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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 725 KB, 1092x1149, 1623081137536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4758252 No.4758252 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, your gim reps, you have to do them today, make your oshi proud

>> No.4758328

My oshi is fat

>> No.4758544

Then get /fit/ to be able to carry her

>> No.4759203
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>> No.4759295

I already did.

>> No.4759684
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Koronesuki looks like THAT?

>> No.4759794
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Yeah I can confirm, we resemble our oshi after all

>> No.4759825

I don't believe in lifting.

>> No.4759875

My oshi likes anime boys, I need to stay thin for her.

>> No.4759882
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If you're not taking care of yourself, can you even care about your Oshi?

That's pathetic Anon, hit the gym.

>> No.4760118

weakest x-potato

>> No.4760215

I did,but fucking college is making every time window for working out evermore tighter.Still,my oshi wouldn't want me to quit.

>> No.4760637
File: 235 KB, 1168x1490, PicsArt_06-09-09.03.18~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUUUUAAAAAAAAARK the gyms in my areas are finally opening again.
What's your /fit/ goal this year brehs?
For me it's hitting 225lbs bodyweight and casually deadlifting 675lbs, which I'll probably hit next year instead but fuck it whatever it takes goddammit.
I'm gonna fucking nut tomorow while deadlifting. My gyms were closed for 8 damn months.

>> No.4760935
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my gim reps you say?

>> No.4760952
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I just got done working out.
I haven't ever been able to do a pull-up, but after a few weeks of really working at it I'm almost there.
Started with negatives and a few other exercises, then struggled with using two resistance bands, one on each foot, for an assisted pull-up.
Finally down to one band and I'm starting to knock them out. Once I get one unassisted, I know I can just keep working at them and increase my volume on them.

Very wide bro, very awesome

>> No.4761301

Nice progress, keep it up bro! I remember when I was a skeleton and couldn't do a single pull-up.
Now I'm 65lbs heavier and can do dozens of them no problem.
Progress will always come, just gotta keep grinding.

>> No.4761386
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I just want to start eating a little healthier and maybe do a bit of cardio like jogging, and some light weight lifting to become less of a fat fuck.
It's not much, but it'll get the ball rolling hopefully.

>> No.4762465

FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK every gym in my area is closed,and calisthenics can only keep me sane for so much....

>> No.4762660

Is 500LBS a lot? How come he is able to lift that while looking skinny?

>> No.4763274

Well 500lbs is around 225kg.
And why he looks skinny could be because of a lot of things
>focuses more on strength training and less volume = less hypertrophy = less muscle growth
>He has great deadlift leverages, meaning he can lift more weights with less effort which also means less muscle stimulation
>He has bad muscle insertions and just looks skinny but actually has a decent amount of muscle mass
>He doesn't isolate aesthetic muscle groups that make one look bigger like arms, shoulder, traps and neck

>> No.4763292

500lbs is a lot, and the dude is only 155lbs.
You can obviously attribute some to genetics, but for a lift that weight at his weight it's mainly technique and practice. Dude has flawless technique in the video, and he certainly looks less skinny in the lift. Arms are small because he likely doesn't do many accessory lifts, but you can see how chiseled his back is. He's probably practiced the same movement 10's of thousands of times
now for my bit of salt, not to shit on his achievements as they are incredible and this is just slight speculation. Dude had a 70lb increase in his deadlift in just 3 weeks, likely far after his beginner gains period. That along with him competing in the USPA, which is untested, there is a possibility of steroids. It's nothing to shame, just something to consider

>> No.4769471

/fit/ bros help me get fit for my oshi
I'm a skinny retard who wants to learn how to improve himself
please bros...

>> No.4769929

Squat 3x a week
Add 2.5lb every time you squat
Drink a gallon of milk a day

>> No.4770457

anon I want to be a stronger man for my oshi
I don't want to become someone's oshi

>> No.4770473
File: 589 KB, 498x480, rich_piana_lunaito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count your daily calories and fucking eat!
You gotta eat BIG to get BIG.
I recommend the app MyFitnessPal for that.
One pro tip from a former skeletor - Drinking calories is much easier than eating calories.
Read the sticky on /fit/ for the basics of fitness (Don't take it as gospel, there's some outdated info on it but it's good enough to get you started.)
Do your big compound movements (squats, benchpress, deadlifts, pull-ups etc.) and focus on getting stronger on them. But please for the love of god, watch as many YouTube tutorials on exercises you wanna do as you can.
Record your lifting form if you have no one to look at it.
Injuries from bad form are one of the biggest setbacks when it comes to lifting, especially as a noob.
Some very beginner friendly fitness YouTubers are 'Buff Dudes'.
Nowadays YouTube Fitness has a shit ton of good and free information on pretty much anything you need for fitness.
I urge you to consume as much content and just suck up information from as many channels as possible.
Personal favourites are Alpha Destiny, Eric Bugenhagen, Omar Isuf and Jeff Nippard.

