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48955382 No.48955382 [Reply] [Original]

Are goslings just gachikois with a self-insert?

>> No.48955684

Hololive is all about cgdct, Ame told them to eat shit.
Easy to see result.

>> No.48955730


>> No.48955764


>> No.48955809
File: 918 B, 116x72, Screenshot 2023-05-07 173412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are schizos just retards with too much computer time?

>> No.48955960

improve yourself

>> No.48956116

I hope more vtubers play FNV, ideally someone Japanese who isn't going to know about it.
>Honest Hearts
Weak as fuck, Lonesome Road tier. Dead Money is where it's at due to the suffering ig can generate.

>> No.48956118

I hate Bethesda games. I refuse to play a game or watch anyone else play a game that Bethesda is involved with.

>> No.48956724

she need to improve more

>> No.48956742
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>weak as fuck
repent sinner

>> No.48956901

Yup. Whether you like it or not, it’s no coincidence since the ‘incident’ that her numbers took a dangerous nosedive. I fear even if she put on some last ditch gfe she still wouldn’t recover. It’s unironically over for her. She’ll just have to get used to the number 2 from now on. Sad.

>> No.48956954
File: 86 KB, 736x231, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to play this game?
>Inb4 karaokes are a buff
So are milord's ASMR and all birthdays.

>> No.48957087

Yeah but no one gives a shit about nijis, compare her to her own company’s members, like Pekora for a random example

>> No.48957226

>Holo vs Holo
Ok lmao

>> No.48957290

There's nothing to fix because this is what she asked for. If she's unhappy with this result, she's a fucking idiot.
>Ame: tells the gachikois, unicorns, and goslings to leave
>they leave

>> No.48957823

I can tell none of you fags were around for amegeddon. This shit is nothing compared to that

>> No.48957986

Basically this >>48957290
She is happy with her current numbers I guess.

>> No.48959009

The fuck? Fuck off with your Niji livers, retard. We didn't even mention any of them here, so how the fuck did you assume we are numberfagging Holo Vs Niji?
Fucking schizo.

>> No.48959019

I wouldn’t say happy or even content. She just has to live with it now. I imagine when her streams end she goes off like an ape and breaks everything in her room

>> No.48959102

it's the consequences of her own actions

>> No.48959216

Why? She wanted these numbers. She made it clear through multiple filterings of her audience that she didn't want a lot of eyes on her. So fuck that, she can stay in her little corner.

>> No.48959484


>> No.48959720

The goslings were culled in July-September of last year. Some of them scattered to other ENs (IRyS, Fauna, Mumei, and Kiara especially), some went to JP, some went to small corpos.

>> No.48959805

Those self-insert retards should stay the fuck away from my JPs

>> No.48960160

It proves hardly anyone likes her now. Also, she turned on her best friend Gura and riled up all the chumbraps. She seems to love making enemies.

>> No.48960294

>comparing holo to another holo
damn niji fell off so hard they cant compete anymore huh?

>> No.48960357


>> No.48960490


>> No.48960539


>> No.48960648

pp popo

>> No.48963882

You "save" Ame and all reclining EN garbage by letting her get exactly what she deserves. Maybe next year she'll wake up

>> No.48964000

Improve your English.
You too monkey.

>> No.48966891

t. cuckmate

>> No.48967042


>> No.48967323

This is all there is to it, anyone who says otherwise is high on copium
>muh all the girls have declined
Yeah but not as much as ame, mori and kronii, i exclude bae cause she did that shit from the start with the JO holostars and has been the biggest runt of EN as a result, you can’t lose viewers that never watched you in the first place

>> No.48967355

The girls won't be able to recover while Tempus exists
Their only chance to make a comeback is by graduating all males, deleting the faggots channels and all VODs of collabs with them from the girls channels
Memoryhole the faggots and give the girls a few months of regular streaming, that's the only way to save them
HoloEN will remain crippled as long as the faggots exist

>> No.48967438

She's already filthy rich

>> No.48969643

No you are a walking bank.

>> No.48975550

Bibleman's the only part remotely interesting about Honest Hearts. Go from orange desert to orange canyon. Great idea, Sawyer.

>> No.48976471

>Yeah but not as much as ame, mori and kronii
Moving goalposts. All of EN are doing shit numbers compared to during the pandemic because the average english speaker doesn't give a shit about vtubers.

>> No.48976607

Judging by most of the posters on this thread I think she made the right call.

>> No.48976967

In terms of her own sanity, yes she made the right call. No more goslings and parasocials in love with her.
In terms of growth and viewership, not at all. She rejected the whole appeal of being a Hololive waifu while gaining antis in the process.
I hope she's happy with it though and the males were worth it.

