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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4890097 No.4890097 [Reply] [Original]

Watame talked about how all of them already knew this was going to happen a long time ago and it ties to korone's tweet, i guess it makes sense, long before coco did the collab with calli the wheels were already in motion and that's why it happened, it's sad really :(

>> No.4891412

I don't give a shit about a vtubers feelings.

>> No.4891453

Why are you here then

>> No.4891504

just to suffer

>> No.4891525

to enjoy the product.

>> No.4892860

Luna, Aqua, Shion, Korone, all absolutely depressed because of these news. We didn't know...

>> No.4896134

I'm defecting to nijisanji. Cover won't keep getting away with this.

>> No.4896344

So your skipping the middle man and embracing China sponsored vtubers. Not sure you thought this through, anon, but whatever makes you look cool.

>> No.4896593

Marine and Haachama too, probably. This sucks

>> No.4896610

You’re in every thread

>> No.4898637

All of them that is in Coco's faction, not every single livers. Botan doesn't seem to know.

>> No.4898842

Botan already replied to her tweet. She knows but she i clever about it.

>> No.4898862

and calli still ruin her Meme Review
what a bitch

>> No.4899042

what tweet?

>> No.4899111

What I want to know is how long ago, that might help put the pieces together. Did Cover try to persuade her to stay with HoloAlt? Other Holos recently talked or hinted about quitting, like Korone and Marine, and some more synced up with their own menhera breakdowns like Aqua or Hachama. Are these events related to Coco announcing her graduation internally?

I need answers.

>> No.4899150

>-From what Suisei shared is that Coco has been sitting on this idea of quitting since last year. Probably because of the spam.
>-Choco, Mio and Miko all tried to stop her from leaving multiple times. I think it's believable that this is true because they did do a number of collabs where Coco was in.
>-Suisei shared that management did everything that they could to stop her. Maybe the live 2D updates and costumes. Chink spam rectification. Lamy also shared that she knows that Coco and Rushia had a contract renegotiation that gave both girls a better SC cut.
>-Botan shared that they even though they knew Coco was graduating they didn't take it seriously because she hasn't told the date. This is probably how all of them treated it. They were hopeful they wouldn't push through.
>-Last month we got a surge of depressed holos. So this can be confirmed when Coco announced the date of her graduation and when she will officially announce it.
>So this can be said that 50% is Chink spam because Coco waited until the problem was fixed. Which it did. 50% restrictions because Coco did go on to express that her projects isn't going to see the light of day because they were being denied. If she had something to hold unto aside from Meme review. I think she may have stayed.

>> No.4899306

If the spam was fixed then it was 100% management. They offered all the small concessions in the world but no possibility of advancement. They unironically wanted to keep Coco as a neutered pet. The mask is completely off now. Cover's abandoning the west and refocusing on getting back into China. Cover will kneel so hard the ground will crater beneath them.

>> No.4899389

Narukami rrat is literally true.
After Cover gave mod status to her chink antis which broke Coco, she decided she wanted out.
For her last months Cover decided to give her more freedoms to make it look like it was an amicable graduation. They already got caught when Coco flat-out admitted she wasn't allowed to collab with EN, so they suddenly let her do that as damage control.

>> No.4899529

Why do you jump from restricting her to China? Are you dumb??? Noone in their right mind will jump to China. They are tagged already as the company that dropped China. That is their brand. They are moving forward with HoloEN, JP and ID. They are getting a lot of deals from international brands already.

EN Collab was one the of the last things on her mind you dimwit. She responds to those questions because were always spamming it to her. She was more down on the fact that none of her projects were getting approved. She only confirmed her graduation date since last month which means narutard only got it half-true. There was more to it.

>> No.4899546

While i'm sure it was sad for them this isn't really accurate.
Korone was out due to her mother health and her own, Aqua had medical problems (chronic rhinitis) and her own antis/stress issue and Shion has been depressed since at least 3-4 months ago which would be a long time to take due to to this imo.
From what i get from translated clips i have the feeling most didn't know until 1-2 weeks before the announcement. I think even Coco wasn't completely convinced herself until a month ago at most. My speculation though.

>> No.4899551

Coco is dating/is about to be married. She has enough money to support herself and her future family so she is leaving Hololive to pursue her role as a future mother

>> No.4899644

I want to know why not-Coco dragon suddenly got changed to actually-is-Coco dragon in HoloAlt??

