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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 171 KB, 2633x656, 90DDE220-9287-4DD3-80A6-BE2DF0109865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49049657 No.49049657 [Reply] [Original]

Why can’t they ever ignore the bait SC?

>> No.49049722

Why can't Takumi give more than $1 on every $100 of merch sales to the talent whose merch it is supposed to be? Are yacht's really that expensive?

>> No.49049761
File: 68 KB, 851x566, EcZ_6P9WoAA5Qs8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read an question from an SC assuming it'll be in good faith
>It's actually SC from a /vt/ schizo using his autism to lock you into a load question where anything you say will held against you, no matter what you say

>> No.49049846

i guess it's pride or some bullshit. somehow women, especially the ones that think of themselves as smart need to say their piece on everything. Dumb women like Gura who don't go deep dives on schizos and shoot herself in the foot are the best

>> No.49049901

Gura are smart to ignore these kind of bait supa by not reading any at all kek

>> No.49049959

Because it was red SC, ignoring color Red is pretty hard desu

>> No.49049990

yea she might be dumb at other ways but she's smart at avoiding and dodging any possible drama like neo in the matrix. well besides the ghosting/no streams thing but that's easily fixed with just streaming in the future

>> No.49050075
File: 24 KB, 2055x57, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish, all of this was because it was a fucking yellow. A YELLOW SHE COUDLVE EASILY THANKED AND MOVED ON BUT NO SHE HAD TO BABBLE ON LIKE A WOMAN

>> No.49050078

What is the purpose of spending 100 dollars just to hurt an entertainer's feelings? Nobody wins from that.

>> No.49050091

So what was the sc?

>> No.49050137

Is that the actual supa? Please say sike

>> No.49050160

100? Try 10.

>> No.49050168

oh my bad, it was Yellow huh

>> No.49050178

see >>49050075
It's the actual supa, all of this drama and bulllshit because she went on a tangent from a $10 schizo supa

>> No.49050225

He went for the kill implying that either friendship of simping, no intermediate point.

>> No.49050234

Calling saplings simps but she saw nothing wrong with it >>49050075

>> No.49050249

Really stretching that schizo dollar

>> No.49050259

lmao every other competent streamer would've just made a joke about it or saying something in character like saplings are cute or something. Vegans are not right in the head from the B-vitamin deficiency.

>> No.49050278

Wait 10 fucking dollars? That’s pretty bad lmao

>> No.49050321

It was a fucking yellow???

>> No.49050324

>Are yacht's really that expensive?
they can cost hundreds of millions

>> No.49050340

/vt/ really is reddit 2.0

>> No.49050341

oh ffs Fauna, was it worth the fucking 10 bucks to give the anti's and schizo's this much fuel

>> No.49050375

This guy has been a shit stirrer for multiple holos, if hololive was a mafia this guy would be taken out back fucking ages and everyone would have been happy

>> No.49050378

yeah i really don't know what was going through her head when his wording didn't set off huge red flags

>> No.49050390

Fauna's not retarded, or at least not as retarded as other ENs, and her doing the "you want me to be real" part makes me think this is just something she's been wanting to say and took this as the opportunity to do so

>> No.49050413

but fauna was supposed to be smart...

>> No.49050494

i blame kronii for this. they had a "heart to heart" during the off collab and you fucking know kronii was shitting on her fans again. faufau is mentally weak and easily influenced so she tried to fit in by saying things she doesn't believe in

>> No.49050500

that's 100% it and what makes it hurt even more

>> No.49050507

Probably took the opportunity, the way she dragged on for minutes kinda sounds like it was always something she wanted to say.

>> No.49050525

If your oshi is even a remotely well*-adjusted person, she agrees

>> No.49050570

I think you're close, but it was the other way around. It was likely fauna opening up to kroni about her issues more than anything else

>> No.49050593

A majority of people migrated from r/hololive because the meme review completely poisoned that sub.
This is a known fact.

>> No.49050621

mhmm, I don't know about that. Being called or closely related to a simp doesn't exactly leave a good taste in my mouth

>> No.49050652

>this is such a deep question that you're asking me
>I mean, if you want me to be real, I'll be real
>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
>is I think important for boundaries to be maintained
>I am here to entertain you, and that is all really
>and if you can have a good time here then that makes me happy
>That's if I'm being really real, which maybe, I don't know do you want me to be real? and this goes for every streamer I think
>I don't know, I used to.. really- because I've always liked youtubers and stuff
>And I used to look at youtubers and be like "OMG if only I could be their friend, like I really wish I could be their friend, it would be so cool"
>But as I've gotten older, I've realized like there's nothing particularly special or that amazing that makes the youtuber different from anyone else
>Just because their youtubers doesn't mean they would be good friends to you
>The people you know in real life, your friends, they can be better friends to you than any youtuber can be
>They're just as cool, they have just as many interesting ideas and cool traits about themselves than the youtubers who you admire do
>I think its easy to look at youtubers and then admire them but I promise if you look at your friends through the same lens you will also see the cool things about your friends that makes your friends special too
>youtubers are just normal people, I mean I'm a kirin, keeper of nature but I'm pretty normal, or maybe I'm not I don't know
>but yea, I think I understand cause I used to always watch youtubers and want to be their friends and I think that's normal to some extent
>but its important to keep in mind that I'm just here to stream and hopefully entertain you and make your day better in some way
>I promise its better that way, its better that way, its better that way
>You should cherish your friends in your life. mmhm hmm, and I hope you can have a good time in the sapling community
>There are many people you can make friends with

>What friends? I've talked about this too, its really hard to make friends, I had a period in my life where it was basically like when I went to college and I didn't know anybody and had no friends and was a complete shut in and I was very sad
>umm after that I kind of learned if you want friends you really do have to like put yourself out of your comfort zone and force yourself
>and it's going to be hard and it's going to be uncomfortable but it will be worth it in the end
>and I know you might think its impossible and you can't do it but you can and you might face rejection as well
>It might fail, you might try to make a friend and it might fail, you might not make a friend, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try again
>Keep trying, and it will get easier over time
>I think the best way to make friends is to find some kind of social activity that you enjoy, so maybe you like ttrpgs, if there's like a local board game store near you oftentimes they host ttrpg events and you could try to join
>you could also try like local internet groups and see if people have similar hobbies
>doesn't have to be like ttrpg or board games it could be anything like you could try- getting a new hobby in general is usually helpful for people
>like if there's a game you've always wanted to try, like maybe a fighting game, i know fighting game scenes can be pretty robust, you could try getting into that and that's an inherently social event
>You could try like sports, if you like sports
>You could try volunteering like if you love animals you could try volunteering at animal shelters and you can meet people that way. You can oftentimes volunteer at zoos
>That's my advice for making friends as an adult, I know its hard, its very hard. But don't let that discourage you or stop you, you can have friends, there that is my serious talk, serious talk over
>hololive is your hobby?
>I think you can make a lot of friends online too doing that
>and definitely online friends can be great too, can help you feel not alone, even if they cant be with you in person
>but not streamers? yea I don't recommend trying to befriend streamers
>I mean, I just don't think that's a good idea, I don't know, I just feel that's not going to end well for anybody, if I'm just being honest
>But that shouldn't make you sad, because the best way to enjoy a streamer is to just watch their streams and have fun, you know

>> No.49050661

Fauna hasn't been GFE material ever since debut.
I don't know why you'd go schizo over her.

