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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48897738 No.48897738 [Reply] [Original]

>subject 13
Looks like a new member for Vshojo is incoming. Odds that it's Pikamee?

>> No.48897800

very likely, yes

>> No.48897860

So she made a big show about how she was bullied into graduating and never returning again, only to return a couple weeks later in VShojo? What a snake.

>> No.48897864

I'd be so disappointed in her if she breaks bread with somebody like fucking Froot

>> No.48897915

>Pikamee joins
>Json & NotRushia leaves
Kek! shes alone again.....

>> No.48898116
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>joining vshitshowjo

>> No.48898226

keep in mind, the events that you are reacting to are completely fictional.

>> No.48898319

>3 ENs leave
>3 JPs joining
possible cultural shift incoming?

>> No.48898342

>Not-Pikamee joins
>Ebosi joins too
>Tomoshika collabs with them
Is this it brothers? Is this the reunion?

>> No.48898451

Why are you so sure?

>> No.48898458

dude... Kekson already virtue signaling about her leaving vshojo
>NotRushia already confirmed in miguel's member stream that she will not renew the contract

>> No.48898509

So they really are just the bounceback/retirement home of Vtubers.
I wonder how much Kson lied to her about what's really going on there

>> No.48898534

They're just straight up copying Pikamee's old gimic:
>Ohao! This is Pikamee! I'm a chatty genius monster whose attribute is lightning! And IQ is over five trillion!

>> No.48898548

Kson just said on her stream its a JP member and they speak both english and japanese

>> No.48898585

I guess that rules out 99.9% of vtubers out there.

>> No.48898603

Could it possibly be Pikamee? It would have to mean the Hogwarts stuff did not cause her to graduate since she would have had to have this in the works for a while.

>> No.48898605

Feel bad for them joining a black corp

>> No.48898671

>Black corp
I need holofags to stop being retarded and misusing words

>> No.48898696

t. kikeson

>> No.48898705

Forgot to add too, and this is just a personal feeling, I think the final part of her graduation was kinda rushed and wasn't that emotional of a send-off. There was an air of, "I'll be back don't worry" to it.

>> No.48898706

At least they didn't join niji

>> No.48898759

*Blacked corp

>> No.48898798

I'm tired of all these people getting all sad and depressed about graduations when the vtuber immediately reincarnates. Especially all the "wink wink if you like this certain person who I'm going to describe but not say by name, maybe you should check out this other person for a similar experience." Honestly next time I see someone do it I'm not even going to hesitate, I am going to say in no unclear terms. "This is such and such. Her PL is such and such." I'm tired of all the dancing around it like people think they're clever. I don't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.48898850

So it can't be Akari nor Uto nor Delu
I've got nothing

>> No.48898887

If it’s Pikamee, it won’t be all that surprising because of her relationship to kson.

>> No.48898905

She literally said that, but people refused to believe her because everyone wants to have a huge internet fight about that game. I wish nothing but suffering upon the people who used Pikamee as an excuse for their culture war.

>> No.48898965

Neither of these happened either

>> No.48898978

kson said this is a JP chuuba and bilingual so chances are pretty high it's pikamee

>> No.48899009

You had 3 people graduate with one explicitly saying the contract was fucked and one explicitly saying she didn’t get support

>> No.48899011

>Be Kson
>Convince your friend to graduate and join your company
>Leave your company

>> No.48899015
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>> No.48899030

>1 member of HoloEN leaves on good terms and hasn't really said anything bad about the company since.
>3 members of vShojo have left around the same time. 1 of them immediately shit talks a former member not even a day later.
Where's the drama doc with actual insider information from HoloEN because I'm not seeing it.

>> No.48899153


>> No.48899181

Vshojo pretty obviously goes for streamers with some measure of success already, but with their implosion and then the zaion shit making corpos look unappealing, and mythic becoming a meme, they're gonna have to pull from a pool of much smaller (and more desperate/gullible) streamers to fill the holes

>> No.48899183

Not a good look considering that she herself revealed that vshojo is fucking up their takents with bad contracts

>> No.48899205

>Rushia fired for mafumafu text
>Aloe graduated because she enjoyed talking about sex
>Sana nepo hire
>Axel and Vesper put on break for talking back to a tiny-dicked manager
>Coco paraded around for 30 days
The meds for the average hololive bootlicker must be suppositories

>> No.48899217

>Leave your company

>> No.48899231

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

>> No.48899246

Based and purity pilled.

>> No.48899251

Yes this shit is what turned me hard against Coco. It was a grand retirement tour and proved just how effective of a grift it was with how easy they manipulate your emotions to get a giant payday and then the next day she's back online as Kson.

But watch out the Jannies will probably ban you especially if there's a hint they're going to join Vshojo. After all the Jannies are extremely protective of that corp for some reason.

>> No.48899281

>>3 ENs leave
>>3 JPs joining
>possible cultural shift incoming?
Fuck it! You know what? It may not be much but that is an improvement

>> No.48899295

to be fair I imagine the japanese contracts are different

>> No.48899356

Remember Vshojo will never protect you from THEM going after you again considering that Silvervale was entirely thrown under the bus because of WizardGame.
Why would you join a company that's more than happy to toss you under the bus instead of taking the slightest measures to protect you?

>> No.48899382

Except there's like 0 chance that the new JPs will be anymore near as popular or financial successful for vshojo as the ENs who left so overall it's still bad for them.
I wonder if they also rushed this announcement as a result of their recent losses.

