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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 450 KB, 2896x4096, Ft2R6G5WAAMue5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
48269283 No.48269283 [Reply] [Original]

trad lolita gf edition

>What is /wvt/?
/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.

Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

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>> No.48269346
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>> No.48270536

So what was the full story with Sigbird leaving the South Side?

>> No.48271107
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campfire dog's playing more ocarina of time 3d

>> No.48271161

not enough clout

>> No.48271260
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>> No.48271381

I love this tiger!!

>> No.48271516
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Cringe Deep Dive w/ Abby is live.

>> No.48271517
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lookin good
i hope jets gets into OG gundam just so that she falls in love with doms more

>> No.48271686
File: 24 KB, 112x112, nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i supposed to be a boymouse enjoyer if she removed her nsfw art channel and historic data suggests that no one will use her nsfw twitter tag

>> No.48271738

you deserve this, sleepyhead

>> No.48271746
File: 68 KB, 329x526, birgrid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't a official story but other anons noticed around February Southside and Sigbird stopped raiding and collabing with each other, and they really stopped mentioning Sigrid (they still mention Bird often and generally fondly). In the meantime Sigbird started collabing with, raiding and promoting people inside the MSM group more often.

Then last week SigBird built up a big announcement where they stated they no longer wanted their community to portray Sigrid as a ungrateful bitch and bully and Bird as a retard or infantile child and revealed emotes to allow chat to police and mob other chat members that step out of line. Not long after that SigBird's "Friends of Southside" tags disappeared off the Southside discord

>> No.48271763

why is it so purple

>> No.48271789
File: 17 KB, 112x112, 1678253073636260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people will move into the nsfw twitter tag with time

>> No.48271806

why would you sexualize her to begin with

>> No.48271855
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She has a boyfriend you sick fuck

>> No.48271859
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>> No.48271897

it's still insane to me that they pay a manager

>> No.48271956

Very slutty and quite Koragi.

>> No.48271967

Yeah. Me.

>> No.48271973

>they no longer wanted their community to portray Sigrid as a ungrateful bitch and bully and Bird as a retard or infantile child
If they didn't want to be seen like this maybe they shouldn't have acted like this every second of every day.

>> No.48271979
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>> No.48271985

Crazy to me that the South Side pushed fourfin for like a year to the exclusion of collabs with their own members only to be abandoned like that.

>> No.48271987


>> No.48272009

>Houseki no Kuni uniform
I will maul you

>> No.48272021

Need sluttier Koragi

>> No.48272063

she has definitely gotten an OP before

>> No.48272088

It's obvious Sigrid is a wannabe corpo vtuber (maybe Bird too, but if so she's smart enough not to blurt it out) If you're on Sigbird's discord server search all the times Sigrid has said "fame" or "famous"

>> No.48272161

/uoh/ OP recently?

>> No.48272283
File: 473 KB, 469x539, sleeptania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampire love!!! Today was a nice stream
Also I keep seeing kemo models in twitter and it really makes me want to work on one

>> No.48272288

november last year

>> No.48272319

Why can't we have nice "schizos" like this?

>> No.48272392

uohhh kuni....

>> No.48272419
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>> No.48272421

I will maul you both too

>> No.48272429
File: 2.13 MB, 1258x704, dnovwd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels like the mep background got more soulful since i last saw it

>> No.48272495

The bf rrat seems to be the most plausible one for that sudden change of heart especially considering how she used to be fine with that sort of content and would react positively to most of the stuff being posted there

>> No.48272528

the rest of southside probably get sick of sigrid never interacting with or boosting any of the other members

>> No.48272538

having that manager account linked on her twitter bio always felt like a red flag to me. I know another vtuber I watch has one too (think it's the same one even) but they do stuff beyond streaming that would probably necessitate actually having a manager and, quite frankly, come off as much more grounded and less like they're constantly chasing numbers.

>> No.48272623
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>> No.48272628

give me a clip of this seep laugh i've heard so much about

>> No.48272683

what do you need a manager for you have like 200 viewers maximum on a good day, it makes no sense

>> No.48272722

she posted something about getting partnered with throne last night, didn't she? probably just trying to make things look clean for deals like that. either way she did state there was an NSFW art tag on twitter, if people aren't using it then... I mean shit dude just ask the porn thread on /trash/ I'm sure someone's got it saved.

>> No.48272741

Yeah she makes them on stream with the community.

>> No.48272809
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lava seems nice

>> No.48272816
File: 946 KB, 808x704, sol3or.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she mutates into a kenshiro-ass looking bara seep

>> No.48272819

This. Most liggers just manage their own stuff and the ones that have managers don't really seem to be benefitting from them in any noticeable way. We haven't seen any special sponsorship deals, not a single high profile collabs or anything.