>> No.49050664

I came here in 2022 because of the overly strict moderation

>> No.49050691

this nigger unironically quoted griffith to make a donation lmao
i smell troll but you never know with vtuber fans

>> No.49050698

Post your membership.

>> No.49050699

>I'm sure you've heard the saying don't meet your heroes, I don't think hat necessarily applies to everybody, but I think its good if you can just watch streamers and enjoy their streams for what they are
>Fauna is mean in real life? I don't think so, and I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know
>But I think for friends its important to open up, show them more of you if you want to be really close
>Anyway, I hope that is okay, I know, I know, don't be sad, cherish your friends because they are just as cool as streamers I promise. I promise they are
>There's nothing particularly special about streamers, I mean like sure maybe there's a streamer and they're great at singing but does that make them a better friend, no, it doesn't
>someone can be a great friend even if they aren't great at singing
>My friends are cooler than you? I hope so, I hope so
>quite a few of my friends are streamers, what do I do? I mean that's an exception. I mean obviously streams have friends. And I'm sure sometimes people have made friends with streamers and it workout out, but you know
>Anyway there's my deep talk, I answered it as honestly as I could, I am happy to be here, and entertain you guys and hang out and its fun
>yeah exactly, the great part of streaming is interaction. There's a back and forth which makes it great, the banter.
>you just try to make me laugh? You do, you guys type funny stuff all the time.
>I think I would've had a harder time be a lets player without having a chat to bounce off of mmm hmm
>But, you should always...I know I shouldn't lecture you guy...It's important for you guys to not neglect your real lives too
>Put yourselves #1 always. I'm just some silly streamer on the internet. And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must. Please take care of yourselves.

>> No.49050739

Too many words from a woman the fact that I even tried paying attention proves I'm a simp
Thank you Griffith bro!

>> No.49050759

Some of these niggers heroes are falseeyed and bannedvtmeme. Just gas the entire thread at that point.

>> No.49050776

reading this again helped me calm down anon, thank you

>> No.49050812

>blaming kronii for your own oshi's blunder
kronii never even said something like the 'not friends' part believe it or not

>> No.49050823

not gonna, it's 3:30 am for me. I think I should sleep. I'm not gonna be abel to srot this out with a tired and troubled head. Night sap bros

>> No.49050831

It's been like that since it's inception.
It's very sanitized and doesn't allow many differing opinions at all.
A lot of people didn't realise that until the Rushia shit.

>> No.49050836

>do you want me to be real?
bitch you're a vtuber, you don't get to "be real"
if you want to be real go be a 2view fleshtuber

>> No.49050851

>praises her fans and how happy they make her
>clarifies that friendship has arguments and downsides and ugly parts, and she only wants to make people happy and put out her best parts while streaming
>says that her fans have value and she doesn't want them to prioritize her over herself, and what would make her happiest is them treating themselves kindly
Oh, so that's what people meant by nothingburger. I'm actually mad I wasted my time trying to figure out what the hell everyone was shitposting about.

>> No.49050880

>you just try to make me laugh? You do, you guys type funny stuff all the time.
>I think I would've had a harder time be a lets player without having a chat to bounce off of mmm hmm
>But, you should always...I know I shouldn't lecture you guy...It's important for you guys to not neglect your real lives too
>Put yourselves #1 always. I'm just some silly streamer on the internet. And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must. Please take care of yourselves.

You guys are going schizo over this? Fucking retards. That's actually very nice of her

>> No.49050935

This reminds me of when Silvervale had some bipiolar outburst at some innocent comment. She's got some deep seated issues and she doesn't hesitate to trauma dump on people.

>> No.49050937

Please don’t try to question the logic of schizos. Kiara is apparently a monster because she underbaked cookies and uses hello fresh.

>> No.49050963

Yeah, this shitposting doesn't have a lot of mileage because of that. It's clear she was actually opening up and giving her honest gratitude to the fans when you read it.

>> No.49051018

>obvious schizo with a yellow supa starts fauna's downfall
pains to see.

>> No.49051031

Sometimes a SC looks innocuous at the start, so they begin reading it, and then it has a gotcha at the end. A homobeggar put IRyS on the spot like that once and she told them to go watch someone else

>> No.49051085

We're all pushing this stupid shit cause it's fun right? We don't actually care right?

>> No.49051089
File: 123 KB, 900x1200, 1681908050797787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is right, you shouldn't want to be friends with streamers, its stupid. However her further advice is hollow. For men, it is not the lack of friends to chat inanely to, or even romantic partners being available, interested, or of an acceptable quality. It is more broadly the destruction of male status in the social setting that leads to so many laying flat, NEETing, phoning it in, simping for streamers. Sure a man could try hard, get the bag, play divorce russian roulette to not get ass fucked by a woman 3-5 years into marriage, pay the bills, keep up with the joneses, but fundamentally men are now culturally buffoons to be abused and lectured, even women with the supposedly most high status men, feel no shame or ill in bisecting their financial lives and families, men have been lowered to the station of cattle. And yes you can make it work, you can get lucky, you can work hard and make friends and have a loving family, but even if you try you are sprinting into a minefield and more broadly, are treated as a worthless dog. Of course this isn't consciously articulated because its seen as cringe but even those who object know it to be the case.

>> No.49051114

>blaming Kronii

>> No.49051134
File: 194 KB, 413x419, 1658401238566581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the good ones used to be Gura, Fauna, IRyS, Mumei, and Ina.
Does this mean we're down to just Mumei and IRyS? Damn.

>> No.49051159

Oh this Polish faggot again. Remind me why the Nazis invaded them?

>> No.49051169

I love how you purposefully leave out Kiara to ramp up shitposting.

>> No.49051175

If you want to cherrypick only that part, yeah.

>> No.49051180

>Does this mean we're down to just Mumei and IRyS?
and also Fauna

>> No.49051186

>Do you want me to be real?
No thanks anime girl, I'm good haha

>> No.49051193

it's so fucking obviously a troll, how the fuck did fauna not detect it

>> No.49051197

>We don't actually care right?
It just dropped that the cut Nijisanji pays for their NIjiEN livers on merch is 2% so something is needed to deflect

>> No.49051209

I care about the illusion Fauna just broke

>> No.49051223

fuck nijisanji and their shit but stop using them to deflect from fauna making dumbass statements

>> No.49051230
File: 33 KB, 1186x181, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I recognize this fucker from somewhere

>> No.49051240

I used to make a rrat kinda like this. It took another anon blowing it out of the water for me to realize making stuff up like this is kinda evil. It's the purest form of gossiping.
You should stop anon, it's not good for the soul.

>> No.49051246

Anon it'll be okay.

>> No.49051249

Kiara literally had a guy off to the side in her room watching her as she did her last handcam. She's not on the list, bro

>> No.49051258

Fauna is so fucking retarded.

>> No.49051263
File: 56 KB, 1703x259, fauna rainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Se should be used to these kinds of superchats by now

>> No.49051291

He's banned from Kronii's chat as well, he's really doing this to stir shit up

>> No.49051306

so this means no earlicking gfe asmr huh...

>> No.49051304

Someone call her Kamijou Touma.

>> No.49051317 [DELETED] 

Lol saying this when Fauna and Mumei exist.

