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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49231789 No.49231789 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】
WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project
"noVas" as an English language project
"Starship Research" as a Chinese language project

Previous thread >>49189927

It's getting hot edition.


Sezia Haruma


Himea D'Almaria

Nisha Nixyeva

Eru Nabura

Merun Morino

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.49231856

Good afternoon, I don't watch choripaneras™

>> No.49231936

Good evening, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.49232074

>Escuchando hablar a mi jefe del trabajo en equipo y la motivacion cuando el es el que hace que todos nus queramos ir de su equipo ALV

>> No.49232109
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>> No.49232116

change the name to WACKtor

>> No.49232121 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 404x719, babu ascension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babu eternal LOVE! GAO!!

>> No.49232130

isnt she talking about her new job? she complained about the meetings of that unrelated job a couple of times

>> No.49232166

>Exactly one minute and some seconds appart
OP is the choripaschizo and a WACTOR anti

>> No.49232209

cope choripanero

>> No.49232223
File: 553 KB, 720x960, Nisha BIG LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also ULTRA BIG LUST!!!

>> No.49232232

i was checking the ips and they were all unique the 3 first posts. Im not even a meicafag

>> No.49232240

wtf timestamp?

>> No.49232261

The lack of "metodología de la investigación" in public schools has been a disaster for LATAM

>> No.49232344

Privated, someone called her out during the stream because girls aren't at fault for Akira's shit, that why Sezia said that they staying on the corpo isn't because they agreed with Akira

>> No.49232356

eating all the bullshit some fag says here

>> No.49232417

Sezia is in boomer node

>> No.49232452






>> No.49232470

rent free kys choripanero

>> No.49232475

>talking about school days

>> No.49232494

Is this true? Does anyone knows which stream was it?

>> No.49232539

All me

>> No.49232698

Okay, hear me out here. We could change the name to /chispiwactor/

>> No.49232720

idk but that would explain why so many meicucks disguised as saviorfags and bully the girls
At least they are actually retarded...

>> No.49232750

If suggest Chispiwator so it has something from both the girls inside and outside.

>> No.49232912

as the anon above said, the stream was deleted
for me i'm not schizo enough to keep every single thing i see or hear

>> No.49232949

That will probably attract chispatards, so no.

>> No.49232968

At least you can recall her words?
Aren't you putting them out of context?

>> No.49232987 [DELETED] 

>chispatards triying to make this general their new "/vt/ general" as "/chispawactor/
just make a /ñ/ or /esp/ , and fuck off.

>> No.49233058

Jealous Sezia best Sezia

>> No.49233100

this one sounds better
but there must be one that encompasses most of the girls

>> No.49233139


>> No.49233294

>noooooooooo /WACTOR/ is my house and my only way of socializing if it ceases to exist I'll kms

>> No.49233706

Meica is a self proclaimed stingy person

>> No.49233718

huh... was that a goodbye from sezia?...

>> No.49233763

Fuckk I'm on a meeting rn and can't listen, what did she say?

>> No.49233779

Why is she leaving the birthday presents early? Wasn’t it in a week?

>> No.49233832


>> No.49233951


>> No.49234000

Go back facetard

>> No.49234008

Nah, I'm just a dude that knows the absolute wallet pain of the gifting a Gucci purse or Luis Vuitton handbag. At least it makes buying an expensive videocard/console easier to explain to a woman.
Also I'm really still in shock. Meica is the first woman EVER I see that not only isn't a fan of expensive clothes but not even know the brands. Genuinely astonished

>> No.49234035

>espero seguir siendo la persona a la que esperan ver por mucho tiempo mas
>tengo que hacer cosas, asi que pasenla muy bonito, cuidense mucho y espero que sean muy felices...
>nos vemos, yo onions Sezia haruma, ex-delincuente, ahora idol de e-stella...
>sean felices y pasenla muy bonito

>> No.49234075

i think she often says those things at the end of a stream

>> No.49234096

1:06:30 till the end

>> No.49234108
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>> No.49234148

maybe yeah, but it was a bit weird this time
i guess we just need to wait a few days to see if she's still active

>> No.49234166

>por mucho tiempo mas
>ex-delincuente, ahora idol de e-stella
This makes me believe she's staying tho
>tengo que hacer cosas, asi que pasenla muy bonito, cuidense mucho y espero que sean muy felices
She said she had work to do after this.