>> No.48899384

>Rushia fired for mafumafu text
Couldn't even start off with even a shred of honesty.

>> No.48899397

she didnt show up as KSon until a month later, try harder chinkbug

>> No.48899435

Holy cope seething so hard looks like freedom juce really makes one retarded

>> No.48899499

>she was bullied into graduating
She never said that, in fact she said the exact opposite.
It was retards on this board who kept trying to paint Pikamee as some kind of martyr to fight their /pol/ wars.

>> No.48899567

She would be absolutely retarded to join a company that lost 2 of it's founding members in the spam of a week, one of them heavily implying doing so because of how she was treated by management during a controversy with the same game that got her harassed.

>> No.48899650

She just wants to be with her life partner Kson

I don't blame her

>> No.48899662

Kson specifically said that the Japanese contracts are different, and that her newest contract is even better than the previous one.

>> No.48899694

Just shut up and don’t give it a you. Discuss about OP.
Honestly the only thing that would make me excited for new debuts will be HoloEN3, JP7, and ID4. but this being very likely being pikamee piques my interest. But it’s more of, “how will the community react?”

>> No.48899700

>one of them heavily implying doing so because of how she was treated by management during a controversy with the same game that got her harassed.
Silvervale did not say or imply this at all, idk why people keep claiming this.
Regardless though yeah now isn't a great time to join Vshojo kek

>> No.48899725

She took like a month off before her souchou re-debut. Besides that, if you're pissed off that graduations exist, then Kson agrees with you.

>> No.48899759

Hahah nigga you had a HUGE campaign for the month leading to graduation and afterwards pushing her incredibly hard. Leading to everyone knowing she was making a debut again
To the point that even paid shills we got on this site would be embarassed. but yes anyone who dares besmearch her name is a "chinkbug"

I'm pretty sure Coco's support here was in part a Glow Op after the Taiwan shit. After all gotta make sure the rabble are properly brainwashed to get ready to fight the next Cold War and ensure the MIC gets their money.

>> No.48899776

it was actually two reasons, which she repeatedly stated on mengens -which tourists and dramafags like you don't watch-
gyari not giving enough support for someone the size of pikamee because he was just not able to, and what >>48899499 said.

>> No.48899807

And nothing impeded her from doing it while under VOMS.

Come on, anon. Do you really think the only reason she left was because of a shitty contract, especially after management couldn't give a single fuck about her harassment because of the wizard game?

>> No.48899814

No I just view her as a backstabbing whore.
Which she proved to be very quickly

>> No.48899858

I'll be very disappointed

>> No.48899882

yea and nazuna's screwed her over and forces her to have streaming quotas per month

>> No.48899966

She didn't have to do that you know. She could have just been "Alright I'm out" Like a bunch of the HoloStars who quit. But no she willingly went for the big payday.
Just another bit of hypocrisy from her

>> No.48900050

>she quit because she wanted more money!
>dumb whore, holos make more money, she shouldn't have quit!
pick one already

>> No.48900088

no, that would be ok if she’s an indie. But vshojos aren’t indies. It’s almost always ok for any corpo vtubers to have another persona (except innijisanji) as long as they’re indies. She can’t be a vtuber under 2 corpos

>> No.48900119

>Do you really think the only reason she left was because of a shitty contract
Yes, because the other 2 people who left did so because of a shitty contract. And rrats say Silvervale is about to join the same talent agency as those two thus further confirming that.
In addition to that, I'm pretty sure she mentioned this decision was a long time coming which would imply she was gonna do this before hogwarts happened anyway.

>> No.48900144

>She hates graduations!
>Does a big graduation tour willingly to get paid
Make up your mind.

>> No.48900223

>I'm not a retard, I'm a schizo!
You do you, bro

>> No.48900243

So we're once again believing that the wizard game bullshit had absolutely nothing to do with the situation? Christ, you twitter freaks are really dedicated in being the worst creatures on the internet.

>> No.48900256

Silver said she was planning to leave for a long time so it's unlikely the wizard game was what made her leave. It likely further vindicated her decision to leave when it happened, but it wasn't the deal breaker. What likely happened was that she saw the opportunities Veibae was getting in Mythic talent and wants to get in on that action.

>> No.48900307

Japanese are the only people who put IQ before the number. If it was EN, they would've gone with #999IQ.

>> No.48900349

Anon, fuck trannies, but sometimes you have to accept that not everything happened the way you want it to. Pika has barely been gone a month, if this video is for her, that only proves her switching to vshojo has been in the works for a long time now.

>> No.48900510

Unfortunately she would have already signed on before the implosion.

>> No.48900518

My dude I hate the trannies who caused the wizard game shitstorm too but I'm not gonna act like everything happens is because of that. Especially if it's actually Pikamee that joins vshojo.
Not every yab is related.

>> No.48900548

Sure but that doesn’t absolve twitter freaks of what they’ve done. The harassment campaign was still wrong. What they did to Pikamee was still wrong.

>> No.48900640

their schizos is always so stupids.
I wonder if they are just acting or their mothers were addicted to sniffing paint when they were pregnant with them.

>> No.48900675

Alright, so I really hope that she doesn't step into the beehive again since a huge portion of the current vshojo audience are the kind who still hates her guts, and as we saw with Silver I doubt management will do anything against those freaks.

