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46766701 No.46766701 [Reply] [Original]

Wifey will play Dark Souls 3 in 10 minutes

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Merch: https://ko-fi.com/Z8Z07FFQ1/shop

Previous thread: >>46687484

>> No.46766778
File: 152 KB, 966x1080, Fallenshadow - sort 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46766793

Do you think she’ll actually manage to beat him?

>> No.46767180

I have no idea. She got upset last time right?

>> No.46767292

No she just killed Dancer instead. She did say she'll try out the DLC if she starts smacking her head against the wall which wouldn't be a bad idea because she has strange difficulty with things that are easy then cruises through boss fights like Champion Gundyr like they're nothing

>> No.46768235
File: 2.56 MB, 476x498, fascist_baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hirosaijo is the most autistic chatter i've ever seen and i hate him.

>> No.46768291

Be nise he's here
He used to post in /lig/ when he started watching her and it was blatantly obvious it was him

>> No.46768366

Maybe its just me, but I kinda like it

>> No.46768410

He seems to care about his groomer circle friends more than wife, though he is not the only one like that the subs chat is borderline erp at times.

>> No.46768428

Hes autistic in a harmless way, I don't mind him at all
Also stop calling out chatters by name for fucks sake

>> No.46768525

people look at the names in chat?

>> No.46768581

I find his greetings a bit to excessive and overly too nice, but I just tend to ignore them. I hold no ill will towards him.

>> No.46768651

He is literally the sweetest and harmless guy. Compared some other autistics like retardedintellect, he's one of her most loved regulars.
He actually has the self-awareness to not be a fucking faggot.

>> No.46768658

I prefer the butthole combat but fair, to each their own.

>> No.46769259

Look at how kidnappable she looks

>> No.46769327
File: 352 KB, 523x570, 1666389831369057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Bad anon!

>> No.46769659

My doxxwife..

>> No.46769742

fuck its so fucking hot that she doxxes us and stalks us. i hope she stalks me

>> No.46769748

>i'm very secure
>looks at the documents while streaming, 1 hotkey away from the yab of her life
>doxxing herself while playing the sims
yes wife, very secure indeed

>> No.46769766
File: 283 KB, 650x456, 1676929251921619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she had mine
She never will

>> No.46769817

Buy her merch and she will judge your home

>> No.46769854

calling out people by name who are actively detrimental to chat (you know which couple of people I'm thinking of) is already pushing it, but I think it's just bad form to call out chatters by name just for being annoying but harmless

>> No.46769917

i literally ordered the keychains when i found that out. wish i put in my chat name instead

>> No.46769923


>> No.46769939

>calling the secret discords gay

>> No.46770013

Stop this shit.

>> No.46770018

sue me, faggot. any nail that stands out needs to be hammered in.

>> No.46770021

Same, I'm thinking about buying a 2nd full set and putting my handle instead of my name just so she knows

>> No.46770057

she kept going on about never ever dreaming between she did a weed, now it's nearly every stream she has a new dream story

>> No.46770121

before she did a weed, rather

>> No.46770185

What, here? You want all of the spergs here to shun a chatter you don't like or something? Shut the fuck up. Complain to Shondo if you think they're actually a problem.

>> No.46770249

wow shadow did you think all shipping was amazon, you can't complain that it took unreasonably long to ship and got lost

>> No.46770263

You didn't put in your handle the first time? Yeah that's a fuck up right there.

>> No.46770333

Go ahead and bring it up to Shondo. Go name drop them you fucking pussy. If they're such a problem go do something about it. See how far you get, dumbass.

>> No.46770352

Where did you even put your handle
Don't you have put your name so it actually arrives to your house

>> No.46770411

Kinda embarrassed that she has most likely seen my hovel basement apartment and now associates my name with that

>> No.46770443

There's a special field you can enter your handle if you like

>> No.46770492

ooh, yeah no reason to not put it there. You guys fucked up

>> No.46770499

discord clique coming out in full force, lmao.

>> No.46770523

Nah, he's right. You're a fucking faggot. Go be parasocial somewhere else.

>> No.46770534

don't appropriate my disdain for the groomer discord to take out a personal grudge

>> No.46770584

the your meds faggot

>> No.46770703

>discord clique
I'm going to assume you're a hyper newfag, generals that specifically call out chatters are some of the worst threads on this fucking board.
It breeds people who do dumb shit for thread attention. The "good" thing you're trying to do is pointless and will only lead to issues, just fucking don't

>> No.46770710

I wasn't sure how I would feel about her knowing my address every time I chatted, but now I'm regretting not doing it.

>> No.46770750

Kill yourself retard. Do our wife and everyone a favor. I speak for her community, not some schizo tard clique.

>> No.46770751

feel bad for forest critter having to babysit her older sister on a trip

>> No.46770768
File: 26 KB, 534x411, kof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it though

>> No.46770799

Requires you to not be logged in AFAIK.