>> No.4770699

My goal is to try and get my squat to lmao5pl8 and OHP to 2pl8. Thankfully my area of the states is based so the gyms are open and maskless. I won't stop grinding in the gym/school/other skills until I get noticed by my oshi.
Holy fuck 500 at 155? That's really fuckin good.

>> No.4770766

This might be cringe to /fit/ but if you're a bainlet like me and don't want to think about anything, find a torrent for Beachbody's OG Insanity program. (there's probably clones on youtube by now) Just put the videos on and follow the exercises until it ends. It got me ripped after 4 months (and a very strict diet). In fact it's really good because the videos usually last an hour so you can follow along while your oshi is streaming.

>> No.4770833

Been meaning to step up my Muay Thai training a bit more, aiming for middleweight and got a few lbs to lose.

>> No.4771015

As far as the skeltor aspect the pianoman anon said it best, eat more calories in general, track cals, and if you're really having trouble try and prioritize foods you know you can eat a lot of that are very high in calories (they don't necessarily have to be clean either, this is called dirty bulking) but I'd only advise that if you're really struggling. As far as actual foods go its actually really easy to eat a ton of calories in white rice, whole milk has quite a lot of calories in it for a liquid, and as far as protein sources go you should prioritize fattier cuts such as chicken thighs or red meat if you can afford it. Choosing denser vegetables such as allium vegetables will also help get cals in because it's a nightmare to try and get excess calories from green leafy vegetals.

And for training for a beginner I would recommend 3-4 days a week with either a full body routine or an upper lower split. A full body routine would mean every workout you train every muscle in your body. This split heavily relies on doing a lot of compound movements so expect lots of squats, pullups, overhead press, etc. An upper lower split is exactly what the name suggests, one day you train the muscles in your upper body, the next you train the muscles in your lower body. Once again this split heavily relies on compound movements. Both of these splits are great for beginners because they take advantage of your increased growth from being a newbie. They also work so well because, contrary to what many non-lifters think, they work the same body parts multiple times a week, which is not only possible but actually much more effective in growing both size and strength.

Wish you the best of luck skellyanon!

>> No.4771368

thanks bros, I really appreciate the advice
I'm gonna finally get off my lazy ass for her!
advice on a calorie goal I should be aiming for? I probably hit around 1600 - 1800 most days

>> No.4771461

How do I get rid of my round belly

>> No.4771635

Depends on how much weight you have to gain. 2000 excess calories is roughly equal to about a single pound of bodyweight. at 1600-1800 you're actually eating less than what an average normie maintains on (roughly 2000 cals). Just keep in mind that no matter what any weight you gain cannot be all muscle, it will always be a mixture of muscle, fat, and a little bit of water. So don't be concerned if you get a little "fluffy" looking after a while. As far as how many more calories you should be eating a normal bulking amount is anywhere from 200-500 extra cals daily though if you are a HUNGRY skelton then you may have to modify that to be even more. Also don't fall for any eating memes like "you have to eat at these specific times" or "you physically CANNOT eat at these times or your scrote and balls will EXPLODE". This will all be a lot more comfortable if you eat at times that work better for you. As long as you're getting enough calories and protons you'll progress just fine.

>> No.4771669
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Reminder that Sora and Gura already mentioned that they prefer strong, manly men.

Which other chuubas are turned on by /fit/ bodies?

>> No.4771724
File: 3.16 MB, 2952x2031, 1622944262740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get stronger forearms to grab gura's neck, help pls

>> No.4771791

sounds good bro!
might post updates in future threads
Kiara has alluded to finding /fit/ guys attractive. Pretty sure Ichiban was her most recent mention

>> No.4771937

Grip trainers and things like fat grips that widen the radius of bars work great to increase forearm size and grip strength

>> No.4772123
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Thanks bro. Earlier today I was doing a few pullups and i've been hanging on bars, i'll try to incorporate your advice for my next forearm training session. We're gonna make it brah

>> No.4772590

I'm amazed that there's other judoka on this board, at least that I've talked to in /wah/.

>> No.4772644

There are lots of martial artists on /vt/ and they seemingly watch gura
t.Used to do martial arts

>> No.4773264

Towa and Cocos roommates both hit on the pizzachad because he was "fit"
Haachama want's a guy with abs

>> No.4777971
File: 59 KB, 592x754, towel-pullup-finish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An amazing pull-up variation that will absolutely kill your grip and forearms is towel pull-ups.
You only need 1 towel like in pic related, but some use 2 towels, one for each arm to grab, as well.