>> No.48900832

yeah, probably shortly after her graduation or before if 30-days notice is a thing in the vtubing world but should be before the rime kson said that pikamee shouldn’t have graduated

>> No.48900861

>since a huge portion of the current vshojo audience are the kind who still hates her guts
I really don't believe this at all. Twitter trannies/freaks are an incredibly small minority not representative of any fanbase. Even for vshojo. I know some people will bring up Froot but Froot is one of the least popular members of VShojo for a long time. Most of them probably like Pikamee especially since she was friends with Ironmouse one of their most popular vtubers.

>> No.48900910

I'd be fucking disappointed on Pikamee if it was her.

>> No.48900938

You only need a few to have a loud enough mob.

>> No.48900944
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>> No.48901017

>Fire 3 EN with boyfriends
>Add 3 JP virgins in.
Unironically, is Vshojo become better?

>> No.48901059
File: 577 KB, 700x678, froot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fucking Pikamee. Especially as long as Froot is employed.
If she sells out to vshitshow she can really go fuck herself. Imagine having a comfy gig at VOMS and giving all those years of content up just to be a vshojo whore, for TALENT FREEDOM.

>> No.48901075

Nice joke.

>> No.48901123

It’s so her, you don’t even know

>> No.48901176

Vshojo will never become better as long as Froot is still a member.

>> No.48901207

I wish Pikamee would come back but notoike this…. is this a monkey paw thing?

>> No.48901250

At the very least it isn't NijiEN.

>> No.48901339

i hate froot so much it's unreal

>> No.48901387

She was always very obviously planning to join Vshojo. Your copium was the only thing preventing you from noticing.

>> No.48901401

This is why you shouldn't treat /vt as reality. None of that happened

>> No.48901483

Literally no one even notices that Froot exists except for vt. She's completely irrelevant.

>> No.48901489

SOURCE: Your fanfiction

>> No.48901490

i should have preficed: i don't want to hate on any chuubas, and there's few chuubas i do hate (pretty much all of them are indie, vshojo, or nijien), but froot is such a backstabbing snake that i wish nothing but the worst for her

>> No.48901559


>> No.48901605

She didn't say that. She said they got better offers and left. And she had no problem with doing that herself if someone made her a better offer. But they haven't. The jp contracts are a lot better btw

>> No.48901611

She never really did people just assumed that was the reason and she never made it clear that it wasn't, but is going to be funny how the vshojo fandom celebrated that they ''fired'' the transphobic Silver only to now have the ''transphobic'' Pikamee

>> No.48901614

She believes vshojo could give her the support that voms couldn’t. I’m just going to wish for the best for her since I enjoyed her content during 2020 and a little of 2021.

>> No.48901665

>pretending like the mafumafu thing didn't happen

>> No.48901771

The dumb bitch didn’t get fired from the discord message. She got fired for trying to clear her name by sharing company info to outsiders.

>> No.48901801

>vshojo could give her the support that voms couldn’t
a shame she got scammed

>> No.48901845

vei wasn't a founding member

>> No.48901851

>joining company with people that will crucify you over wizard game

>> No.48902022

she literally said "see you again" in her graduation stream
it couldn't have been more obvious, half the people there even pointed it out

>> No.48902055

Anon, a homeless man could give Pika more support than VOMS did, it's not a high bar to clear.
>But muh contract!
She got 0% of Merch money at VOMS. Literally zero. And she can just produce her own merch without giving Vshojo a cut like Kson does every other month.

>> No.48902129

Silvervale and Nyanners, anon.

>> No.48902215

And I'm sure Vshojo will give her all the support she needs when the freaks get mad at her again for something inane.

>> No.48902879

mouse and kson even reiterated it shortly after

>> No.48903779

Silvervale reacted to it in the most assholish way possible. She dug her own grave and she was rightfully fired.
I'd imagine Pikamee will join VShojo because she's a good person, understands the problem with playing the game, and won't be trying to make excuses to play it. It's just a game, it's not that important compared to people's lives. So she just won't play it.
Silvervale cares more about a stupid video game than she cares about actual human beings. I'm sure she has some even more rancid opinions that she knows she can't share due to Twitch's ToS. What idiot would want to protect someone that's one mental breakdown away from saying shit like that? She was deadwood that needed to but cut loose and VShojo will thrive without her.

>> No.48903837

First (You) on this bait that will get dozens of people

>> No.48903885

nice falseflag

>> No.48904059

>Where's the drama doc with actual insider information from HoloEN because I'm not seeing it.
>what are NDAs
Besides, Kson has been dropping small hints and bombs here and there about shit without mentioning anybody specifically by name.

>> No.48904112

False-flagger or actual tourist thinking people will agree with his mentally ill ass?

>> No.48904159

lie get lost troon

>> No.48904438

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.48905121

Mythic hasn't existed for very long. Vei may have known about it for a while before, but it launched in February and she joined in March. A month later she, Silver, and Nyan do not renew their contracts. It's not a coincidence.

But for Silver, this has been coming for a while for other reasons. I don't think she's been happy with VShojo since Nux.

>> No.48905270

lmao. Shameless liar

>> No.48905567


>> No.48905619

are you retarded?

>> No.48905952

She made a stream literally the same week because she never stopped streaming as kson and had no reason to stop

>> No.48905983

basically a new MCM ran by twitch flesh streamers, a fuckton of them including the vshojo drop outs have been signing up

>> No.48906067

I'd feel sorry for her if it is, joining that flaming shitheap just after it started burning down.