They even made FBK look like fake news because she said what management told her (its not Coco), before they decided to retcon it into being Coco.

>> No.4899682

Does the dragon in the first teaser have coco's collar?

>> No.4899760

rrats said holoalt is a way to keep the character after the soul graduates

>> No.4900013

Cover are stupid but they aren't THAT stupid. They are not going to do business with something that will cause a huge backlash even in JP. Not only that, but it will put JP talent at risk.

>> No.4900143

>they aren't THAT stupid
You drastically overestimate their IQ just because they're Asian. Cover forced Coco to graduate. That's as smooth as a brain can get.

>> No.4900197

>. Cover forced Coco to graduate.
peak schizo, chink insect. at least they are way fucking more intelligent than you chink bug. you only have a microscopic bug brain

>> No.4902805

> Have numerous incidents with your primary non-chinese talents coping shit from China.
> Have mega incident with China, putting you in an ultimatum.
> Disolve an entire branch, killing off 6 talents, just to get away from it. Very messy.
> Cop 8 months of constant spam in multiple talents chat.
> Harrased talent quits, putting everyone on edge regarding China

"But oh yeah nah lets fucking do it again."

>> No.4902954

Their planning director is a chinkoid

>> No.4903876

>controversy erupts around Coco
>even though she obviously did nothing wrong, need to maintain japanese corporate honor
>you can't directly fire her because the bigger western audience hasn't stopped breathing down your neck from the Aloe graduation
>"suspend" them hoping that they'll quit on their own from harassment like the last one did
>doesn't work, and now it leaks that half of the chinese branch is openly supporting or working with the zhangs, and demanding you choose china over the west, so you have to shut the whole thing down
>Investors are now even more pissed that you're protecting Coco and losing sponsorships and chinese market share, you have to do something
>but you still can't fire her because JP and EN fans are openly threatening kyoani boogaloo if you dare
>decide to go with the strategy of making someone absolutely miserable to the point they quit, cancel the talkshow, don't allow any new projects and put her on a complete collab ban
>also intentionally refuse to moderate her chat for "reasons" so she and anyone that might try to sneak in some interaction get unfiltered zhang rage for days
It's not doing it "again" because they've been putting pressure on her to quit since the day it all started, disbanding the CN branch wasn't even a choice they made voluntarily

>> No.4904055

t. chinky sjw eop chink

>> No.4904331

fucking imbecile, neck yourself

>> No.4904388

>nah reddit consensus said cover good and coco is happy to leave so we should not do anything about anything ever and if you criticize the corpo you're an anti

>> No.4904494

Yahoo himself has said that the Chinese branch was always a money sink. The company has no incentive to court China, and every incentive to try to keep Coco, especially considering that they were willing to graduate an entire branch just to keep her.

>> No.4904507

This guy gets it. Fuck cover.

>> No.4904513

conjecture into ad hominem.

>> No.4904629

>Yahoo himself has said that the Chinese branch was always a money sink.
>Corporate head says corporate decision was in the best interests of the company.
No shit.

>> No.4904689

Spoiler: as far as management goes, Ichikara isn't a lick better.
It's the talent that carries both companies. Hard.

>> No.4904820

HoloCN may have been but having the main branch do streams on BB every so often wasn't.

>> No.4905750

Just a normal Japanese company doing normal Japanese things

>> No.4905946

My skipping?

>> No.4906001

literally false

>> No.4906066

>korone’s tweet
What did she tweet? I didn’t do my dog reps.

>> No.4906284

t.EOP retard

ichikara is fucking better lets not be retarded here, however the best choice is to just watch indies

>> No.4906694

Yes we're getting married on July 2

>> No.4906934

If it meant potential for bullshit like the Taiwan event they're pants-on-head retarded for not taking the opportunity to get the fuck out and focus somewhere less volatile. Chinese money is nice but they can obviously get along more than fine without it.

>> No.4906993

So long as Niji has a CN branch they're one bad day away from getting fucked just as hard. Probably worse, considering how they're getting mogged in market share back home and their ENs sucked ass, they would kneel so hard to Pooh dick your head would spin.