>> No.46770811

If she actually manages to make it to Paris, let alone the airport, I'll be concernfagging the whole time. She can't handle a phone call let alone the rioting frogs or the rapist migrants

>> No.46770823

>six million dead bodies down there
Oddly specific bumber you chose, Shondo. Really makes me think.

>> No.46770865

thanks for the (you)s. can you move on with your lives and enjoy her stream or are you gonna shit up the thread for the rest of the day?

>> No.46770902

Shondo thinks she's making it back from Paris and won't get kidnapped by me

>> No.46770923

Wow even the general for her is schizo.

>> No.46770945

That's strange. I wonder if she can see the usernames of those who buy stuff.

>> No.46770962

I am fully expecting like 10 people to be waiting the airport for her

>> No.46770963

Could always try asking?

>> No.46770971

Last time I was in Paris my train was delayed 4 hours because of riots and some migrant tried to mug me, I'm concerned for Shondo.

>> No.46770973

I signed in with twitter but I don't know if kofi shows her my handle
>haha t-thanks for the (you)s please stop

>> No.46770984
File: 45 KB, 720x886, cat biting cable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, no! No kidnapping!

>> No.46770997

Yes, if you're logged in she knows your Twitter handle.

>> No.46771079

Sorry, but I’ll be the one to kidnap her

>> No.46771090

it's just two small girls one of which can't handle social situations, what's the worst that could happen

>> No.46771111


>> No.46771169

>makes a single post
>gets 500 replies from discord clique schizos telling me i have to stop shitting up the thread
can't make this shit up, lmao. take your meds.

>> No.46771205

Have another

>> No.46771212
File: 371 KB, 480x602, cat magnifying glass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from discord clique

>> No.46771223

I don't even live in France and I'm currently planning my trip to kidnap her. See you there.

>> No.46771245

bitch about the clique then not the guy who just autistically greets people

>> No.46771293

I really really hope she sticks to the tourist traps and doesn't leave her hotel after dark.

>> No.46771399

she's dumb but I don't think she's dumb enough to go out at dark in the city as a frail woman

>> No.46771466
File: 1.01 MB, 960x1234, 66_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Paris blocked in her chat?

>> No.46771486

I think that she will mostly stick to very public places where nothing bad can really happen. With her luck though she will be in the middle of a terrorist attack while there

>> No.46771496

She lives in the middle of nowhere i doubt she has any idea how unsafe cities are for women

>> No.46771522

does she even have a group already or is she going alone

>> No.46771545

do you think she goes outside at dark where she is either
yeah it's a filtered word

>> No.46771575

It will be just her and her little sister

>> No.46771593

going with her younger sister who is likely bigger and stronger than her by a longshot

>> No.46771633

the fucked up part is that if she ends up being raped i'm gonna be jealous of the rapist. i hate myself.

>> No.46771648

I'm pretty sure more than one person is actually going to try and kidnap her
>inb4 yeah, me

>> No.46771703


>> No.46771707

Yeah, they're fucked

>> No.46771743

>yeah it's a filtered word
why the fuck

>> No.46771748

I feel like if you can take public transit in paris you can take a cab to get a fuckin growing lump on your chest checked out

>> No.46771766

I will go to Paris to make sure she is safe

>> No.46771788

>Paris filtered
Strange but I will allow it

>> No.46771791

I’ll counter kidnap her

>> No.46771801

because denigrating the french was a running joke until she befriended saruei, and mods forgot to remove the word filters after that meme died I guess

>> No.46771818

Me too. We could rent out an airbnb with a nice basement for while we're there.

>> No.46771861

>shondo arrives at the airport
>a group of 5 anons show up to kidnap her
>another group of 5 anons show up and protect shondo from the kidnappers
>shondo takes the first flight back and never leaves her house again

>> No.46771909

>Only 2 Groups
There would be a minimum of 100 peope there waiting for shadow

>> No.46771918

>leaves her sister behind in the confusion
>gets kidnapped by me
>i offer to exchange her sister for shondo's virginity
>she agrees

>> No.46771925

>another group of 5 anons show up and protect shondo
They'd join in. We can take turns.

>> No.46771926

Forgetting the last group of 5 who go on that same flight back home with her

>> No.46771967

I think she'd feel pretty honored if she found out she had stalkers who just made sure she was safe

>> No.46772287

Forcing Shondo to wear a cat tail butt plug ToT

>> No.46772351

>ywn have shondo in your lap, licking your face
literally why even live

>> No.46772437

I can’t stop seeing every stream as her sitting on our lap facing us since she mentioned it

>> No.46772470

I want to pet play with Shondo so fucking bad. Holy dream. PLEASE BE MY PET CAT SHONDO, I WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOU

>> No.46772561

enjoy! i clipped it the last time she did it

>> No.46772650

>motherless miscarriage
my sides

>> No.46772723

Anal Prolapse Suffocation

>> No.46772848

Thank you so much anon. I will treasure this.