>> No.48906236

Gyari's first model did more for Pikamee than whatever else she could get. The second model was trash though, but the Pikamee's comissioned model was also trash it evens out.

>> No.48906285

They recently bragged reached 150 people in the group. And they're making vtubers a big part of their recruitment efforts as well. Most of /lig/ is in by now too. Also seems like they're giving special privileges to the higher CCV recruits in exchange for exclusivity as confirmed by Shylily.

>> No.48907840

There's literally nothing wrong with Froot.

>> No.48907874

>t. troon

>> No.48908372

Comedic post

>> No.48909597

>Odds that it's Pikamee?

>> No.48909873

>Odds that it's Pikamee?
I don't want it to be, but it probably is.

>> No.48910627

Probably it's pikamee, and she'll debut around autumn (japan)

>> No.48910854

I won't be surprised if it collapses within a year or 2 from the flesh streamers doing dumb shit as usual. People saying they have actual big names funding them don't realize MCMs like these are the crypto rugpulls of the streamer scene where the whole thing isn't actually sustainable long term because of the nature of streamers and Twitch and the only way to profit from it is to pump it and when it inevitably collapses because one big streamer or several of them were outed as sex pests, then it's all over and that's when they pull out the money.

>> No.48910910

Reminder VshojoJP has 1 actual vtuber and 1 flesh tuber who uses a virtual avatar sometimes

>> No.48911032

Tea is ready dayo

>> No.48911172

Umm, she was never bullied. Sorry~

>> No.48911178

>the year is 2030
>Vshojo is a Japanese idol company, all western members have graduated
>Hololive was totally ruined by the homos, constant forced collabs, reliant on the ID market

>> No.48911206


>> No.48911249

>Hololive was totally ruined by the homos, constant forced collabs
Have you missed everything that happened after Tempus 2 debuted?

>> No.48911277

>Vshojo is now known as VshojoLive, with Yagoo as the new president as Gunrun seemingly disappeared several years ago after a meeting with Ironmouse
>all former Hololive talents have moved to Vshojo

>> No.48911474 [DELETED] 

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.48911635

>VshojoJP CEO retweeted it https://twitter.com/loutlot
>2 other JPs joining soon
>actual effort to establish themselves as a group
>Pika to spearhead the transformation and sell the not-as-corpo idea to native JPs like Unou
>all the while VshojoEN slowly decays into the /lig/ scene that's overtaken them

possible kino? or Gunrun's last ditch gamble?

>> No.48911929

>>actual effort to establish themselves as a group
>>Pika to spearhead the transformation and sell the not-as-corpo idea to native JPs like Unou
Hard to see this working, the JP landscape has remained mostly unchanged for the last couple years with the big 2 taking up most of the mindshare. If this is going to work like they want, they will have to do better than the other JP corpose like VSPO or 774.

>> No.48912506

You just care too much about the roommate behind the vtuber; Coco is dead no matter what kson does. Hololive is a core part of the identity of Hololive vtubers, because of the events, fandom and the other talents.

>> No.48912758

Awkward to do "numbered" members in the lore videos after some have left. I guess they'll have to rework planned stories and say that Nyanners, Vei and Silver "escaped" or something.

>> No.48912774

Odds that it's Sio?

>> No.48913008
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This is what corporate shilling looks like.

>> No.48913397

What's your explanation for graduated holos losing most of their viewers and fame after reincarnating?

>> No.48913420

was she bilingual?

>> No.48913449

Well there aren't 13 of them to begin with so I'm pretty sure her lore has no connection to the rest of Vshojo's lore in that regard. It's just a cool number for aesthetics, like how Stitch is Experiment 626 but you never see the other 625.

>> No.48913468

Your seething when Pikamee joins will be delicious.

>> No.48913508

What's your explanation for successful indies?

>> No.48913947

Probably the same as yours, given that I never claimed indies can't be popular. My point was that vtubers who got big as part of Hololive before leaving and reincarnating with another vtuber identity lose most of their former audience and general popularity in the vtuber sphere. That shows that there's something being lost. That there's a difference between the two incarnations and hence something to mourn over, something that >>48898798 fails to acknowledge.

>> No.48914733

This is not a new member but Melody's redesign

>> No.48915057

Sayu going there?

>> No.48915095

JPs should be living in Japan

>> No.48915342

Finally Pikamee will get Super 3D

>> No.48915403

Pikamee will most likely not be allowed to play the witch game, even in the talent freedom company

>> No.48915660

Near zero. She isn't stupid, she's not coming back to content creation at all, at least for the foreseeable future.

>> No.48916423

yeah nazuna was told not to play hogwarts despite being in the company of "talent freedom"

>> No.48916821
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I hate to be a numberfag, but I will for once. So to talk about a former holo talent, we'll use Kson. Coco's numbers weren't astronomical before she said she was graduating. She had average numbers. Her graduation announcement however pumped them up for the entire month, and made her final stream get insane numbers. Before that though? She wasn't close to their top talents even remotely. So using her as an example, she's very much retained her audience because the numbers she has now are still extremely similar. Also she's still making very fat stacks being in the top 10 superchat earners on youtube regularly.

>> No.48916843

Kson already said it was a new bilingual member of the JP branch.

>> No.48916861

0..she literally stated she's done with Vtubing and DEFINITELY done with EOP faggots.

>> No.48916898

Screenshot this dude when he's wrong.