>> No.4778264

Sry for being a spoonfag but is pizzachad from a game and if yes which one?

>> No.4783060 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4783158

Do you post bodies too here?

>> No.4783219
File: 2.42 MB, 2000x2000, do it for them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bench press is stuck at 285x5
>Start to watch HoloID (mainly Reine)
>Bench press goes up to 320x5
Coincidence? I think not. Watch Reine and HoloID

>> No.4783294

Go to /fit/ and read the sticky. Don't expect results for at least 6 months.

>> No.4783380
File: 3.12 MB, 2000x2000, haachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783696

>Drink a gallon of milk a day
just drink some protein shakes.

>> No.4783872

How many sets?

>> No.4783994

I work out because i don't wanna be fat and unhealthy when im old. I long given up on thinking being fit is gonna help me find a gf.

>> No.4784324

Also, does any towel work, because the ones I grabbed feel small

>> No.4785496
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3 sets and as many reps you can do.
I do 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
I use a towel that's about a metre long with a rough texture for a proper grip.
Make sure it's not a thin towel so it doesn't suddenly rip off when you're hanging from it.
But using two small towels like in pic related should be fine as well.

>> No.4785823

Actual nice response? in /vt/?

>> No.4786666

Also i got one last question, how many times should I do a farmer's walk each week?

>> No.4787208
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Depends on how many days a week you train, but generally you shouldn't do the same exercise more than twice a week to prevent an overuse injury.
So instead of doing the same exercise twice or more, just do a variation of it.
For example:
>Day A: Normal farmer's walk
>Day B: One armed farmer's walk (pic related)
On a side note, one armed farmer's walks are an amazing exercise in general and amazing for your lower back health since it hits a specific muscle (QL Muscle) that other exercises, like normal farmer's walk, can't properly stimulate.

>> No.4787398

I see, thanks.

>> No.4787706

I recommend starting not from gym accessories but with simple squat-pushup-jumps-plank HIIT as it scales nicely and will be enough stimulation for 6-9 months. Also run, try interval running as it increases both leg strength and endurance. Once you feel confident enough you can mix in gym stuff and be surprised how stronger you are than you look.
Yes after these months you won't get bulk as I didn't but you first of all learn discipline and gain overall muscle capabilty to work out the best instead of making everybody around you cringe at the gym.

Also stop eating shit step by step on regular basis, ideally counting macros. 90% of the result is without any joke this. Don't push yourself with shit diets, just start counting and throw away the cola and burgers

>> No.4789815
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me on the right

>> No.4790851

No he's a holostar

>> No.4790908

Lifting is for amerifats going into the other extreme direction

>> No.4790973
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>> No.4791122

manlet and dyel detected

>> No.4791601
File: 604 KB, 640x890, Do Yubi Even Lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you lift for?

>> No.4791722

No one, just so i don't have bad health when im old.

>> No.4791852

Coping gymrats, you're still ugly and alone with muscles on

>> No.4796692
File: 303 KB, 680x680, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coping and fuarking mirin us lol
>you're still ugly and alone with muscles
I'd rather be ugly and alone with muscles than
being just ugly and alone.

>> No.4797445


>> No.4797922
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>> No.4798063

it's arurandeisu

>> No.4798745


>> No.4799250

Holy fucking based

>> No.4799342


>> No.4799547
File: 385 KB, 810x1013, SIR-Comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He still lives within all of us brah.
>tfw his 10th death anniversary will be this year

>> No.4799842

I hate living in Europe because no matter how hard you workout/run/whatever half of the males were just doing running/hiking/cycling/climbing from childhood, look slim, strong and healthy. Men who don't go to the gym or exercise outside are in a minority so even if you're super proud of yourself getting /fit/ you're most likely not even above average. The same fucking thing about height, I'm 175 and I'm considered a fucking manlet

>> No.4799899

/fit/ness isn't about impressing other people by comparison to those around you, it's about having a body that's capable of doing more of what you want to do effectively.

>> No.4799990

Then it's clearly not about muscle hypertrophy right?

>> No.4800287

Depends on what you want to do, hypertrophy is useful for endurance, and you need a certain degree of it to break plateaus even if you're trying to specialize in pound per bodyweight strength.

>> No.4800899

I just want to look like Kaworu, is that too much to ask for

>> No.4801080

He's one of the stars, he had a few streams where he have advice for form and general health advice. Also did some bodyweight exercises on stream since he didnt have any weights at home.

>> No.4801122

Man this holo/fit/ thread is comfy as fuck.
The good threads on /fit/ (which are less than 5% honestly) always degenerate into /pol/ shit.
Ever since 2016 it's been awful to browse /fit/.
I miss when laughing at manlets and lankys was the worst thing.