>> No.49234269

someo kill the fucking midget already.

>> No.49234360

>Girl basically says she wants to keep being the same person

>> No.49234402

i bet you tought Neon was doing alright on her last stream
nico ass mentality, be better.

>> No.49234439

i just listened to it and it seemed to be only a membership benefit, nothing else

>> No.49234497

Listen here Sezia, I won't forgive you if you side with meicatards, all the respect you earned from me will go to the thrash.

>> No.49234650

eat shit Akira

>> No.49234696

She don't have to stay
Or maybe you want she to still working for the midget to maintain alive wactor

>> No.49234766

sezia i love you, you are not alone
i'll support you

>> No.49234812 [DELETED] 

seethe choripanera, Wactor is kill and your chuuba career too

>> No.49234884

Wactorcucks are afraid that Sezia will leave and after that Himea will probably leave too and that would be the end of wactor hehe

>> No.49234903

>moves her stream forward one day
>decides not to play
>she's probably breaking her contract with sega because tired of it
>the manlet will talk to her for this
>feels nostalgic and sad
I think the girls are already at the end putting up with all this shit, is this the end?

>> No.49234968

did you even watch the stream? she couldnt play because her pc crashed

>> No.49235003

More like Nico and Akira's onaholes doing damage control like always

>> No.49235010

it is the end, this time for real.

>> No.49235040

Why are you writing like you've had a brain stroke?
Are you meica?...

>> No.49235045

please read between the lines, it is a camouflaged excuse creeme we

>> No.49235291

Meica just deleted her comment /here/

>> No.49235329

who knew that the meicaschizo would turn out to be akira's cock sucker

>> No.49235353 [DELETED] 

>yfw Himierda is sending her guardiacucks and moods /here/ to do damage control

>> No.49235400

thread full of femoids

>> No.49235442

When did I mention to that fag tho? I was answering to the choripanero squizo who was using google translator

>> No.49235549

Wactorbros, let's go to the copium store

>> No.49235599

I just want my wife to achieve her dreams...
Let her have her reward with SEGA at least, if that's still possible...

>> No.49235691

I just hope that they don't try to pretend unity with the retarded after they graduate, it'll just be another Eru situation

>> No.49235848

Putis is back

>> No.49235850

Someone clip this please I'm too dumb

>> No.49235866

you know what to do guys wink wink
>inb4 poorfagg

>> No.49235909

i mean we know sezia is going to be able to collab with Eru now and maybe Nisha
but no meica for sure

>> No.49235955

friendly reminder

>> No.49236086

legit brotecito here, but im also a poorfag...

>> No.49236089

>start stream speaking spanish
>ya empeza mal el stream
>end stream
>again start stream speaking jp

>> No.49236166
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>> No.49236210

I know that, I just don't trust meica
If she is this bitchy now, can we be sure she wan't like this before? ignoring other members, maybe talking crap behind their backs and then pretend they are besties like every bitchy woman

>> No.49236391

kek, she is aware of the only takataka + school shooting critisisms...

>> No.49236461
File: 84 KB, 577x433, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's goooo

>> No.49236527
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>> No.49236559

Are her fans a bunch of masochists?

>> No.49236567

>Fags aleady rickrolling her
prepare for another hiatus

>> No.49236608

Give qrd not clicking that shit

>> No.49236626

Hana does a good "your crush who doesn't acknowledge your existence" experience.

>> No.49236781

So masochists don't have their own thread or what?

>> No.49236798

So that's her niche...

>> No.49236915

If you know enough taka, you can be noticed by Poli, its your chance to shine as a groomer

>> No.49236983

sexo with poli

>> No.49236986

Send her this and she WILL notice you:

>> No.49237050

i know enough taka taka to notice that takataka kek

>> No.49237103

hana's charm is the same as chris-chan's.
a mentally ill person on the internet

>> No.49237144


>> No.49237282

For some reason, hana's chat reminds me to zilverk kind of humor
no wonder she hates spics24rpda

>> No.49237353

damn she got that zilverk disease
fuck zilverk

>> No.49237367

She just needs to talk to her moderation team and have them instaban shitters.