>> No.49051326


>> No.49051327

Damn this dude was alright until he crashed and burned in the finale

>> No.49051353

>Damn this dude was alright
no, he wasn't. he always was a schizo.

>> No.49051366

Post your membership because if you think she "just broke" it you clearly don't watch her.

>> No.49051368

During the pizza stream, there was a guy in her apartment watching her stream it live. She said it herself. They are "just friends" and he is "passionate about pizza"

>> No.49051367

Okay what about IRyS sound engineers and furniture movers? Male managers?

>> No.49051375
File: 10 KB, 658x80, looking for unicorns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>until he crashed and burned in the finale
He is an agenda driven asshole

>> No.49051396

Im gonna be honest, I don't watch much hololive live. Do they read most superchatts? Is it considered rude to just say thank you and move on? I feel like this late into the vtuber scene they should just ignore all of them and say thank you if it's not considered shitty.

>> No.49051416
File: 2.91 MB, 288x216, 1402161324901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a hilarious little troll bastard lmao. That $10 paid for thousands of lulz holy shit

>> No.49051418

it's her "brother"

>> No.49051420

>not understanding the difference between business and inviting your male friend to spend time alone with you

>> No.49051464

Watch streams, jesus. She specifically said it was a friend of hers, completely separate from her brother who visited like a couple weeks later

>> No.49051491

Making pizza for stream was the business.

>> No.49051495

That SC was >>49050075 and it was pretty damn easy to provide a "good" answer. That was a brainfart from Fauna, but I'm not too sure how "anything you say will held against you".

>> No.49051506

Depends entirely on the person. Some ignore them all. Some read each one. Some pick and choose. You absolutely can say thank you and move on or straight up not acknowledge it

>> No.49051521

why are you on /vt/ if you're not here for gossip sister?

>> No.49051535

Yes that was okay cause it was me. We had baby making sex afterwards

>> No.49051572

>phrases a question in a way that you can't win no matter what you reply
yeah this is one of those it's either parasocial/gachi slaying answers or the one that makes twitter trannies seethe because she is "manipulating" her audience

>> No.49051574
File: 655 KB, 910x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love mommy so much

>> No.49051583
File: 969 KB, 3000x3000, 1683618576419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but i like posting funny memes about my oshi anonymously

>> No.49051615

What did Gura and Ina do?

>> No.49051633

I want kissy heartbeart asmr.

>> No.49051635

Gave up

>> No.49051641

not stream lol.

>> No.49051678

As long as they don't collab with homos, I don't see the problem.

>> No.49051695

What was her response to it?

>> No.49051700

Oh, I thought they actually did something.

>> No.49051703

I simply like vtubers. I am a humble fan. At one point perhaps a sister, but no more. Also I kinda hope I can one day be a vtuber too lol

>> No.49051708 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.22 MB, 1366x1270, Screenshot 2023-05-09 005158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49051715

Getting your nails done to look nice for your sound engineers is doing business? Playing with your rigger on Splatoon is doing business?

>> No.49051754

Every time I think I may be mentally ill something like this pops up and I read the threads and realize I'm actually not as mentally ill as I thought.

You all really need to GSH. Feels like you're all offended just because you desperately need something to shitpost about.

>> No.49051757

>sapling cope

>> No.49051783

nobody is gonna read this shit

>> No.49051826

same and i don't know why fauna felt the need to give a leddit tier lecture

>> No.49051838

That's fine, you can go listen to it at 2x speed on Fauna's channel. Zoom zoom

>> No.49051860

no one should, its trash

>> No.49051868

>not getting into tangents in SC readings
Can you at least pretend you watch Fauna holy fucking shit

>> No.49051876

>Beoke the Illusion
Can some anon elaborate further on this and how to keep it? asking as an aspiring vtuber.

>> No.49051891

>would rather waste minutes to watch rather than seconds to read
zoom zoom

>> No.49051908

EN Ayame

>> No.49051922

Make up your mind, schizo

>> No.49051928
File: 530 KB, 1100x1100, 1679489348287506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine samefagging and responding to your own posts

>> No.49051951

I know this is you OP

>> No.49051964

We are friends. You love spending time with me. Praise me love me worship me

>> No.49051968

pekora never broke character once in her life and is now the most popular female streamer. aspire to be like pekora, not these western whores

>> No.49051977

zoomers when they see anything more than 280 characters

>> No.49051999

Never break the illusion that you as a streamer are their fans's waifu or friend

>> No.49052009

She stopped reading it when she came to the last part and then ignored it

>> No.49052033

Pekora showed her hands while cooking once and her skin tone was different. Broke my illusion.

>> No.49052062

it doesn't make it any more right especially when it's this fucking preachy shit

>> No.49052070

I want pekora to do earlicking asmr

>> No.49052090

you will get hate for anything if the right people notice you. if you are a 2view you might get groomed instead

>> No.49052100
File: 307 KB, 1575x856, 5193116A-85FF-4212-9BE4-4E4886BED8E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the full text of what Fauna said, properly formatted for the internet, so people can take theri own conclusions from it

>I'm sure you've heard the saying don't meet your heroes, I don't think hat necessarily applies to everybody, but I think its good if you can just watch streamers and enjoy their streams for what they are

>Fauna is mean in real life?
>I don't think so, and I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know

>But I think for friends its important to open up, show them more of you if you want to be really close
>Anyway, I hope that is okay, I know, I know, don't be sad, cherish your friends because they are just as cool as streamers I promise.
>I promise they are

>There's nothing particularly special about streamers, I mean like sure maybe there's a streamer and they're great at singing but does that make them a better friend, no, it doesn't
>someone can be a great friend even if they aren't great at singing

>My friends are cooler than you? I hope so, I hope so
>quite a few of my friends are streamers, what do I do? I mean that's an exception.

>I mean obviously streamers have friends.
>And I'm sure sometimes people have made friends with streamers and it workout out, but you know

>Anyway there's my deep talk, I answered it as honestly as I could, I am happy to be here, and entertain you guys and hang out and its fun

>yeah exactly, the great part of streaming is interaction.
>There's a back and forth which makes it great, the banter.
>you just try to make me laugh? You do, you guys type funny stuff all the time.

>I think I would've had a harder time be a lets player without having a chat to bounce off of mmm hmm
>But, you should always...I know I shouldn't lecture you guy...
>It's important for you guys to not neglect your real lives too

>Put yourselves #1 always.
>I'm just some silly streamer on the internet.
>And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must.
>Please take care of yourselves.

>> No.49052110

NTA but he's right and doubling down only makes it more obvious.

>> No.49052128

As a vtuber, you're playing a role, either your viewers' friend, partner, gf, and so on depending on what content you do. In this case, Fauna said she can't be friends with viewers

>> No.49052129

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/sH0Qda32IKM

>> No.49052131

i think being a non waifu type is ok if you aren't gfe but going nuclear and outright saying you aren't friends is a bit nutty for any type of vtuber

>> No.49052150

>literally threw a temper tantrum on-stream, cried and abrubtly ended the stream because her 1M subs project got canceled
>never broke character
Watch streams or at the very least clips

>> No.49052151 [DELETED] 


Yeah I remember this, there's even a period where they snuck off for a quickie while kiara tried to desperately play it off, and with the right set of ears, during the break, you could hear her panting while getting bent fucked

What's even funnier is in the subsequent streams she's had this stepford-like behavior for those who practically knew

>> No.49052197

>I can't say we're friends because I only want to show you my best side and I never want to drag the mood down and make you unhappy, but real friendships have fighting and conflict and nasty parts to them.
>You have worth and shouldn't neglect yourselves, especially for my sake because that wouldn't make me happy at all
That's about the gist I got from it. Which part of this is drama-worthy?