>> No.48916947

matanee ;)

>> No.48916956
File: 100 KB, 2400x675, Fu_tY06WIAIifL9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uh oh
Back to the lab again
Back to the lab again
>We messed up
Back to the lab again
>Not again
Back to the lab again

>> No.48917109

She still had much more income and views back then, and she was vastly more well-known.
CCV and superchats are where you see the lowest losses because they come from hardcore fans that can catch your streams live and are more likely to stick around for the new identity, and even there the loss was significant. I'm not saying she fell off the face of the earth immediately, but it's noticeable.

>> No.48917907

It can't be Zaion, she's still caught in her drama.
Pikamee? She quit a while ago, enough time for her to redebut, but still feels too soon.
And Vshoujo of all places?
A group with people who cheered for her harassment, with fans that supported it?
Sure Kson is there and they were friends but would she really join a group that basically thinks of her as trash just because 1 friend is there?
The avatar is cartoonish which matches her initial design but she moved to more traditional cute anime asthetics later so clearly that's what she'd preer.
Also the angry pissed look of the character and the genius theme do not fit her like at all.
They could still give her cute happy expressions and the trailer is just disconnected from how she normally is tho.
The fact that the trailer is also in japanese adds likelyhood to it being a bilingual or even a jp only.
So far any new vshoujo member is still somehow connected to previous members.
But with kson being there that means a lot of potential new members because she knwos plenty people.
I'm not ready to bet on this being pikamee but it's possible.

>> No.48917939

You realise it's possible for more than one thing to happen, right?
>Man, my contract just looks worse the more I stick to it
>Oh fucking hell what is this witchhunt shit I don't need this right now
>That's it I'm out

>> No.48919556

>Odds that it's Pikamee?

>> No.48920689
File: 486 KB, 640x639, extremely smug gozaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joins vshojo
Clearly not

>> No.48922283

I'd honestly be pretty worried if I was one of the VCs investing in Vshojo. Not a good sign when 3 talents choose to not renew and the 2 bigger talents admit to signing on with another company because of better pay and contract and the other one talks about her less than stellar experience with Vshojo. Announcing this feels like it's trying to soften the blow of losing 3 talents.

>> No.48922306

>Chapter 1:
So there are more coming?

>> No.48922523

vshojo has kson so yes she will unironically receive more technical and morale support than when she was at VOMS

>> No.48922605

>talents have to give tech support
Great company you got there.

>> No.48922621

We've literally known for a while that the JP branch was planning to add three members, so yeah.

>> No.48922754

It's a blow but it's not the end of the world as long as they can keep recruiting new members and aren't see a constant exodus of new talent. Other agencies have survived worse.

For now, the bleeding seems to have stopped, so it's a good time for them to try and pivot to positive news with new talents.

>> No.48923221

>He hasn't seen the cartoon

>> No.48924000

Silver fired for hating trans and mousey
Vei fired for stealing money
Nyanners fired for having a boyfriend on her lives
See, anyone can do this but it doesn't make it true

VShojo has more male collabs in the last month than Holo has had this year til this point, you need to stop

>> No.48927252

I think it's 100% Pikamee

>> No.48927255

She wants to stream wizard game

>> No.48928127

>trailer confirms child avatar
i wonder who it could be... i wonder if there were any jp vtubers who graduated from their company recently that are bilingual, love children, and have a connection to kson...

>> No.48928492

>pink cat and vei not in vshojo
>pikamee will he
Oh no no no bros they're fucking winning. Once froot leaves it'll be mostly a decent lineup

>> No.48928526

Source that it's 3?

>> No.48928595

We aren't talking about phase connect though

>> No.48928616

Can you not count?
>Vei Silvervale Nyanners
>Nazuna Kson whoeveritisintheOP

>> No.48928787

Nazuna and Kson literally joined a year ago

>> No.48928802

Kson interviewed the Ceo of VshojoJP (members stream) like two months ago and he said repeatedly he wanted to get the JP branch up to five people this year, among other things.

>> No.48929883

Vei and Nyan are not founders only silver was

>> No.48930065

Nyanners was on the very first announcement video for Vshojo. Doesn't matter that internally she came before or after Silver, when the agency properly started she was one of the initial members.

>> No.48930080
File: 47 KB, 629x343, 77FA622F-13D4-4E14-A338-5C0F27242609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corpo wars
Again who fucking cares watch who you wanna watch.

>> No.48930139

>how smelly is our turd

>> No.48930324

>Be Pikamee
>Unhappy with your life at VOMS
>Try playing HL, get harassed
>That's it, I'm leaving.
>Friend tells you that her company offers amazing conditions, literally no downsides, can't go tits up.
>Well, abandoning your old life and wiping all the content you created over the years is harsh, but I'm sure it will be worth it.
>Pull the trigger and graduate.
>"Hey gals, happy to join your company next month. So how are things over t-"
>3 people leave the company basically at the same time.
>The senior that hates everything you represent isn't one of them.
>One of them mentions being abandoned by her colleagues during the wizard game fiasco.
>The other two say the contract is pure shit.
>"Amazing conditions, literally no downsides"
>The friend that invited you publicly says that she would jump ship the moment she is offered better conditions or money.
>The schizo of the group begins to stream more on her PL, and it's close to one year since she joined.
>Your other coworkers are: a man behind TTS; a woman that may or may not be faking an illness; the aforementioned hater of everything that you are; a decent woman that, unfortunately, never streams; a literal porn actress that is in the company only so that she doesn't have to put "Onlyfans" when asked for her job; a green caribou that was probably fucked in the ass as much as you were, if not more.
>"Can't go tits up"

>> No.48930538
File: 14 KB, 665x120, 1647441043159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48930734

just a daily reminder that the froot skitzoposting was started by a guy who wanted to fuck her IRL and believed they were dating when they absolutely weren't.

