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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47252054 No.47252054 [Reply] [Original]

"Job description
Applicants who meet the following conditions will be selected.
・Those who can commute to an office in Tokyo
・Both Japanese and Traditional Chinese must be at least business level

■ Overview
We will work to make the contents of the VTuber office "Holo Live Production" more enjoyable for people all over the world.
As the person in charge of localization for the Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) region, which we will be putting more effort into in the future, my job is to make the content even more exciting.

■Business content
・Translation/subtitling work, local check
/localization progress management
/coordination of outsourcing companies in charge of translation"

Cover going back to REAL China

>> No.47252167
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>> No.47252294
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Are you gonna apply Taiwanons?

>> No.47252354
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>> No.47252383

lmao is china like few training excrise away from just going to war in taiwan?

>> No.47252456


>> No.47252815

>hololive taiwan
The zhang seethe will be glorious, dragon bitch won in the end.

>> No.47252977

>Traditional Chinese
Oh so it's a nothingburger. OK.

>> No.47253033


>> No.47253270

>Hourly wage 1100 Yen
Am I missing something or is Cover offering translators about the same wages as working at a fucking konbini (and not even as a manager)

>> No.47253400


>> No.47253558

>Cover offering translators about the same wages as working at a fucking konbini

and its easy work at home work too?

>> No.47253666

holoTW even viable?

>> No.47253750

>those who can commute to an office in Tokyo
You blind or something?

>> No.47253817

Hololive seems really popular in Taiwan, so there's no surprise there.

>> No.47254072

And getting clobbered by the US because their military is incredible corrupt and suffers from the same issues as the Russians are currently facing (e.g. incompetent leadership due to being selected based on loyalty alone so that no one would dare oppose the current top), no even mentioning them being woefully unfit to perform an amphibian assault on Taiwan. I sure hope they will, I want to do to them what the West did to my country and invest into a post war Chinese dystopia to extort them for all they have.

>> No.47255294

They can probably get away with it because there are fans desperate enough to take the job for a chance to work on the thing they like to watch.

>> No.47259631

its going to be filled with infiltrators

>> No.47259674

Taiwan good China bad

>> No.47259728

How does it feel to upset the feelings of 1.4 billion people?

>> No.47259963

Bugs aren't people, 1.4 billion of them mean shit

>> No.47260371

pure joy, please be upset more.

>> No.47260491

Big if true

>> No.47260596

Taiwan and Hong Kong (both use traditional chinese) have been nothing but supportive. Mainland (simplified chinese) actually does have some supporters but almost everything in support are deleted and the users banned, leaving only brainwashed hivemind spreading misinformations.

>> No.47264295

Niji did it before they tried VirtuaReal and it flopped super hard and they don't even acknowledge it ever happened

>> No.47265212

apparently at least 1 out of the 2 HoloCN who stayed silent was Taiwanese.

>> No.47266435

Echo has shown more creative freedom than Coco since leaving.

>> No.47266851

It's so funny to watch anglo pretend it matters while the actual free world snubs it left and right. Enjoy your dystopian big gay hellhole, anglo, kek.

>> No.47268023

And soon free of chinese too :)

>> No.47268133

Doesn't necessarily mean you go to the office daily, anon. Could just be a weekly/monthly meeting.

>> No.47268212
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Right as the T-island is about to be invaded. Oh the irony.

>> No.47268931

All my hommies love Taiwan

>> No.47269141

How oppressive, in communist china you don't even own your own feelings. "It's OUR feelings"

Dystopian nightmare, the greatest failure of modern world.

>> No.47269665

This may as well say "China waves it dick around drunkenly, again"

>> No.47271526

insect bros... it's over...

>> No.47271656

>$8.30 an hour

>> No.47271792


>> No.47271854

I lub u chunkson

>> No.47272045

Do people actually believe the mainland will do anything?
Taiwan is one of China's, no the World's biggest money makers fucking with it too much will screw everyone over but China will feel it the hardest

>> No.47272064

Are they bringing yogurt back or what?

>> No.47273465

When your country is in trouble, you start a war to distract people from their problems. Chinese economy is kinda fucked right now and with a demographic crisis approaching. I wonder Vtubers over there is making any money when there is so much unemployment.

>> No.47273632

There are still a ton of single men there who works but doesn't have any family because of the male-to-female ratio getting fucked.
There should be a chunk of them paying e-thots and vtubers.