>> No.48272852

love this dog, cute poem

>> No.48272913

lavandel? didn't catch the stream due to wage cage, how was it?

>> No.48272918

sigrid very conspicuously never interacting with anyone with fewer viewers and less clout than her is really repulsive

>> No.48272995

couldn't catch too much but nice voice + unfiltered autism is great

>> No.48273001

She needs to groom some drawfags, the art is a bit too soulful

>> No.48273055

>Is not-so-secretly a huge slut
Why are the biggest sluts in the thread all lolis (and koopa)?

>> No.48273140

Most liggers don't manage their own stuff, they just don't talk about their managers because they aren't relevant.

>> No.48273201

All their "manager" seems to do is act as a straight man for some of their gags (which is funny because he's a gay activist) and make everyone under MSM shill his coffee.

>> No.48273244

I can at least assure you that not a single member of GirlsFC has a manager and they have similar numbers to the ones we're talking about

>> No.48273246

SigBird got huge preferential treatment over their other 'official' members just to have this happen. I feel like they have been doing a better job about including their B-team members and some of them have been moved up to A-team now that SigBird aren't taking up space.

>> No.48273356
File: 140 KB, 1240x881, sigbird01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Sigrid moment

>> No.48273385
File: 247 KB, 949x905, E4Tl4jMUYAIjGIz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part-time hero's doing the usual late-night karaoke

>> No.48273403
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 1682204494241127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God it feels so good that people believe me when I say that I don't go to 4chan despite anonymously posting in this thread for the last 2 years now

>> No.48273534

Much better numbers actually

>> No.48273541

very cool kongou

>> No.48273580

this is a complexly layered bait but unfortunately for you my oshi is streaming right now so you can't be her and she's still not /here/

>> No.48273602

GirlsFC is more of just a collab list, not a actual management group like MSM is. For instance Geega is on the GirlsFC but is part of MSM, in fact Geega was the one that advised SigBird to go with the chat mob policing with emotes idea through their private MSM discord

>> No.48273654

Imagine thinking people should take pride on still using this shithole that's barely a husk of what it used to be

>> No.48273840

nta but she keep saying "imagine using this site in 2k23 xd" when she at the very least lurks this thread

>> No.48273909
File: 5 KB, 232x52, sigbird02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigrid on her own right now at peak is getting about 170-195 viewers and by the time the game starts it'll most likely be down to 150 or less unless she gets raided by a bigger stream.

>> No.48273923

Just mentioned them as a general group of liggers instead of mentioning a bunch of streamers on a similar CCV range but the point mostly still stands about how management doesn't seem to be benefitting MSM in any noticeable way

>> No.48274121

MSM worries me because it could quickly become a monopoly in western indie vtubing, and become the sole factor in who makes it and who doesn't

>> No.48274151

microsoft messenger?

>> No.48274305

>Haha yeah of course I use le fune site in this day and year! I love how dead /wvt/ is and I always have a hearty chuckle with the schizos. My favorite part is how OC is pretty much nonexistant there nowadays! Remember guys, never forgive and never forget!
Is that the kind of response that would satisfy you or what

>> No.48274375

Yeah Seth seems ambitious and so do their biggest members to make the thing go from a simple indie group to full corpo
'Mad Science Media' talent

>> No.48274458
File: 26 KB, 289x239, FuxdCT0aMAEhggL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purple girl live again btw

>> No.48274468

To me it seems more like he just sweet talked his way into making them think they need him

>> No.48274628

Seth can beat mythic if he plays his cards right

>> No.48274670

nice day of viewing, but it would've been nicer with some viewer friends...

>> No.48274765

I am once again asking how to be less nasally without doing a lower voice.

>> No.48274822

How many of those are actually watching?

>> No.48274846

EQ it out

>> No.48274850


>> No.48274958

My rule for viewers is to take the number, divide in half to get true viewing numbers and then divide that number by four for how many are actually viewing or using chat

>> No.48274967

>do hand thing
>all breath is from my mouth
>still sound how I do
it's over bros...

>> No.48275044

letania... we like your voice...

>> No.48275066

Next you'll tell me that South Side should have collabed with Reda lol. Say what you like about Sigbird but their streams are actually good.

>> No.48275111

You may have a deviated septum or some other nasal problem that affects your voice, but the best thing to do really is to love the voice you have and do everything you can to make it the best version of itself instead of changing it

>> No.48275167

I'm serious about the EQ, there's a range of frequencies where the nasal sounds reside, you can lower it a bit with a band

>> No.48275338

It doesn't mean they have to force collabs with everyone, but there was obvious preferential treatment only to have two of them ditch the group.