>> No.49237478

I've seen her mods before, they are groomers who don't do their jobs, does she have new ones?

>> No.49237732

Doubt it. But her meme reviews are insufferable because her shitty mods don't sanitize the channel. Those streams would be infinitely more comfy if her mods did two simple things:
> remove all videos that are longer than 1 and a half minutes
> remove all rickrolls

>> No.49238009

Misora's channel had a culture where everyone could react to memes with block emoji and mods would just remove all posts with that emoji.

>> No.49238163

Well like I said, she needs to talk to her mods so she can improve the experience of both the streamer and the viewer. I can't tell you how many times I had to mute Hana's stream because some stupid facetard sent a 10 minute video of a cringe """comedy""" sketch like enchufatv or that shitty animator legend of melda or whatever his name is. Fucking hell. Just enforce some sort of rules in the meme channel: no long videos, no rickrolls, no copyright. Some shit like that. I guarantee you she will enjoy those streams more, which in turn will make the viewer also enjoy them more.

>> No.49238307

you now remember

>> No.49238403

hana sakura >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hana yomeguri

>> No.49238520
File: 34 KB, 400x400, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat and sleep well cutie!! CHUUUUUU!!!~

>> No.49238588

Reminder >>49158589

>> No.49238870

and... meica say something to comment in her stream?

>> No.49238899

she could just lauhgt it off in the past and not going all menhera? she sure has go down in quality as streamer

>> No.49238912
File: 391 KB, 512x512, 1683758687715470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that all Nishadows paths lead to the same result

>> No.49239102

Sezia my love.
Whatever you decide, I will be supporting you.
There always be people telling you a betrayer, whether it's you choosing to stay in wactor or leaving.
My love for you won't change, and no one will ever change this.

>> No.49239274

She should have done that a long time ago, but she liked the money she got from the stupid latinamericans watching a japonesa reaccionando a tercermundismo, she kind got what she deserves

>> No.49239283

>Sezia my love

>> No.49239450

what happened? Touching grass keeps me from seeing Sezia. She is fine?

>> No.49239562

Have you seen sezia's likes? It's very cryptic, help

>> No.49239704
File: 373 KB, 611x357, PunkdinsPorSiempre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this
I don't like this
I don't like this

>> No.49239776

argie property

>> No.49239846

>le concern baiting references
it gets tiresome after a while.

>> No.49239935

> lord chispicuate donating in hana's stream

>> No.49240231
File: 349 KB, 1080x1511, IMG_20230511_202227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a deja vu

>> No.49240289


>> No.49240361

it's going to happen again...

>> No.49240490
File: 85 KB, 1080x1603, 1673354258460220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hana's new cover will be in spanish
I knew she wasn't angry at us, bros.

>> No.49240547


>> No.49240553

>¡Hola! Onions Luna Rurine de WactorEs

>> No.49240649
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>> No.49240719
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>inb4 Miu replying, "get good soon Seza! i'll miss you a lot meanwhile you rest! <3 <3"

>> No.49240765
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>> No.49240803
File: 276 KB, 604x644, 213334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Yumi is doomposting...
But this gives us more insight.

>> No.49240879

Saviorbros, it's our time to shine

>> No.49240890

wtf is the fucking midget is doing?

>> No.49240909
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>> No.49240939
File: 443 KB, 593x626, 213519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49241020

Why is it so fucking difficult to enjoy this hobby without having to worry about the physical and mental health of the girls?

>> No.49241082


>> No.49241132

ok this shit is serious

>> No.49241241

Because you love them, then it hurts

>> No.49241280

Hearing Himea's voice completely relaxes me, doesn't matter how horrible things may be in reality.
She's really something, I don't know what I would do without her.

>> No.49241314

Yeah but I mean, before I got into vtubers I watched fleshtubers and I never experienced this feeling of being worried about the girls I was watching. What is it about vtubing that creates such fucking drama? Unless you're watching Hololive, you can't escape the fucking drama.

