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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48615532 No.48615532 [Reply] [Original]

I used to hate women but after I got into vtubers I learned there are also some really cute and nice girls out there

>> No.48615622

congrats tate-kun

>> No.48615739

It’s so insane how rent free Top G lives in your head, pathetic roastie.

>> No.48616888

Are all vtuber fans losers like this? Like a girl had to don an anime avatar for you to like women? Consider the fact you're gay and/or get therapy.

>> No.48617033

this is how they trick you.

>> No.48617200

you can hate how women act and still be attracted to them, maybe use your brain simp

>> No.48617392

It's honestly kind of understandable. If you go the college route and live in an urban area (like me), every single woman your age who you interact with will be downright insufferable. It doesn't have to be VTubers necessarily, but the ability to interact with women online from other locations and backgrounds can remind you that NAWALT. Of course, I'm not autistic enough to have needed exposure to women through VTubing to understand that it was just the women in my circles who were horrible, but I can understand how others might have needed that.

>> No.48617494

That says more about the sorry state of women in the Western world than it does about one anon.

>> No.48617583

That's people in general. With streamers they have to put a fake layer of pleasantness.

>> No.48617686

JP women are extremely materialistic and 1 in 200 have done prostitution to disgusting old men.

>> No.48617769

I'm sorry your GF got bleached.

>> No.48618069

man there's really no saving people like you is there

>> No.48618207

Cope lmao. All women are inherently the same, it’s just that some cultures repress them more than others.

>> No.48618263

i don't think you're announce your copes like that anon...

>> No.48618503

Damn, you're not owning anybody. You're only revealing that you probably grew up without a mother.

>> No.48619086

I hope one day a woman comes into your life and makes you happy anon. All men deserve one. Women are men's glory.

>> No.48619118

It’s basic blackpill knowledge lmao

>> No.48619217
File: 208 KB, 472x501, 1679898148097078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on here?

>> No.48619225

I hope your husband makes you happy one day anon.

>> No.48619270

op learning why only morons post good chuubas to the catalog.

>> No.48619279

If everyone you meet is an asshole...

>> No.48619805

you probably live in a city full of assholes?

>> No.48619892

everyone's just so mean to you for no reason. poor little baby. :(

>> No.48620162

considering that's the way you respond to a joke I doubt I'm the one with a problem

>> No.48621897

Aight but who the fuck is this chuba tho?

>> No.48621947

seething tranny...

>> No.48622098

No man deserves a woman, incel

>> No.48622208

Nah dude this isn't some sasuke utiha shadow the hedgehog thing. Women are that horrible.

>> No.48622467

that's called gay, anon. you're gay.

>> No.48622589

She's the groupie type. Don't fall for her wiles.

>> No.48622638


Life is simple

>> No.48622692


>> No.48622726

No that's enlightenment.

>> No.48622787


>> No.48623104

Well, as long as you've got such a high opinion of yourself I guess. I mean, I'd be pretty embarrassed to call myself "enlightened" because that was literally a meme REDDITORS used to mock people who were too self-important, but you do you.

>> No.48623129

Not all women are horrible. Just like not all men are horrible. You just haven't experienced love yet.
Ah yes, the buzzword to catch them all. You really got me there anon.

>> No.48623276

sa https://www.youtube.com/@chikafujilisa

>> No.48623327

>You really got me there anon
I don't even know who you are
Are you the first one or the second one?

>> No.48623622

Everyone is horrible. Even if it's just a bit.

>> No.48623709

I used to hate women, then I got into vtubers and now I hate them again

>> No.48623771

I love this sheep...

>> No.48625557

oh yeah? see what DRAMA she caused

>> No.48625920

I used to be uninterested about woman (neither hate them nor love them just meh) chubas made me love women, but after a year or so now I'm fully a misogynist who only sees women as nothing more than sexual objects

>> No.48626839
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Who did it better

>> No.48626935

You'll never meet them IRL.

>> No.48627544


consider go outside and touch grass.

>> No.48627994

Really strange how this is how she got me to watch her
Her geniue behavior about being sorry for burping on stream makes her more feminine than I've seen most of EN VTubers. And when I started to watch her, I saw her how sweet she actually is. Talks about make up and going out with her friends and such but she also listens to music that I wouldn't have think she would listen to, yet she is open to every type of music and interested in most of them. Her singing is also great and I honestly don't know where I am going with this but I'm enamored with this sheep

>> No.48628291

I used to hate women. I still do, but I used to, too.