>> No.4801305
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>> No.4801307

Yeah that board became unusable so fast. It was kind of alright after 2016, for me it stopped being worth using once the wojak memes exploded in popularity and the /r9k/fags took over the board.

>> No.4801403

The only time I even go to /fit/ now is when the new year's comic gets posted, I'm convinced there's more actual /fit/izens on /vt/ than on /fit/ at this point.

>> No.4801435

Lol here's the animated version

>> No.4801467

How many squats per day should I be doing? Squats are the only thing I can do desu.

>> No.4801503

I've spent at least $300 on home gym equipment so far, but I have commitment issues, so I'm still stuck at the basic strength course...

>> No.4801548

Yeah me too. Poor SIR still feeling obligated to post a yearly comic about /fit/.
It's prett clear that he stopped browsing /fit/ in like 2015/2016.
And he's still depressed, hope he gets better.

>> No.4801898
File: 26 KB, 312x293, ass-to-grass-bodyweight-squat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As many as you can, I suppose. Track how many you can do and try to increase the reps each time.
If you're doing a lot of squat volume, you need to make sure your form is good and doesn't break down after a while.
Only do as many reps as you can with good form.
Ideally an ass to grass squat with a 1 second pause at the bottom would be perfect since it takes more effort and engages more muscles, so you don't have to do as many reps.

>> No.4803644

110kg and want to go back to 95-100kg
but leaving soda is so fucking hard

>> No.4804059

Trust me, it's so worth dropping soda and other junk food. When you drink it all the time you don't realize how awful it makes you feel. When I stopped drinking it a few years ago I was surprised how good my body started to feel, I just felt less bloated and tired, and when I had a soda on a rare occasion I realized it didn't taste as good as I remembered. Add in the dopamine from lifting and sleeping properly and you just feel great all the time.

>> No.4804148

But I did my lifting yesterday. My oshi would get mad if I didn't take my rest days. I'll be lifting tomorrow to make her proud.

>> No.4804441
File: 115 KB, 1000x1981, Red-Bull-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but leaving soda is so fucking hard
this is the real muzukashi one for me, nothing like a red bull over ice after a few hours of training

>> No.4805038

I don't want to disappoint my oshi but I've been having shin splints for 2-3 months already and I don't want to stop running. How do I cure them?

Well also there are opinions against squatting until your legs fall off. If you can do them for longer than 40 secs I'd change them on jumping lunges/jumping squats/bulgarian squats/pistol squats already. Otherwise you're just asking for an injury

>> No.4805238
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Off to the gym now, boys. It's squat day.

>> No.4805373

Try different brands of flavored sparkling water or just buy flavorless and add juice to it. Doesn't exactly replace it but it can scratch an itch if you're having trouble dropping soda.

>> No.4805378


>> No.4805517

Shin splints could be caused either by your shoes or undeveloped muscles in the feet and shin area. I'd advise trying to work your way into some minimalist shoes with absolutely no support whatsoever like vivo's or other brands. Despite popular belief zero support shoes actually strengthen the muscles, tendons, and bone in your feet and legs which absolutely helps with injury prevention. Also check out the kneesovertoesguy, dude had extreme amounts of injuries in both his legs and developed a physical therapy routine that pretty much cured his legs. A lot of the exercises are pure gold for building strength and preventing injury in your lower body.

>> No.4805565

I'd limit it daily and write in an app how much you drank today and how much you shouldn't. And then slowly lower the limit. My experience with many /fit/ related things is that you shouldn't push things, once you start moving towards the goal, start acquiring mindset, the changes will start appearing naturally. It's not about weeks but months and years. For me in case of diet it was like this:

First, read theory and started freaking out
Next, almost immediately dropped soda
Then started limiting sugars to 100g daily (I was eating lots of chocolate bars and shit)

Limited more to 80,50,35g daily

Started preferring steaming chicken+rice/buckwheat to eating outside. The secret is to not be a lazy fuck and cook and go for groceries regularly, in case of steaming, you put meat and forget about it for an hour, even easier for side dishes. So when you're going outside for anything, quickly stuff yourself with chicken and cottage cheese/bread/apples you bought and then go outside. Otherwise you'll end up at McDonald's. This is probably my strongest advice, always eat at home, sometimes before you get hungry.

Then I learned to do simple salads, already stopped drinking anything apart from water + occasional tea.

There is a couple of months period after every change. So please don't be hard on yourself, just slowly and steadily go towards your goal, be smart about what you can do to prevent failures and be patient. You got this.

