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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.16 MB, 1000x1288, Selen_Tatsuki_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47620992 No.47620992 [Reply] [Original]

>be woman
>be bad at video games
Many such cases

>> No.47621164

that's why I watch male vtubers only for kino high level gameplay

>> No.47621273

>bad at video games
>top 500 in apex

>> No.47621379
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>> No.47621386

>top 500 in apex
Ages ago carried by males

>> No.47621529


>> No.47621870

>Boosted bitch

>> No.47621947

Women are just inferior to men.
There isn't a single person who can name 5 things that women are better than men at.

>> No.47622148


>> No.47622475


>> No.47622484

1. gossiping
2. being annoying
3. giving birth
4. being sexy
5. being irrational

>> No.47622591

>better than men at
>giving birth

>> No.47622623
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Yes. And grass is green

>> No.47622707

Tookda Towenty..

>> No.47622736

yeah in the same way a bird is better at flying than a human

>> No.47623051

>57th out of 60 in Vsaikyo

>> No.47623061

>being cute
>being funny
>uh, being jackie chan?

>> No.47623164

she was held back by the shitters on her team

>> No.47623326


>> No.47623360

>she was held back by the plat player who finished in like 20th

>> No.47623486

>playing victim
>finding clitorises

>> No.47623534

>3. giving birth
Not in current year. Men are equally good at birthing

>> No.47623686

She wanted to duck the responsibility of being IGL but kept clashing with Axel's IGL because he was inexperienced... guess what retard, you should have realized that at the start and not put the pressure on him.

>> No.47623820

>game 4

>> No.47623955

So the guy who called her a boosted bitch was right?

>> No.47624087

>giving birth
If you disagree with any of these you're a troon or were abused by your mother. Women are good at being women (and nothing else).

>> No.47624121

Bro of course he was right. The only vtuber ive seen who got high rank in Apex playing solo was Aqua. Every other one plays with male friends who are better than her and carry.

>> No.47624429

1.some are good artists
2.some are good singers
5.whoring for money

>> No.47624568 [DELETED] 
File: 613 KB, 624x571, Grimace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she's a boosted bitch, that's why she go so triggered when they said that. She knows deep down it's true.

Luckily, her job doesn't require her to be good at games, however she's probably better than all of the Dragoons watching. Just playing and looking cute is enough for her fans, but she insists on getting raped in all of these gaypex tournaments and ends up a salty mess every time.

When will the daughter of Grimace learn? Pay game, collect tips, and if you really insist on doing tournaments, don't have a crap attack when you lose.

>> No.47624643

Such is fate.
Females always get destroyed in professional gaming

>> No.47624665

It's funny because Axel's response to her shitting on him was "donmai! ggs!". Axel is too good for this world.

>> No.47624748

now do single parenting and SIDS

>> No.47624809 [DELETED] 

Where's the guy that posts the list of Selen breakdowns every time she's mentioned in a thread?

>> No.47624823

The winner of the tournament was an all girls team. Selen just cracked and instead of reflecting on herself decided to blame Axel and wash her hands of it.

>> No.47624852

If a single father isn't molesting his kid he's probably raising it better than a single mother. It takes an exemplary woman to not shit the bed without a man to keep her in line.

>> No.47624933


>> No.47625273

Breakdown 1:
>playing Apex with bonbon, fun stream
>suddenly get messaged by Gorilla they're looking for another team for their tournament
>she agrees out of pride, although you can see her suddenly get really nervous
>the tournament happens, she gets completely shit on
>starts getting more and more anxious, the laughing stopped
>getting angry and frustrated with BonBon because he's a worse player than her, ordering him around and frustrated he doesn't listen
>has something of a mental breakdown, the mood completely changed, people watching are genuinely worried about her.