>> No.48275421

what if there was a schizo offset of /wvt/, kind of like /choc/ but to discuss schizo girls instead of brown girls?

>> No.48275457

nta but I realized I suffer from self-inflicted vocal fry. that’s out of style and considered annoying now, isn’t it?

>> No.48275494

I'll give it to you that Sigbird's streams are still good for the most part. They've been declining in quality since the big collab at the end of last year though in part because they quit collabing with vtubers who are really good with improv

>> No.48275532

If you're male, yes.
If you're female, just get a goth avatar and you will be showered in porn.

>> No.48276057

I was going to ask for a schizo girls list, but that's pretty much every female vtuber

>> No.48276487

>someone says something with the purpose to annoy you and make you mad on purpose
>get annoyed and mad then screech at them and demand they get the shit banned out of them for saying things that make you mad and angry
Congrats, you're playing yourself right into the retard's hand and that's why they'll never stop doing it. Instead of just ignoring it and acting like the person doesn't even exist, you give in to it and further encourage them to keep up with that behavior.

>> No.48276545

kys koopa you NTR lover

>> No.48276563


>> No.48276649

Are these chubba discord servers always such huge hugboxses filled with simps and YESmen?

>> No.48276757

Men being men
4chan isn't that different

>> No.48276858

I try not to be overly sweet and condescending, but yes. I want her to like me. Unless it's something important I won't be too confrontational about it.

>> No.48277025
File: 44 KB, 922x638, FeZHh6QaUAABxf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christian call of duty fujoshi's on tonight! she didn't out what she's doing in the stream title again so i'll checkin in later with an update

>> No.48277048

Women aren't going to like a man who agrees with everything the says... Especially if you agree just for the sake of getting on her good graces. They have some kind of sense which is able to make them smell out bullshit like that on an instant. They won't outright say anything about it, just let you do your thing but in the long run she'll just lose respect since you're more obsessed with getting her to like you than doing your own thing.

I know you want to get her attention and make her be interested in you but that's not going to happen unless she takes the initiative first so to say. Unless there's something about you in general that she likes at first glance which makes her WANT to talk to you, no amount of being around her is going to change anything.

>> No.48277089

What did you expect?

>> No.48277097
File: 1.54 MB, 1258x706, dnu607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

house arrest magical girl's on with more misadventures of tron bonne!

>> No.48277175

female, no goth model. don’t think I can pull that off, even with vocal fry.
good idea for a future costume swap, though. thanks.

>> No.48277228
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 1682658345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am become oshihen, the destroyer of promises.

>> No.48277304
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>> No.48277339

Ok Cadence

>> No.48277347

I feel it's a bit different; I'm not overly nice to the chuubas I like because I want them to like me, I'm nice because I like them and they aren't doing anything bad enough for me to feel any reason to act confrontational.

>> No.48277350

I know, but I'm not really trying to make her like me, mostly just trying not to give her a reason to hate me. I'm already on thin ice because she suspects I'm a schizo, telling her what I think she should be doing isn't going to do any good. Telling her she's behaving immaturely...
At the end of the day she will do what she wants and telling people what to do usually has the opposite effect.

>Unless there's something about you in general that she likes at first glance which makes her WANT to talk to you, no amount of being around her is going to change anything.
I'm a male viewer. She tolerates me.

>> No.48277550

the father? me. the child? also me. the mother? sure why not, it's all me.

>> No.48277571

i wish this upon grape

>> No.48277721

No pregnant, only breed

>> No.48277731

You haven't really lived until you've experienced the joy of parenthood

>> No.48277810

go to hell Vestox

>> No.48277868

/wvt/ died with the backoffice

>> No.48277880

genghis khan entered thread

>> No.48277951

GK is the father figure I never had

>> No.48278017
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>some fat rapist chink is his father figure

>> No.48278227
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chuuba delivery time

zelda ocarina of time 3DS version! (no spoilers, no hints unless asked please)

i promsied dp, you get dp | !merch !supps !discord !music

thursday | !discord !dono !lurk !throne| christian vtuber

[Minecraft]Mansion Renovation in Progress + LEGAL UPDATE!taxes !throne !twitter !yt !Discord

mecha fri-yay!!