>> No.47273666

The USA can't support Ukraine and Taiwan at the same time. Their weapons stockpile has already run dry from supporting Ukraine. They'd also have to be idiotic to start a full-scale war with China over that island.

>> No.47274062

chips man, the major reason US will help, also the reason Taiwan kept the most advance productions in Taiwan and not move it to USA.

>> No.47274593

I'm sure this time they will go for "Hololive Mandarin" just like "Hololive English". Since "Hololive China" is already taken, I doubt they will want to tarnish that legacy. Using language instead of region, not only can they avoid being political, avoid upsetting either Chinese or Taiwanese fans, and it let them access a greater market from Taiwan, Singapore, HK, and maybe even some from mainland

>> No.47275174

I feel like it would still leave a sour taste in some people's mouths to pull something like that. Like even though nobody watched them, it still feels a little odd that Nijisanji rolled out a "Nijisanji English" by rebranding the indian guys only to get rid of them, pretend they never existed and then roll out a REAL Nijisanji English.

>> No.47278063

no fucking way, the bugmen outrage on bilibili, tieba, nga is going to be absolutely hilarious

>> No.47278642

This is what will finally trigger the invasion.

>> No.47278827

They should double down and bring back Echo and Yogiri while they're at it

>> No.47284730

Sounds like it's putting a giant target on any talents who join there

>> No.47284958

>They'd also have to be idiotic to start a full-scale war with China over that island.
Hah. The fact you think this international conflict is over Taiwan shows how little you actually know. Buckle up, zhang, we're coming for you.

>> No.47285547


>> No.47285712

>US can't be involved in 2 wars at once
Syria and Afghanistan were being fought concurrently until a year and a half ago.
Cope harder bugman. I hate mutts, but at least they can use search engines that don't have to be pre-approved by the government.

>> No.47285810

>Traditional Chinese
>Only primarily spoken in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau

>> No.47288527
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>Traditional Chinese must be at least business level
>Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) region
>Cover going back to REAL China

>> No.47288704

if there's one thing amerimutts can do, it's support as much war as they want.

>> No.47288770

>Their weapons stockpile has already run dry from supporting Ukraine.
Yeah, an artillery-based land war is totally using the same resources, materiel, and munitions as a sea-based and air-based war. Flawless analysis from the military strategist Anonymous. Subscribe to his newsletter on Four Chan Dot Org.

>> No.47288812
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>> No.47289101

If US goes to war with China then Detroit will become useful again.

>> No.47289550

If they live in Japan or anywhere else other than Taiwan China won't do shit

>> No.47290159
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Like kicking a fire ant nest.

>> No.47295600
File: 74 KB, 1419x934, Screenshot 2023-04-14 080145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what your shady ass link is but if it's not here i assume you are full of shit.
the talent manager position is interesting btw

>> No.47296396

Reincarnate Yogiri NOW.

>> No.47296588

My sister is working in Taiwan rn and if this ever happened Chinese that lives near me better start hiding.

>> No.47296739

Bruh, if they didn't have to worry about nukes the US would end the Ukraine war in a week. The US army works exceedingly well in conventional wars.

>> No.47296803

I want none of those rats back in hololive in any way. No exceptions

>> No.47297324

This comment evoked emotion in me. Probably cause I have a sis too

My initial reaction was "based", and as much as I want to agree with the vengeance mindset, I realized that would be a pretty dark path to go down. Don't do it bro

>> No.47298236

braindead racist

>> No.47298315

You should just kill them anyways. The fewer insects there are in the world the better.

>> No.47299406

Considering how fucking popular Hololive is there, that actually makes sense, probably more than a Holo KR. Holo Spanish would probably have a huge audience but make less money than Holo TW - which I bet would have a lot of mainlander "taiwanese" on VPNs also watching and paying in too and this time can just avoid the whole debacle the original branch got stuck in.

Wumao who get triggered at Taiwanese shit just wouldn't even watch it. However there's also a risk they'd instead spam the shit out of the TW girls too, kinda risky for that come to think of it.

>> No.47299446

they literally lack the amphibious assault capability to put a lot of troops on there. they can fuck with the island hard but not easily occupy it. eventually, they may have a fleet able to do that but that time is not now.

>> No.47299572

>have a lot of mainlander "taiwanese" on VPNs
Yep. And the best part? They could advertise and sell themselves to the chinese audience without being subject to super strict communist code-of-conduct.

It's a win-win-win situation, so long as they don't actually do anything to specifically insult mainlanders.