>> No.48628461 [DELETED] 

You told me to treasure it, so I did Nami

>> No.48628526

you're literally living in a fairytale world bro

>> No.48628776

If it weren't for vtubers I'd still be too shy to speak to women. Now I know they're all gremlins underneath.

>> No.48629090

>you just don't know what looooove is yet uwu
I don't know who you think you're fooling, whore. If a woman is acting friendly or like she's interested in you, never fall for it because it's just that--an act. Pushing the idea of "love" or establishing a connection is the number one thing women hang over men to get what they want out of them--the emotional manipulation begins before the relationship even starts. They're the ones constantly pushing this idea that being single makes you a loser and that no man is complete without a woman by his side. Women are by nature sick to the core and only wish to discard any men they've successfully attracted after using him to achieve their own goals, which is why women are almost always the ones initiating the divorce or cheating. I've seen it happen to my friends on more than one occasion. There's no way in fuck would I ever trust a woman with anything in my life, they're only useful as onaholes

>> No.48629331
File: 250 KB, 443x425, marin_eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been telling people for years that women can be equally nerdy and degenerate as men, but all I ever got in response was
>hurrdurr they're all attention whores ironic weebs fake gamergirls gtfo you beta orbiter simp cuck
But all it took was Vtubing to appear for those same people to do a complete 180
>OMG she's just like me fr fr
Yeah no fucking shit

>> No.48629564

this may come as a shock to you but vtubers are putting on an act, that's kind of the whole point
if you're fooled into thinking that she's relatable or a good person then they kayfabe was a success

>> No.48629785

Nigger, I grew up on online forums, chatrooms, and fucking deviantart. Those places were absolutely swarmed by fujoshi/yumejoshi that would make the average anon /here/ look seiso in comparison. Those bitches obsessed over their husbandos in ways that would make even the most unicorn of unicorns die of cringe. I knew bitches who would learn how to draw just to produce mpreg fanart of their fav BL ships. The kinds of girls who binged entire game series just because the boys in them were cute.
Those kind of women have always been only, and now a good chunk of the are vtubers.
I survived all this shit, lived to tell the tale, and even now dumb fags like you won't believe me.

>> No.48630010

Holy fuck reading this post hit me hard. I've been taking my life for granted. I was letting myself succumb to poor self-esteem by telling myself I was worthless and pathetic and only looking at what I don't have. But reading your post has filled me with euphoria. I am so glad I'm not you. I am so fucking glad I'm not you. Life, MY life, is beautiful and wonderful and worth living. Fuck. I really needed that, thanks anon. I want to watch the sunrise.

>> No.48630059


>> No.48630543

Honestly, the degenerate women I've seen, as well as women in general have convinced me that maybe being alone is good.

>> No.48630563

Women like that can't become vtubers and they especially can't join a place like hololive. Also any woman can just receive sex if they ask for it

>> No.48630680

all women are whores (except my oshi of course)

>> No.48631662

>Women like that can't become vtubers and they especially can't join a place like hololive.
VTubeStudio is free and there are Live2D riggers on Fiverr. This isn't 2018 anymore.
>Also any woman can just receive sex if they ask for it
you'd be surprised how many women can't get any dick even when they actively try to

>> No.48631900

>you'd be surprised how many women can't get any dick even when they actively try to
they are either ugly or crazy/annoying

>> No.48632088
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Now you're starting to get it. Where do you think such women end up? On the fucking internet where they either roleplay on a forum as Sephiroth's wife, or they don an anime avatar and spend their days livestreaming kusoge.

>> No.48632149

Sometimes, I do think I judge the tumblrina too harshly. They are fine as long as they don't push politics and censor my vidya/anime.

>> No.48632172

That stops them? I can't even imagine a woman being so ugly and annoying that they couldn't find any guy out there, especially with how desperate a lot of guys are nowadays. But if they're picky, I can understand not wanting to go down to that level.

>> No.48632633

Come on, it was funny. No need to be angry

>> No.48632880
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>you'd be surprised how many women can't get any dick even when they actively try to
hmm yea ok

>> No.48632989

Imagine being this much of an empty loser. Jesus Christ. And I also bet if a woman you're attracted to gave you attention you'd completely abandon these retarded views and become her biggest simp.

>> No.48633007

HoloEN gave me hope for western women and the Tempus arc made me lose it again

>> No.48633118
File: 142 KB, 887x532, 1661967328956333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e a girl had to don an anime avatar for you to like women?
Unironically yes
Any girl whos not an anime girl is total shit.
Act like anime = get treated like anime
Act like western thots = get treated like western thots
Simple as.

>> No.48633800

Same, but then I learned most of them are even more vile and manipulative than the average girl you meet on street.