>> No.4907323

First Virtual Real is owned by Bilibili. AnyColor only provide technical support. It's basically a joint venture where AnyColor can leave anytime without any repercussion. If one of Liver show his/her support to Hongkong, Taiwan or Uyghur, Chinks cannot do shit to AnyColor or Bilibili other than shitposting. Maybe Rion and Lize will suffer a bit but not much since they can play off stream. I mean what they can do? Burn Bilibili office? Also Nijisanji have stronger support in Japan compared to Hololive. You know what happened if you trigger Nips in 5ch, 2ch and Futaba, right? Ask Dedechi.

>> No.4907433

But caring about vtubers feelings is a part of user experience

>> No.4911783

>It's the talent that carries both companies. Hard.
Bullshit. Niji is carried by the talent because they let the talent carry them. Meanwhile, cover unironically beats the shit out of their talent for trying to carry them. Even cn branch's chink pandering was meant to keep hololive in the good graces of chinks, however misguided it was. Then they got axed.

Coco tries to innovate and keep the brand fresh? Gone.

Aloe is anything less than a perfect angel in her past life? Sorry fans, no cheeky gremlin with a top tier character design for you.

Hololive succeeded despite cover's efforts at suppression and sabotage because their talent is just that strong. But even they have limits, and so do viewers. Cover hate.

>> No.4911811

Also Mio and Botan.

>> No.4918629

Can you guys tell me which "reaction clip" vids is worth the watch? There's a lot of them, and I'm afraid it's mostly just gonna be a "Oh no, she's gonna graduate, I wish she didn't but her wish should be respected." and a word or two showing how it only slightly affected them.
Also, I haven't seen a clip of the sheep crying while talking about this despite her being very close friends with Kaichou. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.4918860

Not a clip but definitely Mio's karaoke stream on that day. May be rough to watch but I felt everything she was feeling throughout the entire thing.

>> No.4918879

Suisei is the most honest. Almost spilling the beans. There's translators in the chat. She was talking about it for a good 25mins

>> No.4918928

Everyone was frustrated with Coco's situation. They were really fighting for her to stay. But they were all adults so that means Coco still has the default. I mean, it's her life.

>> No.4918969

Yeah, Niji "lets" the talent carry them. They have so much freedom that they fire you just for using an accent. Seems like a fun place.

>> No.4919001

NijiIN anyone? No? Lol

>> No.4919039

No, she is just on a break, anon.

>> No.4919285

Tiny, crazy rrat with no credible proof, that is an extremely stupid move even for Cover
>This makes sense
Multiple girls, some even slamming Cover indirectly, all painting the picture that everyone including Cover tried to keep her from leaving and didn't want her to get forced out, as badly as they fucked up.
>Of course they'd lie. This is just damage control!

>> No.4920374

Meiro was fired because she leaked her fight with Roa to Narukami you dumb Covershill.

>> No.4920500


>> No.4920555

Shion is inactive lately because of a civil case she is filing against her antis

>> No.4920569

So are you saying she didn't have the freedom to do that? Don't you Nijiniggers always talk about how much freedom the talents have? Your statement kind of contradicts that.

>> No.4920763
File: 3.27 MB, 1770x2500, Watame by touchi_TC on twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4918860 >>4918879
Thank you anons... Have a cute sheep

>> No.4920790

It was against NDA, Holobrony. All companies around the world have clause where you must not leak any company affairs and secrets to third party unless it's about crime. Any companies will fired you if you do that. Even Cover. Look like you getting desperate after Cover is exposed as a black company, huh?

>> No.4920796
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>thinking the walking yab machine got fired over her "accent" (which was proven to be fake by her roommate streams anyway)
you dumb fucking nigger delete this embarassing post. meiro is a bitch menhera who not only harassed roa, who was a minor by the way, by leaking their discord fights and letting her rabid fans all over her but plagiarized noel roommate's content and directed all hate towards her by playing victim. the only bad thing niji did in this situation was not firing that bitch sooner

>> No.4920805

And now we're actually getting new creative content like Legend of Polka AFTER Coco finalized her graduation. Ame also said on stream before that they have a new management team sometime in May or April I think. Also worth considering that Cover put a job listing for managerial positions just recently. It is safe to assume that they cleaned shop and fired a fuckton of staff only for the fact that they fucked up big time on her.

>> No.4920842

But if she was fired at all that kind of goes against the narrative of the Niji talent having the freedom to do whatever they want.

>> No.4920865


What happened, did antis dox her?