>> No.49052219

Ikr and then she finished yakuza and played fall guys with KFP in members stream.

>> No.49052243

>we cannot be friends
which is fine for me cause she's my mommy uuuu

>> No.49052268

The full transcript here is better

>> No.49052283

Kek this is part 3 of 3 total posts.
Not sure if you did this intentionally, but you're missing the first two.

>> No.49052308

What's the problem? She's my wife, not my friend.

>> No.49052323


>> No.49052330

Just clip is already you niggers goddamn

>> No.49052335

Come up something better than
>We are not friends
If you ever feel the need to give your fanbase a reality check about the nature of the streamer/fan relationship.
Say you love your fans as a collective, say although it is impossible to be friends in the traditional sense what we have has value and you hope they think so too.
Resist the urge to jump off into giving life advice based on your perception of what your fanbase may or may not be lacking in their real lives. Simple stuff really.

Or just be like Gura and dodge bait supas for 2+ years and never find yourself in a situation where you are having to navigate these kind of complicated feelings in the first place.

>> No.49052340

he knows they'll make her look bad

>> No.49052341

She's not your friend, or your mommy

>> No.49052371

I think a point that a lot of people are missing with what Fauna said was that what she said isn't exactly wrong.
The problem is that as a vtuber or a streamer in general, you can't tell people the quiet part out loud.
Imagine you're watching anime, there;s a character you love and consider a waifu. Then suddenly, the character turns to the camera and says to you "I'm not real, go get a real girlfriend lmao" completely out of fucking no where.

Obviously Fauna didn't say it like that, but it doesn't really change the message. You're still a vtuber and you're playing a character. A lot of people already know about you know what.
No one is asking you to "be real". Just ignore it and move on. To go on some long patronizing tangent about having "real friends", even if it had good intentions, just rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.49052373

It's not a Kiara-tier response but she handled it well. I guess rubberneckers are super desperate for hololive drama now that every other EN corpo is on fire.

>> No.49052375

Fauna had done a pretty bang-up job up until today, and even in handling this choice-of-damnations answer almost landed it well except for like 2 lines. If she had said basically what she did only leave out the direct, blunt-sounding "we're not friends, we can never be friends" bit it wouldn't have been as bad, but that specific statement will come back to bite her for possibly fucking years. She would have to very carefully try to take a mulligan on the whole answer and that also risks blowing it up more like what happened with Ina.

>> No.49052410

fuck off troonie

>> No.49052430

its better not to elaborate on it too much and risk your words being taken in the wrong way. ignore it or go with ' i like spending time with you guys' or some other platitude

>> No.49052463

dont holo and the other corps syncronize their bann lists?
this is beyond amateurish.

>> No.49052467

100% fauna got the line from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzyQbfh4t_8

>> No.49052474

bingo, she doesn't need to risk that illusion off just like how we all know there's a flesh person behind that mask but they dont need to go out and say HEY LOOK IM ACKSHUALLY NOT AN ANIME GIRL

>> No.49052478
File: 87 KB, 255x190, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking whore, trying to be reasonable and honest. I fucking hate that green bitch.

>> No.49052495

wtf you're saying just because i anti bae i can't watch gura? fuck off

>> No.49052506

it sure feels like it, i mean we know she watches shit like northernlion and ludwig seems up her normie fleshtuber alley

>> No.49052522

Yeah, dumb westoid femoids just think of Vtubing as a face mask for streaming instead of a subculture where you try to maintain kayfabe.

>> No.49052523

the amount of work you put into this makes it quite telling who you are.
get cancer

>> No.49052533

>we're not friends, we can never be friends
She didn't even say that though. She said, "We canno-- or rather should not be friends" before elaborating about what she views as the ugly parts of friendship, which is a world of difference from what you wrote.

>> No.49052548

pls andastand, small company mindset
even after the china shit management haven't learned

>> No.49052559

You've never watched her. She's said this before, only this time it was 10mins instead of 1 min

>> No.49052562

how can you tell? could be any regular SEA clipper using TTS

>> No.49052565

Griffith did nothing wrong.

>> No.49052573

Because they assume that their audience is at least normal. Social akward autismos, but still normal enough. Its called trust.
It makes humanity better. Sadly, some underage kids/manchildren abuse this.

>> No.49052574

You're trying way too hard.

>> No.49052582

This, just like when Ina sperged out is just not in character.

>> No.49052589

i keep seeing that vtubervsirl tag or whatever shit trending on twitter and it infuriates me
the western scene is fucking posioned

>> No.49052595

He might not but I am you fucking niji

>> No.49052605 [DELETED] 



>*closes door shut* Proceeds to get reverse cow-cock'd

Im surprised someone actually wanted to fuck her knowing what she looks like IRL, could've even been that con-driver she normally gets to simp around and drive her place to place

>> No.49052622

it still doesn't make the main issue any better(breaking the illusion of friendship)

>> No.49052624

Proud to be a shrimp.

Surprised that anyone wants a GFE with Fauna. She's more of a mother figure to me. But I guess Oedipus Complex exists. Whatever floats your boat. I won't judge.

>> No.49052637

They don't anon. Learn to read.

>> No.49052647

caught. a sick and lonely social shitter.
how does it feel, the whole vt scene looking down on you?
guess you are a troon, right?

>> No.49052652

how could she not tell that a super using the word 'simp' to refer to her fans as not a troll? i thought she was smart

>> No.49052701 [DELETED] 

That's within her character retard.
You'd know if you watched more than seanig translated clips.
Also it wasn't some petulant temper tantrum, it was a content creator that had expended a lot of effort in a project to please their fans only to be told all of a sudden that she couldn't do what she'd been planning and that the effort already expended had all gone to waste.

>> No.49052702

A lot of normies use simp as ironic endearment for themselves (see Ollie). What do you think the shrimp pun even is?

>> No.49052734

finally a sane person.
she was 100% right but also 100% retarded for saying it. no one sane watches hololive for life advice, they watch it for escapist entertainment. giving a quesiton like that an honest answer can only hurt you

>> No.49052755

>the illusion of friendship
Why would you delude yourself into a friendzone instead of an actual schizophrenic romantic relationship? Are you gay?

>> No.49052770

the term "simp" got co-opted a while ago and now mostly has a positive meaning, at least in the flesh streamer world (and especially after it got banned). it's basically the equivalent of gachikoi

also click this to die of cringe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_v8Iai6LRw&t=15s

>> No.49052777

>i thought that until I got big
>now I'm too big for you

>> No.49052804

You are actually schizo?
Ofc the anime char will never say that, because it's an anime char. A vtuber is still a human being and she would feel bad for deceiving you.
YOU will eventually get hurt so she makes sure you do not forget reality.
That is extremely nice of her and you see it as a negative, because your life fucking sucks and you have no intention in ever bettering yourself.

>> No.49052819
File: 120 KB, 412x481, 1663340326961359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on fucking pochi-sensei of all people
Well I guess this confirms this has been a raid all along, holy shit.