>> No.48977456

What's interesting is that Ame basically disengaged the main HoloEN audience.
She still has the twitch style casuals and her hardcore fans but not the general HoloEN CGDCT audience.
2.6K is not a bad number, if she was an indie we'd find it impressive.
But for a member of Hololive it's pathetic.
And then we take into account she's from the EN branch which debuted at around 20k's and it's even worse.
Hololive is a buff, it guarantees high numbers and success.
But Ame effectively removed that buff from herself. She's still carried by the momentum she gained from being on HoloEN initially but she's not going to be gaining more of the traditional Hololive audience anymore.

>> No.48977938

I don't think you finished gradeschool mate, or maybe they don't have schools in your shithole.

>> No.48978189

This doesn't affect her financially at all. The only dick move was how this affected the rest of the branch and upcoming talents.

>> No.48978424

I can't believe no EN is still getting 20k a stream, 3 years after they debuted during the pandemic lockdown. What could possibly be the reason? It must be because Ame said "I can speak to a male colleague if I want." It just has to be!

>> No.48978571

Perfect. It's going smoothly. I will be the last teammate.

>> No.48978791

I doubt it doesn't affect her at all but the effect might not be big enough for her to mind since she still has many revenue sources.
But more viewers=more donations
Yeah, it's really fucked up.
HoloEN was given the international market on a silver platter. The whole world.
Hololive JP only has japan but most of the world speaks english.
USA,canada,NZ,australia,UK, even in most of europe some SEA and some latin america english is a very common second language.
HoloEN kicked off a new boom for vtubers and Hololive JP managed to capitalize on that momentum to keep on growing.
HoloEN basically had the entire monopoly for a year and ended up wasting all their momentum and potential.
The homo collabs aren't the only reason for Ame's deline, or the branch's decline but it's a significant factor and one that was entirely within their control.
HoloEN not releasing members in time has really fucked up the momentum they had and being stuck to 10 members limits what they can do a lot.
NijiEN might be a shit show but it shows that having a big roster can let members do more shit together and it shows how releasing members on a schedule can help too.
This is not new for Hololive, Hololive JP speedrun gen 0-1-2-gamers-3 and only slowed down then with 4 and beyond.
They had the recipe, all they had to do was replicate it on EN but they chose to let the branch stagnate instead.
Lack of support, no organized events, poor care of members and constant breaks.
Going from 20k-30k to 2k-3k isn't all the result of the homo collabs, there's a lot going on.
But if one of her streams is at 3k she could be at meaybe 6k or 10k if she had not gone down the homo shill path. Who knows.
But the number would certainly be higher.
I think Mumei and Fauna and Ina being around the 10k average while Ame is now around at 3K along with Bae and Mori really shows this point.

>> No.48978941

Nobody is reading this

>> No.48979077

I don't care.

>> No.48979502
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It doesn't work that way
National focus grants more CCV

>> No.48979529

her rage and screams are really off putting. she's fine in collabs otherwise

>> No.48979648

HoloEN slacked off, and stopped expanding before it could become self-sustaining like JP.
The only reason nobody else has caught up to them is because their biggest competitors are unstable.

>> No.48979745

The only one that seems to have a chance of beating them can't be brought up without people getting mad.
Maybe in some years if things keep heading the same direction, EN management doesn't change, they wait 2 more years to release EN, and the rival keeps growing.

>> No.48980283

HoloEN = Gura & Friends
No Gura = No Growth

>> No.48980380

I know a fuckton of amefags moving to smaller corpos and indies

>> No.48980454
File: 612 KB, 975x657, MemriTV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48981838

It's not "i can speak to a male colleage if i want" that is the problem.
All of them do. They have male managers, male staff and everything. Nobody cares about this.
The only problem was her bringing unwanted content into Hololive which are male collabs. They are all free to be friends or more behind the scenes.

>> No.48982981

>they leave
if only

>> No.48983395
File: 1.03 MB, 903x1904, Screenshot_20230508_011751_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is doing fine. Numbers were low all around today and there was a lot of overlap. Not that you niggers care about objective facts, you only care about pushing your retarded narratives.

>> No.48983480

the main issue is she is putting the frame like days before but doesnt choose the content until 1hr before the stream starts
as such the stream gets lost in the algo because most poeple just wont click on a TBD stream frame. But i dont know what else is for ame to do since she cant fix her sleep scheule and doesnt want to commit to a schedule or content on a specific day.