First, as I said, I was counting grams of sugar in sweets, then I started counting calories, then actual macros. It's also a habit that was developed along the year and helped me a lot, especially when I realized that after cutting off sweets I was quite low on calories even though I didn't notice that.

>> No.4805891

How many squats? Im thinking squats tomorrow

>> No.4805905

I hate having to make twice the effort of my friends because I ate like a dumpster, but I'm not able to eat healthy I hate it

>> No.4805965

Me having to put in twice the effort for half the results because I'm a fat sack of shit that can't keep to a diet no matter what I try

>> No.4806023

Now imagine what happens to you after 50s when you are like a dumpster your whole life. You will have to say bye to all tasty stuff you like. Too bad you can't man up and start controlling yourself, at least a little

>> No.4806089
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Each of these for 3 reps, last set is AMRAP. It’s a 5-3-1 variant.

>> No.4806088

Implying I'll make it past 30

>> No.4806129
File: 2.60 MB, 2508x3542, 1622431279402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally OHPed 200lbs today, all for my beautiful wife.

>t. 1.6/3.1/4/5.2

>> No.4806131

Smolov program for maximum CNS abuse

>> No.4806199

Bros why am I so fucked up
2 months in gym, going almost daily
Still 95kg (1.90m) and I can't do a single fucking pull-up, my body simply doesn't go up
Also my belly just doesn't shrink, although my arms are getting bigger
Should I just fucking rope?

>> No.4806209

They like skinny ripped though, so at least get some abs

>> No.4806259

Nah, keep at it, you'll get there.

>> No.4806278

Based and redheart pilled.

>> No.4806420

Cogs moving behind the scenes. Water in the body is really stubborn and will sometimes take the place of lost fat until your body realizes it should get rid of it. Also gym every day may be too much if you're lifting every day. If so change to either full body 3x week or upper lower 4 days a week. Overworking in the gym can absolutely be detrimental to any progress you want.

>> No.4806474

2 months is not much and almost daily is probably too much unless you know what you're doing
>Should I just fucking rope
It's called TRX and helps a lot as well.

>> No.4806492
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I need some genuine advice. My muscle balance is all out of fucking whack, I can do like 160+ squats, 115 bench, but I can't even do tricep extensions with 10-15 lbs.

When I'm doing things to failure, my right side gets sorted and tired until I finish the rep, but my left side will wobble and twitch and go completely unstable. I'm worried I have some kind of weakness in my shoulder or something. Anybody knowledgeable enough on Kinesiology or PT to know?

>> No.4806522

Anon I'm close (43) and I'm not a fatso, just a guy with an unhealthy diet but all my checkups are perfect, it's just that I have to make an effort to not lose muscle

>> No.4806534

2 months is nothing, you need to be patient. Weight loss is mainly going to come from controlling your calories. You’ll get there.

>> No.4806543

Can't help you anon but holy shit those girls are something. Thank you, saved.

>> No.4806610

Thanks anons... Just adding up, although I'm quite heavy, I don't really look fat anywhere that's not my belly, and sadly literally everyone on my family (both sides) has gigantic bellies
Last time I checked, also, apparently I had 20%+ body fat... Guess I'll need to cut on my calories

>> No.4806654

Yes and don't forget 90% of it is diet. And yes, if you think you're dieting well, try counting everything you eat, including every candy snack, every slice of bread, every cup of coffee with sugar here and there. People tend underestimate how much they actually consume

>> No.4806706

I appreciate your appreciation of buff birds at the least, anon. Just have no idea if I should see a doctor/PT about my left side since I was doing some shoulder exercises today and practically dropped my dumbbell after going to failure.

>> No.4806738

This, I thought I was on like 2500-3000 a day when I started counting but it was actually over 5K
Did 2300 today and I still feel fat lol. (I still am fat)

>> No.4806790

Goddamn. Looks rough

>> No.4806946

You're welcome anon
>Guess I'll need to cut on my calories
Absolutely. "Calories in - Calories out" should be written at every gym door because it's a simple but almost universal truth. Also I kinda know the struggle of pullups, additional weight obstructs it quite much, even if you have a dense bone structure it can make it quite harder. Something that I didn't hear here is also don't push yourself to go to the gym, you'll just burn out. It's fine if you go twice weekly as long as you will go there regularly, then do daily showoff there and quit after 3 months. You'll feel when you're ready to push more, believe me. Also great idea is to try different things: running, bikes, climbing, yoga even, dancing, etc. There is a whole thing called CrossFit built on variety.

>> No.4807008

The first week of every cycle is the worst in my opinion, it’s 3 sets of 5 reps. Week 3 you do 3 sets, 1st is 5 reps, 2nd is 3 reps and the last is 1, but you go for as many as possible. 4th week you deload to 60% of your working weights so it’s pretty boring.

