation.

>> No.49985634

Sorry if I touched a nerve there, I guess I didn't mean to imply that they shouldn't debut new generations or that my opinion is better than anyone else's, I'll work on that.
As for limiting what I watch, I do that already, I'm out of timezone to catch most streams live so I arrange them by what seems most appealing and whether I can listen at work or watch at home. I usually have them on 1.5 as well
In any case, I didn't mean to offend and I'm sure new gens for JP, ID and EN are forthcoming but cover tends towards the slow and steady approach so they probably want to make sure everything's perfect before they pull the trigger

>> No.49985702

>Stars Uproar 2
I love when retards who don't know what the fuck they're talking about try to shitpost whenever the discussion about EN3 comes up.

>cover tends towards the slow and steady approach so they probably want to make sure everything's perfect before they pull the trigger
>Tempus 2 5 and a half months after Tempus 1
Yeah, sure. Cover is definitely making sure everything is perfect and obviously didn't waste the entirety of 2022 being more concerned in flooding the scene with a bunch of 3view failures because they let Luxiem live rent free inside their heads.

>> No.49985739

It's really only here that a moron like yourself can feel any sense of validation, isn't it?

>> No.49985777

Uproar is specifically it's own 'thing' within stars, faggot.

>> No.49985783

This art doesn't look convincing at all.

>> No.49985808

>noooo what do you mean japan doesn't care about the western market except males anymore?

>> No.49985854

>EN3 drops
>Gura streams 2 times a week instead of 0 for about 2-3 months
>EN3 girls get 'burned out' on a harsh schedule of 4 streams a week (sometimes) and begin ghosting the fanbase after getting their obligatory 100k in 3 months just for existing
>back to nostreams except sometimes fauna continues building that fucking tree and mumei does silent streams because her voice is literally fucked

>> No.49985858

I guess setting up a concert is a form of not caring. Please just stop being fucking stupid. That's all I ask.

>> No.49985862

>Dosent deserve
The descent of en3 will be like the desend of a god on the dying wasteland of en market, it will come and you will shiver in fear when they come sis

>> No.49985916

And you still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Because those males are doing amazingly well, right? They're the biggest thing since Myth, even bigger than Luxiem.

>> No.49985918
File: 502 KB, 640x750, 1682828542245057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to believe

>> No.49985927

Given how long it took for Tempus to come out after luxiem, yeah, I'd say that's pretty slow. Also they probably had most of Tempus 2 finalized as 1 was debuting so it's not exactly implausible

>> No.49986097

Great tea leaves reading that totally ignores the fact that HoloEN is approaching having the widest gap of any subdivision before receiving new members, only currently bested by StarsJP. You're telling me activity can plummet when you don't nurture the branch? Shocking. Well, they're not ignored. Yagoo saddles them with non-streaming activity. But keep blaming the talents for mismanagement, I guess. Corpo dickrider.

>> No.49986196

It's not probably, clown and twink were hired with the first gen, but even then they elected benching them and looking for 2 more failures instead of just debuting the 6 they already had and moving focus to an EN3.

>> No.49988113

It's hilarious how the fiercest opposition against an EN3 comes from the biggest coverdrones in this board, who also tend go heavy on the homoshill/collab begging very often. It's like they treat an EN3 as an anathema to them or the company but then create all the excuses/justifications for Cover dropping 4 more faggots in record time while beg for a third gen of homos.

>> No.49988226

Indochads? How are we doing tonight?

>> No.49988313

URL or fake

>> No.49988413

Source: I made it up

>> No.49988700

It’s physically impossible to watch more than 10 people.

>> No.49988735


>> No.49988748

you really just need to look at reddit when "EN3 doko" was a hot topic, and compare it when Tempus2 got announced.

>> No.49988785

Personally, I keep tabs on about 18 tubas. If anyone had more than that, go for it.

>> No.49988828

Only if you're a faggot

>> No.49988933

>reverse image check
>only source is this thread
>number of ips in thread
Babys first troll thread?

>> No.49989016

It's easy if they're EN vtubers and randomly stop streaming for weeks or months at a time.

>> No.49989017

just go along with it, have some fun

>> No.49989058

Cool, it's also physically impossible to watch 8 people but Cover still pushed 8 faggots in record time.

>> No.49989082
File: 722 KB, 840x803, sdfg45756h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cropped image
>it's unique
And I think maybe like 5 people believe or care that it's legit.

>> No.49989167

People will use any excuse to discuss a new HoloAnything gen until any of them debut, especially an EN3. You can blame this on Cover thinking it was a good idea to debut 12 dudes in sequence without a single new female gen in-between.

>> No.49989169

Why do you people keep looking at it from your perspective? Imagine being able to only organise things or play with the same nine people for 3 years. That's where HoloEN is at. Imagine JP hard stopped at Gen 1 and got nobody new for two years.

>> No.49989200

holostars isnt hololive

>> No.49989274

Yeah and it's still over a year since the last Hololive gen, or to be more specific 14 months since ID3, almost 18 since Holox and 21 months since Council.

>> No.49989347


Ok but mexican tomboy vtuber would be based.
Would definitely pick up Spanish again for that.

>> No.49989610

How much is too much?

>> No.49989734

70 in each branch. Homos need not apply because I don't give a shit. FFS, even the JPs have a problem of the same recurring faces again and again and again and again. Is it the JP branch or the Pekora and Marine branch? Even at 35 members they don't have enough. And a quick reminder, Pekora fell short of properly filling out her Mario tournament roster. It's not enough across the board.

>> No.49989767

hungry, send nasi padang please.

>> No.49989877

Considering I'm currently watching 0 I still have room to spare.

>> No.49989937

10 is absolutely too little, especially for a branch as scattered as EN. No need to go NijiEN 32 debuts in 17 months, but 11 in 32 months is a fucking joke when HoloJP had 28 under the same period.

>> No.49989944

Provided you don’t reach Niji levels of hires, I agree.

>> No.49989998

Regulus, my beloved!

>> No.49990128

It's physically impossible to watch even one if you have a job and some other stuff going in your life and your oshi isn't Gura or Ayame.

>> No.49990603

ID4 is likely to come in August, and they will debut 5 members this time.

>> No.49994245


>> No.49997468

I don't understand either side.
I like Myth and Council because I started watching after council jad already been out. I'm not going to be an auto fan for any other groups. With the other company girls I watch I wouldn't even have time unless it's a collab.

I'm sure they'll be fine I just don't have the time.

>> No.49998798

To cover it seems it is, or they would have had trouble releasing a new holo gen somewhere between or before tempus.

>> No.49999227

Tempus was a completely unique thing in Cover's history and might be the last time they make this mistake considering how much of a failure it was. Before them every single Holostars JP gen debuted relatively close to another Hololive gen, including Uproar dropping less than a week after ID3. For some reason, possibly because Cover really wanted their own Luxiem, Tempus didn't get this treatment and both halves debuted completely isolated and were made the main events for the entire agency, with Tempus 2 debuts starting on the early afternoon JST of a Sunday which is a timeslot many of the JP girls use to play long form games. Thankfully their retarded strategy resulted in a branch that is barely doing any better than StarsJP, so hopefully with those results plus the change in leadership of HoloEN Cover accepts that they'll never be able to have a popular male vtuber like Anycolor and just focus on what the absolute majority of their audience gives a shit.