Breakdown 2:
>enters another tournament, gets teamed up with BonBon because they get along well in the past
>this time BonBon promises to follow her instructions
>get completely shit on again, can barely even kill a single person and get wiped every time
>once again, the mood goes cold
>no more laughing, quiet angst and brooding anger
>Bonbon wants to switch characters to his main, she gets extremely angry and they fight on stream
>by the end, stress levels are at maximum
>BonBon has a crying breakdown on stream, openly sobbing (blames it on kidney stones)
>Selen and Bonbon's relationship is permanently damaged

Breakdown 3:
>Challenges the other NijiEN girls to a "kill race", expecting to win easily
>they turn out to be much better players than she anticipated
>start racking up kills while she is getting wiped out instantly
>slowly dawns on her she's going to lose
>Finana sniping like a god, Elira proficiently wiping entire teams
>Selen suffers a complete mental breakdown, once again the laughing stops and she grows cold
>starts making excuses, Elira just chuckles a bit at her the whole time
>later Selen clipped the vod to remove the menhera rant, but it's still in Elira's vod

Breakdown 4:
>wants to play MGR to impress Pomu
>gamer girl can play on normal mode no problem right?
>she sucked, she sucked really bad
>couldn't even beat the tutorial miniboss
>chat is telling her she sucks, she goes menhera
>stops the game, plays every single tutorial while badmouthing chat
>viewers plummet and never bounce back
>somewhat recovers by the end of the stream, but still a painful experience
>says she won't play any more Metal Gear games cursing "backseaters"

Breakdown 5:
>collab with RPR and some other guy
>shitting the bed
>RPR and the other dude keep bantering about her choking
>Selen ends the collab early saying she doesn't feel well and can't perform

Someone needs to add this year's vsaikyo as breakdown 6

>> No.47625486

where can i watch #5

>> No.47625706


>> No.47625781


>> No.47625796 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 891x1200, MV5BODI4YWZhMjctZjA2MS00OTQyLTgxZTUtZTU0ODkyNDg4NjViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUxMjU3OQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.

>Breakdown 4
Did MGR really get her that mad? Didn't watch the vod because it was 10 hours long, now I know why. Sound funny as shit though.

>> No.47625827

It was this one, wasn't it?

>> No.47625907

The absolute state lmfao

>> No.47626266 [DELETED] 

you five are sad bullies do you feel good? how dare you post A list of bull shit, out of contest clip and a movie about butt fucking slaves you need to think before you post this

>> No.47626286
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All girls team won the entire thing btw.

>> No.47626324

Hi selen

>> No.47626394

the middle one is a male

>> No.47626420

>doesn't know the context behind Tariq Nasheed's seminal work.
Please go back to whatever discord server you crawled out of.

>> No.47626514

I'm a happy bully, and yes I feel good.

>> No.47626576

You can't be carried to top 500

>> No.47626652

Interesting cope, but that isn't Pakael.

>> No.47626675

Selen's living proof that's not true

>> No.47626726

Deron's a boy retard

>> No.47626733 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 270x400, ESL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol it's not our fault that the purple buck got broken. Tell her to stop playing tourney's if she can't take it when she loses.

>> No.47626825

No. You can't be carried to top 500.
Deal with it.

>> No.47626851

you can be the weakest link in your group, but you can't be carried. There's no conceivable way for 2 people to carry a dead weight to preds anon. She pulled her weight even it was the smallest of the 3.

>> No.47626932

She was worse than them.

>> No.47627111

Annnnnd you can totally prove that right? Again, interesting cope.

>> No.47627127

>but you can't be carried.

>> No.47627197
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Yes, she's legitimately a top 500 player but somehow also the 3rd worst player in vsaikyo lmao, behind absolute shitters like fucking Laplus (pic related btw)

>> No.47627311

Some smart people are shit test takers.
Selen just doesn't perform well in a competitive enviroment

>> No.47627445

Incredible cope

>> No.47627581
File: 14 KB, 199x39, reimu kills aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47627944

Holy shit, I've never liked Elira, but breakdown 3 makes her sound like a chad compared to Selen.

>> No.47628335

Elira is pretty mature and chill, and it comes through in pretty much everything she does. Selen has exactly one thing she's good at, and when she does bad in it her whole world comes crashing down.

>> No.47628348

Anyone got a timestamp for the menhera rant in breakdown 3?