>> No.4807143

Well how much does it cost to see one? It's clearly not very good.
Maybe try giving it a week rest?

>> No.4807196

What's the original of this image?

>> No.4807237

I used to have some imbalances, in my experience working through them with movements that require both, such as bench, will slowly but naturally even them out. If there’s pain or anything, then you should probably see someone, or at least give it some time to heal without excessive strain.

>> No.4807252

It's funny to me how united gym goers are in this board. I don't go to the gym, but I have a pull up bar in my room and I haven't been doing reps in weeks.

>> No.4807299

I'm fat and wimpy. Not like hamplanet spherical fat, but big beer gut and all.
Will I get laughed out of a martial arts gym? I don't want to be serious about it, it's more for fun and fitness than competing or learning how to fuck people up. I'm mainly worried that I'd slow people down during drills/sparring with how out of shape I am.

>> No.4807341

Outside of modern /fit/, lifting is one of the few surviving brotherhood subcultures.

>> No.4807381

No, I think when people see fat guys in the gym they admire that they’re putting in the effort to be better. Of course there’s always going to be people who judge you not matter what or who you are, but in most cases in a gym they will do that silently.

>> No.4807422

Is your grip knuckle forward or knuckles towards you? The former is much more difficult. When I started, I could hardly do one, but when I read about this, I reversed my grip, and was able to a couple knuckle-towards-me at a time. Contrary to what you might think, training with a weight/movement that is too much for you at the time will not make you gain quicker, it can prevent you from gaining at all. Failing that, find one of those pull-up machines that lets you subtract weight from your bodyweight until you can work up to an un-assisted pull

>> No.4807427

Try doing one pull up every time you enter or leave your room.
Might be more fun for you than doing an actual workout.

>> No.4807454

Check out "butterbean". If you're insecure, you can try general physical conditioning. I don't think they will look weird at you unless you quit after two weeks. For better discipline (yes you practice it as well) try also some more conventional gyms or simply running/jumping ropes regularly

>> No.4807476

Thanks I love it

>> No.4807520

Same anon, adding: there aren't many more respectable things than a overweight person being faster than you, knowing from experience.

>> No.4807616

hey /fit/, will running on a treadmill help me? i have a small beer belly that i am hoping to reduce at least

>> No.4807625

1 kg is about 2.2 lbs, so very roughly just halve the pounds.

Also a decent/average non-beginner deadlift is around your bodyweight, and that guy looks like he weighs 150 pounds or so, so yes 500 would be quite a lot.

>> No.4807658

Running on a treadmill is pretty shit compared to running on real surfaces but it's better than doing nothing. For losing fat eat less instead.

>> No.4807741

Losing weight by being in caloric deficit is always easier and more effective than doing it through exercise.
You'll burn around 200 calories by running 20 minutes on a treadmil...or you could eat one burger (600 calories) less or just not drink that litre of coca cola (400 calories)

>> No.4808014

Why treadmill instead of just taking a run outside? It's free, more interesting, relaxing, if you run in the park or in the forest and hills/bumpy surfaces will be more interesting to cross than just stomping on the same tape over and over. Like up/down the stairs, hopping over the tree roots, turning etc

I recommend Nike Running Club guided runs as they are often upbeat and fun and mindful (you can choose a female there and she will praise you a lot, just saying, in case you're in need)

>> No.4808049

Good idea, I also need to put up a poster of my oshi next to the bar so that I could be somewhat motivated

>> No.4808091

Gym talk is like makeup talk but for guys, amen.

>> No.4808140
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Guys what is the secret, low rep count with high weight or high rep count with low weight?

>> No.4808163

unlike makeup, gym bros look as good in the morning as they do in the club

>> No.4808239
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Benched two minato aqua's today anon.

>> No.4808310

No pain, although I have a lot of tension in my neck/shoulder/back from bad habits and being a college student/desk jocky. I used to get sore wrists, but when I'm actually consistent in my workouts it gets better.
I do get more DOMS in my left side though.

I'm finally ordering a home bar/basic rack since it's harder for me with cheap dumbbells. I figure I'll start back from baseline on low intensity chest/shoulder exercises until I'm more equally stable. It's particularly bad with shoulder/tricep exercises, I was doing dumbbell OHPs and while my right side burns, my left side is basically giving out and fucking my form.

>> No.4808368

What sort of body can I expect to get from a lot of push ups, crunches, and running? Ottermode-lite?

>> No.4808420

If you're not looking to build muscles right now, why not try intermittent fasting?

