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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4906688 No.4906688 [Reply] [Original]

>If you support Cover graduating Coco you get called a Chink
>If you criticize Cover for stifling Coco and making her graduate you get called a chink
So which is it you fucking retards?

>> No.4906714

fuck off chink

>> No.4906722

t. Chink

>> No.4906746

why are you enabling polshit retardation

>> No.4906754
File: 2 KB, 125x83, okchang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to sleep chang, its late there

>> No.4906756

t. mongolian

>> No.4906757

I support hololive crashing down

>> No.4906764

>If you support Cover graduating Coco you get called a Chink
= true chink
>If you criticize Cover for stifling Coco and making her graduate you get called a chink
= falseflag

>> No.4906772

>phone filename
>spouts CCP propaganda
Yep, its a chink.

>> No.4906778


>> No.4906780

I want to know why both supporting and criticizing Cover here gets you called a Chink, simple as.

>> No.4906782

OP’s name is Tom zhang
he is literally t. Zhang

>> No.4906799

This will never end until every asian IP except japan is range banned, always be on chink alert

>> No.4906836

Calling anyone chinese or SEA (notice how nobody gets called SEA anymore) never made any fucking sense and it always was /vpol/ being babies

>> No.4906838

Angry Marine is hot, I want her to strangle my cock

>> No.4906848

So it means you're a chink.

>> No.4906900
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You're a CHINK.

>> No.4906909

because polshit retardation. Quit shoehorning politics into vtubers

>> No.4907019

Fuck off, chink

>> No.4907048

You are dumbest chink on the planet. The reason why chinks are attacking coco in the first place is because their CCP overlords fuel their nationalist propaganda into them and are telling them to attack anyone that disagrees with the CCP
Why dont you go tell your fellow chink bugmen to stop shoehorning politics into vtubers first before you start namecalling anyone else.

>> No.4907157

You can't fool anyone here

>> No.4907221

There is no escape for your kind, chink.

>> No.4907528

Ching chang chong ching

>> No.4907719

not even chinese. Go graduate yourself poltard, no one cares about your dumb crusade

>> No.4907741

Holobronies is in full coping mode now since their precious Cover is exposed as Black Company who bow to xi the pooh.

>> No.4907968

Couldn't be more obvious, chinks.

>> No.4908027

Ok Zhang. Which one is more delicious? Yagoo semen or Xi semen?

>> No.4908072

coco lost, get over it

>> No.4908108

nice try zhang

>> No.4908230

Her personal channel is on its way to 500k subs already. You lost.

>> No.4908269

Good for her. KSON love. Meanwhile Cover is burning down as we speak.

>> No.4908327


>> No.4908381

Cover is the enemy. This is the 3rd or 4th incident in which management has done fuck all to help the holos, now moving to directly antagonizing them.

I don't watch Cover. I watch Hololive. Fuck Cover and Yagoo.

>> No.4908387

This board is unusable right now, everybody is accusing each other of being a zhang.

>> No.4908423


>> No.4908430

>attack someone for an entire year hoping to rack up social credit points
>finally she leaves
>w-why does e-everyone hate me... i'm a hero to the peoples republic of china!
Gee I dunno chink

>> No.4908453
File: 52 KB, 165x187, 1617311656796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one?

>> No.4908477

fuck off zhang, you're not welcome here

>> No.4908804

to quote my favourite patriotic revolutionary chinese song 学习雷锋好榜样 (Learn from Lei Feng's good example):
Be clear about what to love and what to hate

>> No.4908823

Both are chink talk you retarded false dichotomy chink.