>> No.49241321


>> No.49241327

Sezia posted this on membership


last gift

>> No.49241386

When you take the flesh out, only the soul remain, then you truly bond.

>> No.49241413

She sounds sad...

>> No.49241445

stop trying to emotionally manipulate her

>> No.49241448

Why would you post it?

>> No.49241514

I know she feels the same way for her chat, only because of that is that I can post this.

>> No.49241575

She is, I hope we can lift her spirit the same way she does with ours.

>> No.49241599

HEM anon buy a flight ticket to Japan please

>> No.49241726

thanks Nisha

>> No.49241738

Oh no...
There's something different this time.

>> No.49241780

So Sezia and Yumi are out? And Himea decided to stay again?

>> No.49241820

Oh no
My wife just said that to do some things now...
I don't know what I'll do if you're not here, my love.

>> No.49241937

man, i fucking hate that puto enano so much...

>> No.49241976

? she jsut said something about doing asmrs in the future

>> No.49241978

I have this rrat.
Akira is giving up and is telling them that they can either "graduate" or buy the rights of the models.
Sezia doesn't have the money so she's leaving, given her straightforward nature she did right away to not make things more painful.
Yumi and Himea are still thinking on how to say things to their fans, probably scrapping money to buy if if that's a possibility.

>> No.49242072

And what was that "coming soon" of meido?

>> No.49242131

Just a little more doombros, this time we will rise

>> No.49242144


>> No.49242191 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 545x533, 1683166820898410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LiveLeak harakiri

>> No.49242277


>> No.49242320

Progress on Eru's Twerk it up. We'll get there, eventually.

>> No.49242625
File: 326 KB, 702x717, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49242662

My dear Nisha, I love her so much

>> No.49242715

Just download OBS studio, it's free.
Open it, tell it to record chrome/firefox, play the video, press the record key (set it in the options if you can't find it) and press end when you are done.
Its really easy.
If completely menhera/tech illiterate/pon/dumb women streamers can learn how to use it, so can you.

>> No.49242737

it seems like that, or she will graduate and not just disapear

>> No.49242894

good job anon, now we just need a picture of Eru whit a nice ass

>> No.49242965

Does any of you have the JP girls sub accoounts? I don't mean rms, the approved sub accounts.

>> No.49243267

Everytime we doompost we jynx ourselves and things end up fixing by themselves
Shall we do it again?

>> No.49243345

Sezia hasn't bought her PC yet so right now she has some money saved, Himea spends her money on stupid things so it took her almost a year to save she won't be able to buy it, Yumi is rich she just does this for fun

>> No.49243366

I someone a Yumichi here? how was her mood in the memstream?

>> No.49243483

This tweet seems suspiciously familiar to the last message from Leo

>> No.49243541

Thank you Sezia

>> No.49243612

What is it. I'm not getting my IP logged in there.

>> No.49243640

wait the homos are also leaving?
holy shit based

>> No.49243657

wew lad

>> No.49243817

>I someone a Yumichi here?
No after the male collabs

>> No.49243915

Fucking finally.

>> No.49244104

She didn't stream today

>> No.49244266

In her twitter she said she did a membership stream.

>> No.49244504

himea please, this is your chance, please get out of that shithole

>> No.49244624

Do the best thing for you Sezia, choose what will make you happy, don't fall for the anons/wactordrones/twittertrannies/discucks/ shit, you are the only one who knows how the things are BTS.
We will be there for you, wherever it is and however it has to be.

Open an Onlyfans please

>> No.49244673

calm down faggot, we don't know what's happening yet

>> No.49244736

Eru < MenhEru

>> No.49244760

She's making a lot of plans for the future.

>> No.49244787

well you are right, ok let me try again.

Himea, if everyone else is jumping off the ship please get out of there too

>> No.49244838

Ageha went to drink again, besides that the JP girls seem to be doing alright.

>> No.49244851

jefaza when?

>> No.49244863

eru love

>> No.49244902

To be honest, other girls leaving could mean more percentage of the group funds could go to her.

>> No.49244943

menheru when?

>> No.49244963

Is just a drive with images

>> No.49245110

no need to lie, we know thats not going to happen

>> No.49245121

We will know if Sezia makes a good morning tweet tomorrow.

