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49678281 No.49678281 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.49678323

My hamster ate her babies

>> No.49678639

So on a scale of 1 to 10 how important was the hamster?
It's in her bio and fan art too...

>> No.49678670
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RIP lil nigga

>> No.49679024

Were they tasty?

>> No.49679303

Was it Pop-chan?
Girl just turned 2.5. That's a very long life for a hamster. My childhood hamster didn't make it past 1.5 years. I know she was attached to her

>> No.49679996

But will Noel smell the hamster butt one last time?

>> No.49680395

This dude lived a life being coddled by a big titty girl and having his balls sniffed. Fucking RIP king

>> No.49680528

iirc last time she lost a hamster she went total blackout for a month

>> No.49680583
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rest in peace hamu...

lived a long life, and i know Noel cared hard about all of them. Hopefully she doesn't go on break.

>> No.49680647

huh!? imagine getting a month off of work over a fucking hamster...

>> No.49681009 [DELETED] 

RIP. Should've been Noel instead.

>> No.49681377

She’s a bit crazy

>> No.49681467

They are self employed contractors, they can take off whenever they want.
Try thinking outside your wagecuck box.

>> No.49683188 [DELETED] 

spoken like a true cuck
people have responsibilities, get a job you fucking loser

>> No.49683433

Yet she still makes more than you'll ever make in your life. Curious.

>> No.49683446

Your only responsibility is to yourself and those dependent on you. Why would you work more if you have the money to take off?

>> No.49684523

Let's fucking go?

>> No.49685031

That's because it was sick and got another one sick and they both died. She felt like it was her fault and it was unexpected so it hit her harder.
She'll take time to mourn but not a month.

>> No.49686197

Ah rich people are infallible and devoid of any responsibility, gotcha. Keep groveling at their feet!
why does any holo work then if they can just coast for the rest of their life? Fucking retarded braindead logic. Get some sunlight anon, you need it.

>> No.49686217
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I still feel like she was debating on if kishidans should've been hamsters or not due to the hamsters dying in 2021

>> No.49686488

>why does any holo work then if they can just coast for the rest of their life? Fucking retarded braindead logic. Get some sunlight anon, you need it.
NTA but I believe a few of them geninuenly enjoy what they do? Suisei and Marine for sure have a higher goal than just money

>> No.49686490

That one was a bit different. She picked up a hamster from the pet shop, not knowing it was sick. That hamster infected one of her other hamster who was pretty young and ended up dead. She felt responsible for killing two of them.

>> No.49686852

that's what I was implying, thank you. I agree, it's evident that a lot of them genuinely enjoy what they do. The other anon was just saying that they shouldnt work because they already made enough money which is just a comopletely retarded take.

>> No.49686997

Logically, I don't see how that would be her fault unless she knew the one was already sick. However, emotionally I'm sure it's a lot heavier especially for someone like her. It's still wild to me to blackout a month over something like that, and I love animals myself...

>> No.49687233

Stop arguing with the catalognigger

>> No.49687258

She knows they have fragile lives and probably didn't want to connect with them.
After the reveal she even said she saw the members in her hamsters and I knew that was going to end bad.

>> No.49687322

I don't know why I do. I just lose braincells talking to these people. I'm going back to my general

>> No.49687345
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It was either hamsters or orcs. I personally wished that we had the same design as Lunaitos.

>> No.49687776
File: 274 KB, 443x465, 1647362902941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A God amongst hamsters.

>> No.49688122

Out all of the pets she chose the one that drops dead from a stiff breeze?
And then keeps buy more of the fuckers everytime one dies?
Sasuga menhera....
This better not screw up the FC stream

>> No.49688177

>Working hard is a virtue!
He screams as a woman talks in a cute voice as she plays dark souls and makes more than him in 2 hours than him in an entire week.

>> No.49688354

tbf mammals seem to be very short lived in general, i have a tarantula - not quite as cute, but the females live up to 20-25 years, its quite bizarre compared to other animals their size

>> No.49688372

She's stupidly rich, just get a Chinchilla. The things live as long as dogs

>> No.49688386

Tarantulas are fucking creepy. Good animals but I would hate to own one.

>> No.49688429
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Just get a cat like all the other holos

>> No.49688875

Noel isn't a cat person at all. Also goro/mimi are cute

>> No.49689369

Same, shame Luna claimed knights. It makes sense but Aki has a knight like fan avatar too. Maybe she could have made it work.
Orcs wouldn't have worked because what they stand for in hentai.

>> No.49689450
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Aki's are the apples iirc, so that's fine for her mascot. Orc's are gross and kishidans basically said no to the idea

>> No.49689560

you get used to it, i can read it pretty well too, and they seem to acclimate to owners since it doesnt run from me anymore and even lets me touch it.
overall it was just an exercise in having something alive to take care of that wont die right away because i was an idiot.