>> No.47628524

so did this selen girl just debut and just casually drop, "Btw i was a 500 rank apex predator" and then proceeds to get shit on by literally everything? If she can't handle not having the skills to back it up when the time comes maybe don't mention it? Don't brag about it?

>> No.47628559

>so did this selen girl just debut and just casually drop, "Btw i was a 500 rank apex predator" and then proceeds to get shit on by literally everything?
Pretty much lmao

>> No.47629139

She did a solo to masters. The skill is there, but she doesn't do well in tourneys. At least she didn't get as mindbroken as Aqua.

>> No.47629402

I got to Plat3 in a week in 2021 despite not playing the game for a year and could do the same right now to Master if I had time to waste. Apex is the fps with the most flawed and exploitable ranked system in existence, you can reach Gold or even Plat by literally just afking entire game behind walls and get +80 points by final placement alone despite doing not a single damage the entire game. Reaching master only requires a placement above 10 and at least 2 or 3 kills every game, something anyone retard that played a couple of fps can achieve easily especially with good weapons and gamesense, the only difficult part is doing it each and every game which is only hard because the game on the ladder is pure RNG on what weapon you're gonna get when dropping.
Remember that a single top1 can get you +1 rank level like Plat4 to Plat3, so if you manage to do several in a good day you can basically grind an entire rank in a single session by pure luck. Also TrioQ is basically cheating, literally everyone can go to Master in a good trio, informations and basic coordination clears the entire ladder up to Diamond.

>> No.47629474

1. her solo masters was during the period when it was the easiest to get masters. It was literally just diamond 1-3 people moving to masters
2. She doesn't have the skill. No, having a 1 battle moment doesn't justify the 20 games of choke
3. Aqua got mindbroken during her masters climb cuz she was naive. When she lost the tournament, she just shrugged it off and was the one to cheer up towa. She even made fun of antis during the stream. Aqua just stopped giving a fuck in terms of everything whether is playing competitively or just even streaming.

>> No.47629493

>still basking to that glorious day

>> No.47629618

Aqua literally went on a hiatus because of the choke and gave up APEX forever, holoshitter. You won't get to memory hole that.

>> No.47629623

t.Apexless fag

>> No.47629749

>1. her solo masters was during the period when it was the easiest to get masters.
holy cope

>> No.47629784
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>dragon racer
>never play racing game on stream

>> No.47629957


>> No.47630016

Someones gotta take one for the team and plug some holes.

>> No.47630027

but it literally was and they even changed how ranked worked soon after to filter all of the shitters trying to get to masters and pred
fucking fagoons

>> No.47630071

True. This is why male vtubers are superior and should take over the vtubing scene.

>> No.47630195

She's better than me and 90% of posters so...

>> No.47630203

*unzips benis*

>> No.47630207

>I-it doesn't count

>> No.47630305

As someone that's been on tourneys in the past, not specifically for Apex mind you... It is a completely different experience playing on a tournament over playing solo since the entire tournament you're not only fighting against other players of similar skill but also against your own nerves.

Things that you practiced for endless hours and can do with your eyes closed suddenly start missing, your legs start shaking and you second doubt yourself on every single choice that you make. I would have thought being a streamer would help her deal with those kinds of nerves better but I guess tournament nerves really can only be controlled by constantly going to them.

>> No.47631003

>boosted to top 500
>boosted to top 150 in overawatch 2
LOL u guys are not real

>> No.47631076

bcs it isnt
lot people see season 12 as throwaway
people just rats and do absolutely nothing

>> No.47631571

I could wipe the floor with Selen on Overwatch whenever I want and from the gameplay I've seen of her she's washed as fuck AND plays healer which is basically cheating.
t. played in Open division backed in 2018

>> No.47631897

Please understand, Ethyriashart has to deflect with Selen since his oshi is a yab machine

>> No.47633019

>leaves out the fact that it was only easy to hit masters if you were in a team
>solo q players got fucked the hardest by the system which makes her achievement more impressive
LOL faggot

>> No.47636812

Really? I didn't notice from her absolute piss poor performance in literally every tournament she took part in

>> No.47638319
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>> No.47638321

This night here attacking and defending Selen at the same time

>> No.47638941

Noa and Mimi are pointfrauds so their win doesn't count.