[Gaspar, I'm Grimmi's brother] I'm playing Persona 5 {No Spoilers}

(I have a fever please be patient) Happy BERRTHDAY, Mister Mook... (Birthday Hangout)

Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army :: !commands !poll !ra


[PC - OPEN LOBBY] Carry me through base MHR! !join !pos !leave !list

[DROPS] Guerilla stream! Time to GRIND!! !throne !rogue

good girls go into the torture chamber | !discord | !throne | !twitter

Continuing RE4! HELP ME LEON!!

PRINCESS I WILL PROTECT THEE | !social !merch !supps

CLICK IF YOU HAVE BIG PP | !socials !coffee !7tv

>> No.48278341
File: 181 KB, 1451x2048, FuvLuLXakAIzYBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been working on that kemo model?

>> No.48278347

Really sigrid? And you are against NSFW art.

>> No.48278391

I am certain I am renting a room in my oshis mind and my head feels mushy with happy feelings because of it. I hope I can keep paying rent by doing what I can to help them. I hope one day tons of people will love them as much as I do.

>> No.48278407

I thought Sigrid promoted NSFW art? Last year she was talking about how she liked to "see her body drawn in multiple ways". Was this part of their big announcement stream last week?

>> No.48278472
File: 423 KB, 1335x1680, 1682233740195106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her stummy hurts

>> No.48278474

they got a nsfw art tag but they don't advertise it, only made it cause "you can't stop the horny"

>> No.48278475
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this game makes me SICK (MOTION) || 18+ || !discord !throne !tip

Sussy fluffy dragon playing Demonologist with @Nihmune, @Yuzu and Sykkuno| !merch | !twitter | !collab

Angevin sleepy map painting time | VHard


Covid Vaccine kicking my ass in the QRTs l !throne !tts

One of the Streams of All Time | Sick Stream Maybe | !menu

Its the time of the night where I sing! !sl for songlist

whaling in honkai (frfr) and then ring fit!! !merch

・゚: * re-rolling and gacha pulls!? pain ensues!! *:・゚ [DROPS ENABLED] !drops

Etrian Odyssey IV and cooking talk

who let a hog draw this picture

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days - (cw - handcam motion sickness, very violent)


CLICK HERE FOR CUTE FOXXO - !socials | !gamersupps | !merch | !tts


Mozzu short: Gyaru voice

Lapin short: mmm monki

>> No.48278567
File: 99 KB, 432x388, eiraSneep2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48278577

Sloth scammed three dildos

>> No.48278592
File: 554 KB, 573x1001, 1658521888475873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48278627

>Sloth scammed three dildos
Her entire vtubing career was funded for by her chat.

>> No.48278667

never forget, never forgive.
3 dildos for free.
no payment.

>> No.48278684


>> No.48278695

Shes trying to bait viewers to fund a new toy for her now in the porn thread

>> No.48278704

what the fuck

>> No.48278776

Why is it so sad and gross when Sloth tries to be horny?

>> No.48278910

made me check asshole. it's still just the same handful of gay ERPers doing their thing.

>> No.48278917

She doesn't have the voice or confidence for it

Also you can tell she doesn't like doing it and only wants to do it for the money, so its just like a cheap whore in the streets

>> No.48279016

She has no sex appeal but twice the desperation so it makes everyone uncomfortable. It's like watching a single mother whore herself out reluctantly to feed her 10 kids

>> No.48279117

It's funny that Mako tweets the same things but it's considered cute or sexy that she's embarassed.

>> No.48279258

Mako is an otherwise confident self-made woman that can take care of herself just fine. Sloth can't do anything on her own even with financial help.

>> No.48279270

It's because Viewercord hates Sloth

>> No.48279277

Which part of "sloth has no sex appeal" don't you get?

>> No.48279326

Mako is old. Sloth is a disabled girl. They are a decade apart in age.

>> No.48279341
File: 11 KB, 483x381, IMG_0637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morning in potatoland
>random unsolicited opinions about Miyu and Sigrid start dropping
Really makes you think...

>> No.48279385

Where is potatoland? Finland?

>> No.48279410

That bitch has no rizz and collapses at the slightest bit of flirting

>> No.48279549

Nothing sigrid said here was wrong tho

>> No.48279713

What part of otherwise confident couldn't you grasp

>> No.48279753

Give one example of her being actually confident

>> No.48279844

i hope i can make vtuber friends one day and be part of a vtuber group
or maybe vtubing will die before then

>> No.48279871

The topics she discusses on stream. She carries herself like a knowledgeable teacher.

>> No.48280455

I'm glad my boy got out of there when he did. The discord went to shit after he left and I don't think he could have saved it.