>> No.49690747

Popchan was a girl

No it was for less than a week.

>> No.49690861

She's severely mentally ill anon

>> No.49690869

Nah it should have been that horrid bitch Marine instead

>> No.49690912

It always blows my fucking mind that people see self employed and believe it means you have absolutely zero responsibility whatsoever

>> No.49690942 [DELETED] 

Marine is a literal psychopath. Don't throw stones in glass houses ichitroon.

>> No.49690980

Being a wagecuck that buys into corpo mind set of "silent quitters" must be amazing. Tell me anon what does it feel like being a schmuck?

>> No.49691027

Hi Marineschizo. Nice to see you.

>> No.49691048 [DELETED] 

Marine is incredibly greedy. Thats not a great example. Marine has NEVER done a stream with monetization turned off.

>> No.49691100 [DELETED] 

Hi Noelschizo, please kill yourself.

>> No.49691219

a greedy person would not put so much of her own money back into the projects for the fans, she could easily phone in orig songs with selfdrawn slides but she chooses to hire entire animation studios and shit...

>> No.49691344

She makes the money back you retard.
Marine never does long streams (because she hates her fans), never does multi-part playthroughs of games, only plays FOTM, all her streams are monetized and she hardly streams.

>> No.49691428 [DELETED] 

Marine's fans shit on another Hololive liver and then get upset when someone retaliates by doing the same thing to Marine

>> No.49691641

You retard, that's is what I am arguing against. Unless you are replying to the wrong anon.

>> No.49691805

Hamsters live between 1.5 to 3 years, what was she expecting?

>> No.49691928

marineschizo spotted

>> No.49692059 [DELETED] 

There is no such thing as Marineschizo anyone who loves their oshi hates Marine

>> No.49692163

>anons corpo bootlicking is so strong he's against when corporations allow people to take time off

>> No.49692174

so you are saying marineschizo is everyone i dislike?

>> No.49692212
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>> No.49692296 [DELETED] 

Thanks for admitting that Marinefags hate most of Hololive

>> No.49692371

>anon is so useless that he has spent his whole life grifting off others that he has no sense of responsibility

>> No.49692377

RIP.. little guy was a lucky bastard. Didn't she snif its butt a lot or something?

>> No.49692521

>job says you can take this time off
>but you can't do that because.... well because you just can't
You against paid time off for yourself as well anon?

>> No.49692666

My original statement had nothing to do with that whatsoever. I simply said imagine getting a month of work off for a hamster dying. Whether the time off was given to her or she took the time off herself is irrelevant. It's ridiculous either way all for a hamster. Stop putting words in my mouth trying to spur some nonsensical argument.

>> No.49692751

>It's ridiculous either way all for a hamster
Explain why without coming off as a corporate bootlicker anon.

>> No.49692790

nta but she never took a month off in the first place. It was like a week.

>> No.49692802

>It's ridiculous either way all for a hamster.
So you're saying she can't do that because... well just because you don't like it?

>> No.49692850

>He said while licking shit from the franchise owners boot

>> No.49693172

The passing of a pet does not warrant shutting down for a month. Come on, use some common sense.

>> No.49693222

>The passing of a pet does not warrant shutting down for a month

>> No.49693255

Once again, I never said that I didn't like it. Look here >>49680647 and read carefully, I know it's hard for you.

>> No.49693271


>> No.49693344

>Once again, I never said that I didn't like it.
Well lets see this post here >>49692666 where you said
>It's ridiculous either way all for a hamster.
Which seems to imply you have an issue with it.

>> No.49693375

Because life goes on. You should appreciate the memories you had with your pet but you gotta keep moving. You have a responsibility to yourself, your family, friends, and others to continue your life. It's not healthy to shut down for that long. You should be able to put your best foot forward and grow as a person everyday.

>> No.49693516
File: 551 KB, 694x716, 1666176997570516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>49693375 here, please.
Really, I'm done arguing. I am hungry and I've made my point, I don't feel like arguing anymore. I don't care if you agree with me. Have a great night/day to all of you.

>> No.49693564

hamsters are easy to die, fish too

>> No.49696371
File: 82 KB, 210x160, 1682953476240415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she cancel her streams this weekend?

>> No.49696437

both of these are the same person btw

>> No.49697388

>buys a pet with an extremely short lifespan
>suffer when it dies
>do it again
is she a masochist?

>> No.49698160

>all the posts ITT
It's fauna's cat dying all over again lmao.

>> No.49698226
File: 549 KB, 587x493, 1660914281587436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope not, but I got VODs so its fine. RIP little fella.

>> No.49699138

Hopefully not.

>> No.49701528

That's sad, hope she isn't too depressed.

>> No.49706951

I hope Jill is next. Fuck that retard.