>> No.47639120

And somehow altare, kuzuha, gorilla and kanae are all ok points.
Keep coping ma'am.

>> No.47639736

Noah is unga bunga brainlet, Mimi is mimidiocre and Deron just simply suck . Their point is rightfully given.

>> No.47639747

nigger, gorilla is already 11pts, he can't have an 8pter or 9pter on his team ever
astel is the more appropriate pointfraud, he averages out the highest damage but begs hal to not have him at 11pts because he's "limited" to using his main

>> No.47639861

>wahman suck lullulul
>Women win the tournament
>It doesn't count!!!
What is with this cope?

>> No.47639945

Gold/Diamond shitter. He's proof that tourney performance has little to do with rank since he won last year. There's no scam on him.

>> No.47640013

Literally placed under them, cope dragkek

>> No.47640131

gorilla’s entire schtick for vsaikyou is the fact its him singlehandedly trying to carry 2 rocks to a win you literally can not make it harder on him

>> No.47640163

Points are more equivalent to fragging than to IGL. Ibrahim is a great IGL but he's just worth 7pts(8pts if Hal didn't suck his cock). Noa was always in top 3 kills throughout the scrims and tournament. Noa also had a great showing last year with her kills an damage. She's worth 10pts if fucking Tsuna is at 10pts.

>> No.47640206
File: 2.91 MB, 384x540, miko-full-belly-laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb514ks.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fucking post I've ever read on this board. lmao

>> No.47640356

So counting Selen's private account is ok but not counting Kuzuha's?
Selen never once hit pred on her work account btw.

>> No.47640441

I swear to god I'm either high or Hal said he'd work on lowering gorilla to make it slightly fairer / easier for him, hence why I called it point fraud for gorilla though that was more in his favour than not.

>> No.47640542

She did a climb to masters twice on stream (first with a team and then solo). That's enough to place her at 10. If they were counting her top 500 pred rank she would've been a 11 pointer like Gorilla.

>> No.47641072
File: 165 KB, 850x1214, __nun_bora_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_kurumi_tsuchi__sample-2edb176158a6aae51406d6dd1e8b8615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Bora is here....

>> No.47641195

Impressive, he skipped plat entirely.

>> No.47641229

Just saying that Hal specifically chooses who goes where at master and above anywhere between 8-10.
She could have easily been an 8 or 9 but Hal deemed it that the earlier you get there, the higher points you are.
Now I don't know what season selen got masters on stream, but her pred in early season (think 5 or 6?) when it was considered hard or whatever, was deemed even higher than Gorilla

>> No.47641381

what about chihiro? She too soloed to masters, and was able to take down aqua in a 1v1

>> No.47641518
File: 8 KB, 258x195, 1671125044951753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what season selen got masters on stream,
Pretty sure they're referring to this
So season 12 lmao

>> No.47641628

I'm 95% sure a lot of the other masters players got theirs around there or earlier and are 8 or 9 points.
So no, Hal most definitely considered her rm / private accounts rank.
Which loops back to what I said about Hal not considering Kuzuha's private masters / pred account but is fully willing to take in Selen's.

>> No.47642045

>4.Being sexy

>> No.47643059

Whatever, roastoid. Post tits or GTFO

>> No.47643826

>1. gossiping
>2. being annoying
Just take one look at this shithole, I'd say we have them beat at that.

>> No.47643849

Seconded. That #5 one was brutal. I want to see more.

>> No.47644208

noah is their igl retard

>> No.47644692

Hal has never considered Astel 11pt, he's 10pt. The Mad Maggie limitation was only last Vsaikyou to make him 9pt. This Vsaikyou he was 10pt and used Maggie because he wanted to. He was actually planning on using Fuse if the map was Olympus like initially planned.

>> No.47645196

>the weakest link in your group, but you can't be carr
Towa was 7th place and she's deadlast in the game, getting carried is trurth. I will admit that the homos cracked under pressure, especially the orange one man, Faggot's been making shit calls when Selen's calls were better.