>> No.48281002

why do goblins always sing like angels

>> No.48281240


>> No.48281416

Anyone else cut back on schizo/menhera posts after finding an oshi? I think about her possibly reading my posts and being disappointed and I feel sad

>> No.48281665

After getting to know a handful of vtubers on a personal level, they're schizos too don't worry about it.

>> No.48281683

I get noticed by everyone just not by my oshi

>> No.48281715

this is what i count on
still hands are the devil's playground, so the best thing this thread can do is to give those hands an oshi to make OC or clip for

>> No.48281758

I only schizo post here, I let out all my schizo thoughts here so I don't show chuubas that side of me

>> No.48281885

>Ever hiding she goes here

>> No.48281969
File: 932 KB, 870x736, tengu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prone bone the bull

>> No.48282060

Keep that talk in the trash thread.

>> No.48282238

You can tell somebody has never had sex in their life when they use the term prone bone

>> No.48282266
File: 54 KB, 438x471, tenguuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how this is any worse than the slutty koragi and boymouse posts

>> No.48282301

I feel guilty about posting my art and music that I know are not good. I feel like I'm flooding the Internet with more garbage and making it worse.
Can someone please help me not feel that way?

>> No.48282342

why, some girls love prone bone, even if they don't call it that

>> No.48282354

Because you are distinctly creepier

>> No.48282405

It's the fixation on that one position as if they just learned the term yesterday and are trying to flex their sexual knowledge like it's a big word they just learned and are trying to impress people

>> No.48282429

Ate chinese food for the first time in months and now I'm blowing out my insides. It's over for me bros.

>> No.48282463


If he made it, so can you

>> No.48282493

>Can someone please help me not feel that way?
a lot of artists feel that way and more often than not the ones that don't are obnoxiously narcissistic instead.

>> No.48282506
File: 10 KB, 377x414, holy shit two cakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it anyway. Remember the cake philosophy.

>> No.48282519

What do you think of viewers that always want to be the top gifter in your channel

>> No.48282551
File: 2.03 MB, 2047x1447, 1667359960751421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me saffas

>> No.48282552

I envy the man who can eat two cakes.

>> No.48282587

are you supposed to tell the streamer when you're leaving for work/sleep; I know some people like to know when their viewers are coming and going but it feels kinda selfish to draw attention like that just to say I'm not even gonna be here in two minutes.

>> No.48282629

Did anyone clip the yawns? Or timestamp?

>> No.48282632

This is why viewers are chads

>> No.48282663

Based 2cake chad

>> No.48283187

People love journeys of improvement. Besides, there aren't a lot of people making music for their oshis

>> No.48283211
File: 184 KB, 818x768, 563y8v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baeg's playing pikmin 3 deluxe

>> No.48283333
File: 62 KB, 1920x1364, FuJda9WaQAALv39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corpse is listening to xenoblade music with chat for a bit tonight!

>> No.48283495

So how does have the time and money to stream so much?

>> No.48283567

she has apparently made enough money from her job to coast off without it for the rest of the year

>> No.48283637


>> No.48283895

And just stream to the same tiny community while muted for the rest of their life?

>> No.48283994

Corpse SUCKS

>> No.48284270

Attenboro, thanks for staying despite all the hate your oshi gets here. I appreciate you supporting my oshi too.

>> No.48284945

what is numbers even doing at this time of night

>> No.48285066

ded thred

>> No.48285105

post cunny?

>> No.48285314
File: 1.36 MB, 2894x4093, Fushu8HXwAAvzfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife

>> No.48285362

have you figured out why you think the design is sex wifeposter

>> No.48285446

it is because it looks like rin wasabi (vers. space invader)

>> No.48285484

flat chest erotic

>> No.48285565

Attenboro oshi is Eira

>> No.48285599

It make my booty pop

>> No.48285694

the past 4 posts has been me alone

>> No.48285716
File: 1.23 MB, 2959x3863, Fuoh9kJWcAEMzJm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mommy longlegs

>> No.48285741

I made this post.

>> No.48285756

It is hard to call someone mommy if they're financially unstable. Sry anon.

>> No.48285758

I also made this post.

>> No.48285764

Fine I'm going to read from the top and reply to any posts that pique my interests

>> No.48285800

could you take it easy though? I don't wanna ritualpost again before I get home from work.

>> No.48285853

3dbro if your here make leta chest concave it needs to be absolutely fat this is crucial

>> No.48285874
File: 380 KB, 1080x1969, 1682672010467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't pretend to be me poser

>> No.48285908

all me

>> No.48286021

200 hours in gimp

>> No.48286050

link to sloth fansly?