Wake up, go about your business, eat your first meal around 11:30-12:30, then eat your dinner around 6. You go to bed and don't eat again until your lunch.
This helps lower your insulin levels which allows you body to pull energy from your adipose tissue, as well as helps you reduce the amount of calories you're consuming if you're eating a balanced meal of protein, fat, and filling vegetables.
Frankly, it's easier than it sounds, unless you're in a physical career, you quickly get used to only eating twice.

>> No.4808514

>low rep count with high weight
Builds your strength and CNS (though as somebody who tried SS and didn't have a ton of success outside of squatz/deadlifts, I don't know how you quantify strength gains) best done with compound exercises.

>high rep count with low weight
High (12+) can be kind of a meme, you want to focus on doing 8-10 but when using lower weight, make sure you slow down your movements to increase time under tension. This helps activate the muscle fibers more to break them and cause greater size gainz. Lower weight + good form + slow reps will always do you better than higher weight with bad form and rushing each rep.

>> No.4808558
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If I fap to my Oshi too much will it kill my gains? I'm already taking extra zinc and D3 bros

>> No.4808634
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I don't know what my oshi's opinion on physical fitness is, but it's a lot easier to go for a run if I say I'm doing it for her.

>> No.4808666

Excessive fapping lowers T levels, don't be a coomer twink.

>> No.4808693

At what point is it excessive, satan?

>> No.4808746

>have fapped 3-4 times a day for the last 15 years
>fat bald and depressed
checks out

>> No.4808768
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I'm excessively horny though. I just want to be a big buff bald hentai dude but I'm hawny.

>> No.4808804

Being bald would imply high t levels though.
Guess you didn't fap enough.

>> No.4808879

your oshi is def gonna have an easier time loving you if you're fit anon

>> No.4808880

Baldness is caused by the concentrated test produced late in life when your T levels drop to compensate for that. Basically my test levels are like a 90 year old at 28

>> No.4808945

Should've waited a bit longer now that people are going out, there's about to be a worldwide sale on people's used fitness equipment.

>> No.4809054

A hunched over ottermode lite.
You need to train your back as well.
If your front becomes too dominant, your posture will change for the worse and injury might occur.
Do inverted rows and pull ups as well.
Facepulls as well if you have a resistance band.
Also crunches are a meme, just do planks instead if you want to train your core.
You can get decently jacked through calesthenics alone (by normalfag standards of course)
Running by itself won't really do much for muscle growth except maybe train your calves a bit.

>> No.4809162

Are crunches or situps good for anything at all compared to planking?

>> No.4809242

t. jeff

>> No.4809383
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Thanks for the advice, /fit/bro.

>> No.4809443
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>> No.4809498

>Couldnt even edit the tanktop
As expected of AO "fans"

>> No.4809516

Not much beyond someone who's just getting started and can't hold a plank for more than a few seconds. For a decent non-isometric ab exercise, I recommend bicycle crunches.

>> No.4809545

Crunches and sit ups train your hip flexors more than your abs.
Maybe use them as a warm up if you want.
Crunches be effective if done correctly but for strictly working on your abs, planks are much better at that.

>> No.4809593

Sorry, bro. I don't want trashtubers, so I didn't even notice his shirt was even remotely "tuber" related.

>> No.4809663

Le cookies are ready

>> No.4809693

I'm 5'10 and weigh 48kgs. My doctor told me i'm really underweight. Can i even start lifting bros..

>> No.4809726

Sounds like you need to EAT MORE first

>> No.4809835

Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Buy a food scale that measures to the gram, and use an app to help track your calories. If you eat low calorie dense foods, you'll be full, and be able to maintain upwards of a 1000 calorie deficit daily. Keep working in the gym and do regular cardio (very good for burning calories) and you'll meet your goals! Remember, you don't want to lose weight quickly, this is for your health for the rest of your life. Do it for her, anon.

>> No.4809910

You can do both, but definitely start eating more. I have difficulties gaining weight because I just don’t feel hungry very often and when I do I’m too lazy to cook real high calorie food. When I first started lifting in college, I forced myself to eat at the dining halls until I felt like throwing up just to gain 1 pound a week. After a while your appetite adjusts. But you have to be diligent or you’ll slip back to your nature of eating less.

>> No.4809917

You have almost the same stats I did back when I first started lifting.
It's never too late skeleton bro.
Eat, eat, eat. Just eat more meals and drink lots of milk if you can.
It will be a struggle and you will feel full and lethargic but your appetite WILL increase, don't worry.
Just don't stop eating and drinking calories.
t. went from 120lbs to 190lbs at 5'11

>> No.4809941

Its not just about tracking down to the calorie, you need to ensure you're eating thing which provide high satiation. If you're eating on a 100kcal deficit with, say, mostly grains and fruit, for example, you're going to feel like shit every waking second and you're going to crack within a month unless you have the patience of a saint. Weight loss is just as much what you eat as how much.

