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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47746396 No.47746396 [Reply] [Original]

>how do I get more viewers?
>just stream lol
Does this actually work?

>> No.47746435

it's not the only thing you have to do but it certainly helps

>> No.47746491
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Consistency is good.

>> No.47746504

well if you don't stream you won't get any viewers at all so kinda

>> No.47746569

Doesn't randomly summon 1k people but it's pretty hard to find someone who is never online

>> No.47746589

It does, yes. People want streamers who stream consistently.

>> No.47746676

Don't believe other retards. You can not stream and still get like 4mils in a just few years it's easy.

>> No.47746712

Make a clip of yourself saying nigga and hope for the youtube algorithm to start pushing it. It's smooth sailing from there on.

>> No.47746727

Network, collab, stream. You need eyes on you and that is the hardest part.

>> No.47746734
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Yes and no. Streaming consistently makes your viewers stay wtih you. But to get more viewers, you need to break out of your algorithm bubble. Upload daily shorts, clips, etc. Interact with people, network, collab. Make new, original content, chase clout. Build a fanbase.
If you don't do that, you'll end up like Ruuko, who's been streaming consistently since 2019 and she still is a 2view with 19 viewers.

>> No.47746803

I hate networking. It's literally just shameless leeching.

>> No.47746814

Unironically clout chase and be ever increasingly entertaining.

>> No.47746884

I don't like it either, so I don't do it. But I also don't complain about not having enough viewers. You really will get more viewers so long as you have some clips and VODs for people to watch and maintain a social media presence outside of your streaming platform of choice.

>> No.47746891

It becomes less leeching if you get in the good graces of people in higher positions and they enjoy your company.

>> No.47746893

my chuuba streamed everyday for 6 years, no, it doesn't work

>> No.47746925

I hate to break it to you, but your parents must've sucked at giving you life advice.
Networking and nepotism are the only way of achieving anything in life. You simply cannot do that without it. Look at any person of success - they never reached it alone, they were always boosted by others. Every high-level manager, board director, etc. Even if you're some kind of prodigy, you won't achieve anything if you don't network. Sorry, man.

>> No.47746965
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just grind bro

>> No.47746980

who's that?

>> No.47747007


>> No.47747041

The grind was the least important factor of her growth.

>> No.47747087

i know

>> No.47747096

Well, if you don't stream you ain't gonna grow that for sure, the grind is very much real during the first years and even if you have a blue triangle buff you can fuck it up if you don't stream, see how council failed and one of the main reasons is their lack and irregular stream schedule.

>> No.47747191

Show your feet

>> No.47747352

You need to stream and you need people to know that you exist so they can watch you when you're streaming.
Schedule, network, stream.

>> No.47747495

Partially yes. But you also have to be a likeable human being and not a dramawhore chasing grifter

>> No.47747539

>>just stream lol
>Does this actually work?

>looks at tempus2
kek no

>> No.47747571

Being a likeable human being is the most important part of all of this. Nothing's gonna get off the ground if you aren't likeable.

>> No.47748403

It doesn't.
Rarely do I ever get even a single chat message.
I don't think I'm that boring either. I read out ingame stuff, I talk with chat when there is chat, discuss things, etc.

>> No.47748494

no one wants to listen to some soft-spoken faggots

>> No.47748529

How long have you been streaming? Do you advertise anywhere?

>> No.47748784
File: 222 KB, 1774x1826, Haterape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being entertaining > voice >model>powergap>everything else
Nobody watches a vtuber just for a jpeg. If you are entertaining your fans will watch you even if you stream the most boring shit imaginable
Networking is important yes but only if you arent a fucking retard about it. Trying to shoehorn yourself into communities pretending to be a regular shilling yourself is one of the worst ways to do it and will get you more antis than viewers and if you have a mod that does this Id suggest you get rid of him right away
Dramabaiting for clips and being a twitter followerwhore will get you likes but not viewers. Dramafaggots and the wokefaggots do not give a shit about your stream
Abusing algorithms and bandwagoning does the same. Unless you are entertaining they will instantly leave
And obviously, good content but that falls under the being entertaining. Theres only as mych genshit impact that people can take

>> No.47749721
File: 48 KB, 594x333, numberfaging is a plague.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>streaming for years
>still a bottom 2view
What do you do at that point?

>> No.47749997

Post your channel and I'll tell you what your problems are

>> No.47750255

If you're a m*le you'll never make it. This is the truth. Everyone here will agree with me.

>> No.47750314

If advertising worked, all of those shitty AAA games that sucked would have been popular. If having a brand worked then all the franchises that have fallen to the wayside would still be around.
If streaming consistently worked, then there would be no 2views.
First problem is the platforms. Both YouTube and Twitch aren't very popular for being great sites. There goes a large part of your audience.
On top of that, you're at the mercy of some shitty computer algo.
You know, in the writing world a lot of authors notice the books that sell the best are from famous people and presidents. As a Vtuber you're mostly anonymous. So in conclusion my answer is that if their computer systems say fuck you then you're fucked. If you can afford it, start a video hosting site like Rooster teeth, Cinemassacre and That Guy With The Glasses did before the big youtubening. That way you're not relying solely on some shitty computer. You can still stream to streaming sites obviously.

>> No.47750355
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>get more viewers

>> No.47750380

Streaming content people want to watch on a consistent schedule works. I jumped from streaming to just two of my close friends to a whole 8 people in just a month by streaming art 3x a week. By time I hit 6 months I was streaming to an average of 24 and I am a literal nobody streaming on youtube with a fucking vroid.

>> No.47750409

It does work, but you need to be in other streamers chats to really incline. Make friends, network, shit like that

>> No.47750425

consistency and making content thats worth checking out helps

>> No.47750445

I've been streaming on and off for 5 years. I don't advertise my streams outside of Discord and an automatic Tweet.

>> No.47750467

Males can make it if they have a generic ikemen model and sex voice

>> No.47750485

problem isnt exactly how long they stream its that most of the stuff they stream is boring and not worth watching. theres a reason the clown is the only popular one (and even he's been reclining) and the hispanic when he's singing.

>> No.47750506

LOL. Spoken like somebody with no social skills or talent. Probably a healthy dose of self-loathing too.

>> No.47750753

Nigger I'd kill to be even a 2view.

>> No.47750883

shill yourself where you can
twitter and /here/ are good places to start, reddit is 50/50

>> No.47751032

Just grind

>> No.47751050

That'd be good content.

>> No.47752948


>> No.47753235

Consistency is important but luck plays a huge factor to.
There's also the fear of pigeonholing yourself without realizing it, friend of mine has been on the grind for years, never got more than 1 or 2 viewers, recently his views took off a bit more, a steady 20 too 30, now hes back to one view and doesn't get why.

>> No.47753453

And that's why the modern day job system stuff sucks. There's literally no honest ranking system that would let people know your actual value like in a gamr... it was supposed to be the HR's job but it's common knowledge that those guys are the laziest and corrupt retards as well. This and all the other corruption taking place and they're wondering why things are going to shit on all sides, who would've thought of such an unexpected outcome.

>> No.47753609

It's always been like this, since the dawn of time.

>> No.47755039

I think it's about filling a niche. Honestly for a male vtuber you may as well try out educational content. That RealLifeLore guy gets millions of views for reading off a chatGPT script, so it can't be too difficult .
Just do something for which there is a demand for, yet has few people doing it.