>> No.49245148

Let the girls make their own decisions, fags.

>> No.49245180

what funds? With what Himea earns alone, it is not even enough for the rent.

>> No.49245209

He has been buying her games, art and her room tho. Animations are expensive so it's somewhat expected she was told no in the end.

>> No.49245261

can you imagine that la jefaza debuts and all the girls and the homos leave?

>> No.49245273

What rent? Akira doesn't have and office anymore.

>> No.49245310

12 hours remain...

>> No.49245366

>im tired of a lot of things but im not sleepy

>> No.49245397

How is G-chan Instagram?

>> No.49245658

>See you soon

>> No.49245711


>> No.49245749

>À bientôt !
>Hasta pronto!

>> No.49245757

The only French speaking lady

>> No.49245781


>> No.49245916

que gorda dramatica, para un poco sezia.

>> No.49245976
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Nothing on IG but Twitter has this >>49245749

>> No.49246095

fuck off ferpurafil

>> No.49246128

So it's really over...

>> No.49246140
File: 913 KB, 750x864, 1679183308986650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sezia my beloved...

>> No.49246183

here we go again, i wonder what is the next excuse for Akira's cocksuckers about the situation

>> No.49246253

Chances it is related to Ito?

>> No.49246263

Kill yourself Loyal

>> No.49246267

So the 500 memberships? Or is it your ticket to freedom?

>> No.49246289


>> No.49246391

She just changed (like 10 seconds ago) her bio to a song called Dog days are over. Lmao Sezia I like your sense of humor. Be strong, girl. You have more people who care about you than you think.

>> No.49246392

>Sezia and Vyse out
whats your excuse now choripanera?

>> No.49246423

update, IG Sezia

>> No.49246517

She loves me.

>> No.49246537

>Yuu's last activity 2 days ago
>last cover on YouTube 8 days ago
>speaks spanish, english and japanese
Jefaza confirmed?

>> No.49246575

Get in fags:

>> No.49246631

I hope not! That girl has too much talent for it to be wasted in Akira's shit company. I hope she grows in subs and she uploads more covers in Spanish.

>> No.49246643

At the end Meica managed to save Nisha and Eru from a worst fate, but couldn't do the same for Seiza and Himea because Akira's and his fags mods interfering with it. No wonder some fags try to anti her here, because she actually saved the girls, not the groomers or the modfags trying to groom her, sasuga.

>> No.49246686

Based Meica

>> No.49246715


>> No.49246765

>she saved eru
sure anon whatever you say

>> No.49246791

I'll miss interacting with you trough /here/ Sezia.

>> No.49246815

We don't know what really went down inside that shit company and I'm tired of inventing rrats. I wish wactor died for good so the girls could talk openly about it.

>> No.49246820


>> No.49246851

thats why akira made up that shit about the death threats to demonize the girls

>> No.49246958

They will never openly talk about it even after wactor dies. You'll never know the truth.

>> No.49247061

>Himea had to google Ugly Bastards

>> No.49247073

there was never death threads, most of the people were most telling Seiza and Himea "why in the fuck you didn't leave with the rest?", and that's all the "death treats", in fact, Meica and Nisha got most of those treats at the end
>what about Lia and Miu

>> No.49247091

I see... the dog days are over

>> No.49247161

What if she had to take Crujiperro to get castrated and that's all?

>> No.49247207

Join the PNG gang Sezia we have Nintendo games and we have Eru...

>> No.49247217

are you calling sezia a lying whore too then? stupid newfag

>> No.49247280

>she put a /vn/ meme


>> No.49247291

Maigang is desperate to put the death treats as a lie

>> No.49247295


>> No.49247309


>> No.49247311

>Lo cambia todo!

>> No.49247354
File: 78 KB, 772x525, kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49247419
File: 67 KB, 454x532, 1609966185446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Trust me bro, there was death treats"
>post some fags making fun of wactor
oh the horror

>> No.49247493
File: 4 KB, 339x70, 1677985395298812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.49247521

that clown kept parroting this shit every time he can, just ignore the retard.

