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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 452 KB, 2048x2039, 20230425_135606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49635780 No.49635780 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】
WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project
"noVas" as an English language project
"Starship Research" as a Chinese language project

Previous thread >>49557282

Gamer edition.


Eru Nabura


Himea D'Almaria

Miu Hizuki

Nisha Nixyeva

Merun Morino

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.49635820 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 404x719, babu ascension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babu eternal LOVE! GAO!!

>> No.49635899 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.49635944

Good night, I don't watch choripaneras™

>> No.49635967


>> No.49636008

You stay until 5 AM again to keep the thread alive?

>> No.49636054


>> No.49636057

my bots will do it

>> No.49636077

Sezia opened her twitter, it's your chance anon shy.

>> No.49636079

why do you care? threads died all the time during nighttime and no one gave a fuck

>> No.49636095

at least link the right previous thread


>> No.49636214

remember that you can only post /here/ if you are a cute girl.

>> No.49636248
File: 179 KB, 752x524, 204245574801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49636298

Women being women

>> No.49636324

shitter thread, just use it with sage

>> No.49636342

She needs to be spanked for that.

>> No.49636361

sezia deleted that tweet, kek

>> No.49636407

He's mad about a fucking meica thread, it's so funny, next thread should be a meica x sonic shit so the fag post gay pr0n again

>> No.49636452

>shitters already mad about a proper thread with no tribalfagging shit on the op
why are they like this?

>> No.49636487

Have a (you)

>> No.49636555

>being scared of writing porn
where do these fags come from

>> No.49636562

So Sezia nuked the À bientôt account leaving only some feminist RT's...

>> No.49636598

> hermaneru plays lol
We fucking need a stream where they play duo bot, let's goooooo

>> No.49636631


>> No.49636665

>t. tourist
Why Zoomers feel the need to auto censor? I saw some faggots censoring "violation" when talking about laws and shit

>> No.49636664

debuffing herself like this...

>> No.49636711

>he doesn't know about pr0n
top kek get the fuck out newfag

>> No.49636730

Haha Sezia what the fuck are you doing. I want to see you succeed and you're shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.49636734


>> No.49636748

even get to the limit bump of the other thread and create another one?
keep seething shitter

>> No.49636774

gay thread

>> No.49636786

>not a new ip
use your mobile data next time

>> No.49636826

the fact he was scared about a new thread without him is the true horror, it's kind of cute tho, going this far for his epic crusade, i wonder the benefits tho.

>> No.49636831 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 1500x1080, 1684372186747127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49636891

nooooo jajajajaja

>> No.49636903

>still the same ip count

>> No.49636947

actual trannies and roasties post here

>> No.49636951

>still seething

>> No.49636976

>still mad about not knowing pr0n

>> No.49636986

Akira, pay to himea fucking midget

>> No.49637014

lol just lol

>> No.49637035
File: 42 KB, 758x495, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to know what's funny? I am one of the OPs and I didn't make this thread. So that means there are at least 2 more people who will keep this thread alive properly and you will continue your descent into madness.
> b-b-but tomorrow is the end!!!

>> No.49637058

>wake up tomorrow
>request still pending

>> No.49637106
File: 120 KB, 300x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you anon

>> No.49637119
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My wife is recovering her spirits, I'm glad

>> No.49637120


>> No.49637137

>30yo internet user please understand

>> No.49637142
File: 723 KB, 1316x1304, make fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we mind broken the shitter
two threads without feeling the dopamine that gives him the power to create one lolololololol
Imagine being him and seething all day for having to see Meica's photo every time he went in to throw shit
omg hahahahahahaha

>> No.49637173


>> No.49637213

Just follow her normally now

>> No.49637221

My boomer girlfriend can't be this cute...

>> No.49637223

Wait until i create a proper one in my job tomorrow, he could just sleep early to avoid that

>> No.49637231

I doubt it, probably very embarrassed to be associated with that squizo

>> No.49637278

Wait, what do you mean a proper one? This one has
> proper name
> streams listed
> no tribalfagging by excluding any girl
Are you perhaps the shitter who makes /WACTOR/+Nisha+Eru?

>> No.49637291

Sezia if it's not too much to ask can you please fart on my face

>> No.49637298

care to explain whats a proper thread for you and whats wrong with this op?