>> No.4920894

Everything you said lines up. That actually makes me really optimistic about the future of Hololive.

>> No.4920949

From what I've read, her antis beaten up a person they thought was her for having similar voices.

>> No.4921044

Give up, shill. Everyone know Cover is the real black company. No amount of distraction can hide the truth.

>> No.4921100

is harassing your underage coworker streaming content? she was fired for being an asshole. besides there are better examples in niji that showcase their freedom of content like noraneko who's done questionable shit or kataribe who hasn't streamed in over 2 years yet is still considered part of the company

>> No.4921115

Jesas. That's fucked up.

>> No.4921171
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>> No.4921324

The worst part is that Cover probably won't even support her financially for this and is using her own money to peddle this case.

>> No.4921369

What the fuck did she even do to get antis like this?

>> No.4921412

Being a kusogaki and teasing ojii-sans can lead to that.

>> No.4921530
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more and more evidence against the changs, no wonder theyre in such damage control. Cover is fucked on /vt/. this is hasjew levels of unrecoverable pr.

>> No.4921786

I'm literally marrying her.

>> No.4921806

fucking source

>> No.4921918

I hope this is why calli was sperg as fuck

>> No.4921951

Dont count on it

>> No.4922018

You can look for the /jp/ archives. Im not in the mood for spoonfeeding. Though to be fair, those are apparently just rumours so take it with a grain of salt

>> No.4922057

It is hilarious how chankoros are constantly raiding /vt/ just to be called out and achieve absolutely nothing. Are they actually programmed by CCP to be masochistic and retarded?

>> No.4922079

I choose to believe Coco told them on April 15

>> No.4926125

>Im not in the mood for spoonfeeding
Good job backpedaling your retarded rrat, subhuman mongrel.

>> No.4926198


>> No.4926242

>the japs are huma-

>> No.4926365

I don't know if any of that is true or not, but to add to this, there was a post recently on her roommate account about how she's super depressed. She can barely do anything, but managed to get two covers out. They weren't Hololive material, so she posted em on her alt.

Then she got attacked for it since she was posting on her alt while she's sparse with Hololive content. In a very recent write up, she posted about how that just made everything even worse. Don't know if it's the translation or not, but sounded borderline suicidal.

>> No.4926406

Coco wants to be a manager but I can't imagine the chink investors tolerating her staying at the company

>> No.4926429

>random woman on the street getting beaten up by nip schizos who mistake her for virtual entertainer
Doesn't sound very believable.

>> No.4926491


>> No.4926582

Did she really try to kill herself?

>> No.4926835

Bros... I just want to rewind 2 years and watch girls prank each other in Minecraft again, I don't like this timeline.

>> No.4927013

Yeah, it sucks. I really wish the best for her and that it all works out in the end.

>> No.4931008

>schizos conjuring retarded theories without sources
>retards falling for it and believing it without any sources
fuck off niggers

>> No.4936950

>All companies around the world have clause where you must not leak any company affairs and secrets to third party unless it's about crime.
[citation needed]

>> No.4937020

Is that really true? Where was that post from?

>> No.4937278

It's behind a 500 yen paywall on her roommate's Fantia account.

>> No.4937792

Damn, if that's not a clear sign of calling for help and also a call for suicide watch, I don't know what is.

I think she needs a month long break or however long she needs to cool off and fix the anti issue before streaming again.
On the other hand, I wouldn't blame her if she left and just do her own thing. Maybe ask a certain Dragon for help to get back on her feet.

Anyway, I'm not familiar with JP laws but is there even a decent successful chance of her dealing with the antis using a lawyer? I know in the US it's quiet effective nowadays as far as I'm aware.

>> No.4942504

EN and ID don't know about this...

>> No.4943422

Shouldn't the sound-a-like be the plaintiff instead of Shion there?

>> No.4944461


If someone tries to kill you and accidentally offs someone else instead (as an example) I'm pretty sure you have a legal case that someone is trying to fucking kill you.

>> No.4944691

Shion is gone because she got kidnapped by the Ojii-sans like in her nhentai douin

>> No.4952589
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Wait that Text is really from Shion? That sounds much worse than I thought.
>I think she needs a month long break
Bro I think she needs to straight up graduate. Go to a hospital and get treated. Then again I dont know the reason for her being depressed like this. Coco and Shion are close then people realize, Coco needs to help her out.