>> No.47645333

>male vtubers
try again

>> No.47645424

You conveniently left out how she got boosted there by two pred guys in an early season. She plays like a low diamond at best.

>> No.47645507

considering how bad she is when she actually streams, she probably just got carried or used hacks

>> No.47645599

True sister, I bet you really enjoy Shu Valorant streams!

>> No.47645748

If she wanted to be igl she should've assumed the role from the start instead of going
> I will not be IGL, thank fucking god, because I hate being IGL
> I'd rather listen and frag
And then halfway through the match start countercalling your igl and messing up the team even more

>> No.47645806

I mean the nigga at least gave it a shot, Was axel mediocre, yes he was but he stepped up to the plate, and fucking tried. I respect the effort, But it should have been Selen IGL, she does have a fucking clue what to do


It shows in the video, but jesus christ that girl cannot perform under pressure at all. I mean I remember Nocturnal saying that to Selen too that she has to get her nerves under control.

>> No.47646036

>her two gaming achievements are team-based games known for easy boosting
I know at least two e-grills that are absolute trash at OW, but got carried to GM by holding left button as Mercy.

>> No.47646059

Selen deliberately pushed the role to Axel because she doesn't want to deal with the stress of it, and then spent the entire match being starscream questioning every one of axel's calls before straight up trying to wrest control of the igl position away

>> No.47647306

Funny how the retards posting in here ignored this so blatantly.

>> No.47647504

There's a girl that sounds just like her.
But it couldn't be Bora, because that girl is pure-blood yamato Japanese, and Bora is Korean.

>> No.47647736

Stay mad roastie

>> No.47648062

Those who can climb to master solo is assumed to be able to make pred in a stack. Aqua was 10 points for the same reason. Aqua did her solo climb in a harder season though.

>> No.47648358

>Breakdown 4:
>>stops the game, plays every single tutorial while badmouthing chat
>>viewers plummet and never bounce back
>>somewhat recovers by the end of the stream, but still a painful experience
is there a chart for this anywhere? i'm curious how bad the drop was

>> No.47650050

Only metal gear I can find of hers at a glance

>> No.47650121

>Towa finishes last
>all the threads are shitting on Selen instead

>> No.47650167

Can't believe purple Pekora won

>> No.47650178

Ennaschizo and Nijisisters please understand
Not to mention the random shitposters that joined too

>> No.47650482

appreciate it
seems like she restarted to do the tutorials around 1:25:00
big drop in viewers seems to occur around 1:55:00, when she FINISHED the tutorial, kind of funny
but she was acting pretty bitchy so i totally get why people would leave

>> No.47650511

i still don't understand how towa jobbed so hard
her average damage was 50, did she just miss every fucking shot?

>> No.47650519

Yeah the holofags are behind it, thank you for explaining it to me.

>> No.47650863

point to me where towa tried to take control after refusing to be the leader weeks ago and then had a meltdown mid tourney and just throwing the last two games and goes silent for days only to drop a twitter rant

>> No.47650907

>Twitter rant
>just a normal explanation of the situation

>> No.47650984

Towa wasn't a supposed god gamer top 500 pred nigh-pro bro.

>> No.47650989

so you can't
sasuga fagoons
but keep trying to blame it on the ebil holos when all you fags keep saying she should've been in holo for a year and half now

>> No.47651146
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>leh evil holos
kek, you are not fooling anyone /NijiEN/faggot
Keep making threads, that wont erase all the shit that Ethyria and the homos did on the branch

>> No.47651185

I will stab you in the face, Ennatard.

>> No.47651310

>aloucreeps trying to falseflag as holobronies to start a tribal war
Enna. Not even ONCE.

>> No.47651669

Are you guys in the midst of a Niji civil war or something?

>> No.47654421


>> No.47654456

>Civil Wars
Many such cases

>> No.47654691
File: 567 KB, 1750x1750, 1666049951153915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There isn't a single person who can name 5 things that women are better than men at.
Men are even better at being women than women are. Look around you. Men are taking over womens' sports teams, womens' bathrooms, every womens' space. Men are stripping the mantle of the divine feminine from women and wearing it themselves, and forcing women to submit and call them real women as well. It's over, sisters. The future is male.