>> No.49637319

I didn't notice until now that he didn't include the previous two threads just because he's angry

>> No.49637327 [SPOILER] 
File: 327 KB, 834x744, miyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides kek

>> No.49637337

no, it's the shiter babbling

>> No.49637353

I am Himea btw

>> No.49637368

>mad about 2 threads
kek pathetic fag

>> No.49637421
File: 491 KB, 180x180, lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG you're right kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

>> No.49637454

What the fuck was that sneeze

>> No.49637482

Hey fag, how much of IQ do you have to be angry about 2 fucking threads?

>> No.49637505

Literally dying

>> No.49637516


>> No.49637557

he will not answer and will keep seething and dilating

>> No.49637626

my sides I can't stop laughing at this pathetic clown

>> No.49637630

Don't run motherfucker
>2 fucking threads

>> No.49637631
File: 79 KB, 637x712, 1543930100188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgor to buy the membership
i failed my wife

>> No.49637633

already samefagging?
so is it true that you have nothing to do but be in this place all day?

>> No.49637705

You tell me, i'm not the one butthurt about 2 fucking threads

>> No.49637736

>71 replies
>17 posters
Why shitters are like this?

>> No.49637749
File: 250 KB, 960x812, 1684381838327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't care

>> No.49637761

Last thread btw, i give up

>> No.49637793

where is the 5/5 and who is?

>> No.49637795

splitnigger mad that his attempts keep failing

>> No.49637808

ngl Is really funny seeing you seething for two fucking threads

>> No.49637834


>> No.49637845

Who would win, a shitter schizo or 2 fucking threads?

>> No.49637859

I think there is a lot of confusion about the factions at play here. I am myself not entirely sure about how they are delimited. Please pledge your allegiance to one of these:
> the ones who want to keep the name /wactor/ without excluding any girl
> the ones who want to keep /wactor/+Nisha+Eru or some variation of it
> the ones who want to change the name to /png/ or /ñ/ or whatever
> that one schizo who was been trying to get /wactor/ blacklisted for months
> other (specify)

>> No.49637874


>> No.49637922

Good night, I don't watch choripaneras™

>> No.49637948

desu i just want a place where the current schizo just leave, but that won't happen because he's so butthurt about people having a natural bant and conservation, it's so clear.
>2 fucking threads

>> No.49637954

Are you the girl who said she would take on the burden of making a new op? You're still learning, it's fine. At least you didn't miss the subject field like the clown did the other day.

>> No.49637989

remember that you can only post /here/ if you are a cute girl.

>> No.49638004

>B-but Meica hate Seiza!!
another L for you fag, how many until you kill yourself?

>> No.49638010

It's the squizo retard

>> No.49638073


>> No.49638110

Haha anons are funny

>> No.49638134

Tomorrow the poach wars begin

>> No.49638184
File: 2.53 MB, 498x495, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was waiting patiently all day to be able to do the thread
omg still can't believe it
i have never laughed so much or seen someone humiliate themselve like that in the time I've been here

>> No.49638203

Fishing simps, good work Eru

>> No.49638259

/WACTOR/ is the Third Reich at the end of 1944, there's even a D-Day...
Akira is Benito Mussolini btw

>> No.49638267

He does also an awful damage control, funny thread shitter, glad you are the fun of the party, and i'm not sorry your the reason why you make it fun. Good night, keep your thread alive, if you can

>> No.49638295

Copy paste anon is back

>> No.49638308

That analogy doesn't make any sense, Anon.

>> No.49638312

I told you, midget isn't paying to the girls

>> No.49638350
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>> No.49638375

Sezia said until the last moment that she never received her payments.

>> No.49638379


>> No.49638385

anything but the first option is shit anyway

>> No.49638425

It wasn't me, I was going to do it until the morning now i just enjoy the show

>> No.49638478

I will save this company

>> No.49638480

still waiting for an answer btw

>> No.49638483

And then you get wactorfags saying that Himea is getting paid and she will won more money. Wactor is just copy paste Niji, instead of 2% now it's 0%.

>> No.49638485

my team is himea and i only mind about himea and i himea himea himea hime hgimeahimeana mu

>> No.49638559
File: 497 KB, 490x270, Mio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you seething so much? What is your problem?

>> No.49638569

didnt she say the pay was just?

>> No.49638588


>> No.49638611

Wactordrones will keep sendind SC like retards and supporting the new debuts

>> No.49638622

I'm just laughing for the 2 threads of the shitter, funniest shit of the current /wactor/ era

>> No.49638632
File: 192 KB, 735x382, splitnigger-goes-insane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool Anon, together we can keep this faggot seething for years to come. Can you imagine this faggot having to explain to a therapist years later why he had a mental breakdown?