>> No.48286519

ded thred

>> No.48286582

Do you guys think Herahera-chan could beat Baki Hanma in a fight? Would it at least be entertaining?

>> No.48286713

sorry idk who that is and idc

>> No.48286811

Hanma Baki is the kid from the Baki manga series and he's really strong and good at fighting

>> No.48287214

my guess it's an /asp/ie

>> No.48287333

i only watch good aspies like hespera

>> No.48287469
File: 178 KB, 908x1448, 5DDF7C06-82D7-4802-868E-5D1E898A8594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man if you think im awake before 7am you have another thing coming to you

>> No.48287536
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>> No.48287625
File: 126 KB, 372x327, Kuusmoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue wife love! Blue wife sick! Blue wife still stream!

>> No.48288120

should lapin do nsfw asmr

>> No.48288197

she definitely lurks because she's acted on things posted in the thread

>> No.48288491

she was sneezing a lot last night so I guess it wasn't allergies after all..

>> No.48288560

Prolly the stress is getting to her

>> No.48289003

Yeah that's probably most likely the case

>> No.48289010

Did you ever fight with your oshi and made amends later?

>> No.48289029

Sorry, we forgot to take a shower after the passionate sweaty sex we had last night

>> No.48289055

3 times already

>> No.48289074

take better care of her sex anon

>> No.48289173

She should do a collab with Letania and Catie. Scandi unity

>> No.48289270

No. I'm a simp, not a pushover.

>> No.48289492

They all have funny accents so I wonder if anyone would understand anything

>> No.48289496

Yes. Numerous times. But it's always in my own head so I didn't sorrow her opinion of me yet

>> No.48289588

How do I make my oshi who adores me hate me? I want out but I'm in too deep and don't want to pull the trigger myself.

>> No.48289860

I don't know what happened to me but i have started preferring that over the toxicity that is common here

>> No.48290236

>people that will lick the chuubas ass, but do want to contribute to their chuubas community and make OC
>people that will schizo, falseflag, and anti everything for shits and giggles
This mongolian basket weaving forum is fun a lot of the time, but it's known that everything here is just trolling in the best of cases. Productive discussion is a side effect.

>> No.48290412
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Nova Karaoke

>> No.48290926 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 500x500, nyoclue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wasn't me
I just lurk here once in a blue moon

>> No.48291066


she's so cute bros.........

>> No.48291128

hate her schizos

>> No.48291200

I'm nothing but a used goods viewer...

>> No.48291239

Women are manipulative.

>> No.48291524

Yeah. Mother Nature made them so to survive in this mysoginist world. We have no one else to blame but ourale ancestors. Fuck em!

>> No.48291711

That's why you literally exist rn

>> No.48291963

yes and no. she quit streaming 1 month later and I still wonder if it was because of me

>> No.48292052

Scandinavians are inherently autistic and funny when observed. Just avoid befriending then.

>> No.48292541

To make amends both sides have to be willing

>> No.48292672

Concave...? Why?

>> No.48292929
File: 1.55 MB, 1631x870, 1675005930196598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been a couple hours. chuuba delivery.

good girls go into the torture chamber | !discord | !throne | !twitter


・[Fright-day] based on (REAL) stories・


(Glass Cannon Randomizer) No Sleep=Top Tier Gameplay

I got my Forklift license today! I’m working on my spoon and knife lift next week| !model

TIME TO BE A JEDI ! | !merch !wishlist !GG !VIISYN


one cheek clapping !nobackseating !discord

Get your late night platforming in, or else



Do Androids Dream of Love?

Seeing my waifu Kafka… Again


>> No.48293068
File: 1.57 MB, 1637x872, 1661404561783410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ENVtuber] <Insert Title Here>| !socials !commission

[DROPS] 48HR STREAM PRIMO/WELKIN GIVEAWAY LATER | !giveaway !TTS | !Genshin | !GG | !Daki | !Wishlist

【JP/EN】We are back here again #3!profile

[EN/JP] live 3DIO ASMR~ a mimir.... come say hi~ :3 how was your week? im zzzz....!discord !throne

art art fart nite || 18+ || !discord !throne !tip

Betrayal at Krondor (1993, DOS) Hoo boy these sewers sure are scenic

Angevin sleepy map painting time | VHard

i cant believe im seeing u here.... its fate...

first playthrough continues no spoilies please! :D (lurkers welcome )

Neet dog brother starting out bdo woof! !throne !tips !discord // 18+

[DROPS] Himeko pity then my RNG retired | Asia Server

Doodles to End Stream

DROPS Honkai: Star Rail! | !merch !discord

POOPOOPEEPEE !socials !wishlist

Dying Light Finale?

nuffin on youtube...