>> No.48634637

>Women like that can't become vtubers

>> No.48634714


>> No.48634863

Am I? All the anons here are capable of finding a woman. The problem is that they deny themselves and cope about being fine alone. They use their bad experiences as a justification for their behavior, as if everything is going to repeat again if they dare to try again. But that's just abandoning life. You will fail again, and you will encounter dog shit people again. It's part of life. But you don't need everyone to love you. Just that one girl who decides to stick with you.

>> No.48634990

That's what I thought as well and then they stab you in the back like any common whore would
The biggest weakness of vtubing is that they are still real w*men behind the avatar

>> No.48635070

It doesn't matter if there are good and cute and nice women out there. You don't get to have them. You only get to choose from the shit ones that you hate and that will ruin your life.

>> No.48635080

I will never have an oshi again after that, vtubers should be viewed as cheap entertainment any more than that and you're setting yourself up to get betrayed

>> No.48635205

>You will fail again, and you will encounter dog shit people again. It's part of life. But you don't need everyone to love you. Just that one girl who decides to stick with you.
You don't have unlimited time, energy, and resources to stick it out through endless bad experiences. You only get so many attempts and either you get lucky or you don't. And the eventual reward may not be worth the pain it took to get there.

>> No.48635522

what's a groupie?

>> No.48635593

someone that fucks their oshi and their friends

>> No.48635915

Smart men treat the whole "don't stick your dick in crazy" thing more than just a suggestion.

>> No.48636004

>Women like that can't become vtubers
There's several of them in Phase Connect.

>> No.48636254

I don't really beleeb it

>> No.48636292

You poor innocent fool.

>> No.48636299

Unlike 50 in 200 for the West and that's excluding OnlyFans.

>> No.48637258

what was her reaction afterwards?

>> No.48637676

>But reading your post has filled me with euphoria.
*tips fedora*

>> No.48638140

Why does Lisa get the worst catalog threads?

>> No.48638752

No retard. Unlike women, men don't have an expiration date. The idea of encountering difficult experiences is to learn from them, not to keep doing it. If you keep doing it then something it's fucking wrong with you, not women. The eventual reward is feeling wanted, loved and needed by someone who isn't your mom or dad. They will die at some point nigger, and you will need a source of love to replace it.

>> No.48638972

>you'd completely abandon these retarded views and become her biggest simp
It's like you didn't even read any of what ai said. I recognize that all female attention is an act in an attempt to get something they want out of men. Women cannot truly love and only wish to extort something from a man before ditching him and chasing after the next step up. If a women pretended to be interested in me I'd know exactly what she was up to and immediately back away. I can't tell if you're a whore trying to save face or one of the guys being puppeteered by one but ignoring my post just to say "nuh-uh you're retarded" isn't exactly making a point.

>> No.48639565

so true, girls are best when they're pretending to be decent people

>> No.48639716
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God I love watching you autists fight for my entertainment

>> No.48640434

she drives men to insanity

>> No.48640608

Women are bearable while being vtubers is because they have to be entertaining in some way and you can stop watching when you want and they won't flip their shit.

>> No.48642737

I used to hate women but after I got into vtubers I learned that I still hate them

>> No.48644702

None of them are virgins

>> No.48644828

I'm too mentally ill to enter a relationship

>> No.48644935

Vtubers have outright killed any passing interest I still had in finding a partner some day. Read into that whatever you wish to read.

>> No.48644948

>They are fine as long as they don't push politics and censor my vidya/anime.
That's exactly the issue though. When do they ever not do that?

>> No.48645743

I like pussy and boobs. The woman attached to them is an unfortunate condition

>> No.48645928

Put very well.

>> No.48645985
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Very nice my guy

>> No.48646069


>> No.48646425

When they are too busy masturbating to their fujo/yumejoshi hipping or having shipping war

>> No.48646613

Chat reflects streamer

>> No.48646702

I still don't like women, but I enjoy the characters they play on stream. If a vtuber starts talking too much about her personal life I fuck off

>> No.48646756

I used to hate women and then a prostitute told me I had a big dick.

>> No.48647007

What an absolute fucking knee slapper. You seeing this shit Lisa?

>> No.48647023

Eh, if you grow up with a source of love, you can live without it.

>> No.48647181

>The eventual reward
People die alone all the time and you will become a better person when you can start accepting that no one is born trying to grow into an unlovable human. Social problems are a social problem, not an individual problem.

>> No.48649356

same dude

>> No.48650281

Lisa cute

>> No.48650583
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Vtubing attracts attention whores. The average girl is actually nicer than the average vtuber and vtuber fan. But it is way harder to start talking to people irl than to tune in to any stream.