>> No.47300093

>The USA can't support Ukraine and Taiwan at the same time.

>> No.47300828

the US put in like <1% of its old random leftover shit into ukraine and it's still sufficient to at least stall the war out badly. if the US actually-trried, if it wanted the war to just be over in a month they could send fucking hundreds of himars, thousands of bradleys, literally the US has thousands of MBTs just parked in storage like Russia does as well etc. I'd rrat that part of the reason the US is holding onto that shit so tightly is so they can flood Taiwan with it because they think that's where it'll actually be needed.

>> No.47301323

Strategists have said they don't want a state of the art armed Ukraine that can turn coat with its new armory, or muscle Europe in case of a tide change. Also you are understating it, the manufacturers of most of the imported weapons depleted stock and we would be down huge quantities of ordinance if China said go tomorrow. It's actually kind of a shit show, especially considering the quantity of arms that got sold off by corrupt officials and not used.

>> No.47301575

they dont have to occupy it, just blockade it until they starve. Also unlike Ukraine, after China successfully blockade the island, West cannot supply anything unless they join the war

>> No.47302512

Anon a blockade is an act of war, on top of which the reason why the USA gives a shit about Taiwan is amongst other things is because of the chips they make. If China decides to go and blockade Taiwan the us is not going to sit quietly by with their thumb up their ass while thier entire high tech industry collapses around them

>> No.47302697 [DELETED] 

It'd be the same thing as WW2. The initial battle over Taiwan would be bloody because we'd only have a couple of fleets over there to defend the island initially, just like Dec 8th 1941, but by the end of WW2 US industry was cranking out thousands of planes, tanks, artillary pieces, hundreds of ships of all kinds, and millions of rounds of ammo a week. Over 2/3rds of the total production by the Allies was done by the US. If we get pissed off, we can outproduce anybody.

>> No.47303020 [DELETED] 

China doesn't have the projection power to blockade the island. They have, currently, a larger navy than the US in terms of overall ships but they have 2 aircraft carriers to our 24, 6 of which are already in the Pacific and 5 more can be deployed quickly to back them up. China is going to rely on airbases in the mainland to fight an air battle over Taiwan, not their carriers, and if the US can keep their carriers positioned behind Taiwan relative to China then they can unleash hell in the skies for months. China basically has to count on a blittzkrieg operation coming off flawlessly to take Taiwan, because if they fail and can't make landfall within days, it becomes a slog and they'll lose.

>> No.47303397

>Syria and Afghanistan were being fought concurrently until a year and a half ago.
Anon, I don't think you should use fucking Afghanistan as an example of something you SHOULD do ...

>> No.47303463


>> No.47303497
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cross fingers* yogurt!

>> No.47306909

oh boy

>> No.47307159

If china really invades Taiwan, everyone will know with like 4-6 months of anticipation. It would have to be by far the biggest combined air, land and sea operation in history, making D-Day look like one of those medieval battles of a couple hundred lads by comparison.

>> No.47307255

is this just one of those fancy renderings? or an actual simulations with all of their current available munitions? if real, arent they abit stupid to be posting this since other people can track and know where those missile will come from?

>> No.47307406

>The USA can't support Ukraine and Taiwan at the same time
Nigga the usa was able to fight two actual wars at once in WW2 with tech from 80 years ago and while not being as technologically ahead of its rivals as they are now and without being the controller of the world economy and trade that they nowadays are.

>> No.47307571

I can't imagine Taiwan being a traditional war.
It'll be like Hong Kong where some professors and activists get disappeared. Then some politicians. Then before you know it, every politician left is pro-mainland or too afraid to not be.

>> No.47310464


>> No.47315981

oh my

>> No.47321544

What the fuck did this thread become

>> No.47322631

Post HoloTW predictions besides Yogiri.

Can also speak English and Japanese (I think she's a hafu?) and does karaoke streams regularly.

I can't speak Mandarin so I don't know that many Taiwanese streamers. Any recommendations?

>> No.47326238

Hahahahaha hahahahahaha. Hololive is crying back to China.

>> No.47327174

hahahah you wish blind faggot. Traditional chinese is Taiwan and Hong Kong, both which very openly support Coco. Mainland China only use simplified chinese, cry more.

>> No.47327202

I don't think we will be having traditional wars from now on (not counting whatever mental illness is happening on Ukraine). Most of the upcoming wars will me Informational/Social Engineering Wars - if you control what people think/feel then you've essentially won.