>> No.49247525


>> No.49247559

Someone please post that "lo cambia todo" Eru's clip

>> No.49247603

Something definitely happened inside Wactor in the last 2-3 days
What are you doing Akira?

>> No.49247633
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>> No.49247752

Nico likes to talk like he's a manager and being professional, but the only ones doing that is hololive, something he hates for some reason

>> No.49247767

Are Himea and /us/ just la bella y la bestia?

>> No.49247800

>he believes meica tried to help someone other than herself

>> No.49247828

Is he a Nijinigger?

>> No.49247844


>> No.49247852

>bla bla bla meica is le bad because i didn't take my meds

>> No.49247854


Disgusting faggot

>> No.49247855

Himea is la bestia btw

>> No.49247865

anons are la bella btw

>> No.49247965

We are The beauty

>> No.49247981

More like he's a corpo hater, which is truly ironic since he helped the blackest one, i talked to people that reported his behavior to both Anycolor and Cover in case he tries to predate into mod chat shit.

>> No.49247983

and streamable version for phonefags

>> No.49248094

Words can't describe how much i hate Nicuck and loyalboludomo

>> No.49248146

he has no shame

>> No.49248176

loyal after getting funado started to finally shutting the fuck up, Nico on the other hand still want to get into grooming as many indies as possible.

>> No.49248267

The anon and the menhera.

>> No.49248360

This faggot needs to experience pain.

>> No.49248402

the baldie don't look that bad after seeing this human trash

>> No.49248409

Wait until the girls release everything and he gets properly exposed.

>> No.49248412

That's MenhEru

>> No.49248692

Loyal is one of the fags
>/WACTOR/ never going to die
>/WACTOR/ only for watoretes discussion make /WACTOR/ great again
>I owns /WACTOR/ and I decide what is posted here so stfu [insert here person or group that live rent free in his head]

>> No.49248767

No, ofeb, you're the same trash as him

>> No.49248777

he's still mad about the funa and the memes? i remember him having alt accounts to shit on Ozuni and other fags

>> No.49248790

Friendly reminder la choripanera chose to side with Akira by herself and will end up paying for it

>> No.49248812

Yeah yeah, everyone is Loyal

>> No.49248823

Mods always hated this place and got you banned from the official discord if you mentioned 4chan.
Where do these newfags come from?

>> No.49248872

No, she choose her fans.

>> No.49248887
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>> No.49248909

mods didn't hate this places, Nico and others were got using this place

>> No.49248948

Are you implying they'd abandon her if she left with Meica and the rest?

>> No.49249051

>He doesn't know
We were the bane of discord, /we/ destroyed that place.

>> No.49249056

based mods filtering containment breaking faggots, so this place was free of fucking facetards... to bad the midget doxxed Misora and all was to shit.

>> No.49249097


>> No.49249168

She has Stockholm syndrome and /here/ wants her to stay in WACTOR

>> No.49249245

Yes /we/, they had to implement that alt detector and their verification system just to try to keep anons out.

>> No.49249290


>> No.49249323

Were you around the VC incident in 2021?

>> No.49249376

>stays in a black company because le based 4chin anons told her to
lol what a dumbass

>> No.49249379

>/here/ wants her to stay in WACTOR shut up newfag

>> No.49249447

are you speaking about sacro's discord?

>> No.49249531

No, I talk about the official wactor server in the pre loyal era when all Misora's circle got obliterated alongise Akagiks

>> No.49249656

I remember joining the first days, it was comfy until i couldn't use emotes from other servers

>> No.49249744

And bet you liked to have the girls hang around VC too right?

>> No.49249779


>> No.49249807

Not really, i though that is fucking retarded, look how Cyberlive ended because of that

>> No.49249930

What would have been of WACTOR if anons wouldn't have been around to enforce Idol culture and Hololive standards since the beginning of the pandering?

>> No.49249984

>/here/ wants her to stay in WACTOR
That never happened

>> No.49250022
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>> No.49250131

this general didnt exist when the pandering began

>> No.49250178

Speaking of idol culture and that shit
Remember the girl that made a funa to her company because transphobia or some shit, this was her 3 corpo

>> No.49250215

the holo pandering started before Misora's debut, that's why Lia was brought in

>> No.49250363

look at the /eien/ general to get an idea

>> No.49250416

The general was created a few months after and before the discord server. Anons are the OG fans.