>> No.49638654

>Paga ra prata
Midget being a negrero, nothing new

>> No.49638667

sure with the midget pointing a gun at her head

>> No.49638701


>> No.49638747


>> No.49638772

If he doesn't even pay you, why you still there Himea?

>> No.49638778

Himea why do you also hate peruvians...

>> No.49638786

What if Sezia becomes Cunny?

>> No.49638795

>Himea already showed her disgust with the actual situation and did not show any support for the new member

>> No.49638826

rpg maker anon, you better hurry the fuck up.

>> No.49638830

She said she has fear of the lawsuit

>> No.49638833

she's just jealous of her

>> No.49638845

seriously speaking
Why does this fagot want to be the one who makes the threads and according to his manner?
I mean, I have seen the constant discussions in this place for any stupid reason but this guy is completely sick and obsessed with this place

>> No.49638877

she was replying to her tweets

>> No.49638888

Himea literally begs to be released just look at her likes
but draculones are too idiots

>> No.49638890

What manner? Listing upcoming streams and not excluding girls?

>> No.49638956

People always preferred no underage shit on the op.

>> No.49638962

Ok so she will stay even he doesn't pay her?
Haha that's funny and sad poor girl

>> No.49638975

typical porteña

>> No.49639017

have you noticed that there is a fag using at least 3 devices at the same time to throw shit?
this faggot is the same one who sometimes bakes and wants /wactor/ to continue to exist no matter what it's very easy to recognize him because he always makes the same silly mistake in writing and when he gets angry he starts samefagging and behaving like a retard

>> No.49639104

The choripanera is lying (or she is too retard)

>> No.49639168

I love her more and she loves me more
Himea is mine and only mine
Get away from her creep

Himea my wife, the love of my life
She brings me joy and banishes strife
Her smile is like a ray of sunshine
Her love makes my heart truly divine

Her beauty is like a work of art
She's the star that shines in my heart
Every moment spent with her is pure bliss
Her love is a treasure that I'll always miss

In a world that can be so cruel
Her love for me is the only rule
She's my compass when I'm lost in the dark
Her love is the fire that ignites my spark

Himea my wife, my soulmate and friend
Our love will last until the end
Together we'll conquer every hurdle
Our love will remain, steady as a turtle.

>> No.49639170

why do you even care if the thread dies or not? you keep seething at the general existing yet you continue to post here for months

>> No.49639210

She's the dumbass who signed for another year

>> No.49639230


>> No.49639234

Could it be that a possible future collab between Nisha and not-Yumi playing League of Legends in EUW happens...

>> No.49639248

still waiting x2

>> No.49639284

you are probably the retard that made the thread don't put me in the same bag as you

>> No.49639316

Ito will stream Apex-shit again?

>> No.49639359

Of course. During her last months she didnt even bother doing normal streams, even joined that male collab after no streaming for weeks

>> No.49639373

Watching you seethe at the mere existing of a general is such a delicious pleasure that I can't quite put into words.

>> No.49639407

>retards replying to copypasted post

>> No.49639539

I didn't wrote this

>> No.49639554

Whatever, gn fags, hopefully you are less retarded tomorrow

>> No.49639601

You keep saying that, but fags like you keep donating.

>> No.49639641


>> No.49639657

she will join VShojo

>> No.49639682

>implying Im a wacturd
>implying I send sc
>implying i buy membership
>implying i make any kind of donation
>implying i don't used ublock

>> No.49639733


>> No.49639807

i dont remember anyone using "Pr0n" here ever.

>> No.49639817
File: 94 KB, 1080x508, 1684294504626579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Charo want to fuck off too.

>> No.49639864


>> No.49639908 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 554x900, Sleepy Kuuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep tight ~ GAO!!

>> No.49639916

>S-shut up eschizo
>No! you are the eschizo
>Haha stupid butthurts
Can someone explain me what fags are fighting against?

>> No.49639946

Mahiru's chimpo,
Mahiru's chimpo,
Mahiru's chimpo...

>> No.49640097

some fag is malding over an inocuous op desc

>> No.49640114

Are you stupid?
most of the post was the squizo talking to himself

>> No.49640127


>> No.49640170

gn everybody
gn OP shitter

>> No.49640319

The splitnigger schizo has gone insane and he's arguing with himself.

>> No.49640374

I would lose all respect to her if that were the case.

>> No.49640445


>> No.49640513

I will find you Lia!!!!!!