>> No.4810133

Of course. In general, I think most people would do well with a high protein diet with lots of vegetables. High volume, high satiety. This, at least in my experience, made it easy to maintain a deficit over a long period of time. In the past two years, I went from 136kg to 90kg following these guidelines, and now I happily eat to maintenance while I'm working on increasing muscle mass.

I learned pretty early on that if I didn't have enough protein, it was much harder to stop myself from overeating. Good input, anon. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.4810257

I suffer a bit with motivation and energy levels so staying with a workout plan is hard, especially on top of STEM college work which I'm also doing. Trained according to the /fit/ sticky which is a strength training plan, so there were very little visible results even as my strength increased 60-70% from starting. The lack of visible musculature was very discouraging though, so I haven't been consistent and have gotten gains I could have made in 4 months of consistent dieting and exercise in maybe 2 years.
If you think you might be like this, I'd definitely suggest working with a focus on hypertrophy. The visible size of the muscles will hugely boost your motivation to keep doing your reps consistently.
Also, diet is absolutely the most important element. If you're lifting but eating too few calories or grams of protein, you just won't make any gains.
You can do it bro.

>> No.4810274
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Posting stuff from /fit/ to help you guys out

>> No.4810317
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>> No.4810367
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>> No.4810404

Similar story here. The other big thing is learning to cook. Nothing to do with not eating out, I've had people tell me they can't stand eating chicken breasts and broccoli every day, and inevitably they aren't using enough salt+pepper, if any, their stove burner has never been above a "4", and their pan has never known any oil, meaning their chicken is dried out and pale as a ghost. Knowing how to spice and season healthy food is critical to maintaining variety so you don't get bored and wander into the donut isle. Having different bottled sauces also goes a long way.

>> No.4810450
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>> No.4810480

We'll all get that Eren body, bros

>> No.4810569

I'm thankful for all the recipes on YouTube these days which make it very easy to cook and find regular inspiration. That and making smart swaps, like using reduced fat cheese, leaner ground beef, etc. Makes it very easy to make foods you enjoy, but with a lesser caloric impact. I make burgers all the time, but they're with very lean beef. Are they as good as burgers made with very fatty beef? No, but they're good enough that they still taste good and satisfy my desire for a burger.

I also make a lot of Korean food, which is generally fairly healthy. Kimchi is easy to make, tastes great, and is good for you, so I always have some on hand.

>> No.4810871

miring hard, i might do this
this guy is ugly as hell but he's got a nice body

>> No.4812083

Bro holy fuck I'm 5'10 as well but 90kg you need to get on GOMAD immediately

>> No.4812107

You have to be careful with that, taking the fat out of food makes it taste like shit, which means that they have to pump it full of HFCS to make it palatable, and can have a knock-on effect with the rest of your diet even with things like reduced fat milk and cheese. I generally recommend people avoid foods advertised as low, reduced, or non-fat until they get a good grip on macro-nutrient ratios.

Also, good point with kimchi, fermented foods in general are good because of the live cultures with probiotic effects. A lot of obesity cases can likely be attributed to poor gut biomes. I'm partial to sauerkraut and kefir, myself.

>> No.4812932

Adding on to this dietary fat is absolutely essential to multiple bodily processes including hormone regulation and brain function. Significantly cutting edible fat from your diet can absolutely wreck you. I'd generally advise cutting non-essential carbs (anything that isn't a fruit or vegetable) until you get to a point where you can play around with your diet a little bit more and not wreck the months of hard work you've been doing.

>> No.4813032

extremely comfy bro
I hope they stick around and continue to inspire anons to do it for HER

>> No.4814448

I lift for her now.....

>> No.4815335

Same, anon, same. Gonna go for new PBs tomorrow. I'm in shock.

>> No.4817706

we gotta make June a legendary month for her

>> No.4818282
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Fuck man... I'm lifting tonight, not just for the reddit dragon but to rip the first button dicked bugman I see in half!!

>> No.4820623


>> No.4822738

I got a deal of 250 for 12 months

>> No.4827631

There are pull up support machines in my gym to help with that

>> No.4830411
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Just heard the news bros...
I can't believe it. Right now I have enough sadness and anger to last a lifetime.
I never truly lifted for an anime woman before...
but from now on I'll lift for her.
I will become a fucking sickkunt bros, I fucking swear I will.
I lift for this cute and dorky dragon.
We're all gonna make it brahs...as I say with tears running down my face...I literally just woke up man....

>> No.4830490


>> No.4831004

I'll lift for the eventually WWIII draft against the chinks