>> No.48294029
File: 3 KB, 32x34, Vampire love!!!_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48294176
File: 998 KB, 853x1346, 1676446933851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might have commited oshihen without even noticing

>> No.48294300

4 times.

>> No.48294322
File: 327 KB, 1131x1600, 1666329939777092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just follow your heart

>> No.48294662

I avoided that and chose to have two oshis instead

>> No.48294828

Unless your oshi is an actual idol, oshihen now.

>> No.48294857
File: 122 KB, 625x600, today i offer u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seep has gift for u

>> No.48294871

I hope he meant convex and forgot which is which. Still a weird word to describe breast shape.

>> No.48295047
File: 304 KB, 648x583, yubi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mystery posting has zero downsides

>> No.48295106

oh no

>> No.48295113

So small…

>> No.48295261

So how long until one of the McElroys becomes a vtuber?

>> No.48295275
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>> No.48295328

whatever you say Nina

>> No.48295559
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>> No.48295573
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good news, everyone!

>> No.48295601


>> No.48295620

I want to be the predator for once

>> No.48295631

did you mean hololive Myth?

>> No.48295637

I'm going to start reporting her again.

>> No.48295662
File: 3.14 MB, 268x268, MOSHED-2023-3-26-10-27-13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48295756

the new twitch streamer group with all the liggers and exists for no reason

>> No.48295791

She's just like me

>> No.48295810

why did she get banned in the first place

>> No.48295852

irony poisoned racist joke

>> No.48295859

I think she had a gamersagainstwhites tag and got a 14 day suspension, then sent the mods a pic of her pale-ass hand and they reduced it by half.

>> No.48295897

please do

>> No.48295958

The classic vacation from twitch and being showered in gift subs when she returns, it's all so tiresome

>> No.48296005

why would you dislike gift subs

>> No.48296035

her pale chubby fists

>> No.48296041

does this somehow affect you negatively?

>> No.48296053

Getting banned from telling an edgy joke is a well known grift. You get the attention you're desperate for and you're showered in giftsubs upon your return. This is also why Pippa is labled a grifter fyi.

>> No.48296064

Awkward conversation for me but how do I explain to my fans that I couldn't pay my rent and I now live in the back of a truck? I don't want them to feel scared for me, I'm fine. Certainly beats being fully homeless.
Unrelated but does anyone have any advice on how to soundproof the walls? Preferably a very cheap method or diy, I have endless amounts of wooden pallets and cardboard. If I speak too loudly people outside can hear what I say, it's stressing me out.

>> No.48296095

What's the grift exactly? Do they need to show you their "actually edgy" license?

>> No.48296104

I think you have bigger problems to worry about than trying to stream...

>> No.48296120

Be honest and up front about it

>> No.48296129

You don't have a stable job? No friends or family to go back to? How much was your rent?

>> No.48296151

Oops! Don't clip that! : said the chuuba that deliberately wanted it to be clipped

>> No.48296152

Pippa is a legit grifter though, she'll through her fans under the bus if she fucks up like with the harry potter shit. Moriko is just an irony poisoned edgelord

>> No.48296195

I don't like to throw around the word "jealousy", but they sound like a bitter jealous crab to me.

>> No.48296220

It's one of the tried and true ways to grow that works from freshly partnered all the way up to to steamers like Silvervale. Just manufacture some dreams and act the victim and you'll incline hard.

>> No.48296257

Its okay when bat does it cause she got a vagina

>> No.48296270
File: 116 KB, 1032x1200, christmastone_cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love kairi ecotone like you wouldn't believe

>> No.48296272

Good job on learning the basic structure of facetious humor, anon.

>> No.48296391

What if you don't have to tell things about your irl life to your viewers? As a vtuber you can keep your vtubing life as detached from reality as you want

>> No.48296507

yes, when will you learn this?

>> No.48296506

They did say fat so hopefully yeah
The smallest

>> No.48296549

You just hate her cause she said the N word. Stop being so petty

>> No.48296601

I already know retard

I've always hated that schizo. Everything about her pisses me off

>> No.48296694
File: 122 KB, 500x500, 1677949512507100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do you get this mad at an anime girl
she's just a little nerd. you could pick her up and throw her against the wall but instead you let her get into your head. lmao.

>> No.48296800

You're her mod so you're biased.