>> No.49640570
File: 217 KB, 1377x1377, 5413524754165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GN anons chuuu

>> No.49640573

Last bump

>> No.49640582

Reads like two drunks fighting outside a fast food restaurant

>> No.49640616


>> No.49640851

The chink didn't have contact with the rest

>> No.49640909

previous OP here what the fk just happened?

>> No.49640928


>> No.49640986

Akira doesn't want to pay
Akira have money to bring a new girl
Girls get mad

>> No.49640990


>> No.49641044

Bros i think Akira isn't paying to the girls

>> No.49641073

no I did the one with Meica i already read this thread but I can't access the previous one because I didn't save the number and cloudfare rejects me to search for it

>> No.49641090

>humans are really idiots, arent they

>> No.49641154 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 360x360, babybabubear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49641183


>> No.49641228

who are you retards even talking about?

>> No.49641233

since I can't read the previous one I don't have the full context but basically the OP of this thread went crazy just because the previous one said "The end is near" and "1 day left"?

>> No.49641261

you already took your pill, huh

>> No.49641272

proof or fake

>> No.49641308

woooo is this the reason everyone left?
Why didn't Himea quit too?

>> No.49641322

It was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.49641373

ok the squizo started again

>> No.49641372

she fears the midget doxx and suing her, and she id dumb

>> No.49641380

when I try to enter find.4chin.org an infinite captcha stops me

>> No.49641414

Jesus the amount of copium.... wew....

>> No.49641443

I think Sezia is going to be another android-angel thing cowgirl bros

>> No.49641452

don't know what you mean or who you think I am

>> No.49641526

What kind of mental illnes these fags have?

>> No.49641610

I can only read this thread and it is what everyone puts also the last two threads were ignored there is no other explanation

>> No.49641676

Non stop rent free

>> No.49641738

>mentally broken just by someone doing a proper thread
holy schizo, take your meds

>> No.49641740

Himea won't leave faggots
she's with Akira
they probably have a deal
the fear of a lawsuit is a lie

>> No.49641802

You wish

>> No.49641873


>> No.49641919


>> No.49641934

Akira's new toy

>> No.49642001

whatever thx for nothing fags

>> No.49642020

/WACTOR/ is the last bastion against twitch thotery in spic vtubing

>> No.49642051

can't believe this level of retardation

>> No.49642079

She explicitly said "No me llegará el 70% pero si me llega lo que donan"

>> No.49642133

Sedai homos when?

>> No.49642143

This is my poem faggot
make yours yourself retard subhuman

>> No.49642166

What are you even talking about schizos?

>> No.49642204

Meicatards are losing it kekekek

>> No.49642226

I want to grope Miu's tits

>> No.49642241


>> No.49642266

I'll do it just to spite on (You)

>> No.49642288

>post it as an anonymous
now it's mine and i'll use it to reply Himea on twitter and get a like ; ^)

>> No.49642317

She was talking about rust

>> No.49642343

Ogey akira

>> No.49642345

Did she use a metaphor to say that or was it explicit?

>> No.49642361

Where does this rrat come from?

>> No.49642364

holy cope

>> No.49642416

are you from FB or something newfag?

>> No.49642470

Seethe Meicatard, your oshi is a twitch whore now

>> No.49642500


>> No.49642550

Show proof

>> No.49642556

The splitnigger schizo is copying and pasting posts from last thread. I wish I was making this shit up lmao. Completely mindbroken.

>> No.49642596

>newfag thinks rrat comes from facebook
This is a new low

>> No.49642614

nice projection there, keep it up, tranny

>> No.49642639
File: 190 KB, 720x1228, 1684331353533301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49642666

I wonder what goes through his head

>> No.49642678

I already sent it to her days ago faggot, she'll find out you're a fake fan subhuman retard

Yeah I realized as I finished reading the thread, he also has been arguing with himself the entire thread

>> No.49642753

JAJAJAJAJA, I've laughed enough, thank you.

>> No.49642780

/WACTOR/ will keep being made just like normal and Meicatards will eternally seethe just like their burraca who can't get over a more than a year old meme video made by a /here/ shitter.

>> No.49642818

Stop eating baits, newfags

>> No.49642858

rent free

>> No.49642910

I've never watched the boys, what's their appeal for their fans?

>> No.49642955

>He writes this while his oshi goes ballistic at the sight of "boyfriend" in her chat
She has gone full neurotic can't even stand the work kekekek

>> No.49642964

Wactordrones are the ones who wanted and wants to change the name because "muh bad reputation"
The shitter is just falseflagging because begging didn't work at first

>> No.49642985

wrong thread >>49573053

>> No.49643029

>what's their appeal for their fans?
being are anime males just like the girls appeal is being anime females

>> No.49643091

Feels good to watch a stream without paying attention to this pigsty

>> No.49643094

>He thinks that means something
Keep seething Meica schizo

>> No.49643128

You fags unironically will still give views to Akira?