>> No.49052824

An empty relation were you fill the gaps with your imagination is x1000 times more pathetic, specially when your vtuber doesn't give a shit enough to even drop a tweet.

>> No.49052848

NTA but even if Gura was streaming again she'd never make this kind of mistake

>> No.49052864

Why is it mandatory to like her? For drawing porn or being friends with hololive members.

>> No.49052879

>Fauna answers the shitpost in the kindest possible way, by basically saying she shouldn't become friends with her fans because she isn't perfect after all and she doesn't want to break their heart
>it wasn't even what I assumed at first place, regarding how entertainers shouldn't become too chummy with their fans in private, nope she just said something pure and then encouraged people to try making friends
>sisters are desperately misconstructing everything she says and insisting this is the biggest yab that will forever ruin her reputation
Is everyone in the catalog like this, or only 1% of this board's population?

>> No.49052904

you must be new here. turn back while you still can

>> No.49052917

its riddled with trannies and hermaphrodites trying to 1up each other with prime autism, so yeah

>> No.49052941

sorry I just wanted to fit a 1% joke there

>> No.49052961

They're a whore. It's your mother.

>> No.49052963

>You are actually schizo?
Great way to start your point.

>> No.49052989

You could just shut up? No adult needs a friend making tutorial from fauna unless they are incapable of making friends. Like danny panda or some shit like that. Having essentially a lecture is always bad not matter what the topic or tone is.

>> No.49053004

If you think that is ESL, you never truely learned english.
I am not asking a question, nigga.

>> No.49053037

>vtuber is literally called a mommy by her fanbase
>she acts like a mommy and encourages people to make friends

>> No.49053047

>no one sane watches hololive for life advice,
Gura has some of the best life advice.
Fauna taught me the string theory in an easy understandable way. Her nerd tangents are beyond what other vtubers can provide.

>> No.49053058

It's funny how often people flip flop on them playing a character versus being real human beans.

>> No.49053079
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...you're right, she was acting kind of motherly, wasn't she?

>> No.49053086

>Is everyone in the catalog like this, or only 1% of this board's population?
Relax dude! We all shitpost here!

>> No.49053088

nice bait thread. i will now watch your chuba

>> No.49053090

>$10 supa
wake me up when someone rivals Mori's condom superchat thanks

>> No.49053092

You never watched Gintama or any other 4th wall breaking Anime? A vtuber is not a human being the voice behind it is. Camwhore who puts less effort in it than a camwhores

>> No.49053115

Nene would have said 'no because they are all my husbands' and not wasted everyone's time.

>> No.49053119

>Gura has some of the best life advice.
you're joking right? the same gura with a shit diet that can't get her life together?

>> No.49053140

It was stupid then in 1 minute and it was even dumber in 10 minutes.

>> No.49053159

>A vtuber is still a human being and she would feel bad for deceiving you.
Stop making assumptions about ppl you don't know, naive retard.
That was one of Fauna's points btw

>> No.49053163

or fbk who doesnt mind calling her fans her friends instead of going pseudo intellectual and lecturing them for 10 minutes
goddamn jp really does it better

>> No.49053166

Better than ame who owns 1 (one) dish and it's always dirty. Gura's house is at least clean and she doesn't smell like her pets.

>> No.49053174

Eating moldy bread is great life advice. Build up immunity to all kinds of shit.

>> No.49053200

What's the other part, then?

>> No.49053202

>at least clean
oh i'm laffin', you don't watch streams do ya? her room was last littered with water bottles and that's what she's willing to tell us, imagine how messy that shit is

>> No.49053208

Her opsec is impeccable, that a good advice when im going full snowden later in life.

>> No.49053212

being pseudo intellectual is fauna's character trait though so you might say she was keeping kayfabe

>> No.49053235

Yep, that Gura.
I'll tell you a little secret. The 'I only drink red bull' is not real. Nor is she only eating at McDonalds. Sorry to burst your bubble, such a naive...no, just plain stupid person that you are.

>> No.49053237

You're really outing yourself with this one.

>> No.49053246

>water bottles
That's not dirty. They contained water so are inherently clean even empty. Just cluttered that's all.

>> No.49053268

Nene is a level of based few can achieve anon, please understand.

>> No.49053280

Because they never understood the fact that people only watch her because they have pussy. They feel entitled to provide life lessons

>> No.49053292

lmao that's it!? ahahahahaha fucking hell
nevertheless, into the great sc hall of fame it shall be

>> No.49053306

She cares too much to ignore her viewers for her own good.

>> No.49053319

good god anon, go back to Twitter.

>> No.49053331

>she doesn't care about her fans
>she actually does care about her fans
jesus fucking christ make up your fucking minds

>> No.49053336

Man saplings are weak. All they can do is cry here and only 1-2 have the guts to say how they really feel in her comments

>> No.49053338
File: 10 KB, 621x101, supa shitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy is a mentally ill kronie, he even simps for her RM

>> No.49053346

And she answered simp

>> No.49053353

>different people say different things

>> No.49053356

I'll just leave this here

A MIT student recreates Alexander Fleming's discovery of how bread mold kills bacteria. Fleming accidentally discovered that mold secretes the chemical penicillin, and penicillin is mold's secret weapon against bacteria.

>> No.49053375

And they're all fucking stupid.

>> No.49053378

Is it that hard to figure out ?

>> No.49053400

So Gura is actually extremely intelligent?

>> No.49053431

A broken clock is correct twice a day

>> No.49053437

I love her lectures they give me motivation.

>> No.49053467

Eating mold is good?
The eccentric kind. She'll be a good character study when she's gone.

>> No.49053478

Dumb is her character. She is like Rob Schneider or one of the Jewish Hollywood comedians, plays a bumbling fool in fiction but in reality is a cunning business man.

>> No.49053588

But eating antibiotics all the time does not build up your immune system, it only makes the bacteria stronger.

>> No.49053596

That's a lot of words coming from someone who's utter shit at ASMR.

>> No.49053604

I've seen Resident Evil. Mold will make you immortal

>> No.49053628

Holy faggot anon.

>> No.49053653

Nothing, she handled her elira moment better and nijinigs seething

>> No.49053699

I see a few more upset saplings in her comments now but yeah not enough

>> No.49053700

you should see the other shit he sends, especially to Kronii before she banned him>>49053338

>> No.49053713 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49053743

I suggest you dont make eating moldy cheese sandwiches a habit.

>> No.49053752

That's a very sanitized version but if she actually said that, I don't think anyone would have cared as much.
She however started it off in the worst way possible and then it turned into a lecture.

>> No.49053785

And despite being an obsessive schizo he still got cheap (you)s from fauna. Your oshi is fucking stupid.

>> No.49053793

Incas discovered first with potatoes, suck a dick retard.

>> No.49053807

last week's mini-vacay with Kronii must have been very inspirational

>> No.49053907

It was a "parasocial bad" rant. Friend is such a vague term that I'm sure there are people (maybe even fauna) who have 'friends' they meet very rarely and have almost no impact on their life. There are certainly members of chat that have more impact then 'real friends'.

>> No.49053980

In case it hasn't been posted yet, 3:21:59 is the timestamp


>> No.49053996

nowhere did she say "parasocial bad" or imply anything like that though, where are people getting this at all

>> No.49054003

generals are mostl free of dramaposting. there are also a ton of fun threads where drama fagging literally doesnt exist outside of few shitposters here and there. all the silly threads like watamelon, vtai, horny, ouh, yubicraft, etc. not everyone comes here to be a gossipy little bitch.