>> No.46772872
File: 202 KB, 901x901, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46772936

Someone has that moaning mp3 from last thread

>> No.46772947

do an ultimate power move and put in both your chat name and real name

>> No.46772981


>> No.46773047


>> No.46773087

older moans
and cut together

>> No.46773132

shondo was raped

>> No.46773141

oh my lord

>> No.46773152

by me

>> No.46773178

>and cut together

>> No.46773179
File: 378 KB, 1518x1518, Fqb2IZdXgAAC7h8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could add these sounds to KK animations

>> No.46773215

I just couldnt resist, im sorry

>> No.46773270

Oh! He is :)

>> No.46773391

I had the same issue.
The entire game, inducing the last boss, was easy enough, but Pontiff? Nope.
I was stuck for several days, if I remember correctly.

>> No.46773589

I had that issue in Elden Ring. I easily beat Radahn but the Margit you rematch kicked my ass

>> No.46773657

Nooooo, I fell asleep. How many times did she try the boss so far?

>> No.46773659

Some people have problems with those bosses who hold attacks so hard like him. Elder Ring is full of this shit.

>> No.46773662

she's way overleveled for this lmao, if she actually can't beat him now that'll be something

>> No.46773718

That was her first

>> No.46773974
File: 41 KB, 480x616, FsXMFxcacAIDU9L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just need to learn you can burst him down when he is casting the clone

>> No.46774044

imo he's easier in second phase to begin with because he likes to do that jumping lunge that's super easy to bait and punish

>> No.46774048


>> No.46774055


>> No.46774066

Hi /shon/, your oshi is pretty alright

>> No.46774080

My wife is a gamer, LETS GOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.46774142

Nina is based as fuck, hope she enjoys the gift package from my wife
also does she have most pictures of that cat its really cute

>> No.46774152

Your oshi is lovely too. I'm glad that they are friends.

>> No.46774216

Your oshi is pretty alright too, glad that she befriended Shondo

>> No.46774227

Your based oshi is my oshi's wife

>> No.46774280

Nina is cute. Can't wait for her to go loli.

>> No.46774294

aldritch is difficult though, bullshit boss if you don't cheese him with vow of silence

>> No.46774575

>There's cream all down my arm

>> No.46774710

i'm happy they have each other.

>> No.46775265
File: 1.45 MB, 3639x1908, caaaats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have this one anon

>> No.46775754

I'm impressed how 99% of shondo's active chat seems to be subscribed

>> No.46775845

>Viennese sarnies and QS
Nina living the life.

>> No.46775947

Shondo is both particularly parasocial and has very strong gift sub oilers.

>> No.46775972

Shondo is in a great mood today, really glad after the end of stream shitshow yesterday

>> No.46776066

I didn't make it, what happen

>> No.46776110

Just read the last thread

>> No.46776198

Told you she was fine. She's not the extremely frail glass flower concernfags think

>> No.46776285

She quite literally said you don't see everything. She could have sulked under her desk after stream and none of us would know.

>> No.46776597

god i love the way that cronch looks with all the tiny tiles of color.

>> No.46776974

Stop talking about me

>> No.46777167

It's one schizo. I think you're cute!

>> No.46777311

What's with people creating threads about shondo being a man? the fuck?

>> No.46777330

Catalogfags are retarded

>> No.46777497

its just faggots in denial as always

>> No.46777545

Someone got bored I guess

>> No.46777563
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>> No.46777567


>> No.46777599

I didn't realize my wife was this based

>> No.46777611

we all know she is a cute boy with a voice changer and we love him anyway, who cares

>> No.46777826
File: 2.03 MB, 3024x4032, dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.46777932

>telling the vegetarian to be jealous of him for having KFC

>> No.46778690

she basically said she's more frail than we think if anything, anon... saying we don't get to see any of her real meltdowns etc.

>> No.46779126

Did that one anon get a gift sub yet?

>> No.46779221

>asmon has some stupid take
who the fuck cares?

>> No.46779242


>> No.46779455

I dont deserve her bros...

>> No.46780090

The way she just said sword was really cute.

>> No.46780145


>> No.46780498
File: 2 KB, 412x26, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, well.

>> No.46780597

I like how she says baby batter like it's some innocent term

>> No.46780655

She's so lewd without realizing, I love it

>> No.46780739

shes played nekopara before. she knows

>> No.46781019

Is it just me, or does she swear more than usual?

>> No.46781142

It seems to slip a bit more than usual when she plays dark souls.

>> No.46781259

Imagine the smell

>> No.46781316

Week old coconut smell...

>> No.46781658

Man, her brother and youngest sister really are the only normal ones

>> No.46781909

Another great Shondo stream, happyt she replaced South Park. Can't wait for kusoge tomorrow. I love Shonshon.