>> No.48933803

I hope it's Pika because I want her back but just imagine

>joins Vshitshow for protection
>still can't play wizard game because """TALENT FREEDOM"""


>> No.48937283

Sure she can, they've never been prohibited from doing so, just advised against.

>> No.48938201

if it's not ccv or money, then you don't really have anyway to measure it. At that point you're just saying "well I think she was more popular because"

>> No.48938830

Advised against, like the Mafia advises against not paying your Protection Fees

>> No.48941357

Homostars and Niji are leaving money on the table by not making a rider rip off brotuber

>> No.48941549

>Pikamee joins vshojo or niji
worst timeline
>Pikamee joins Hololive
BEST TIMELINE. I'm hoping against all hope.

>> No.48944488

The mafia in this case were twitter freaks.

>> No.48945077

The issue is most EN males interested in Toku are fucking SEAniggers and they are usually so brutally autistic not even a small corpo would want to sign them on.

>> No.48945194

I can't wait for Eemakip.

>> No.48945466

It's not pikamee. Screenshot this post.

>> No.48945723


>> No.48945778

Which is vshojos main audiencebase

>> No.48946137

You know full well that isn't true.
In the case that you genuinely believe that you'd confirm that not streaming the wizard game was actually a good warning since alienating your fanbase is always a bad business idea.

>> No.48946149

If it was a "big show" then surely you can point to some evidence of her claiming she was graduating due to bullying.

>> No.48948748

Not in Japan.

>> No.48948937

Japan doesn't watch Vshojo.

>> No.48950987

But it was a bad idea. Silver cried loud on stream for like an hour over it.

>> No.48951029

it looks like a terrible moment to join vshojo

>> No.48951150

Then it won't matter to this new JP member one way or another.

>> No.48952359

Yeah, wasn't most of Pikamee's viewers and fans EOPs? Kind of weird to say the point of the JP branch is to create more fans from there but then hire mostly talents who were only ever popular to EOPs so I guess this was more or less a Kson hiring choice rather than the company's decision.

>> No.48956385


>> No.48959768

How bad would it be if it was Pikamee?

>> No.48959980

You tell me because it is

>> No.48960084

Honestly, not a big deal. I’ll be surprised if she managed to get her old fanbase to transfer over to her new persona. I love the Pikamee design.

>> No.48960848

I just hope the troons don't follow her and that she'll be full on jap streaming and avoiding EN like the plague after what happened.

I say this because The troons are heralding Vwhorejo as the bastion of lgbt alphabet numbers after their risque and controversial members (silver and nyan) left.

>> No.48960874

All of vshojo audience are twitter troons except for silver who only had a few twitter troons and they are long gone now

>> No.48961078

Just disappointing, knowing that she'll side with the ones who caused her to quit.
Kinda makes her look like a sellout but what do I know

>> No.48966166

Part 2 https://twitter.com/VShojo/status/1655407173118164992

>> No.48966401

Summarize it for ne

>> No.48966602

Heavy use of off-brand definitely-not Reese's as background props.

>> No.48966705

Dee's nuts...

>> No.48966755

Almost 100%.
These short videos feels very much like her.

>> No.48966812

it's you mom's onlyfans leak

>> No.48967002

>Just disappointing, knowing that she'll side with the ones who caused her to quit.
You mean voms management?

>> No.48967063

100% lie made up by people pushing a political agenda, many of them being paid to do so. I am unbelievably excited at the idea it might be her, the mind break it would induce in some of you would be decadent

>> No.48967367

She'd be VShojo JP. The ones you're talking about are the EN branch.

>> No.48971045

its me

>> No.48976761


>> No.48980138

Akari next?

>> No.48980177

It's forsen

>> No.48981008

What could vshojo offer pikamee that she wasn't already getting at VOMS though? I know it's fashionable to claim any new hire for company A is graduated talent from company B but the only reason to do that is if the move is a step up. Was VOMS unsupportive, restrictive or failed to provide opportunities? Was being pikamee financially untenable? If anyone who actually watched pikamee could provide insight as to why she might join vshojo then please do so because right now it seems like the laziest rrat going.

>> No.48981176

You jest, but if she comes back there will be “people” that will unironically push this narrative.

>> No.48981228

>All of vshojo audience are twitter troons
You are delusional.

>> No.48981493

I would say that it was Pikamee, but they keep calling her smart, which certainly doesn't describe the woman who thought Japan floated in the ocean.

>> No.48981604

Money. VOMS was taking a cut of her SuperChat, channel membership and AdSense revenue. VShojo just takes a cut of merchandise.

>> No.48981661

She talked about it repeatedly during her graduation month. VOMs is literally one guy doing it as a side gig. She was frustrated about not being able to get things like a proper 3d model. She also didn't have a manager and was stuck doing everything by herself.

>> No.48981730

Nope. Pikamee herself repeatedly said that GYARI only made money from merch and that she kept all of the money from streaming.

>> No.48981732

I still feel physical pain from that clip.