>> No.49054004
File: 42 KB, 583x597, rina being smug as shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to be friends with streamers, anons?

>> No.49054043

she hearted a bunch of comments with that message, showing her agreement.

>> No.49054053

No, Vtubers are my girlfriends.

>> No.49054079

I'm fine just idolizing them while watching their streams. I can handle using my imagination for anything more than that until I marry them.

>> No.49054092 [DELETED] 


the unfortunate truth is the holobronies won't take no for an answer and would even entertain murder if it even marginally got them closer to quite possibly the only female that has given them any form of attention, it's incredibly disturbing shit but that's the default bar hanging in the negatives

>> No.49054105

Because those people are retards with brain damage and terminally low IQ.

>> No.49054130

Awful lot of projection there for a simple question.

>> No.49054131

post the comments then

>> No.49054134

>being a friends with you is off the table chat
>what she didn't say the words "parasocial bad'
Dude, friend is the lowest bar of relationship possible. All it requires is interaction which she already does. Unless you think your steam friends are gonna come change your tire in the middle of the night. Or let you bum on their couch.

>> No.49054153
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>> No.49054166

So many fucking Karens in this thread saying what her job is.
What Fauna said is not that unexpected from her. As others have already said, obvious that many here don't watch Fauna.
Feels like she's been wanting to say this for a while. She has gained more of my respect and she's right. If you want to leave because she won't provide a GFE for you, then you should. At least she'll feel less guilty of promoting an unhealthy relationship.

>> No.49054179

No but i also don't want to listen to a 10 minute lecture.

>> No.49054180

it's like Kronii lives rent-free in her mind

>> No.49054181 [DELETED] 

So you're saying Im wrong?

Quite staunch for such a fast reply vt/beta

>> No.49054192
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>> No.49054210

See>>49054153 btfo you fag. She's worse than kronii.

>> No.49054224

Go back to R*ddit.

>> No.49054247

>actual simps bending over for her
the irony is amazing and goes completely over her head. Or maybe it doesn't and she knows exactly what she's doing, I don't know anymore

>> No.49054254

Can't wait to enjoy Fauna's streams without you filth.

>> No.49054267

If you give money to a streamer it is inherently parasocial.

>> No.49054278

>Dude, friend is the lowest bar of relationship possible. All it requires is interaction which she already doe
Eh, it depends who you're talking to. For some people, a friend is anyone you talk to even casually, but for other people "friend" is a very strong word that implies extreme two-way closeness.

>> No.49054285

Women just can't make men happy. It's impossible for them.

>> No.49054287

It's #2
She's a woman. Hell she has a [REDACTED].
Deep down she knows but rationalizes it like the commemts she hearts. A halpy dream so there's no guilt.

>> No.49054300

>No but i also don't want to listen to a 10 minute lecture.
That's what Fauna does. I watch her because of her long lectures. Seems people complaining don't watch Fauna.

>> No.49054317

I don't want to see a single thread about her is she graduates. That would be parasocial.

>> No.49054319
File: 104 KB, 580x662, 1683623993600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure.

>> No.49054335

She didn't say anything bad. Also gave a great advice. All those threads greentexted the fake quotes of things she haven't said. The number of replies indicates how many people here are either don't watch streams or can't listen.

>> No.49054350

She listed internet friends as real friends so that intimate relationship is not a requirement for her.

>> No.49054364

Gura its an example, she just goes "Thank you" if she even reads them lmao

>> No.49054379

>fake quotes

>> No.49054395

Only point she had was saying she's meant to be an entertainer, which she immediately forgot by launching into an armchair psychology rant. Nobody wants to hear shit like this. Make a funny remark on the SC and move the fuck on to the next thing like an entertainer would.

>> No.49054419

based watamate as usual

>> No.49054443
File: 81 KB, 1103x621, 1682776918749969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least one guy here is trying to save the eggs. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.49054449

Ah, I see, they said the P word so nothing else matters.
Oh wait the first person says that streamers aren't as perfect as they seem which is exactly one of the things Fauna said, and the other basically said to make friends, which is another thing she said. But they have the P word so they're bad I guess so that means Fauna must be evil or something

>> No.49054451

>Nobody wants to hear shit like this
Just look at the comments, "people" LOVE being lectured by someone who became rich by playing Minecraft.

>> No.49054460

Shondo was right. Fauna is kind of a backstabbing cunt

>> No.49054461

I'm reading the comment and it's talking about how you can never really know a streamer because they're projecting an image. Fauna has said multiple times that she puts on a persona for streaming. It's obvious even if you're not a sapling because she comes across as very constructed, or as some other people would say, fake.
When you said parasocial bad, I was expecting a comment that shits on parasocial people.

>> No.49054467

/vt/ will seethe but nothing will happen to her in the long run

>> No.49054476

tldr have sex incel oh wait you can't lmao

>> No.49054480
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>> No.49054487

Is this what's getting everyone riled up? Holobronies are so fucking pathetic lmao. Please tell me you are shiposting

>> No.49054494

Yeah I can't believe the vtuber people call their mom would just go and act like a mom

>> No.49054496

imagine scheming this hard to bait a vtuber, fucking pathetic. You put her on the spot on purpose and then twist her words to hurt her reputation. This is some sick in the head shit some of you guys are pulling, get a new hobby motherfuckers don't hurt these girls that only entertain people. There's nothing to gain, just stop.

>> No.49054504

I bet it was Tyronn- I mean, "MamaTori"

>> No.49054519

They made up ages ago, dramachama.

>> No.49054533

>calling anyone else a backstabber

>> No.49054540

Holy shit! Its true! WTF!?

>> No.49054551

I watched it retard. Now compare it to 'Don't you guys have friends?'. She never said that line.

>> No.49054553
File: 138 KB, 700x550, 1683624510187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are close friends

>> No.49054557

>I'm reading the comment and ignoring how the commenter is heavily implying parasocial attachments are bad.
>looming dread
>stomping out
How thick are you you retard? Genuinely are you an esl?

>> No.49054570

Internet friends are no different than RL friends these days because you can still talk with them for hours on discord or whatever. That doesn't make them not potentially intimate.

>> No.49054572

>I'm completely honest and genuine with my friends
These people don't have friends, don't they? or is just a cope out?

>> No.49054575

>some of you guys are pulling
its literally one guy anon. Kronii is the only one with balls to actually ban people from her chat, which is what set him off to go after the other girls

>> No.49054611

>If you give money to a streamer it is inherently parasocial.
Of course. If you follow a sports team it is parasocial. If you go to a concert it's parasocial. But don't get that mixed up with expecting a GFE with any of them. Especially of all people, Fauna? There are plenty of desperate girls in Niji that will gladly give you that experience.

>> No.49054633

Yeah, tom's your best friend. He's coming to your birthday party next year. Fauna's maid of honor as well.

>> No.49054700
File: 176 KB, 460x412, 1682028785190604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who understands what the word parasocial means? On /vt/? Astonishing.

>> No.49054706

I know a guy right now who only tweets about a popular singer and wears a different shirt featuring her name or face everyday. Yes singer too are parasocial Sports teams are made up of groups of people with changing roster so you sound retarded making the comparison.