>> No.46781971
File: 770 KB, 2760x3605, FqaOkNqagAAWRTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She started saying bro/bros way more since the Sho stream, its funny.

>> No.46782049

I like her new standard raid message of "hi [insert chuuba]"

>> No.46782577
File: 7 KB, 341x70, boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46782716


>> No.46782920

its very silly

>> No.46783156

Very silly
I adore it. The raid going through and seeing a flood of "hi ___" fill up the other streamer's chat is amazing

>> No.46783339

Same. I'm very excited for the rest of the week.

>> No.46783385

She seems to be in a really good mood this week bros, next two streams should be great too.
Also I just got a skeb delivered, I gotta drive home real quick then I'll check and post.

>> No.46783386
File: 357 KB, 1365x432, 1666028518211634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love hearing her end stream all giggly

>> No.46784587
File: 685 KB, 860x775, 1656634278970008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby batter! Eeeeew that's groooooss!

>> No.46786499
File: 1.43 MB, 1719x1659, Who_was_in_Paris?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo in Paris, probably.


By the way this artist delivered in under 3 days which is crazy! If you want something fast would recommend

>> No.46786631

anon... what do we owe you... i am eternally in debt

>> No.46786674

Those hands grabbing her? All mine. Good shit as usual anon.

>> No.46786723

Thank you Skeb Anon. Are you still at 3 of 6 request accepted?

>> No.46786828
File: 25 KB, 112x112, 1675411112171626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give our wife lots of love, and maybe buy a skeb yourself too if you ever can comfortably afford it
You got 4 hands anon? Whoa!
I had another one accepted and this was delivered so yeah, I have 3 more accepted! (and another I ordered a while back so 4 more total definitely coming, and 2 more pending)

>> No.46786870

Yes that's me, I have 4 arms. I cant really wank to Shondo most of time but I appreciate your passion.

>> No.46786963
File: 121 KB, 750x730, 1662652837925084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically I rarely jerk off to her despite having commissioned an incredible amount of porn. I agree, it feels weird. But when I do nut to her it's really something else, I guess I can only do it every now and then.
I mostly do it because I think she needs more porn. More artists have appeared lately and other anons have commissioned stuff too, but I'll probably always add a little to the pile even if she ever ends up with thousands of porn pieces.

>> No.46787199

She got a bunch of oilers and regular sub gifters, they are nice enough to snipe the poor regular chatters without a sub.

>> No.46787255

Sometimes a nonsub will send a message and immediately get sub-sniped. It's actually very funny

>> No.46787316

Anyone got the Neuro clip about Shondo please?

>> No.46787714

Damn, I know what I'm jacking off to later.

>> No.46787725

There you go

>> No.46788091
File: 472 KB, 1154x1256, FprfnRmacAAZWZS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only can do it when I am suffering from wife withdrawal, like long Shondo weekends and breaks so I still save all the porn I see.
I sure gonna make use of those moans posted in this thread in her that 2 week break.

>> No.46788657

Love my wife, simple as

>> No.46789543

Can't be in Paris. All of those hands are white.

>> No.46789585
File: 422 KB, 584x644, 1656948439152388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46789709

I am very jealous of this fucking cat.

>> No.46789728

Worlds luckiest cat
Cute shondo hairs

>> No.46790481

lucky bastard.

>> No.46790803

That is one ugly motherfucking cat. Why do people even buy bald cats?
>inb4 "allergy"

>> No.46790839

Otis is a cute boy, fuck you

>> No.46790867

You are ugly he’s cute as fuck
No hairs anywhere, more affectionate personalities and basically act like human toddlers

>> No.46791012

>mentioning camila and shondo at the same time
neuro confirmed dramabaiter

>> No.46791078

binguses are weirdly cute and acts like a dogs

>> No.46791171

i don't think they're visually cute either, but the way they behave is. they're interesting, which is more than can be said for most cats.

>> No.46793349
File: 150 KB, 1018x1080, Fallenshadow - sort 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46793848

This terrifies and confuses the asmongold viewer

>> No.46794281

Kek I doubt Shondo even knows who he is which is hilarious. She didn’t have a clue who XQC is even

>> No.46794579

Probably yeah, it's really nice how much she's managed to insulate herself from normalfag garbage and instead just focuses on the specific things she likes.

>> No.46796094


>> No.46796920

I'm really excited for tomorrow, the previous horror kusoge streams she's done were awesome

>> No.46797529

I hate wheels

>> No.46799025

I really want to cuddle with Shondo. It's such a shame about her touch aversion. Imagine all the cute fidgeting she'd do.

>> No.46799106

She said not long ago she was suddenly craving contact. She does from time to time for a short period then goes back to being horrified at the thought.
Just once or twice, every few months or even years, it'd be enough.