>> No.48981741

technically japan does float in an ocean. It's just that the ocean is molten rock

>> No.48981743

>3way collab with notPika, Silvervale, and notZaion
not only possible but actually viable wtf

>> No.48982720

So basically VOMS is one step up from being indie and vshojo is one step up from that, opinions about vshojo aside it seems like a decent move if she's looking to be a vtuber long-term

>> No.48982900

I'll just blame Kson for bringing her inside a sinking company

>> No.48984015

good luck

>> No.48984855

Boring thread. Was hoping for more actual confirmation, this is the only new and interesting observation in the entire thread: >>48900307
I'll just copy stuff from another thread real quick if anyone else is interested.

>graduates with a "see you again"
>Kson brings it up
>Mouse brings it up
>Pika is longtime friends with Kson
>her graduation is now known to have been decided well in advance due to issues she publicly discussed on-stream
>Pika is known to have very few marketable talents or skills with which to hold down a "normal" job, and is known to love streaming, making her return as a vtuber highly likely
>VShojo JP CEO claims the branch will have 3 new members by year's end
>teaser for new member drops
>a genius with immeasurable IQ
>Pikamee's character has 5 trillion IQ
>Kson revealed it is a JP member who is bilingual

>> No.48986750


>> No.48986908

>caused her to quit
lmao if she joins vshojo then this cope will be weaker than ever

>> No.48988374

How is vshojo a step up?

You have no real 3d/event or general support anyway, is not like it opens a bigger network than being a big indie, they just make doing merch easier.

But the problem here is change of persona and the relative big loss of audience, pika in vshojo can only makes sense if she's still pikamee.

>> No.48989871

Over a month after her graduation, people are still going after Pikamee. Some guy even drew a picture of himself murdering Pikamee onstream (the joke is that her onscreen model was t-posing, geddit). A lot of the same people have been celebrating Silvervale leaving. If the new member ends up being Pikamee, Vshoujo will give her the support she needs to deal with the inevitable harrasement, right?

>> No.48992104

>Odds that it's Pikamee?
big if true

>> No.48992210
File: 32 KB, 359x362, 7394ui4i4x161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ofcourse, we love supporting the trans community

>> No.48992430

Also beats the point of trying to grow a JP audience for Vshojo since Pikamee's fanbase was mostly English speakers. Why not just hire someone who is purely JP? Feels like the JP branch is just gonna be Kson's friend circle which is the same issue the main branch had with it all being Melody's/Nyan's circle

>> No.48992433

Why the fuck would Delutaya join VWhoreshow

>> No.48992534

But everyone makes mistakes anon.

>> No.48992671

Imagine how fucking poor this person has to feel, joining VShitShow after the last days.

>> No.48992739

pretty fucking good all the EN whores are beginning to leave

>> No.48993956

The lack of music production support is already a huge turn off for her so obviously she won't

>> No.48995053

Did no one call her out about the charity? Just proves that they only care about virtue signaling instead of actually doing anything.

>> No.48997150

Yes and mummy went to her defence
Vshitshow want you to pretend she never tweeted about it

>> No.48997388

If it's her I won't watch her.

>> No.48997684

Literally nobody cares about the secrets outside of here. We do it on this board because you get banned if you don't. Which I actually like because even though 99% of people here are actively donating to their oshi's roommate on onlyfans, I like that they are usually forced to pretend they like vtubers.

>> No.48998245

I get mom's getting in on their daughter's vtuber activities is one thing but has there been any other vtuber mom that has white knighted for their daughter as hard as Froot's?

>> No.48998478

As the years go on and more and more girls parents become social media addicts it'll probably become increasingly common, to be honest.

>> No.48999034

It's really interesting to be a fan of a vtuber that /vt/ hates, whenever you find a thread made filled with numberpeople and tribalsisters they're mad about rumors and fixated on weird shit.

>> No.48999674

Yeah, it's clarifying, in that it reminds you that the entire catalog is full of shit and none of these retards actually know anything about anything..

It's fun sometimes, to ask people why exactly they don't like someone I personally don't know much about, and see that it all boils down to some completely irrelevant bullshit that "happened" like four years ago and that's why some chick is really a monster in human form.

>> No.49001781

Average Mori anti be like...

>> No.49001873

I still can't believe what mori did to that poor horse's balls
they ended up looking like raisins

>> No.49002035

I dunno the worst part of this is that Pikamee already got like 2k average viewers on twitch and had a really iconic design and persona as a vtuber
I don't know what VShojo has to offer her but it must be good. I'm still thinking Pikamee got into Hololive or something.

>> No.49002093

I don't think Pika is that stupid to throw away all of her goodwill and join another company a month after she left the previous one.

>> No.49002122
File: 249 KB, 333x422, rinmama new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so.
If only people were as good as Mamavale and Rinmama.

>> No.49002198

VOMS is not a company

>> No.49002412

I don't think she'll join Holo. Most big indies don't really have the same goals that one would have when planning to join Hololive or Nijisanji for that matter. But at the same time I agree that other than her friend Kson, there really isn't much incentive for her to join Vshojo.

>> No.49002663

If it really is pikamee, man I would be so fucking disappointed.
>get harassed by troons
>join a company that lets its talents get harassed by troons and tells them that they are the ones that fucked up
No he's definitely right. assuming he was being exaggerational and LITERAL.

But who could it be joining vshojo jp if not pikamee. But why would pikamee graduate and give up everything just to join vshitshow for some reason, she could have even kept her model at vshojo.
Doesn't make sense.