>> No.48651337

My oshi isn’t an attention whore, she just really loves the attention her chat gives her and getting praised by her chat

>> No.48651554

Who wouldn't be happy being praised by people

>> No.48651622

She's going to graduate soon unkess Yagoo saves her.

>> No.48651692
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I love women I wish they were real

>> No.48651909

Same. Vtubers taught me that certain girls exist and now I can't be told I have unrealistic standards.

>> No.48652930


>> No.48654097

I don’t even need them to be nerdy or degenerate, just be nice to me

>> No.48654663
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>> No.48654673

This. Notice how the super-repressed or properly caged women are somehow happier than the ones who are lawless and free to roam their thoroughly used and fully prolapsed holes and brains around.

>> No.48654910

>>48629785 & >>48632088

>> No.48654952

Enjoy being alone forever, I guess. The anime avatar can detach from the woman and since you're 3DPD, the only solution for you would be a body pillow in bed. Sad, but that's how bad male genetics are purged from humanity, I guess.

>> No.48654958

This. Why is it so hard?

>> No.48655091

women are equally spiteful and retarded by nature

>> No.48655137

your future 'wife' will divorce you and run off with your children while you're forced to pay child support
good luck, faggot lmao

>> No.48655594

Giving up before you ever try is not masculine behavior. You're probably a troon who gave up and cut off his dick, anyway.

>> No.48656081

I just wish life would give this sheep a break, just for more than one week

>> No.48656293

>My oshi isn’t an attention whore, she just really loves the attention

>> No.48656765
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sheep vtubers have it tough

>> No.48656958

Based. Seething simps shouldn't bother replying.

>> No.48657097

Have you tried suicide? I've heard bad things but maybe you should give it a shot.

>> No.48657194

And then the dox hits and turns out she was fucking Chad all along.
They are all the same. All of them. There is no exception.

>> No.48657479

>All the anons here are capable of finding a woman.
Objectively, demonstrably wrong.
Remember, inceldom is not optional.

>> No.48657654

I'm not the 46 percenter here. You are.

>> No.48657818

They wouldn't have all that time and need for schlicking to Zack x Cloud fanfics if they had Chad fucking them in the first place, idiot.

>> No.48657863

Women barely have hobbies or interests of course they have the time.

>> No.48658319

You seem to know a lot about about women for someone who's never interacted with one

>> No.48658776

Damn and here I thought this thread would at least have some nice discussion about Lisa

>> No.48658863

It's all basic knowledge anon. Do your homework.

>> No.48659286

Kid, you don't know shit.

>> No.48659317

Interesting, it's almost like being rational and learning from other people instead of trying everything yourself is a perfectly fine masculine trait.

>> No.48659361

I heard she’s too much of a gosling magnet, I already suffer too much with my oshi to watch someone else like that

>> No.48665429

Why do I share a board with unironic misogynists.

>> No.48665438

you've clearly never had to deal with women

>> No.48665526

post tits

>> No.48665933
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even women hate women
>but they're just pretending
the fact that they're willing to pretend to hate on their own kind to appeal to men shows they do in fact hate each other

>> No.48666366

you live in a society where "people" value misogynistic troons more than actual women

>> No.48666985

But I have, and I've been trying to tell you /r9k/ rejects about it during this whole thread.

>> No.48667542

shut up whore

>> No.48670943

you have an entire thread detailing how horrible women are

>> No.48671261
File: 53 KB, 300x300, 1683126473689915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry you never got loved my a parental figure anon! feel better soon!

>> No.48671604

>someone makes a joke
The irony

>> No.48671626

I wish they’d all kill themselves, too.

>> No.48671690

Incels are terminally online. They unironically think all women do porn.

>> No.48671697
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>> No.48674104

not same

>> No.48674849

If you watch Lisa you will become a gosling. It will simeltanously be the greatest source of happiness, motivation, and inspiration in your life and a great source of despair.

>> No.48675211
File: 57 KB, 463x614, 1657709759872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this dumb bait thread this morning and thought to myself, "I bet a million idiots are going to fight about nothing in this thread."
Lo and behold. No immunity. Pathogens runk amok. This society must be cleansed.

THROUGH THE POWER OF LOVE!!! Baby kiss me muah muah muah muah muah

>> No.48675829

you are too sane for this thread listener-san

>> No.48676504

I hate love. It's poison to me. Cleanse me with fire instead.

>> No.48679267

anon vtubers are exception, the rule all women is shit

>> No.48679532

I can't hate women because my oshi is a woman and I love her a whole lot