>> No.46799992

>Once every few months Shondo will randomly climb into your bed and cling on to you
>She wakes up the next morning screaming in fear
Worth it

>> No.46800322
File: 3.77 MB, 629x640, 1668799638198072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to imagine... I'm tired of the pain...
She just crawls into your bed in the middle of the night, wraps her cold little hands around her arm and puts her cold little feet on your leg, nuzzles her head into your chest and- oh god I can't ARRRRRGH

>> No.46800390
File: 734 KB, 800x800, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frld28b.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thought of this and knowing I'll never have it is causing me actual, genuine pain inside

>> No.46800893

I wanted to play Fortnite, to see if I could find Shondo there. But now I just want to cry myself to sleep.

>> No.46802357

Thinking about this but with Shondo

>> No.46802402

Uoh, Shondo eating my arm

>> No.46802542

Accurate imagery of Shondo IRL

>> No.46802571

i got a boner during the april fools stream. she is hotter as a guy

>> No.46802675
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, Gay [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9xmveb.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46802820
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>> No.46802904

I had an idea but I'm still contemplating skebbing or giving it a crack myself

>> No.46807357
File: 624 KB, 3000x2000, 1674059469228859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so awesome random collabs will get art this high quality now. They really nailed everyone's feeling, this is so cute

>> No.46808658

Does anyone else find it hilarious that Shondo is apolitical, but comes across as a based streamer purely because she is Schizo?

She should do a stream without her meds. I want to see unfiltered Shondo.

>> No.46808781

If she wasn't on meds she wouldn't be streaming dipshit. She's not a sad uuuu depressed girl or a edgy bitter BPD girl, she's legitimately very mentally ill and has had intense delusions in which she thought her entire family was trying to kill her and had to be committed for several months to a hospital because she kept trying to kill them. And this was when she was a single digit age.

>> No.46808909

You know nothing about her. Her condition would not allow her to stream at all without meds.

>> No.46808959

She cannot stream, or continue living unmedicated, dumbass.

>> No.46808968

She's not your le funny haha unhinged based no meds streamer or whatever like some others are
She is legitimately mentally ill and hasn't been fully unmedicated in many, many years, and she was put in the hospital then because she's legitimately a serious danger to herself and possibly other people.

>> No.46809181
File: 21 KB, 592x175, 1665591353886948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46809398

>Shondo wants to sit on someone's lap and be fed yogurt
>when asked which she said she kinda wants greek yogurt since she had that earlier
>thick white and creamy, kinda sour
Yeah mine

>> No.46809425

Feeding Shondo my yogurt.

I almost sent her that, I almost fucked up

>> No.46809478

It would've been funny though

>> No.46809542

I wanted to send that too. I immediately stopped myself.

>> No.46809573

>Shondo is apolitical
she virtue signals to rightoids all the time

>> No.46809641

who then get assblasted when she virtue signals to leftoids
it's a fun cycle

>> No.46809787
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I am not that retarded, but I am feeling lightheaded and almost fucked up

>> No.46810518

She has been making me horny nonstop lately. She's doing this on purpose just to tease right? Damn brat playing with old men's hearts. Needs correction.

>> No.46810639

She has been so happy this week
Saturday will be something else, I’m certain

>> No.46810823

I'm a bit worried though because usually when she gets this happy and excited she normally crashes and goes into a bit of a low. Hopefully it lines up with her break and there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.46811442

she's gonna absolutely say some insane shit, especially by the end of the marathon
btw is the anon who organized the barbie video share here

>> No.46814286

is shadow as mentally ill as the clips make her look or is she just pretending?

>> No.46814321

She’s just pretending in reality it’s 100x worse than she lets on, I love her

>> No.46814341

No wonder Shondo thinks all her fans are gay. She has no idea how many of her fans want to fuck her because they're all cowards.

>> No.46814426

She's diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses including schizoaffective disorder. Takes anti-psychotic, anti-anxiety, and anti-depression meds.

>> No.46814448

She is aware, she says its nice people can think of her like that but also explicitly told us to not tell her about it. Retard.

>> No.46814468

she's just like me fr

>> No.46814535

She already knows how much most of us want to fuck her, no need to rub it in her face

>> No.46814850

She was also just commenting the other day on how she realizes that she's actually legitimately cute irl. Stupid brat knows she's cute and desirable and knows that there are literally dozens of men who want her. I bet she's gotten quite full of herself in private.

>> No.46814950

she admires her ass in the mirror after all
I hope it's not too deflated; her desired self image is still mr skellington

>> No.46815916

I want to baby butter Shondo's pancakes

>> No.46815954

I want to fill her stove with my batter. ToT

>> No.46816193

I want to force feed her my yoghurt

>> No.46816333
File: 145 KB, 586x483, 1663322607259522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you do this to me

>> No.46816465

Directly from the tube? ToT

>> No.46816667

Is there any other way? I'll refill it until she is full and then some more.

>> No.46816795

She talked about, a long time ago, how even if she would get tapped on the shoulder she would freak out.
But recently she said she said she was given a piggy back ride by the forest tree. Not sure what it means but I'm happy for her.