>> No.4908858

this board is turning into /pol2/

>> No.4908881

>defending a girl who was harassed by the chinese is chink talk
literally how

>> No.4908897

>Mio talk about what happens on Coco

>Suisei talk about what happens on Coco and Cover

Cover Investors
>Mizuho Capital
>owned by 安田善次郎

>SMBC Venture Capital
>owned by 宮田浩一

>owned by Ajay Srivastava

>owned by 天野佑介

>I-nest Capital
>owned by 山中 卓

>Chiba Dojo
>owned by 内藤 聡

>Hakuhodo DY Ventures
>owned by 成田純治

>Coco talks about her reasons for leaving (yt policy/idol culture)
>[EN] Coco: So, the question of "Then why can't you tell us why you're graduating" remains.
>[EN] Coco: There is still quite a lot that I can't say, of course.
>[EN] Coco: There have been people who didn't think I'd make it.
>[EN] Coco: When I can't smile anymore, I can't make you guys smile.
>[EN] Coco: The main reason why I can't stay with you guys is because I can't make myself smile anymore.....
>[EN] Coco: There are so many projects I wanted to do but couldn't get around to.
>[EN] Coco: I feel nothing but gratitude to management for creating a place like this for me.
>[EN] Coco: There's no one to blame.
>[EN] Coco: It's just that the direction I wanted to head was different from where management wanted.
>[EN] Coco: It's partly on me, of course. I caused mgmt so much trouble.
>[EN] Coco: I feel sorry about that too.
>[EN] Coco: No, mgmt didn't do anything wrong!
>[EN] Coco: I was thinking, "The fans might think this fun!" and skipped steps, etc.
>[EN] Coco: Haha, you do hear it with bands a lot, right? "We disbanded due to creative differences."
>[EN] Coco:I did work that I thought you guys would love, and I shaved off years of my own life for it.
>[EN] Coco: And it's not like the work will disappear.
>[EN] Coco: This place really, really gave me so much.
>[EN] Coco: I might have gotten a bit too big.
>[EN] Coco: If I didn't graduate, the worst-case would that I would continue be streaming without enjoying it myself.
>[EN] Coco: I know that I'm the kind of person where ppl either love me or hate me.
>[EN] Coco: If there are ppl who want to take advantage of this opportunity to attack me..... I'll still take it as their expression of love for me.
>[EN] Coco: Hololive is a very, very precious place to me.
>[EN] Coco: I don't want it to disappear after I'm gone. I don't want it to be taken down.
>[EN] Coco: I don't think I'll ever be affiliated to any other agencies.

more: https://files.catbox.moe/5473ht.txt

>> No.4909166

Cover supporting coco leaving is supporting a liars narrative because they abused coco because theyre chink lovers
chinks also blame cover exclusively like it was only covers fault. The only correct narrative

>> No.4909185

damage control chink who doesn't know how to delete their own posts. go back to bilibili

>> No.4909221
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>chink defends cover
t. zhang/silly cracker

>> No.4909256

Yes, but more kawaii

>> No.4909298
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Another thread absolutely inundated with racism. I hope yall leave with your dragon

>> No.4909364


ogey zhang

>> No.4909374

silence bugman

>> No.4909383

Thank You for providing all this info
I knew they were too much schizo here even a major part of the holo sub reddit as gone full conspiracy theorist about this situation.
I wonder if I'll get banned if i posted it there

>> No.4909421
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>> No.4910342

you nigger jew spic faggot chink dunecoon

>> No.4910874
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>> No.4911053

that's a fucking oldass meme, we use soijacks now grandpa, get with the times

>> No.4912063

You seem to be new to this board.
Racism point is only about Black Americans.
It has nothing to do with zhangs.

>> No.4912154

so..... you are a chink right?

>> No.4913015

fuck off chink go back to west taiwan

>> No.4913344

>they let a top talent go because she outgrew them and they wouldn't release her
What a waste of a human asset. Ambitious people drag others up with them. It's like cover hates money and success. She'll probably succeed at whatever she does next while cover falls into disgrace as a pump and dump company only good for starting careers.

>> No.4914760
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1615201142865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8. There are no real rules about posting
>9. There are no real rules about moderation either - enjoy your ban
enjoy your stay in 4chan

>> No.4914921
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Do you have no brain of your own? Do you need constant validation of your opinions? Are you THIS fucking braindead?

>> No.4918199
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>> No.4918322

You can't be racist to bugs though

>> No.4918456


>> No.4918495

Racism only applies if you're talking about another human. I can't be racist against the chinese in the same way I can't be racist against a dog or a pig.

>> No.4918578

Even 5ch doesnt have a "no racism" clause. nu-4chan is just anonymous tumblr at this point and you are all fucking gay
