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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46913869 No.46913869 [Reply] [Original]

Less than three edition

Time for more Metal Gear Solid 3!

>who is Nina?
Nina is a Dutch indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan, ASMR and singing.
Her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work have won the hearts of many anons on this board.

Also known as the CEO of Seiso.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Check out her latest concert:

>Other links and resources
R18: https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/
Retro VTubers >>>/vt//vrt/

Previous thread: >>46841034

>> No.46913924
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I love Nina so much, bros

>> No.46913973

Nina has a very interesting way of playing mgs

>> No.46914050
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why are they like this

>> No.46914172

They're playing amongst themselves and not hurting anybody. Btw Anon, are you being an autist by covering your time so that people won't know from what timezone you are?

>> No.46914194

Wait, is Nina risking being dragged of to church by religious people?

>> No.46914272

Un Forastero

>> No.46914280

Did nina say your name?

>> No.46914309

She did, and it made my day

>> No.46914324

he just wants to politely anti

>> No.46914397

>covering your time so that people won't know from what timezone you are
of course
>not hurting anybody
if you say so

>> No.46914463
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>religious people
You mean like her and her family?

>> No.46914494

she did
it's been a long time since I spoke in chat so it felt good

>> No.46914500

a girl that swears and makes lewd jokes dont come off as very religious

>> No.46914568

I see you've never actually met any before. It's okay anon, if you never go outside they can't make you go to church.

>> No.46914576

Glad you're okay anon, I missed you

>> No.46914628
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missed you too buddy, whoever you are

>> No.46914773

>skipping easter vigil so she can spend time with her paypiglets
cool "christian" lmaooooo

>> No.46914918

>male streamers

>> No.46914924
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She's still going later, it's a nighttime thing anyway. The fact that she even knows what Easter Vigil is and has skipped streaming in the past to do it puts her in probably the 0.01st percentile of religiosity among Western Europeans, honestly. Jesus will forgive her at any rate.

>> No.46914932
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>can you use this running the google colab cloud compute environment linked in the /vt/ ai thread?
I looked at the collab and you can apparently upload Loras, so it should work. That collab doesn't look easy to use at all though, considering it's supposed to be "for retards"

>> No.46914952

The search for a husband is a holy pursuit.

>> No.46914983

Did Nina ever elaborate on just how religious she is?
I'm under the expression that she does have a belief in god, and is not just a "cultural" christian.

>> No.46915053

well its the best option if you dont want to rape your pc and electricity bill with the amount of computing power it requires.

>> No.46915088

She hasn't said much other than that she goes to church most Sundays and does genuinely believe, at least to some degree. She's said her private beliefs are perhaps a little idiosyncratic, but that's pretty common even among Catholics.
tl;dr she a good girl who loves her some Jesus

>> No.46915167

>she goes to church most Sundays
She does? That's exceedingly uncommon among european youth

>> No.46915247

then she also leans lesbian nowadays at least a bit but I guess shes just a young imperfect girl

>> No.46915293

Her religiousness is more on the moral and spiritual side than the traditional side, though she still practices some basics like going to church and observing the holidays.

>> No.46915295

She really does. Whether that's more due to family pressure or private conviction is up to your imagination but she does actually go, which lends credibility to her being at least somewhat sincere.
anon what are you talking about?

>> No.46915406

she did speak that she is bicurious currently

>> No.46915459

I thought she was a bit distant to her parents, which would mean they wouldnt directly control her church going habits.

>> No.46915537

That's just called being a woman. They're allowed to fool around with each other, as a treat.

>> No.46915570

I think she's only bicurious in the sense that she likes cute anime girls aesthetically and likes flirting with her streamer friends.

>> No.46915751
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>Do you own a farm? If yes, is your dad single?

>> No.46915776


>> No.46915840

WELL, is he???

>> No.46915891

What kind of kink is Nina stealing your dad away supposed to be?

>> No.46915917

double ntr

>> No.46915951
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Kink? Nina just appreciates rugged, self-sufficient older men. She isn't even thinking about you. Just your sexy dad.

>> No.46916134

Amsterdam niggers stole her bike!

>> No.46916211

What's the ethnic composition of Amsterdam?

>> No.46916274

can we not?

>> No.46916348

I wasn't being racist. Anyone who'd steal Nina's bike is a n*****, spiritually speaking. That's all I meant.

>> No.46916416

bike ntr

>> No.46916439

Nina is not Grimmi

>> No.46916542

I already found "Foreign population by country of origin" table on wikipedia

>> No.46916585

nobody wants to know how many B*lgians are living in the Netherlands, keep it to yourself

>> No.46916638

>more than 0 b*lgians could be living close to me

>> No.46916714

Nina spontaneously breaking into the Dutch national anthem out of patriotic pride got me revved up

>> No.46916781

>you are now imagining traveling to japan with nina

>> No.46916820

same, every time she acts really Dutch it gets me going

>> No.46916828
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Stop that

>> No.46916849
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why do you say things to hurt me

>> No.46916851

the accent is so fucking cute

>> No.46916853

>she didnt wanna get the shadow daki because of the implication

>> No.46916888

>visiting everything from akihabara, to traditional temples and hot springs together

>> No.46916934

Her Dutch accent is so slight that it sort of just becomes a unique "generically foreign" accent to me, but every time she says a "th" as a "d", or elongates a vowel like making "would" into "woooood" it makes me tingle.