>> No.47655484

You will always be a SEAnig.

>> No.47655628

If you're not a Nijisanji EN member, DO NOT collab with her!
She's cursed!!
>Bobon got kidney issues
>Laila got suspended and later doxxed by her own company (curse later spread to the entire company)
>Bora graduated from NijiKR
>Pochi got sick
>Uto got sick, and is graduating soon
>Qu-chan lessens her streaming activities and later graduated
>Kanae got COVID
>Hana, Siska, Mika, Bobon, Ban Hada, Ha Yun, Yang Nari, Suha Min, ID and KR branch dissolved
>Dtto got COVID
>rpr's team got obeliterated in ALGS: 2022 Split 2 Playoffs
>Mumei caught asthma
>Pikamee got harassed, later graduated
If you're a Tempus hater, rejoice. The curse is now upon Axel and Regis waiting to happen.

>> No.47655826

Do you think people watch women because they are good at video games? Really man? Really?

>> No.47656416
File: 8 KB, 250x229, 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll believe she's good at FPS when she wins Carmack's car in a deathmatch tournament

>> No.47656494

>or used hacks
Given how she decided not to stream future tournaments, I wonder if she at least considered purchasing hacks.

>> No.47656542

It's definitely suspicious, keep an eye out lads

>> No.47657071
File: 2.94 MB, 1934x1504, bw (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based. Frankly if a game was made after 1999 it's not worth competing in.

>> No.47657295

Didn't 3 female chubas get the most #1 places throught the tournament?

>> No.47657313
File: 81 KB, 274x234, artorap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilariously based and kinda true.

>> No.47657945


>> No.47658722

Why is Artosisposting a thing now

>> No.47659061

You are retarded

>> No.47660124

Points are just based on your highest historical rank

>> No.47660290

I’m not even brown but if rather be a SEAjogger than an emasculated estrogenic platypus than you

>> No.47660379

>someone is shitting on nijisanji, must be a seanig
Why are nijiniggers so racist.

>> No.47660456

>>Mumei caught asthma
Do you even know what asthma is?

>> No.47660489

LMAO fujo trash coping hard. All girls team won. Male vtubers are boring shit and can't even do one thing they are supposed to be good at. VSPO really mindbroke fujos.

>> No.47660555

Yes they also won the tournament. Hell La+ all girls team also got champion. And VSPO is going to rape the Valorant vsaikyo.

>> No.47660574 [DELETED] 

>1. gossiping
>2. being annoying
>5. being irrational
>he don't know

>> No.47660581
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>he isn't racist
Go back to r*ddit

>> No.47660652
File: 117 KB, 660x320, mnbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>complete fucking idiot
>addicted to drama
>didn't follow event (picrel)
>shits up 4chan
many such cases

>> No.47660693

Lol fuck those homos I just hate women more

>> No.47661045

Bora and qu chan's reincarnations were for the best
So more blessing than curse

>> No.47661104

Towa never claims to be some super gamer like Selen nor is she taking a game as serious.
The fuck are you trying to prove here? Their mentalities of going into the game are night and day.

>> No.47661857

Altare is 22nd out of 60.
Keep coping, your purple lardass oshi will never get good at Apex, dragkek.

>> No.47661865

Oh yeah?
>invents planes

>> No.47661985
File: 1.21 MB, 720x752, 1651074160128.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47662903

Lmao imagine finishing like 40 places behind the 3 point noob

>> No.47663933


>> No.47665929

forgive her

>> No.47666006
File: 17 KB, 584x178, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Selen is an honorary holo
These anti threads are from Elira's clique

>> No.47666772

Pako is a traitor and a homo watcher

>> No.47669091


>> No.47669682

Wash your penis

>> No.47671212

You're not my mom

>> No.47671575

Aqua was and they finished 16 last year.

>> No.47671662

So they finished above Selen? What's your point?

>> No.47674166