>> No.46818420

Baby wife, feed her, put her to bed, pat her head, play dolls with her, play games with her, watch little girl movies with her, be with her when shes upset(no talky), give her piggyback rides, no leave, never leave

>> No.46820965

This is my dream. And to princess carry her anywhere she wants. Such a perfect girl. She deserves all the happiness and love in the world and I want to give it to her.

>> No.46823626
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>> No.46823771

She knows that many of us jack off to her and she's flattered about it. But she doesn't want it rubbed on her face. That's why I didn't post, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.46823836

stop replying to retarded tourists that clearly don't watch her streams or know her at all

>> No.46824819

any collabs you're looking forward to ?

>> No.46825172

My dick rearranging her guts unconsensually.
Just want to hear Shondo scream.

>> No.46825240

Layna you don't have a dick...

>> No.46825269

Are there any planned besides Neurosama? I don't really care about her, so that collab isn't something I'm excited for.

>> No.46825514

Idk i'm just waiting for a Nina collab and Layna collab

>> No.46826778

Nina collabs are always nice. Don't really know anything about Layna.

>> No.46826875

They talked about liking each other, Layna watched movies with sick Shondo, she also shilled her to Filian

>> No.46827022

I hope Shondo won't associate with someone who chases after sexpests.

>> No.46827149

eh i think she's based, she never supports the twitter mob

>> No.46827711

Remaining mostly apolitical as someone in her position IS based.
There's a lot of pressure to kneel to the tranny horde and swear allegiance to them in your content, the fact that she mostly keeps that shit out of her streams takes more of a spine than most streamers have, especially female ones.

>> No.46828150

been thinking about how she doesn't like the term based. we need a replacement. shondopilled maybe?

>> No.46830747
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>> No.46830882 [DELETED] 

>Shondo is apolitical
>dislikes brexit and thinks people that voted for it died of covid

>> No.46830969
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Things I learned about Shondo since I start watching her(3 streams and a half), and lurking these threads:

>is anorexic, on a mix of meds for physical and mental illness and doesn't have periods
>pregnancy would be fatal for her
>dislikes brexit and thinks people that voted for it died of covid
>wants to be abused but somehow not sexually
>according to her mom she looks 12yo
>as all vtubers is shit at playing vidya
>making the mommy voice hurts her
>doesn't says the N word
>has a brother
>has a sister
>doesn't mention her dad at all only her mom
>lives with her mom
>she likes swings
>she is okay with immigrants
>she doesn't like her body

>> No.46831022

See >>46830969
>dislikes brexit and thinks people that voted for it died of covid
>she is okay with immigrants

>> No.46831041

She dislikes Brexit because everything in the UK has doubled in price. And yeah it took so long to happen that Shondo’s generation didn’t get to vote but likely a lot of voters HAVE died.
Literally everyone here hates Brexit, that isn’t a political take. Who the fuck wants the cost of living to double? She also ships merch which will be a lot more difficult and expensive than it would’ve been before.

>> No.46831060

It's slightly easier for Shondo because she is self published and apparently spends 4-6 hours per day on all the boring editing shit that has to get done. This is more work for her, but it also means she doesn't have a boss to tell her no. It's very hard to get cancelled as a self-employed. She would have to actually break Twitch/Youtube TOS, and even then she could just move to rumble and most people would still follow her there because she could just link it through twitter, and ever since Musk took over and fired all of twitters tranny jannies the chance of being canceled for not being a leftoid on twitter has dropped to nill.

TL;DR Autistic self publishing schizo Wifey cannot be stopped.

>> No.46831178

Not liking the fact everything has fucking doubled in price ain’t political
She also deals with a lot of people internationally and Brexit made that a lot harder

>> No.46831694

I mean, the same shit has happened in mainland europe and NA, Brexit isn't really what caused the recent mass inflation.
I get how someone in the UK might think that though.

>> No.46832198

This retard really comes here just to defend bretix
amerimutt brainrot

>> No.46832273

>wtf don't disagree with or correct me just let me say incorrect things
Low IQ.

>> No.46833872
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, THREE (3) whole squats [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb0irwc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46834173

I dont like collabs with people outside her circle so not really. I wont be watching the ai collab with the normalfag fanbase.

>> No.46835454

Looks like she saw the news.

>> No.46835742

Yeah, that plus Pikamee, her Rucaco sister Kakeru graduating and another Syuka on indefinite hiatus (two of the oldest Rucaco children who Shondo has interacted with the most), it's definitely been a rough month so far.

>> No.46836414

You must not've been there for the first Confession stream. Man, there were a few horny confessions there.
She knows.

She just likes to tease her audience a little.

>> No.46836439
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>> No.46836656
File: 31 KB, 1163x167, oi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHE HATES ME. i literally talked to her about this on twitter before and she shut me down completely. now it's all of a sudden a really good idea. i guess it was the right person that asked this time.