>> No.46917007
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>> No.46917188
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>ywn breed Nina during your hotspring vacation and make sure she's knocked up after hours of raw love making
Why even live

>> No.46917377

>anon, i have been feeling very strange for a while now
>i might be... you know...

>> No.46917447
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>> No.46917502

>you notice her being more tired than usual
>suddenly she has to rush to the bathroom to vomit

>> No.46918071

often this is a mistake, but Nina might actually, even probably, be a good travel partner

>> No.46918124

travelling with someone who can have a panic attack at any moment sounds kinda bothersome

>> No.46918157

nah, that's why (you)'d be there, to calm her down
with sex

>> No.46918211

you guys really got nothing but sex on your minds

>> No.46918247

Thread reflects streamer

>> No.46918258

yeah, and?

>> No.46918270

but nina doesnt have sex on her mind

>> No.46918278

does that include all the schizos

>> No.46918345
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>> No.46918361

>but nina doesnt have sex on her mind
She has been thirsting over naked snake or bandaged snake since the outfit was available. Not sure about that one.
Sadly, yes.

>> No.46918433

Do you have to look like Snake to win her heart?

>> No.46918554

Sorry bro. If you're not a muscular, grizzled older man, preferably with an M.D. or military experience, she's just not interested. That, or be Jack Black.

>> No.46918637

>muscular, grizzled older man with military experience
Isn't that basically her dad

>> No.46918645

you guys busy with anything cool and creative? I'm thinking of picking something up

>> No.46918655

by Jove he's cracked the code

>> No.46918682

don't mock us please

>> No.46918688

took you long enough

>> No.46918704

Why are girls ALWAYS like this...

>> No.46918756

There are two kinds of girls. Girls who hate their dads and go after bad boys to get back at them, or girls who love their dads and want a man who reminds them of them. No exceptions.

>> No.46918797

kinda makes sense honestly

>> No.46918818

what about boys then

>> No.46918878

Guys just want a nice woman who will be loyal to them, but will have sex with anyone who shows interest.

>> No.46918979

i think traveling with someone would help that. if not, for sure.

>> No.46919048

bought a guitar

>> No.46919085
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All jokes aside, this is the guy that Nina described as "literally her type", from the Simulacra stream

>> No.46919130

My littlest sister imprinted on me instead of our dad

>> No.46919131
File: 114 KB, 425x225, 1669279007524952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...wait really? I look like that dude

>> No.46919169

i dont look like that at all...

>> No.46919178

that's hot, please elaborate

>> No.46919207


>> No.46919208


>> No.46919238
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you brought it up

>> No.46919397

nina i love you but dont be a retard and stream all the time while you travel it literally beats the point

>> No.46919450

calm down Moriko, you'll have plenty of time with her to yourself

>> No.46919468

shes not gonna fuck you, bat

>> No.46919637

are you sure about that?

>> No.46919724
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, anny_nina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina has other plans

>> No.46919775

I'm not into NTR except when it involves batat

>> No.46919855

I had to hide my shock meeting her first bf. Probably the most similar guy in a thousand mile radius, even was a weeb (she is not).

>> No.46919922

she was trying to tell you something

>> No.46919972

Holy shit thats hot

>> No.46919997

I walked into that one

>> No.46920034

I wanna beleb nina is making friends

>> No.46920191

have you seen her? she is making a harem and collects their panties

>> No.46920283

Did Nina remove the "Ban an in game action" redeem?

>> No.46920413

It wouldn't surprise me. Her fans aren't really crazy about using redeems and she's not big on them either, so if someone annoys her with one once, she'd be the type to just disable it.

>> No.46920466

I think by now she also knows shes struggling with the controls of the game, banning shit will make the stream unwatchable. When she streamed Dark Souls it was a fun thing because she knows the series well.

>> No.46920642

there was only one autist using it anyway

>> No.46921040

what was supposed to happen?

>> No.46921199

not that

>> No.46921662

Bat cheating on Nina

>> No.46921691

she fucked her and now its over, classic

>> No.46921790


She does have a point, but unlike the Bat, she actually works a 9-5 so you can't really put out as much as a typical NEET can

>> No.46921933
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what a disloyal slut, how could you Moriko

>> No.46922109

Ok but where are the actually good recommendations?

>> No.46922417

What the fuck? Careless thing to say given how self-critical Nina is. Plus she could have easily said "Love Nina but looking for even more content." Bat really is a total dipshit sometimes.