Come back when she unmods you

>> No.48296829
File: 182 KB, 327x316, 1677598725868771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the raging bat anti is an ex-mod

>> No.48296835

I do have friends and family but none of them have the space for me, most live in absolutely tiny apartments. They still help me in other ways like for washing myself and my clothes. My rent was very expensive, even by my city standards. I couldn't find a new place to live in because of some relatively recent anti-landlord laws. I can't afford to buy a place and everywhere I looked was way too expensive. I don't have a stable job but I get paid more online than I would by actually working anyway.
I guess I should.
I kinda have to. I need to explain why things are going to be a bit different from now on.

>> No.48296873

I never even followed her, I just know your her retarded mod that posted a mod link to her channel that one time

>> No.48296880

pick her up and throw her against the wall and rape her while beating her. that's what a bat deserves.

>> No.48296896

I watch a bit of bat, she's not really far out there.

>> No.48296925

Minor spelling mistake. I win.

>> No.48296939
File: 142 KB, 420x420, 1652044180358402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing buddy

>> No.48296991

>gnome in 2023
okay le redditor

This is the typical bat viewer btw, just look at him.

>> No.48296998

>I hate [x] she's such a schizo
>starts inventing all kinds of conspiracy theories about anyone replying to him

>> No.48297067
File: 185 KB, 470x332, wifey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sick wife live

>> No.48297165

Is it a conspiracy when there is a known bat mod that posts here all the time? I guess you missed the time when that idiot posted a mod link to her channel

>> No.48297204

>Grimmy joined msm
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about this group. One of the anons in this thread also seemed like a shill.

>> No.48297225

are those "mods" in the room with us right now?

>> No.48297292

Stop being a retard maybe

>> No.48297383

I wonder what kind of deal they offer that a lot are joining up?

>> No.48297646

How do you end up in a situation like this? Male? American? Third worlder? Why did you live in an expensive place so long instead of saving some of that money for times like this?

>> No.48297694

Is she smart enough to ask for anything? Many are not

>> No.48297825

Get a real job and stop streaming

>> No.48297902

It's probably Odette

>> No.48297955

A fool and his money are soon parted. Look at Adrian.

>> No.48298063

How would it be different from the viewers perspective? It would only be obvious if you are a cam streamer but as a vtuber you could stream in a cave and no one would know if you don't tell

>> No.48298283
File: 440 KB, 622x692, 1jrc1j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolita fashion eggy's training her braincells with Q Remastered!

>> No.48298490
File: 306 KB, 1500x1912, aum0vxw951z41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate adrian, he lives life the way he wants to and he's a romantic at heart.
You could say that I envy him and his freedom, even if he's a psycho pedophilic whale. At least he's not pretending.

>> No.48298659

trying to bribe multiple people into having sex with him doesn't make him a "romantic at heart", tf are you smoking

>> No.48298698

cringe larp

>> No.48298859
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>> No.48298947
File: 258 KB, 1077x505, 1659599325515272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stream is fucking great
>aren't girls cuter when they are almost retarded?

>> No.48299068

send pipo questions

>> No.48299078

Just weed, ¿quieres?

>> No.48299233

Could definitely bench press her

>> No.48299253


>> No.48299304

Feel vindicated ignoring grimmi now, this and the arthur shit are huge red flags

>> No.48299362

Anyone down to cuddle?

>> No.48299392

Only if our dicks kiss

>> No.48299464

I wanna frot with a viewer while we watch our oshi

>> No.48299488

It doesn't feel good knowing that all the girls I like have had several boyfriends already.
I think I'll stick to my bodypillow.

>> No.48299489

>Trying to watch a stream
>8 ad break
>One of the ads freeze and the timer won't go down
>8 ad break starts over

>> No.48299502

Her audience deserves to get grifted. These are the “people” who acted like they were above cringy boycotts with hogwarts legacy when less than two months later they held a national chimp out over a tranny holding a can of bud lite for 2 seconds on screen

Every dollar pippa takes from those losers is based

>> No.48299511

I fapped with fellow viewers before. It felt really good cumming together to our oshi

>> No.48299718

I want my viewers to slowly and passionately jerk each other off while they watch me...

>> No.48299724

I'm not amerucan I literally don't care, also bud light was always for homos

>> No.48299750

buffpup got that kemono model some anon keeps demanding

>> No.48299773

I need to know who so I find someone

>> No.48299849

Beatani forced dads to do this

>> No.48299888

I remember this.

>> No.48299900

I will now watch yo- oh. :(

>> No.48300099

ok, rebel

>> No.48300200

Not wanting to watch 16 ads is Rebel behavior now?

>> No.48300233

It's amusing to me how all the chuubas hanabi goslings for end up graduating

>> No.48300259

He only grooms 2 views

>> No.48300409

>2 seconds