>> No.49054717

On what stream this drama came of?
Is it from the lastest MC stream? I cant see it in the comment section, its all about audiostock musics
>Im out of the loop man

>> No.49054726

Nobody forced her to do anything, you god damned white knight retard, go back to onlyfans or twitch.

>> No.49054746

DESU i been here long enough to learn that a lot of vtuber "fans" are fucking twisted individuals so it doesn't surprise me one bit. I'm talking about people completely detached from reality, so yes, i'm not surprised

>> No.49054751

Gura is an entitled whore so who cares.

>> No.49054765

>Imagine being mad you are getting called out more then the vtuber you tried to frame.
>And you payed $10
Atleast Deadbeats will drop an Aka.

>> No.49054766

alot of sisters are jealous at pure fauna
that kronii meet up just brought those faggots to the saplings world
expect a few weeks of shit,
fking vesperonies

>> No.49054804

>Comment talking about a single person's personal struggles
Are you ESL? How are you drawing sweeping conclusions from this?

>> No.49054811

They were around since she debuted. Fauna was heavily attacked at debut here.

>> No.49054827

>scheming this hard
It's just a quote from Berserk.

>> No.49054843

Sometimes you just need to call someone a retard and move on anon.

>> No.49054855

Is that why she doesn't stream, cause she has to read all these schizo sc with a smile?

>> No.49054856

it was a fucking *yellow* supa from a mentally ill kronie and she dumped this shit on us

>> No.49054865

Yeah, pure garbage.

>> No.49054866

Boomer-chan, not like this. People can make real friends online too.

>> No.49054891

they are here now again
fauna if your here , i know u enjoy kronii as a friend and all but fk her "fans" are all now just shit cucks and faggots.

>> No.49054892

>lying whore

>> No.49054893

>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
Can we have this for the Divegrass /vt/ anthem?

>> No.49054897

this, the dude was quoting griffith ffs
he's just a fucking autist with probably 0 social skills
these people don't even understand how cringe they are when they send stuff like that, he probably think he was being really sweet or some shit

>> No.49054900

This is like walking into a McDonalds and screaming "HOW DARE YOU SAY I WANT FRIED RICE WITH MY CHICKEN!"
Like...what the actual fuck are you talking about?

>> No.49054913
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>random griffith quote triggered simps this hard

>> No.49054925

The guy that donated is a known shitposter who ban evades and is obsessed with Kronii.

>> No.49054927

you are no sapling, show your membership
you won't, catalogfag

>> No.49054945

No matter how hard the sisters keep pushing this, by the time the next divegrass tournament happens there will be an actual yab (likely involving Niji once again) and nobody will remember it anymore

>> No.49054951

>"A vtuber is still a human being and she would feel bad for deceiving you."
>Gura: exists

>> No.49054956

As much as someone in chat talking to you everyday can be. Here's a protip for you zoomer if any of those friends offer to send you something give them a PO box.

>> No.49055009

well shit
so if he was baiting why is people mad?

>> No.49055039

Because Fauna took the bait and went on an unrelated tangent

>> No.49055049

Because Fauna is retarded and took the bait.

>> No.49055059

what were the timestamps on those likes?
seems like vt really got into her head

>> No.49055067

I actually got a cooking kit sent to me by one of my internet friends as a gift for helping them out with their work when they were going through a rough period.
Look, I'm not saying that everyone you talk to on the internet can be a real friend, but it's possible to make them.

>> No.49055077

Jwu, is this 1% deflection thread?

>> No.49055100

I would also recommend learning if your friend lives in a two party consent state just in case. Take it or leave it. might come in handy.

>> No.49055107
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She likes a ton of comments immediately after every stream, I doubt /vt/ had anything to do with it

>> No.49055122

Is your programing bugging out, npc? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.49055125

Who else would be trying this hard to make a storm out of a nothingteacup

>> No.49055133

NTA, as long as you have some friends in your area who you can call to help you out with irl stuff, it's fine.

>> No.49055137

I refuse to believe there is even 1 person who likes niji enough to deflect. Scorned fans usually get the angriest.

>> No.49055177

>we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
Ouch not even taking the EASY offramp of
>I wish it was possible to be a friend to all my fans but sadly that's not the case.

All the life advice that follows is nice and all and not even wrong but about the most I want to hear from the anime girl I watch to cope in the way of life advice is
>Buy a towel warmer
I wish Gura streamed she apparently is one of the few on the en side who intuitively gets this.

>> No.49055194

She liked those before the "drama" even started to blow up

>> No.49055204

You should archive dive the nijicope list anon

>> No.49055203
File: 95 KB, 217x213, faufau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these 'sisters' have their arms inside Fauna's rectum? Are they moving her jaw, and causing her to say: "We can't be friends", like a hand puppet?

>> No.49055224

If you need advice on making friends as an adult it's unironically over. I'll give you the only advice any of you ever need
>go to work
>say high "x"
Instant friends with practically anyone.

>> No.49055240

Youtubers aren't streamers. Youtubers are content creators, streamers are surrogate friends. She should know that this is why she has an audience so this is a completely retarded string of comments to make. Of course the people watching an anime girl do mundane shit for hours don't have friends
>go outside and get a hobby but in a nice way
le fucking mao
>real life
Real life is shit which is why people seek out forms of escapism like vtubers. How is it possible to have closely interacted with your fanbase for years and be ignorant of this?

>> No.49055241

Life advices from a fucking streamer LMAO

>> No.49055248

It won't help. I'll still believe they are irony bros.

>> No.49055264

No because she didn't even say "we can't be friends", she said something more like "we shouldn't be friends because of many reasons such as the fact that I'm not always what you think of me".
I mean, the transcription is right here in the thread. If you can't watch streams, the least you can do is read.

>> No.49055272

>How is it possible to have closely interacted with your fanbase for years and be ignorant of this?
She's a woman, so she just cares about simp money and getting dicked as soon as she ends streams.

>> No.49055332

You’re right because what Fauna actually said is worse

>> No.49055354

My bad, I forgot that you can't read.

>> No.49055384

>Almost all of HoloEN have failed the retard test of just not talking about homos and muh parasocial fans for free money and adoration