>> No.49643135


>> No.49643178

If it makes you seethe

>> No.49643180

>the splitfag was trying again with Meica, he's really losing it

>> No.49643233
File: 46 KB, 615x342, ssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49643266

i hate frogposters

>> No.49643304

she wrote this >>49638654

>> No.49643317
File: 1.56 MB, 754x752, 1672650428032790.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49643352

He probably don't want to pay her for the last month

>> No.49643372
File: 96 KB, 943x857, 1672986671583206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49643509


>> No.49643566
File: 631 KB, 1337x1300, tol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn subhuman thanks for the laughs

>> No.49643579
File: 117 KB, 1079x1079, 1651281615765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49643809
File: 36 KB, 545x563, jajaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49643845

I can't believe that wactordrones are really a thing hahahaaa

>> No.49643871

I'll watch Jefaza and you'll seethe.

>> No.49643894

it's become stockholm syndrome at this point

>> No.49643900
File: 396 KB, 1448x2048, 1649243575418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W A C T U R D !

>> No.49643980

Hi Jimena, who es el 5/5?

>> No.49643994

The thing is that the retards trying to defend wactor are really funny

>> No.49644049
File: 406 KB, 982x982, 1675378452774443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49644067

While you're fighting like a retards, ofeb is winning like always

>> No.49644212


>> No.49644442 [DELETED] 

>The thing is that the retards trying to defend wactor are really funny

>> No.49644505

>the thing is, retards trying to defend wactor make me seething

>> No.49644542

lmao what a clown you are.

>> No.49644581
File: 278 KB, 1125x1197, 143563436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49644716

That's an argie meme

>> No.49644923

ay lmao

>> No.49645039

>3 hour of tantrums

>> No.49645282
File: 1.36 MB, 1074x1066, 1684129803352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slowpoke anon

>> No.49645422

Will Meica vote for Milei?

>> No.49645641


>> No.49647020


>> No.49647306

Sezia my beloved

>> No.49647672


>> No.49648253


>> No.49648332


>> No.49648973

choripaneras HATE

>> No.49649383


>> No.49649974

Fuck off Akira

>> No.49649984

Himea love

>> No.49650023


>> No.49650150

Go back facetard

>> No.49650181

you first kiddo

>> No.49650222

>Do I fit in?
Go back facetard

>> No.49650670

man, why die I wake up today

>> No.49650687

gay thread

>> No.49651086

Himea D'Almaria is my wife
Get away from her weirdos

>> No.49651121

Sorry guardiatard, I claimed her first.

>> No.49651229

I'm not one of those fags retard
>I claimed her first
Not even in your dreams nigga

>> No.49651287


>> No.49651322

>she deleted that tweet

>> No.49651360 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 796x796, FLITJV9VEAAAZg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49651424


>> No.49651436


>> No.49651483
File: 410 KB, 640x640, 1642403461210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scammer! give my SCs back!

>> No.49651587

now i understand the chinese people, japs are the most machiavelic and gready people on the world.

>> No.49651613

Miu is a scammer? Yeah old news

>> No.49651652
File: 497 KB, 771x804, FMe-qw6WUAMLPNV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes retard, and i'll enjoy it.

>> No.49651679
File: 176 KB, 1280x1280, 1453535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is she?

>> No.49651706


new thread

>> No.49651729

retard shit don't even hit the bump limit.

>> No.49651765

now it does, happy?

>> No.49651827


ignore the squizo

>> No.49651933

ignore the autist

>> No.49652003

Are you going to throw a tantrum again?

>> No.49652030

I'm sorry, but you need to be 18 and over to use this site.

>> No.49652074

hurry please, someone make another 5 threads

>> No.49652232

How fucking stupid you guys are to start this faggotry again

>> No.49652384

Just ignore the schizo

>> No.49652585

ignore the autist

>> No.49652586



>> No.49652778

Fuck off Akira and stop shitting the thread so early midget

>> No.49653201


Honestly i hope she succeed this time and become popular, last few times she worked for literally who companies so maybe this time she gets more suppor

>> No.49654269

>he actually get up until 5 AM to make a thread
jesus christ what is wrong with you?

>> No.49656779

>5 am
The fag seething at /wactor/ is a mexinigger...

>> No.49657249

Not really, i have AST