>> No.46922491

she's trying to subtly neg Nina into singing more, let her cook

>> No.46922511

Meant in response to Bat's tweet, not anon

>> No.46922570

I agree with you, really a dipshit thing to say but in general, yeah, she will pick it up as soon as the dono songs are done.
I also want to point out her digikomi performance was stellar. she fucking nailed it. 100%

>> No.46922840

diagnosed autist pls understando

>> No.46922953

unironically reading that thread and only freya recommending nina for singing shows how little nina is known for singing in the greater vtuber sphere.

>> No.46922987

Why would you shill Nina towards someone who clearly knows her

>> No.46923031

eh dont think most of these people know nina, i mean someone even recommended shiina to her

>> No.46923070

Yes but Bat asked for recommendations, so people recommend people that Bat might not know.

>> No.46923118

People I have heard mention Nina's singing in the greater vtuber sphere:
>Haruka (who is now Vshojo)
>Giri (currently hanging with the whore clan at weebcon)
>All of the South Side (who have paled around with Vshojo)
>Basically every small corpo chuuba, even old defunct ones like Tsunderia

>> No.46923511

MGS3 controls are perfect, w*man

>> No.46923859

That guy might just not know Shiina's PL.

>> No.46924312

Gember has been defeated...

>> No.46924582

I want to turn Nina into a seasoned old man battler...

>> No.46924687

doujin artist please go

>> No.46925420

She did pretty well this fight proud of neeners

>> No.46925590

The first hour of the End was kinda slow but it really picked up in the end

>> No.46925835

thats me waiting for nina ear licking

>> No.46925972


>> No.46926173

a bit late to comment but the timing on that windows shut down sound felt like a maxor video edit, pretty funny

>> No.46926485

Damn the rate it anon died, so rate it!

Honestly the best MGS3 out of all of em so far, shes slowly picking up the actual mechanics / 10

>> No.46926493

What the fuck happened to yellow woman. I remember when I used to like her.

>> No.46926536

I still like yellow woman, even if she is yellow Vei now

>> No.46926578

not as unbearable as usual / 10

>> No.46926653

she supports my oshi so shes ok

>> No.46926727

She'll forget everything by next stream/10

>> No.46927062

why are people calling her vei?

>> No.46927103

anon, look at her face
now look at Vei's

>> No.46927105

Same model art style

>> No.46927109

Aw, just saw that Geega is collabing with Haruka, a raid would have been a good and sneaky way to remind her that Nina exists

>> No.46927126

Really great stream. She was funny as fuck throughout too.
Only thing is, I didn't want to concernfag during stream, but I feel bad she skipped her religious thing for this. She beats herself up so much if she misses or cancels a stream and I wish she would understand it's ok.

>> No.46927172

with this raid target criticism, the thread is now ritually complete
goodnight fellas

>> No.46927327

The real religious thing is tomorrow morning

>> No.46927389

she didnt have to schedule a stream the same day as this if she cared that much for it to be fair.

>> No.46927507

Any more lewd Nina AI pics?

>> No.46927569

gee*a forgets about girlsfc whenever shes around vshojo

>> No.46927813
File: 36 KB, 403x257, they are the same picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I could make a better picture, but I don't want to stay more than 30 seconds on a Vshojo VOD.

>> No.46927934

That's good, I hope she makes it to that.

She said she wanted to schedule an extra stream during the week instead so she could make it to the easter thing, but couldn't because of work.

>> No.46927970

Why are people in general so hostile to vshojo?
Granted I have barely watched their streams

>> No.46928186

they rejected Nina

>> No.46928453

Just the usual tribalfagging

>> No.46928492

React streams, coombait, retarded hot takes and hypocrisy by some of their members, clout-oriented hypebeast influencer attitude, scavenging every graduated holo creating a sense of ruthless expansion. Overall giant cancerous normie-oriented blight on vtubing.

>> No.46928707

Just like pretty much every big vtuber corp?

>> No.46928849

No not really. Hololive's content and overall vibe is really nothing like vshojo's. Niji is somewhere in between.

>> No.46929109

>scavenging every graduated holo
Did they get triangle?

>> No.46929492

Geega barely cares for Nina she only raids the Bat.

>> No.46929667

how does the hide that dutch accent so well bros?

>> No.46930758

take your meds

>> No.46930971

No but really why not raid her at least once.

>> No.46931856

She raided her at least a couple of times. Now take your fucking meds

>> No.46934922

Triangle hates rushia

>> No.46939995


>> No.46942135

Y'know, you fucks go Gosling over Nina when she does the most normal things. I swear to god, if she ever followed Squchan's ASMR script y'all would be dead cuz that shit is straight up parasocial murder

>> No.46942931

The difference is that Squ is a high class escort and Nina is the girl next door. They invoke different feelings even if they are both cute.

>> No.46943920

Yeah, the "normal" parts are the best parts (besides her singing). She's like the sister-girlfriend we will never have