>> No.49055389

Based superchater Kek

>> No.49055410

I want to type a comment, but I know it will just be used in bad faith, so I'm just going to say whatever comes to my mind here in the very small chance Fauna would end up seeing it.
"Even though what you said wasn't bad, it made me feel like total garbage. It made me feel unlovable and not enough. The fact hat an anime girl on the internet couldn't even pretend to be my friend or enjoy my company. I'd like to think I'm doing ok for myself. I have a handful of friends, going through education, have a job, but I'm not good enough to have an anime girl on the internet pretend to be my friend.
I, like many, use vtubers and streamers for escapism. I know that we're really not friends, that you'll never know my name, see my face, or hold a conversation with me. Everybody who watched you knows that. But to have a 10 minute lecture on why you assume I'm a friendless loner makes me fell like dogshit. Its insulting.
I feel like I'm never enough all the time in my real life, so to have be lectured to by a vtuber about having friend and meeting people really falls on deaf ears.
Watching you has given me a reason to get out of bed on many days, many nights I literally dream of you. I know its weird but I cant control what I dream of, or what gives me motivation to get out of bed each morning. So to have an idol in my life say that we'll never be friends, not even a white lie, or a sliver of hope, is soul crushing. I don't even get the chance to delude myself.
Lastly the part about not befriending streamers, that one is bullshit. Not to say people should go into streams with the intention of finding a friend, but one can consider the entity that is chat as a friend, that's not farfetched. I know a handful of streamers personally, the ones I've talked to seem to be really pleasant people. Fuck, I've even helped multiple make goddam D&D characters before. So to say just because of one's profession that they are unavailable be befriended is arbitrary. Unless of course you're also a streamer, then things seem to be different. You need to be in the club to become a friend I suppose. We're not good enough to be your friend, but if you have 4 millions subscribers and are a blue shark named Gura, you get to bypass the "never meet your heroes" and "streamers aren't your friend" rule. Its hypocritical. Also knowing about your past, this whole thing is fucking bullshit and you know it, you had a fucking gaggle of streamer friends, but against its different if you're part of the fucking club. Fuck off and let me enjoy my self delusion. It wasn't hurting anybody. I never typed cringe shit in chat or supers. I never bothered anybody with it. It was my little parasocial relationship that I kept to myself, that kept me sane, that got me out of bed in the morning, and exited to sleep so I might dream of you."

>> No.49055419

At this point, I think we can safely conclude that the amount of people who felt offended by this is about the same as the percentage of money that Niji talents get from merch revenue, and only because they're retards who can't read.

>> No.49055463

>But to have a 10 minute lecture on why you assume I'm a friendless loner makes me fell like dogshit. Its insulting.
Look at the comments, everyone is thanking her for treating them like shit.

>> No.49055510

>Buy a towel warmer
But what Gura said before is very good advice.

>> No.49055653

Maybe you should just take your meds and go to bed if a girl replying to a comment on the internet in the kindest and most encouraging way she can cook up offends you so.
I also advise just avoiding all human contact before you murder someone.

>> No.49055662

What is the reason behind Patra rrat on leaving 774 for Hololive? She could move to NijiJP

>> No.49055681

Buying a towel warmer is pretty good advice. Until just now I didn't know they existed and that sounds comfy. Rest of it is kinda generic platitudes though.

>> No.49055736

>she could move to NijiJP
It's not believable since 2% cut leaked. She could make more as indie than join Anykara

>> No.49055754

Up until the diatribe about needing to be in the club to be her friend your post was totally reasonable if a little dramatic, that part is schizo though sorry to say. Cut off the whole section starting with lastly and post it in her members section if it hurt you that badly, might reiterate the point for her that a big part of her audience are incredibly lonely men that don't actually need to hear their coping method "be real"
And generic platitudes and general advice that doesn't assume the worst about her fanbase is really the only kind of advice the vtubers should be giving.

>> No.49055757

You're on 4channel.

>> No.49055785

Just pointing out gura comes off as smarter when she's not thinking.

>> No.49055793

>post it in her members section
It will be deleted immediately after being called a parasocial fuck by all her fans and Finana.

>> No.49055804

Mine doesn't, but she's also not a remotely well adjusted person so this checks out.

>> No.49055806
File: 42 KB, 1102x252, MRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what the hell i'm gonna do with these?

>> No.49055825

If the choice is to read her like as being glad that she makes him happy and understands what she meant, or to interpret it as shitting on someone, what do you think our resident schizos will choose?

>> No.49055843

Burn it and upload the video on twitter or YouTube then tagged to Fauna so she could see it.

>> No.49055872

If you had done your reps back when she debuted, you wouldn't have ended up like this

>> No.49055875

It depends on your stance on the 1%.

>> No.49055904

>Press the "Buy" button
Oh wait... youre a PagPag.....

>> No.49055912

Keep them. Even if fauna upset you isn't it more likely she's just fucking dumb and not trying to do that?

>> No.49055977

Quick rundown please

>> No.49055991

Improve yourself but all pretty like

>> No.49056003

All advice will seem that way.

Gura likes giving out advice it's reflective of her personality. The not giving a damn is what makes her stand out from others, not worrying about what twittards have to say. Pushing out her Daki, embracing lolis etc. She's immune to controversy because she doesn't give a damn.

>> No.49056058

I noticed something
>NA hours is full of anon shitting on 2% cut
>SEAhours is full of anon shitting on Fauna
My conclusion is SEA full of Nijifag

>> No.49056081

I think I'm just worked up a bit, so that's why It was dramatic and went schizo in the end. I forget the name of the phenomena, but when you talk or dwell on something, the longer you go on the more intensified the feelings become, but I've had a breather and returned with a cool head.
From what interactions I've had with streamers that sometimes does seem to be the case, you need to be "in the club" to get close with them. That doesn't necessarily mean to be a streamer though, that also means being a chatter. One of the people I know was a frequent chatter, became a mod, became an admin, began streaming themselves, then forged even more connections. I'm fortunate enough to have that person close to me i the scene, thus I got those connections, but majority of folk don't. Not to say streamers aren't generally kind people, I've only heard of a handful of unlikeable ones of the circle I'm most familiar with. Most of their online friends are made of other streamers, or chat members that became their friends. I could have worded that point better, but her notion of chat as an amalgam or individual entity or individual chatters are unable of becoming friends is a bit untrue.

>> No.49056082

So the question was
>Could you befriend a sapling or not
She answers no, you, as an individual, a single sapling, could never be my friend.

I don't know how you can spin this as a possitive.

>> No.49056093
File: 61 KB, 963x707, mrc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to see more faggot?

>> No.49056121

>Men are easy, just be nice to them

>> No.49056123

Americans don't sleep.

>> No.49056181

>Schizolord sends a superchat quoting Berserk and asking if Fauna would befriend her fans
>Fauna says she shouldn't because she isn't as perfect as they find her to be, then talks about making friends
>discordsisters get paid more than Nijisanji talents to try blowing this out of proportion so they spam the catalog with it
Now we've reached the point where retarded ESLs are joining the shitposting too: >>49055741

>> No.49056204

Yeah I wasn't saying it was wrong just came off as very bitter, it's obvious that if you are the inner circle no matter how you get there friendship becomes an actual possibility but obviously that is just an impossibility when it comes to big corpo streamers. Doesn't change the fact that she has absolutely no reason to need to remind her fans of that fact especially in the blunt
>we cannot and should not be friends
way she did.

>> No.49056206

Insane investment with an immediate return. Buy a cup of good coffee or make thousand incels seethe.

>> No.49056237

Homobeggar is shitposter all this Times...
Unicorn suddenly care who send the sc now ,but ignored the fact when the guy send a bait sc about Tempus and make catalog bait for it ,karma is a bitch

>> No.49056265

I don't even know what happened on the niji side. I'm just in pain.

>> No.49056276

You can easily sell them. I sold my Fubuki merch long ago, even made some money.
Shame about the lost time, but eh, what can you do.

>> No.49056388

She tried to help you, but your rotten brain won't let you see it.

>> No.49056468

Anon, you're one weak dumbass.

>> No.49056525
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What a boundless king.

For 10 dollars he got a bankquet of butthurt and was honored with a 4 paragraph oral reply live on stream. Saplings collective Anus ruptured with no recovery.

I kneel, Alexander. What a gem.

>> No.49056595

I hope he didn't forget to message people in the discord for that sweet sweet Steam gift card