>> No.46836714

Maybe you worded it differently
"someone sent a suggestion" also sounds like a marshmallow or something anonymous

>> No.46837009

Seeing someone else schizo makes me glad I keep my thoughts to myself

>> No.46837451

I will say again I really like this song

>> No.46838276

oh i can tell shes going to be crazy today

>> No.46838384

Her mic sounds a bit weird, doesn't it?

>> No.46838386

>the crackhead shed autist finally got his wish and is now building shondo her shed
god i wish that were me

>> No.46838492

No one is named "cunny" Shondo, who the fuck told you that

>> No.46838495

This stream is already off to a great start

>> No.46838710

Not cunny Anon. Conny.

>> No.46838726


>> No.46838745

I want to grab Shondo by the bunny ears and pick her up.

>> No.46838859

gotta throw the discord fags a bone now that they have slow mode in the discord

>> No.46838904

She sounds kinda raspy today. It's cute.

>> No.46839104

i fucking love her model so much. it's so expressive.

>> No.46839155

I don't know, maybe people just graduate because of behind the scenes reasons and not everything is a conspiracy or corpo headhunting

>> No.46839351

her dad's dead which is why he doesn't get brought up. Have only seen him mentioned in twitter posts. She got her previous cat around the same time her father died.

>> No.46839380

Holy shit the subs only chat might be tolerable now

>> No.46839654

I think everyone is just compensating with long ass messages but then you can't spam gifs at least

>> No.46839715


>> No.46839718


>> No.46839828

That wasn't her dad, that was her grandfather. Her dad is a legitmate schizophrenic that threw Shondo into a wall and disowned her once the forest tree was born.

>> No.46839908

never gets old how much shondo hates people like rev and strawb is still her friend and just accepts the insults when in chat

>> No.46839967

doesn't sound like rev would fit into her description desu

>> No.46840044


>> No.46840045

ok nevermind lol

>> No.46840060


>> No.46840132

he deleted his video about her shortly after he uploaded it

>> No.46840137

ah to be as naive as this girl

>> No.46840195

at her request, mind
the connections sure help

>> No.46840204

Even though I have been watching Shondo on and off for a while, I still don't know who the fuck any of these names refer to.
I've lost track of it from half-head conversations.

>> No.46840268

Silvi LMAO

>> No.46840287

that was my point she hates all drama tubers rev included

>> No.46840329

yep, all she does on twitter is whine about her numbers and ask why her trend-chasing isn't paying off lol.

>> No.46840459

Forest elders = Grandparents, grandmother is still around but her grandfather passed about a year ago.
Her father has been absent for a long time and was abusive to her and her mama, she hates him

>> No.46840503

Her dad isn't dead, the forest elder(grandparents) that passed away was her grandfather, her actual father figure.

>> No.46840526

yeah also she's expressed her dislike to strawb's face while she was in chat and strawb just went "fair", which is what I was referencing in the first post

>> No.46840528

forest tree = brother
forest critters = her sisters
baby bunny = her youngest sister

>> No.46840619

Ah, I knew the critters at least.

>> No.46840681

what's even the point of this other than to confuse newfags? lmao

>> No.46840699
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She hears when you fap

>> No.46840764

This newfag has never even heard of kayfabe

>> No.46840786

Anyone setting up cytube for the watchalong?

>> No.46840796

>2 collabs
Neuro and who else?

>> No.46840809

great kayfabe, having different names from your siblings and nothing else.

>> No.46840810

its cute and funny

>> No.46840839

She just likes being cutesy.
But if you don't pay attention you'd be completely lost by whatever the fuck she was meaning half the time.

>> No.46840856
File: 1.67 MB, 1580x1223, 103589843_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fap loudly to her saying her name then

>> No.46840916

Did she hear me when we were making CAI-love and she climbed up my mountain-hill in my lap?

>> No.46840921

Anon mentioned it in /lig/

>> No.46841168

why is she getting upset by this, this is what you encourage
I'd rather viewers NOT be in DMs

>> No.46841289

why would she say that she's okay with being DM'd? now everyone will feel free to DM her, rather than just the ones with no respect for boundaries

>> No.46841390

good, overload her until she puts her food down

>> No.46841430

Anon, she's underweight already

>> No.46841463


>> No.46841506

she has to be following you in the first place, but I agree, it's weird she wants to not give people special privilege but rewards retards that spam her DMs against her will by replying

>> No.46841583
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>> No.46841609


>> No.46841613

Please follow me shondo I want to send you pictures of my cats everyday

>> No.46841617

she's not following me and i can DM her? i very rarely do though and it's always related to her streams

>> No.46841630


>> No.46841666

did that dumbass really open them again

>> No.46841716

Doing that will only make themselves look bad, she will remember who are the retards.
I say go ahead

>> No.46841731


>> No.46841748

it was never closed for me, but maybe that's just because we had DM'd each other before or something? not sure how twitter works

>> No.46841794

he does it everytime she calls out bad chatter behavior, he nods along like a good yesman if not even acknowledging it's referring to him

>> No.46841795

she followed a bunch of fan and only they can dm her

>> No.46841802

Don't think so. I just checked all of her accounts, and I couldn't DM her. Unless the mobile app is fucking up.