>> No.49250429

And this general started when she debuted. The wactor pandering began at the end of january

>> No.49250533

well ofeb somehow make me fell sad for him, like you fell sad an autistic kid

>> No.49250538

and i never implied the opposite, im talking about the pandering being prior not the discord which was created later (and initially the majority of the fanbase was opposed)

>> No.49250544

>Waiting to be holo
but they were anything but hololive lmao

>> No.49250570

Not really, there are wactor threads before.

>> No.49250614

that means she does not trust her fans

>> No.49250669

She has trust issues.

>> No.49250671

I believe that if Akira actually tried to refund Wactor as Yagoo did with Cover, he would be in a better position, hololive is a example on how to do things "good", but Akira was always a holo hater so he tried to be more Niji with the family shit, look at the result

>> No.49250721

Yeah just random threads (i remember one about miu playing the exercise game and afew others).
The threads started being a constant thing with the debut

>> No.49250836

>Solo pude gastar 2.5k usd en mi nueva computadora
after all this time she could only just buy that,
jesus that 2% nijisanji thing was true

>> No.49250860

Some about Miu or previous girls? yeah, but not a general, that came to alive with Misora.

>> No.49250926

is an example of what happens if you leave mods and groomer unattended

>> No.49250944

Akira at one time did have everything to be the most successful in the spic community, but he was too estupid and arrogant and fucked it all

>> No.49251136

The manlet should just give up at this point

>> No.49251233

Everything was against him
>he has to managed all the girls
>he realized quickly that spiclands doesn't get too much money and can't break even
>start with his own version of the 2% of Niji
>talents resent it
>prioritize yen over spic monopoly money
>realized that the spic pandering scared the few JP gachis you got for Miu and Lia
>Laila's event
>release more gens as Niji
>copy the Luxiem formant and bring boys
>didn't work

>> No.49251260

2% seems to bullshitty to be truth, also she moved to Europe recently so she have to pay the rent and taxes and shit of the 1rst world

>> No.49251398

Luka confirmed and JP members also confirmed, and this is probably the same model in Wactor

>> No.49251454

2% is for merch
WACTOR doesn't has merch

>> No.49251519

thank god

>> No.49251617

>le dio la mano a Misora pero sopa se le subió hasta el hombro y Lia es testigo
but Lia knew how to leave Wactor to gain prominence and generate future expectations for her return

>> No.49251668

meicatards are starting to look like a sect

>> No.49251718

Wactor doesn't have merch and with good reason, spics don't buy merch. Sezia has stated in the past that she gets a "fair" cut from superchats, though obviously we don't know what that cut is.

>> No.49251730

It just happened
Check Twitter

>> No.49251753

Wish they left us alone, we're not going to bother Meica, why do they still come to hate on our girls?

>> No.49251793

They are no longer gachis, just blind fanatics.

>> No.49251825

>le meica bad suddenly

>> No.49251839

What account, you fucking clown?

>> No.49251962


>> No.49252005

based anon making dramasister seething

>> No.49252016

check reddit

>> No.49252042

Akira just flew over my house!

>> No.49252114

It's coming out
Check ig
I'm not joking

>> No.49252269


>> No.49252272

New thread


>> No.49252787

she chose not to look for a lawer for a shitty contract, why would you care if she's not your oshi tho?

>> No.49254165

Last message


>> No.49254185


>> No.49254248

I love NISHA

>> No.49254437 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 404x539, GAO!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babu eternal LOVE! GAO!!

>> No.49254646



As simple as that

>> No.49254773

Natsuri Nekoto LOVE
>She is the new ITO

>> No.49254877

Total tourist death

>> No.49254964

Himea chu~

>> No.49255015

last message now


and this

>> No.49255199

Fuck off Akira

>> No.49256254


Himea love

>> No.49257448


>> No.49257472

Eternal LOVE for EVERYONE! Except for YOU... sowy~

>> No.49257512

Correction is due.
Bend over.

>> No.49258004