>> No.49002737
File: 1.86 MB, 1355x1900, vju72m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what vshojo has to offer
they seem to take vtuber stuff pretty seriously compared to VOMs who is just some moderately popular guy that does music doing vtuber stuff as a side project
if she was to join vshojo it's probably because she feels like she's outgrown VOMs. also being able to own your character as an indie would is a huge benefit that can't be overstated
but honestly I'm still not sure it's really her

>> No.49002774

If this is Pika she's getting an extremely unique and cool marketing campaign behind her with these daily animation drops. That not only means good things for her relationship with Vshojo but also that she'll have plenty of eyes on her when she's debuts. I honestly don't see her struggling to catch up with her old numbers, I really don't.

>> No.49002945

>lets its talents get harassed by troons
wtf are they supposed to do about retards on twitter? put out a "hey, stop that" tweet?
the laws that allow japanese vtubers to sue the shit out of antis do not exist in the rest of the world
>and tells them that they are the ones that fucked up
didn't happen
>she could have even kept her model at vshojo
no, it doesn't belong to her.

>> No.49003232

I think gyari fucked up by not letting her leave with the isekai model. Yeah it wasn't what people liked but I'd take that over a new character entirely.
All gyari has done is made people angry that she had to quit and get her channel deleted, all those years of content now down the drain.
And let's not forget what has happened with Nazuna......joining vshojo isn't a good decision. She never regained what she lost and is full of restrictions.

>> No.49003297

She got most of her numbers from the 2020-21 boom and being a English speaking vtuber pre-HoloEN. I doubt that she'll reach 500,000 again, let alone 700,000. Vtubing will sick around, but it's more niche.

>> No.49003435

>is full of restrictions.
most people believe those restrictions were placed by Cover not vshojo
please remember she left under less then ideal circumstances

>> No.49003468

>No he's definitely right.
You are also delusional. Exaggerational isn't even a real word.

>> No.49003546

Stands for?

>> No.49004930
File: 103 KB, 696x900, FqOFU3PWAAErurI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you now remember kson liked this comic before pikamee even graduated

>> No.49005204

Is Holo even open for auditions? They’ve been shilling Tempus for so long that I’ve completely forgotten the prospect of debuting new girls.

>> No.49005291

That dude is much too white and skinny to be gunrun, also no backpack.

>> No.49005389

>All gyari has done is made people angry that she had to quit and get her channel deleted, all those years of content now down the drain.
This shit again. That's standard legal procedure, get over it.

>> No.49005396

And then they speedran to civil war and lost 3 members

>> No.49005545

with veibei, nyanners, and that menhera gone vshojo is almost respectable

>> No.49006061

Now all thats left is Froot, mousey and Mel and I'll be a clean paradise of a corpo

>> No.49006089

Pikamee isn't joining a corp that throws talent under the bus.
The thing she'd look most for is support.

>> No.49006380

Literally never happened?

>> No.49006454

Any rrats for who this might be if not Pika?

>> No.49006476
File: 100 KB, 221x350, Screenshot_20220917_093423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49006537

stop pretending like you don't make up scenarios in your head and then confuse them for actual memories

>> No.49006572

mouse and mel can stay

>> No.49007402
File: 248 KB, 483x426, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's also pretty much confirmed to be a loli avatar, which pikamee would have requested.

>> No.49008914

I can't wait for her to be able to talk about her love of loli, comic lo and wada wau without getting harrassement and death threats like before

>> No.49010495

She never got death threats in the first place. One or two retards on social media don't count.

>> No.49010841

>She never got death threats
>Those death threats don't count!

>> No.49011165

She's finally going to do that Comic LO review member's stream that she teased years ago thanks to her newfound Talen Freedom™ (Verification not required)

>> No.49012357 [DELETED] 

Yeah? This you?

>> No.49012424
File: 28 KB, 500x599, JUICY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? This you?

>> No.49013031

Yummy bulge

>> No.49013280

Good thing Nyanners is out but then again she might throw a snide remark like "Oh, they let an actual pedo into the company after I left?"

>> No.49015267

She said that? Based to the bone

>> No.49017092

I was really, really hoping, but the "bilingual" thing kills it.
I hope she joins up later in the year. I miss her maniac energy.

>> No.49017882

name 1(one) bilingual japanese streamer that knows kson personally

>> No.49017902

Well if it is Pikamee, she signed a shitty contract when everyone else is leaving, so there's your consolation.

>> No.49018958

Non competes are decided at the point a contract is signed, not the termination
Her leaving on bad terms would not affect a non compete, and to assume she has one that has lasted over a year would be laughable

>> No.49019056

>her love of loli...without getting harrassment
Joining VShojo would make that worse
Nazuna talked about this last week. She was told by Kson that lolis are a risky area for westerners.

>> No.49019781

I'm not sure why you even bring that up because she stopped alluding to those things long before she quit.

>> No.49020042

bumping this thread one more time so it dies before episode 3 comes out and you're all left threadless

>> No.49020193

vshojo contracts are fine. 2 bitches left because they're menhera's and the 3rd left because she's too lazy for an org

>> No.49020859

>political propaganda from the right
>paid to do so
meds, now

>> No.49021101

I hope she spent the past month learning how to deal with internet antis, or she'll just turn around and quit again.

>> No.49021237

Loli model

>> No.49021913

I don't think that will be an issue unless it's scantily clad. If that were going to be a problem then I'd expect people to have been bitching about Nazuna already.