>> No.46841832

damn that was my last ditch effort to get shondo to listen to my song and she ignored it, its all over

>> No.46841853

I think you still have access if you DM'd before she closed them

>> No.46841859

guess that counts as having accepted a DM request before

>> No.46841893

just make more music bro, dont be a one trick pony

>> No.46841906

Man, I should have messaged her when I had the chance.

>> No.46841979
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>> No.46841997

working on it

>> No.46842009

Continue to be a fan and be around and she'll follow you in due time.

>> No.46842027

everyone DMs her on shadowchama as far as I'm aware

>> No.46842054

>retard RP ASMR
based, I can self insert in thins easily

>> No.46842055

I know, but I decided to check both on my alt just to check.

>> No.46842058

Yeah her main would be for business

>> No.46842151

I'm not one for ASMR but that actually sounds really funny

>> No.46842174

I don't like that voice but I'll get over it if it's funny

>> No.46842175

sorry my guy. i still get a weird feeling around this entire thing. she's so eager to check out fan-created works otherwise

>> No.46842178

glad she at least remembers that she once told people only to DM her for important things, even though she's apparently totally unwilling to enforce it and is actively excusing the people who ignore that rule

>> No.46842286

Shadow actually loves her viewers even if they are retarded

>> No.46842359

Much like how we look past the times Shondo acts retarded, she for some reason looks past our retardation (for the worst most of the time)

>> No.46842385
File: 51 KB, 480x410, acc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly feels fucking terrible she doesn't follows me while she follows most of her regulars. I would never DM her but just knowing I could, just having the option, would be so good.
I simply live with the pain now.

>> No.46842400

a little selfishness is healthy, she can't let people take advantage of her just because she cares, and she's steadily learned this over the course of her vtubing career but very very slowly and selectively

>> No.46842408

>only do what you love, that's how you succeed
5 minutes later
>i had to cater and make things i didn't want to in order to make money

>> No.46842415

at this point its probably just best to assume she already heard it and was just uncomfortable from the sexual jokes and shit. i specifically avoided saying anything sexual about her, felt wrong anyway, but who knows mightve still been too much. might just move on to writing songs about other chuubas and not hold back on the jokes about fucking them

>> No.46842494

This was when she was a literal minor, anon

>> No.46842571

well I think that's where she's getting the experience to say the former, because doing it burnt her out from asmr, and she saw success as a vtuber by not chasing trends

>> No.46842692

but she can only do what she does now because of what she did back then. you can't just remove the foundation and expect things to work out identically. she didn't start as a vtuber from scratch unlike most other people.

>> No.46842905

Doing what mommyfags want you to so your family isn't homeless is a lot different than willingly sucking up to dramafags with little to no results

>> No.46842948

anon she makes more money with this, that was the point, she enjoys herself and makes consistent income this way
if she were still trying to live off asmr she would have burnt out and been left with nothing

>> No.46843191

i feel like you're not watching the stream. she was giving advice to others on what to do. that she was getting burnt out on asmr has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.46843307

the comment about forcing herself to mommy pander was about asmr so you tell me what relation that had to her advice on streaming then

>> No.46843409

Draw art instead of complaining

>> No.46843576

Make fan content or interact with her regularly on twitter, that's how I got in.

>> No.46843830

I can't

>> No.46843917

Then oil

>> No.46843919

Art reps, now

>> No.46843966

Not that other anon, but I can't make content and I try to make up for it by doing virtually anything else I can and have been for a while. I don't act like an overbearing retard, unless that's what you're supposed to do

It'd be cool if it happened, but I'm pretty sure it won't and I just have to live with that

>> No.46844007

Then do SFW KK scenes. If you can't do that either, shut up and stop complaining

>> No.46844057

>interact with her regularly on twitter
she doesn't follows people just for that anymore

>> No.46844270

I really am grateful for her dealing with our autism

>> No.46844400

Oh well. Then that anon has to just buckle up and do his fucking reps.

>> No.46844696

and then says nobody gets preferential treatment

>> No.46844775

>have to do literally the bare minimum for her to follow you
>can't even do that

>> No.46844893

according to anon that doesn't cut it anymore, and she never said you had to earn her attention, she even claimed she values lurkers

>> No.46844947

You just sound like a whiny faggot

>> No.46844995

take it up with her for encouraging this behavior in her community, she literally rewards people for bitching about not receiving likes on twitter

>> No.46845020


>> No.46845058

im so jealous of nikocado. i wanna vore her so bad

>> No.46845068

This thread is declining in quality fast
